If s the Quality that Keeps the Customers Our SDriug goods that are constantly arriving are well known for their quality. It is a pleasure for us to show this beautiful line. All we ask is for you to give us the opportunity. Note that our clothing fits well and is up to date, our Dress Goods are nobby and pretty, our Shoes are staunch aud comfortable, our Hats are stylish and shapely, our Furnishings are new aud nobby, our Wash Goods are pretty and cheap in price. EVERYTHING IS MEW AMD GOOD The People's I. ABRAHAH, Prop. BEST MEAL IN THE CITY FOR 25 CENTS. .THE NEW Cor. ing1 and Main Streets Belle Collins Mrs For Good Pictures and Fair Prices Go To Smith's Sunbeam Photo Parlors ( c i t : 1 ; i Roseburg, i t Lne Sts., - Ore. Abstract of Title to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for filing on Govern ment Land. Bine P'intfi of Township Maps showing all vacant Lamds. LUU NU U U I U V i IVi Villi. 1 . J llJl r 1 y Architect, Abstracter. Plans and Estimates for all Build ings. Special designs lor Office Fixtures Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415 ROSEBURG. OREGON ED. T. NAQHEL Resident Piano Tuner Best Refcrances. Leave Orders at Burr's Masic Store OREGON ROSES And Other Beautiful Flowers Send Postal Card for 1904 Catalog I CLARKE BROS., PORTL AMD, OREGON Notice for Publication. O. S. Land Office, Roaebnre. "re.. March 22. 1904. v-.. ,. h.rV, -Wn tHtt In COODllanC with the provlatoun of the act of CongreM of June S.KT8. entitled "An ct for the tale of Umber land in the Btatet of Callfornla,Oregon v.r.i. n1 Wuhlnrton Territory." utxtend- idio all the public land itatei by act of Angmt Nora Kohlhajten of Roeebure. countv of Douglac. tte of Ore- son, nas inia aay meu iu msuum , , .t.tmrnt NoHM.1 for the turehf of the IntB 3. 4. northeaklQuarurr oi inecouiuKBi jimsn.-i i of section 18. township 30 aouth. range 7 went and will offer proof to ihow that the lana ton gill U more valuable for IU timber or atone man for agricultural purpoaei, and to utabmn nil claim before the Regiiter and Becalrer of this on Tuesday, ibe aut -day ot Hay. 1901. Bhe TinmM an witnesses: Edward H Lfnox. Georee ifnni.PCEnm of Kotebure. Oregon, Sam Hallringer, of Brockway, Oregon. aut and all person clalmins: adversely the a ' jm il y n tt ft Ttt I their claims in this office on or before said 3Ut rwirp fiPFi-num i&iilui ic ifj ucdvu hj w t day ofuay 1904, J.T. Bridges, Register. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Roscbure Oregon. April 21, 19M VnttMi, hrhv rfTftn that In compliance with the nroTisiont of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of iid.T.nt in th Rt. !. nf r.llfornia Oreron Nerada.and Washington Territory," ai extend ed to all the public land states by act ofAugns 4,1892. MAITTJLXD P LOIT II rfikimiwn wajih.. ountr of cheballs. tate of WasblDEt'in, has his 1i 'filed in this office bis ... .. . ..,...it Vn nyii mr the nurcnKe o hn nwl nf section 28. ti 27 s. of rane 8 w stf and will offer proof to show that the land scigbt is more valuable for iu timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his ilaim before the Register and Receiver of this afflca of Rosaburg. ore eon. on Tburtaav,the7th day of July, 190tHe njmes ii wftno-ses: Bernad Kr-kenberger, oi itnse' .... ii.i a. WHrwirk. of Aber teen. Wash H. UEngles, of Peel, Ore.; V. II. McCrossen.of Rf'i,?rt lf nersons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their r7 ri, iQ(u J. T. BKIBuEH, iaitn in tiits omce on or uc"v " Register. Yoncalla. Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Yett and children have returned from their California trip, Mr. Yett is reported quite ill. Mr., HarrPt Wamriev and little son Wilbur, have gone to Southren Califor nia in search of health. tj,,,. n Kawvers arrived at the " J his mother. Mrs. Peritt, Wed nesday. Hia health demands a rest. The Degree of Honor Lodge was fav ored with a visit by its Grand Chief Mrs. Colvie, of Jacksonville last Thurs One Door J rc T t . i A V-i JLrUUi.1 JLULCICDL. Dr's. Cheadle & Johnson, dentists. All work guaranteed. Hon. Jas. Hansbrough Hill on business last week visited Gold Postmaster L. L. Hurd of Glendale is in Roseburg on business Unlay. Willis Kramer, of Myrtle Creek, in this citv Saturday on business. Mrs T F H.imlin ?pnt Wilbur, the guest f Mrs. . Sunday in , W. Short. Miss Dolly Hefty of the Plaixdealeb force is veiling her parents at Drain. Boys' clothing, from 4 to 14 years, a vanetv cif kinds, A T COT, Ash & Att- well. Mr. and Mrs.C. O. White, of Myrtle Creek, were in Kusebtirg on business Friday. Wm. I-andon, who is nmv located at Eugene was visiting friends in this city Sunday. ' Thos. Kav. of Salem was in this city esterday the guest of his sister Mrs. 0. P. Coshow. G. W. White left this morninc for Kellietrher Citv to resume his duties at he mill there. Editor H. A. Williams and wife of the Myrtle Creek Mail, spent Friday in this citv on business. If von want cood work done, try the Roseburg Machine Shop, corner Wash ington and Kane St. John R. Southerlin and wife, of this I city spent Sunday visiting friends and relatives at Oakland. O. W. Taylor, the assistant supertend- ant of the S. P. lines in Oregon is in Kosedurg on business. District Attorney Geo. M. Brown, has returned from Cooscounty, where lie has been attending circuit court. W. V. Van Alstine and wife, formerly of this citv but now ol Portland, are visiting with relatives at Oakland. Mrs. Martha Dlude. nee. Ramsey, of Portland, who has been visiting telatives here returned to Portland Saturday. Fireman Thos. Brown and wife, lelt this citv Sundav morning for Portland, where they will visit a short time. Mrs. G. W. Short, of Wilbur, was in in the Culture burg last week to take part Club. Joseph Micelh, Grand Master ot "e I (). O. b. lor uregon. leu ior roruanu Friday morning on a business pretaining to the Grand Lodge. Mrs. C. M. Wilson, of Grants Pass, gtoppej over i,ere an(j visited a few days with Mrs. E. Jennings, on her w.iy to Portland, Sunday morning. . t pi J. D. Buell, Lugene; R. U. tulton and wife, Portland; and K. A. Htowell, of Coles Valley, were registered at the McClallen House last week. urn, of this mace snent Sat- .j. i n0H,,l l.ia vriat whirh waH urday in Oakland, fna wrist wnicn was i ft! t hwitrnn r tt n ini irnm nn Mil ,CT-c"l,J' J, . ,. gine in the yards here, is mending as faet as could be expected. Mrs. Curtis Ford and two daughters, ofSkagaway, Alaska, who have been spending the winter in California, are the guests of Mrs. C. A. Sehlbrede ana hpr daughter Mrs. Fred K. Gettins, of this city. Mrs. G. M. Fenton, of Ashland ; C. S. Evans, and C. L. Irwin. Eugene: H. J. Deun, Camas Valley; Geo. Turner, Gar diner; J. C. Snider, Oakland were some nf the late arrivals registered at the Roseburg House. T. D. Weatherford and Emory Mars- ters have purchasd the baroer snop oi W. G. Farrar formerly owned by Floyd Woodruff Mr. Weatherford is an ex perienced barber, having for the past year conducted a shop in the Roseburg hotel, near the depot. Mr. Marsters is a well-known Douglas county boy who has a host of friends. lm-33 Mrs. C M. Edmonds, and children arrived in this city Saturday evening and are the guests of lhe family of Yard master W. W. Dickson. Mrs. Edmonds formerly lived at the car shops near Portland, where Mr. Edmonds was em- ployed as division store keeper ior me ri ti I ' .. 'I' , An t Ii m r utqv In . r. linen, lucjmo -"v.. Frisco where Mr. Jidmonos nas ueen ransfered to a simihar position. Store Southof P. 0. Log Cabin Creams at Currier's. See Bell Sisters' t'2 00 trimmed haU. Wood for sale. Leave order with Hakkeu. All disorders yield to Osteopathic treatment. J J. Kenney, of Leona'was registered .at the McClallen House Saturday. If it is a "Floral" it is the latest and it can be had at Slratfords cutlery onlv. 0. L. Hampton and H. Z. Ireland, of Olalla were in this city on buisness Sat urdav. Hon. Joe Lyons, of Drain returned home Saturday after a few days here on business. S. R. Crouch, the Page Fence man from Oakland, was in town on business last week. If you want grinding done, call at the Roseburg Machine Shop, corner Wash ing and Kane St. Mrs. Autenreith arrived from Portland Sunday evening to visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. Dexter Rice If you want cood fresh fish and shell hsh, call at the Fish Market, corner Lane and Pine streets. m 5 Miss Addie Steward spent a few days of last week visiting her mother Mrs. G. W. Riddle at Azalia. Health is coverned by common sense principles, thus Osteopathy . opular and its cures permanent. Plain sewing and dressmaking is solic ited bv Mrs. Wootcn on' the corner of Oak and Stephens streets. A Mariaje licence has been granted to O. V. Log-den ae 20 vear and Grace I. Riddle age 32 both of Riddle. Feed your chickens ground oyster shells. Buy them at the Fish Market, corner, Lane anu rine streets. m o Prof. J. H. Cochran, of Medford, who is now :n the lite insurance business was in this city last week on business. You proluibly never saw folder photo at less than $S.OO er dozen they are $4.0 1 and up at Stralfords. See them. W. D. Williams, the Wilbur Merch ant, was in Roseburg on business Sat urday. He reports business at Wilbur good. Mrs. O. P. Coshow, who has been visiting in tha Williamette valley for the past few weeks returned home Sun day evening. L. A. Manners, of Cleveland was in this city Saturday looking after busi ness intersts. H renorts a re.nlv sal for ali the fine hooded goats he can procure. The C. F. C's. were very plcasenily entertained at the home of Miss Km ma Sehlbrede, last Thusday evening. The evening was enjoyed by ent. all those pres Train Dispatcher G. C. Morris, has sold his residence property on the Boule vard to Rev. Evan P. Hughes of the Congregational church. Ashland Tri bune. Our spring line of carpels haB arrived, anu" wa are Prepared to fit up your house . , ,' . ,, I 1 II LI1K lULt'nL tlHMIlTIIH Zlllll If lHlTI IlfS- t.IIll in the latest designs and colorings i o - o- and examine for yourself. B W. Strong the Furniture man w . ii. uay, moro populary Known as 'Shorty", who for the past year has made himself popular as a boot-black at I the depot barber shop, left yesterday for Nampa, Idaho, where ho has dreams of making a fortune. Clyde Faulkner, is acting as Engineer and Willie Worian friremin of the yard engine in the yard herethis week. These are two well known young Roseburg Doys ana we neiieve me youngest crew on the lines today. Remember that it is quality, not quantity, that we strive for in furnish ing our city trade, therefore you will always get the cheapest milk of the Gaddis Dairy, because the best. All retail milk delivered in bottles. Our specialties are cream, milk and butter milk. If you don't see the wagon 'phone to the Creamery. 14-tf tireman John tiammitt the young man who was so unfortunate as to hao his left foot accidentlv crushed and mangled under the wheels of r caboose at Junction City a few months ago, was in this city last week for the first time since the accident. The injured foot wa8 amplUllteint ll0 anki0 juillt all(1 llu jg ,)0W wenrin(, a cork Bl,i,8tiiute. A snnn nn in homines tlinniiMhlv nrnim I t ' . . tomed ,0 tlle artif,cai f00t i10 wiu returrl llia work- Cheadlo & Johnson) dentists. All work guurantued. 'Furnished house for rent. Inquire of It. It. Johnson, Marks building. Mrs. A. S. Newman, who hits ho en quite ill is reported much butter today. Mrs. A. 0. Barcloy, of Portland, is the guest of Mrs. II. J. Wilkina this week. Geo. W. Kiddle the Bane of was a Roseburg business visitor day. Azalea, Satur- Mrs. W. W. Kent and children Drain are the guests of .Mr. and Mrs. T. Bridges. Mrs It. V. Howard, of Junction is the guest of her son Engineer L. T. Howard of this city. You will not believe in Osteopathy until you are convinced of its efficiency by a trial. If you want Machine work done call at the Koseburg Machine Shop, corner Washington and Kane St. Misses Flora and Xaunio Andrus, of Loo kin ir Glass are the uuosts of Mies Garnett Woodruff of thiB city. Engineer "reck" Willis went to Cot tage Grove this morning to take charge of the engine on the tie train. Minri Hildreth Sutherland, returned from San Francisco last night where she has been visiting for some time, Geo. Halter and wife, arrived from Portland last night to reside, Mr. Holler having accented a run out 'of this citv. Cabinet photos, 2.50 per doi-n, and other sizes accordingly, for a short time, at the"Sunbeam Photo Parlors. 31-lm-p C. II. Hensay, Galesville; II, J. Wil son, Riddle; R. M. Crainiill, Uin pq.ua Ferry, are registered at the McClallen. Mrs. C. J. Stimson, of Portland who has been the guest of Mrs. S. K. Wil lett, and Miss Kcho Gaddis, has return ed home. Ed T. Naghel is now acting as special night watchman, he being employed by a number of the merchants to look af ter the business district during the night. Quarterly Meeting Saturday at 2 p. m. at the V. B Church, F.lder P. A. Black will preside. All are invited, especially members of the church, J. H. Merry man, twitter. Howard Velzian, the Diew postmaster was in the city on business today and made th s olfice a pleasant call. For the past week Mr. Velgin has been vis iting in the vicinity of Glendale. The kickers should not commence to knock too .oon just became our boys are loosing. "Pap" Morrow knows what he is doine and a; soon as he and the others of the green bunch get to worc ing together, there will be something doing. The Plai.vdbai.er believe that we have the pennant winners and are only playing in bad hick at, present. Charlie Bilyeu came down from Rose burg yesterday afternoon for a short vi-it here, and this morning he will join the Rosebur,: Shamrocks on the overland train, on their way to Salem where they will play their first game against the Salem Raglans. Bilyeu is one of the pitchers of the Roseburg team for the season. The two teams will play this afternoon, tomorrow, Saturday and Sundav. Albany Hertld. Among the multiiuJe of startling cir cus novelties and trained animal acts which Norris and Rowe are offering this season with their new big two ringed and elevated stage shows, there are two that etand out with more than ordinary prominence. They are the Gardner Family of six persons and the McDon ald Brothers. The former perform nnon horizontal bars, placed at the ton of the huge tent. With such precision of time and accuracy thev repass each other and with giant swings to?s between them two others of the members of the roupe. It is an achievement border- ng on the miraculous and requires the greatest possible strength, skill, daring, courage and grace. The McDonald Bros are a trio of sensational trick cvclists. Upon one, two and three wheel, they go through wonderfully intricate maneu vers, riding backwards and forwards on one wheel ; riding blindfolded, ridi g at breakneck speed down long flights of stairs and going through manv other difficult evolutions. The acts make a really marvelous epcctacle and it is but two act of this natme which Norris and Rowe have provided for our enter tainment this seaFon. The shows will exhibit at Roseburg Monday May 10 died: MILLER. At hia home at Myrtle Creek, April 27, 1904, Jacob aged 79 years. -Miller, Jury List for Alay Term of Court. J A Black, millman, Pass Creek. Ben Huntington, farmer, Yoncalla L L Marsters, hotclkecpcr, Yoncalla S Madis-on, farmer, Kellogg. Darius Wells, farmer, Elkton. W H Lawrence, " Comntock. Leonard Perkins, farmer, Pass Creek. A L Stephens, farmer, Stephens. James L Hunt, farmer, Oakland. Charles McGee, farmer, Oakland. A II Churchill, farmer, Millwood. Frank Conn, farmer, Melrose. Ed Ottinger hotelkeeper, Wilbur. E T Woodruff, farmer, Cleveland. J M Thompson, farmer, Camas Valley Miles Agee, farmer, Brockway. Homer Oatman, merchant, Myrtle Creek. Henry Bushnell, farmer, Olalla. Ed Weaver, farmer, Myrtle Creek. John Stmder Jr. farmer, Oak Creek Almond.Buell, farmer, Looking Glnes, J T Sp.iugh, farmer, Looking Glass, Joe Mahly, farmer, Robehurg. Obediah Barker, farmer, Roseburg. A T Beals, farmer, Days Creek. A H Stewart, farmer, Cunyonvillc. Lewis Ash, farmer, Kiddle. V L Bogard, clerk, Glendale. II A Chamnuignc, stockman, Rose burg. John R Sutherlin, capatilist, Rose burg. Britt Nichols, laborer, Roseburg. I i Real Estate Transfers. Ulysses Flourny et ux, to State Itnd Board, f 15.00; lot 7 of sec 10 tp27 s, oi range w of the w w. II. Wollenberg el ux, to Moes Rice, f 1 00.00; lot 5 in block 55, in the R. R. Add. to City of Roseburg. S. Hamilton et ux, to Geo. H. Devens, $40.00. net,' tec tp 29 e of r sw. Charles N. Cramer, to Anna Kennedy, f 1.00; lot 4 of sec IS in tp 1 e of r 2 w. Ed Olesen et ux, to Andrew Hagenson, I1G00 00; of sec 3d in tp298rS w. Andrew Hagenson, to Christina Oleson J1000.00 ; 4 of sec 20 in tp 2U s r 8 w. Stale of Oregon, to Chas. M. Rice and Ubert H. Schildt f 1600.00; of sec 16 and 30 tp 2S s r4 w. S. C. Flint and H. Wollenberg, to Mary J Moore. $75 00: leginriini: at he ne cor of sec 3 tp 20 s r 6 w running thence s M.7 chs, thence w to s Unip- jua River, thence in a northerly direct ion following the meanders of the river to the place of beginning. Maurice Moore et ux, to State of Ore gon, f 1.00; lot 2 of sec 4 nelr of sw j-r ml nj? and nwl4' of -c 14 in tp 31 s of S w ; lot 0 of sec 29 in tp 16 s r 7 w. Willamette Real EsUte Co., to Cora E. Mosenr, $55.00; lots 9 and 10 in block 14 in town of Yoncalla. Gardiner Mill Co., to State of Oregon $2.1)0; lot 1 se1, sec 6 tp 21 a r 11 w; S sec 33 tp 20 s r 11 w w.!s, swl4. wl4', nel4, ne4 sec S tp21 s r II w; sS, pec tp"U s r ll w; e' se.Sj sec 20 tp 1 e r 10 w ; se4 sec 34 tp 20 s r 10 w ; w nw sec 24 ntg nel4', ne4 net nw4', swl4 nw' sec 26 tp 20 s r 10 w. Cha. A. Austin et ux, to R. A. Jones. $S50.00; lot 5 block 2 in Glendale. Chenoweth Park Orchards Co., to J. C. Skeen. $1 (X); lots 2, 4, 5, 0, 7. S and in block 5 Chenoweth Park. Also 10 acres in sections m nnu sj tp -ji s r ; w. G. D. Baker, to J. C. Skeen, $100; lot 6 block 4 in Chenoweth Park. J. C. Siceen et ux, to George Fromm, $4500.00; lots 2, 4, 5, 9. 7, S, 6, in block and lots 3, 4,5, 6, 7 in block 5 Chen owem rark-. Also 10 acres in sections 20 and 29 tp2l a of r 5 w. Reported by Title Guarantee and I.oan Company. Alasonlc Resolutions. To the W. M. and Brethem of Laurel Lodge A. F. A A. M. Y. tir committee appointed to frame an expression of the feelings of the members of this Ixlge upon the death of our Brother John H. Shune. beg leave to report: That in the death of Brother Shune this lodge lias lost a true and valued brother; ono who by his works and conduct ever showed that he was actu ated by a high eense of his responsibili ty to God, his brethren nnd his fellow- man. Our deceased brother occupied many positions 01 responsibility and trust; and to the discharge of the duties im posed upon him by these positions he lirought a full unilerstanding of the de- tailn thereof, and that integrity which i-hould govern every man in the dis charge of ollu-ial du'ies, together with moral courago to do w hat is right with out fear of the result. Our deceased brother was a kind and affectionate husband and father: an important and useful citizen, and a just nnd upright man and masrn. And in the death of our brother, almost before the sun of life had crossed the meridian, the loss not only falls upon his family, but upon the community in which he lived, tho county and the Stato of Ore gon. llesolral, that to momory of our de ceased brother, tho Charter of this lodge bo draped in mourning, a copy of this report bo spread upon tho records of this lodge mid a copy thereof furnished tho family of deceased and furnished the local newspapers for publication. J. C. Fci.lkhton, i. wou.unhkuii, Simon Cako, Committee. APRIL 19 All persons holding Cash Saler Slips dated April 19 may have them redeemed in cash by presenting them before June 1, We will do the same this month that is present one days sales our customers during flay. JOSEPHSON'S THE BIG STORE The World's Fair Route. Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase Expo sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to over look the a IvanUges offered by the Mis- soORi Pacific Railway, which, on ac- count of its various routes and gateways, a has been appropriately named "The World's Fair Route." Passengers from the Northwest take'. the Missocbi Pacific trains from Den j ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either going direct through Kansas City, or via ! 0 Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill.; Two trains daily from Denver and Pu-, eblo to St. Louis without change, carry ing all classes of modern equipment, in cluding electric lighted observation par-, lor cafe dining cars. Ten daily trains ' between Kansas City and St. Louis. 1 Write, or call on W. C. McBride, Gen-1 eral Agent, 12 Third street, Portland lor ctiaikd iufcimatioii acd illustrate literature. 15-tf Yes ! I am here to stay, and depend on mv W3rk tor vour tuture patronage. If .-ou want your work done in the most, skilled mr liner, so it will stand, do not hesitate to give me a call, as this is what I agree to do. Dr. I'eaeso.v, 33-tf Dentist. Farmers Attention. Highest price paid for poultry, and eggs at the Fish Market, corner Lane and Pine streets. m. 5 MRS. H. E ASTON is u re pa red to wait upon old and new customers and friends with a full and complete stock of GROCERIES-- All fresh and of the very beet quality. Teas aad coffees are specialties. Your patronage solicited. 305 Jackson St. Roseburg N. A. FOSTER & CO., GOVERNMENT LANDS Of every descriytion. Farms and Min eral Lands. Oregon, Washington and Minnesota U23) OAKLAND. OREGON Administrator's Notice. In t'oiiutr Court ot Slate of Oregon lor Rti'tglM County, In tbc mailer ot the eiUto of John II . bhupe. tlfcewl: ... Notice li hetvhy Klien tht the uniiernneu. by order of bor uiraed Co irt, mlo nJ eutetvtl in lhe Journal ol mM Court on April 12th, 1901, piK)iute I admiuuusior 01 me above-named estate. All pvro ,a having cltm asalnst Mid ette are roiuesUd 10 present lhe Ramc.dulj-vvrlOed. within lx tuon ttis f rvim d -te of this notice, and all petons Indebted 10 said eute are request ed to mate Immediate ptyment to tho uuder- iKDt-.l. at his omce. Review ouuuing, bok DuiB.OreKOa. Ualen mis liin uay 01 niroi, tjv. 1. C Fullirtos, Administrator. ctisfaction without extra cost. It is nwxl and endorsed bv the leading men of this county. For circulars and priceh address Stearns A Chenoweth, Oakland, Ore., or S. B. Crouch, Oaklaud, Ore. ly Title Uuarantee&Loan Co. lUMKBUKU, ORKOON. I. O Hamilton, President C. Hamilton, Secy, and TTeaa Office lu the Court House. Havo the onl) com pieu-nel of abstract books In Umlas Oounij Abatrscu and UcrtiUcates ot Title furnished ( UouKlax county land and mining claims. Have also a complete set of Tracings of all township fnaiain me ttm-eourK. ureou, u. iuu uis rict. Will make blue print copies ot auy town ship. Ii. Little, DENTIST. Oakland, Oregon li ifARPFT Elegant Line We are showing a fine line of Lace Curtains which have just arrived. Fifty pairs of Portiere in the latest designs and colorings. r r . i " irra lo I ok uictuaing ine ceieDraiea nenry w. Vjreen snaae, J tne Dest tnat money Can buy. ' I B. W. STRONG'S FURNITURE STORE : ROSEBURG, OREGON When the Mists have Cleared Away You will warn to make quick wprk with your garden. We carry the finest Hue of the cel ebrated Planet Jr. Tools in the county. Send for catalogue, or better, call and see them. CHURCHILL & W00LLEY ROSEBURG, - - - OREGON A Direct Line to Chicago and all points east; Louis ville, Memphis, Sew Orleans, and all points south. See that your ticket reads via the IL LINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Thoroughly modern trains connect with all trans continental lines at St, Paul and Oma ha. If your friends are coming west let us know and we will quote them direct the specially low rates now in effect from all eastern points. Any information as to rates, routes, etc., cheerfully given on application. B. II. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 141 Third St., Portland, Ore. J. C. Lindsey, T.F.&P.A., 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. P. B. Ihompson, F. A P. A., Room 1, Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 84t. 3 J Axminster Velvet and Tapestry Full line of Ingrains Both Wool and Cotton ttt- j oi j - - uow cnaues in City Treasurers' Notice. Notice is hereby given that all parties holding city warrants endorsed prior to Aug. tith, 1902, are requested to present the same to the city treasurer for pay ment, as interest will cease thereon after the date of this notice. Dated Roseburg, Ore., Apr. 5, 1904. H. C. Sloccm, City Treasurer. Whooping Cough. "In the spring of 1901 my children had whooping cough," says Mrs. D. W. Capps, of Capps, Ala. "I used Chan berlain's Cough Remedy with the most satisfactory results. I think this is the best remedy I have ever seen for whoop, ing cough." This remedy keeps the cough loose, lessens the severity and frequency of tho coughing spells and counteracts any tendency toward pneu monia. For sale by A. 0. Maistera & Co. day.