9 a - V-Yi ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1901. Vol. XXXVI No. 30 FOR FiNE CONFECTIONERY and ICE CREAM PARLORS NORI1ANS' Fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pies, Doughnuts and fresh Bread Daily Portland Journal Agency. Hendrick's Block, Opp. Depot I.J. NORHAN & Co. Prop. FARMERS' CASH STORE, E. A. WOOD & CO, Props DEALER IN Staple ane Fanc Groceries. Highest Price paid for country produce. Fresh bread daily Your Patronage is respectfully solicited. Private Free Delivery to Ail Parts of the City TROXEL BLOCK OPP PASSENGER DAPOT OVED 2 TUST REG CAR LOADS WORTH KNOWINQ. Mitcliell Farm Wagons -Road Wagons Surreys, Buggies, Hacks Champion Binders, Mowers, Reapers, Hay Rakes, Etc. We can save you nione on anything in the Wagon or Implement line. Give us a chance to figure with you and you won't i egret it. J. F. Barker & Co., Grocers, Phone 201 Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking is to have good FRESH GROCERIES And .to get them promptly when you order them. Call up Phone No. 181 for good goods and good set-vice. C. W. PARKS 81 GO. HAVE VOI) VISITED Winstows New Store A Fine Line of Watches, ClocKs, Jewelry, Silverware, etc. Prompt & Neat Repairing Some Interesting Facts About Russia, Japan and Korea. 1XSSIA. Two anil n half times as largo aa tho United Status ami Alaska. Thirty thousand miles of coast lino, half of it ice-bound. Thirty-six thousand miles of railroad, two thirds of it owned by tho government. The United States has fifty-times as many miles of telegraph and sends fifteen times as much mail. Tho United States has twenty-three times as many factories. One-twentieth as much coal produced and one-sixth as much iron as in tho United States. Total exports, $300,000,000. Next to the United States as a grain producing country. Population in 1903, 141,000,000. Kussiaus, l( per cent; roles, per cent; Finns, 5 percent; Turco Tartars, y per cent ; Jews, 3 per cent. Average laborer gets one-quarter nB much wages as in the United States. Only ninety daily papers. JAPAN-. The empire includes 3000 islands, stretching m-arly 2900 miles. Area, 1(51.153 square miles as large as the North Atlantic states. Coal the chief wealth 9,000,000 tons mined in 1901. Textile production increased from $9,000,000 worth in 1SS6 to fSo.000,000 in 1901. The population in 1900, 44.S05.937. Day laborers receive 20 cents a day ; women servants, 54 conts a month ; men servants, 11.36 a month ; women farm laborers, $S.50; men farm laborers, ? 15.90. Four hundred and eighty daily papers. KOREA. The area is S2.000 square miles. There are nine treaty ports. Gold the great mineral wealth near ly $3,000,000 worth exported annually. The population is 17,000,000, includ ing 25,000 Japanese, who control the country's activities. Education costs (165,000 and religious sacrifices $1S6,000. The navy consists of twenty-five ad mirals and one iron-built coal barge. A LARGE LOT OF SPRAY MATERIAL At Marsters' Drug Store 3 s L A CAR LOAD OF U L P H t)f Superior Quality U R SEE222ZX2EOH2K333: Your. Ranches aal Lands with me. : : : S ' R. JOHNSON, 1 List The British Slaughter. I HAVE CASTE" CUSTOMERS OFI-'ICt" IN HaRK BLOCK. AND CAN SELL ROSEDUKG, OR. News from Thibet reports that the British forces engaged the natives in b.ittle and slew 400 of them came al most like the proverbial thnnder-clap out of a clear, sky says Progress. The later dispatches giviog greater de tail do not make the situation more creditable to British arms and diplomacy because of the fact that the Thibetans were the attackers on their own territo- and the question rather naturalh arises as to what the British were doing there with an armed force, they being at peace with Thibet. The episode is in teresting as another example of the be nevolent spread of civilization and com merce. The situation is futher compli cated because of Russia's interest in that direction and also because Thilet is under the suzerainty of China. Russia i simply too busy just now elsewhere to pav attention to Thibet, a fact which was seized upon by Great Britain to sain a predominating interest there. The whole episode is political. Both Russia and England desire to control Tiiibet. England has claimed that Thi bet, by refusing trade privileges, return ing official letters unopened and not re specting boundary rights has put itself in a position to he argued with, and accordingly Col. Younghusband was dis patched from India by Lord Curzon up on what was called a "political mission" to reason with the Grand Llama at Lhassa. The strength of the armed es cort under Col. Macdonald gave rise at the; outset to the gravest suspicions re garding the real character of this osten sibly peaceful mission, which was given mt to be for tho purposo of obtaining a new convention witn ihibet and with China as the suzerain power. Russia iewed the expedition with concern and ut-picion as being aimed at Russian in fluence, and the British government has lone all in its power to belittle and keep quiet its plans in this direction. .The Thibetans likewise distrust this mission and Col. Younghusband has ! been ordered to pause at Gyangste and submit to a parley before actually ad vancing to ancient Lhassa which is one hundred and sixty miles beyond. It was at Guru, seventy-five miles from Gyangete that he was attacked record ing to the dispatches, by a vastly sup erior force of Thibetans armeu witu match locks and swords, upon whom, in defence, were turnd rapid fire re peaters and machine gun, mowing them down liko sheep and calling tho attention of the entire world to the fact that in this secret plan of a peaceful mission the uninvited guests of tho Grand Llama intend to call upon him at home whether he wishes to receiyo them or not. England is much concern ed at the result which has been precip itated by the government's action and 1 in grave fear of complication with Russia, while tho Russian press has taken an extremely mild tone, at direct . variance with its attitude previous to the war with Japan. England has long desired to establish a protectorate over J Thibet and her plans now seem to bc'inj a fair way to succeed. Ch na, tho suzerain power, is not being considered in this matter, but it is freely predicted that the outcome will be tho recogni.ion by Russia of England's protectorato in Thibet, and the support of England to UiiH-ia'H demand, in case of 'success iigiiinst Japan, for the whole of Man churia f'cth Manchuria and Thibet being under Chinese suzerainty, the t.tep ie ii concerted movement for fu'her encroachment upon that empire and its parti'iou. HERMANN NOMINATED BY ACCLAMATION George C. Brownell was Elected Chairman of the Convention. HARRIS WITHDREW BEFORE CONVENTION ASSEMBLED Fonnd the Hermann Factkm Was too Strong for Him. Be Convention Passed Resolatiwu Endorsing President Roosevelt's Administratioe. Salem, Oregon, April 13. Special. The Congres sional Convention for the first Congressional District which convened here this morning was largely at tended by delegates and visitors. Senator A. C. Mars ters and Dr. K. L. Miller having arrived on Monday and opened Hermann headquarters, the situation was Binger's from the start. The Convention assembled at 10 o'clock, and Hon Geo. C. Brownell was elected chairman. The Hermann faction was found to be a thing mightier than Hon. L. T. Harris has counted upon and his name was withdrawn before theconveution assembled, and Hon. Binger Hermann was renominated be ac clamation. - President Theodore Roosevelt teceived the en dorsement of the convention and the spirit of the reso lutions was that his administration has been one em inently gratif3'ing to every true republican, and he is the only man to head the National ticket. that Salem, Or., April 13. Amid shouts and cheering and strictly "in accord ance with programme," as outlined just before the hour set for the con- tion by A. C. Marsters, of Douglas County, and A. C. Woodcock, of Eu gene, who was to have placed L. T. Harris in nomination, seconded the vention, Hon. Binger Hermann, of j nomination. Upon his motior; Mr. Roseburg, was made the unanimous j Hermann was made the unanimous choice of the Republican Congres-: choice of the .convention by acclama sional Convention assembled here to-j tion and the greatest of harmony day, as a candidate for Congress to 1 prevailed. succeed himself from the First Con-' Geo. C. Brownell was chairman of jthe Congressional Convention and 1 carried out the usual "Drommme'' placed in nomiha- tp the letter. gressional district of Oregon. Hermann was placed in nomina- RUSSIANS LOOSE BIG. BATTLE-SHIP PETROPAVLOVSK Strikes Mine and Goes Down with 700 Officers and Men Including MakarorfBig Battle in Progress. St. Petersburg, April 13 While leaving the harbor of Port Arthur to engage in a battle that is rag ing between the Russians and the Japanese fleets, the Russian battleship Petropavlovsk, flagship of the Port Arthur fleet, struck a submerged mine and was blown up and sunk. Four officers were saved. The lost num ber about 700, including Vice Admiral Makaroff, com mander of the fleet. One of ihe officers saved was Grand Duke Cyril, who was slightly wounded. A fierce naval battle is still in progress, the entire Rus sian fleet being engaged against a Japanese fleet of 40 vessels The issue is as yet unknown. St. Petersburg, April 13. (6:38 1 Japanese squadron was approaching. P. M.) The following official dispatch has been received here from Rear Admiral Gi -jorovitch, the command ant at Port Arthur, addressed to the Emperor: t "Port Arthur, April 13 The Pe tropavlovsk struck a mine, which blew her up and she turned turtle. Uur squadron was under Golden Hill. The Vice-admiral Makaroff evidently was lost. Grand Duke Cyril saved. He was slightly injured. Captain Jack ovsleff was saved, though severely in jnred, as were five officers and 32 men, all more or less injured. "The enemy's fleet has disappeared. Rear-Admiral Prince Oukteemsky has (Concluded on second page.) HON. BINGER HERMANN Who .':s nominated, yesterday, by the Republican Congres sional Convention at Salem, to succeed himself in tho lower halls ofCi .srr.-r Russia's Right In Manchuria. D. V. Stevens, Counsellor to the Jap anese Legation at Washington, claims in Leslie's Monthly for April, that there are, ol course, two standpoints from which Russia's motives and actions in the Far East may ho judged. She has constructed railways through fertile re gions, hitherto inaccessihle; built fine towns, mills and factories, where before nothing of the kind existed, and cstab linhed orderly government where form erly misrule prevailed. In doing these things she has made enormous expendi tures, thereby creating important inter ests which sha has now a valid right to protrct. Considering the methods by which Russia gained a hold on Man churia and the means she h:is taken to (trengthen and perpetuate it ; consider ing, aleo, the ulterior object her actions have plainly shown the hae all the time had in view, this argument, let me say with all due respect, puts the cart be fore the horfe. H is tho same aa if, having obtained your permission to ereci a building on your land for joint i uso and benefit, and having bnilt a far j more elaborate structure than was orig- j inally planned. I claimed .exclusive own-! erehip and control, not only of the build-' ing and the land on which it stood, but also of your adjoining property, because ! naq spent a great deal of monev in the enterprise and Had succeeded in con structing a very fino buildintr iml.f.1 The justice of snch a claim, could hardly be admitted, and yet it differs in no degree in principle from the claim set up on Russia's behalf. R. W- Pf CIVIL. ENGINEER) Lately with the vornmentPhica, and geoloieal purvey Jof Biaol, U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor OfllceoverPostofEce. SOSEBUG. 0BGO. Correspondence soUdted go to THE ROSELEAF for CIGARS, TOBACCO PlND S7VYOKIERS' SUPPL'I ErS. Jackson Street, - - pnhro- ' i u n 3 h 1 nuaiLJBUittr jUNtt AND HIDE CO. Pays the highest Cash Price for Hides, Pelts, Furs, Wool, Tallow, Rubber, Metals and Scrap Iron of all kinds We also sell Second hand Furniture of all kinds at Prices to suit the Times. Russia and Japan. Cnrna nf A -i L J Tl Ci t 11 . swuiuw ui vah ami iohe ais. upp. umpire Stable. No other great civilized nation is abl to watch the nrozresa of tho nrar in mnt. era Asia with such consciousness of ee- , Tc Yniif. SCu-O Has bad soelbi do it? curily and ease as the people of!" OlUlli We haw . " ' the United States naturallv and curing roofs. .-iu.. iu,c, aioiie, 11 is uni- -"ft-neiuu wnie us lor particulars sbont EUTERATT vnnvrvn t. r twelve years experience ,ullCl ,i le um- -tr; nine a iqt particulars about ELATERATE EOOFIVG It versally understood that national inter- S on over tin. corruSated iron, shakes, shingWor any other roofing material est are not so endaneered that nartici-. 11 makes the best roof vou evir pw T n.- --st are not so endangered that partici- nstion in the struggle may become unavoidable.- Cleveland Leader. It is evident that Russia is determine,! to nag China into an overt act. Indeed, Russia is pursuing a course that makes non-action by China an excuse for violating neutrality. Chinese civil ad ministration and sovreijcntv are over Manchuria. As we have shown, our last treaty with China recognizes this. The administrative entity insisted upon by Secretary Hay extends to the province that Russia has been trying to grab. San Francisco Call. If the Jap is as brave as the Russian, if he has a higher degree of intelligence and more initiative, if the war is con- fioed to a .region with which he is prob ably a well acquaiuted as the Russian, if his supply of war material is- adequate and hig generals are as skilful as Euro pean experts represent them to be, Gen eral Kuropatkin will have his hands fuli in driving the Mikado's armies back to their islands. Both combatants seem to be confident, but it is probable that, with armies equally matched in num bers, victory will be the portion of the nation who?e soldiery excels in intelli gence and initiative Baltimore Sun. We have said this Russian action simplifies matters. It does away with all unceitainty concerning the status of Niu-Chwang and of neutrals there. It removes all uround for dispute as to the riirhts of the Japanese, for, if the Rus- sains have a right to do what they are now doing, the Japanese have a right to besiege, attack and conquer Niu- Chwang, if they can, just as they would Tort Artnur or Vladivostok. We may add that it makes clear, too, the re sults, if nJl the purpose, of Ru-j-ia's per sistent and prolonged oci-upHiinn of the place Had she fultille-l her promises of vat ago nd withdrawn lrom Niu- Chwang, that place might now be as neutral as Tien-Tsin or Shanghai. But she did not withdraw from it, and the light of present conditions we must be permitted to doubt if she ever intended to do eo. New York Tribune. u makes the best roof you ever saw. It never wears out. TXIIi: ELATEKITE KOOFLNG CO., "Worcester BoUdiaz. PORTT.avq Appalling Death List in India. It was announced from Bombay on March 29 that in one week the deaths from bubonic pWue in all Tndia reached the apmlling number ot 40 527, or equal 10 the wiping out uf an entire town That the pl.tuue is iu-re.iii i .ltown by ibe fact that thi i? 7.0 0 in exots of the returns of the previous week Iu ceruiu provinces the death list is reach ing from 5,1)00 to 10.000 weekly. To wards the close of last year tho British government announced th.u it had abandoned nil otlicial attempt to stamp out tho plague. It was claimed that so great an ignorance of sanitary measures prevailed among the natives that it was practically impo-biblo to make any head way in face of their unconscious resist ance. Huh is undoubtedly true, far more true than any who have not lived and struggled :nuin thefO people for their eiilightmeut can realize. Still further in addition to this t lit re is the lielief that regardlews of sanitary precau tions the plague cannot be conquered because of the climate ami water supply It is not probable that the British gov ernment una entirely abandoned all ef fort to promote tho health of the inter ior, and thus leave to their fate through ignornnco tho hundreds of thousands of people who have been adopted against their will, but this alarming increase shows that tho cessation of active work officially is now bearing its harvest of death. New Arrivals Every day brings something now in Spring Goods. VIOLE the latest thing in dress goods for suits Skirts and Waists. Also the "Cotton Crepe" we are the only ones in the city who have imported this goods direct from Japan. It comes in all colors arid will sell for 20cts per yard. - WOLLENBERG BROS., Phone 801. A. SALZMAN, Pratical WatchmaKer, Jeweler, Optician. Watches, ClocKs, Jewelry Diamonds and Silverware Watch Repairing a Specialty. F. W. BENSON. A.G.MARSTEK3. Vice Prtskent. Douglas County Bank, Established I883. " Incorporated 1901 Capital Stock, $50,000.00. . BOARD OP DIRECTORS F. W. B EN SON . R. .V. BOOTH J. H. BOOTH. J. T. B RIDGES I OS. M ONs, A. C. MA KSTKK3 K. L. MILLER. A general banking business transacted, and customers given every acommodntto-i consistent with safe and conservative banking. Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three. t : t Get one of our 1904 Diarys and Keep Tab on Yourself BOYCE & BENQTSON The Up-to-Date Trilors Sciatic Rheumatism Cured. "I havo been subject to sciatic rheu matinni for yenrH," nya E. H. Waldron, of Wilton Junction, Iowa. "My joints were stiff and gave mo much pain and discomfort. My joints would crack when I Htr dithteneil up. I umn! Chnm- borlwi'-'e Pain Hitlm and luive been liii'- h I'li'.d HuvK.imt Inula pain 'fn.ii iii ih. il l unulilt' fur many 111 iih. I- 1-.iinl a iiiu-i wond r ml limmeiii " r or Mile by A. C. as tern Co. WE BUY ANYTHING And sell everything at a low figure.' A big store full of just what you need. All kinds of furniture. Buy, sell or exchange Har ess, Saddles, P r an d Oak Wood, Buggies, Wagons, most anything you want at tho Second Hand Store. 414 Jackson St, Roseburg. Second land Store 414 JacKson Street Roseburg, Oregon Fraih Ejs iii Albany Batter Every Day I FRFF niQriPQ 2percent of the amount of a-- PQr- i IlILL UlOriLO chases we give our customers in coupons to buy beautifully decorated porcelain dishes. C. P. BAVIS Successor to J. M. Fletcher Near the Deoot I P. iva e free delivery to all parts of city and suburbs I