The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 23, 1904, Image 2

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ftoseburg Plaindealer
Publlihed Monday una Tmirciay.
Entered at the Post Office in Kosehnrv,
Ote , as second class mail niattei
Subscription $2.00 per Year.
Advertising Kates on Application
The Editor nf tbe Plaikdeilkk hn. m Inti-t -tion
oi making a false rtatement reflecttn npi.
the life or character of any person, oSleially i
otherwise and any statement published irfthe
columns will beeheerfnlly corrected II rrrueou
and brongb to our attention by ' the aggrieve"
party or parties. Our intention Is ihntevcrj
article published o! a penonaI or political
official nature shall be news matter olgeoral
Interest and for the welfare of the Stale at
MAY 23, 1904.
For President Theodore Roosevelt.
Presidential Electors J. N. Hart,
of Polk; James A. Fee, of Umatilla;
Grant B. Dimick, of Clackamas; A. C
Hough, of Josephine.
State Republican N. minces
Supreme Judge Frank A. Moore,
bf Columbia County.
Dairy and Food Commissioner J.
W. Bailey, of Multnomah.
First Congressional District Hon
Binger Hermann.
Second Judicial District Douglas,
Lane, Coos, Curry, Benton, and Lin
coin. Counties, E. 0. Potter, Judge;
Geo. AL Brown, District Attorney.
Joint Senatorship Sixth District:
Douglas, Josephine and Lane Coun
ties, R. A. Booth.
Joint Representative Jackson and
Douglas Counties, W. L Vawter.
Douglas County No nin es.
State Senator A. C. Marsters.
Representatives R. K. Montgonv
ery, of Glendale; J. S. Gray, of Gar
Sheriff H. T. McClallen, of Rose-
Clerk C. E. Hasard, Drain.
Treasurerr-G: . W. Dimmick. Rose-
Assessor G. W. Staley, Yoncalla.
School SupL F. B. .Hamlin, Rose-
Commissioner J. C. Young, Oak
Surveyor1 Chas. E. Roberts, Rose-
Coroner Dr. J. C. Twitchell, Rose-
Mr. Hermann is an efficient repre
sentative, and worthy of the support
of every republican voter in his dis
trict and of every democratic voter,
too; for democrats, if they could
elect the representative, could no
elect one so efficient, says the'Ore
gonian. As to politics of course
"that's different" Men in large num
bers will act in politics simply from
the party point of view, without re
gard to actual facts or conditions, or
rational considerations. This is the
reason why the vote in Oregon for
Bryan in 1896 was much larger than
that ever cast since for a democratic
candidate, and larger than any vote
likely to be cast for a democratic
candidate during the next ten years.
Since the passing of the silver craze
the democratic party in Oregon has
been phenominally weak. It is able
to allege no reason why it should ex
ist; aoesn t attempt to give any,
Even its negative propositions are
wholly uncertain, changing from day
to day. As to Mr. Hermann, again
The Oregoman has often criticised
him, because he has not been in all
thing as direct and "strenuous" as it
has desired. Yet it knows that he
has been doing excellent work in con
gress, during the past session, and is
more efficient than any new and un
known man possibly could be. Be
sides, he is a republican and a sup-
porter-of.jepubliean policies, and on
republican policies the prosperity of
the country is established. It is ten
years since there was a democratic
house of representatives; and they
who remember the conditions that
prevailed in 1893-4 may well hope an
other ten years will ebipse befori
there is danger, even; of another.
Mrs. Thomas Merrill was . found
drank Wednesday at her home in
Pendletorraf ter a three days' debauch,
Her lO-yearkild daughter had been i
with typhoid fever and Satard ty the
mother discharged the physician
Mre. Merrill refused to call anothei
physician, and in the meantime, the
officers claim, proceeded to drown hei
sorrows by drinking. Neighbors at
tempted to gain entrances, and as n
sigtis of life were shown, suspicions
were .aroused and Marshall Carney in
formed. The officers called at the
Merrill home this evening, and upon
being refused admittance started ti
break the door. Mrs. Merrill almost
too drunk to stand, admitted the of
ficer. The child was almost dead
from lack of care, and was immedi
ately removed to the hospital
No question but the sympathy 'ol
great part of the world, including th.
whole of the English-speaking world
is with JaDan. For it is believer
that Japan has a right to exist, bu.
could not exist, were Russian aggres
sion in Eastern Asia permitted to con
tinue. Russia has no just rightjii
Manchuria or Corea. -She is there
simply as tm intruder ;and figgrtjasot,
and if her career be not arrested she
will swallow both countries. This
would menace the very existence of
span. Possibly Japan may not be
able to avert her fate, but she feels
that she would better perish through
war than to be throttled in peace and
supiness. Ex.
On the first page will be found tht
very latest war news sent out by the
Russian government. The dispatch
is evidently sent out to bblster up
public sentiment in favor of Russia.
The report that a train passed ovei
the Manchurian line to Port Arthur is
false because last week the Russian
government acknowledged that the
Japanese trooDS had destroyed the
ine in three places and burned sever
al bridges. The Czar has evident!
practiced a little more Christiai.
science on the crippled railroad oi
omebody has practiced a vas
amount of humbuggery on him.
Many of the readers of the Plain
dealer will go to St. Louis this sum
mer to see the great World's Fail
and as they will want a good hotel
with first-class accommodations am
near to the Fair grounds we advis
them to go to the Christian Endeavoi
Hotel. This enterprise has been es
tablished by the leading Christian En
leavor men of the United States an
is for the welfare especially of tho.
.vho want to go to a place run o;
lines of protection to thp visitors a
the fair and secure the advantages oi
good home at moderate cost. Writ
to the Secretary for full information.
The export of $128,000,000 in gol.
to Paris during the last week of Apri
brose all weelciy records, in ont
week of January, 1895, $7,700,00C
was shipped, and in November, 1901
$7,329,000 was exported in one ship
A treasure ship truly, but the sailinp
of such a vessel has not yet brought
a shortage of gold for financial and
commercial purposes, though this re-
salt has often been predicted, with
ssjee waggings of the head, by dolefu
prophets of financial disaster an
vould-be thinkers with i ur monetan
A pie famine is one of the calami
ties which .Boston has experienced
of late owing to the strike among the
bakers. Fortunately, the disaffection
has not extended to the purveyors of
of beans and codfish. As three arti
cles constitute the standard diet in
that city with a large part of the cul
tured population, the misery which
would be entailed by the cutting off
of the supply of all of them at once
is too heartrendering to contemplate
without emotion.
The registry law should be
amended as to apply only in town;
and cities incorporated. It is a bur
den upon dwellers in large and sparse
ly settled districts, who in many cases
are compelled to travel one or even
two days to register, or lose the right
of suffrage.
Postmaster Bancroft fired his chief
assistant last week but the Postmas
ter General reinstated the assistant
by a threat to fire Bancroft. The
affairs of the Portland postoffice
must be in a deplorable condition
when such action as the above is pos
General Miles Bays the automobile
is destined to be great in war. This
seems reasonable. It may be used
with great effect in running down the
enemy. But it ought to be prohibit
ed among a peaceful people. Ex.
From reports sent out from Wash
ington in the past six months it would
appear that many of the army officers
are rones ana libertines ana engage
themselves to respectable women for
a nefarious purpose.
M th -dii Blihopj Elected.
The following elders were elected
to Bishops orders last week at Los
Angeles and they were consecrated
yesterday to the office:
Dr. Joseph A. Berry of Chicago,
editor of the Epworth Herald.
Ur. Henry Spellmeyer, of Newark,
N. J. .
Dr; W. F. McDowell, of. New York.
Dr. James Bashford, of Delaware,
Dr. William Burt, of Rome, Italy.
Rev. Dr. Luther B. Wilson, of Bal
timore, Md.
Dr. Thomas B. Neely, of Phihdel
Dr. J. H. Day, chancellor of Syra-
-use University.
To Make Uis D rt BIosotn.
In 1902 the Republican Congress
m the argent recommendation of
President Roosevelt, passed the na-
.ional irrigation act. Secretary
litchcock has now made public a
tcheme for putting that act in exten
ive operation. In all, something
ver $27,000,000 is to be expended
cor the projects now formulated.
Jhe'ie will cover work in Colorado,
'forth Dakota, Montana, Wyoming,
Jregon, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Cali
fornia, Arizona and New Mexico,
'hese are comprised in the work
irhich has been alotted about 1,000,
KX) acres. It is figured that this
represents a tract that will be capa-
e of eupportiijg at least 5G0,t)D0
When the Republican Congress" of
862 passed and the Republican
resident signed the homestead law
hey started an immigration to the
West which has added as many peo-
le to the region on the Alleghenies
sunset side in the past f ni ty years a-
ere in the thirteen states at th
ime of the inauguration of Washing
on as President But the eligible
and was exhausted, or nearly so, a
few years ago, and then the Republi
ans came to the front with another
ict for the peopling of the West.
This is the national irrigation law,
which has not yet been quite two
years on the statute book.
Lincoln's free homes law of 1862 i.
being supplemented by Roosevelt's ir
rigation act of 1902. Vast areas of
I ind incapable of supporting anyboih
xcept through irrigation, private oi
ublic, will be made fit for the home.
f a great, intelligent and progressivt
i 'pulation. Tens of thosuands of
armers emigrated from the United
taies to vanaaa in ine past two or
hree years on account of the cheap
ind fertile lands to be had in that lo-
ality. The national irrigation law
.vill divert this stream of Americans
o the present arid regions of their
wn country. When the land recla
lauon system now aoout to oe in-
ugurated gets fairly to work, lands
etter than can be had in Canada,
nd in a nnre congenial climate, can
)i had west of the 10th meridian in
he United States. The irrigation
iw of 1902 will begin at onse to
lerform its beneficent work. Inci-
lently, too, it will have important
olitical consequences in the election
f 1904. This land reclamation law
s one of the things for which the
(Vest loves President Roosevelt,
A serenade is being planned for
Fudge Parker. Music will sometimes
induce a man to speak out when all
ther experiments have failed.
Fhe Farmer's Friend
Fullerton S Richardson
Have a Fresh StocK of
WaRalee's Squii r A and
Gopher Extermination
A few Cents 1 ves ed in a
reliable Squirrel Poison
means a good many more
bushels of Grain ai harvest.
You find Dead Squirrels
Fullerton -
Phone 451
A Big Slim Ba tie.
WASHisorov, May 31. Twentv-uve
th-.Ubaiid regular soldiers and from
4.000 to 6,000 men of the stain militia
will take part in the maneuvers and
sham battle at Manassas in Septeml-er.
The state militia will come from Trxas
and the New England states. The sham
battles will bo fought over a country
rovering 40,000 acres, theB meon which
Gen. Robert E Le and his Confederate
troops defeated General Pope and com
pelled that leader to fall back upon
The giound includes that on whirl,
both the liattles of Bull Hun were
lougiit, Hnd it is "aid to be tne iut -utioii
of .Major-General Corbin, under wIiom
i-ommaud the maneuvers will be held,
to implicate aa far as possible the fight
of the rebellion There have been few
alterations in the general chnracteristics
of Mnnassas since the rear guard of
General Pope's army fell bjck to Wash
ington. Railroad lines and wagon roads which
afforded the old combatants their meth
ods of transportation have not changed.
Tbe lines shown upon the nmp of I86J
are sti 1 u changed, except that upon
what was the left flank of the northern
army tliere lias been consiructi-ii a roait
between Ah xandri i and Frednrick-burii,
and a line acro-s wh t wan the of
the i-outhern army 1 om Fretlericksburg
o CharlntlehVille
These latter ronds would so matcriHlly
have afiei-ted the operation of the civil
war that it is probable t at if the gen
eral staff follows the plan of reproducing
the campaign they will be barred by
the umpire
Odd Facts About Japin.
Japan consists of 3800 large and pmx'.l
inlands, stretched out for a distance of
2000 miles along the Asiatic coast.
One-third of the food of the people
cnine from the sea and two-thirds from
tbe rice pa-ldies
The Japanese are born gardeners, but
they ten.t toward g otesques and dwarf
ed things.
Tokio, the capital city, with nearly quested to present the same at the
three million inhabitants, is ten miles C uuty Treasurer's oilico for payment a1
square, which is more like a number of interest will cease thoreon after the date
lit tie village of one story hnutes, hue of this notice
no sidewalka and abounds in foul oders i Dated Roseburg, Douglas County
and reeking surface tewers and general Oregon, May 23, 1904.
street garbage. Gko. V. Dimmick,
One emple at Kioto is 60 feet wide 41-St County Treasurer.
n godi nix ifeet high, enbll whit tiinnv
'aces untl hands. In that temiilu are
nine coils of rope, mailt) of woman's
iiiir. One rope is 250 feet long, anl
.vas made of tho hair of B500 women
iront one. province, eacli coutributiu
ier prized Imir ns an offering to the
nil-, lo be Ufid in ropes for raining tli
-t met ure.
To OU buliie s.
Headquarter Arsoi iaiinn of th. Ki
recoil uvalrv and the l'irsl OieTii
liif.iiitry. L.i Grati le, Oregon, .May 10
The Third Annual Reunion ol ttTe
irst Oregon Civalry, United Stat?
Volunteers and the First Oregon In
f mtry United States Vol un errs An--iation
will lie held, in e-mjnnci m win
the t-tate t;m-atpinenL of the
At my of I e Kepubliu at Hood Kiv.
Or.-yon on June Hi, 1901
Ad contrail-" ,tre. iequ -Med to !. pre
nt and parlli-iate. -r
A invi uiio'i N given to a'
r-iiiis who f. rvcil in thu Hr
' e.ou liil.inlry Untied Stated Wilu..
een- and did ilnty in 'reguii, Washing-
in. Idaho, Utah or N.-v.tda from l&t.
to IStiO and to tht-ir iuientf. uiv. h a i
io eiidauig o j .in in i lie teunioii mi
.dk over ineid. nis of long ago.
Geo. B Cuhky, Commander,
W. M. uiLLEAnv, Adjutant. ;
Oregon press please note.
Final R port of Q ana Jury.
To the Hon. J. W. Hamilton, Judge:
Ihe Grunil Jury of May, l!HM, term o
the atiove e .urt in 'lielr repuii
-aye :
vebave eatefully r. quired into u
cimrge- ot crime com ug to our kuou
ielge, couiitiilted and triable in Doilginr
county, Oiegou, and have di.-poeed .
ttie t-uuie according to our beat ju.lgr
nitnt. !
We have investigate t the teveral .(
ticera of the county otlicials, and fi..i.
tbe records in good shape and ueatl?
Wt lecotutnend tbe purchare of nion
shelving fur the county clerk; we alA
recommend more room for tbe assessor?
the room iu the ronrt hou-e oceupitt
by an abstract company should be give,
to the as?ee?or. i
The iHtr grounds now owned by tli
county, should be tilted up for tbe pur
if you use Wakalee's
Roseburg, Ore
lo.e if U'ep-ri;: the counnV po.r therr
A new b-nce ttmuld bs bu ll around
the Court llnu-o u rounds. The county
j ll should be fenced.
o thank the Hon. J. W. Hamilton
judg, and iieo -M Brown, distiict a
torney, fi.r courtesies shuwn atid a-fist
ance affoided us during our session.
Having enmpleteil our labors we ask
to lie ili-ch.irgeil.
Jatet at l"v;t)urg, Douzlaa eountv,
Ore , i his the ISth day of .May, 1904.
A S. Bce L,
S Maiiijov.
J T iSiMcmi,
O. I'. ItKAiJi,
F. M. Co.wv,
Caivin Weavfb,
L. M. p EKIVS.
Friday' Qime
Der ban a bass bawl game today
And Ro'eburu ban de vinner.
And Salem, vel dey vore de gray
But dey baa short of ginger.
"Pop" .Morrow ban a feller fine,
And ban a tir t cla-s player,
And so ban awl de otter nine;
De svede, veil be can holier.
Ach Salem, vhat tin matter now.
; Yoo tank yoo hevo on nine?
Yoo bet er g an herl a cow.
For yior b wl Imu k crime.
Vhat ban y- o eaMinf II de time,
Yi look r-o ve.ik an tn inliliitvcl
e ba' b m d to eawl yo-ir nine,
A crowiled" for dirty sbillin.
Vhy don't dey go and eat sotn Koop,
iormeitdat ban tontrom::
For awl dem fellers in dat groop
Hae stoma h dat ban rong
Vhat dey ban caw led vo don't not no,
Unles de t-vede ban rite
Dat dey ban iiirds vhatscawled a crow
Vhit one-third blooded fnipo.
The smiie Swede
County Treasurer's N it Ice.
Noiiteis hereby iriven tha- all partiff
hnldini: county warrants endowed prior
to and including May 10, 19U2. are re-
UuHOO fM long, ntld lias
"Speakind bf TliuradHV's came the
katesmail Says : "Tim Sattim fans were
lelighted when thoy heart! Iiow well the
oys played their up-hill game and came
ou' virtoilous, and great was the praise
Ipiwered upon the head of Louaheid.
he savior of the eame. Th Stnta.
an'a reporter on the ground ?avg the
oys are in good cheer and are goin to
utplay the Shamrocks without -rouble
lie game is well patronize 1 and the
oy.i are nico'y treated in UmpquaV
blnday's game.
rho most interesting and exciting
:amo of bas.-ball ever seen on the Koce-
urg diamond was witnessed Sunday b
largo crowd of enthusiastic fans. Keeil
vas in the box for the locals and dn.
xiellent anil effective work tliroiiL-hon
he eleven innini!!. In tin- ninth inn.
ir, with the score three to two, Nee
do a home run over richt hVId fene
hereby cavi u bin own irame for th
ine being, but in the eleventh two mei
r.ssed the plate, while Ito?eburg coul-
uly I uid one. Duriin tho uame fun
l ime runi were made. Ilradlev an
te-d for the Sh imroeki and Nehum
ud Uownie for the visitor.
The lineup was as follows:
. William
C Wilkin
game wjt-:
Hradley 3 B
.N'udler 2 B
Morrow 1 B
V. Oswill C F
obinsop L F
liller R F
teed p
The result of Sunday
ilem, 0; Roseburk. 5.
The Rogue River Ba-e B11 League w
vaiiized at Gold Hill last week w in
ur teams, Ashland, vtedford, Jackson
i le and Gold Hill. J. D. Heard, oi
drdford, was elected president. Spek
iu of the organization the Medford Mali
ays: '"The name given the organix
tn is the Rogue River Base Bal
lAjauu-, and its object is to further ba-t
all interests in southern Oregon. The
everal teams have been strengthens
y outside players and it is expected
bat good league ball will be put up at
very game. A great amount of mone
i s been expended in the preparation ol
.'ouuds and in securing good p ayeri
nd it is to be hoped the amutemeni
ving people will appreciate the eff.irt
id will ive the leitu- all ibe mppor
ley pos-ibly can. No benini: will b
ernntied upon the ground-, neilbe-
ill the u-e of megHph-iue or the blou-
v: of horn- be Uilerated. The scheii
e as briefly mapped ou i that Med
rd and Ai-nlaud will have a TburxU
: me ea h week and each of the fuUi
owns will hive two Sundav ames eacli
niinin. ine election ot Jir. Heard a
prerideut was a gooil selection. He is a
isetall enthusiast and a vigorous push
-r of all things sppertainiui; thereto i
act, he is up ad coming all the time,
md is always there with the gooJs."
Manager Prebel, of the Albany team
iae secured the relea.-e of Teely Ray
uond of tbe Los Angeles team. Mr
aymoud will be teen aa short stop for
Vibany. James Sullivun formcly of the
hi Francisco is to play third base for
Ju.l-e Willis has recently been an en
hutistic vuitor at tbe llae bah game
.Manager orrow, of the Roseburg
.-am ba- signe-l Ray shaw, of North
Vakima as outfielder he will occupy
leu field iu place of Miller who has been
Excursion Rates.
Commencing March 1, 1WM nrd con
tinuing daily to ami including April 30.
IW1 colonits tickets will be on sale from
he East to points on Oregon lines via
Portland, rae from rame of li e priuri
rtl iHiints as follows: 133 Imm Chi ago,
ih; $31 from Peoria. Ill; foO from t.
ouis. Mo; fJS from viLs-onri Riwr
Points, Omaha and Council Bluffs to
Kansas City inclusive; r2bftu to Sioax
O'ty, stop overs not to exceed 10 days at
ne pomi will be allowed betw.-en Port
end and destination of ticket on Oregon
lines. l'J tf
Extension of Sewer.
Roseburg, Oreg., May 1-', 1904.
Notice is hereby given that the city of
Roset.urg proposes ti extend the sewer
situated in the alley between Mill and
Pine st eels iu blocks 78. 8 1 and 86 in
i he city of Roseburg, to commence on
the north side of Burke street, block 86,
be. re rnnii'ii nonh alone said allev '
j on wi li ti.e su..r oti the north side
1 Flood strict.
Remonstrance acainet the sai 1 sewer
may be filed in writing with the under
igned ten days from the dnal publica
tion of this notice, which will be May
Jkl, 1904
By ordei of tho City Council.
H. L. Maetkiis,
39-3t City Recorder.
The Sweede Again.
De sun ban shining and de moon ban
gone gun down. Every ting ban hot for
de sun ban stending still over a multi
1 1 xd uf rum man and sum girls, too, dat
au i vitnesa to a bass bawl game held
here sumtlme betveen de sab.ith anil
lnnda. It ban almos bejttn de con
no. uf m rtel man and sum women ton,
n d d wunls sulU.-i in fur an xplnna
ory atagory uf de pmceadinits uf d
iiame eiter it ban rtartet. Svift bawls,
last and f.pedy biwls ban hurled tub.
le vac nay uf de jooniverce like Irish
potatoes around tie lunching time uf n
sniawl Irish family uf 16 or 20 red head
ed lellers.
Clubs ban svang right and clubs ban
xvang left and sttait op in de air vith a
fcrinusity uf a furti us canibai "ieekinv
vhom he ban able to devour" as de bible
ban saying f umvlier
Sum time d- pitcher ban nf card dan
de bawl vnod colitinu villi de club and
dan le bawl ban flyiiiir for deer sate
vlillo (ChiiU'iii ban a mana name, ban
no shouting iron) vnod per'ooin do air
vith vnnderfool combinations nf ain
ciant Irish momli amuiiittnn, mean
vhlle de bawl ban going furder and
lunger out in deatmosfero till one feller
bold it vith boat hand like grim deal
to an otter dead neggt r; dan Cannon
vood look behiud ham and sldevays and
strait op in do air ( I tauk he ban reli
ginn sum time vhen he kneed it)
Dan de game ban out. Yim Ilans-
brogh bnn'looSijr, de svede bail dn'clfi.l,
Balldy bjn awtUIlig (Bad) CnnhOn h.ti
mum tvoondertlll) and gerie'ral disr lis
fatlon ban provnlling trob dill tie yti...l
P. S. Frank Alley ban abatfttctitig de
hole ting for de County.
iruriglng History.
Topkk., Kan., My 21. A Mibenm
mittee of the state school book coinmi -"ion
haH decided that General Finn n
ihiill no longer figure with such ma. k .
leroism through the Kansas hisio. v
uid proposes, therefore, to cut out ih
tory of his swiming the Baubag rin i.
in the Philippines, while a
action was on with the enemy.
For five years this has been the te ch
mg in Kansas. When General Fum-t..n
was promoted from a colonelcy of v lun
eers to be a brigadier general iu th
'egular army his commission emboli
be swimming epinode as being one o
he pertinent reasons for such pn m
Commisioiier M(Cray, who will tin.
.introvert the ofr-repealed storv an
i lint hi-tory is ,ent glimmerinit do i
he aiies as "she should be wrote," ill
arwi the Bagtag incident untrue an
ays credit shah be given Trembly an.
Vhite, pnvatia, ai.d incidently citizen
f Kansas, for tuis ex pi. it
Revolt Is Rife In All Poland.
Berlin, May 21 A private letter from
A'areaw states that hardly a day passu
hat the Russian government does not
dud evidences of the underground work
us of the revolutionary party In al
parts of Poland
More than 20 secret establishmentf
or printing and disreminating Nihilisti
iierature have been discovered in a pa
f the city of War ;w u hich is inhabi'
el by thesiudenu of the university am
undreds of persons uve bien .cut I.
Tbe other day t e police received in
ormati m that a sn.dent, Ladi-lau
Gen ziuski, ha I a tecret press for tin
pri ting of revolutionary liteiature an.
-nade a raid upon the etiHishment
hey lonnd the student and hi? Id year
old sweetheart, Mniju-ka Dobrezinki
t.inding in a narn.w passage leading li revolvers am
i sword, and to effn-tively ilid tl.ey usi
hese weapons that they killed live
he secret service aaents before the
Here finally capture.1. Both of then.
nowe er.died of their wounds befoi
i ey reached p-lice headquart. rs.
Up Against U'icie Sm.
Wah'ngton. May 21. The Unite
States government i .. go to 'In ex
"rerne of itSMUthority to effect the sp-ed
rescue of Ion Penlicaris, tbe America
millionaire host of the Mi rtra.. bu.di
R.ui.-uli, and his Ii. iti 1. -epn, rm
well Varley, who weie kidnaped May It
in Tangier.
In this action the United States wil
be secondel by Great Britain, whici
has dispatched one warship to Giliralta.
Acting secretary of Sute Loomis ha
cabled orders to both the South Atianti
and European squadnms to proct-ed a'
uw :o Tangier nnd demand that th.
-tiltan of Moroo-o ecure the release ot
he captive-at xny c St.
Rear-Admiral Taylor, chief of the bu
reau of iiaviiratioii, is-per-onally rMend
mgtl.e big iiavatdemonstration which L
to be made to impress the sultan. Thesr
w ridiipa have liecn nrdere-1 to Morocco
Rose FtativaJ.
The Christian Endeavor Societv of
the Presbyterian church will hold u rose
festival Iu the building lately occuDled
by the Board of Tra.le, next Saturday
fternoon and night. Prixe will r
anaraeu lor ine nanaKiniecl ro-s, ni
all rose growers are urgently reijiiesie-
to make exhibits. A list of prizes will
be puolifhed in hurcday's pprr.
Ice ere. maud c ke will le serve.,
and a nominal a.lniir-i.iii charged. Ev
crjoue cordiilly invited lo attend
At Iat night's re-siou ot tbe Grand
Army of the Republic held in Albu
querque, X. M,. when the newiv elected
department officers were installed, a
resolution was introduced that when
Jew Mexico becomes a state and there
still be objections to the name, tha
Congress be tu-ked to give the new slate
the name of "Lincoln," in honor of the
martyred President, Abraham Lincoln.
A rising vote was taken on the sugges
tion, and all the Grand Army delegates,
with the entire -vudience, voted unani
mous for "'Lincoln "
A Rev. Mr. Jye, perhaps reflectintf
on the j .kes ot the late Bill Nye, recent
ly undertook to pats a few on Free la
soury iu Ohio He op -ned up the first
act by reading what he claimed was the
first three obligations of Masonry. Th.
joke was so buw-e that several men not
only grasped the joke but also the joker,
who had great difficulty in perruadinc
them todesi-t. Perhaps he felt that he
had made a mistake and read a part ot
the initiatory ceremour instead of tbe
obligations and that his reading wai be
ing exemplified.
A London dispatch says it is likely
that Great Britain will be coiniellol to
undertake an extensive Thibetan cam
paign. Not "compelled," in fact, hut
finding Rusia with her hands mure
than full will advantage f tbe op
port one time to ex'eud her In U fion
tier further lfii!-iawaid Allot which
will cau-e the Rnsi ii to swear in all
-he of hich he has command
It if the common way catch a fe low in
trouble financially or otherwise and all
jump ou him.
Are You Qolng to S . Louis?
If so call for vour tickets via the
ROCK 1SL ND YSTEM, the line hav
ing Terminal at entrauce Fair Ground".
Round trip rateG7 60. tiooii forninety
dayw from date of sale Choice routes
going and returning via St. Pau , Den
ver, Colorado Springs. Pucble or El
Paso. Mop over permitted in both
D.vTiss of Sale: Juno 7th. 16ih, 17th,
18th, July 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Aug, 8-h, 9th,
S. pt 5th, 0th, 7th, Oct 3rd, 4th 5tr
On aliow dates rate of $72.50 will be
Hindu to Cdicigo and return.
For information and sleeping
car rescrva ions call Ufou or address,
A II ' D,
General Agent.
140 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
you are there.
The Rock Island System
has an enormous advantage
over other western railroads
in the fact that its Chicago
terminal the La Salle Street
Station is the only railroad
station on the Elevated loop.
It u looted In tht heart of Chicago
only a block from the Board of Trade;
two blocki from the Pott Office; within
eaqr walking dntanrr of the principal
theatre, botcli and Korea.
The traina of all Chkago'i derated
railroad patt Ita doon and take you
quickly and for a 5 -cent tare
to any part of the city.
Three route Eat via
Dearer, Omaha and St. PauL
Caal AgL,
140 Third
H. 0. Lewis
Is permanently located in this city a-d will
give you up-to-date photography at very
r . onable prices.
All WorK Guaranteed irst Class
Studis Corner of Cass and JacKson Streets
in. Carlon spent Saturday in Oak
land on business.
Phil Beckley, of Oakland, waa a Rose
bar.; v sitor last week.
Erj. F. ii. Toxer and sister, Miss Lil
lie Kamsey are visiting in Wilbur to
day. Mrs. A. M. Newman, of Engene, who
as been visiting in this city, lias re
nrned home.
Mies Ruth Cooler left this morning
or Portland to visit with her aunt, Mrs.
r'rank Godfrey.
Mrs. T. K. Ruhardson left Saturday
t r PortunU where she will hereafter ,
ake her home.
Mr. Able UgL.w, of Tbe Dalle, b the
.uc?t v.f his daughter, Mrs. A. M . Sand
tera, of this city.
W. I. Vawter, of Medford, the repub-
I can nominee for joint repnrtentative.
cas in Roreburx last week.
M ra. A. R. Ritter, of Portland, who
waa visiting friends in tlits city last
eek has rvmn td home.
I bomai Bu.-kman, of Marehtield, a
b other of Mrs. T. K Riclianlson was
i thi city last week on business. Ue
eft Friday for Achland.
- illie Curry wliu has oeen attending
'be Hill Military academv t Portland
- !-ending hii vacation with his mother
Mrs N.Curry at Riveside.
John Batty of Detroit, Mich., who
tias been looking over the timer situa
'ion here left this morning for Colorado
on his return to Michigan.
Nathan Fullerton spent Saturday in
Eurene, where he took the commandery
legree in Masonry. He is now a full
d edited Knitht Templar.
Asher Irelacu, deputy assessor of Olal-
a pre-in-t, was in this city Saturday, .
eporting to As.-esor Staley, he having
completed the asressment of his district. 1
A. R. Merton, Kiddle; E. A. Ander- i
s-m, Marshfiel.l; Mr. and Mrs. ieo.
"itxicibb-ms and J. B Baldwin and wife
oi Portland were registered at the Mc-Clallt-n
last week.
John Mets will soon commence the
buildiug of a new cottage just wrst of
his residence on Lane street. When
completed the new cottage will be occu
pied by Cbas. Barnard.
Interior papers frequeutly devote
their space to writing editorial para
graphs boos ling their respective candi
dates and party, in preference to giving
the news of their neighborhood. Ex.
Lester Bell left this city Saturday
morning for a visit with his parents at
Elkton. He was accompanied by his
younger brother Fred, who had been
vi-iii,ig his sisters, Misses Minnie and
Minneta, of ttiis city.
J. H. Wilson, formerly of Elkton has
just returned from tbe Kloadyke gold
field via San Francisco and is visiting
friends at his old home, after which he
will again return to San Francisco. Mr.
WiUon is well known in Roeebosg.
Albert (alia's "Dutch") Fisher, under
sentence of electrocution in Columbus,
Ohio, for murder committed in Toledo,
has made a formal request that the date
of hi? ho cnanged from July 7
to Jul. . , nich dale three others
are to he . . . troeuted. Fisher refused
to permit hi; attorneys to take any steps
to cave his life, raying that he commit
ted the murder and should be punished
An exchange says: Never growl be
cause a newspaper fails to give every
.-cr.ip of u. ws, so long as you take no
pai s to givo the editor informatio...
e have teen readers who are awtulK
nut out al limes be. au-e we nuke uu
uote ot the arrival or departure of a
irieud visiting them, or of local affair;-,
or of the heaven-seat bablet that viaii
their homes over uijehu The average
newspaper man isn't a medium nor a
mind reader, but gets most of his newi
the ame way the milkman gets hi
milk, by pumping.
The imperial entourage of St. Peters
ban has lately been scandalised by the
number of practical jokes which have
beeu pl.iyeu ou the cxar One night hi
majesty's bed was filled with cheap
ikons and buttons cut from hta own uni
forms. This prauk was followed by
others equally as harmless but auuciug
Finally his majesty's writing desk was
found covered with toy Japanese soldiers
This last, sc pronounced a case of
lore was discovered, lie is a page in the
palace majesto v mo.t careful in
vestigation was made, with the result
hat the culprit whose mind has been
unbalanced by the excitement incident
to tho war, w..a appreheuued.
Moving Pictures
Auspices of Epworth League.
Two Nights
""K May 23 24
Edison's Latest Success
The Battle of Chemulpo, Attack
on Port Arthur. Etc
Admission 15c and 25c to any
part of the church. No reserved
seats. 33-3t
Metbodist EpisopJl Cafrence
Los Angles, C-lif.
On account of at ore Conf-rence, the
Southern Facifi Co. will make reduced
rates ou the certificate plan from main
ine points in Oreron south of Portland.
Passengers will purchase tickets to Los
Angeles, for which thcttgent will collect
the highest one way rate, giving a spe
cial receipt. On presentation of this
receipt, duly executed, by original pur
chaser, the Southern Pacific agent at
Los Angeles will 1 r turn ticket at
one third fare. Sale d. es from Or?son
points srill be April 19 h to May 7th in
clusive, also May 9:h, lith, 16th, 19th,
23rd, 26th and 30th. The las-t day on
which certificates will be honored for
return at reduced rates from Los An
geles will be June 5th 1901.
Reduced Round Trip Rates account
World's Fair? St Louis.
First class tickets on sale May, 11, 12,
13, Jone, 16, 17, IS, July 1, 2, 3. Ane, S,
9. 10. Sept, 5. 6, 7, Oct, 8,4, 5,. RoseburR
to St Louis, and return, good 90 days
with stop over privilires, at rates range
ing from $75 45 to $S2.50 according to
route choten. Passengers will have pri
vilice of starting on any date which will
enable them to nach destination within
t- n days from the sale d te.
Inquireof -Agent Souther u PacificCnm
puiy, Rosei'tirg.
O. R. & N. Sum tr8-lr.
The lian-'some 1904 summer book.
"Restful Recreation Report- " isUett by
the passenger department f the Orew.n
Railroad and XsvMti.m n ..
Just out. It tells all about the summer-
ine nlnMo t i - ...
..... v.. .i.u vAmimoia Kiver Val
ley a brief description of the trips up
and down the Coorado River, to tl-e
tnonntaina. beaches, inland reports nw
, ucaun, wnere thev are ami
how to reach them. t,.. iw .......
pevinl designed front cover, printUn
two colors, and tho inside rmtes are
splendid illitMr.ted ,.y IOoy and
beantlfa haU.,08 x popv of
pub.lcatlon mav a u ,
. - uv enu-
Ing two cents in stamp-, to A. L. CtSk,
General IV genger AKent of the Oregon
E. J. Dalv. of Pnrtlan.l :.. i ?
- "nvei ill
thisctty to accept a position in Reels
Retsort saloon Mr. Dalv ux. f,.:
n the clrciiini ATI AnA..
n .i j ituuiuui ot t tsi
PorUand livening Telegram.