The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 29, 1904, Image 4

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    Glendale News.
Miss Enima Bryan of Canyonville is
visiting her friends, tho Misses Wall in
'The D. of H. calico ball on Monday
night was a brilliant success, both social
ly and financially, and was enjoyed by
all . Miss Lucy Hamilton was awarded
the prize for the prettiest calico dress
worn at the ball.
0. B. Hurd of Forest Lake, Minn., is
expected to arrive in Glendale between
the 1st and 10th of nest month, with a
stock of jewelry. His brother, L. L.
Hurd, will be associated "with him and
they will have as neat a little jewelry
store in the postolneo building as can be
found in Southern Oregon.
Married, at the home of tho bride's
mother at the Hotel Glendale, on Wed
nesday evening, Feb. 24th, Mr. John
Fruit, the S. P. lineman at this place
and Miss Minnie Hodson, Rev. J. R.
Landsbrough officiating. The happy
couple have begun housekeeping in the
Zwight house, with the best wishes of
their many friends.
Wilbur H. Brown of Deer Creek, who
has taken a very active interest in the
search for the lost man, A. N. Drake
was in Glendale several days this week.
Mrs. Cecil Van Gilder is visiting her
mother and other relatives at Myrtle
Creek this week.
The News knows of several firstelass
timber claims near Glendale, containing
5,000,009 or 6,000,003 feet on each claim.
which, for some unknown reason have
been overlooked in the wild scramble
for timber land. f.v;
irostmaster nurd is making some
needed improvements in the postoffice
and after he installs the lock boxes
which have been sent for, Glendale will
have as neat and well-equipped postof
fice as there is in the state.
A firstelass orchestra was organized
in Glendale this week, composed of the
following members: Chris Hagen, first
violin ; Ed Throne and Archie Wilson,
cornets, Billy Caternach, slide trombone,
and Miss Dallas Miller, piano. They
make most excellent music, and will
make a specialty of playing for balls,
entertainmants, etc '
Marshal Nels Jones is wordering what
devilment ho has done to warrant a
stunk plague being sent upon him.
Within the last week he has killed half
a dozen of the varmints at his home.
The other morning he extracted two
very large ones from under his chicken
house and "fought several hours with
them "before he "finally succeeded in
choking them to death.
The members of the D. of lodge
honored Miss Minnie Hodson with a
"bundle shower" party Saturday even
ing at the home of her sister, Mrs. C. B.
Austin. It was a most delightful Eocial
event and greatly enjoyed by all who at-!
tended. At 8 o'clock Miss Hodson was
sent for, and after a brief explanation
aa to the object of the party, she was
escorted to the dining room and pre
sented with her "bundles" all useful
articles for housekeeping purposes. It
is needless to add that she was greatly
pleased, and warmly thanked her friends
for their kindness. Following are the
names of those who attended and their
presents. Mr and Mra CTyndall, glass
cakestand; Miss Clara Bedfield, pair of
linen splashers'! L L Hurd,-set ground
glasses; Mrs. Mary Kouns, China fruit
dish; Miss Dallas Miller, Glass fruit
dish; Miss Lucy Hamilton. China cream
pitcher; Mrs. Ella lledfield, China veg
etable dish; Nail & Cuthbert, glats wa
ter set; EF Frinell, pair vases; Mr
Olson, pair linen towels ; Miss Maud
Nail, set-China pie plates; Miss Emma
Nail, crumb pan and brush ; Mrs Mag
gie Austin, glass fruit dish; Mrs Madge
WaU,--pair linen towels-and China spoon
tray. Beside&the above from the D. of
H. members, Mrs. Kennedy, mother of
Miss Hjodson, sent the following presents
set China cups and . saucers, pickle
dish,,gravy hoar, meat'' platter, water
pitcher, 2 vegetable dishes, glass jelly
dfsh and 8 linen towels. Boy Hodson,
her brother, sent a China cup, saucer
and plate. Mies -Lillie .Mercier, glass
water set.
Government Timber Land.
It seems to be a general idea among
the people that all'the-'valuable vacant
government land lias been taken. Such
is not the case, as I "can show you 23
quarter sections of" government land
that will cut frem 3 to million feet per
each quarter of Sugar and Yellow Pine.
Cedar and Oregon" Pine, in very desir
able, locations for timber claims and
homes teadsclose to-town -and the rail
road, with good -.roads leading to them
If you intendaking a timber claim or
homestead, first let me show .you some
chums and then before filing, go and see
what others will show you. I want 3-ou
to get all the timber and in the best lo
cation that you can for your money
Maps and pamphlets furnished on ap
plication. My location fee is $125. W
B. SnxttXAN, Booms 10 and 12 Masonic
Temple, Grants Pass, Ore. Long dis
tance phone 731. lm
Oakland Owl Hoots.
R. B.' Estes, of Alberta, Province,
Canada, is visiting Oakland friends.
Mr. Estes is well pleased with- his new
home, but after all, has many words of
praise for good old Douglas county.
Avon. V. Smith was in from tho Yel
low Creek saw mill Saturday. The mill
commenced operation Monday, and as
soon as the roads are in condition to
travel, plenty of lumber will be in the
yard ready, for purchasers at reasonable
Ayonng man not 1000 miles from
hero called to spend the evening with a
Yoncalla girl the other night. A rain
storm came came up" and the girl's
father asked him to remain overnight.
He was -a bashful young man and the
next-morning when he was invited to a
eeat at tho table, he very reluctantly ac
cepted. He sat opposite the mirror and
discovered that he bad forgotton to
comb his hair. Then he dropped his
fork on -the floor and as he stooped to
pick it up he upset his coffee and the
graVydish on his lap. Matters Went
from bad to worse-nutil the young man J
quit eating and put his hands under the
table ' The loose end of tho tablecloth
was lying- iu his lap and when he
touched jt ho turned paje. Ho thought
it was his Ebritand ia his nervous ex
citement while dressing ho had forgot
ten to put. tho garment insido his
trousers. There was no time to lose.
Ho hurriedly stuffed the supposed shirt
inside his trousers. Two minutes later
when the family aroso from tho table
there was a crash. Tho dishes lay in a
broken mass on tho floor. Tho young
man pulled three feet of tho table cloth
out of his pants and fled through tho
door into tho forest, and no doubt is
still running. Tho girl is now looking
for a less bashful lover.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. Unequalled for Con
stipation. Mr. A. B. Kane, a pr&minent druggist
of Baxter Springs Kansas, says : "Cham
herlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
are, in my judgment, tho most superior
preparation of anything in uso today for
constipation. They are suro in action
and with no tendency to nauseate or
urine. For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co.
Olalla News.
Fall sown grain is doing quite well.
Stock is wintering well considering
short grass.
W. A. Jones and family have returned
to tins place and will probably buv a
farm and locate here.
The Olalla Mining Co. have their big
saw mill in readiness and as soon as the
weather will permit will commence
The people have about repaired dam
ages on their fences, done bv the wind
storm of a few days ago.
Drain Nonpareil: Some kindlv friend
asked the other day if Hayhnrst is dead.
t e answered by no means, not even
sleeping. For the past ten days we
have had a continual round of social en
tertainments. On Valentine's day Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. Applogate entertained a
number of their friends at a very enjoy
, . . . ... .
auie luncn, ana music anu games, limcii,
pit and other popular games beinz the
order of the evening On Wednesday
evening Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Miller gave
a reception in honorofthenewly wedded,
Mr. Isaac Ohlson and bride, nee Miss
Jessie Applegate. About twenty guests
were present. Music, pit and Hindi also
dancing of the old fashion Virginia reel
were among tho enjoyable features of
the occasion. But best of all was the
singing of Mrs. Maud Estes, so well and
favorably known as a soloist. Her many
friends cannot sufficiently express their
appreciation of her kindness in thus as
sisting toward the entertainment.
Thanks are also extended to Gien Car
ver, Willie Wilson and Miller. We
must not omit also to especially thank
W. S. Applegate for music, especially
that Virginia reel. We think he earned
a free pass to all future social doings in
Havhurst. Cor.
are weeds. Unless
they are kept down,
they divert the nu
trition which the
soil provides from
the growing crops and ruin their pro
ductiveness. Diseases are to the body what weeds
are 10 ine sou. They divert the nutri
tion which is necessary to sound health.
and the body, instead of being strong
ana naray, drags out a sickly existence.
When the stomach U diseased, and the
otner organs ot digestion and nutrition
are involved with it, there is a constant
loss of nutrition by the body. The stom
ache and its allied organs are not able to
convert the foods into nourishment, and
hence the body and its several organs are
deprived of the necessary elements of
vitality. What is known as "weak"
heart or "weak" lungs, "weak" nerves
and other forms of so-called weakness, are
generally caused by "weak" stomach.
When the stomach and the other onrans
r . . .... .
01 aigesuon ana nutrition are cured, then
the other (Gseases are cured with it. Dis
eases which are caused by a diseased
condition of the stomach are cured
through the stomach. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases
01 we stomach ana its associated organs
of digestion and nutrition. It cures
through the stomach diseases of heart,
lungs, liver and other onrans. It in
creases the activity of the blood-making
pianos, so mat me wnoie txxly is nour-
lsuea djt an aounuant supply 01 pure
mooa, ncn in the bngut red corpuscles
of health.
There is no alcohol in "Golden Med
ical Discovery" and it contains neither
opium, cocaine, nor any other narcotic
It is strictly a temperance medicine.
Persons suffering from chronic forms
of disease are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce by haterreft All correspondence
ncuy private. Aauress ur. k. v. 1'ierce,
jBiuiaio, r. y.
Suffered for Years.
"My gratitude to you and j-our ' Golden Med
ical lJucovery' is so great." writes Mr. Rows
juarun, 01 Ariee, Jlason Co.,Wet Virginia, "that
I am at a lost to find word to extn-os my true
feeliDjj. I had suffered for a number or yean
with lunsr and throat troubles, and doctored with
specialists, but got no better. Then I decided
to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
and after turns it I was greatly relieved. I have
all faith that it has saved my life.
"I have one of your medical books and think
it a grand work."
Torpid liver Guredr
"I was a sufferer from torpid liver lorovei
irear," writes Mrs. Nora Willis, of Wheatfield,
asper Co., Ind., "and could not sleep, uor eat
ut very little, and then It would cause me great
distress I tried several doctors but got no re.
lief. Waa adviMtl by a friend to write to Dr.
Piercr. which I did, and in a few days I received
n letter advising me to take his Golden Med
ical Discovery and also his 'Pleasant Pellets.'
After I had taken only hulf a bottle I wai greaUy
Improved. I only took three bottles of the
'Golden Medical L-.covery'and two vials of the
relicts,' and. thanks to Dr. Tierce and his
wonderful medicine. I am as well as ever in ray
lire, and feel that life Is worth living after all.
"Last winter 1 look a severe cold -which re
sulted In pleurisy. Tongue can not tell wliat I
suffered. For two rights and two days I could
not move without it nearly killed me. I told
tnv husband I could not endure another night ol
suffering. The weather was so cold and stormy
that it was almost loo bad for anyone to go six
miles to town, but he went, and got a Uittle ol
Dr. Pierce's Uitract of Smart -Weed, which gave
me distant relief. 1 can ay that for all pains
that I luive tried it for it has worked like magic.
We keep a ltUc of the 'Smart-Weed in Hie
house all the time. I cannot thank Dr. Pierce
enough for what he has done for me-
Constipation has nluiool countless con
sequences. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
cure constipation and cure its conse
quences. They should always be used
with "Golden Medical Discovery," when
the use of a Uxative is indicated.
Earner's Wg;
fees JlVi!'
Everybody's Magazine.
Timeliness is only half the problem in
good mugazino making. Tho real
achievement is to have the subject of
tho moment treated by tho man who
knows most about it. For instance,
there have been hundreds of sketches ot
tho Tsar of Russia, tho paramount fig
ure in tho world at the moment. In the
February number of Everybody's Maga
zine thoro is a character study of tho
Muscovite autocrat by Arnold White,
tho well known English publicist, who
is ono of tho lew men outside tho Em
pire familiar with the conditions actual
ly prevailing in Russian court circles.
In the sumo number is an article on "J.
Pierpont Morgan's Word a.s an Asset,"
which explains the gene.-is and devol p
niont of tho great power wielded by the
eminent financier, and frankly discusses L
tho degree to which rovont events have
impaired his prestige. The writer is F.
J. Fdwards (Holland), dean of the Now
York correspondents, who enjoys n more
intimate acquaintance with the big men
of all Street than anv of his contem
A third instance 01 the union of time
liness and authority is found in O K
Davis' article about Taft and the Fili
pinos. Mr. Davis represented "Tho
Sun" in both Philippine campaigns.
and knows just what grat things the
new Secretary of War was able to effect
with the little brown men who are the
latest Americans.
These threo articles are as cn'ortain-
ing as they are valuable, and, reinforced
by nine first class stories and n number
of interesting contributions on other
subjects, make up an extraordinary bud
get of reading matter for ton cunte
Doing One's Best.
The world has precious little use for
the man who half tries. We aometintep
wonder if he has much use for hiui.-Hjlf
He is probably interested in his own
ease and happiness, but in his work
never. Aud ho canjiever laste to its
full the joy of liviug. For the man who
only half tries only half lives.
In a 'little sermon on doing one's best
Success joiuts out that only to thf man
who has the habit of fully exerting him
self caii life be worth while. ''Tliis
habit of always doing one's botontwt;
into the very marrow of one's heart and
character; it affects one's hearing, one's
self possession. The mn who does every
thing to a finish has a feeling of serenity ;
he is not easily thrown oil his baiauoe;
he has nothing to fear, ami he can look
the world in the face because he fjole
conscious that he has not put shoddy in
to anything, that he ha. had nothing to
do with shams and that he has always
done his level best. The sense of etftci
ency, of being master of one's craft, of
being equal to any emergency, the con
sciousness of possessing the ability to do
with superiority whatever one under
takes, will give soul satisfaction which
l-irt .a a
iiaiineerteu. slipshod worker never
" hen a man feels throbbing within
him the power to do what he undertake!
as well as it can possibly be done, and
all his faculties sav 'Amen' to what h
is doinz and cive their uootialitied ao-
proval to his efforts this is happiness
this is success. This buoyant tens of
power spurs the faculties to tlieir fullest
development. It unfohU the mental
the moral and, the physical force, and
this ery growth, the oonscionsnese- of
an expanding mentality ami of a broad-
t-ning horizon, gives an added 5tati-fact
ion beyond the power of words to das
cribe. It is a realization of nobility
the i ivinity of the mind."
Perfect Confidence.
W here there used to be a feeling.of
uneasiness ami worry in the household
when a child showed symptom! of croup
there is now perfect confidence. This
is owing to the uniform success of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy in the treat
ment of that disease. Mrs. M. I. Bas-
lord of Poolesvtlle, Md., in speaking of
her experience iu the use of that reme
dy says: "I have a word of confidence
In Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for 1
have used it with perfect success. My
child Garland is subject to severe at
tacks of croup and it always gives him
prompt relief." For sale bv A.'C. Mar
sters & Co.
For Sale Cheap.
J45 acres stock or dairy ranch 3)
miles toutlieast of Myrtlel'oint, Oregon
Fine new liouse, good out building!
Will sell with or without stock and fur
niture. Have, good object for selling.
tor particulars address
Carl W. Presely,
Myrtle Point, Ore.
An iraraenseHne of Morris Chairs mid
Rockers just received at Strong's Furni
ture Store; also a full.Iine of all kinds
of Furniture at reasonable prices. Call
and see for yourself. 09-lf
Plain sewing and dressmaking is eolic
ited by Mrs. Wooten on tho comer of
Oak and Stephens streets.
vjuaranieeu roresc ttcservo scrip
-I i. .1 r -n
for Bale in large or small quantities,
by Frank E. Albv, over the
Land Office Rosebnrg. Will place
same for non-resident purchasers.
x'i - .: ..l , i , . ,
uimuie eiiouio e lost wncn a
child shows symptoms of croup. Cham
oeriain h iOiigu ucmetiy given as' soon
I f y"t t
as the child becomes hoarse, or oven af
ter tho croupy cough appears, will pre-
yen i. mo aitacK. n never laus, rim is
pleasant and safe to taku. For sale by
A. C. Marsters & Co.
What are They?
Oliamberlaiira Stomach and Liver
Tablets. A new remedy for stomach
troubles, biliousness, and constipation,
and a good one. Price 25 cents. - For
sale by A. C. Marsters & Co.
Velvet Hie ltd irr Dinner. Itc-cetidon
nnd Hull Tollelft.
111 velvets the new light weight ntmi-
Ity called chiffon takes the lend In ev
erything except for costly cloaks and
coats. ItB sheen and exquisite pllaoll
ity have entirely changed tho old treat
ment of velvets Into this modern one,
whore everything Is possible in the way
of handwork. Smartness has declared
for small checks "In dross 'velvets In
tended for ctreet costumes. The mid
d!o tone of any ono of tho colors !n
vogue Is often crossed by lino squares
of black or gray or by 11 lighter shado
of the same foundation color.
Single colored velvet costumes nre
for more ceremonious purposes nnd ad
mit of fur trimmings of the costliest
character. Violet, blue. French and
stone grays, fawn, green, fuschla pur
ple and cardinal red, together with
black and gun metal shades, form the
gamut of best choice. These costumes
nre, according to preference, made up
with the dressiness of lace nnd passe
menterie trimmings or with a charm
lug .simplicity of line and fur trimmed
The" princess dinner gown hereshoww
Is of black chiffon velvet over white
taffeta. The foundation is finished
with a plaiting nnd a deep ruche edged
ruffle of white chiffon. The velvet
princess has panels of handmade black
fdlk face Inserted at the sides, rlsins In
high iKlnts almost to the hips, and the
chiffon Is beneath these full length.
The Inset girdle and the cape effect at
the lmck and over the shoulders are
afcvj of the coarne silk lace. A large Jet
butterfly trims the left of the corsngc.
and tlie elbow .-Jeeves nre of black tulle
over white chiffon.
White I rtMScl3 net spotted with die
ullle over white taffeta composes the
ball gown, together with reitousso lace
in deep vandyke iwluts and opalescent
Amkhik the full dress gowns for din
ner and reception wear a skirt com
Intuition of cre and chiffon velvet or
of satin cloth Is entirely new. The half
of a long train skirt In Its shaped flare,
whether of velvet or cloth. Is joined to
an iiHer half of transparent craite or
of double ntousseliue of the Mini' color
ami shade. A charming example Iu
chalk white lias Its lower skirt of clotlu
the upper one of crape to match. Seven
strap of cloth one and a half Inches
whle connect this cloth over the crajie
to the belt, and these straps are orna
mented with small buttons covered
wltli crape. The waist belt Is of old
-oso silk.
A gray velvet dinner gown is in the
latest all gray movement There are
two stuped flounces upon the bottom,
the tower ooe much the wider of the
two, both trimmed with waved lines
of ptphiK tn gray satin. The low tod
Ice fits the figure, with a slight blouse
'n front, the lower part of velvet, but
U rent of pray silk lace, with gray
nml silTer paillette embroidery. Gray
chlffou forms the sleeve drapery.
, The Larse llntm.
ricture lwts for full dress are Im
mense, and over them all waves the
plumage of the ostrich. The hat here
Illustrated Is of the fashionable silk
beaver In ivory tint, with a handsomo
Ionjj ostrich feather, strings of black
velvet and steel ornaments.
Dlla ot Brlchtneaa.
A dash ot cold water,
A whlfr of fresh air.
A bit of bright sunshine.
Will oft banish care.
A tviiriNtmaa Task For llnraelock
Micrlcs, the Uctectiro.
it was . tlie day after Christmas,
llomclock Shcrlcs and I sat In tin
Butcher street rooms cursing the
mowy, sloppy weather.
mess me: Mulroon's come homi
sober!" he suddenly remarked ns Uio
nark of n dog came. In from Uio hnll.
'How on earth can you tell?" I mar.
veled, for no sound of mau's voice had
been ueanl.
"Because his dog doesn't know him "
nnswered my friend, with n gleitm In
his eye. "For n veterinary surgcou
you let a great many 'horses' get on
you, old uinn."
Another period of silence, and limn
Sherles reached up his lontr whltn
hand and took down the bottle of gin.'
ixo more or tins!" no mused nioini.
"Now begins a period of hard wort
for mo."
Hard work?" I asked wondorliiL-lv
'Why, I haven't heard of anv recent
murders, robberies or dlsannon
None of these this time, ofd mnn.
All mj'sterlos. Evcrv vohul- m-.i, i
town will soon be here to lmvo nu
Hud out what the Christmas present
his girl gave him Is Intended for. don'i
you know "New York Journal.
Tho London Suturdny Review finds
that tho result of tho recent elections
in this country bodes no good for tho
republic. When the Saturday Revlow
discovers anything that bodes good to
this republic It will bq when the editor
has gone away and iaft the -miner in-
charge of the olH?e boy.
Notice for Publication.
Koscburg Ore, Sept lu, W0.1,
Jlcvadn.aiid Washington Terrlforv ',i
od toall tho public lanaStei'ct""S
met in thUofllco hUnworn tatcmcnt No. ml.
for tho purchase of tbo nw ol nee !2I iu tn No
20 aoulli. ranKo No. 8 went P .
aud will oiler proof to iboir that theland ouht
It more iubla for It timber or Hone thVn
Slin?ri'i '""IS1 ani1 to tbllih hU
m,ni 'ft'? Lhe K$K,,t nd Kecelver ot thli
o((tc of KoMburr, Oregon,
on TncMlay, thu 23rd day of February. 1901.
no nanu-H aa witnwa; W. H . McOroisen. J
all of lion-bur:. Ore..
Any na an pcrtom rlalmlnif adversely tbo
above !lc.ri!.ud latdaaro itqucsteil to file their
rlHima m thin office on orbcloru suld 2.!rd day of
February, lm. J. r. Hit DilKH,
1 I V Itotrl.lor
H.lrics. J. Jeuiiing., 1'lalutlrT,
Noouday Mining Company,
l prlvu'u CorM.raI1oii)
Kdward B. LoIrd, Henry flra
bam firown, (ii-orvt.- J. Atkliii,
and John 1 Ahrcim, tiuitcc.
To Noonday -Mlnlns Comranr. fa r.rlv.i.
ilrowu, !-
, Elward II. l.clcb, Henry Graham
-orce J. Aitiiin. .mi Jot... i it.......
trustee. at.ove named defendant, ani to each
of (aid defendant:
in tie name of tho State of Oregon, you and
each uf you are hereby required to apiKjar and
aniucr the complaint filed acalnn you In the
above entitled mlt on or before the Uth day 6f
March, l!l, and if oa fail o to appear and
answer, f. r want thereof the platmlir will ap
ply to the Ootirt for the relist demanded in the
complaint, ai-ucclurt statement of which la
that the defendant Henry Graham Brown
bo decreed to hold auch title aa he may have to
tho mill and mtll-alle and property described In
tberoiupMnt in mntfor the defendaut Ed
want B. Leigh fur the me aud benefit of plain
tiff, and dlviatins each ol the defendant of
any and all rlKbt, title and interest they or
either of them may have or claim, in or to said
property or any prt thereof, and vetting the
Mmeln the plaintiff and perpetually enjoining
the d. !-udaiu and each of ihern flom afsening
anv right, title or Interest in, or control over,
said property or any part thereof; for tho tU
and disbursement ol this suit and for snch
other aud further relief ai to the Court .ball
MH-m tqultablc.
Th summons ii published by vlrtuft of an
order duly made and entered In the above en
titled Court and cause by the Honorable J. W.
19 ll" ' M,J CDrt' ,,te'1 Juary
The t'me prescribed In said order for pnbllra
turn of this summons is twice a week for six
ncmive weeks, the date of the first publica
tion whereof is January 2lt, 1901
C'AuroaD & WTao.".
C Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice for Publication.
Putted State Land Office.
Koseburs. Oregon, Oct. 36, I9U3.
Nc-ilca is hereby given that. In eompllanc)
with the provision of the act of Con fit of
7i lcu me aaie ot
"uiucr ianu in ice tiaiesoi California, Oieroa
Nevada .and Washlnrtnn Trr-rUnr
jdoall tha public land iUUi by act of Anfuat
"i Minneapolis, county of Hennpin, state o
ninnea .la. na ihUdav Died in this office hi
uru Biicmnu .-o. a,M. lor the pu-cbae of
uuij, . wuin, rangu 5 west
and will offer proof to ihow that the land son j-ht
1 mors valuable for Its timber or itnne than
tor agricultural purposes, ana to establish hi
claim before the Ketfater and Becclrer of thl
oincs 01 uoasburr.Oreran.
on Jjonoay, ine sn day of March, )9M He
uamt-j as wunecs: t.:narlc Tbom, John
mura.oi uwtmirr; joan Becker, Frank Lodk,
ot Cleve!and. Ore.
Any and all perron cUlmlns; adversely the
above described lands r miRMti.1 tn til
rUfmt In thl. n a n. r . t
ij vi Jtareu, l-AH. J. T. BRIDGES.
. Register.
Notice for Publication.
Roxburr Ore . St ttt. 1 1X8.
t.k k ' tcrfcJ' Sven that Is cotnpllanc)
'..Hui.igiuninu( to oi cor.rrtts
June S. 't.S. eilUtlMl "An art for !- .1.
Umber lands in the Slates of Callfornla.Ore?n
erada .and Washlncton Terrliorr." a extend
ed to all the public land states by act of AujTut
ot Portlasd, cnunty of Maltnosab. tuie ol Ore-
jnn. nasuiu oay nietl in this once hlssarom
sUtesent Na WI. for the tarebax.uif the nw,.
of section No. M la tp 26 south, of range No.
and will offer proof to (how that theland sought
Is more valuable tor iu Umber cr stone than
tor agricultural porroei, and to establish hi
claim before the Reenter and Receiver cX thl
office oi llcaebore. Ortroa.
on Tnevlay lh Uthl.T of Fe.rHrr. lWt He
naraet as wtsnt se. w. n JleCrooen, J. w
tiatlncr. of K.eMn-?. O'e.. Jihn Et-cer. Funk
F. Uolesbr. of I'orUand. Ore.
Any and al! rerv)tit clalmlnc adrrrudr tht
b ove dcMTibcrf lands are mjuetic-t jo file their
alms 1q this offlec on or before stld loth day
P fteItr.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Botebnr. Orecon, Jannarr
2rV1301. .
.SoUcc 1 hereby gircn that the followlnr.
nam -iucr nu nira nonce oi ni internum
lo make n nal proof In support of hi claim, and
(bat said rroof will Uraadehfnr. th CHl
ter and Recelrer. V. S. L. O. at Rncebnrp. Or.
, Kuii, uu .-.larca i'.-t . Tlx:
I ... waivu v, n nccier,
on his H. K. Xa 11(3. for the Sij N"Ei and Lots
I ne namct me loiiotrtni; witnesses to prove
! his continuous residence upon and cnttiTa-
uonnisaxi una. tu- Bn"oIph Aratteta. AI
rtT. Crouch, Villiarn it, Toner and Richard
n . iict, an ot uaraas Valley. Oreon.
J.T. Uumu, Bcgifter.
Sealed bids will bo received bv the
Board of Directors of School District No
4, Roseburg, Oregon, until Feb. 15thjl5KM
lorino constntction, oi a u-inch eewcr
from the new High School Building to
Mosher St. in the city of Ttoeburg Ore,
and tn connect with the f4eweron said
Mosher St, at tho intersection of
Jackson and Mosher St. The Board re
serves tlie right to reject any or all bids
Tho successful bidder must give bond
for the faithful performance of tho con
tract. For particulars call on
S. C. Flint,
Chairman Board of Directors, School
District no 4, Roseburg Ore.
Honey to Loan.
as nnanciai agent, lor capital l am
prepared to loan money in any amount
irom tou to fouu on real estalo or per
sonal security, or to purchase property
outright, or to purcliaso good notes at a
discount. The money can oftentimes
lie paid or drafts issued tho samo day
that the application is mado. Enquire
or II. U. Brookes, at tho Plain-dealer
office, Roseburg.
A Business Proposition.
If you are going east a careful selec
tion of your route is essential to tho on
joymcnt of your trip. If it is a business
trip tiino is tho main consideration ; if a
pleasure trip, ccenerv nnd tho conven
ienccs and comforts of a modern rail.
Why not combine all by using the
Road, running two trains thtlly from St.
Paul and Minneapolis, and from Ornah
to Chicago. Free Reclining Chair Cars,
tho famous Buffet-Library -Smoking
Curs, nil trains vcstibuled. In short
thoroughly modern throughout. All
tickets rending via tho Illinois Central
wilt bo honored on theso trains nnd no
extra fare charged. Our rates are the
same na thoso of inferior roads why not
get your money's worth?
wntoioriuii panicniar8.
11. U. TitUMnoLL.
Commercial Agent,
Portland, Ore.
0. Lindsey, T. F. & P. A.,
, . 'T Portland, Ore.
Paul-B.-Thomss n, F.-&P. A..
Seattle," Wash.
Soalety IVlcetlnge.
F. & A. M. Laurel Lndon No. 13.
Holda roKnlar meetings on eecona
anu i nrtti WednRPiUv nf rh
momn. j, x. Uehxies, w. M.
N. T. Jkwktt, Secretary.
r. 0. ELKS. RoBeburg Lodge No,
326. Holds regular communica
tions Ot I. O. O. F. Hall nn B,-rm,l
and fourth Thnrfiilavn nf
All membors requested to attend renu-
tuny nun mi viFiunK orottiers are cortli
ally invited to attend.
F. B. Waite, K. II.
Ror McClallkn, Secrotary.
N. G., meeta at Armory Hall t-veT
Thnraday eveninif, at 8 o'clock.
V -PKr
r. ii. ri amlxk, (Japt
O. U. F.' Philetarian IjkIph N'n. R
Meets in Odd FelloW Temple, cor
ner JrtckROIl ami f!nn ntruuto n
Saturday eyeninj;;df.each we?Jc Metn
bera of tho order in tcood eiaudini; srr
Invited to attend. :
- J. C. TwrrciiKiL, N. (i.
N.T.Jbwktt, Secretary.
8 of P. Alpha Lodge No. 47;
f every Vedneeday, in I. 0. 0.
Hall at 7:30 n. m. Mmlra in
i?ood eiandlng are invited to attend.
GiK). E. Hoccb:.
S. V. Ramp K. R. S.
OJ",, M. Protection Tent Nol5.
Holds ita rrjrular Reviews the
first and third Fridnv nf trh
month in the I. O. O. hall. Viiitlna
members in good standing are invited to
attend. Geo. W. Pehby. Com.
E. E. RixiDOETr, Record Keeper.
LILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of
Woodcraft. Meet on 2nd and 4th
Fridays of each month at Via t
U. U. r. Ha H. VlBltintf mmhr
ood standine are invited to attend.
Della Jeweit, Guardian Neighbor.
Mixsie Otkv, Secy.
I O. T. M. Roeehnri? Hie tin. 11
I 'folds its rreolar reviena npon the
urai anu intra iri,i-.n nt 'vt n m
of each month in the Native Sont Hall.
Sisters of other Hives viaitintr in ch ni.
.o vuiumuj Hiviieu manepa our re-
Jessie Rapp.R. K.
E. S. Roxeburg Chapter No. 8
Holds their reznlar meeting on the
first and third Thnrsdava in earn
nnnth. VbutioR members in good
itindinjr are rfspectfally inviUKi to at
tend. Mbs. Naxxib Spragoe W. M.,
Mauds Rat Secrstary.
semblyNo. 105 meet
dayoveninz, at 8o'c
Umpnua As-
meets every Satur-
Sons liall. Visiting Artisans cordially
invited to attend.
Mm. M.A. Reed, M. A.
Jim. Mi.v.vie Joxes, Secretarv.
uamn .No. 125. Meets at the Odd I
firtt and third Monday evening,
j t ut t ' , twrouunt, every j
UK ueiynoors aiway welcome.
N. T. Jewktt, C
J. A. BrciiAXAj. Cerk.
c ;
Odd Fellow's Tfinple. Meeta first
and' thinl Thurrtlav evenings each
month. Visitors cordiallr invitt-d.
T J. B. ILvjiilto-v, C. P.
J. C.TwrrciicLL, Scribe,
Professional Cards.
Attorney-at-Lav ,
Court Boat
oowa Stair.
Ph'sician, Surgeon.
Office over P. 0. Rosebueo,
'Phone Main 591. Oamos.
Roseburg, Ore.
Abnbara Mk
ove Pct ome
Physcian &. Surgeon.
office Review Hka.
rnoae. Mtn 21
aaricw BulUlnr.
Telephoae Xo. i.
M. CnAwroan aJ. 0. Watsox
Attorneys at Law,
KootalAi, Bak BulU.. RO-SnBOn'J, Oh
BailnCis before lh D 3 LiBdOflreinr
ainini ce a ipedaiiy.
RoacBi'no, Oreoos
Butlnc belnro rj.8. Land OffioiauJ Prorti
Dcslnes s. sMclsJtT.
Ofllc Atinhaa Bolldlnc -
WU1 oncUce tn all the Buto anil Federal Courts
umce in iintis- man., KoaeDur;, orcitoa.
At torney-at-L,aw.
otns I and 2
wvlcw BalUItaK,
J A. BUCHANAN, Notary Pnbiic,
Collections a Specialty.
Roots 3
Marsters Bnll.llns.
Of every descriytion. Farms and. Min
eral Lands
Oregon-. aahmcton and
Notice for Publication
Dnltctl State Land Office.
Roseburg Orewn, Aug. 31, isai.
Nottco i hereby given that In compllanco
1th the nrartslnn of thtt art nf Cnncrrru nf
JunoS,l8Wi.enUtled"Anftct for the sale ot
titnDor una in the states o( caiuornla, Oregon
Nevada. and Washington TrrHtnrr ."unTtonit.
cdtoall the public land taU bj act ol Auguri
Care, ot O. M. Co., ot Portland, comity ot
Multnomah, state ot Oregon, ha thl da; filed
In thl.ioilleo her sworn statement Ho. :67i for
tho purchase of the NEJJ ot Section No. SI In
tuvusaii no, wuin, range .o. s west
and will oiler proof to show that tho land sought
Is more valuable for IU timber or stono than
for agricultural nurroses. and to establish hi
claim before tho Register and Recotrer of thl
office ot Roseburg. Oregon.
on Friday, tho Uth day nf February, 1903. lit
names ai wltileMca: w. H. Mct'rossou. J. v.
Gantucs. John Rogorr, Frans F. Doleiby allot
nnnpuurg, urtgoii.
Anvand hll lersons clalmlnc advmMv thn
ab To described lands are requested to file their
claim In this nfflce on or bcroro Id 12th day
ol February, 190B. J.T UKIDGEj,
Oct8p Regkier.
to buy a
to buy a
rent a
move a
If you don't know PAT
C-tll on or addrt8 . . .
F F. P3
Agent For D0UQLA5
Through Salt Dike City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado
Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky
Mountain Scenery by daylight
Modern Equipment, Through Pullman and Tourist Sleep
ing Cars and Superb Dining Car Service. s-
For rates, folders and ctier
forma tioa.'atldress"
Priced I
Bktal SOver &
Felly Gcaraateid
Watc& Co.
Citr and Mining Propert;, Horae
stoads and Timber Claims Located,
the heit now vasant. No fees paid
until Filiru; accepted. Relinquish
ments boght and sold. ; : : :
Stewart Land Co.,
Room 4, Taylor 5 Ikofl Block
Your Watch!
When was it cleaned and oiled
Is it r iania Uka it oaht to? If
ia not, it would bo vrellto have it ex
amined, I will look it over carefullv
,.t t . 1 ... . .
uu ivn iuu jusi wnere uio trouble is
and what it will cost to repair it.
I guarantee all mywork and live
up to tho guarantee.
-. upucian
H. Little,
ia prepared to wait npon old
and newenstomersand friends
with a full and comploto
stock of
All fresh and of tho very best
quality Teasaad coffooB are
specialties. Your patronage
solicited, F
i aos Jackson St., Roseburg '
I E 5
1 1
ititm, SdWer
IS KlflG
White family And JTailor
ingRotory Sewing Mach
ines. Machines with
Rotary Lift
W. C McBRIDE, Oea'l Agent,
134 Third Street, PortIad, Ore
' 2
For a Prompt and First-class
Skive or Hair-cut. Compe
tent "Workmen, Clean Tow
els, Tools alvaTB in shape.
Baths in Connection.
a Shop on Jackson St.
Notice for Publication.
I ffoaf" u bereby girea that la coapUasc
1 VJU00? of tie et d Cbscren ot
" iae.Si.eatlUi-Aaaet for tie aals of
naber land la tie Stales oj ClL'onil. Orexou
Jfm PatUe tU byattoIAci
ffpn.haataU day filed la Uila oSceMsnrota
3 south, ol raareS:
aad will offer proof to ifcow tias tie laatl oor-t
oaTinrsday ti lota day of Ifawi. 15M. He
r11?- R Mania. StMarUn. of
BmsfairtUe Orrroa; Getcg Itateaaa. Fred
Bateiaaa. - Roseao-j. Oregon.
mtSI52LfHjStr0? 014112111 5 lTerley'tie
aooTe dtczibed laada are requesteil to Uc tielr
'ofrciaCe 0:1 aald IOta day
Notice for Publication.
Called States Land OSe.
! u nereoT glTsa tiat la coapUaae
) yltitieproTUloaiof tia act ot CoamsTS
v2r Ua4,4a S1 o Calltorala.OTO
t Waahlagton Trriryr iaiSS-
' ' r pv HJPtRT n. BROOITSS.
of Rosebary. Ccuntr ot Don lis. State of Ore
goa. has thl dar nled la tils .osace ila j-trora
: j!ant1o r,
jonTlmrsday tholtmcayofApriU 1901. Ha
" wltneraes: George Rerf, H. L.
stadley .Margaret J. Brookes. D. p. FUhcr. aU
J of Roseburg, Oregon.
1 ,aial??!TOIU clttcxr adTtrseiy tie
i ,v!I? ,e?,ba. lln(1' tcooested to aletaeU
' April ISOt 0t 6eIoie uxh A?01
Notice for Publication.
ncitcj state Land oOce.
wlti tia proTUioa of th act Af Coaaresa of
1 "nrlaads la tia State, ol Call. "oral a. Orttoa
hetada aad W aaim gtoa "errllory." a extaad
PUbU 11104 ,txU
of rorUand. county of Maltaomai. atata of
, Oregon, haa thU day nltd la thu fflc7ila
"rasttenient Xa 567t. for the purchUof
thcSKJioftectloa No. Win tohlrT Na
; soulh 01 range Ko. s wt p
, aad will of for proof to ahow that tielandmnn-h
1?.r.f5Itafl purpose t. aad to e.taMlah iS
1 . ""'sv.ituiu
, on Friday, tie Uth day of February. 1S0S. Bo
I rA, I'J-J- O-dner. John'
1 12th day of February, 193.
Notice for Publication.
United SuteaLaiHlOfire,
vnt"i .. v R?blnr. owiTon. Oct. ao. iscb.
wtthnJibT Siren that ia compliant
7iii. e.EIDT,ilon o' act of ConcTcsa of
Umber land In tha States of California. Orecon
Jjetada and Washington TerritoryajViSnd
Jdtoall ui0 puMle und .tat byactofAnrt
has this dTfl leu In thlnnflW m.
1 ?!itiJJ2,,,or,U,S porchsjo. ot the lot s. 3.
r 8 nesi ' 'P -s
and will offer proof to aow that tialaad sonjrhl
Ji.moiST,I.u'lEl8tor ,u "mbcr or"""t?aa
for asrlcnltural purpow. and to cUbjh afi
1 a colore wie uepiteraad Receiver of taic
. otllcootRofeburr.OreKon.
.Tuesday, tae 2ih day ot March. 1$01 Ho
of Rosebant. Orcson: Joia Becker, ftauk
Lonf.ofCIffrelaad. Oregon. "aK
I Any and all terQ culmlat- adrertaltr rt
nl Ma'h llmC,J 00 0r Vh iUt
1 Sfoa' T BRllXSKf
,1,0Ta6 EegU'.ec