Oregon Vol. XXXVI ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, AJMill, 1J, 190-1. No. 29 ftogebttra VfADn AWC FOR PiNE CONFECTIONERY iKJti ISXIVO an(j ice CREAM PARLORS fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pies, Doughnuts and fresh Bread Daily Portland Journal Agency. Hendrick's Block, Opp. Depot I. J. NORrtAN & Co. Prop. FARMERS' CASH STORE, E. A. WOOD & CO, Props DEALER 1N " ' Staple aue Fancy Groceries. Highest Price paid for country produce. Fresh bread dairy Your Patronage is respectfully solicited. Private Free Delivery to AH Parts of the City From the Utcmlalc News. HELL TROXEL BLOCK OPP PASSENGER DAPOT Bring Us Your CHICKENS, BUTTER, FOR CKSH OR TRKDE, j J.F. Barker & Co. if 'J MAKE YOUR BREAD WITH Pride of Douglas Flour, $LW, Per Sack, For Sale By Any Grocer in Town. Cheap enough -for such rattling good Flour Yes and a sack of it makes three to five loaves more of bread than any other flour you can buy. Why, because it is made from the very best selected wheat. DOUGLAS COUNTY FLOUR MILLS. Roseburg Oregon. r Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking is te-have good FRESH GROCERIE And to get them promptly when you, order them. Call up Phone No. 181 for good goods and good service. C. W. PARKS & CO. 0. A. Pengra, our tegular night opera tor, acted this week as day operator in the S. 1. depot. .I.M.Love, of ltose burg, aeted as night operator. Koad Supervisor Chas. 11. Austin, has just completed a line job of repairing the road at the mouth of Windy creek, which was badly washed out by the recent floods. Oscar Johns, who has Ikmsii in the per vice of the U. S. army for several years, as light artilleryman, stationed at San Francisco, spent several days here, this week, visiting his father, T. B. Johns, who has been sick with pneumonia. Oscar left for the south, again, this morning. Mr. Preston Colwell, of this place, one of the Indian fighters of 1S56, has at last succeeded in securing from the government a well-deserved pension of fS per month, with $103 back pay. As he is S2 ears of ace and nrariug the sunset of life, this assistance will prove a great help to him. Dr. F. II. Bowersox and familv have located in Jacksonville, Jackson county. and left, Tuesday morning, for that place Thev have many friends here who regret their departure, but all wish them well in their new home. Dr Bowersox is a nrst-class physician and surgeon and has a brilliant future. Tho following persons arrived here, last week, from Climax, Minn , with the expectation of locating in Glendale: Mrs. Elseth; wife of S. P Elseth, who came here, last month, Mrs E. 0. Est euson, Mis Bjornrud, Paul Bjornrud, Olof Stromsmoe, P. 0. .Satermo and O. F. Bruen. They are all pood ci izens and we extend to them a warm welebnie. II. Olson, a prominent lumberman and capitalist of Tacoma, is here looking over the situation with a view to buying a large tract of timber land and estab lishing a lumbering plant in Glendale. If all of the lumbering mills are installed here that arc in contemplation, the roar and buzz of the saw will be almo-t deaf ening before long. This is an ideal lo cation for lumbering mills. Several more parties in this section were arrested, the first of this week, by deputy game wardens, for killing deer cut of season, and Justice Montgomery imposed a fine of J25 and. costs upon each of them. We understand that a number of other arrests will soon be made for violating the game law. The authorities are determined to put a stop to the terrible slaughter of deer that has been going on recently, merely for the hides and horns. Oak Creek News. was - i. ;i HAYE YOU VISITED Winslows iew Store A Fins Line of Watches, ClocRs, - jewelry, Silverware, etc. Prompt & Neat Repairing Herbert Williams, of Mt. Scott, seen on the creek, Thursday. John Alexander, the Glide merchant, was seen on his way to Roseburg, Friday. Geo. Hargan and family were tho guests of A. Schlcxemann and family, Friday afternoon. " J. P. Allison has finished planting his new orchard. - James 1. Dixon and Fred Bowen, of Dixonville, passed through Oak Creek, Sunday, with n band of caltle, taking them to the Ilnntly dace near Mt. Scott. Prof Georce Crane made a flying trip to Roseburg, Saturday. Mis--es Pndic and RIkxUi Watson, of Dillard, are visiting with relatives and friends at Fall Creek, at present. W. A. Thornton, of Clover creek, was an Oak creek visitor, recently. William Johnson lia"s left Oak Creek, to hegin his old occupation in the saw mill at Saginaw. Homer Bond is busy cutting wood on the Parrott place near here. Gardening is in full blast on the creek, at present. Several people from Roseburg passed through our midst, recently, enroute to Hoaglin. August Schloemann, the Oak Creek Merchant, has lx-en looking after busi ness matters, in Roseburg, for tho pist eek. Mies Ethel Thornton was absent from school, Friday, on account of having a sore throat. X. X. J. G. Mack, of Portland, was in this lty, this week, on business connected with the Abr.diam estate. Mr. Mack 8jent several days at Glendale, previous to his arrival here, looking after proper- there. A LARGE LOT OF SPRAY MATERIAL At Marsters' Drug Store A CAR LOAD OF SULPHU Of Superior Quality R i List Your Ranches- aai Timber Lands with me. : : : R. R.-JOHNSON, I HAVE EASTERN CUSTOMERS AND CAN SELL OFFICE IN MARK" BLOCK, ROSEBURG, OR. RITAIN NOW WILLING TO DEAL WITH RUSSIA. Drain Mor.prlcl5. KING EDWARD'S ACTION WHILE ALLY IS ENGAGED IN WAR IS CONSIDERED MOST UNUSUAL. London, April 9 The Associated Press learus that the exact st.rtus of the much-forecasted Auglo Russiau uuderstaudiug is as follows: After King Edwaid had giveu his personal assur ances to Emperor Nicholas that the anti-Russian com ments in the British press did not represent the feel ing of his government, Foreign Seoretary Lansdovvue informed the Russian Ambassador, Count Benken dorff, that he would be glad to reopen the negotiations looking to'a settlement of all matters now in dispute between Russia and Great Britain. Lord La'-tniowne did not stipulate a basis or enter into any details. Ambassador BenkcudorfT expressed his pleasure at the offer and transmitted it to S. Petersburg. Lord Lmsdowue's action is understood o have been taken as a material expression of King Edward's per sonal messages There for the moment the mntter stands. Negotiations beyond Lord Lunsdowuc's offer have not been commenced aud are not likely to a -sumc any definite phase in the nc -r futute. The Associated Press learns that Russia and Great Britain secretly negotiated to the same end 18 months ago, but the attempt to diaw up au agi cement came to an abrupt end when Lord Lausdowne an nounced in the House of Lords that "unde: no consid eration would Russia be allowed n port on the Persian Gulf." Since then that question has been regarded as a deadlock. Under the changed conditions and with the good, oflices of the French government" se cured through the recent agrcemeut, Lord Lan do-.vuo is said to entertain the hope of au eventual settlement by which the Anglo Russian spiivics of iafiueucc throughout the world may be delci mined aud the ceaseless aud costly rival ry between the two nations ended forever. On all sides it is pointed out that an agreement on outstanding matters with Russia is far more diffi cult than the recent arrangement with France. The paramount questions are the delimitation of the Afghan frontier, access to the Persian Gulf aud the spheres of influence in Persia. It is thought that Russia's request for a part of the Persian Gulf will never be granted, but the As sociated Press learns that lately Russia has exhibited a keen desire to acquire interests in Abyssinia so as to gaiu access to the Red Sea. This might be -arranged in lieu of a. port on the Persian Gulf. 3 C. K. Gaddis, of Uoeeburg, was a bu.-i- j Y. , nefa visitor in town today. j O. u. Driiin was trans acting business at the eountv hub Monday. Misa Ethel Putnam had gone to Jack eon county where she will teach school. E. C. Adtcinpon, of Elkton, was in town the firBt of the week after supplies. Orange Matton and family, of Ash land, are visiting relatives in this vicini ty. Prof J. E. Patterson, of Gardiner, ex pects to go east next week for an extend ed visit. Mrs. E. R. Apnletrate went to Oak land Saturday to visit hersisters, re turning Sunday. M. Rinehart, who has been living in California for several years, is visiting old friend and rehuiu a Klkton. W. 11. Gray, of I"- u'-i ', ,.: pur chased tho Lowe prupuity iu South Drain and has-becomo l refidrnt of this place. Mrs. Thomas Harlan and Mrs. Coffin of Albany, and F. J. Perry, of Kosebnrg, were here to attend tho funeral of the late Thomas J. Harlan, Sunday. C. A. Emerson and family of Knox, North Dakota, arrived in the city Sun day and are visitors at the home of Mrs. Emerson's father, S. D. Leighton. Mrs. Emerson expects to spend the summer here and enjoy the superb Oregon cli-i mate. Mr. Emereon is very much! pleased with the country and may con clude to locate in the Webfoot state if his wife's health is improved here. W- PENN, Lately with th j &w !rnrU.;llt:i?0grap!ical 4nI South A merica.) ENGINEER) ; doloiealjanrveylof Biaail, U. ,S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor ROSEBURG, OHHGOfl. Ofllce over Postoflice. Correspondence solicited go to THE ROSELEAF for CIGARS, TOBACCO D SMOKERS' SUPPLIES, Jackson Street, - - Roseburg, Oregon T c ROSEBURG A S JUNK AND H HIDE T CO. Myrtle Creek Mailings. BJj; Aleetlng of Scientists Personnel. The personnel of the Osteopathic pro fession is its credential Its mem bers are well educated. Many of them are graduates of the best universities in tho. country. Young men nnd .women of the best families are found in the ranks of the practitioners of Osteopathy. Nothing Equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for Bowel Com plaints in Children. PiiiLAnELrim, April 7. -Tho can t'niiosopnicai society uio w:ientific body in tho United States- began its annual tnectiug in Philadel phia todav with a large attendance ou eminent men of bcioncc from all parts of the country. During the three days' sessions about 30 papers will bo present ed ou geological, ethnological and other scientific tropics Radium and its prop erties will be one of the interesting sub jects discussed. ' Ho 'Took" Them. celebrated soloists and who are now tin- ! der tho leadership of Signor D'Urbano, Ameri-1 a scholar of tho celebrated comjwscr, oldest ! MaMgni. The repertoire of tho Hand is com posed of over 1500 selections from the most famous composers of tho musical wprld. This organization is the finest musical organization of its kind on the Pacific Coast, and will bo one of the greatest attractions at the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition in 1905. Minnie Colvin came up from the city- last Saturday and went oot and began teaching on South Myrtle. Attorney C. f. Lfavengooi; and wife were here last Saturday. Leve was It -ok ing for evidence- in a law uit Ther went ti Riddle from here. V. t:. Buckingham, of Roseburg, was rtv-iiiored at the Overland, Wednesday. A. E. Shiria came up fnm Kelleher City and vieitcd Mrs. Shirm over Sun day. -Mr. Shiria speaks in high terms of the future of Kelleher Citv's mill en terprise. Mr. F. Rice, of Roseburg, spent the first of tho week here selling carpets. and is now making a tour of Southern Douglas county. Mrs. Rice is spending the werk here with her people. There is joy in Uncle George Demcnt's home over the arrival of a new dininjr room girl who came Monday night April -I. All is well, and Uncle Geonra is fnrni.hin2 the cigars. C. J. Richey returned with A. E. Shiria, Monday, to Kelleher City. Mr. RiclMty has been employed by the Kelle- her-Scully Lumber Company to do HKclianical work at tho company's milt. Mr. ami Mrs. G. W. Wo.macutt of the iKKiutiful Cow Creek valley, were guilts of Mr. aud Mrs. W. 15. Drake ami other old friends and neighbors last Sunday. The Jndse and wife used to lire hre. The town school clones today and the tcacltora leave f'W llteir h:ncs a soon M'-h-. JI:-s l!o'. l-a-i R'.-sto -c: twuuiii iitxt MouJ.-.j i;ea; Oaklio. Ray Hendarsun gos home to Roeebor Prof Cochrane will go to Klamath Kalis aud estatriish an insurance acencv for ihe New York Mutual. Mrs. Cochrane and son. Paul, will live in Roseburg till a home is secured at the Falls. NORTH MYETLK XEWS. Mr. Campbell came out from tho city Wednesday Mrs Porter has gone to Illwacn for the summer . . E. M. Ly ons and familv moved to town Mondar. Ira Miles and Frank Mulkey have been building a residence on the tatter's home.-tisd on the Lick branch Mrs. T. L. Brewers and daughters are in town assisting in tho care o; her f.tthcr, J. S Rice....V. A Mulkey was a Deer creek visitor on Sunday... Since tele phones are universally conceded to be a good thing why don t tho enterprising citizens of North Myrtle build one? Just agitate the matter a little, good citizens, and don't let us fall clear in the rear of all the rest ot the wor.d. Pays the highest Cash Price for Hides, Pelts, Furs, Wool, Tallow, Rubber, Metals and Scrap Iron of all kinds We also sell Second hand Furniture of all kinds at Prices to suit the Times. C.nrnor nf Hal' inA Dncn tj wui uvi vt-vim. auu iUj5 Ota. Opp. Empire Stable. Is Your Roof Sirif? Hm baa peUa does it? 13 1UU1 liUUI OlCaf Wehavebad over twelve rears experience unng roofs. Suppose you write us for particulars about ELATE KATE BOOFTNG. It .11 go on over tin. corruiJatoi iron, shakes, shingles or any other roofing material It makes the best roof you eer saw. It never wears ont. xms j3JL,va?K:Kia?jb: xtooirxrsG co "Woro-stor Buildinsc, L1 0 RTLAND New Arrivals Even- day brings something now in Spring Goods. VIOLE the latest thin? in dress Q W .JbUbO M Skirts-and Waists. R Also the "Cotton Crepe" we are the only ones in the city wo have imported this goods direct from Japan. It comes in all colors and will sell for 20cts per yard. WOLLENBERG BROS., Phone -801. A. SALZMAN, Pratical Watchmaker, Jeweler, Optician. Watches, ClocRs, Jewelry Diamonds and Silverware Watch Repairing a Spscialty. Work on I90s Fair Ground Begun. "Wc have used Chamberlain's Colic, 1 Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our family for years," says Mrs. J. B. Cooke of Nederland, Texas. "Wo have given it to our children. Wo have used other medicines for tho Fame purpose, but never found anything to equal Cham berlain's. If you will use it as directed it will always cure." For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co. A Canyonillvc Item. General Miles was standing in the lobby of the Arlington tho oth-.T night and happened to overhrar n remark made by a small, thin, young man who was stan ling near. "During tho Span ish war," the young man had said, "I took five Spanish ofiicers without any assistance from tho .army or navy." What's thatV" asked General .Miles, turning upon him abruptly. "You say you took five Spanish ollicers without tho assistants of tho army or ravyl" "That's exactly what I said, sir," re plied tho young man. "By myself, nnd without any loss of blood. It happened at Boston. Hero is my card. 1 am Smalls'mith, the photogrnpher. Now, if you will allow mo to poso you, Gen eral" um the General had lied. Washington Times. PortHnd Italian Baud. Portland, April 7. At 3 o'clock this afternoon ground was broken for the Lewis and Clark fair with simplo cere monies. The first shovel of dirt was thrown by President Jefferson Mvers. A largo crowd of olllcials nnd many prominout men of tho state were pros ent. For f-ixty days, . commencing March 10, I will sell AT COST, for cash, furni The Portland Italian Baud, composed nfnftliH most .arconinlished rnuti Rev. Father Bcutgcn Leaves. Rev. Fatlier Bcutgen, Eugene Catholic church two years and formorly has been transferred to rector of tho for tho past of Roseburg, Portland aud will leave hero in a few days to take, up his new work. Tho reverend father has won much popularity during hhi stay here and it is with regret that they hear of his intended removal. v ture, hardware, tinware and granite-! cians, and who have p'nyed in all of tho ware. Come early to secure good bar- prominent cities of tho United states gains, for this offer will hold good only under tho leadirehip of such famous mr the length of time aforestated. J leaders ns Libera ti, Menolitli, Crcatoro, 20-m 1 Joii.v E. Lovk. Cappa, Rlvcla, including 12 of tho most Colleges. Thoro are a number of colleges cach ing' the science of Osteopathy. The original school is located nt Kirksville Mo. Other schools are at Des Moines In., Boston, Mass., Philadelphia, Pa. Wilkes-Rarre, Pa., Franklin, Ky , Los Angeles,' Cal., Minneapolis, Minn , Pen ver, Col , Chicago, III., nnd Fargo, N Onk They havc t umerou? atudoi.ts. F. W. BESOS, PresMeat. Vice PmldttiL Douglas County Batak, Established 1383- Incorporates! 1901 Capital Stock. $50,100.00. BOARD OF DIRECTORS F. W. BEXtfUN. R. X, BOOTH J. U. B JOT3. J. T. JOS. L OXS. A. C Sf AESTEKS K. U MILLER. general banking bnsiness transacted, ami customers given overy accommodation consistent with safe and cooservatire banking. Bank opon from nine to twelve and from ono to three. Reads Roseburg's Leading Publication. Indianola, Iowa, April 3rd, 1904. H. II. Brookes, Koseburg, Ore., Dear Sir: I have read the Roseburg Plainuealek twice a week for tho past year and have enjoyed getting acquaint ed with the country and the people, al though I have never been in Roseburg, nor have a personal acquaintance there that I am aware of. But on April2.ini nnd 24th Mr. Draper, with whomlam personally acquainted, will be there, as a representative of the "Watch Tower Biblo and Tract Society," of Allegheny, Pa. Mr. Draper is an able man ;n tho scriptures, and if you are at all interest ed in that manner I would extend to you a pressing invitation to hear -him for I am certain you will bo amply re paid for tho timo spent, whether yen agree with him iu all points or no. G. W. PoilTKK. Get one of our 1904 Dlarys and Keep Tab on Yourself BOYCE & BENGTSON The Up-to-Date Trtlors WE BUY ANYTHING : How's This? Wo offer Ono Uundered Dollars Re ward for nny caso of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure F. J. CtiKNr.r & Co., Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned, have known F J. Cheni'V for the last 15 years, and be liovo him perfectly honorable in ali business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by hi3 firm. Wauhnu, Ki.nnas it Makvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hulls Catarrh Curo is taken internal- lv. nctintt directly upon the blood and -mucous surfaces of tho sys-toin. Toti menials sent froo. Price 75 con's p r bottle. Sold by all druggists.' Take Hall's Family Pilfj for WiT-i-a lion. And sell everything at a low figure. A big store full of just what you need. All kinds of furniture. Buy, sell or exchange Har ess, Sad. llo3, and Oak Wood. Buggies, Wagons, most anything you want at the Second Hand Store. 414 Jackson St, Roseburg. 5 Second 414 JacKson Street ore Roseburg, Oregon A COMPLETE STOGK OF GROCERIES Fresh Egs and FREE DISHES C. P. DAVIS STAPLE AND FAHCY Albany Butter Every Day 2 per cent of the araoun' of all pur chases we give our customers in coupons to buy beautifully decorated porcelain dishes. Successor to J. M. Fl- tcher Near the Depot P, ivale free delivery tQ all parts of city aud suburbs