The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 14, 1904, Image 3

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    Real Estate Trurisfero.
It's the Quality that Keeps the Customers
Our Soring goods that are constantly arriving are well known for their
qualit'. It is a pleasure for us to show this beautiful line. All we ask is for
3'ou to give us the opportunity.
Note that our clothing fits well and is up to date, our Dress Goods are
uobby aud pretty, our Shoes are staunch and comfortable, our Hats are stylish
and shapely, our Furnishings are new and nobby, our Wash Goods are pretty
and cheap in price.
One Door Southof P. 0.
Mrs. Belle Collins
and Main Streets
For Good Pictures and
Fair Prices Go To
Smith's Sunbeam
Photo Parlors
Corner Pine nd L ne Sts.,
Roseburg, - Ore.
' 5 . . .
Q-sc?il";?-ci I Cheaille & Johnson, dentists.
5 1
1 Of Local Interest.
. It
Dr's. Cheadle& Johnson, dentists.
Prof. R. C.
this cit- Tuei
A see
of Elkton was in
Osteopathy cures when other methods
fail. 30-tf
Osteopathy is founded
scientific methods.
the most
J. T. Bridges and wife are in Portland
on a visit with friends.
It is jour own fault if you
well. Trv Osteopathy.
J. C. Johnson, of Cottage Grove is re
gistered at the McClallen.
Mrs Rickey, of Kiddle was in Hose
burg this week shopping.
Sirs. Lou Lehman is visHng relatives
in Eastern Oregon and Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Benson are in
Portland visitiug friends.
M. F. Callahan of Wardt wn
i this citv on business Tuesday.
J. J. Chadwick of Myrtle Creek
in this city on business this week.
D. C. Davis and wife of Drain
visiting in this city this week.
C. W. Vail, Z. L. Dimmick and Jas.
Underwood of Oakland were in this city
this week.
Abstract of Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing on Govern
ment Land.
Bine P"-nta of Township Maps showing
all vRcant Lands.
Architect, Abstracter.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures
Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415
Boys' clothing, from 4 to 14 '.trs, a
anety of kinds, AT COST, Ah & Att-
S. A. Gnrney, of Millwood, was rcgi
tered at the McClallen House Wednes
Miss Susie Ollivnnt of Looking Glass
is visitiag Mrs. Mark Montgomery at
S. C. Bartrum, the forest s-upervisor
left Tuesday for Cottage Grove and oth
valley points.
Mrs. Eliza Han ui of Ashland is the
euest of her dauchter-in-law, Mrs E. R.
Hunan of this city.
Notice of Forfeiture.
Cottac Grove, Lane County, Slate of Oregon,
March K. 1961.
To E. C. Gunn a administrator of the -tate
of D. li. Cotton, deceast 1, aud to Mrs. T. F. Wil
son, Mrs. Clark J. Tit-del, Mi's Carrie E. Mason,
Miss May Mas-Mi,Erstue Cotton, Bun T. Uunn,
and E. C. Gnnu, heirs at law of said D B Co
ton, deceased, and to all other persons claim
ing any risht, title or interest, either in law
oi equity in or to the mining claim herein
after decribd, as-heirs of the said D. B. Col
ton, deceased or otherwise:
You and each of you are hereby notified, that
L, the nndersicaed, have expended money and
performed labor and woi fc to the amount ol
One Hundred Dollars, upon the "Homer" lode
mining ciaim, sitnaled in the Bohemia Mining
District, in the County of Douglas, btate oi
That the moner so extended and the lsbor
iierformcd -was performed and exi- nded on
and between thejst Cay of September and the
30th dax oi S-pteaiber A. It. IMS, in order to
hold said premises under the provisions of
Section tl of the Kevixid StataUs of the
United States and laws of the Stale of OreKOu,
being the amount icjuired to hoM the same
for the year ending December 31, 1WS.
That said wort upon said claim was per
formed bv Edd. Jents and Ben. Curry for and
at the exense of the undersigned.
And if within Xiuetj (SO) days from the ser
vice of this Notice ujon you by the Sheriff or
within Ninety (M) days alter serrie of this
notice by publication you faii or ref ae t con
tribute ibe proportion of such expenditure as a
co-owner, your interest in the i-ald cla m wil
become tbe propetty of the undersigned under
said Section 2321 by won of said failure to
contribute said p-oportion of said expenditure.
Miss Lillian Kelley, left yesterday
mornms tor the Ualles to visit her
aunt, who is quite ill.
A. P. Apjrfepate. Geo. Woolley and
W. 0. Bridges, of Drain, were registered
at the McClallen House this week.
Have yon seen that elegant line of
lace curtains? We are showing also full
line ot portiers and window shades. B
W. Strong.
Plain pewing and dressmaking is solic
ted by Mrs. Wooten on the corner of
Oak and Stephens streets.
It will pay yon to
Eell your mohair.
Mohair Wanted.
see us before you
Kruee fc Newlaud
Sirious Stomach Trouble Cured.
I was troubled with a distress in my
stomach, tour stomach and vomitum
Bwllw. and can truthfully say that
Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tab
lets cured me. Mrs. T. V. Williams
Lainsburg, Mich. .These tablets are
guaranteed to cure every case of stomach
trnnhle of this character, tor sale by
A. C. Marsters & Co.
You should never submit to an opera
tion unul you have consulted your Os
teopathic physician. 30-tf
a1. Cloyd is quite seriously ill with
pneumonia at the home of his mother
in Cloverdile addition.
Mrs. W. B. Singleton, is reported
quite ill at the residence of her eon
George Singleton of this city.
F. Gregory, of Seattle, was reuislered
this week at the McClallen lloute, but
hereafter he recister as Splinters Greg
ory, Koseourg.
Take your clothing to T. W. Carlon
tailoring establishment, opposite depot
for cleaning, repairing and pressin
All work first-class. 25-tf.
Mrs. Mary J. Houston, mother of Con
ductor Dive Honston, and ;:rand-dau li
ter, Miss Floy Houston, who have been
visiting friends here, left yesterday
morninc for Euzene to visit there for a
short time.
Mrs. J. F. Pe,ebler, will start to day
on her Worlds Fair trip. Enrontcshe
will visi with friends in Maderin, Cal
and later will 1 e joined by her hus'iand
;it Los Anpeles, from where they will
proceed to .ew uneans and m l.oms.
They will be absent until in Jul y.
Log Cabin Creams at Curriet's.
Pee Bell Sisters' $2.00 trimmed hats.
Wood for sale.
I.eave order with J. F,
aro not
Prof. J. E. Patterson, of Gardiner is
in this cfty on business. He will not
return home for several weeks.
Alpha Lodge K. of P. of this city has
received a new lantern and slides with
which to exemplify their rank work.
Attorney J. S. Medley, of .Cottage
Grove was in this city on business yester
day returning home on this morning's
Mrs. (eo. T. Bolter and little daughter
Capatolia of Portland who have been
visiting relatives in this city for a reason
returned home today.
A It Haines ot ux to Gco,Stnith, $060;
w 8w) and lota 4, 5 and 5 of sec B4,
containing 1G9.51 acres.
B A Htinsaker ot ux to J F Hoover
and Geo Hoover, $1000; lot 2 of the sub-
division of the of D L C Jos Cor-
nolison, contaiuinu 31.47 acres in tp 29
h, r 5 west.
A F Brown et ux to E 1) K Cooper,
$2000; nvr and w ne sec 22, the
aw ne!4 and the e4 bw sec 15, the
soy sej sec 10 and the o4 neJi sec 21,
tp 24 a of r 0 west.
JG Flook et ux to A Fiold $50.00:
3-4 aero in Sec. 24, und25Tp27S R
0 w
James Doland to Sophia Dolan $1.00
Lnts 1 and 2 in Second Brookaide Ad
dition to the city of Roseburg.
Will M Berks to Frederick A Kribs
$800.00 wW. of nottf suU and neK of bo'
of section 28 tp 27 b r s w
George Berka to Frederick A Kriba $700.
bSs of iie4 aud nw.i of se)i of setion 18
in tp 27 s r 7 w
G A Signal nesa et ux to A T Beetul,
tl : lot 14 and so BeW" of sec 6 tn 25 8
of r 2 west.
Watson B Ross and Maria Rosa to
Katio P.uinsky, $750; aw U eec 20 tp 21
b of rfi west.
T W Adams et ttx to Louis Villepiguo
400 ; lot S blk 22 in R R addition to the
town of Oakland.
Pleasant L Robinctte et ux to Porter
Elmore, $700; se 8ec22 tp 24 e, r 8 w,
containing 1G0 acres.
Mary E Smith to William Smith, $200 ;
nwJi swj-i sec 23 tp 20 a of r 6 west.
Frank Berka to Frederick A Kriba
$450. Ixt3 1 and 2 of Sec. SO tp 27 a r 7
w containing 82.43 acres.
Joseph Bender to Mrs Sadie M Smith
$10. 1-ots 1 and 8 in block 1G in the town
of Gardiner
Eugene S Lowe et ux to William Grav
$S00. Lots 1 2 3 and 4 in Block 11 in
South Drain
R B Mathews et ux to W G Farrar
$950. e,S: of lot 4 in block no 59 in the
city of Rosoburg
S J Sutherlin to Virginia M Sutheilin
$1.00 lots B C and 10 in block 1 in Chad
wick's Addition to the city of Roseburg
W F Colvin to wataon B Rosa $10.
1 acre in Sec. 14 tp 22 r 6 w
James M Tracy et nx to C E Howes,
$1250; se nwJi. aw4' n, nei swX,
nw4' seJ-4 sec 13, tp 22 s, r 5 weet.
CEWadeetuxlo X Palson, $600;
swj4' b',14 sec 31, tp 21 a of r 4 west.
Walter E McKce etux to W 11 McKee
$000; Part of the Linay Applegate D L
C No 42, tp 23 8 r 5 w. containing 19.09
J H Higiuaand Agnei E Hiius to
Lewis F Wilkititon, $250; lot '.2 blk 3
Hamilton's Addition to the citjr of Roie
burg. Lewis E Wilkinson to A Creaion, $1G0
lot 23 blk 3 Hamilton addition to the
city of Roseburg.
George Shambrook et ux to William
Kami), $50 ; block 3 iu Shambrook first
addition to I'mpqua Ferry.
Marv Cole and Stepheo Cole to Job n
Hanson and Carrie Hanson, $900; se
nwW. s Vf neU. sl4 nwl-4 nel-4 sec 20
tp 23 s r 5 w, excepting 10 acres.
Romeo E Scranton et ux to John A
Wilaon. tlOO: 4 acrea sec29 tn 29 . r S
Reported bv Title Guarantee and
Loan Company.
Card ot rtiank.
During the month of April we will issue with every rash purchase a dated duplicate sales cneck stating
the amount of your purchase. At the end of the month, a date will be selected and every person holding
checks of that date will have their purchase money refunded. In other words we are going to present to our
customers the amount of one days sales. We are not doing this in a philanthropic mood but sis one way of
advertising. We want you to become better acquainted with our store and when you do this we are confident
of making you our steady customers. The elite will not be selected until May ist. In order to make this a
more momentous event we will from lime to time offer special inducements in the line of special sales. Jr
meinuer your money back if you arc lucky.
Special No. 1
Men's Black Russia Calf Shoes,
New Styles and New Goods. The Re
nowned Florsheim make. A lairly com
plete line of sizes.
Regular price, - $3 50 & $ 4.00
Money back sale price - - $2.60
Special No. 2
Ten patterns Scotch flannel waist
ings, new patterns, wilt wash without
loosing color, unexcelled for shirt waists,
boys' waists or summer suits in three
qualities which sold for 40. G5 & 75 cts.
75c grade Money back Sale Price 53c
65c " " " " " 43c
40c " " " " " 27c
Our Spring Stock is now almost Complete
And new goods are arriving daily. Our
styles are new, our prices are right.
Be sure to ask for a duplicate sales check when making cash purchases. All materials shrunk by our new
steam process free of charge.
New Golf Shirts, Ladies and Men's Shoes, Summer Dress Goods, Laces and Embroidries, Underwear,
Boy's Clothing, Hosiery, Calicoes, Ginghams, and Milliner'.
NOTICE: The above money back offer applies only to cash purchases not to money paid on account or charge sales
Italian Band Concert.
The Fair Route
The Portland Italian Band, composed . Via Chicaso or New Orleans to St. 1
oi 32 of the most accomplished rmm- Louis, is the one that pives you the mot
cians, and who have played in all ol the fr 3-onr moaey. ami the fact ibat the
prominent cittea of the United States ' ILLINOIS CENTRAL otters cnsC
will appear at the opera houte in Ro'e-! passed -tKViCE via ihe.-e points to the
burg Saturday evenine, April 10, UWt WOULD s KUIt, and m this connec-
The repertoire of the band is corapoel . tiou to all -int!' beyond, mates it to
of over 1500 selections from the mrwt your advantage, in case oa contemplate
famous composers of the musical work!, a trip to any point jast, to write ns be-
Tui organization is of the finest musi
cal organization of its kind on the Paci
fic coast, and will lw one of the great at
tractions at the lwis & Clark Centen
nial Exhibition in 1KI5. The music
loving people of this community should
appreciate the fact that this orpaniia-
tion brings honor to the state ot On-con
in fiieral. and it is honed they will be'
fore makine final arrangements.
We can offer the choiee of at least a
dozen different routes.
I). li. TacMarix.
Commercial Agent,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
J. C. Lindwy. T. F. 4 P. A.,
112 Thin! St., Portland, Ore.
P. B. Thompson F. & P A.,
Axminster Velvet
and Tapestry
Full line of Ingrains
Both Wool and Cotton
We are shotdng a fine line of Lace Curtains
which have jtist arrived.
Fifty pairs of Portiers in the latest designs
and colorings.
erected by a large audience.
i P.ooui 1, Coiman Bids., eattle. Wa-h.
Local Option.
Our spring line of carpets has arrived,
and ws are prepared to fit np your house
in the latest designs and colorings. Call
and examine for yourself. B W. Strong
the Furniture man.
An immense line of Morris Chairs and
Bockera just received at Strong's Furni
ture Store; also a full line of all kinds
of Furniture at reasonable prices. Call
and see for vourself. 99-tf
We wish to express our thanks to the
many kind friends and neighbors who
to readilv extended their aid and sym
pathy during the illness and death of
our beloved ton and brother. Also for
the manv beautiful Cowers.
C. B. Arnold and family.
"I have ned Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets with most satisfactory
results," says Mrs. F. L. Phelps, Hous
ton, Texas. For indigestion, hillious-
ness and constipation these tablets are
most excellent. Sold bv A. C. Marsters
J. B. Off. of Oakland one of O'eaons
htalwart pmivr--, is in thi citv on bnt-i-nes
today an 1 made t-.c Plaisde ek
a pleasant call. At present Mr. Goff is
the 2iie"t of his son J. O. GofTof Deer
Creek. He reports that Mm J C Ooff
who is at present undergoing treatment
in a Portland hospital, is improveing
Remember that it is quality, not
quantity, that we strive for in furnish
ing onr city trade, therefore you will
alwavs cet tho cheapest milk of the
Gaddis Daisy, becauso the best. All
retail milk delivered in bottles. Our
specialties are cream, milk and butter
milk. If you don t see the wagon,
'phone to the Creamery. 14-tI
Probate Order.
J. C. Fullerton appointed admx. and
F. E. Alley, J. 1. Flook and G. W.
Dimmick appraisers of the estate of
John II Shupe, deceased, said estate
being of the probable value of $ 2,500.
May 1C, 1901, at 10 o'clock a ,r, fied
as dav and time for hearing final ac
count of A. M. Dailey, admx. of the!
estate of Samuel Daily, deceased.
Widow of J. L.Coon, deceased, grunt
ed an allowance of $2(i per1 month, pend
ing settlement of ebtate of buid deiend
cnt, also persoual property of said es
tate exempt from execution.
Last will and testament of Patrick
Beed, deceased, admitted to probate,
and F. A. McCall appointed executor
thereof in-accordance with his nomina
tion as such by said decedent. The es
tate conMts of reil and personal proper
ty of the probable value of f3000, all of
which is bequeathed to the widow, Mrs.
Laura E. Reed, during her life time.
..a ,i,on,.o tn their six children. The
miu mv"ww -
appraisers appointed for the estate are
- Henry Schroten, John McClelland and
William Harvey.
JVluhair Wanted.
It will pay you to eee us before you
sell your mohair.
a u Krute &NfcWland.
I have just received gold rollers for the
I purpose of rolling gqld for bridge and
crown woik, and as I nse nothing but
coin for shells am thii3 assured of its
durability.. Those desiring this class of
dental work will do well to consult
me. Partifs out of the city may he
aured of prompt attention by makine
pngacement by mail. Dr. Pearson, D,
D -S
Geo. Ji Graven. he popular ynunc
travclinc man wa in the civ this weok
He informs us that this is his last visit
to be made to this city by rail ; hereaf
ter Mr. Graves will make his trips
through Southern Oregon in an nulo
mobile. he having just purchased a new
2000 White touring car. "Some men
have fame thrusted upon them ;" others
'uv it.
Arcording to the Journal corrospon
lent Roseburg is a bad town, in the
write up ol the recent burglaries here
he suites that $81 was Li Ken from the
Otficc saloon which statement is a mis
take as the bartender nt that place Fays
that the burgular only took money from
the slot machine which did not exceed
? 4.50 as the machine had been opened
by the proprioter that evening at fon
o'clock. The Eldorado saloon robbery
was simply a josh. Space writers
should be more careful as articles such
as the one mentioned are a knock to tho
LASE BELL At San Luis Obispo,
Calif., April 7, 1901, LayFayctte Lane
and Miss Lesa Bell.
The groom is tho well known son ol
the late Hon. L. F. Lane, ol this city.
He was formcrally a brakeman in the
employ of the 0. & C. R. R. here. Tho
bride is a popular teacher In tho Call
fornia public schooli.
Mr. R. W. Kelsey, of Newberg, win-. A
ner of the National Prohibition Inter-;(
collegiate Oratorical Contest at Chicago .
in June, 1900. accompanied by W . Eu- 5
gene Knox, the inimitable iinperiona- "
tor, and supported in fong by Messrs. f
Howard L. Hrckett and A. Newby will f
hold a meeting at the Court Hous. on , i
Friday, April 15 at t p. ni. I
The object of the meeting will beto-
ettr up sentiment in favor of prohibition
and especially the proposed local option
Every person interested in temper
ance work is cordially invited to be pres
ent. Boys and girls under 15 should be
accompanied by parents of some adult
person who will be responsible for their
Admission will be Irec, bnt each per-
ton attending should not neglect the op
portunity of contributing to the silver
offering which will be taken. Pledges
will be taken for the campaign.
We carrv from 500 to ioco Window Shades in
! ; stock including the celebrated Henry W. Green shade,
; the tM-t that money can buy.
is prepared to wait upon old
and new customer acd friends
with a full and complete
stock of
All Iresh arid ot the very best
quality. Teas aad cofiri are
specialties. Yout patronage
305 Jackson St.
Ol everv descrivtion. Farms and Min
eral Lands. Oregon, Washington and
i And Other Beautiful Flowers
Frank Joseph Arnold was born Jan.
13, 1875 at Woodhull, Michigan, where
he resided till about 6 years ago, when
with his parents, he moved to Looking
Glass, Oregon, where after being a pa
tient sulterer lor several rnontns lie
passed away, April 9, HKM.
. J here aro leit to mourn tus loss a
motlier, latner, ture uroiuers, tnree
sisters and a niece betides other rela
tives und many friends.
Sheriff's Sale.
Declamation Contest Postponed.
Becanse of a counter attraction on the
evening of the 15th, tbe Gold Medal
Declamation Contest between pupil ol
the Public School, is iwstponed to Tues- tion to the higbci bidder for cuh in ht..i. lt
day evening, April rJ. ine proxrarn anthtlonihe9thdarof Mny. iwxi, or at nr
iv the ciRcorr court or the state
or or.EGOs for douolas county.
0!o Unnten. 1
ruintiir. i
Rot r"lher nd Jo-
icph R Anderoo
aud 0. 9. tkutur.
Nntlrc li herrhr xlrta thill by virtue ol D
tci!!inn. mil order ol Ml, duly tful out of
the bove ntioeu lonn mi . no me ;n
dr ol Mrch. I9JI upon a judmnenl nd .
decree dulv reiidireit and crilerel In ld
coait. on ihe 1Mb day of January. 1W. by '
loiccloare or a r:jRo m Mtor oi me aoove
named plalntlrt, and RKiunft the aUiTe named
ilcleuiama aud pk.iui tue nerviiiatu'r uivu
Honed and DfKnM rnorlpajie projHTly for
lhfum oJtlWOOwllh lnteret IhertO-s a' ihc
rat ol 6 per cent per annum Irom the ind day
of OeloIxT, la. nd the farther aura ol
attorney 'e-1. wiin iLwresi inervon ai o er
cent per annum from th 15tb day of Ian
ury, 1901. an-- for thu further turn ol tlsAO
iwtt and dlburcmeut.
Now therefore I will on Saturday, the 9th
day of April. 1S0I: at one o'clock p m. of said
nay. i me luuk ihiukjiiuiuuiwi. m
bunt, uougiascumy, urvKoii.Mrn ai imuuunut
Send Postal Card
for 1904 Catalog
y mi m s ii i mi
Traoe Marks
Copyrights 4c
Anyone tending aletrh and description may
nttklr ascertain our opinion free whether an
..iavi. nnr
ir,.mV.n is nrobablr palentabl. Coromunlca-
AMiland Tiding: Mrs. Frank Dick
pv. who ha-4 lieen visitinK at her child-
hood : home at Fort Worth. Texas, re
turned to As'dand, Saturday. She was
detained in San Francisco a week or ten
days by an attack of the mumps
Mrs. E. P. Tynan, wife of the P.
conductor, and children left Saturday
afternoon for Grants Paes, anil from
thpre wil iro to B iker City, where they
will visit until May 1st, when they will
take up their residence in Rosebnrp.
Miss Vary Tynan, a niecs, will go to
Oakland, Or
Notice for Publication.
United 4tatea Land Office,
Ronton re, Oregon, February 1, 1901.
Notice it hereby flren that In compliant
with the prorliloni of tha act of Congrcii of
Jun3, 1H78. entitled "An art for the sale of
timber land! In tbe Stateiof California, Ore con
Nevada, and WaaMngton Territory," ueztend
d to all the public land ttatei by act of Auftiat
4, 1&9Z
of Roseburg, County ot DouRlai, State of Ore
Km, lias this day flied In this Joffleo his eworn
ttatcmcnt No. Kt06, lor the purchatc of the
NKJ-4of sections, township 28 fl, range 4 wcit
and will otter proof to thow that tha land aonjht
li more Taluable for It timber or atone taut
for agricultural purpotei, and to eatabllah nil
claim before tbe Register and Becalyer ot th4
ml riM of RAufanrr. Qriron.
ou Ihursday tbe 14th day of April, 1901. lie
natnea at witness": George Reed, II. L.
.-tuilley Margaret J. Brookes, D. V. KUher, all
Any Htid h11 pen-ona claiming adversely the
iiivMH,rrfhwt Imidfl are reoueated to file tholl
claims In this office on or bclore the Hlh day ol
Apr.1,1904. J.T. BRIDOK8,
A Cunyonlllve Item.
For sixty days, commencing March
10, I will sell AT COST, for cash, furni
ture, hardware, tinware and granite
ware. Come early to securo good bar
gains, for this offer will hold good only
for the letiKth ol time aforestated.
20-m 1 John E. Love.
19. The
will be as follows:
Piano Duet, "II Trovatoro"
Merta Bales and Maggie McClallon
"The Runaway Boy." Dale Griffith
"Writing u Valentino," Bertram Bates
"Beyond Endurance," Minnio (jallasrger
'The Minuet," llarel Krakenberger
'Who Stolo the Birds Nest,"
Irma Clements
"Little Dora's Soliloquy,"
"Tho Niaht Wind," Pearl Davis
Sons, "Anona," Besie Cnrlon
That Grumbling Old Woman,"
Helen Cardwell
'Sister aud I," Elizabeth Buckmaster
"Evening at the Farm," Ruth Woolley
"On tho Shores ol Tennessee,"
Ruby Cbanipngao
Vocal Trio, "Tho Fay's Song,"
Ethel Appelhoff, Ellen Flook,
Arrio Black.
"Naughty Zell," Grace Moore
"A Bin Mistake," Edna Pierce
'The Rawedy Man," Vivian Cardwell
"Biddy's Trials Among tho Yankees,
Lilith Mooro
Dumbell Drill,
Misses Jewett, Bonedtck, Appelhoff and
Bong, "Tho Lover's Telegraph,"
Allio Black
Announcement of dicision ol Judges
Piano Duet, "Valso de Concert,"
Miscs Nita Kabat and Elsie Bonedick
Tho Medals may be seen in tho window
ol Flint's Shoo Store.
time thereajter in or to the following describe
preralics, to wit: ,
lllC BaBfc IIBll Kil itUlltllMt ....
Eait half of touiheat ouattcr ol Foe 3).Tp. X)
S., R. 8 W., W. M Douglas county, Oregon,
containing l'-O acrca more or leas, acconllnjc to
k i rtiitrtim.nt nnrvpv. uttreiuer hi u uic
lenementa, hen-diltimcuta and appurteuan :
DClouginc or in any irw iinviiaii. i
i hereunto
Ing, and will apply the prncce
iinn..iriirmtialFntlaL HANDBOOK on latenu
lent free. Oldest acency f or eoinii(rpalent.
Yatcnta talcn throueh Mann A.recelre
rjiftal notice, without charco. In tha
Scientific Jfmcricati
A handsomely lllnstrated weekly. Jjircest cir
culation of any sclentlBe lournal. Tonus. t3 a
year: four months. fL Sold by all newsdealer.
Branch Offleo. CS K EL. Wa.hln.rton. U.C.
Is of such sale I ,
first t the paynmnt ot the costs anniis'iurc-1
m-nt of said inl and ol this suit, inrludini: )
aid attorney a fees; to the pymcnt ot me sum
nfr.O0, due plalntlir with lnt.resl thereon at H i tt- t PAGE ii
the r-.e of 6 per cent per annum from the iind kit jiT.i- 3 -i; V?r-E
.i n day ot October. 19"3, and thoocr plus If
." there l, pay to tho Clerk of the Uoirt, n
any . E
c, pay to tho UlcrK ol me uo'iri, na t .
Older of said Court In said extvullon to mo r-uUMrtCIlcm wuiiuui
-i-"tr-J: t. tV-1
ttr.t. .i: a-i
When the lists have Cleared Away
J You will want to make quick work with your
garden. We carry the fiuest line of the cel
ebrated Planet Jr. Tools in the county. - Send
for catalogue, or better, call 'and see them.
extra cost. It is
tiVlSVrTrolIeriT lT& ul and endorsed by the leadi.n: men
jf this county, for cirouiars aim priw
address Stearns & Chenoweth, Oaklat:d.
Ore., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly
-til said Rlwiv
manner lrovldd by law.
Date ol tlrst publication, warcn mm, imi,
K. I-. 1'ARltaiT,
Sheriff Douglaa County, Oregon.
A Direct Line
Notice for Publication.
U. S. Land OBlce, Roseburi!, rro..
March 22, 1WM.
NatUais hereby glran that In compliance.
rltli tha proTlslomof tha act of Concress of
June S. liTX. entitled "An act for the sale oi
timber lands In the Statcsof Calltornla.Oregon
Nevada , and Washlnston Territory," aacxtend
d to all tha public land states by act of August
Nora ko -uianen
of Hofcburg. county of
ton, has ibis day nlei
Title Guaranteed Loan Lo
t. l. Hamilton,
C. Uajiilton.
Peoy. and Trcas
Jfflce in tu Court ll.ntso. H.vo the mi co n
tiletoet of tbtrct booki In Uouslas C-ni n -.
Abstracts and t'ertltlcatos ol TUlo furnUhcd;.'
iKiunlaf puat und ud mlmtu claim" H,,
js,iii-.uiilet."itoITrCinC!i o' !' townav-
uianen ; . , ( ih-, Ki .tfl)ri, U. S. lu,
! m a o"fiw her sworn ! trtot. 111 mr.k blue print copies ot any ton-
UI B nun v v. ...
iIi lKmi-nl KnlAll fur ttm I.nri-.lusC of the lil'Si""'!'1
. ............ . . . ;r
nnnn n( nunriri oi wie imuinwsni"ntlsl i
of section 18, tiwnsbip 'M a.iuth, rainto 7 Wist
and will offer proof to show that the land sought ;
Is more valuable for Its timber cr atone than . t
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hli
cisim uoiore tno ueh'isior ana KsceiTir ui um
otllce of Kostburs;, uregon.
on Tun lay, tlioaM diy of May, 1901. She r.aivni u iamhu, uwm
Lcnnx, I'O Itfain ol Ko-eiiuK. tJreon, em
HalKlnt'er. o! Ilronbwav. OrCif)n.
Inr n(l all nortton. rlnlmln? adyernety tlltf
above dcsi-rlbed lands are rcoui'stotl to tl lo
their cUlma In tula otneo on or uctore sain aist
day olMay 1904, , ,
J.T. BkIdoes, Register,
ML Little,
to Chieauo und all points east ; Louis
ville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all
points south.
Seo that vonr ticket reads via the IL
LINOIS' OENTKA1. R. R. Thoroughly
motlern train? eOunect with all trans
continental lined at St. Paul and Oma
II your friends aro coming wrest let ns
know and we will quoto them direct the
sHcially low rates now in effect from
all eastern points.
Any In formation as to rates, routes,
etc., cheerfully nivon on application.
Commercial Agent,
14-J Third St., Portland, Ore.
J. C. Linds-ey,
T. F. & P. A.,
142 Third St., Portland, Oro.
P. B. Thompson,
F. & 1'. A.,
Room 1, Coiman Bldg., Seattle,
Wash. Sit.
Excursion Rates.
Commencing :arvhl, UXH and con
tinuing dxily to and including April SO,
1001 colonists tickets will be on rale from
the East to points ou Oregon lines via
Portland, rates from some of the princi
pal points as follows: $33 from Chicago,
111; $31 trom Peorfa, III; $30 from St.
Louis, Mo; $25 from Missouri River
Points, Omaha and Council Bluffs to
Kansas City inclusive; $26.90 to Sioux
City, stop overs not to exceed 10 days at
one point will be allowed between Port
land and destination of ticket on Oregon
lines. ' 19 tf
Administrator's Notice.
ot Suto ot Oregon
In founty Court
Im the matter of the esUto oi John H. Shape,
No. .eels hereby cUen that the yndcrslgned,
by older of abor named Court, made and
rotml in tha 'onrna. ot salt! Conrt on April
12 h.lAvt. w. appolnte-t admlutstrator ot th
almve-uamnl eatc.
All iK-noao havliK cHlms asamst said estate
jr requestol upre-enttheMme.iluiy verlded.
u Uhin U months from d te if this notice, and
all person indebted to said cttato ara rejnest
ol to aakedRime-llate payment to the under
signed, at his otllco, Review boliding. Kosc
buig, Oiwo.
Dated thla Uth dr of April. 13W.
J C. rciiSEiojj, Admlniitratot.