The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 14, 1904, Image 4

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    Farm Notes J
What Farmers Need Most.
Firat of all, a farmer needs ability, a
love for the work, a strong, eound and
healthy body, a sound mind, a good
education, wisdom, good sense and
judgment, says Samuel Rowland. Ho ,
needs to bo honest, just, temperate, a j
keen discerner of men and things, and
one who can rulo his own spirit.
JFarming is .an occupation so far reach
ing and wide in scope as to requiro
greater ability and of more various
kinds than most other employments. A
merchant buys and sell, but produces
nothing; a manufacturer makes from
what is already produced, but the farm
er actually produces something, and
thereby furnishes food and material for
raiment for the living. In many voca
tions there are places for men of e
idea, but a farmer, in general farming,
must be a man of many ideas and of
great versatility. He needs to be a
Etudent, for ho has much to learn ; he
needs a general knowledge of all things
pertaining to a farm ; he should bo a
chemist, that he may know the compo
sition of soils and fertilizers, and what
different kinds of vecetalion require for
best results.
He should be a lover not only of the
usefuhbut of tho beautiful. He should
be, in some degree, a landscape garden'
er. horticulturist, entomologist, or or
nithologist, carpenter, machinist,
plumber, veterinary doctor, fence, road
and bridge builder. He should have
some knowledge of hydraulics and
drainage and manv other thincs. Ho
needs to know how to plant trees
and t
to care for them after planting, andKtfor broilers are the Wyandottes
when and how to plant and sow, how to or Pivrncuth Kocks. The best for ro-ist-
prune trees ana wnen not to prune.
needs to know how to manage and teach
men; he must furnish brain, while the
help furnish muscle. A farmer needs c
large bump of order and have a place
for everything and everything in ite
Everything needs the best manage
ment that the best results in3y follow.
Kindnessjto all animals is very essen
tial for their own good and the owner's
profit. An animal will reciprocate"
kindness often as readily as a -son. A
horse and a dog know more than some
people think they do. A horse is more
patient than a man, and a dog is often
more unselfish. The love of an animal
is genuine ; he has not as many axes to
grind as some men have. Horses and
dogs frequently show more good .sense
and possess more Christian graces than
their owners.
The farmer needs abilty successfully
to combat ignorance. Ignorance will
grease a horse's hoof "to make it grow"
will clip a horse's ears "to cure balki
ness;" will cut off a cow's tail and bore
holes in her horns and put in medicine
"to cure horn distemper." If a horse is
ill, ignoranee gives him a dose of stuff
that is simply vile and pernicious. A
farmer needs to know that a horse is
one of God's noblest creatures, and, if
iH, is deserving of just as careful treat
ment as is given a man.
Trees, both useful and ornamental,
Ehould have proper care and attention.
Some people seem to think that trees
are only made to cut down. Road com
missioners are known to advise the cut
ting down of a row of beautiful maples
by the roadside, which are a charm to
the eye and a comfort to man and beast
because "they sour the soil." Here is
another example of ignorance and
blindness. A lady, after spending
years in beautifying her home with
treee, flowers and beautiful shrubbery,
sold her place, and the first thing ber
successor did was to cut .down some of
the choice trees and all of the shrub
bery, which he called bushes.
The farmer needs to know that a
beautifully formed maple tree as Nature
made it is not improved by cutting off
half of the limbs, which is worse than
-Iejtrnction. The farmer needs the ac
quisition of a barometer, and to observe
weather eigns that work may be done at
the proper time and crops not suffer
from neglect. The farmer needs a good
helpmate, with ability like his own, to
manage the affairs of the house. He
needs the daily news, that he may know
what the world is doing generally, and
he needs several good agricultural pa
pers as a guide and help in matters per
taining to the farm.
A Bcrapbook will be found useful and
helpful. There are many items, hints
and ideas that can be clipped from pa
pers that are valuable and can be pre
served in this way better than in any
other, and will be found convenient for
reference. It is said that a farmer needs
a good farm. A farmer of ability can
nave a home that is convenient, attrac
tive and beautiful ; one that the child
ren love, and which the boys are not in
clined to leave. If a farmer and his
cons can run the farm with little or no
help, there is a great gain, for good
jjireu uejp at ijie present aay is very
difficult to obtain
For National IrrlgaUon Fnnd.
Under rapid questioning by the op
ponents of the repeal of the desert law's
in the House committee on irrigation.
George H. Maxwell detailed the in
formation that the Great .Northern, tho
Korthern Pacific, the Southern Pacific,
the Santa Fe, the Union Pacific, and tho
Burlington roads each contribute f G000
a year and the Rock Island $3000 a year
towards a fund to be used by the Na
tional irrigation association and disburs
ed by Mr. Maxjrell in the interest of
that organization. Other contributions
to this fund bring the amount up to
$50,000 a year. This money has been
collected during the past five years and
ia still being paid. It was used to secure
the passage of the national irrigation
act in a campaign of education.
Germany Stops Our Meat Trade,
One year's operation of the German
meat law-, which went into effoct in
April, 1903, has extinguished American
trade in meats with the fatherland.
Representatives! one of tho largest
Chicago packing companies furnish the
following resume of the eituation:
"The burdensome provisions of tho
exclusion law have accomplished their
purpose of bringing American meat im
ports fo a dead stop. Government in
spectors arbitrarily refuse to admit
American shipments on the ground
hat they arc prepared with boras and
boracic acid, notwithstanding that tho
best German experts have pronounced
them free from such curatives."
American packers have informed tho
Washington authorities that the only
possible way or bringing Germany to
terms on the meat question is relentless
retaliation on Go: man wines and other
Teutonic products known to bo adulter
ated. Meantime tho price of 8 o
all kinds has rieen to unprecedentfd
figures in Germany. Kacoit, winch in
eaten in large quantities by tho working
classes, is especially high. Canned
meats come next in price.
lTolitatjle I'otiltry.
An experienced pimttryman eays:
"There are breeds for all purposes
summer eggs, winter eggs, broilers,
roasters and general purposes. We
have had heavy egg reiords with the
nonsotting breeds, but the bulk of their
production is in spring and early fall
Unless under very favorable circum
stances, they are but ordinary layers
during the winter. Our winter-laying
breeds are of the broody class, and they
give comparatively few eirgs during tho
warm season of tho year. Much of
their time is taken in incubatii'g. Then
we have a class that are better adupteu
for broiler raising than for roasting pur
poses. On the other hand, we haw
breeds that make letter, roasiers thai
broilers. Again, we haw jieuer 1 pur
pose fowls reasonably weil addapteu
for alt" that oue i-ould wibii for iu H)in
try. To become "more plain, the sum
mer layers are the Leghorns, Minorca,
Andalusians, Spanish, l'olith, Ham
burgs and Houdaus. The winter layer
are the Asiatics Brahmas, Cochins
and Lanuehans and tho Americai.s
l'lvuiouth Koeks and Wvaiidoltes. The
era are the Lrahmas or the Langshans.
The liest general purpose fowl is the
Plymouth Rock."
HeroMeiie Krualslun.
The efficiency of kcro?enc emulsion
depends on how it is made. The most
important part is the agitation of the
materials. Simply stirring tho mixture
will not answer, as violent agitation,
by pumping the liquid back into itself,
is riecessary. Use soft water and avoid
water containing lime, and also use
plenty of soap. An excellent method is
to shave half a pound of soap "and add it
to a gallon of boiling water. Let the
water boil until the soap ia dissolved,
and then remove the vessel from the
fire. Next, add 2 gallons of kerosene
and a gill of crude carbolic acid, while
the water is hot, and briskly agitate
until the result is a substance having
the appearance of rich cream. It re
quires about ten nrnutes to agitate the
mixture, as no free kerosene should be
noticed. When cold add 20 gallons of
soft water and spray with a nozzle. The
carbolic acid is not included in the usu
al formula, and it will be found of ad
vantage. Use the crude acid net the
refined), which is a cheap substance.
Kerosene and crude carbolic acid will
not mix with water, hut both substances
form an emulsion with strong soapsuds.
"Wide Tj-es.
Good roads and how to maintain them
is a problem that is taxing the best
minds In this country today, and a so
lution of which wonkl bo a great boon
to this nation, says J. J. Darrow of New
.York in Practical Farmer. In this coun
ty (Madison) the money system is in
vogue in several towns and is giving
satisfaction. In one town they are
making and keeping their roads in good
condition foi $2 per mile per year by
contract. That it is possible to do it for
that sum is not questioned by those
who have used them. A regular outfit
of three double teams and four men
operating a gxxl machine will make an
average of two miles on dirt road per
day, leaving it turupiked and smoothed,
with the ditches well opened, in good
condition for hauling loads or pleasure
driving. Should it remain dry these
roads will remain serviceable for the
season ; unfortunately, should it be tvet
and heavy loads drawn over them with
those road-destroying narrow tired wag
ons, they soon become rutted and bad.
Is there a remedy that is practical to
obviate this condition? I think there
is, by using broad tires with axles of
unequal length for heavy loading.
With a 6-inch tire and the hind axle 12
inches longer than the front, 24-inch
surface would be compacted with each
load passing over the road, doing as
effectual work as could be done with a
steam roller of light weight, continually
improvirrg the road. The same load on
a wagon with tire 134 inches would
cover a ."urfaco 33 inches in width, cut-
In marriage only when there is equality
of health as well as affection. Affection
may be the basis of unity in marriage,
but the superstructure depends largely
on the womanly health, when the wife
Is tormented with backache, distressed
by headache, and racked by nervous
ness, she has so ambition for exercise or
Doctor Pierce's. Favorite Prescription
makes weak women strong and sick
women well. It cures headache, back
ache, and other womanly ills by curing
the diseases of .the womanly organism
which cause them. It establishes regu
larity, dries weakening drains, heals in
flammation and ulceration and cures
female weakness.
Weak and sick women are invited to
consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, fret. All
correspondence is held as strictly private
ana sacreaiy connaentiai. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
The dealer who offers a substitute for
"Favorite Prescription" does so to gain
the little more profit paid on the sale of
less meritorious medicines. His profit is
your loss, therefore accept no substitute.
"My wife commenced to complain twenty
rearm ngo," writes Lcwii A. Miller, ex-Chief of
Police, j3 Prospect Strert, Writ port, P. "We
have tried the skill of twelre different doctors.
She took gallons of medicine during- the time
she was ill, until I wrote to you and yon told us
what to do. She has taken eight bottles of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription and six of the
'Golden Medical Discovery.' She con do her
own work now and can walk around again and
is qpite smart.
"You can publish this Mtcr if you wish. We
have received mch benefit that we wish every
fiuilertr could derive the same amount of p-ood.
My wife's complaint Kcnicd toU-n complica
tion of diseases the doctors raid. We will
ever remain your friends. May God blcts you
and your Intitule."
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the mc st desir
able laxative for delicate women.
5? Tw M
Mrs if 'Ssa
j2j iie t 1
Miserable Mothers.
The niot serious thing in life is ma
ternity. The child who inherits weak
ness ;s handicapped for lift- in the Strug
gle for existence. The weak and sickly
mother surelv devotes her offspring to
misery and misfortune. The romantic
idea of marriage is based on love aud love
alone. The scientific idea of marriage
demands sound health as a Iwsis of mat
rimony. The utter helplessness of love is
written in a thousand experiences of
young motherhood. The child, the
mother would die for, tries in her anus,
and she is too weak and worn to comfort
it. She can do naught but weep in
As surely as the most serious thing in
Hie is maternity so the most necessary
thing for the prospective mother is pre
naratiori. For rtrenaration is rossiile.
i There is, ia general, no need for the
I weakness and weariness so often associ
I ted with maternitv. There is no need
for the nervous anxiety, the prolonged
birth paags, and after enervation, so
commonly experienced by mothers.
In this day, even women understand
the training necessary for athletic ex
ercise. They know that to successfully
sustain the strain of outdoor sports they
must prepare themselves by training.
And yet the average woman will face the
great strain of maternity without the
lightest preparation for the extraordin
ary eventbeforeher. Nerves, muscles are
all to be submitted to an extraordinary
strain and yet there is no attempt to fit
them for the ordeal.
The fact needs to be impressed on
every woman that she can prepare for
the strain of motherhood as she can pre
pare for any other extraordinary demand
to be made upon the vital forces. The
nature of this preparation is well set
forth in the following letter :
"I take pleasure in informing you of
the birth of a boy in perfect health, on
May i?th, 1S99," writes Mrs. L. E. Orti,
of Waltonville. Pa., Box 25. "I cannot
find words sufficiently strong to express
to yon my thanks, for the baby's coming
was almost without pain, and when my
husband arrived with the doctor the child
was already bora. The neighbors who
were with me, and my husband and the
doctor could not believe their eyes. Hav
ing scJered so much before I never be
lieved myself able to be delivered of a
ting de-i'' and 'J.i-I.:t-frit u iiftead
cf to..ipi 'ins; On f:ri, tin nwi iru
proviiiic. ih- -:i..-r d..i-r- . r.z the road
bed. It fi.u btvn urcl ac au objifti-ji
to wide tires that the draft is twav'er.
Poadbly, under certain condition?,
though by actual te-t it was found that
on sod ground it was lichter. Practical,
uj-to-date farmers are quite generally
relegating tiie narrow-tired wheels of
farm wagons to that list of which
pegged-tooth harrows and bull phws
are fair exponents. That the public
will readily take to wide tires 1 have
Mime doubt, but that this will be the
nuai soiuuon reaciiei lor Mte average
country road I have none.
Work of tlie Dairy Cow.
In turning to zoology we find that
ruminants in their wild etate were
preyed upon by csruivjrou" aiiinmls,
and a n. ajtinmoii i- the murk of lime,
they fiil i !rg giomu -h reSe'wir by
rapid gr.i7.nuf, reettt-Hi: i iu con-'ii'? in
a pIa-- of security. The ituxiincii 1-1 ili-
vided into four twimrtaientc. The'.
food passe-- iMtrUy ma-tics Ud irjto the
rumen, next into Um' reticulum, thence
back through ih.' oeiha?u then down
tho ow-, 1S1 km a sennl nne into a
leaflet, thnce int- uie c&illetteor
true .-' -in -ch. . Tt.s mot iiacism hv
which t (roes through th sme
orifice : ' . iatora of the oesophagus
at me -j't.u mto the rumen sod t an
oth :r :i t- the leaflVt may. nrll create
Hurpiije Ti- o-eojihansus is continued
below ii a -niv with s slu on the undjr
side v1. h Up-like edueu shut water
tight, farming a iasiite from the
oeosbph'iiJ'ifc to the tetlet. Ii however
tho mouthiul of food swathr.ved is large
and soli I aa it is when first paten, it dis
tends the tube and separating the edges
of the slit falls into the first stomach ;
but if it b soft and pulpy, as it is after
being n chewed, it does not force apart
the edge of the slit and so reaches the
third stomach. Here it undergoes
further preparation and passes directly
into tho fourth stomach, where the act
ual process of digestion is carried on.
The mechanism for conveying the 1111
chewed mass in the first stomach hack
into the month also depends upon the
lip-like tube. The contraction of the
"walls of the rumen forces portions of the
food into the reticulum; in turn the
contraction of its walls crowds a mrt
against the outside of the lip-, which
opening, pinch off a iiortion and ttini
pressing it into a ball present it to the
oseophagus, tho fibers of which, con
tracting successively from below up
ward, push it forward into the mouth.
We find in our herd of 25 cows and
heifers that those that chew their food
the most test the highest and those that
chew it the least number of times test
tho lowest. 'J he cow must ho in hor
natural condition when vou count the
number of times and thero must not lo
any noise to attract her attention or ex-!
cito her
The mastication of a hum-n being is
similar to tho last process of mastication
in the cow We will Ki-ve an ilhmtra-
lion. At. one time h certain man -ne
rejected hv an inenraiu-e company bp-
cauof stom rh trnuMe II. wat-ur-
l-ri-td 1'.. Hi ,1 Jn Ii.ii,m-Ii in g..-.d
W in
living child. I tell everybody this happy
event was due to the help of God and of
your medicines. I shall never he without
your medicines henceforth and shall
never fail in recommending' your ' Pt
voritc Prescription.' I have used the
medicines which you prescribed with the
best results.
"Our hearts are full of gratitude to
you for your medicines, which have given
us the happiness of having a living child
of our own, after so much suffering uud
"I recommend Dr. Pierce's l'avorite
Prescription to all young women who
are in the same condition that I waa in
as one of the best remedies in existence.
I have used eigth bottles and find my
self in perfect health. Accept my best
wishes for your welfare to the end of
your days."
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has
been the means of preparing thousands
of women for happy motherhood. It
prevents or cures nausea, tranquilizes the
nerves, encourages the appetite and in
duces refreshing sleep. It imparts great
vitality and muscular vigor so that the
baby's advent is practically
painless. It gives the
mother strength to give
ner cuiin, and is an un
rivaled touic for nursing
at the prompt and perm,
ncnt benefit derived from
the use of "Favorite Pre
scription." Its effects are
not transient and tempor
ary, but they conduce to a
condition of womanly well
being, which seems often
times like a renewal of
youth, so marked are its
effects and so lasting the
vigor which it imparls.
Mrs. Orrin Stiles, oj
Downing, Dunn Co., Wis.,
writes: "I have been in
tending to write to ybr
ever since my baby waj
born in rtgard loiOiatjoui
' Favorite Prescription ' hai
done for me. I canno'
prais it enough, for I haw
not been as well for five
years as I now am. Ir
July last 1 had a baby ly,
weight 11 pounds, and
was only sick a short time
and since I got up have not
had one sick day. I have
not hcl any utenne trouble
since I rot up. I was not
only surprised myself but all my fricndi
here are surprised to tee me so" well."
Dr. Iierce's Favorite Prescription make
weak women strong and sick women -well.
It corrects irregularity, dries disagreeable
drain, heals inflammation and ulceration
and cures female weakness.
Thousands of women have been sur
prised at the cures effected by the patient
and persistent use of Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription. This medicine hat
cured diseases which have failed to yield
to anv other remedy. When doc
have declare-1 a cure was hopeless.
when other n-.edicines had been trieV
vain," Fe- orite Prescription r has brought
about a V-u;i)f cure. There is no othei
put w.j iii..iune specially prepared foi
wotn..' fife which has to wide and
wcr.-KSJ a care of womanly diseases tc
its crviif
Sior jOKis especially those sufTerinr
from ifeSiilc diseases, are invited to con
suit I, ierce by letter Jtee and so ob
tain without charge the opinion of i
specialist on their ailn.ents. All corres
pondence strictly confidential. Addrctt
Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
The dealer who offers a substitute fo:
"Favorite Prescription" does so to gait
the little more profit paid on the lea
meritorious medicines. His profit ii
your loss, therefore accept no substitute.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medics'
Adviser is sent free on receipt of stampt
to pay expense of mailing only. Send
ai one-cent stamps for book in paper
covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth bound
volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
a.ra,- ''Ot'i . l! i;.in -rmtlte-!
him t It-v i Ii time to Miidv an'f
cxp riment. lie r-ad that Mr tilad-
r-n b-vl ai I "that every bite of food
-houM le cii wU t least 32 times "
He reoiv-d to s-e if by thoroughly
chewing. he eonld 1-0 completely utilize
what he ate tiut lie would ne-d to eat
jrreat dead less. He began to chew
thoroughlv everv bite from 32 to fO
times. He found tlmt'his consumption
of food decreased, but his enjoyment in
creased. In three month); he lost 40
pounds in weight and seven inches in
pirth, hut felt no weakness. I'hysiolog.
iats t'.iy that the food should li thorough
ly chewed and mixed with the juices Ik?
fore i: can be thoroughly digested. This
observation teaches us that food should
W ftl dry as much as possible so that
they ran be mixed with the juices to aid
in diction. I he reaton why cow? test
more in the morning than at nicht it
that ther are more quiet at niht than
in the day time and therefore pay more
attention to mastication o( their food.
We find that the range of different cowt-
in ehewine the cud is from 40 to i!7
limes. Bo-well Bros , in the Farmer.
Best Couzh Medicine for Children
Wlwn you buy a rough medicine for
femall childteu viMi unnt onr in u-hii-h
?w i place implicit confidence. You
want one thstt not only relieves but
cure. ion want 0110 that is unrjues-
tionsble iiarmlvsi. m want one that
is U take. Chamberlain's
Cough lu-inedy mepte alt of the?o con
anions. There is nothing so good for
couzhs and cold-i incident to childhood
It is alo a certain preventive and cure
for croup, and there is no danger what
ever from whooping cough when it is
rgiven. It has been used in many epi
demies of that diseabo with jierfect suc-
cesi. For sale by A. C. .Marster & Co.
The World's Fair Route.
Thoe anticipating an Pastern trip, or
a visit to the Louisiana PurcliAeo Expo
sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to over
look the advantages offered by the Mta-
souui Pacific Railway, which, on ac
count of ita various routes and gateways,
ban been appropriately named "The
World's Fair P...ute."
Passengers from the Korthwesl take
the Missouri Pacific trains from Den
ver or Put. bio, with the choice of either
going dim : through Kansas City, or via
Wichita, l .rt Scolt and Pleasant Hill
Two trains daily from Denvor and Pu
eblo to St. Louis without change, carry
ing all classes of modern equipment, in
cluding electric lighted observation par
.lor cafe dining cars. Ten daily trains
between Kansas City and St. Louis.
Write, or cill on W. C. McHrido, Gen-
nral Agent, 121 Third street, Portland
fcr tinind ji fciiinition and illustrate
' literature,
A Canyonillvc Hem.
For pooydavs, commencing March
10, I will sell AT COS I', for each, furni.
turo, .hardware, tinware and granite-
waro. Come earlv to mi-urn goo I bar-
gains, for tl.h, off-'r will bold yond inly
for Hie l-nj't... -t : ., i! suite I.
20-ni 1 ...unH Lovjj.
Soclallts County Convention.
Notice is hereby given that thero will
be held in tho comity courthouse, in the
city of Itnrclmrg, on Saturday, tho 2."!d
day of April, l!)i) l, beginning at tho hour
of 10 o'clock in the morning a wshh
invention of the soiialiht parly, for the
purpose of placing in nomination candi
dates for tho various county officer, to
bo voted for at tins general election in
June, IDOL AH soci.ilimH are requested
to attend.
We would especially tirgij those from
a distance, to make an effort to have
their precincts represented.
Done by older of tho Co. Committo,
II. C. Bitow.v, Chairman.
Caul Hoffman, Secretary. 22 (wks
Nothing Equal to Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy for Bowel Com
plaints In Children
"We have used Chainln-rhiin'H Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our
iiunily for years," snva Mrs J. II. Cooke
't Nederland, Texas. "We have riven
it to our children. We havn Used other
jn-dieiiu'M for the fame purp.e, but
ever found anyttiinv; to equal Clmin-(-Haiii's
If you i I u.e it n 'irei-trl
wi lalwuv file " F r ( .15 -v r
i F. s a -A -li-u. LylK-j V. ,3.
' ti Mds r0'r aitninv jh vftcarf
a'! ( &-.o vY .'. ..).-. - -f evr.
i'ti- J. T. Ukuxies,
N". T. J jf i.TT, .Tais.ry .
J P O. KI.K. ItPKfQli'if Ltj:r .
to Jio. ii Mpih ittrfn.itr ooiTnutut
8 li'xii. l I O.O. t. lir hi cptain..
n: ..'!. m.ttttr
ill iUP!Thtr rwim-Mpd to attpiid regu
ariv fend aii victling hr'-thptK 't curdi
jiiy invited to Attend.
r. t-.. Waits, K. K.
Ror McClallkn, Secreuiv.
.. - . ....
" . rutwis ai .irmorj nun ernri
rhur'da; eTPinnc, at 8 o'clock.
F. B Hamus, Capt.
j O. O. i Philetariac Lodge No. e.
C Mpp:? Iu Odd FeliOKs T-mpJo, car-
ner Jcson at,d Cats utrpets, oc
inrtlKj evening ol pach bp Mpui-ort-
of thf order In good standing an
?itt-d to attend.
J. C. Twrciikil, N. G.
N.T Jewxtt, ruri.
Kt I P. Alpha LoogP Ko 47. MtU
-vi-rr WednlnT, in I. O. O. F
" Hall s 7:30 p. m. Mpmt-re tt
tr-ol :nding r invitp.1 0 attnd.
UWJ. W. KlMBiLL, C. C.
Klmek Wixueslt, K. of R. A S.
3 Il.AC CIP.CLK. .No. !, Women o'
i w?fc5crtf' Mppts on 2nd tnd 4th
Fri !ars ol each montr. at ihn I.
O. O. F. 1111. ViMUi-g mpmM-r ti
o-i suif'me r invited to aitttd.
DeLLA Jeweit, Cn-iniun N.-u i-or.
Ji.v.Mt Oiev, .Scy.
4 K S Rnvmrv Chapter Nc.
IS Holrts their rclRr tmsting on th
first and third rhar-dyft m mj!
ntn M'Umg oimtp-rs in pxk
tndlii re fti-c'inlly invited :o .t
M. N'axs.s Spt-Aoue W. M.,
Macdk Hast Secretary.
J K'niidy No. 105 mt-ets every Satnr
w day evening, at S o'clock in Naiivt--ins
Hall. Visiting Artisans cordialtv
invited to attend.
Mss. M. A. Reko, M. A.
Miw. Minnie -ones. Secretary.
1 1001)51 EN OF THE WORLD.-O.t
ff Camn No. 125. Meets tt the Odd
Fellowe Hall, in Roeebure. everv
irst and Uiird Monday evening. Vlsit-
nv oenrlilors always welcome.
N. T. Jewsit. C. C.
J. A. BrcuANAN. Clerk.
Professional Cards. '
Q.v.OUtiK M BhOWN.
Court Uoom
Q V FISUEIt, hi.
Physician, Surgeon.
ifSce over P. O.
'Phone Main 691.
Abr&ham Llk
ore Pott OiDc
Roseburs, Ore.
Physciau & Surgeon.
OtSce Krrtew um. E06KBHRU
Phono, Main SI ORXHON
p W ( - Ytf-SS.
Kcriew BulldlDfr,
relophone No.A.
M. Cbiwtord a J. O. Watsok
Attorneys at Law,
OoomilAl, IUuk ButtdK.. RO3HB0I.H, OB.
CVBoalneubelnreth D B Land OIBcs m
mlnlnt ciuea ipoclaltr.
RofiiiURQ, Okkoon.
BniinoiN bclors U.B. Land Orflceaad Probate
btuttHni a recllly.
Offlce Abraham Bnlldlne.
Wl' practice In all th HUtc and Flnral i;aru
Oince tn Marki' Illtl., Ronabars. Ortjon.
P W. BEN80N,
Hank nullding
J A. BUCHANAN, Notary PbHc,
Collections a Specialty.
Konm X
Marntsm Uullillng.
Osteopathic Physician
A ihimlc.ii im tlir.d of hi hIIiil' All iliioncrs
rt'opiii'il in tlie tiiMtixeiit iiir-liRilnii Irrc.
Olllri' ov-r tlie l' -l ntleit. I'll 'iio Nil loll
Hour tci 12 A. ' ., ? t i d I'. M. 1
llu-lilcnbu II, 1). tirto pliui;. I'ao-m No. I
The Meth ds of Wing Chow.
Owing to tho increasing fcarcity of
domestic servants in the neighboring
Dominion tomo householders employ
Chinamen Mrs Dash, having parted
with her well-trained man, engaged
Win Chow and instructed htm dili
gentlv. One afternoon, to tent him, ho
disguised her-elf, rang her own door
bel1 hi d i'Mjuin-l if Mri Da), wh .,t
ho-iif. -Y.-. Ii'ii'ie .il! ;,t. 0 " rcpti. d
Wing Chow. "I.'oiiip in dmwiir lorn.
I indeealm." Mrs D.t.-K rc.rcl I. ,1
and wailed waited m long Miat tht
became uueiisy, and was about to ri-'
and teek her pupil, wh.-i. the fiont
door-hell rang. WjIU; 'liim- ,H,i ol
appear iu respoiisp, and the bell rang
again. Mrs. Dish hastened to open it,
and was confronted by the Celestial
"I pletty fine man!" ho exclaimed with
a delighted grin. "Vou foolee me ; next
come my turn, I foolee on "
After Wing Cliow hsd studied at 1.
fturiday-soliool uud lic-miie a m.-mbir of
a church lie decorated his remarks with
Scriptural p!ir;iM-. l -.rpw ihnuti'
lied and pleaded lor an incre.tre of
wanes. "You vely lii-h uomau, I volv
P'.or man." he explained, "money I
Wish you iiiojc mve ine " Mr D.1-I1
rej td the p.ea, ..nd iux ( how a( -H-anil
to (-111111111 But cii tht- folio ii.j.
moriii. 1:, when t!ici:o.i woman pntprpd
! hit dining romi. th uh tin- room lia-i
. -veil siwpt, tlt iai,.e aj,ii al evt.r.,
. th ng left in perfect order, there was 1.1
j Wing Chow. h a plate the per
plexed inistre.-s found a no'e, ulii 1.
read as Jollows: "ou veH- licit wo
man ; I vely por man. I aske you
more tuouey; yon givee me none. O
I, unl) of (,od, I uo Ap'il I.ippincott'
Mat;azii.e. Cl IlilltH
That oiie ig y at gool as mithr i-
1. 1111 t keii idea. Kt- from hp-is tlmi
l' tve W11 we.l Kt-pia: d M on whftto-
i-iHt-JwM are very Uitfwnt lr,Mu
laid Iy ijuty M or ilUuaE-d hrn.
A fariner can bring an orchar I to ih
Ivarin- ixAni, ami at th -sine time itro-
iluce, iiearly as much corn, wUtoe.- or
other produce ita if it were not thvre.
I t Will Hild greatly to the value of hi
farm, whether he lutuuda to nUxe it his
home or hell the place.
One of the liest devk-cte for feeding
loo oats and hay to sluen is to wsce
the feed jntt otit.-iJe the sheen lot fence
made of palings pluetil tuch a di-t:iiKei
apart that the theep can reach through !
to eat.
When fouls are aiH:cUd ith vermin
the MMwt prMeiiesi remedy 1 a thonmgh '
histiiig with a pxKprjnlity of it
i.tier, appltpd with a Wowwr. The'
huhi' tf applying grvv. or oil 10 11 fowl
i- of au-tpnt origin, and pxbioits j-xir
judgmtit. luwrt itoadrr ii jn a 1
cheap. j
E J. Hialt of Athens county, Ohio,
virile- t the Breedei's lisrettp that
I'U1, brepding and freiling -itotibi each
luvve attttnt etttAl t rt?dil for the wost per ;
feci tvpti found in herd or rkok. When
hrcetlers and farmers ill see the need
.f thu three reqnt.-ites iinprovemeats
will come more raid. Strictly high-'
clas unimala are not kmiihI in large
numkr. .
The fo experiment t-tationanalyxMl
1000 samples of sugar beets from all
counties in that state. The le-ull was 1
quite sati-fnetory, but hiah and low '
rade U-ets were produced in allKsctioHSj
djne donlrtltw to the lack of observing'
proper iiKftt ode of enhure. All parts
of the states are adapts) t lt cnlturp.
A gallon of M-alding hot water, half a J
bar of common lauudry ap and three
tabkfpooufuls of crude arbolic aeiit ,
makes the lcst disinfectant for a hen
house. Apply with a scrube brush.
Cash Giv
We are comg to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of Lion Coffee. Not only will the
Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be cood, as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we
have always given our customers, bat
In Adit ion f i the liinlar Free Premiums
the same Lion-Heads will entitle you to estimate- in our $50,000.00 Grand Prise Contest, which will
tnake some of our patrons nch men aad women. Vou caa scad in as many cstiaiatesas desired. There will be
The first contest will be on the July 4th attccdance at th. St. Xo-ws World's Fair; the second relates to Total
Vote For Frcsidcntto bo cast Nov. 8. lttfl. $so,oov.o w.;i ; e distributed ia each o( thoe contests, maVinc
40,000.00 on the two, and, to make it stUl m,ra ia'crcst;r. ia addition to this amount, we will trive a
Orana First Prize
Five Lion-Heads
cut from Lion
Coffee Packages and a
a cent stamp entitle you
(in addition to the reg
ular free premiums)
to one vote in
either contest? f-CS
Whit will bo tho total July 4th attendance at tha St.!s
WorM'i Fair? At Chtcneo. July 4. ISO. the attendance wituvr..
For nearest correct estimates received In Woolson Sriicc Com
pany's olBcc, ToleJo, Ohio, on or before Juno 50th, 1D. o wm
Blve first price for tho nearest correct estimate, second prirc to the
next nearest, etc., etc., as follows:
1 First Frlie S2.COO.00
1 Second Prtio
a rrizos jouu.uu eaea
B'Prlxes SOO.OO
IO Prlxca 100.OO
20 Frliea 60.00
fso Prises
300 Prises
IOOO Prises
3130 PHIZE8.
Distributed to the Public aggregating S45,000.Q0-!n addition towhlch'we snail gIvi$itIM
te tracers' Clerks (see particulars in LlfJH COFFEE oasas) making a grand total it $50,008.00.
you vv.uu t buy a farm
you want furnished rooms
you want to buy a house
you want to rent a house
you want to build a house
you ( want to move a house
! D
on'tki'ow PAT
r hlrP9i . . .
5. K. SYKES,.
For St. Louis and the World's Fair
Nat tire's Art Gallery of the Rockies in addition to the at
irdctKHis at St. Looii This can only be done bv going or
returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD "
v rite for illustrated booklet of Colorado's famous sights and resorta
VV. C. HcBRIDE, General Agent,
124 Third Street PORTLAND OREGON
In addition it will be well to burn sul
phur and tar in the lionee, but not
w-he ?xp fod e-s are beinc hatched.
The Mi-cepiioility of planU to change
in their chemical enmpoidty by teed sel
ection ami proper cultivation is seen in
the development of the sowr beet.
When Napoleon set about making Eu
rope indeendent iu her beet sugar sap
ply the beet conuine.1 but 3 er cent of
ite weight in pojar. But the work! has
sees the yk1 of sugar from the beet
multiplied by foar. It is sujrgested
tint the finality of all cereals can be
"really benefited hy itroper seed selec
tion How's This?
We offer One Hnndered Dollars Re
ward for any c of Catarrh that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chunky A Co., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the Nst 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business ns and tinanciallv
in Away to Isirs f
6! Sg.G3.yQ SSSSS
ni.iiii., ..Tii Ti - t - n upyvijiaaiucsoi wiuuiuga 013 case pnre.
What will be tho t-itel Popular Vote cast tor President (rote
f r a'l candidate combined at the election November 8. Ia
13 election. 13.3SS.6SJ people voted for ProsMenL For nearest cor
rect ctiniates received In Woolson Splco Co.s, office. Toledo, O.,
on orl-ofore Sot. 5.10ti4.TcwUlclvc first prize for the nearest cor
rect estimate, second prize to the neat nearest, etceteras follovs:
1 VlrstPrlio $3,500.00
1 Sccoaarrtsa 1.000.00
.. ..l.OOO.OO
8 rrlsca-
1 .ouu.uu
1 ,000.00
TOTAL. $20,000 00
lO Prlsea
20 Prises
SO Prises
2KO Prises
IOOO Prises
aiso rnizEs.
15 KlflG
White family Aud Tailor
ing Rotory Sewing Mach
ines. Machines with
Rotary Lift
able to carry out any obligations made,
by his 6rm.
Waujino, Kissax 4 Mastis,
Wholesale Drugji-ts, Toledo, O.
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, actinc directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi
monials sffree. Price 73 cents per
bottle, t'okl by all drajrgista.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa
tion. For Sale Cheap.
245 acres stock or dairy ranch 3J
miles t.otithet oLJlyrile Point, Ore?oa.
Fine new bomee, good out" buildinjs.
1 Will sell ith or witliout stock and fur,
1 aiture. Have Rood object for selling.
ror particulars address
Carl W. Pressly,
Myrtle Point, Ore,
T. W. Cxrlon will clean, press and re-
: dispatch ; give him a trial. Shop oppo
site depot. 25-tI
give i
Printed blanks to
vote on found in
every Lion Coffee Pack
age. The 2 cent stamp
covers the expense of
our acknowledgment to
you that your es
timateis recorded.
2 Prises J500.00 each l.OOO.OO
TOTAL, S20.000.00