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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1904)
Corvallis certainly must be a town of the backwoods type with Texas proclivities. There has been more shooting and cutting up there within the last year than any other town of its size in the state. Here is a sam ple pf one of the Gazette's locals for this week. We selected one of the most modified, but it will serve to kind of illustrate the temperament of the Deonle up there: "Down at the J' rPTT-R! Corvallis certainlv must be a town GREAT REPUBLICAN VICTORY. Rose burg Plaindealer Published Mondayi and Thursdays. BY-- PLA1NDEALER PUBLISHINQ CO. Entered at the Post Office in Roseburg, Oie , as second class mail matter. Subscription $2.00 per Year. Advt.rtifinc Kates on Application. Tho IMItnr nf the Pi.aindkai.xr has no Inten tion ol making a false statement reflectlnc upon sawmill one day last Week Bob Camp- the we or character o any person . " h,en, civil war veteran and all round mtisralie and anv statement nnblished In these I columns will be cheerfully corrected u erroneoni general fighter, started in to clean out and brought to our attention by the aggneveo , f . fi Th t,mt nr rrtip. Onr Intention is that eTory 1 " " " " article published oi a personal or poUtical weapon he used was a slab about four won an(j the majority climbs to 21, ZEZZTSZi feet long sharpened at one end like a m. The yoters of Oregon pay a bayonet ana nat nice an oar at tne beautiful tribute to President Koose- other. The trouble all started over Velt in the above maiority. Hermann a meerschaum pipe that Campbell had carries the state by 7000 and the ma- taken from the btrong boy. Lamp- jority of Williamson will reach bell had struck Al Strong once with a h3(000. Local option carries by I olnli vrtnn rtwAnn Mnrr ' o nnnnnH l I rlT I i r 1 n Tv i TV.? T I tj rrt,A ti-c, uuu buu juoiKuiug a to,uuu uiun huuu ana me Direct rnmary inoiih- UiU n UCU IVUU wm- . I 1 wnen tne men ciosea in on mm ana nating Law is ratified by 20,000 votes. put him out of the mill." 'rah for Oregon, RICHARDSON HAMILTON. The great Republican Victory is large. JUNE 9, 1904. "Jest Do You Best.' The sins are mence A-finding fault with Providence, And balkin' cause the earth don't shake At every prancing step they take. No man is great til he can see How less than little he would be Money orders from all over the Lane County Leader Changrs Hands nnnrrtr norirrAomr.incr t.Vins far 30.000. .... . , XT Word comes to us as we co to are pounng into the postoffice at New co " York for a concern known as the Pf33 f relfle 'hat Eastern Trade comnanv. Mail thus thr0USh the med,um of the Anlencan Ef strinned to self, and stark andLMMaaii ffa nijAPMi hM m . Type Founders Company of Portland, bare He hung his sign out anywhere. My doctrine is to lay aside Contentions and be satisfied; Jestdoyer best, and praise er blame That follers that counts jest the same. Tve alius noticed great success. It mixes with troubles, more er less, it., t - n i.. r j- 1. 1 : l .1 , avJb I tuts Lddiio ijuuuu ijcauei, uuuuaucu moath ago by the postal authorities ' because, it is alleged, of a circular " " was wub weeh. krauaierreu w a. vj which fell into the hands of a mail j clerk informing him he had won a nrize of some sort for which, to his knowledge, he had never competni. Advertising in the local postoffices throuchout the country has failed to check the stream of money orders and they are being returned to the senders af fast as possile. One clerk Gage, a prominent young newspaper man of California, the sale being agreeable to W. C. Conner who an nounces that he may turn his atten tion to some other vocation in the future. Special And its the man who does the best kept bugy remitting the letters at Correspondent Chinese. Sliln by all the That gets more kicks than rest. James Whitcomb Riley the rate of 1,000 a day. DEFEAT OF SENATOR MARSTERS. Thelosa of Senator Marsters to Douglas county is one of the greatest calamities that has ever befallen us. ci a a: i : --J iA; fr TTZ Zt Tf fing the new serum. The effect is don Telegraph, the past six months on the part of I . . . . ., .nn I t the opposition coupled with the sunrji nort of reDublicans who have been misled have accomplished the defeat of the man who has always been our benefactor and friend. Sen ator Marsters may have his faults but he has been made to bear the faults and misgivings of the whole The residents of Frank, a coal I own at the foot of Turtltf -Mountain near republican party in Douglas county Vancouver, were again terrorized by for the last four years. When the several slides which decended the matter is thoroughly investigated mountain with an awful roar but and the truth laid bare and when fortunately missine the town. The Senator Marsters is known as he real- north peak of the mountain over ly is there are many who opposed him t,apga the town, and should this de will regret their action at the recent nd the little city with all its vast election. In the interest of the par- coal interests would be buried from ty there never was a more earnest, Light. unselfish and untiring worker and in the Senate no one whom Douglas On account of the failure of those Ernest Brindle, Special Correspon dent of the London Times and Port- Do Noguchi, a Japanese physician fond Oregonian, wires the Oregonian has discovered a serum that is a posi- follows: tive antidote for snake bites. The Niu Chwang, June 7. Chinese test was recently made on a guina soldiers from a junk today fired upon pig by injecting twelve times the 0ur boat between Shwantaitze and amount of rattlesnake poison neces- Erdiko and killed my companion, Lew- sary to produce death and then in- Etzel, correspondent of the Lon- I luckily escaped, to completely neutralize tne poison j jeft here on June 3 to investigate id the subject experiences no ill ef- the movements of some bandits. Our feet of the poison. It occurs to us intention was to cruise along the that this discovery will not be Lia0 Tung coast. About 6 o'clock in heralded with delight by the venders tne morning our boat was surrounded of the old style snake bite antidote, by four sailing boats manned by Chi nese soldiers, who, without explana tion, opened fire, their shots falling all over our boat. We were below waiting, and Etzel, looking out, re ceived a fearful wound in the back of the head and expired in a few moments. The Chinese, who were dressed like pirates, said they mistook us for a pirate boat they were seeking. They afterward donned uniforms. county Jyaver. .chosen j to represent bringing the ballot boxes from the push the passage of good measures the returns of their respective pre- The Attorney Oencral Renders An Opinion of Interest to Teachers. aaleill. Of., June ..-.nwjrucj vj-iiciai C.ravctnrA lias ronilaro o ta... 1 Ain!nn i. -i a At. i- , . - ..... ' -.. au me wixeai, ui cue cuumiuu peupie cinci tne returns are incomplete mis which is of considerable importance and as has this same senator Marsters. issue. The official counting of the of especial interest to the teachers and. The same people upon whom Mr. ballots will occur at the County Clerk's normal schools in Oregon. The legal ex Marsters two years aeo lavished his office tomorrow when the fnll and Presaion is Ply to a question pro- unqualified and undivided support and I complete count will be in evidence. in whose particular behalf he worked most faithfully in the Senate are the JaPan written to New Jersey people who on June 6th were blind to learn tne most successful way to to all past friendship and deliber- fient the mosquitos. The little Jap is Hymen claimed another happy vic tory, and tho wedding bells chimed sweetly hist evening, when tho fateful words wero spoken, uniting Mr. W. II. Iticlianlfon mid Mies Steilt Hamil ton in holy wedlock A brilliant company of sixty guests assembled at the ppacioua and elegant home of the bride's piireutf, Dr. nnd Mrs. S. Ilninilton, at 8:30 o'clock. Promptly at 8:45 Mrs. nppluhoff look her place at the piano accompanied by Prof. Applehoff on the violin, and as the strains of Mendelfishou's Weddini! March stole through the softly lighted rooms adding melody to tho incense of a profussion of flowers, the bridal party decended tho broad stairway. Littlo Greta and Florence Kohlhagen bearing while ribbons ushered the party to the drawing room. Dainty little Mvrl Hamilton strewed the petals of white ro-es before the bride. Miss Jottie Watson, ns the maid of hunor, led the bride through the avenue of silk. The bride leaned on the arm of her father, and was attended by Dr. Luthtr Hamilton and Miss Huth Hamilton The bridegroom attended by Mr. War ren McWihiams, as best man, and by Rev. Geo. H Bennett, entered and awaited the brtde amid a profusion of fragrant pink and white blossoms, and beneath gracefully draped ropes of Ore gon grape and white rosea the Impres sive and beautiful ring ceremony fol lowed. bile tho happy couple were being showered with congratulations, Mr Ulaire Godfrey, in his own inimitable way sang a solo, and Prof, and Mrs. Ap plehoff discoursed sweet music. Tli happy young people then led the way to the spacious dinning room, where dainty and delicious refreshments were served The room was radiant in nink and white, and redolent with sweetness From the chandelier swung pink ribbon in graceful lines of bows knotted at th corners and eides of the table. Pink caudles united their mellow light through tissue rosettes of pink, and beautiful carnations and La France rofo i added to the charming effect. The bride was charming in a gown silk tisMie desoie, and flowing veil and with orange blossoms in her h:iir. She j carried a bouquet of. bride's roses. The i bridesmaids were elegant and attractive! in gowns cream crepe de chine and pink 1 silk organdie and carried LaFrance roses. The bridegroom and his attend ants wore the conventional black. The rooms were handsomely draped with ropes of white and green with Ore gon grape and honeysuckle, and broad swordferns spread tlie'r feathery forms over the walls. The piano was hidden behind a bank of drooping leaves, and wa? crowned with a huge bouquet of pink peonies. Guests were present from Portland, Salem and other points. The gifts were beautiful, numerous and costly. Mr Richardson is the son of R. Rich ardson,. ind is a member of the firm of Knllerl- n A Richardson, druggists. lit is one of Roteburg's rising young busi ness men, sterling in character and mo-t popular among a wide circle of friends. The bride, who will grace his home, is one of Roseburg's fairest daughters They look the overland train for Seattle" and will be at home fter June 25. ately "burned the bridge that brought becoming bigoted Over his success in them safely over." The defeat of Senator Marster? was the result of a complication of causes and the hold thing was un doubtedly bolstered up by a deeply laid conspiracy of the democratic party who, it is said, are already pknning for the election of the com ing U. S. Senator, and, as they have thus far succeeded in defeating six republican senators their success seems possible. The defeat of Sena tor Marsters is a dark blot on the beautiful record of Oregon. fighting the Russian, but let him com mence on the Jersey mosquito and his- success is not assured. and men Per-over This will in all probability be a record breaking year in Oregon's ag gregate productions, while there will be partial failures, in spots, the gen eral outlook is bright and promises a greater aggregate yield than ever before, due in part to a larger num- rer or producers. Aiore land is in cultivation or use than ever before, there are more dairies, more and larger orchards more sawmills other mills and factories, more in the mines than ever before, feet conditions for a full or average crop or yield of everything produced in Oregon cannot be expect ed in all places in any one year, and so now, the season ha3 been such, in cluding some late frosts, as to cause seso and a partial failure in some localities. Certain kinds of prunes in Western Oregon suffered heavily and wheat in some neighborhoods in Umatilla county was injured; but on the whole the harvests will be abund ant,Jthe yield large and with fair prices, in most cases assured, Oregon people will surely experience a pros perous year. Oregon Journal. Kansas has again been flooded by cloudbursts near Topeka. Emporia, Newton, Strong City, Florence, Man hattan, St. John and Salina have been inundated a great portion of those localities, being three feet under' water. A severe "wind accompanied the rain, greatly damaging fruit and" growing crops. Poor Kansas! Come to Oregon. Assessor Geo. W. Staley, Surveyor C. E. Roberts and Coroner J. C Twitchell receive majorities that wil nearly reach the 1200 mark. A good man like truth "crushed to earth" will rise again. His merit will assert itself. He cannot be kept down. If there is an unpardonable sin it is the sin of ingratitude. Oregon's Tribute. Washington, June 7. The Presi dent .today received the following tel egram from H. W. Scott, editor of the Oregonian; dated Portland, Or., June 7: "It is 20,000, not less, perhaps more; Oregon's tribute to you." Oregon's tribute to President Theo dore Roosevelt is a Republican plural lty of more than 20,000 votes. To support the President's policies in Congress Oregon has returned two Republican Representatives by hand some votes. In the Second District practically complete returns indicate that J. N. TTf11 t , .... wuuamson nas oeen re-eiected ny a plurality of 13,000 votes. In the First District Binger Hermann will have more than 7000 votes. Incom plete' returns place his plurality slightly under that figure. Two years ago R. S. Bean was elected Supreme Judge by 17,146. ims year practically complete re turns indicate the plurality of F. JA Moore over his Democratic opponent for' Supreme Judge, Thomas O'Day, wilbbe 21,000. Still In Business. W. E. Clingenpeel, the jeweller, is still in business at the Burr Music Houbb, fully equipped to do all kinds of watch, clock and jewelry repairing. His work is all done promptly and is fully guaran teed; Eyes tested and glasses fitted. 42-tf pounded by N. Z. Dozier, of Ashland, and addressed to the Governor, as to whether the board of directors of a school district of the second or third class can be authotized, by a majority of the legal otersof the district, to contract with the management of a normal school to furnish teachers for the district school from among the students in attendance to teach the children of the district, even though such students may not have passed the regular teachers' examina tion provided by law and licensed to teach. The Attorney-General is of the opin ion that such an arrangement would not be according to law, in that teachers must be employed by school boards. This is one of their duties. Healso cites that such boards may authorize the drawing of warrants in payments of tench era' salaries, provided that all such teachers must have legal cetificates, and that such certificates must cover the en tire time of the teacher's service, and must specify all the branches taught r t . ... .. . aucn cerimcaie can nciiner directly nor mdrectly be made to legalize another teacher's service. "If a teacher who holds a certificate is permitted to send a teacher who does not hold a certificate to do the teaching, then the certificate is made to legalize another teacher's service In the opinion of the Attorney-Gene ral such power is not vested in the voters of the district, hut in the Legislature, Sundav and or ml auu ti is uihwj the "Invincibles," says the Curry Coun ty Recorder They are ready to play any nine that may comealong. Follow ing is the personelle of the team : Wm Fry, catcher ; Floyd Faurett, pitcher; Art Frazer, rirst base; Fred Fry 2d; alter try, 3d ; brink Fry. short stop; Marshal Fry, left field; Elihue Fry, right field; Andy Fry center; Eirl Fry, substitute. It is said that there were several small Frys not mentioned When next Memorial Day comes the old soldiers of the Civil war can hardly find fault with the Government or claim that republics are urgrateful. The amount annually spent for pensions is approximately $137,000,000, and this will be swelled several million of dollars a month until all th 62-year-old soldiers have been pensioned. Already the Pen sion Bureau in Washington employs 1,800 clerks, and there are four hundred others in various parts of the country This is equal to two full regiments of soldiers. Baptist Association to Meet At Roseburg. The Corvallis Baptist Association will meet at Roseburg Oregon, on Thursday, June 16, 1904, at 10:00 a. in., with the Roseburg church. Reduced rates will be granted by the S. P. Co., provided 25 or more tickets are Bold. The brethren attending the Association are requested to obtain certificates from their ticket agents. These, when countersigned by the clerk of the Association, entitle them to return tickets at ol the full fare. An interesting meeting is antici pated, and it is hoped that the churches will be fully repesented. T. N. Hdjipiireys. Clerk of Assn. The very funny story told by W. H Aurelius, cashier of the Pullman Car Company, at the union depot in Port land, wherein Aurelius claims that he was held up in broad daylight by two negroes while counting company cahh he was about to bank and was robbed of f 264", is believed to be a fake story told by Aurelius, whom it is thought by de tectives, had gotten away with that amount over the gaming table. Aureli us is said to have recently been going the pace that kills and everything indi cates that he might have been the "hold up man." How About Your Summer Vacation? Newport on the Yaquina Bay is the ideal seaside resort of the North Pacific Coast. Round trip tickets at greatly re duced rates on sale from all Eouthren Pacific points in Oregon, on and after June 1st. Ask Agents for further infor mation and a handsome'v illustrated souvenir booklet, or write to Edwin Stone. Manager CAE R. R.., Albany Ore., or W. E. Coman, G. P. A., S. P, Co., Portland. 45 tf Sued by His Doctor. "A doctor here has sued mo for f 12.50, which 1 claimed was excessive for a case of cholera morbus," says R. White, of Coachella, Cal. "At the trial ho praised his medical skill and medicine. I asked him if it was not Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ho used as I had good reason to believe it was, and he would not say under oath that it as not." No doctor could use a better remedy for cholera morbus. It never fails. Sold by A. C Marsters & Co. Dixie Carnival Company. ueglnnlng June 13th next tho Dixie Carnival company will show for one week in Roseburg, under the manage ment of Protection Tent No. 15. K. O. T f t t Tl a. tx liuiliuil Ul jacKflnil xtroar or. tending from Rose to Douglas street has been granted to the local lodgo for the carnival grounds. Tho regular agent of the carnival company is now in the citv and with representatives nf 1. bees is completing arrangements for the gala week. The shows carried by tho Dixie Carni val company are eight in number and of couri-o each is separately tented. There are eoveml outside attractions, such as Ferris wheels, bands and other exhibl tions. They carry 100 people and nro reported to give a good, flrstclass. nnto- date carnival exhibition. MACCABEES' street runt ROSEBURG, OREGON ONE WEEK COMMENCING June 13 to 18, Inclusive 10 High Class Shows 10 The Big Ferris Wheel 1. It's All Right The feature show with the Car nival Co. Consists of 4 Separate Exhibitions, The stat ue turning to Life, Trilby, The flying Lady, The Great Chicago-Theatre Fire, A trip to the Moon. 2. The Electric Theatre In which is seen A Correct Reproduction of the Erupt-ou of Mt. Pelee, Madame Celeste iu poses plastique. 3- Dixie Land A Troupe of genuine Colored M u strels, In songs and Dances of the Sunuy South land. 4- Luna-I.una Don't Fail to see Luna. 5- The Swiss Village A marvel of mechanical skill. ... 6. Samson the Big Sxake 27 ft. long, Weight 310 Pounds. 7- No Name The Malay Wonder, the strangest beiug ever born to live. S. The Laughing Gallery If you don.t laugh here, see a Doctor; you arc sick. 9 The Glass Blo'.vers Spiuning. weaving aud blowiug Glass 10. The Egyptian " onder A queer Freak; don't fail to see him. TA3sJ ti-ioxepso:n' THE WORLDS GREATKST HIGH DIVER 2 FREE EXHIBITIONS D.4ILV 2 Free Platform Shows Daily Free 4? Big Brass Bands DANA THOHPSON World's Greatest Somersault High Diver leaps from a tower 90 feet high, turning a e uuplete somersault into a tank of water but 4 feet deep. FREE FREE FHE BERGER TROUPE Of Tumblers, World's Greatest Equi librists Head and Hand Balancers Twice Daily. FREE FREE EAT AT nFWFY' fAFF THE SHAMROCK RESTAURANT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT All meels first class 25 cents. Short orders quickly served Board by the week, S3. 75. W, E. DEWEY, Prop. 9 JUST RECEIVED 2 CAR LOADS 2 Mitchell Farm Wagons Road Wagons Surreys, Buggies,Haoks Champion Binders, Mowers, Eeapers, Hay Rakes, Etc. We can save you money on anything in the Wagon or Implement line. Give us a chance to figure with you and you won't i egret it. J. F. Barker & Co., Grocers, Phone 201 Don't Forget that Kruse Newland Carry a full line of STAPLE & FANCY Groceries We are giving away Coffee H. O. Lewis Mount Nebo Dairy W. S. WRIGHT & SON, Prop solicits the patronage of the citizens of Roseburg. A specialty is made of pur; milk fresh from the cows every morning aud evening. Please leave orders at M. DeVaney's Restaurant or drop a postal card iu. the poat-ofKce. 1 All orders promptly atteuded to. 38 nu PHOTOGRAPHER Is permanently located in this city and will give you up-to-date photographs at very reasonable prices. All WorR Guaranteed First Class Studi Corner f Cass and JacKson Streets Highest Market Price Paid for Country Produce , ATMcNamee'sGrocery 1