The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 25, 1904, Image 3

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    1 If s the Quality that Keeps the Customers
Our Soring goods that are constantly arriving are avoII known for their
quality. It is a pleasure for us to show this beautiful line. All we ask is for
you to give us the opportunity.
Note that our clothing fits well and is up to date, our Dress Goods are
nnhhv and nrettv. our Shoes are staunch and comfortable, our -Hats are stylish
-j r j ,
and shapely, our Furnishings are new and nobby, our Wash Goods
and cheap in price.
The People's Store
One Door Southof P. O.
Cor. Washington
and Main Streets
Airs. Belle Collins
For Good icuns and
Fair Prices Go To
Smith's Sunbeam
Photo Parlors
Corner Pineda I L ne Sts.,
Roseburg, - Ore.
re Jji
3 rc t t T-i. t.
Dr's. Cheadle& Johnson, dentists. All
work guaranteed.
Abstract of Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing on Govern
ment Land.
Blue 'Prtnte of Township Maps showing
all vacant Land,
.Cheadle & Johnson, dentists. All
work guaranteed.
Osteopathy is founded on the most
scientific methods. 30-tf
Boys' clothing, from 4 to 14 ye.irs, a
varietv of kinds, AT COST, Ash & Att
woll. A. : ofnt ' r. neral A. M. Crawford, of
Sali 111 w:i-in this Atv on business, last
Hon. Dexter :' and little
daughter returned from r rtland, Satur
day evening.
Plain senilis and dr. -'naking is solic
ited by Mrs. Wmiiwi n '-lie comer of
Oak and Stepltens su-'t:.
Mrs. F. M. Beard and f:H !.-, Abner
Egeers, are visi'lnir tln-ir jltn-tLer and
son, J. A. Facer.", at
Cabinet pliotits. $2 50 pt-r z n, and
other ize" nccordtneh . for a "-t time,
at the SumIkmh. Pi . .. I" .1,. 1-. 31-lm-p
Mis C.on, who i.:" '.ecu the suest
of Mits Marie Thompson, left for Iiose-
e Guard.
hnAiiiV h.nLLL Y burc thU -
rs-nf H 1 Knlnnotf. lpft. P.-itnrHav
v.j i j. I - '
ArCIllieCl, AUSiraUUT. nlonl;ni!. 0r Peel, to own schol 'he
Plans and Estimates for all Build- having consented to teach a term there,
8 I Have you seen that elegant Hue of
Special desisms for Office Fixtures iace curtains? We are showine also full
line of portiere
W. Strong.
Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415
and window shades. 1?
Resident Piano Tuner
Best Referances. Leave Orders
at Barr's Music Store
Baseball Dope.
Mrs. Vade Kenned) and little d (ligh
ter and Mrs. Kennedy's sister, Mi" Li I
lian Carter, left. Saturdav morning, for
Cottage Grove to visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. ?. B. Hermann, of Myr
tle Point, left here, "Friday morning, on
brrseback, for their home, after a visit
at Salem, Portland and other valley
Hon. R. A. Booth, of Eugene, ws in
this city on business. li-t week. Ho. in
comnanv with his brother, J. Henry
Booth, of the local land office, left on
Sunday's local for Eugene.
R. L.Gile, of Salem, was in this city
last week, 011 business in the interest of
the Willamette Valley Prune Associa
tion. Mr. Gile left here for Hilts, Calif.,
to re-enter the employ of the Hilts Sng-
Whileracticing "ball on the league
field late-this afternoon Willie O'Day, a ar Pine Company as bookkeeper.
, -- 1 1 ii ir I? 1 ,m 1 -
popular member of the Fugene Blues,
was hurt severely by a flying baseball
bat whicfe "slipped out of the hands of
Edmuneon.'a member of the Salem team
who is visiting liere and was knocking
flies to the fielders at the time of the ac
cident. JO'Day was knocked unconcious
and received a gash three inches long
over hisjjeft eye, where the hat struck.
He was taken to .the hospital, where his
wound was dressed and he is now get
ting along nicely. Eugene Guard.
Past Snnreme Master Workman J. G.
Tate, from Illinois, is making a tour of
tho Pacific Coast 111 the enterest 01 the
A. O. U. W. and on Wednesday. Ro?e
bnrg Lodge No, 10. Mr. Tate h an ex
cellent speaker. All are invited to be
I have just received gold rollers for the
purpose of rolling gold for bridge and
crown woik. and as I use nothing but
Log Cabin Creams at Curriei's.
See Bell Sisters' $2 00 trimmed hat.
Osteopathy cures when other methods
fail. 30-tf
Wood for sale. Leave order with J. F
Bakker. tf
It is jour own "fault if you are not
well. Try Osteopathy. 30-tf
L. T. Robinson, of Myrtlo Creek, was
in Kosehurg on business last week.
Prof.Sawyer, of the Wilbur Academy,
was in the city on business, Saturday.
If ic is a "Floral" it is the latest and it
can be had at Stratford gallery only.
You t-liould never submit to an oiwrn-
tion until vou have consulted your Os
teopathic physician. 30-tf
Mrs. Thos. C. Bloomer, who has the
management of the Revere House in
Albany, is in the city.
You proliably never saw folder photo
at less than f S.OO per dozen they are
f 4.0J and up at Stratfords. See them.
J. W. Wallace, who has been em
ployed at Marshfield, Columbia county,
Ore., lids returned to his homestead at
Mrs. K. B. Houston and family re
turned yesterday from a two week's visijj
with friends and relatives in Roseburg !
aud Eugene. Salem Statesman.
B. F. Do-s, an employee of the S. P.
round house in this city, was quite
severely injured Thursday by falling
from the rear of au engine tank.
Mrs Fred Bonebrake and mother,
Mrs. S. Poole, of Perdue, arrived in this
city Friday, and went to Dixonville
where Mr. Bonebrake is teaching school.
Our spring line of carpets has arrived,
and ws are prepared to fit up your house
in the latest designs and colorings. Cll
and examhie foryounielf. B W. Strong
the Furniture man.
L. C Hill, of Wardton, was in Romj
business matter last
that there has been
considerable complaint of the mail ser
vice in his Miction lately.
Ed Buick, who has been employed in
the train service out of H! Paso, Texas,
is in this city, the guest of his grand
father, Hon. D. S. K. Buick. He in
teiidsto leave for northern points, after
a few days' visit here.
John Rapp, son of M. F. Rapp, the
druggist formerly of this city.arrivtd
here from Coos county last week, where
he has been employed as a fireman on
the C. B. R and E. railroad. Mr.
Rapp will probably remain in this city.
Jay Brooke, formerly of this city, was
visiting here Saturday, looking after
pplerty interests. From here lie went
to I-a Grande on a timilar errand. At
present Mr. Brooks with his brother are
conducting a general merchandise busi
ness at Santa Rosa, Cal.
Remember that it is quality, not
quantity, that we drive for in furnish-
Wllbur Hons visited
lnnd Sunday."
T. K. Koanu, of Glandule Is registered
at tho McClallen.
Grant Taylor, of Oakland, was a Rose
burg visitor last. week.
J. II. Hobbs, of Coles Vullov, was
registered at thu McClnllen House bat-urday.
Register now, so you can vote for tho
President. Books close May 15 regis
ter now.
The new hoso and other equipments
for the tiro department arrived, today,
from Portland. Now tho department
has iimplo Uom forcontiolling a largo
Mrs. Carl Abraham, who has been
visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Fratcr, of this city, for the past
few months, returned to her homo at
Portland today.
Manager Young of tho Eugene theatre
has invited tho members of tho baseball
team to occupy two of tho boxes at the
performance of "Thu Punkin Husker"
Tuesday night, says the Guard.
O. W. Taylor, the assistant superin
tendent of the S. P. Co., was in Hoso
bitrg on railroad business last week. He
states that he has not heard that the
company intends moving their division
from Roseburg to Riddle.
Yes! 1 'am here to stay, and depend
on my work for your future patronage.
If you want your work done in the most
skilled manner, so it will stand, do not
hesitate to give me a call, as this is what
I agree to do. Du.J'BUtbOjr,
33 tf Dentist.
A No. 1 stock farm of 155 aqres, near
ly all fenced. I have land as good as a
crow ever Hew over, well watered, with
unlimited outside range; house and out
buildings; well worth $1400; at present
will take $750. Can you beat this".'
May 25-ihI Camas Valley.
Mr. Wm. F. Hague, of Creswell, Lane
Co., and Miss Esther h. Anderson, ol
Melrose, Douglas Co., were married at
thu home of the brides parents one mile
north of Melrose, April 21, 1901, J. H
Merryminn, olliciating. They left
this morning for their future home
eight miles nest of Creswell, Ore.
Marriage liceiiMi has been issued to F.
A. Tripp and Miss Ha Carter, of Can
yonville Mr. Tripp was formerly asso
ciated with Mr. Hammersly, in the
Candy Kitchen, here. Miss Carter is a
well-known, young belle of Canyonville,
the daughter of (. W. Carter, a mer
chant of that place. She whs formerly
a member of the Plaixdealei;
tion force.
John Richards,
friends in Oak! 3:aE2212
a dated duplicate sales check stating
selected and every person holding
During the month of April we will issue with every cash purchase
the amount of your purchase. At the end of the month a date will be
checks of that date will have their purchase money refunded. In other words we are going to present to our
customers the amount of one days sales. We aie not doing this in a philanthropic mood but as one way of
advertising. We want you to become better acquainted with our store and when you do this we are confident
of making you our steady customers. The date will not be selected until May ist. In order to make this a
more momentous event we will from time to time offer special inducements in the line of special sales. Re
meujuer your money back if you are lucky.
Special No. 1
Men's Black4 Russia Calf Shoes,
New Styles and New Goods. - The Re
nowned Florsheim make. A iairly com
plete line of sizes.
Regular price, - $3-50 & $ 4.00
Money back sale price - - $2.60
Special No. 2
Ten patterns Scotch flannel waist
ings, new patterns, will wash without
loosing color, unexcelled for shirt waists,
boys' waists or summer suits in three
qualities which sold for 40, 65 & 75 cts.
75c grade Money back Sale Price 53c
65c " " " " " 43c
40c " " " " " 27c
Our Spring Stock is now almost Complete An" rv g00ds are y-
VM fcr",o - r styles are new, our prices are right.
Be sure to ask for a duplicate sales check when making cash purchases. All materials shrunk by our new
steam process free of charge. '
New Golf , Shirts, Ladies and Men's Shoes, Summer Dress Goods, Laces and Embroidries, Underwear
Boy's Clothing, Hosiery, Caltcc-es, Ginghams, and Millinery.
NOTICE: The above money back offer applies only to cash purchases not tamoney paid on account or charge sales
From the Qtendale News.
Geo. Ru.ell of Canyonville is visiting
in town this week.
Mrs. F. R. Miller visited Placer a
couiposi-1 couple of days this week.
Mrs. Chns. Tin lall and little -daugh-
of Perdue, a farmer ter Myrile are visiting relatives at Can-
burg atteudinzto
week. He stated
coin for shells am thus assured of its ing our city trade, therefore you will
durability. Those desiring this class of always get the cheapest milk of the
dental work will do well to consult Gaiidis Dairy, because the best. All
me. Parties out of the city may be retail milk delivered in bottles. Our
assured of prompt attention by making specialties are cream, milk and
engagement by mail. Dr. Pearson, D.
D. S.
T. D. Weatherford and Emory Mars-
ters have purcliasd the Darier snop 01
V. G. Farrar formerlv owned by Floyd
Woodruff Mr. Weatherford is an ex
perienced harbor, having for the past
year conducted a shop in the Roseburg
hotel, near the depot. Mr. Marsters is
n Aii.ll-known Douzlas county boy who
has a host of friends. ' lm-33
The Oregon Boom and Timlcr Com-
G. Gilberton the ru6tling citzen of
Glendale is in this city on business to
day. ;
.T V. Razlev of Canvonville was in
Roeehurig Saturday in attendance at the
Socialistconvention. "
Ed. Ellison, jepreseutinc the Reming
ton Typewriter, -is in this city looking
after Remington business.
D. W. Williams of Wilbur was in
Rn.oehurtron business Fast week. He
registered at the ilcClailen House.
Mrs. O. C Beek, of Ath ena Ore. who
has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Noah
of this city, left for home on this morn
ing locaL
Engineer Wm. Hayes and wife, of
. 7. t ... 1 . .
Portland, were passengers on hub mum- fi .n(J:,:on to han,ile logs for tlieir saw
ijjg's north bound local, returning from m.1, w j,jcj( j8 t0 1 erected there immo
a visit m California. diately. A large force of men are to
Mrs. C. Bloomer, who has been as- be sent up the river, this week, to cut
sistingjlr hnsband at the McClallen 0,,3 anj float them down the river to
house ib" this city for the past few days Winchester to be used in constructing
returned lo Albany this morning to look i)0om and cribs and the mill foun-
after the enterests of the Revere House. Nation. Barring accidents, Mri Blake
Commandant -Elder of the Oregon ly, the manager of the company, says
Soldiers Home Teft this morning for that a mill capable of daily cutting
Portland wliere he will be lor about a 3-5.000 feet of lumber will be in full op
week making arrangements for furnish eration within the next sixty day.
ings for. the Opening of the new barracks Fred K. Gettins has charge of the con
building at the home. fctruction work.
TbeAprilapportionmentoftheCounty Pitcher-Charlie Bilyeu is telling a
Schoobfuud was sent out to the various good story on Outfielder Jack Miller as
districts this morning by Supt. Hamlin, follows: Last week Jack bought a new
each district receiving four dollars per Buit of clothes and a pair of shoes and
caDita. and in addition twenty dollars took them up to ms room
due from" tho last October apportion
ment. Full list -Will appear in next
Issue. " -
Governor and Mrs. Geo. E. Chamber
lain returned to "Salem Friday. Before
denartinc. Goy. -Chamberlain left in
structions to furnish tho barracks build
in at;the Soildere Home iram
aged thirty-two years, and a son of
James Richards, of Stephens, went vio
lently insane at the farm residence of
Mr. Marqnam, near Canyonville, Sat
urday, and was taken lo the asylum by
Sheriff Parrott and Deputy Hopkins,
Sunday, after an examination and com
mittment by Judge Thompson and Dr.
Twitchell. His lunacy takes the form
of religious fanaticism.
G. W. White and family, who have
resided in this city for the past few
J months, have decided to move avay
Mrs. White ami daughter, Miss Zuba,
will go to Portland to spend the sum
mer ami leave tonisht for that plare
Mr. White will remain here for a few
days ami dNpoc of Jheir household
goods, after which he will return to
Kellehcr City, where he is employed.
P. Benedick, has almost completed a
fine new lull seat for his residence.
The frame is of myrtle with pannels of
redwood trimmed with pressed oak
moulding. The back of the frame which
holds a tine la're plates kTss mirror
which stands about 7 fret high and the
length of the seat is 3 fetit. Underneath
the seat is a receptable for for rubbers
etc The workmanship is of the best.
Mr. Boncdick is doing all thuwork him
Ira Applegate, of Yoncalla, aged 2$
years, was committed to the Insane
Asylum at Salem Thursday, after an ex
amination by Judge M. I). Thompson
and Dr. J. C. TwiMiell. Mr, Apple
gate has been ;in of that insti
tution twice lwforc, oecuring w.hen he
was IS years of age, and the second
three years later. About four years ago
ho was discharged from his second com
mittment. The nature of his insanity
is religious mania. j
yonville this week.
Mrs. G. W. Roberts and little daugh
ter mvirv are visiting relatives in this week.
Miss Genevieve Roberts visited on
Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Manley at West Fork station,
-ehas. Austin nude a trip to the Ben
ton mine this week with his stage, the
The World's Fair Route.
milk. If you don't see
'phone to the Creamery.
The Knights of Pythias will meet on
Mondav evening, April 25th, giving the
A. O. U. W. l,odge Wednesday evening.
This exchange is mnde so that the
Workmen can have with them on that
night M. W. Tate, P G. M. W.. who
will lecture. This exchange is for one
night only, each lodge will have their
regular meeting nights hereafter,
Rev. W. F. Cowden, of Seattle, Wash-
tirst time in nearly three months
he ha gone through with a team.
J. D. Montgomery, who owns
valuable miniiu claims on Mount
ben, spent several days this week
in hi brother R. K. and fenuly.
Mrs. F. R Miller has tesiirned her
po-dtiou as meteorological observer at
ihi nlaw. She has recommended for
appointment as her successor Daniel
Boomc Redtield.
Dr. J. E. Shearer is having a ditch
dug tor the purpose of laying a pipe
from a spring oi water near the Mont
gomery residence to his residence oppo
site the News othce.
A hunerv bear or nanther broke into
Pete Elseth's cabin oa his homestead,
altnut 7 mite? southwest of town, one this week and cobbled up about
f 10 worth of provisions.
Al Hamilton has iust had his home
stead in tl eastern end of town sur
veyed into town lots and will name it
H-xiiiltnii's addition to Glendale. It is
a mo.-t beautiful site. We understand
that Mo. C. Clarke has bought two
acres in this addition and will erect a
fine dwelling house thereon this sum
mer. A number of their friends tendered
Mrs. E. D. Mallery a very pleasant sur
prise party at her home here Monday
night, in honor of her -list birthday.
She received a number of useful and
It is interesting to note where Hears t's ntiful presei.U as tokens of esteem.
Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or
a visit to the Louisiana Purchase Expo-,
sition at St. Louis, cannot afford toovei
look the ail vantages offered by the Mis
soDRt Pacific Railway, which, on ac
count of its various routes and gateways,
has been appropriately named "The
World's Fair Route."
Passengers from the Northwest tike
the Missocki Pacific trains from Den
ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either
going direct through Kansas City, or vi-
Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill.
Two trains daily from Denver and Pu
eblo to St. Ixuis without change, carry
ing all clashes of modern equipment, in
cluding electric lighted observation par
lor cafe dining cam. Ten daily trains
between Kansas City and St. Louis.
Write, or call on W. C SIcBride, Gen
eral Agent, 121 Third street, Portland
for detaiUd iDfoimation acd illustrate
Rev. J. A. Townteud, of Roseburg was
in Ashland tins ween aitenuing ine
Southern Orejron Probytery. Ashland
Axminster Velvet
and Tapestry
Full line of Ingrains
Both Wool and Cotton
J We are showing a fine line of Lace -Curtains
which have just arrived.
J Fifty pairs of Portiere in the latest designs
and colorings.
I We carry from 500 to 1000- Window Shades in
j stock including the celebrated Henry W. Green shafle,
I the best that money can buy.
City Treasurers' Notice.
Notice is hereby given that all parties
holding city warrants endooed prior to
Aug. th, 1002, arc requested to present
the same to the city treasurer for pay
ment, as interest ill cease thereon after
the date of this notice.
Dated Roseburg, Ore., Apr. 5, 1904.
H. C.SivOci m,
Citv Treasurer.
strength as developed in the recent de-
mocratic-convention lay. Tho two mot
easterly tiers of counties were solid
against him. The entire southwestern
part with tho exception of Feasible old
Douirlas County was in favor of tho
Hearst resolution. And it was notice
able that along the line of the railread
generally, where Saffron Willie's drum
mers could get in their work, most of
the delegations were divided. Ashland
The evening was spent in playing games
and eating all manner of good things.
The crowd of men who went out last
week to search for the lody of A. X
Drake, have all returned to Glendale,
without finding any trace of the missing , erai Lands.
man. Another crowd, mostly Odd Fel-! Minnesota
. . . ...... 1 , i. 11-r , ntxn nltl
and new customers and friend?
with a full and complete
stock of
f qualitv. Teas aad coffees arts
A specialties. Yotu patronage
305 Jackson St., Roseburg
. Farms and Min-
Washington and
l i 1 1 1 rt.ww.
pany has started a large lorce 01 men ai jn2toI,f for 15 year8 st.nerai j,omo mis
work, raising the Winchester dam, in rionary 0f tle Northwest for the Chris
order lo have the river in that place 111 a church wm nreac, at the christian
church of this city Wednesday' evening,
at S o'clock. Mr. Cowden is a man of
wide experience and has traveled our
great land ovj;r from ocean to ocean
many times, and will rep.iv all for their
pains to nltend. All cordially invited.
At a meeting of the Southern Oregon
Presbytery in Ashland last week, Rev
I'nilo F. I'helpj, of Ashland, was elect
ed moderator and Rev. W. G. Smith,
of Klamath Falls, temporary clerk
Ministers and elders were present from
territory reaching from Eugene at the
north, to Lakeview on the east. Rev.
W. G. Gouriay, of Grants Pass, was
elected stated clerk for three years, and
Rev. Charles F. Woodward, of Ashland,
MILLMAN. At Sitkum, Coos County,
April 22, 1904, Kdmond Millman,
aged 20,year8, C months and 13 days,
of pneumonia.
Deceased wa? a son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Millman, of Rosebu)g. Mr. Mill
man was employed as driver on the
Rosehuris-Marshfield stage line. Some
time ago he was kicked in the chest, by
a lioree, aiid while kid up with his in
juries, at Sitkum, he contracted pneu
monia, which later resulted in death.
Ho was a member of Ro-eburg Lodtic
No. 10, A. 0. U. W., in which he tarried
a life insurance policy of 1,000.
The funeral was held from tho M. E
He hung the permanent clerk. Hoseuurg was des-
clothes up on the clothes hooks and for" H.natca as me p.ace tor uie lau meeting
fear someone would run away with his of the Presbytery,
shoes he hid them under his pillov A hearing to deterraino the owner-
That night when the boys went to re- ship of 40 acres of valuable land near
tiro Miller forgot where he had hid the Ruckles, was before Reciiver J. Henry
shoes aud thought the boys had stolen Booth, of thu U. S. Land Office last week,
them. He did not know the difference The coutestants-in the casoTtre Mrs. M.
ediately 1 nti heturned down the pillow when J. Moore and Frank Rose. The land in-
and admit the 40 applicants now on tho ne -
a .l. K;Mincr iq l-aooioaiat:" i" "'o - : " .- -i-
waning ustas M. . , .... , , j about t, w,
Uituico iv - w y- 1 "
1 iii 4i, o.noQ-irtf 1 thai Ulc nfc . r- ..- -,w j
time to procure tmm' "rT" ' to can Miller and found him sit- the government, tho 40 acres through
turuisnmgs.ou. . at his clothes, a mistake was omitte.L Mr. Rose has
new building wm i'-"v 7. ... ,n,wl niJ,nritv. that filed a hbmehtoad entrv 011 this hind, a
1st. The number 01 np- "''""".V-.rT:: I" r ,.,;..,. .., n.. "... '
fill nil I Miller nad not cioecu an ujtc nniv "m,"", 1 wvii i mhh,.i wimiiuo
1... a. Ktif cat. lllPre Hit Ulll.i luumuti f "io oiiu uiiuiv viiiimu nun- uniau w
soon after June '
plicantg now on. file will almost
the additional room provmeu
new clothes.
N. Moons.
iows Mpect to s'art next week to con
tinue the search. Mrs Drake who was
in town Wednesday, now offers a reward
of $200 for the recovery of her husband's
Roy Stearns of Oakland was in this
city on business last week.
A. T. Thompson of Myrtlo Creek was
in Roseburg looking after business last
Miss Mao Ingram of Central Point
was registered at tho McClallen Home
S. J. Sutherlin and wife of Winches
ter were visited by Roy .McClallen aud
wife, Sunday.
Probate Orders.
Administrator's Noice.
Tn I'omitT Court of SUto of Orcson for
In the matter of the oUte ot John H Shape,
dervf.'-l: . , ,
Vmi 1. h.mhr 1.I1 on lh.t thi unilt'raicneil
by order of bor umevl Court. mle du
enterl tn ihe lonrnal ot tiU Coutt on Apnl
llih, 1901. w anpoluto t aitmluUtrator of itio
alove-i'n, ettc
All rx-mo-n tiavltK rl-Im asalst Midi eUlo
are re.iueU-l 10 v'c.'nttreJne.o:uy verlnol.
wtlhln monttts tmm le uf thl notl-e. anu
all poron tnilebied to alJ t arv rcjurtt.
! to mate Itmijc lUto p.yment to the uudcr-
I nu ocice, kovicw uuuuius,
buiB, Orcsoa ....
Ilatct tills 12th day ot rrU,
J C. FiTLUBTO.i, Admlhltrator.
, , , -, . 11 "--r j
It is
When the Mists have Cleared Away
Yon will want to make quick work with your
garden. We carry the finest line of the cel
ebrated Planet Jr. Tools in the county. Send
for catalogue, or better, call and. see them.
Sam Ball appointed admx. and Grant
Levens, Geo. Puckett and Geo. Rolleti
haiigh appraisers of tho estate of Z. C.
church in Roseburg today at' two o'clock. Ball aud Mandy R. Ball, both deceased,
with services conducted by Kev. Oeo the estate of tho former being ot tlio
H. Bennett. nrobablo value of fl.000 and of the latter
to Knn
MARRlfcD. t I
A. i'. oteariiea, uuuia.. ui iuo v-am.
HANDSAKER-r WOOD. At Anlauf, James Chenowetn, deceaROd, directed 10
It. ItmuWkiir and have 0. L. Chenoweth deliver to K. L.
April 20, 100'., E.
Mies Hattip'M. Wood, Rev. T. S
Iiauksaker, oiliciatilig.
HAG EH ANDERSON. At tho resi
dence ol tho bride's parents, Mr. nnd
Mrs. A. J. Anderson, at Drain, Sun
day, April 24, 1901, Miss Ethel E
Anderson to W. F. Hager, Rov. J. II.
Merryman officiating.--
wtisfaction without extra cost.
used nnd endorsed by the leading men
of this county. For circulars and price.
address Stearns & Chenoweth, Oakland. !
Ore., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly
A Direct Line
Title (iuarantee&Loan Lo
O. Hamiitom,
Sccj. aidTrea
'IMBERLY In Roseburg, April 23,
1004, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Wimborly, a
daughter. "
Winniford a deed to real property form
erly owned by William Recs, nov'de-
n.nHfKl. Tho nroiiertv 111 Question was
mortgaged to tho Haid James Clieno
wuth during his life time by Mr. Rees.
After Mr. Reea' death, his heirs assign
ed their interest in tho property to C. L.
Chenoweth, brother and heir ofJnmes
Chenoweth, then deceased, and 111 order
to satisfy the mortgage, Mr. Chenoweth
sold the property to R. L. Winniford for
$3,500. This tales is confirmed by tho
Tim Ailmx.. A. F. Steams; is
also directtd to place tho satisfaction of
the mortgage on record,
Offlco in the Court llouo. Hvo the only com
Abstract auJUerttticatea of Title furniihed,
DouKla cou.lty land aud mlnlu claim. Ilart
alao a complete etotTraclnK of all townahlt
nlaU lu the Kosobun;. Orcwoa, O. 8. Land
frlct. Will make blue print copies of any township.
H. Little,
to Chicago and all points east; Louis
ville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all
points south.
See that your ticket reads via the IL
modern trains connect with all trans
continental lines at St. Paul and 0m
If your friends are coming west let us
know and we will quote them direct the
specially low rates now in effect from
all eastern points.
Any information as to rates, routes,
etc., cheerfully given on apblication.
Commercial Agent,
14'i Third St., Portland, Ore.
J. O. Lindsey,
T. F. & P. A.',
142 Third St., Portland, Or.
P. B. Thompson, V,
F. & P. A., '
Room 1, Column ldg., Seattle,
Wash. S4t.
Excursion Rates.
Commencing March 1, 1904 and con
tinuing daily to and including; April SO,
1904 colonists tickets will be on sale from
the East to points on Oregon lines via
Portland, rates from some ol the princi
pal points as follows: $33 from Chicago,
111; J31 from Peoria, 111; 30 from St.
Louis, Mo; $25 from Missouri River
Points. Omaha and Council Bluffs to
Kansas City inclusive; 126.90 to Sioux
City, stop ovors not to ex.-eed 10 days at
onu point will be allowed between Port
land and destination ot ticket on Oregon
lines. W tt
Serious Stomach Trouble Cured.
I was troubled with a distress in 137
stomach, sour stomach and vomiting
spells, and can truthfully say that
Chamlxirlain's Stomach aud Liver Tab
lets cured me. Mrs. T. V. Williams,
Lainsbnrg, Mich. These tablets are
guaranteed to cure every case 0! stomach
trouble of this character. For sale by
A, C Marstera & Co.
new building when opened.