The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 28, 1904, Image 3

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It's the Quality that Keeps the Customers
Our Spring goods that are constantly arriving are well known for their
qualit3 It is a pleasure for us to show this beautiful Hue. All we ask is for
you to give us the opportuuitv.
Note that our clothing fits well and is up to date, our Dross Goods, are
nobby and pretty, our Shoes are staunch aud comfortable, our Hats are stylish
and shapely, our Furnishings are new aud nobby, our Wash Goods are pretty
and cheap in price.
The People's Store
One Door Southof P. O.
Cor. Washington
and Main Streets
Mrs. Belle Collins
Jr'a. Cheadle & Johnson, dentista
work guaranteed.
Cheadle & Johnson, dentists.
work guaranteed.
Osteopathy is founded on the most
scientific methods. 30 tf
W. V. Cardwell spent Weduesday in
Eugene, on legal business.
Ed Riddle, of Riddle, was a Roseburg
Iiu in,ss,vi..itor, Tuesday.
Gi- K Wilson, the special land
agent, u in tl.o city o-i liiis'nesa.
Rev. X. .!. U:ir .it will ' in Yoncalla,
next Sund.iv, iiiste.ul K .onbower.
Boys' clothing, ft mn t to 14 years, a
variety of kinds, A 1' CO.VT, Ash A. Att
well. A marriage licence has Utn issued to
John H. Barker ami Lor.i .1 Eturick, of
Mrs. A H mirs-i of thi- city, visited
friends an.l relatives at O.iLlan-1, this
The V. C. T. U viil -i t at the
home of Mr3. O t u-lix, April 29,
at 2:30 p. 111.
J. H. Price, of Olympia, Wash., is
looking after business matters in this
county this week.
Mrs. Maneen and daughter, of Port
land, are the guests of Miss Mabel Van
Bnren, of this city.
Plain sewing and dressmaking is solic
ited bv Mrs. Wooten on the corner of
Oak and Stephens streete,
Mrs. John Valentine, of Drain, who
has been visiting her husband, at the
f-'oldiers' Home, has returned home,
Geo.W. Myers, who recently arrived
here from Virginia, has decided to lo
cate at Junction City and will soon
move his family to that place.
Cabinet photos. $2.50 per dozen, and
other sizes accordingly, for a short time,
at the Sunbeam Photo Parlors. 31-1 m-p
Mrs. E
For Good Pictures and
Fair Prices 60 To
Smith's Sunbeam
Photo Parlors
(:): lilt it Lne Sts.,,
Roseburg, - Ore.
Abstract of Title to Deeded Land.
Tapers prepared for filing on Govern
ment Land.
Blue P'int of Township Maps showing
all v&ouilLaads.
Architect, Abstracter.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures
Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 416
Resident Piano Tuner
Best References. Leave Orders
at Birr's Maslc Store
And Other Beautiful Flowers
Send Postal Card
for 1904 Catalog
P OR T L A H D 0 R E G 0 H h1"8 plac8 by c-L Levensod and Wi,,is
her husband.
Log Cabin Creams at Currier's.
See Bell Sisters' $2.00 trimmed hair,
Osteopathy cures when other methods
fail. 30-tf
Wood for salo. Leave order with J. F,
Barker. , tf
J. B. Waite left this morning for
Portland on business.
It is our own fault if you are not
well. Try Osteopathy. 30-tf
C. H. Wricht. of Glide, was in this
city on business Wednesday."
The foresters, have purchased a new
piano for their hall in this city.
W. S. Turnell, of Peel, was registered
at the McClallen House Wednesday.
Mrs. L. T. Vial, of Portland, is the
guest of her son, L. J. Vial, of this city.
If it is a "Floral" it is tho latest and it
can bo had at Stratfords gallery only.
Register now, so you can vote for the
President. Books close May 15 regis
ter now.
J. C. Kent and William Buckston, of
Brockway, were Roseburg visitors Wed
Attornlea Loiirt find ButJlianarf haVO
returned from Uoos'ttrantyi -where they
were attending circuit court.
Norman Throne, bookkeeper at tho
Douglas County Bank, expects Ii'ib fam
ily lo arrive hero soon, from tho lvast.
O. R. Huthawiiy, of Salein, C. 1.
Stephens, of Winchester, Ool. J. A.
Wnddlo and O. W. Taylor, ol rortlanu,
aro registered ut tho McClallun Houso.
County Treasurer Geo. W. Dimmick,
will leave for Kellogg this evening 10
visit Jas. T. Cooper, who is quite
seriously ill. "
Miss Kdnu Martin, of Cottago Grove,
has arrived in this city to accept a posi
tion as night operator at tho local tele
phone exchange.
Thomas Thomas and family expect to
leave soon for their homestead, in Clack
amas county, and will be absent until
late next January.
Cyrua-Powell, a former resident of this
vicinity, but now a farmer of Clackamas
county near Oregon City, is in this city
visiting old friends and attending to
business matters.
There will be a school entertainment
at Riddle Friday evening followed by a
picnic Saturday. Prof. I'atterson aud
Supcriutetidaiit F. B. Hamlin, have
been invited to mako short speeches.
Yes I I am hero to stay, and depend
on my work for your future patronage.
If you want your work done 111 tho most
skilled manner, so it will stand, do not
hesitate to give me a call, as this Is what
1 agree to do. Du. 1'kauso.v, ,
33 tf Dentist
In all probability raiu will interfere
with the ball games scheduled for &a
lem and Kugeiie today. A message to
the Plaixuealeh received at 2 o'clock
this afternoon stated " was raining
hard at both places.
The K. O. T. M. building committee
have closed the deal for the purchase of
the Sheridan property at the corner of
Cass aud Pine streets aud will immedi
ately make arrangements for the con
struction of their two-story building ftu
bv 110 feet.
Arrangements have been made where
by a local iusilitute for the teachers
of the vicinity of Drain will be held at
that place May Cth, and 7th. Profs.
Dempster, Grant, Brown, Davis, Agee,
Stewart, Wilson, aud Dunham, have
been invited to be present and Uke part.
V. L. Bogard of G lend ale, accom
panied by his family, passed through
this city on this morning's local for
Drain, from where they will go to Kel-.
iogt: to attend the bedside of Mrs. Bo
gird's father, Ho. Jas. T. Cooper who
: :
During the month of April we will issue With every cash purchase a dated duplicate sales check stating
the amount of your purchase. At the end of the month a date will be selected and every person holding
checks of that date will have their purchase money refunded. In other words we are going to present to uur
customers the amount of one days sales. We are not doing this in a philanthropic mood but as one way of
advertising. We want you to become better acquainted with our store and when you do this we are confident
of making you oui' steady customers. The date will not be selected until May 1st. In order to make this a
more momentous event wo will from time to time offer special inducements in the line of special sales. Re
memoer your mouey'back if you are lucky.
Special No. 1
Men's Black Russia Calf Shoes,
New Styles and New Goods.. The Re
nowned Florsheim make. A fairly com
plete line of sizes.
Regular price, - $3-50 & $ 4.00
Money back sale price - - $2.60
Special No. 2
Ten patterns Scotch flannel waist
ings, new patterns, will wash without
loosing color, unexcelled for shirt waists,
boys' waists or summer suits in three
qualities which sold for 40, 65 & 75 cts.
75c grade Mosey back Sale Price 53c
65c " " " 43c
40c " " 27c
Our Spring Stock is now almost Complete ""f'.
to styles are new, our onces are rurht.
- A O
Be sure to ask for a duplicate sales check when making cash purchases. All materials shrunk by our new
steam process free of charge.
New Golf Shirts, Ladies aud Men's Shoes, Summer Dress Goods, Laces and Embroidries, Underwear
Boy's Clothing, Hosiery, Calicces, Ginghams, and Millinery.
NOTICE: The above money back offer applies only to cash purchases not to money paid on account or charge sales
Club Muslcale.
The World's Fair Route.
The annual musicale of the Mental Those anticipating an Kastern trip, or
Culture Club with which the year s
work close, will be given tonight at
the spacious west side home of the
club's popular treasurer, Mrs. J. C.
Fullerton. The club is just closing a
year which has proven very pleasant
and helpful to all its members, more so
perhaps than any of its predecessors.
The Fullerton home has been
F. M. Good and Edward Von Pessel,
of Cleveland, were in this city on busi-l is quite seriously ill at tha place
ness tnis weeK. n. ,t, ;. iv,,.. f v-u- vrk
If jou want good fresh fish and shell has introduced a bill amending the irn
nsn, can at tne msu aiaricet, corner migration laws by adding a proviso to
lne ana line streets. in o ti,- head tax requirement. for the tmr-
You should never submit to an opera- rose of preventing discrimination in
ttnn ,int,l vnn imvn iMiifitiltMi vnnr Oi-1 (tvnr nf rprlnin Inrnin lueamMnn line4
teonathic nhvsician. 30-tf bv foreicn coveruments. Tne amend- t,ie occasion, many bowls and
Rov Slooer left this morninc for Eu- ment iustiucta the secretary of com
gene where he will spend a few days at- merce and labor to levy an additional I tax of 30 on each incoming alien, in
addition to the f-D neati lax, wnen sucn
discrimination shall be shown to exiet,
unless the alien arrives in an American
owned vessel.'
a visit to the Louisiana Purchase Expo
sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to over
look the advantages offered by the Mis
souri Paohc Railwat, which, on ac-
' count of its various routes and gateways, J
has been appropriately named "The
World's Fair Route." " !
Passengers from the Northwest tike 2
the Missouri Pjiofic trains from Den J
Feed vour chickens ground oyster
shells, Buv them at the Fish Market,
corner, Lane and Pine streets. m 5
You probably never saw folder photo
at less than 13.00 per dozen they are
f 4.0.' and up at Stratfords. See them.
J. L. Lombard goes to Roseburg Wed
nesday to take charge of plastering work
on the new high school building. Eu
gene Register. .
G. C. Farrell, third trick operator at
the depot here, who was located at West
L. Fisher of Roseburg is vis- Scio for a few days during an emergency.
iting at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wni. Preston. Eugene Register.
O. H. Buell. one of Looking Glass'
most prominent citizens, was in this city
attending to business matters Wednes
Geo. Haynes, a former Roseburg boy
i and brother of F. W. Haynes. the den
tist, is in this city on a Ehort visit. Mr.
Haynes is a piano player and a member-
of the orchestra at the new Olympia
I Theater in Portland.
Hon. A. M. Crawford passed tlirough
has returned to work at this station.
Mrs. Eliza J. Hanan of Ashland who
has been visiting in this city with rela
tives left this morning for ioncalla to
visit with her son, Richard Hanan.
Our spring line of carpets has arrived,
and ws are prepared to fit up your house
in the latest designs and colorings. Call
and examine for yourself. B. W. Strong
the Furniture man.
Mrs. K. N. Chapman and two chil
dren, left yesterday morning for Santa
Clara, Colorado, to join Mr. Chapman,
who has located in the stock business
this city last night on his way to Myrtle there,
Creek, where he will assist in taking
evidence in the Kramer-Johnson water
right cace: Mr. Crawford was joined at
Notice for Publication.
TJ. 8. txna Office. Bojerrar
March 22,1801.
Jniea 71.enUUe"ABet for tt ol of
K,T1ii ma WtMeto Territory." jUnd
dtoJlU yabltc lind tf ctof Anuit
Nora Kohlhaeen
of Boetur. county of Doujlu. Ute of Ore-
kUtemntKo60 for tbe purchase of the lot
3. . nortkrwt quarter of the Southwett quartet
of ectIoniS.townt(ifi3l) aouth. range 7 west
aad win offtr proof to fhow that th land ton rht
rr for It tlmhar or Itost than
for agricultural purpoiea, and to establish hU
ilalra before theBeititer and BclTr ol this
The confectionary store of Wm. Cur
rier, was entered by burglars last night,
I and the cash register removed to the
back porch and opened, but as Mr. Cur
rier does not leave any money in it the
hnrolarv was fruitless. Entrance was
gained through the back window which
nun not fastened. The burglar lelt no
T. D. Weather(ord and Emory Mars
tera have purchasd the barber shop of
W. G. Farrar formerly owned Dy fioyd
Woodruff Mr. Weatherford is an ex
oerienced barber, having for the past
ffiet&t dTof May. iflot. she year conducted a shop in the Roseburg man bakery opposite tho
nameaaawltneajei: Edwara u lnor, ueoree
Legu.PCRrui of Koebuns. Oregon, cam
BalUinger, of Brockway. Oregon.
Any and all person claiming ad Tersely
.vsrri AMurrihtA lands are requested to
thoirrlalma In this office on or beli
ore said Slst
day of Uay 1901,
J.T. Batoars, Register.
Notice of Forfeiture.
Oottaee Grove, Lane County, State of Oregon,
March 26. 190t
To E. C Gunn as administrator of the etate
Of D. B. Colton, deceased, and to Mrs. T. F. Wll
aon.Mrs.Clatk J. TIdel,MSs Carrie E. Mason.
Miss Mar Mason, Erastus uoiun, k" .
andE-C. Gunn. heirs at law of said D.B. Col
ton. deceased, and to all other persons claim
ing any right, title or interest, either .In law
or equity in or to the mining claim herein
after described, as heirs of the said D.B. Col
ion, deceased or otherwise:
You and each of jou are hereby notified, that
Lthe undersigned, have expended money and
reformed labor and wo.ktotbe amount of
nteBundred Dollars, upon the "Homer" lode
mmlngcialin. situated in the Bohemia Mining
mining w . nouKiu, BUte ol
DIstnci, in w
hotel, near the depot. Mr. Marsters is
o ciUnnnn Douelas county boy who
has a host of friends. lm-33
Will and Seth Dixon, of Seligman,
Arizona, arrived in this city Tuesday
evening for a visit with their father, R.
B. Dixon. Those two uougiaa couuiy
boys are conducting a large sheep ranch
! Arizona, having eeveral thousand
head of fine sheep
nveraeeof over nine
Ash it Attwell have completed box
ing the remainder of the old Hildehrand
stock for shipment to their new store at
Stevens, Wash. Mr. Attwell will leave
here next Friday or Saturday.
A suit for divorce has been filed by
Stella Tramel from George Tramel.
The parties were married in Roseburg
Nov. 4, 1!K)2. Grounds for divorce are
given as desertion, itiey have no
Leon M. Jones, a former Roseburg
boy, was in this city yesterday in tho in
tereats of the Eiler Piano Houses, of
Portland. Mr. Jones is an expert musi
dan, and will be remembered as the
leader of the once famous Junior Band
of this city.
O. Jennings has purchased tho Nor-
J. O. Johnson
property on Jackson street, and will
have entire control of that institution
after May 1st. Mr. Jennings is a first
class baker and well known here, having
opened 'the TJmpqua bakery several
years ago.
Joseph Micelli, proprietor of tho local
brick yard, has just .received a fine new
brick manufacturing machine, having
The Eugene Court Martial., Or., Aprjl 20 The court-
martial for trial of dpt. J. M. Will
iams, company C, Lieutenant Babb, Pri
vates Wade and Ora Wilton, company
A, which began yesterday at 4 o'clock
continued today. The testimony in the
Williams case was complete! at noon,
Lieutenant Babb, who preferred
charges against Williams, was the first
witness. He testified that Williams,
while in a fit of anger, assaulted Ora
Wilson with his sabre on the night of
March 31.
Ora Wilson, Musician George Oliver
and Private Wesley Whittaker, all of
company A, and Corporal Cecil Header.
Eon of Company C testified substantial
ly the same as Babb.
For the defense Sergeant Elm in Mc-
Cornack, Sergeant H. A. Schwering,
Private Harry Hopkins and Lieutenant
Ileurv Hunter all of company C and
Major George O. Yoran gave testimony
Captain Williams made the statement
that he hnd been insulted and nagged
on bv Wilson to such an extent that he
struck him, but not with the intention
of doing injury. Judge Advocate Bauer
addressed the court stating that by the
evidence given and by Williams' own
statement, it was plain to the court that
Williams, while overcome with anger
forgot himself sufficiently to assault
Wilson with intent to injure and was
guilty of a breach of military regula
tions and discipline.
The finding of the court will not be
made public till reviewed by Governor
TRIPP CARTER A Cauyonville, Apr
24. H04. F. A. Tripp and Miss ila
Carter, Rev. L. M. Dnbell, officiating,
The I'laindkaleu extends congratula
I. O. O. F. Anniversary.
charmingly decorated and arranged for ,
vases of
lovelv spring blossoms, including apple i
blooms, white lilacs, white tulip, and
forgetmenota being placed at every (
available point, their besutv enchanced i
by the tasteful use of potted ferns and j
palms. The piano has been placed in
tlie living room and the guests will be
seated in the dining room which
opens from it by a large arch to the lelt,
and in tho front parlor which opens into
theliving room also.
After the rendering of the pro-am.
which has been selects! and prepared
with utmost care of detail, flinch and
whist will be played followed by a gen-
erons lunch. About one hundred will
probably be the number of the party in
cluding the club and guests.
The program is as follows:
Biographical sketch of composers
Miss Kate Buick
Piano Duet, Jubel Overture, Weber
Mines. I. Wollenberg and N. Fullerton
Vocal Sclo, "Abide with Me,"
De Koven
Mrs. Smick
Ladies Quintet, "My Love is Like
a Bed. Red Rofe, Rogers
Mmes. Flint, Miller, J. C. Fullerton,
Brown, and Miss Belle Curry
I'iauo Solo Mrs. . Fullerton
Double Quartet, "Rainbow," Tours
Mmes. Flint, Miller, A. Wollenberg,
Brown, J. C. Fullerton, Messrs. Hint,
Coshow, Sanders and Strange
Vocal Solo, "Ave Maria," Mascagni
Dale Strange
Vocal Solo. "Lullaby," De Koven
Mrs. A. T. Steiner.
Ladies Quintet, "Rockaby",
Mmes. Flint, Miller J. C. Fullerton,
Brown and Mii-s Belle Curry
Instrumental Solo, Miss Belle Curry
Vocal Solo, Mrs X. Fullerton
Vocal Solo, "Rosalie", De Koven,
.Mrs. S. C. Flint.
Vocal Solo, "Bedouin Love Song",
W. D. Strange.
fixed Quartette, "Revellers",
Mmes. Flint, Miller, A. Wollenberg,
Brown, J. C. tullerton, Messrs. Flint,
Coshow, Sanders and Strange.
ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either
going direct Uirough Kansas City, or via
Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill.
Two trains daily from Denver and Pu
eblo to St. Louis without clymge, carry
ing all classes of modern equipment, in
cluding electric lighted observation par
lor cafe dining cars. Ten daily trains
between Kansas City and St. Louis.
Write, or call on W. C. SlcBride, Gen
Axminster Velvet
and Tapestry
Full line of Ingrains
Both Wool and Cotton
We are showing a fine line of Lace Curtains
which have jost arrived.
Fifty pairs of Portiere in the latest designs
and colorings.
We carry from 500 to 1000 Window Shades in
! 1 1 1- . t .. . . 1 T-r ir -1
erai Agent, 124 Third street, Portland ; mock luciuuing tne ceierjraieQ nenry w. tureen snaae,
for detailtd information acd illustrate tne DCSt tnat money can buy.
literature. io-u
Rev. J. A. Townsend, of Roseburg was
tn Ashland this week: attending tne
Southern Oregon Prebvtery. Ashland
Eell your mohair.
a 11
Highest price paid for poultry, and
eggs at the Fish Market, corner Lane
and Pine streets. m. 5
is prepAred to wait upon old
and new customers and friends
with a full and complete
stock of
Thev best inanutactured, ana will De a great
i . ... .
convenience to tne manutacturers in
this city.
H. D. Graves and wife, returned from
which vielded an a daily capacity ot :,uuu one per day,
r,rwia nf trnnl This macnine is saiu to oe one oi tne
.rh. at their spring sneanng
report that rain is much needed there,
Tv,nni No. 32. ForesterB of
America, at me.r g Francisco Tuesday evening. They
initiated three new members and ballot- wSU leavo for Porlfand next Monday to
, nnmi of several others. W1" "... . . . '
ea upuu i.uv -- reside. Mr. Graves having accepted a
For a young oruer - - -n & lead photograph gallery
growing wonteiu ly During their sojourn south, the
a membership mai - - i , m , th wero mncb improved.
,iw who were instrumental in hiBti- nealt
. .. .wi.prp. Thevliave late- Remember tnat it is quality, not
... t. i , furniture of the Native Lnantitv. that wo strive for in furnish
. Knfnvmf-n kuu fcfc-v" i iii.nnhfarH nun icuv" i -. w -
therefore you will
a navinrrnui uu --"" 1 iinnnnii-rK hiiu a-wuv i -- -
HdJItn th it aay of September and the hch will hereafter be always get the cheapest milk of the
d oVBptmbr A. D. ttf m rder to bons n , hBn Gaddih Dairy, because the best. All
- ' -nrnviRiniiB ui i Kiiuwu i ... ... ...
wdaaid premuea .... ! retail milk delivered in uotllos. uur
. .v.. R-Tiua Boiraie vi i , ,,-i nnpumnmeni, u ' - ... ... ....
me -'w.,Hnttollluld specialties are cream, tmiic and Duller
tionalGuardo Oregon , f f l p.,k you donH 8eo the waK0D
Mah0Sr . nSoT 7 to 21 'Pone to the Creamery.
near ... - . -. i ... . ... .. ., . ,
1 ive. There will also De ona regi- Major l.. V. ivinney oi rauroau lame
. rTJ inr iriiuija i v tin 1 r, a-
, T?7,r,fnn will be in command. h0Cal from 'Frisco to Portland. Mr,
anau rAreived after! k'innop xnects to snend aaveral days
Mi.0,mnni.M umi u - - . i .
XKO eniiov"- in!a in !,!. r1inn hn rptnrnn (mm Pnrt
. ? ThA loealOO. " - iuuubu.j ...
juuu i fan mpmi. kot wMlr. TT linn vnrv littln tn
runic a which wm prounu.jr .Eay rugwruiuK u wwo
4il1 ' . a I . 1 Jilt U I To.
6ttandlaW.ol the BUte of Oregon.
S-ount required Ito holhe
ending December 31, 1.
lorthejear enai , i w-
.VrLZ ,;.ridSen. Curr, lor and
tormea 1 .. Z i the undersigned.
IM-MnetTWI) days after service of thU
.nrinifreeiiu - -
niini. your . . a . j. -r,va wnicii
w.m the Property of the unacniB. o In " ! ,n rext two l,t Hava ho still has interests in Rose
.JZJl1 " burg which quires his attention,
conmuuw r ..tit rnitRIN. www.
At the Odd Fellows Hall in this city
Tuesday evening the members of the
local I. O. O. F. lodges, Kebekahs and
Encampment held a very pleasant joint
session in honor of the founding of that
great order in America. About 200
members and visitors from other lodges
were present and the occasion was en
joyed by all. The following program
was rendered :
Opening Ode by tho members.
"Gondolier" Kosoourg Orchestra.
Address ofUVelcomu by the Presiding
Officer, NiT.Jewett.
Selection by tho ladies double quar
tette, Mesdames Kelly, Fickle, Woolley,
Moore, Bradford ; Misses Mne Fisher,
Laura Spalding, Anna Clarke.
Address by Mrs. Amata Smith Brad
ford, Past N. G. of Boseburg Hebekah
Lodge No. 41.
Overaturo "Zodiac", by tho Orches
Address bv Hon. 0. P. Coshow, of
Rising Stur Lodge No. 174.
Vocal Solo, by Mrs. Kelly.
"Wedding oi the Winds," by tho
Roseburg Orchestra.
Address by D. S. K. Buick, Past
Graud Patriarch of Oregon, and Past
Cheif Patriarch of Union Encampment
No. 9.
Overature, "Light Cavalry", by the
Roseburg Orchestra.
Music by the Orchestra, and banquet
m the opera house.
Prof. A. R. Sweetser In Town.
Prof. Albert R. Sweetser, of the bio
logical department of the State Univer
sity, is in fioseuurg to remain until cat
urday, having accepted Prof. Sanders'
invitation to give instruction to tho high
school botany class. The professor
brought with him several compound
microscopes, and with theso the mem
bers of the class are greatly enjoying the
study of plant cells.
Prof. Sweetser will also instruct the
teachers in methods of nature study
and Friday evening at S o'clock, in the
high school assembly room, will give hi
popular storeopticon lecture, "Micro
scopic Friends and Foes." While this
lecture is given primarily for tho bene
fit of tho pupils, others are cordially in
vited to attend. Tho lecturo ia free
Prof. Sweetser is an expert in his line
of work and it very interesting speaker,
Sciatic Rheumatism Cured.
"I havo been subject lo sciatic rhou
matism for years," says E. H. Waldr on
of Wilton Junction, Iowa. "My joints
were stiff and gave mo uiuch pain and
discomfort. My joints would crack
when I straightened up. I used Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and have been
thoroughly cured. Havo not had a pal
or ache from the old tronblo far many
mmtli. It is certainly a most wondjr-
lui liniment." fortuie uy a. u. mars
era & Co.
Mohair Wanted.
It will nav you to see ua before you
Kruse & Newland.
Farmers Attention.
All fresh and of the very beat
quality. Teas aad coffees are
specialties. Your patronage
Of everv descrivtion. Farms and Min
eral Lands. Oregon. Washington and
Administrator's Notice.
In :oaalj Court of State of Oregon
rwnfft&a IVltintr.
' . " . . . ...,. it f
in me mauer oi me ouw in juuu i. . ouu,
1il :
Noilce it heretir elt en Wat ibe unaentsnea.
hr nrder of abor nunM Court, madd and
ntm1 in thn JAurna.1 of said Court on Anrll
- -. -- . . . . I
12th. 1901. wti aDPolnte-1 admiuuuaior oi mo
.linviwn&mifi pstntc
All penoua baTln clilmi against raia rauie
m ronnpiul in nrrx-nt the mc. llulT TurlBctl,
wllbln kIx raonthi from a to of this notlo. and
all pcnoni Indebted to said esuio are request
1 t mti lmmoJtKtc Dtrment tn Ihu under
lenollat his omce. ucrie ouuuiug, now
tuiK. t'roron.
Ih9 lin UIT OI ATtnt. 1JV1.
J. C. Fuujcrtom, Administrator.
When the Mists have Cleared Away
Yon will want to make quick work with your
garden. We carry the finest line of the-eel-
ebrated Planet Jr. Toolsin the county. Send
for catalogue, or better, call and see them.
tisfacUon without extra cost. It is
used and endorsed by tho leading men
jf this county. For circulars and pricee
address Stearns & Chenoweth, Oakland,
Ore., or 8. B. Crouch. Oakland, Ore. ly
A Direct Use
r. . M .w..w.
Socj. and Treat
Title Guarantee&Loan Co.
f. U. UAKI1
rreaiaoni owi. wm .tc
ifflnt In thn Court House. e the out) corn
nf anatract hnokl In DI" UUf
IbitracuaudOcrUHcktcs of Titlo turnlshcj fo'l specially low rates now
aacompTtitotmcin of all untl all eastern points,
nlabi In tho Konoburs. Orceon. U. s. utnj DU-
trlct. Will raako blue print copies of any town
to Chicago and all points east; Louis
ville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all
points south.
See that vour ticket reads via the IL
LINOIS CENTRAL It. R. Thoroughly
modern trains connect with all trans
continental lines at St. Paul and Oma
If your friends are coming west let us
know and wo will quote them direct tho
in effect from
H. Little,
Oakland, -
Any information as to rates, routes,
etc., cheerfully given.on apblication.
Commercial Agent,
UI Third St., Portland, Ore.
J. 0. Lindsey,
T. F. & P. A.,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
P. B. Thompson,
F. & P. A.,
Room 1, Colman Bldg., Seattle,
Wash. 81U
Excursion Rates.
Commencing March 1, 1904 and con
tinuing daily to and including April SO,
1904 colonists tickets will be on sale from
the East to points on Oregon lines -via
Portland, rates from some of the princi
pal points as follows: $53 from Chicago,
111; $31 from Peoria, III; 30 from St.
Louis, Mo; $25 from Missouri River
Points, Omaha and Council Bluffs to
Kansas City inclusive; $26.90 to Sioux
City, stop overs not to exceed 10 days at
orro point will be allowed between Port
land and destination of ticket on Oregon
linos. 19 tf
CityiTreasurers Notice.
Notice is hereby given that all parties
holding city warrants endorsed prior to
Aug. 6th, 1902, are requested to present
the same to tho city treasurer for pay
ment, aa interest will cease thereon after
the date of this notice.
Dated Roseburg, Ore., Apr. 5, 1904.
II. C. Sloci'm,
City Treasurer.
a? J. -