The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 28, 1904, Image 4

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    Semi-Annual Apportionment of County
School Funds, Douglas County.
Following is tlio apportionment to the various districts as made by
the Count' School Superintendent, being $20.00 to each district duo from
last October apportionment, and $40.00 per capita.
Under the new law every pupil in the county will receive during the
year $6.00 from the County fund. The balance of $2.00 per capita, from
the County fund, and about $1.50 from the State fund, will bo apportioned
in October.
1 C W Vail Oakland $ 876 00
2 F W Leonard Wilbur 392 00
S EN Bradford Ila 70 00
4 Miss Clara Dillard Roseburg 3544 00
5 J L Bogcs Koseburg 164 00
6 Albert Karcher Dixonville 250 00
7 J W Newland Ten Mile 212 00
8 E W Elliot Canyonville 732 00
9 J S Gray Gardiner 4C0 00
10 HCockeran Oakland 120 00
11 W F Price Oak ureek 156 00
12 S D Chapman Glide 152 00
13 Cornelia Marsh . Looking Glass 356 00
14 O L Willis Dillard 112 00
15 H H Gidnev Days Creek 350 00
16 IB Nichols Brockway 312 00
17 Ferdie Fortin ' Coles Valley 2(S 00
18 Perry Duncan Dixonville 220 00
19 Jennie Gabbert Myrtle Creek 564 00
20 I A Dean Riddles 188 00
21 Fred Schneider Camas Valley 336 00
22 C E Hasard Drain 856 00
23 Geo W Wilcox Stephens 188 0)
24 SC Jones Oakland 112 00
25 Albert E Clavton Melrose 340 00
26 Sarah A Kanipe Oakland 68 00
27 AC Norris Oakland 100 00
23 Samuel Whittaker Rice Hill 132 00
29 A E Stocker Drain 196 00
' 30 Lilis J Brawn Yoncalla 132 00
31 Lewis Ritchey Drain 22S 00
32 Earnest Helliwell Yoncalla 563 00
33 Robert Hathawav Roseburg 296 00
34 Marv T Wells Elkton 34S 00
35 Mrs S A Clements Elkton 92 00
S6 A E Ozouf Scottsburg 184 00
37 . F G Hatfield Roseburg 76 00
3S Fred Weatherly Scottsburg 140 00
39 PS Durland Oakland 120 (X)
40 John A Winniford Oakland SS 00
41 H C Sheritt Gardiner 100 00
42 a W Johnson Reston 160 00
43 EE LaBrie Melrose 72 00
45 W W Thompson Millwood 123 00
46 Edward A Davison Oakland 76 00
47 W N Moore RucKlea - 124 00
48 W C Winston Roseburg 156 00
49 HZ Ireland Olalla 2JJB 00
50 LA Marstew Cleveland 144 00
51 E S Wertz Yoncalla 132 00
52 G E Brewer Myrtle Creek - 104 00
53 Mrs Kate Brewer Mvrtle Creek 96 00
54 HE Andrews Kellogg 160 00
55 WAiewtrn Myrtle Creek 232 00
56 FA Williams Looking Glass 124 00
.57 Clovd Chaney Mvrtle Creek 2S 00
5S M C Stewart Co'nistock 17S Oo
59 Edgar Walker Dillard 4S 00
CO A F Cole " I Oakland S4 00
61 T J McKean t Drew 316 00
62 Douglas Waite j Roseburg 76 00
63 C H York Gardiner 96 00
64 T C Johns - I Galesville 236 00
65 Lester Blakely i Oak Creek SO 00
66 J A Haines Elkton 160 00
67 JO Gunter Drain 140 00
6S C H Wright Glide 1S2 15
69 H L Engles Peel 8S 00
70 Ira B Riddle Riddle 592 00
71 H S Conn Roseburg 100 00
72 J R Wilson Camas Valley 136 00
73 Arthur Walker Sampson 160 00
74 Lucy Lovelace Elkhead 100 00
75 W A mick Roseburg 72 00
76 Dollie Mumpower Leona 204 00
77 W D Smith Glendale 704 00
78 J R Dixon Roseburg 56 00
79 J J Long Yoncalla 132 00
80 .Blanche L Quant Oakland 72 00
.81 J T Miller Drain 100 00
82 EWLetsom Yoncalla 88 00
83 C E Haskell Gardiner 84 00
84 Mrs May Powell Tvee 80 00
S5 Wm Rader Kellogg 84 00
86 Geo M Swaggart Elkton 100 00
87 AS Chappell , Brockway 52 00
88 Earnest Koepke I Sulphur Springs 84 00
89 Edith I Thompson Yoncalla 100 00
90 Frank Fate Perdue 236 00
91 S W Gass Oakland 112 00
92 J S Dale Glendale 20 00
93 Geo A West Ada 48 00
94 J S McKay Winchester 152 00
95 W A Williams Oakland 116 00
97 Geo T Ledger wood Myrtle Creek 60 00
98 Moses J Towne Gardiner 96 00
99 Miss Florence Adams Kellogg 64 00
100 August FGoettsche Dillard 96 00
101 D C Wood Anlauf 96 00
102 John Campbell Gardiner 72 00
104 W A'McCartv Oakland 96 00
105 Mrs L 8 Dewar Gardiner 8S 00
106 Wm H Service Alene 20 00
107 Hugh M Shiel Olalla 112 00
103 W F L Wright Elkton 83 00
109 Delia McMillen Hoaglin 72 00
110 J W Swank Starvout 96 00
111 R C Brown Roseburg 132 00
112 Roy Griggs Comatock - 128 00
113 Anna A Peck Gardiner 80 00
115 Wm Spiker Oakland 72 00
116 G W Gage Dillard " 200 00
117 Jacob Wessela Gardiner 96 00
118 J T Pyeatt Oak Creek 64 00
119 EE Wilson Galesville 128 00
120 T J Boren Ada 20 00
121 J J Henderer Elkton 108 00
122 Warren McCauley Oakland 80 00
123 Morris Webber Roseburg 104 00
124 J L Perdue Peel 116 00
125 Walter S bunch Ash 76 00
126 Wm Noma Oakland 96 00
127 C R Buschmann Galesville 60 00
128 Gilbert Gilberteon Glendale 172 00
Jt. 1 Martha Hazelton Alma 5S 9o
2 R B Mills Alene - 14 25
3 EE Reynolds Divide 82 70
4 Peter Jordan Templeton 48 20
6 WD Goodwin Earl 51 75
Mrs. Lauman is still quite ill, but the
other sick folks are getting well.
Mr. Bledsoe democratic nominee for
sheriff was smiling on friends here last
Will Beckley has bought the Bennett
Ira Applegate of Hayhuret was com
mitted to the insane asylum last week,
The party at the residence of C. Boss
King laBt Friday evening was greatly
enjoyed by those present. Mr. King
has bought the residence formerly
owned by his father, Dr. King, and will
reside there.
Dick Hanan has bought the Stowell
place, and taken possession. Mr. Han
an and family lived here several years
ago, and have many friends who are
glad to bid them welcome.
The successful ones in the 8th grade
examination were Harry Brawn, Ruth
Helliwell, and Julia Bishop.
Ohio has just passed a local option
law and although it is not as complete
as the one Oregon will have it is a grand
step toward freedom from the curse of
the saloon.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis of Shoestring vis
ited George Applegate's Sunday, and
were accompanied home Monday by
Mrs. Applegate and Verna Tuller. Mr.
Lewis has purchased property near the
Divide and will soon move there.
Mohair Wanted.
' JIt will pay you to see ns before you
sell your mohair,
a 11 Kruso & NqwJand.
Courage la a Blatter
ef the Blood.
food red
blood a
man has a
heart and
poor nerrea.
Anemia means
nest of blood. It is
common in men and
young women and all
those who work indoon.
who do not (jet enough outdoor air and
good oxygen in their lungs. There are too
many white blood corpuscles in such cases,
and there is often a peculiar sound in the
heart, called a murmur, in cases of anemia.
This heart murmur is caused by thinness
of the blood passing through the heart
The murmur of anemia disappears when
the blood regains its natural consistency
and richness. It is not heart disease.
Sometimes people suffer intense pain over
the heart, which is not heart disease, but
caused by the stomach. It is the occasion
of much anxiety, alarm and suffering, for
which its rictim is dependent upon reflex
disturbances from the stomsch caused by
indigestion. In the same way many bad
coughs are dependent upon these reflex
disturbances of what is called the pneutno
gastric nerve. To enrich the blood and
increase the red blood corpuscles therebw
feeding the nerves on rich red blood and
doing away with nervous irritability, take
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
which promotes digestion and assimilation
of food "so that the blood gets its proper
supply of nourishment from the stomach.
Get as near to nature's way as you can. A
medicine made entirely of botanical ex
tracts and which does not contain alcohol is
the safest. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery contains no alcohol or narcotics.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the
best liver pills.
A woman Usually passes through sev-'
eral stnires on her wav to that condition
of semi-iuvalidism which limits the ac
tivities of so many of her sex. For a
time she suffers in silence nnd ignor
ance, not able to relate her sufferings to
their proper cause womauly disease.
When, presently, she makes the discov
ery that her general health is related to
tile local womanly liealtli, sue casts
about for help. She dislikes to see the
physician, she shrinks from talking to a
stranger of the intimate matters of her
woman's life, and when at last misery
drives her to the doctor, her modesty is
up in arms at the faintest hint of exam
ination, aud she finds excuse to put the
matter oft and goes home to endure
another period of suffering.
It would seem a strange thing if the
sacrifice of modesty were necessary to
the restoration of womanly health.
Such a sacrifice is not necessary. Wom
en suffering from womanly ailments in
almost all stages have fouud a perfect
and permanent cure by the use of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
To those women who suffer from dis
ease in chronic form. Dr. Pierce offers
the privilege of free consultation by let
ter, thus avoiding the unpleasant ques
tionings, indelicate examinations and
obnoxious local treatments deemed nec
essary by some local physicians. All
correspondence held as strictly private
and sacredly confidential. Address D"
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N Y.
This offer of free consultation by letter
should not be confused with offers of
"free medical advice" which are made
by persons without medical knowledge or
experience, and who are barred, legally
and professionally, from the practice of
medicine. Though these people cannot
practice medicine, because the law would
be prompt to punish them, they can of
fer " free medical advice." Anybody can
give advice without incurring the pen
alty of the law. It is well to remember,
that the "medical " advice of an unquali
fied person, man or woman, is worse
than worthless; it is absolutely danger
ous. As chief consulting phvsician to the
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
Buffalo, N. Y., Dr. Pierce, assisted by
his staff of nearly a score of physicians,
has, in a little more than thirty years,
treated and cured hundreds of thousands
of weak and sick women. Write, there
fore, to Dr. Pierce, and get the opinion
of a specialist upon your disease.
"About two years ago my health be
came very poor," writes Mrs. Winnie
Hamilton, ot Akron, Plymouth County,
Iowa. "I suffered with pain and sore
ness in left side of abdomen and such
bearing-down pains across me. Could
scarcely walk at times, and would have
to go to bed until I felt better. I was
tola by a physician that my complaint
Socialist Growth Proves a Surprise,
"The growth of Socialism will be the
great surprise to both the parties during
the coming campaign," said Wilbur
Wakeman, head of the American protec
tive association, who is in Washington to
call upon the President. Mr. Wake-
man has made a scientific study of po
litical and social conditions in the coun
try for a number of yearar Ho has
some rather startling conclusions, which
he has brought to Washington and
which he tehs the leaders of his party
were developed through the work of in
vestigation of the association of which
he is the head. The association fought
to sound sentiment throughout the
country on the question of protection,
and because of the agitation of the tariff
question, and the popular belief that
most of the sentiment in favor of tariff
revision is confined to the Northwest, it
was in that particular part of the coun
try that inquiries were made.
Tiie investigation was conducted
through the medium of "first voters'
bureaus." The most minuto inquiries
were made in Oregon. Ihe occasion
lor this was a most natural one. Ore
gon holds her election in June, and n5 it
will be the first of the state election?,
11 was tue desire ol the association to
sound sentiment there, so that it could
ue ascenaineu wueiner or not there is
to be a great political upheaval. It was
also desired to sound eentimeut there
because of the possible view that would
be taken that the Oregon elections would
be an index to the results later in other
Tho discovery that most surprised the
investigators was that the stato is hon
eycombed with Socialism. Turning
from that state to a general survey of
the country, the growth of the move
ment is particularly noticeable in all of
the larger cities. Recently in Milwau
kee the Socialists polled almost as many
votes as the Republicans, and there
were five times as" many Socialist votes
as thero had been 111 tho previous elcc-
on. In Chicago the growth of Social-
-im is shown by tho recent overwhelm
ing vote in favor of the public ownership
of the street railways. One of tho lead
ing republican politicians of tho state
of Illinois, when asked about the claims
of the Democrats that Illinois would bo
a doubtful state in the coming general
election, said : "The only 'thing that
makes it doubtful is the possible atti
tude of the Socialists in Chicago. Tho
Democrats are not bothering us at all."
He went on to explain that tho labor
element in the city is showing Bigns of
great dissatisfaction, and without indi
cating what tho occasion for it is. If
they centered'their dissatisfaction about
any one particular condition or issue
tho old parties would be able to deal
with it, just as they are able to deal
with any'.hing which is tangible.
Now the only movement that seems!
to havo any defi likeness is the dcmaiid
which the labor clement Eeems bpnt on
making that tho candidates for all of
fices will pledge themeelvcs to snpiwrt
public ownership of public utilities
This will bo a hard pill for soino of tho
old conservatives toswall-.w, and shows,
that behind the unrest and disBatisfae-(
tiM&3Mi aiSssssssia wfii!3!HBiHKBBBBiiWiM U
Was ulceration o! tho utettis. but t.M
nothing for it at tilt time, but as I ad
ually grew worse 1 began to see that I
must do something! and having read a
great deal about Dr. Pierce's remedies, I
resolved to consult him in regard to my
complaint I did so, and received an
answer advising me to try his medicines
' Favorite rrescnption ' anu uoiuen
Medical Discovery.
T rrrw1iriMl
medicines as soon as I could and began
the use of them. I have taken four bot
tles of ' Favorite Prescription ' and two
of ' Golden Medical Discovery,' and used
also the local treatment advised by Dr.
Pierce. I experienced relief almost from
the first, as it aluiost immediately re
lieved the bearing-down pains, and in
about two months' time I felt that my
health was wonderfully improved. I
can most heartily recommend Doctor
Pierce's remedies to anyone suffering
from any similar complaint, and feel sure
that if thev will consult
, ... -
Dr. Pierce, they need
suffer no longer."
Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription makes weak
women strong and sick
women well. It estab
lishes regularity, dries
disagreeable and un
healthy drains, heals in
flammation and ulcera
tion, and cures female
weakness. It is the best
preparative for materni
ty, giving mental cheer
fulness and physical
strength and making the
baby's advent practically
painless. As a tonic foi
weak, worn-out, run
down women and nurs
ing mothers, "Favorite
Prescription " is unsur
passed. It is a pure veg
etable preparation and
cannot disagree wi'Ji the
most delicate constitu
Do not delay the use of " Favorite Pre
scription " if you have any symptoms of
womanly disease. Why drag around for
years, enduring useless suffering, when
a remedy that has cured hundreds of
thousands of weak and sick women is
right within your reach ? Get " Favorite
Prescription," take it, and be well.
"When I first commenced using
Dr. Pierce's medicines," writes Mrs.
Geo. A. Strong, of Gansevoort, Saratoga
County, N. Y., "I was suffering from
female weakness, a disagreeable ilrata
bearing -down pains, weak and tired
feeling all the time. I dragged around
in that way for two years, and then I
began taking your medicine. After
taking the first bottle I began to feel
better. I took four bottles of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription, two of 'Golden
Medical Discovery,' and one vial of the
Pleasant Pellets,' also used one bottle of
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Now I feel
like a new person. I can't thank you
enough for your kind advice and the
good your medicine has'done me.
"I hare a sister who is taking your
medicine, and it is helping her."
Whenever a laxative medicine is re
quired, use Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
with "Favorite Prescription," as they
assist the action of that remedy.
Sometimes a dealer, tempted by the
little more profit paid on tue sale of less
meritorious preparations, will offer a
substitute for " Favorite Prescription " as
"just as good." Judged by its records of
cures of womanly ills, there is no other
medicine just as good as " 1-avont
The questions which many a woman
longs to ask are answered fully and
freelv in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser. This great book, con
taining more than a thousand large
paces, is full of wisdom for women, both
single and married. It is sent free
on receipt of stamps to pay expense ot
mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps
lor the cloth-bound volume, or only 21
stamps for the book in paper covers.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
tion there is the leaven of Socialism
The study which has been made of the
question will be of value to the Repub
lican natioanl committe, which will take
nptbe matter of devising ways and
means of meeting this growth of sent!
merit as soon as it is organized after the
Chicago convention.
Ksv. Zimmerman aid
their homestead on South
last week.
wife, visited
Mvrtle Creek
Geo. Russell, who has liecn employed
at ine ireeniMCK mine the past year.
made a flying visit home lat week.
Miss Byrde Klliot, has gone to Eugene
for an extended visit with relatives.
L. M. Dubell and family will leave for
Gold Hill, this week for the benefit of
Mr. Duboll's health.
Grandma Gibbs has returned to her
home in Myrtle Cre'k, alter spending
tho winter with her eon J. C. Gibbs
H. J. Wilson, is having lumber hauled
for a new house. Rumor says that Mr,
Wilson and family aro to occupy it as
soon as completed.
Several young people from heio at
tended a dance at Riddle Friday even
ing. 1
Mrc. Thos. Dyer, of Riddle, accom
panied ny Fred Stoirnes, visited their
sister, Mrs. F. G. Mclntyre, last week
Revival-services have been in progress
the past week, at the Baptist church,
conducted by Revs. Turner and Heard
Little Mario DeVoro, daughter of Dr.
DeVore, has been dangerously ill for
several days with tonsilitis. Her condi
tion shows Eome improvement today,
Mrs. J. C. Gib ls and daughter, Miss
Oaka, left Sunday for tho Greenback
mines, whoro thoy will bo in chargo
of the culinary department,
This section was visited by a frost
Thursday and Friday nights, but little
damage was dono.
Best Cough Medicine for Children
When you buy a cough medicino for
small children you want one in which
you can place implicit confidence. You
want one that not only relieves but
cures. You want ono that is unques
tionable harmless. You want ono that
is pleasant to tako. Chamberlain s
Cough Remedy meets all of these con
ditions. Thero ia nothing so good for
coughs and colds incident to childhood.
It is also a certain preventive and euro
for croup, and thero is no danger what
ever from whooping cough when it is
given. It has been used in many epi-
loniics of that disease with perfect suc
cess. or sale by A. C. Marstor & Co.
City Treasurers' Notice.
Notice is hereby given that all parties
holding city warrants endorsed prior to
1 Aug. tlth, 1902, aro requested to present
the same to the rity treasurer for pay
ment, as Intorcst will cease thoreon after
the date of this notice.
Dated Roseburg, Ore!, Apr. C, 1901.
II. C. S1.00 M,
City Treasurer.
SoclaliU ftuinty Convention,
Notice la hereby olVefa that there will
be held In the county cotirthouee, In the
city of Roeebtlrg, on Saturday, the 23d
day of April, 1904, beginning at the hour
of 10 o'clock In the morning a mass
convention of the socialist party, for the
puriwso of placing In nomination candi
dates for the various coUnty officers, to
bo voted for at the general election in
June, 1904. All socialists aro requested
to attend.
Wo would especially urge those from
a distance, to make an effort to have
their precincts represented.
Done by order of the Co. Committo,
R. C. Buow.v, Chairman.
Caul Hoffman, Secretary. 22 Owka
Nothing Equal to Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
R. medy for Bowel Com
plaints in Children.
"W have used Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our
family for years," says Mrs. J. B. Cooke
of Nederland, Texas. "Wo have given
it to our children. We havo used other
medicines for tho samo purpose, but
never found anything to equal Cham
berlain's. If you will uce it as directed
it will always euro." For sale by A. C.
MHrstors h Co.
Society fftt:sUL.b..
AF. A A. M. Laurel Lodgo No. 13.
Holds regular meetings on second
' And f urtb WtstnewIayB ol encl.
month. J. T. Bridges, W. M.
N. T.JawkTT, Heertaary.
O. ELKS. Jtot-ebure Lodge So
326. Holde regular cummunica-
tioo8 at I O. O. F. Hall on fwani)
And fourth Thurtdaye of each month.
All mumburs requested to aitend regn
larlv and all visiting brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
F. B. Wa.tx, K. K.
Roy McClallth, Secretarv.
I .O.N. , metis at Aimorj Hall every
innrway evrmrikr, at 8 o'clock.
F. B. Hajcux, Capl.
O. r . i'mletaritn Ixxiiie No. S.
Me-1 in Odd telloHu Temple, air
nor jitcxeoD anu 1;m otrtwt. on
atuMa evening ol Midi we-k Mem
hers ol tht order in pvl eicndins ar
invito! to attend.
J. C TwrrcuEu., S. it.
N.T Jkwktt, scrcUry.
ol P. Alpha LwlKf Ho 47. Mee-J
t-vrry elneeday, in I. O. O. F
Hall a. :30 p. m. Mrmbxra ii,
j Kd si inding art? invitwi to attend
Geo. W. Kimball. C. C.
I U1KULE. No. 19, Women of
I Woodcraft, Meota on 2nd and 4th
- tndnTe of each month at the I.
O.O. r. HH. VWting members t
good rtamltng are Invited to aitend.
Minnie Jones, Gnardian Neighbor.
Bell Morian, Secretary.
Second and Fourth Thursdays.
t. H. RoMburz Chanter No. 8
Holds their regular meeting on the
first and third ThnrsdaTe in each
nonlh Visiting members in pood
iianuing are respecuuiiy invitfd to at
tend. Maude Rast, W. M
Regina Rast, Secretary.
Camn No. 12S. Meets at the Odd
Fellows' Hall, in Roeebors. everv
arst and third Monday evening. Visit
ing neighbors alvava welcome.
N. T. Jkwett. C. C.
J. A. BrcrtAKAic, Clerk.
Professional Cards.
Court IIoum
Q V FlSHEit, M. D,
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. O. Rosebush,
'Phone Main 591. Oregon.
Abraham blk
ove Pull OlSco
Roseburg, Ore.
Physcian & Surgeon.
iiSir Rrrlew Bin.
Fhoue, Main 11
Herlcw Building,
relophona No. 4.
M. Crawford J. O. Watson
Attorneys at Law,
KoomilAl, Bank Build.. 301HBDRU, OH.
SW Bunlnet before th O 8 LandOBceand
lafnlns Caw a ipoclaltT.
Roskruuq, Oregon.
BnMnoAv belore VS. A. Land Otaceand Probate
buunrai a rocclaltr.
OQce Abraham BulIdlnK.
Wtl practlco In all thotUala and Federal Court
Offlce in Marti' Bid., Rocburjr, Oregon.
Dank Itulldli.g ROSEBURQ, ORKGOH
A, BUCHANAN, Notary Public,
Collections a Specialty.
Room .1
Manteri Bn l llne. KOKBQRd, o
Osteopathic Physician
A OriiKlcs method nf hmllnK All ditcves
reniKiud u Iho ttiMtmuiit. I'oukiiltatlon free.
Ofllce ovr tin- l'oM omco. l'h mo No. 101
Horn V to 12 A. M., 2 to 6 P. M. 1
llcaMciibc II. D.Urms place. I'll' no No l!9i
Oakland Owl Hoofs.
A. B, Smith returned from Portland.
Sunday morning.
Mies Ellen Prior was In the city, from
Oak prove, Saturday,
Avon Smith, tho Yellow creek saw
mill man, was in the eity, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jones, of Ash
land, are visiting relatives in and near
James Medley has returned from
Medford and other points in Southern
Clyde Ueckley, of Elkton, is again be
hind tho counters in Beckley Brothers'
Miss Hattie Settle, the popular teach
er at Tyee, was in tho city, Sdlurday
and Sunday.
Harry Stearns went to Yoncalla,
Monday morning, to tako charge of the
branch store of Stearns & Chenoweth.
C. L Beckley and W. C. Underwood
havo been elected delegates to attend
the grand lodge, I. O O. F., in Astoria,
May IS. Mrs. Underwood is a delegate
from Liberty Rebekah Lodge.
Road Suj)ervibor J. L. Hunt has re
ceived an improved road grader from
Portland. If the machine proves satis
factory it will perhaps be purchased by
the county commissioners.
Miss Alice Fisher was a Roseburg vis
itor, yeste-day.
J. J.JFerbe r, of Dodge Canyon, was in
the city, Tuefday.
Sherman Fortin, of Coles Valley, w
in the city, Tuesday.
Charley Allen and Fred Beidler 2
sorely alllicted with boils.
II. R. Dimmick is deputy assessor at
Elkton. A good selection.
Alias Lura Piukfton has returned from
a week's absence in and near Wilbur.
Will Gammon, a difetinguinhed Tyee
of Lower Calapooia, permitted Oakland
friends to baek in the sunlight of his
smiles, Tuesday.
Mrs George Armstrong and children
went to Salem, Tuesday. From there
they will go to Colorado. They will be
away teveral months, visiting relatives.
Milton Lammon, a former rea'dent of
Shoestring, has retnn-d from an ab
sence of over four years. Mr. I .amnion
was near GoMendalc, Washington, most
of the time.
While cutting wood near Rice Hill,
jetterday, ClHinie Birdfall accidentally
cut a frightful a4h in his face, with a
double bitted x. Dr. Gilmour dre?J
the wound.
A.H.Brown, a well known timber
dealer, has returned from Arizona. Mr.
Brown has traveled over a greater por
tion of the clobv, the past few months.
He was in Japan, but left before the
war began.
Many friends were pleaded to see Mrs.
Martha Iieckley on the streets, Satur
day. This is the first time she has been
down town for several months. It is
hoped she may find permanent relief
from severe attacks of asthma.
The first of the week Steve Short cap
tared sven coyotes, two full grown and
five young ones, in Coles Valley. Mr.
Short and his father, Capt. G. W.
Short, of Wilbur, have perhaps the best
pack of hounds in the state, two of Uiem
coming from Tennessee.
C. R. Hilton arrived from San Fran
cisco, Sunday morning. Mr. Hilton was
honorably discharged from the United
States army a few Jays ago, after serv
ing "Uncle Sam" faithfully, the- past
four years, in the Philippines. He is
originally from Loyal, Wisconsin, and
comes well recommended by several
former residents of that state now re
siding in and near this citv. As a
Gash Given Away fo Users of
We are coing to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of Lion Coffee. Not only will the
Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be Cood, as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we
have always given our customers, but .
In Addition fo the Regular Free Premiums
mfvf..1;1?11"111-11110 V0 cstimates ,n ar $50,000.00 Grand Prize Contests, which wffl
make some of our patrons nch men and women. You can send In as many estimates assired.w wfllbo
Tho first contest will be cn the July 4th attendance at the St. Xoais World's Fain the second relates to ToiaJ
Ir"1 Caf rv-8'- will be distributed faSl To! to e2S.lxSkf
940,000.00 on the two, and, to make it still more interesting in m. . ii7tS f
Brand First Prizt
Five Lion-Heads
cut from Lion
Coffee- Packages and a
a cent stamp entitle you
(in addition to the reg
ular free premiums)
to one vote in
either contest:
What wm bo to total July 4th ttendnc at tho St.Lonli
World'i Fair? At Calcaco. Jut? 4. 1833. tho attendance was 183.273.
For nearest comet estimates recelred la Woolson Splco Cora
pany'a office, Toledo, Ohio, on or before Jnno 30th. 1904. w wfU
bit first prize (or the nearest correct estimate, second prize to the
seat nsareit, etc etc, as follows:
1 Ftrat Prlia sa.BOO.oo
1 second Prise
a Prises jooo.OO each
O'Prlaei aoo.oo
lO Prizes 100.00 "
ao Prises 60.00 "
CO Prises 20.00
aso Prises 10.00 "
1800 Prises B.OO
3130 PRIZES,
4279 PRIZES -
Distributed te the Pub!le-ameatiir S45.Q00.00-.fa iUIUm i
ti Braean' Clerks (sea partlealars la UOH COFFEE tans) waklag
to buy a
to buy a
a house
l house
rent a
II yu don't know TAT
F P fla
C-ill nn :ra!lre .,
3. K.
Aent For D0UGLA5
Ho! for St. Louis and th World's Fair
Xatnre's Art Gallery of Uh;
ii P trartions at St-Ijouis. T'ii
WwW returning via the "SLt.S xC
Write for illustrated booklet of. Colorado's famous sights and resorts
W. C. flcBRIDE, General' Agent,
124 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON
teacher in the public schools he lias few
K. I W.nidford has purchased the
farm Iwlonging to the James Chenoweth
estate, a few miles south of his city.
This ia a valuable piece of property and
contains over 700 acres. Alter looking
over varioas portions of Washington,
Mr. Winniford is now fully satisfied
Douglas county is good enough for
How's This?
We offer One Hondered Dollars Ra
ward for any case of Catarrh that canno
be cured -by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chexet & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersicned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in aU
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Waldixg, Kixxax & Mabyut,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
of $5,000.00
. Tiff 019 P?Pohtt Vote east tor SresldeBt (rotee
(SC1? candidate cornblral) at the election Noxaber 8. 1964? la
1900 clccUon.13.SS9.653 people voted lor President. Fornearestce
rect cstimates recctred In Woolson Spice Co.'s. oOce. Toledo, O..
on or before M or. S. 1904 wo wffl tfro first prbte for tho nearest cor
rect estimate, second prfae to the next aearest, etc. etc. as toBoww
1 First Prize nitnnnn
1 Second. Prise
3 Prlzea SSOO.OO eaca
O Prises 200.00
lO Prizes 100.00 "
SO Prises CO.OO
60 Prises ao.OO
250 Prises 10.00
180O Prises O.OO "
2139 PBIXXS.
TOTAL, $20,000.00
1 HI
liorldnn Contractor
'"" puui aid Boildor
IS Kim
White family And Tailor
ing Rotory Sewing Mach
incs. Machines with
Rotary Lift
BE TilLR ?
RH-kk.i5 in' ml iit'--i lo the at-
ti iniiv !- tmj bv going or
Halls Catarrh Cure w taken internal
ly, acting direcUy upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the 'system. Testi
monial? sent free. Price 75 cents per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa
tion. For Sale Cheap.
245 acres stock or dairy ranch Z4
miles Eontheast of Myrtle Point, Oregon.
Fine new house, good out buildings.
Will sell with or without stock and for,
niture. Have; good object for selling.
For particulars address
Carl W. Pressly,
Myrtle Point, Orel
A Canyonillve Itera.
ror mxU days, commencing March.
10, I will si AT COST, for cash, furni
ture, hardware, tinware and granite
ware. Come early to secure Jgood bar
gains, for this offer will hold good only
for the length of time aforestated.
2)-m 1 Johx E. Love.
Mxt ilavs. commencing
to the one who is nearest correct on hotk
eos testa, and thus your estimates have two
opportunities of winningabig cash px&e.
Printed blanks to
vote on found in
every Lion Coffee Pack
age. The a cent stamp
covers the expense of
our acknowledgment to
you that, your es
timate is recorded;
1 ,000.00
- 1,000.00
total, sao.ooaoo
wklck-w tkit !
a grawl tatil ii $f i.Ht.fV.