The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 23, 1904, Image 3

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    i iTih""?'"" '""h mi i imi'iii'i' ii i iTT inn i i ''V i ' ""' Yi'il'T j i
It!s the Quality that Keeps the Customers
Our Soring goods that are constantly arriving are well known for their
qualit'. It is a pleasure for us to show this beautiful line. All we ask is for
3'ou to give us the opportunitv. N
Note that our clothing fits well and is up to date, our Dress Goods are
nobby and pretty, our Shoes are staunch arid comfortable, our Hats are stylish
and shapely, our Furnishings are new and nobby, our Wash Goods are pretty
and cheap in price.
The People's Store
I. ABRAHAH, Prop. One Door Southof P. O.
Cor. Washington
and Main Streets
Mrs. Belle Collins
Eugene Again Wants Fair but Rose
burg Says They Must Put Up fiOOO
For Next Three Years.
It is not yet fully settled that Eugene
will not get the district fair again tin's
Pursuant to announcement a numlier
of representative business men and iiii
zens inierested met at F. A. Rankin's
oSce Tnursday foren on and discustod
the proposition made by tlie Rosebun:
people. The Southern Or-gon directors
ask for a concession if the fair is kept
here and the proposition made to allow
I-ng-:ie to have the enterprise for th.-
nest three reasons is c uiidered f .vora
bly by many on the terms named and
cnmnihtre consis'ing of F. A. Rankin
H L Traverand F M. Wilkins, will to
to rtoseburg Wednesday moraine toco -fer
with the ditectors and settle the
question one way or another.
The Rosebun: people ask for $1000 if
the fair comes to Eugene for the next
three yenrs. Their reason for this is, aa
they allege, that they are behit.d on pay
ment on their grounds and equipment
and are un idle to meet the deficenry
unless the fair soes to Ros-burii or the
couces-sion asked for is made Register
Of Local Interest.
Log Cabin Creams at Currier's.
Have you yet enjoyed tho measles?
Wood for sale. Leave order with J. F.
Railroad Noes.
lA-hlaud Tribnne.)
It is said . F Herrin i- lik-lv to It-
come chi-f counsel for the entire Harri-
nian r-ys'em
Conduc or a-nl Mrs. George Enwicht
are now -e tie.! in AshUnd, Mrs. Eng-
wicht having arrived Wednesday even
Chiei Dispatcher G C. Morris is in
town today. He is out from Roseburg
traveiim: the freights to observe the
Oi era t ion of the trains.
Engineer Peck Willis made a run
from Rosebnrg here Yesterday and has
been erecting old friends in the .Ashland
yard Unlay.
Freight train 221 was wrecked at
Coles Friday night occasioning a delay
to 2o. 12 of hours. There wa
also a big slide at Cantara yesterday
which has civ-n considerable trouble.
According to the otfic a. report on
memb-rship mad- at th Loi Angeles
convention of the B-other ioo I of Loco
motive Engineers this week there are at
present 46.0J0 members of the order in
good etanding
A letter from the father of Orrin
Thompson, who is in the hospital at San
Francisco says that his condition is not
all satisfactory, though perhaps as good
asiould be expected considering the
nature of his injuries. His hip bone
was fractured in the Ashland yard acci
dent He is improving slowly, but he
is not able to sit up and is obliged to lie
in one position constantly. His father
who j-ii ed him from Portland has been
with him coutinnonly.
Ed Renfro, wife and little child and
ilrs. Keufro'a mother, Mrs. Norman,
spent Sunday at Winchester.
Chief Dispatcher .Morris spent a few
days last week looking over the railroad
sidings, etc, between Junction City at d
Asnlaud to become more familiar with
handling of trains. Mr. Morris spent a
day at his old station, Ashland, and
states that the people of that section
report that the outlook for a heavy
crop of peaches is better than ever be
fore. Student Breakman S. MrConnell has
been assigned to extra work
Mrs. G. C. Morris, wife of Chief Di -patcher
Morris left this morning for
Ashland to visit a few wieks with
Conductor Ren Maddnx in now run
ning south on freights 225 and 226.
Brakeman Harry Seigel, w o bus been
on the tie train, is now on freights 225
and 226.
Conductor E. H. Wallace, who hac
been in the hospital in Portland, receiv
ing treatment has returned to work
and is now on 221-222 north.
Passenger Conductor Ed Tynan i
laying off andJ. L. Ha-tings is filling
hiti place on 15 an 1 16 tou'h.
Brakeman A. H. WVnsley has re
lumed to work on 15 and 16 between
this city and Portland.
Bra eman L. M. Dunbar and Con
ductor Ed Billings are laying off. C B
Baker is in ir. Billings' place on the
extra freight crew.
At Wilbur.
A Box Supper and a musical program
will accompany the Republican meet
ing at the Academy at ilbur, Wednes
day evening, May 15lh. Everybody is
is invited. G- W. Shokt.
Dr's. Cheadle & Johnson, dentists
work guaranteed.
W. A. im-non of Brock way is in thi
city today, on business.
The political crop is one that is never
blighted by unfavorable seasons.
if yon want good work done, trv the
Roseburg Machine Shop, corner Wash
ington and Kane St.
The public debt of Russia la $3,300,
000.000; lur cold reserve is about $400,
000,000, and there is perhaps $340,000,
000 in gold in circulation i.i the empire.
Hon. A R. Mattoou was in the city
baturday. Mr Mattoon is now mining
in Curry county ami reports both placer
and quartz prospects as first class in his
anchuna contains aUmt 364,000
svuare miles, or uearly seven times as
large a the suite of New York. Corea
contain- 14S, 00 square- miles, or about
three times as large as N w York
ton Sale Hoii'i'lit.M firniture, in
rinding lI ick wnh. in extension dining
tatile and chairs, luuu -e, rugs, tru ks
picture", garden tools, etc, at Dr Oeh
roe's. Also stable to leu m9-2t-pd
The registration law should be
amended to apply only to cities of 10,000
inhabitants and over as many voters are
lost each year by the burdensome and
unnecessary red tape of the present law
Every man should show his loyalty
and interest in his party and best good
of bis country and nation by making an
efiort at least once a year in the behalf
of each in exercising his right of fran
cnise as an American citizen.
nen tion. dinger Hermann is at
Washington he does not stop to a.-k
uiinn Dolitica before granting him
f ivor but grants it promptly, cheeriully;
and now that he is witn us, people wel
come him aa a friend, not as a pohticiau.
Three Indians on trial in Susanville
for mur.ier have been acquitted The
testimony was all Indian and was too
connioting to enable a jurv to arrive at
the truth. Besides the dispatch says
the white men of Lassen county are dis
posed to let the red brother exterminate
.-aeh other at will.
T. D. Weatherford and Emory Ma ra
ters have purchasd the barber shop of
W. G. Farrar formerly owned by Floyd
woodruff Mr. Weatherford is an ex
penencea oaroer, naving lor the past
year conducted a shop in the Roseburg
Hotel, near the depot. Mr Marsters is
a well-kuown Douglas county bov who
has a host of friends. lm-33
Hn. Binger Hermann, our BInger, is
again shaking hands with his host of
friends here at his old home. He is
welcomed alike by all classes regardless
of party affiliations. He shakes hands
Heartily with them all and those
who have so long known him know that
his hearty grasp -tnd cordial welcome is
not affected but is sincere.
S. F. Call: E. H. Harriman was
ejected from the New York building at
at. Louis Exposition a few nights since
by a watchman who didn't know the
railroad magnate and who evinced every
indication of an emphatic refusal to en-
1 rge his sphere of acquaintances Mr.
Harrimaa is probably philosophic
enough to reflect after all that environ
ment maes the man. In these burly
burly days of modern progress we
have to label even our men of note.
The Commissioner of the General
Laud Office has just rendered a decision
of importance to persons holding home
stead entries. The case was an appeal
from the Marysville Land Office. The
evidence shows that the homestead
claimant, Henry Thompson, lived and
voted in a precinct several miles from
his claim ; that he registered, taking an
atb that he was a resideut of tiiat pre
cinct, while his homestead was in
another precinct; and that he nevr
sided for any length of time on the
liud claimed. The Commissioner there
ore ordered the entry of Thompson can-
elled without further notice.
Sonnemanu's large hall was crowded
to the ceiling Patur.iay evening with
people from (ilend ile and vicini y who
were present to hear and meet the re
publican candidates. Among the candi
dates, present were, Hon. A. !. Mart'
ters of Roseburg, nominee for re-election
as state senator; H. G. Sonnemann of
Glendale and J. S. Gray of Gardiner
nominees for representatives; Harry
McClatlen, nominee for sheriff; C. E
Hasard of Drain, nominee; for clerk;
Prof F. B. Hamlin of Roseburg, nominee
or school uperintendent,aH of whom
made brief but interesting add res e.
The pri cipal speeches, however, were
made oy benator Marsters aid At tor
ney General A. M Crawford of 8alem,
who delivered masterly addresses in be
half of the republican party and the
sttte and national administration. A
large crowd was out to hear these geutle-
men atGalesville on Saturday afternoon.
Glendale News.
a car
Barker, tf
All. disorders yield to Osteopathic
Miss Grace Elder, of this city is visit
ing relatives at Oakland.
Judge J. W. Hamilton is attending
Court in Lincoln county.
S. K. Sykes has just received
load of new Bain wagons.
0. F. Thiel, of Yoncalla, was in Rose
burg last week on business.
Editor H. A. Williams of the Myrtle
Creet Mail, is in the city today.
If it is "Floral" it is the latest and it
can be had at Stratfords gallery only.
Geo. H. Pitts the prominent Ruckles
farmer, was in this city last week on
Thurman Chaney, democratic nomi
nee for school superintendant, ia in this
city today.
If yon want grinding done, call at the
Roseburg Marhine Shop, corner Wash
ing and Kane St.
If on want good fresh fish and shell
fish, call at the Fish Market, corner
Lane and Pine streets. m 5
E. O. Potter, republican nominee for
circuit judge for this district, is a Rose-
nurg business visitor today.
neaun is governed oy common sense
principles, thns Osteopathy is popular
and its cures permanent.
O. L. Beckley of Oakland, was i i
Roseburg on bminess last week return
ing home Monday morning.
Feed your chickens ground ovster
shells. Buy them at th Fish Market,
corner. Lane and Pine streets. m 5
You probably never saw folder photo
at less than $3 0 p-r dozen thev are
$4 0 and up at Stratfords. See them.
Mis Lizzie Pirrott who has been
teaching sclio 1 in Tu-snn, Ariz , arrived
in this city Fri Uy mjrntn for a visit
with her parents, lr. and Mrs. Mose
Miss Lena Blair, formerly of Eugene.
who appeared in this citv with th
Haker Stock Company in The Christian.
died of pneumonia in Portland Saturday
Ou- spring line of carpets has arrived,
and ws are prepared to fit up your house
n the latest designs and coloring. Call
and examine for yourself. B. W. Strong
the Furniture man.
A No. 1 stck farm of 155 acres, near-
all fenced. I have land as good as a
row ever flew over, well watered, with
unlimited outside range; house and out
buildings; well worth $1400; at present
will take $750. Can you beat this?
May 25-pd Camas Valley
iiememuer mat it is quality, not
quantity, that we strive for in furnish
ing our city trade, therefore you will
always get the cheapest milk of the
Gaudis DaIbt, because the best. All
retail milk delivered in bottles. Our
specialties are cream, milk and butter
milk. If you don't see the wagon,
phone to the Ore itnery, 14-tf
Remember that the prestige for the
state in the National Convention will be
formed by the ballot cast at the June
election. The state for Roosevelt will
be judged by the number of republicans
found in line at the counting of the June
vote : therefore do not vote your preju
dices nor your animosities, but look tho
thing squarely in the face from a busi
ness standpoint and vote your brain,
your good, common sense and remem
ber that it is the party principle that is
at stake and should be held more sacred
than all else.
S. C. Bartrum, supervisor of the Ore
gon Forest Re-erve, returned to Rose
burg Friday via Bohemia and Cottage
Grove after making a thorough investi
gation of the mining matters pertaining
to the Bohemia dltrict. He spent a
few days in Eugene ascert lining about
cha gS ill the coitntv road hetwwn
McKi nzie Bridge and Foley 8prings an
formal permit and application is nec
essary to establish roads over land
n the forest reservation and to cut tim
ber for bridges. A thorough exxmini-
on of the O & 8. E. railroad right-of-
way through the 'orest reserve to Bofe-
mia was made and his report will soon
e submirted o the Department. To
the writer Mr. Birtrum states that
there are grazing on the reserve some
200.000 sheen and lfi.nOO cattln and
horses and that applications for 6000
cattle and 50,000 sheep have' necessarily
beerrrejected. When asked if there
was any friction between the cattle and
heep men of those occupying tho re
serve, Superintendent Bartrum stated
that there was not He states that
heusesallduedilligenco in no placing
these applicants that their interests do
not conflict ami that they fully under
Hand that no trouble of the kind will be
tolerated by the government Mr. Bar-
trum's assistant, A. S. Ireland,
panied the supervisor
Cheadle & fohnaou,
work guaranteed.
W. B. Clarke of Millwood is
bnrg oh business today.
Furnished hou;o for rent. Inquire of
R. R. Johnson, Marks building
Osteopathy is highly recommended
by those who have given it a fair trial
30 tf
John Mitchell says that "In every
strike, both Bides get licked." And the
You will not believe in Osteopathy
until you are convinced of its efficiency
by a trial.
Mrs. Russell, of Oakland, is in this
city, the guest of her daughter, Mrs
Mack Kelley.
Mrs. Carl Schueursteiu and two little
daughters, of Albany, are visiting rela
tivea in this city.
J. J. Kelleher of Kelleher City, and
Martin ilaager of Eugeue.are registered
at the McClallen House.
If you want Machine work done call
at the Uoseburg Machine Shop, corner
W ashington and Kane St
Cabinet photos, $2.50 per doz.'n, and
other sizes accordingly, for a short time,
at the Sunbeam Photo Parlors. 31-lm-p
Have you seen that elegant line of
lace curtains? We are showing also full
line of portiers and window shades. B
W. Strong.
winger nas arrived. "How Is your
dear old father, your wife and the rest
of the family? I often think of you."
A Mexican smuggler was shot five
times while trying to swim the Rio
Grande last week. The way of the
trans-Greaser is hard.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gorrell started
Friday for their future home in Pres
cott, Anions, taking their adopted
child, little Madge Stanton, with them
Mr. W. O. Bridges, one of Yoncalla's
prominent Duslness men, was in our
city Friday. W. O. ia a brother of Reg
later Bridges oi the U. a. land office at
this place.
Lost: Between the post-office and the
corner of Oak and Kane St., a ladies
gold watch. Finder will please leave
same at this office. Suitable reward
will be paid. m 9-1 m
The Ministerial Association of Read
mg, fa., nas adopted a pledge agreeing
not to unite in marriage any party who
has been divorced, excepting an inno
cent party to a divorce granted for
The supreme court of Ohio has de
cided that the inhenb-nce tax of that
ate is unconstitutional that it con-
fli ta with the portion of t ie constitu
tion wnicn provides that all prot.rty
must De taxed at a uniform rate and at
its true value in money.
Mr. Ben Fisher returned from Ash
land, rriday evening to give a deed to
his property here in Roieburg. The
Fisher brothers are employed by Con
tractor Snook in building the new Ash
land high school and will spend the
rammer at that place.
un tne lourtn pige oi this issue our
readers w.ll find a facsimile of the offi
cial ballot to b- cast at the coming elec
lion in Jnne. Study it well, remember
there are two column and don't forget
to place a cro-s (X) between the nnm
ber and the name of every republican
in both columns of the ticket.
After all the fuss and fumble over
Reed Smoot, the Mormon senator from
U.ah, the committee on privileges and
elections did not make
in Rose1' I "
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AH persons holding Cash
Sale Slips dated April 19
may have them redeemed
in cash by presenting them
before June 1, We will do
the same this month that
is present one days sales to
our customers during Hay.
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Memorial Day.
Memorial Day will he appropriate!.
observed in Rosebuig, May 30th, under
the Aupice of Reno Post No. 29 G. A
R. in the 'ollowing order: Committee's
fiom the Post will visit the variou ome
taries t an early hour, renewing rev
erently our loyal devotion to the mem
one- of fallen, in bede. kin
their grass grown mounds with the
early offerings of an opening spring,
tokens of life's frailty, emMems of valor's
immortality. At the hour of 10:30 a
m the Oral on will be delivered by the
Rev Ritchey, at the Opera Houe, wiih
other appropriate exercieea. At the
hour of 2:30 p. m. exercises will be hail
on the Soldier' Home grounds, followed
with rituali.ic work at cemeterv bv the
Women's Relief Corp-o, closing with
salute to Nation il dead, by National
tia-ii On Sun .ay preoeoling memo
rial diy. May 29 Ii, the Memorial Ser
vice wi 1 bedelivere! tiy the R-v Ben
nett, in the M. E. Church, at th- boo
of 11 o'clock . m The Post ex'end- i
cordial invitation to all exold err. the
general public an I school children to
a n port, and I join wMh us in perpetuating tbee fadly
The Santa Fe has commenced the con
struction work on its road to Eureka in
Humhol It County. Men have been put
ai wors oonng a tunnel low leet long
in Humboldt Countv near the southern
end of the E -reka and Eel River road
the entire route southward from this
tunnel has no: yet been definitely decid
ed upon, but it will be in the near future.
The company is to' build its Eureka
mail u .d-r the name of the ban Francis
co fe Northwestern Railway Com can v.
By the ownership of the Eureka aud
Eel River line, the Santa Fe has valua
ble franchises in the city of Eureka and
a strategic position in the val.ey of the
Eel Kiver. People who are heavy stock
and bondholders in the Santa Fe have
bought up thousands of acres of red
wood forest. From these holdings the
santa re roau win get a largo and per
manent amount of traffic in addition to
shipments it will get from other parlies
smoot still draws his salary, some of I sweet ceremonies.
thoe so-called' investigations are very
tiresome and amount to little or nothing
after they are made. Ex.
barley Towne savs "it would be un
wise to revive the silver issue this year "
It would not only be u.iwise but im
po'sible. Nothing but the power that
revived' Laztrus could put any life
into the silver is-ue at this lime, and
that power is opposed, on general prin
ciples, to the free coinage of silver, any
wav Salem Statesman.
The number of voters registered by
County Clerk Shsmorook up to the lime
of closing the registry books is 4,105
against 3,924 two years ago. Th -re will
probably be at least 500 voters sworn in
by blank "A" at the time of voting and
pretty close to that number wdl not
register at all. In round numbers Doug
las Lounty Bhould nearly reach the 5000
mark this year provided all exercise the
right of franchise.
If such a thing should take place as
nomination of Judge Parker, of New
York for president, by the democracy.
u win oe me second time in our history u hever disappoint.
as a nation mat me two great Darties
have gone to the same state for their
nominee. In the campaign of 1860 the
republicans took Lincoln from Illinois,
and one section of the democratic party
from that state. Since that time it has
been an increasing effort to balance one
section against the other. Yamhill
James 8kjnner, of Iron River, Mich.,
was a caller at the office this morning.
He is prospecting for a place to locate a
colony of twelve homereekers and wants
government land and will look around
Roseburg for a few days. Of him his
borne paper says : "James Skinner ex
pects to leave for the West Monday to
look over the country with a view of lo
cating a number of government claims.
He has been engaged by several persons
to look up government lands in that sec
tion of the country. He is an experi
enced cruicer aud lumberman, and ran
be depended on to do his work honestly
and well. He will bo gone a month or
ix weeks "
Discard artificial methods of treat
ment and try Osteopathy, natures cure.
39 tf
Don't fail to attend the Steel and
Freeland entertainment at the M. E.
church, Monday and Tuesday nights,
May 23 and 24, under the auspices of
the Epworth League. Among the many
"pecialties on the prrgram are a "Trip
to the Moon," "Life of an American
Fireman," scenes from the Russian-Japan
war, etc, etc, Mr. Frank 0. Confer
will sing some beautifully illustrated
songs: "lhe tattle flace that 1 Call
Home," "Absence Makes the Heart
Grow Fonder," "Hello, Central Give
Me Heaven," etc. Admission 25 and
15 cents to any part of theiiouse. Don't
miss it. 39 3t
"Brown's In Town."
CARR'iLL To the wife of Shellah
Carroll at Long Beach, California,
Tuesday, May 17, 1904, a daughter.
NICHOLS At the residence of Mrs. N.
Murphy in this city, Sunday, May Ti,
1904, Simon W. Nichols, a native
of Texas, age 23 years and 2 month.
For the past two ears tho deceased
hai made his boron with his brother,
John Nichols of Peel. Tho deceased
was a member of I'hilitarian Lodge 1.
0 O. F. of this city under whoe aus
pecies the funeral will be held at 10
accom- o'clock Tuesday morning. Interment
in he I. O. O F cematory.
"Brown's in Town," the farrial effu-
-ion which comes to the Opera Hou-e
Thursday, May 20, is described by ihe
tanager as a halm for jaded nerves. Its
humorous complications are highly ef
fective, the dialogue is t-parkling witty
a d the sto y is an entirely new one.
The farce is free from martial infelicity
or innendo of immorality, and the time
worn, bald headed henodict who fiiits
with a music hall finger is aUo elimi
nated. The conventional old maid ami
aud the fussy mother-in-law are dis
pensed with as well as the hen eyed
German, Irish or mai.'.
"Brown" has a maid but she is a novel
one; one you can coe every day. Price,
lower floor 60-75, gal 25-35.
Hon. Geo C Brownell. President of
the State Senate, preceeded by a fine
introductory speech by Hon. Itinger
Hermann M C of the First Congres
sional i trict, delivt-ted a most el -quent
und convincing speech at the
Opera Houre Saturday evening In hi-
di-courts he adiited loyalty to our party
in the coming County election. He ex-
pressed his sincere a lmiration for Pni-
d-nt KooSrfvelt a the only president
since the incumbency of Lincoln, who '
had the nerve to take Pierpont V organ j
and th trusts hv the throat and how
i hem their place; as the only president I
who had the moral courage to stand for '
what he knew to be right regardless of
political influence or the power of'
money In reiernng to Mr. Hermann,
he aitvifruii ihe voters to stand hy the
man who i the pit hid ewod b them.
and -kfl the-a locou-i.ler the f.trl hat
rxperie ice miWe- a in.tu viluab'e Mr
Uruw.iell hihly elogu zel aVnor Mar
-rs, piati-ig that h- as revile luflh-
Stae Sen le, con-ldered the eual
one of the :no-t urf:il, couxieiitinu
honorable and ai-curate nieu that ha
ever (-racea win nails ae
said that the Senator alwavs voted in
the interest of the people, and ttiat he
alwajs made it a poiut to place him on
the entrusting aud otner important com
mittees, as uo mistakes bad occurred
under bis supervision. A good hut-e
was iu atu-ndan.e and the evening was
enjoyed to the lullesl measure.
Robu Robertson, Joseph and Frank
Micelli, B. t-. Gilbert, L. B. Moore, Dr.
C. Twitchell and J. Alexander of the
local I. O. t). F. Lodges and W. E. (Xch-
ran and Wm. Voorhees of Looking
Glass, returned home Friday evening
from the Grand Lodge at Astoria.
Prof, and Mrs. O C. Brown have com
pleted their work as instructors in the
training department of the Drain Nor
mal school, and are now at their home
on Deer Creek.
Miss Eugenia Gerstel, of Portland,
who hoa been visiting Miss Maole Van
Buren, of this city, returned home Sat
urday morning.
Axrninster Velvet
and Tapestry
Full line of Ingrains
Both Wool and Cotton
We are showing a fine line of Lace Cnrtaina
which have just arrived.
Fifty pairs of Portiers in the latest designs
and colorings.
I We carry
J stock ineludinn the celebrated Henry W. Green shade,
I th bet that money can buy. t
from SCO to IOOO Window Shad m in i
ney can buy.
lames Arrance
Baptist Association.
The annual meeting of the Corvallis
Baptist Association will convene with
the Baptist church at Koseburg, on
Tt ursday, June 16, 19.M, at 1U o'clock
a. ni. All the churches in the district
are urged to send full delegations of
messengers. T N Humph a ts,
Clerk of Assn.
FOR S LE A d rat-class grade Angora
Buck. Enquire at my place 3 miles
cast of Roseburg.
37 tf A. Fealxt.
Frank Brothers, who was arraigned
Wednesday on a charge of larceny from
the person of Otto Benon, entered a
plea of not guilty and stood trial. The
ury was out twenty minutes and re
turned a verdict of guilty as chatged.
The defendant asked t h t he at once be
sentenced and asked the court to be
enient in sentence, as tnis was the first
ime he had ever bern befie the court.
J ml lit- Hamilton sentenced him to one
ear in th- state p niteutiary and Slier-
ff Parrott left wi h him for -nleui lai-t
Last Service f t tru Year.
The last sorvii-e for the jear, at the
Pine Grove chur h, Snnd.y, May 22,
l'.KH. J. H. Merry van. Pastor.
An Open L tter.
For Sale Cheap.
245 acres stock or dairy ranch 3i
miles Loutheast of Myrtle Point, Oregon.
Fine new honse, good out buildings
Will sell with or without stock and fur
niture. Have good object for selling.
For particulars address
Carl W. Pressly,
Myrtle Point, Ore.
Krom tho Chapiu, S C, News: Early,
in the spring my wife aud I were taken
with diarrhoea and so tvvere were the
pains that ho callrd a physician who
prw-orioed for us, but llfrnrriedieine
failed t uive any relief . frient who
had a bottle f CliHmlierlniu'a Colic,
Cholera und Diarrhoea Keinedx on hand
ttavt each of us a doseaud we t once
felt the effects. 1 procured a not l I'd and
before using the entire ronton ir, we
Wete entirely cur. d. It is a wuuderful
remedy and should bo found in every
household. Ii. C Bailey, Editor. This
remedy is for sale by A. C. Marsters &
Is now prepared to do all kinds of machinist work,
such as turning, milling, drilling, grinding, buff
ing and polishing. Saws gummed, knives ground,
shears ground, clippers ground on John Van Beri
schaten clipper grinder.
Suits from $16 50 up. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing
All Work Guaranteed
If you want to buy a farm
If vou want furnished room
If you want to buy a house
If you want to rent a house
Ii VOU want to huild a hnnso
you want to move a house
u don't know PAT
' on or mIiIwi
suornuH, 4id Baiidrr
R see smr j
Wh .oping Cough.
In the spring of 1901 mv children
had whooping cnuli," says Mrs D W.
Capps. nf Csppn Ala. "L m-ed Cham-
Haiti's Cough Remnlv with the n.ost
satisfactory resul a. I think this is the
best remedy t have ever seen for whoop
ing couh." This remt-dv keeps the
cough ooe, lessens the severity and
frequ-ncy of the coughing spells and
couuteractM any tendency toward pneu-
uiouia. ror sale by A. C. Maisters Jfc
is repared to wait upon old
and new customers and friends
with a full and complete
stock of
All fresh and of the vary beat
quality. Teas aad coffees are
specialties Your patrosage
305 JacksoR St., RMfetirs
Title Ciuarantee&Loan Co.
C Hucxues,
taw iu ma Court U.ium Hara lh oalr its
OI atrlraet tkiakk In nuu rw.
ItetracuanuCerpaeatt oi TtUo T'liWirl
NUtU OMiatY l&nd ml nlnH.rl.l.
till p.
H. Little, a
- OrM.
OI every deocriytioa. Farms aad Mia.
Orvgoe, Wuhlagtea. aad
eral Lands.