..v-Vf t -irv .try? iW .'.,-r Boy your spray pumps mid etc., at Sykes. u -. rTYTafelVOaTC Wo have made great reductions in RtLU U JL Prices of Overcoats, Men's and Boys' M Clothing, Ladies' Jackets, Shirt Waists, Skirts and Dress Goods. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY SSL If you would take advantage of this Shoes 8tvlish' Wicable and durable: golden opportunity to purchase first- , Ls goods at the very lowest figures. HAH OHM WWIIY ATTENDED TO The constant use of cathartics causes constipation. Osteopathy cures it. 13 Pruning shears, saws and a comploto lino of spray pumps at S. K. Sykes. Fresh Candies manufactured daily at Currier's confectionary best inthocity R. M. Cranfill, of Umpqua Ferry, was in Roseburg last Friday transacting busi ness. THE SHOE PROBLEfl Fob 8aus Cocker Spaniol pups. En quire of F. F. Patterson's residence, Lane St. The People's Store I. ABRAHAH, Prop. One Door South of P. O. BEST MEAL IN THE CITY FOR 25 CENTS. THE NEW Cor. Washington and Main Streets Mrs. Belie Collins ood for sale. Leave order with J. F. Barker. tf Abstract of Title to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for filing on Govern ment Land. Bine Prints of Township Maps showing all vacantLands. FRAttKE. ALLEY Architect, Abstracter. Plans and Estimates for all Build ings. Special designs for Of f ice Fixtures Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415 ROSEBURG. OREGON Fay Ward is confined to his bed with typhoid fever. The best thing for nervous troubles or female diseases is. Osteopathy. Ralph Prebble has gone to Grants Pass to accept a position in a bakery. Dr. H. L. Studley, Osteopathic Physi cian, tree consultation. Over post- office. Attorney-General A. M. Crawford, ar rived in Roseburg from Salem on Friday evening. OREGON ROSES And Other Beautiful Flowers Send Postal Card for 1904 Catalog CLARKE BROS., PORTLAND, OREGON L. F. Millholen, a Portland drug clerk, was in Roseburg filing on a timber claim located near Cottage Grove. A farewell reception to Rev. S. A. Douglas and wife is being held at the Baptist church, this afternoon. H. Carter came down from Myrtle Creek last Friday and went to Looking Glass where he visited with his sister. Frank E. Alley returned home Sun- ay morning from a trip to Oregon City, Salem and Eugene, on land office busi ness. For Good Pictures and Fair Prices 60 To Smith's Sunbeam Photo Parlors Corner Pine and Lane Sts., Roseburg, - Ore. Is your property for stfa? If so, see Frank E. Alley and have the title examined and secure an abstract of same. Investigate, compare. We seek your business only on the basis of mu tual snterest. Hardware etc. S. K. ykes. Lost Monday afternoon, possibly on Jackson street, a pair of steel frame glasses. Finder please leave at this office. 1 1 On Saturday afternoon limes Joe T. Bridges and Alva C. Marsters entertain ed a party of youug ladies in a most charming manner. In the front parlor the decorations -were deep violet and green. English ivy formed half wreaths over the doors and windows and broad bands of violet were carried from the chandelier to the freize in each corner of the room. The flowers were number less bowls of California violets and white narcissus. In the back parlor the color were scarlet and green, and were devel oped in quantities of smilax and bowls of red carnations augmented by white bvacinths. The first and most amusing feature of the afternoon was the draw ing for husbands. Each guest selected one from a number of ribbon bands and drew, being rewarded by finding at the nf Tipr nd an obiect indicating the line nf ovnration from which her fate would come, and artists, musicians, authors, lawyers, doctors, merchants, gardners, and numberless others were speedily allotted. Pit was the game of the after noon and at the close, Miss Myrtle Filz water was found to be the most success ful operator and received a framed water color study, one of the friar series, and timmnsnlatibn. a rare cup, went to Miss Stella Hamilton. The hostesses were assisted in receiving by Miss Aud rey Bridges, and in serving by their sons Masters Ralston Bridges and Lyle Mars- ters. The cuests of honor were the teachers of the public schools and were Misses Parrott, Clark, Cook, Enckson Thompson, Aitken, Kabat, Aldrich ctourart. Rvern. Stuart. Hatfield and Kidder. Other guests included Misse Rast. Hamilton, Dillard, Wimberly, vitiiirntpr- Maiden. Gaddis. Jennie and Kate Buick, Brookes, Willis, Josephson Bvrd. Shambrook, Sacry, Parsley, PWrhford. Barker. Fullerton, Cannon Stanton, McCoy, Curren, Titeon. John Doe, Richard Roe, Howard Poe rti-onm. .w and Wearv Goe, five hoboes, arrested in the S. P. yards yester dAv bv Marshal Jarvis and were haled into Justice J. A. Buchanan's court this .,nJn. rhurppA with burglary. The c - - w 1 evidence developed the facts that the men had boarded a train at Riddle yes terday and entered the ice compartment of a car loaded with oranges, some of which they had been able to get and devour. District Attorney George M. ttrown appeared for the state and the defendants were without counsel. The court at the suggestion of the State held l,nt no felonv had been committed The hoboes plead guilty to the cri:ne of riA and were sentenced to ,.ntv davs each in the county jail. TUvro their true names as Will t, nnhprt Burns. Frank Ed- wards, Mike Murphy and Fred Sanders, n.i;0 -Minsnnof Myrtle Creek . . . 1 1 i...rioitnn Mr. JobnEon is 18 at ino .iitumiiv" expected tomorrow. Dr's. Cheadle & Johnson, dentists. Cheadle & Johnson, dentists. Of Local Interest. Don't neglect your health pathy. TryOsteo- Phil. G. Rice, of Myrtle Creek, was in Roseburg Friday. Those who have praise it to the skies. tried Osteopathy 13 Mrs. A. E. Rogers arid .child visited relatives at Drain last Saturday and Sunday. For Trade Small farms in Indiana to trade for Orego H. L. Ball. (southern property. SStf. Our spraying outfits are suporior to other kinds, last longer, and are not too costly. 8. K. Sykes. We rely on low prices to win trado 011 fair treatment to retain it. S K Sykes, tho hardware man. Every price we quote represents tho best value obtainable for that price, S K Sykes, stoves and tinware. Show wisdom by Becking tho store where reliable goods arc sold as a mut ter of principle. S K Sykes,' hardware. Osteopathy is a specific for female dis eases and nervous troubles. Judge J. W. Hamilton went to Port land Friday morning for a few days stay. Mrs. J. Fremont Barker returned home from Portland last Friday evening. See Frank E. Alley for reliable ab stract of title to your property. Up stairs over Land Office. D. C. Pitier, foreman of the William P. Johnson Lumber Company at Myrtle Creek, was in Roseburg several days last week. John Applegate, tbe'Yoncalla pioneer, wns in Roseburg Friday looking after some business in connection with his real estate interests. A. Yarrington, of Eugene, was taken down with lumbago while in Roseburg and was confined to his room at Hotel McClallen.- He is recovering. Blue prints of township maps, fifty cents each. Filing papers properly prepared. Frank E. Alley, up stairs, over Land Office. District Attorney George M. Brown went to Drain Saturday on legal busi ness in connection with the old Anlauf road trouble. Robert Anlauf, the de fendant, was dismissed. The case dates back to 18S4. Mrs. H. S. Whitney, of Edenbower, has been very ill with an attack of ap pendicitis and other complications. D r. H. L. Studley, the Osteopathic physi cian, who has been in attendance, re ports that she is rapidly improving. In addition to low prices we guaran tee prompt service and absolute satis faction. Stoves and tinware S. K. vkes. Editor A.T. Fetter, of the Drain Nonpareil, was in Roseburg last Satur day. This office acknowledges a fra ternal call. A. Fenton, formerly of Myrllo Creek, now located at Sodaville, is in Roseburg today, having been at the former place on business the past week. Mr. Fenton has been in poor health but the Soda ville water has almost completely cured him of his ailment which was crustation of the stomach. See Frank E. Alley for land scrip Guaranteed perfect, and ready for aenvery. Lowest market price. Wo buy right, we sell right; wo namo. our prices with confidence Implements and Hardware. S. K. Sykes. George I). Humes camo down from Riddle Friday and went to Melrose to visit with his sister at the home of Sam H. Russell, his cousin. Dr. U. L. Sfudley Osteopathic pbyai dan, Rosebutg office over poet office At Oakland, Settles Hotel Tuesday,. Thursday and Saturdays. Consultation free. If yon want to sec or purchase the very best vapor cabinet manufactured, go to A. C. Marsters & Co. and inspect the renowned Buckeye. It is warranted n ever' particular. 7 Mf. The Plai.vdeaixe office is always pre pared to turn out on short notice all kinds of commercial job printing, cards, receipt books, posters and booklets in clean- and neat styles. You should get our prices and see samples if there is anything in the line you need. 'Assessor G. W. Staley was at Yo il eal U on business Saturday. Good potatoes wanted in any quantity. Address W. A. Sebring, Dillard, Oregon. 2tp Richards A Pringle's Minstrels enter tained a crowded house at the Roseburg theatre last Saturday night with a splendid performance. Their company is first-class in all the details. Their musicians are artists, their comedians the limit of fun makers, while the hoop controller and other features make it one of the best shows of its kind on the road, but above all is the fact that it is an absolutely clean show. There is plenty to laugh at but not the. slightest insinuation. It is indeed the cleanest show on the road. Attorney John T. Long returned to Roseburg this morning from a visit at Coles Valley. Hou. A. C. Marsters returned Satur day from a trip as far south as Ashland. ealso stopped off at Glenbale and other point. A new invoice of premiums has arrived and will be on exhibition Saturday morning, Fob. 20 ot 10 o'clck. 2t Fishes & Bellows Co. Georgo H. Langenberg who went to Portland from Roseburg recently has gone by water to San Francisco and will locate at Tnlare, California. Remember that it is quality, not quantity, that wo strrre for in furnish ing our city trade, therefore you will always get the cheapest milk of the Gaddis Dairt, because the best. All retail milk delivered in bottles. Our I specialties are cream, milk and butter milk. If you don't see the wagon 'phone to the Creamery. 14-tf A. J. Gross, aged about fifty years, was met op the second trestle north of Roseburg Thursday afternoon at about three o'clock by a light engine coming in to Roseburg and iu climbing out on the timbers to get out of the way fell off and was knocked unconscious. The en gineer, James Wsgonblast, saw him and stopped the engine within about twelve feet of him, but Mr. Gross under the ex citement lost his balance and fell. The engine men went down and got -him and brought him to town after which he re gained consciousness and discovered that he was not seriously hurt. Mr. Gross is a resident of Dode Canyon beyond Oak land. He went to that city on last Fri day's local. Mrs. Chas Loomis, of Newport, re turned bbine last Saturday morning after visiting with her parents, Mr. and J. R. Dixon, at Clover Creek. Hon. A. M. Crawford returned home to Salem, Sunday. He was accompa nied by his neice, Miss Stella Hamilton, who will visit, for two weeks, in Salem. Lloyd Mynatt, of Central Point, form' erly of th;s county, was in Drain, Satur day, where he went with a view to pur chasing a barbershop. He spent some time in Roseburg. A charming social evening wjs enjoy- ed last Thursday when the Degree of Honor was entertained by the members of Rosebure Lodce No. 16, A. O. U. W. Refreshments were served. On next Friday evening a necktie social will be given at Riddle for the purpose of raising a fund with which to purchase an organ for the public school The Riddle Brass band will make its first public appearance at that time and furnish the music for the occasion. Pre ceding the social session a musical and literary program will be rendered, ex tensive preparations are being made and a success is assured. Mrs. William Schmidt and family, f ormerlv of the Hotel McClallen, depart ed Sunday morning for 8an Francisco, where thev will join the husband and father. The family may locate in the city. John Gilbert, the timber locator, who was until the past few months located in the southern part of the county, came over from Marshfield last Friday, where he. has been working at tho same busi ness. D. A. Harris, a farmer who lives about 4& miles east of Salem, has a strange curiosity in the shape of a freak lamb, which was born by a ewe upon his place recently. Tho lamb has eight legs, fully developed, one head, four ears, two eyes, two mouths and two tails, but was still born and the mother will probably die. This freak is from a Cottswold ewe and a Rambonlette buck, belonging to Mr. Harris' flock. The issue of tho California Fruit grower of February 20th prints the fol lowing in regard to the prune market: It is very difficult at this timo to-be exact in giving prune quotations as prices for the different sizes very accord ing to both buyer and seller, and the ideas of almost everyone seem to bo a little different just at this time. The most desired sines are SOs-OOa and 90- 100s. The inquiry at this time ia ex tremely small and there are very few goods moving. Dealers generally are unable to get more than 2) cents basis. Occasional sales are reported above this figure for special sires or. brands. The Willamette Valley Association has closed out its holdings of Oregon Italians on IK cent basis with the exception of a few 40-60s. The East report tho prune market as gaining somewhat in strength and most of the large centers well cleaned up of stock." Carl Abraham, the railway mail clerk, who has been the guest of his wife and other relatives in Roseburg, returned to Portland last Saturday to resume his regular run between Portland and Duns muir. T. R. Sheridan and Dexter Rice have gone to Portland on business in connec tion with the incorporation, ot the new combined water and light company. Fred J. Blakelv went to Portland, 8at- Mrs. John Hunter returned home, Saturday, from California, where she and her husband have been spending some weeks for tho benefit of the latter's health. Mr. Hunter stopped off at Grants Paes to attend to sortie business matters. Another big land elide camo in at Roberts Hill Saturday morning at about 7 o'clock blocking the track for the pas sage of trains. A stub train was made up in Roseburg and backed to the slide, where the passengers and mail and a portion of the baggage was transferred. The steam shovel was Eent out of Ash land and reached tho sceno at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. As fast as the rails were cleared the earth kept crawling down and has continued to delay trains until today. Tho road has been clear since morning. On Friday evening Miss Regina Rast entertained a few friends informally as a farewell to Misses Addio and Ella Schmidt, who left this morning for their home in San Francisco. Panic and flinch formed the chief amusement aug mented by musical selections. The party was made up of Misses Elva Wimberly, FloBsie Shambrook, Echo Gaddis, Bes sio and Anna Wharton, Velle Barker, Myrtle Cochran, Lillicr Criteser, Addie and Ella Schmidt; Messrs. Elmer Wirn berly, Warren McWilliams, Sam Joueph son, Lester Bell, Jas. Sawyers, Earl Gaddia, John Robinson, Milo Atterbury and Mrs. W. E. Frazer, of Albany. or a quarter of a century we've bsea bur t solving shoe problems-- solving t m for man. woman and child -solving them successfully. n the selection of our fall shoe stock we have called to out aid 1 ong and successful experience. Th cesu.lt is a misrhtv satherimr of ail footwear embodying in an unrivaled degree of style, comfort, durability and mo Grateness of price. We an you to get better ac quainted with our big shoe depart ment. If chuck full of attractive thingsand the prices are attractive, to . JOSEPHSON The Big Store ROSEBURG, ORE. Hon. J. M. Hansbrough went to Salem Saturday to attend the funeral of Arthur Lawrence, the well known travelling man who died last week. will Mrs. R. Willis tomorrow afternoon, regular musical will be giren. The Mental Culture Club their meeting at the home of hold W. The Lost, in the South Umpqua River, about Feb. 15, a skiff bearing name Monhlgan." Notify W. A. Sebring, Dillard, Oregon, if found, and receive reward. 2t " Georgo K. Quine came down from Riddle Saturday to look after the pur chasing of a team cf mules to be used in his freighting business to tho Ban field Kevens Ledge Mines for which he has tho contracts. Delmar Dixon is in from Sforth Ump qna today. Henry Dewald town today. of Canyouville is in S. M. Morgan of burg on business. Perdue is in Rose- W. J. Wright of Myrtle Creek is regis tered at the McClallen. Mrs Emma Fraxter of Albany is in Roseburg, the guest of relatives. H. G. VanDusen, State Fish Warden, of Astoria, spent last Friday morning in ' Roseburg. W.E.Gray, who has been with the -Douglas county bank, has gooa to Grants Pass to remain. Mrs. Mary Houston, of Junction is the guest of her daughter Mrs. J. F. Peebler. She will remain for some time. F. H. Churchill and wife returned home last Friday morning from a three weeks' visit at Portland, Albany and Salem. L. R. Long, of Cottage Grove, has been the guest of his brother E. P. Long and family in Roseburg, during the past few days. Rev. S. A. Douglas and family leave this cvenlrig for Oxard, California, where he goes to accept the pastorate o the Baptist Church. A farewell recep Uon is being tendered them this after noon at the church by the congregation and other friends. Indian bead outfits, Indian beads, looms and instructions at the Store room of the Sunbeam Photo Parlors, corner Pine and Lane street. An order has been made In the pro bate court appointing David Hughes of Canvonville guardian of Lillian Harris, aged six years, daughter of Dr. P. A. Harris, deceased, and Alice Harns.'hia widow. The principal property of tho ward is in a J2000 policy in the A. O. U W., made in her favor by the father. When You Have a Cold Mrs. S. A. Adderton has been ill for the past eight weeks with rheumatism. tier son, Bert Adderton, an S. P. train man, is now down with typhoid fever. John Matthews, formerly of Melrose, has located in Portland, with his family, where the younger members will have the advantages of the Portland schools W. A. Sebring, was down from Dillard Saturday. Mr. Sebring desires to buy a quantity of good potatoes for sbipmeut, and will go to the Willamette Valley to buy first. The Woman's Home Companion for March contains 50 pages of good tilings. Best of all is Mrs. Will H. Low's article on "French Homo Cooking for American Households." This is a series invalu able to American cooks. Other features are "True Stories of Heroic School- of Ameri Wonder of The first action when you have a cold should be to relieve the lungs. This is best accomplished by the free use of Chamberlain's Couch Remedy. This remedy liquefies the tough mucus and cajif es4ts expulsion from the jiir cells 9!. tho lungs, produces a iree expectora tion, and opens tho secretions. A com plete cure soon follows. This remedy Will cure a severe cold in less time than any other treatment and it leaves the ayetom in a natural and healthy condi tion. It counteracts any tendency to ward pneumonia. For sale by A. 0, MarrtersA Co. Teachers," "Colonial Dames ca," "Wireless Energy, the the Twentieth Century," '"Tho Coming War." There aro short stories by Al bert Bigelow Paine, Joo Lincoln, Robert O. V. Meyers and Lulu Linton. Of ex ceptional timeliness is the article on "Flying-Vlachines," telling of tho groat contest at the St. Louis Exposition. The fashion pages anticipating the spring modes. "Owls" is tbo fascinating sub ject of Mr. Bay nes' Nature Study arti cles. Published by The Crowell Pub lishing Company, Springfield, ' Ohio ; ono dollar a year; ten cents a copy. Wood Wanted at the Court House. Scaled bids to furnish 80 tier of 18 in. oak wood, 4 to 10 in. in diameter, to bo delivered at the Court Hou bo in Rose burg on or before the first day of Nov, 1004, a bond for the faithful performance of contract must accompany each bid. Bids opened Friday, March 4, 1904, nt one o'clock p. m. Tho court reserves the right to reject nil bids. Bosoburg Jan. 27, 1004. M. D. Thompson, J28 County" Judgo; Wanted. Men or women local representatives for a hgh class magazine. Large com missions. Cash prizes. Write J. N Trainkb, 80 East Washington Square, Now York, N. TT. Feb. 22 lin p, satisfaction without extra coBt. It is need and endorsed by the leading men of this county. For circulars and prices address Stearns & Chenoweth, Oakland Oro., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all partici holding county warrants endorsed prior to and including July 81, 1901, are re quested . to present the same at tho County Treasurer's office for payment as Interest will cease thereon after tho date of this not ico. Dated Roseburg, Douglas County Oregon, Jan. 28, 1004. Geo. W. Dimmick, 8-9t . County Treasurer. X Have You Seen That FINE OAK BEDROOM SUIT We are showing in our window. It is up-to-date. A full line of Bedroom Suits can oe found on our floork ALSO THE LATEST IN IXON 1EDS. I If yon need Blankets or Ceaiiris we km item Afulljfline of Mattresses &mk filows. One of our Elastic Cotton Felt Mattresses are" hard to neat. B. W. STRONG The Furniture Man ROSEBURG, ORE Stag Party. A car load of large water pipe created a disturbance in the railroad varda Sat urday morning, by being dislodged from the flat and mixing up with a box car. Tho whole side of tho latter was demolished. Mrs. Dolla- Patterson of Portland stopped off in Roseburg on her way homo from Jacksonville, where she has been attending her mother's bed Eide, to visit for a few days with her aunt, airs. 6. Ztgler and familv. A stag party was given at the home of Wilbur King Ross Thursday, Feb. Jo, complimentary to Messrs. Ains- lte Q.Johnson and Nelse Osmundson. At S:30 p. m. the guests began to arrive and in a very short time the parlors were filled to overflowing with pleasure-seeking young men. The games of Flowers, Ping-pong, and Flinch were indulged in until a lata hour, when the young men were invited to the dining room, where sandwiches, salad, cocoa, wafers, cakes, oranges and ico cream were served. After supper, music prevailed until midnight, when a stag dance and Vir ginia reel were danced until the wee, small hours of morning, when the young gents departed, each surpised to think they could have such a jolly time with out the girls. Those present were: Nelse Osmund- son, Ainslie Johnson, Milo Atterbury, George Norman, Elmer Wimberly, Wm King, Dan C Robbies, Lloyd Miller, John Ryan, Russell Harness, Dell Stev ens, Harry E Miller, Robert Forbes, Roy Sloper, Charles Mosier, George Cul ver, Thomas Townsend, Lester Bell. Jonn Townsend, Dolly Bell, John Rob ertson, Guy Hammitte, Maurice Maid en, Date Schmidt, ClayteNegley, George Robinson, Wm govern, Eari Fickle, Mar Hanan, Wilbur Ross, W J Apple- gate. Senator Hansbrough of North Dakota has introduced a bill asthorkisc t&a Secretary of the Interior to bay fur cask patented lands ia forest reserves oa terms to be arranged is iadrnaaal cases between the Secretary aad tha kad owner, or authorising the rTrnugn of such lands for public lasda oetetde ol the reserves, the liea lands to be of the same character as the las da ssrreader- ed. The bill provides that hearafter Be forest reserve shall be created oa loads included within any railroad laad gnat. Plain sewing aad dreesaakac Is egHc ited by Mrs. Woo tea oa the corset of Oak and Stepheas a&eets. A box car arriving from Portland to day was discovered to have been broken into and five pair of shoes from a ship ment to J. Milhken, taken. Sheriff E L. Parrott and City Marshal Jarvis were notified and made an investigation. The location of the robbery cannot be deter mined and about all that can bo done will bo to keep a lookout for hoboes wearing new shoes. MARRIED. FRUIT HODSON At Glendale. Feb 20, 1904, John .Fruit and Miss Emma Hodson, Rov. " J. R. Landsborongh, omciatmg. ADDISON-BISHOP At Oakland, Fob. 24, E. S. Addison, of Lorane, Lano county, and Miss Madge P. Bishop, ol Oakland, Rev. W. S. Smith, otliciat ing. DIED. GOFF At tho family homo on tho Mc Williams place, three miles cast of Rosoburg, Fridny, Feb. 20, 1904, tho infant daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. K Goff, aged about ono mouth BORN Fer Sate. Seventeen head of fine, registered Aa- gora goats. If yoa waat to start right. now is the time. L. A. "Minn 11111 14-tf Cleveland, Orcgea. j. xi. ttooDs, ot us K 1 ami, came over Friday evening and spent Saturday in town on business. Miners and prospectors are very much excited over tho reported discovery of vein of gold and copper twenty-five feet wide at Bowerman. Gunnison county. Col., and people from all parts of the State aro moving to tho now camp. .Much of tho vein matter, it is said, car ries SO to 40 per cent copper, and sam ples from it that have been assayed showed over $5000 gold to the ton. Bow erman is easily accessible, being within fifteen miles of both tho Denver and Rio Grande aud the Colorado and South ern railroads. Seed Corn for Sale. I have for sale 60 bushels of first-class seed corn, at fl.GO per bushel. 15-lmo-p J. A. Hewett, Roseburg. Title Ouarantee&Loan Co SOaSBCKO, OREGON. J. U. UAXJtTCK, D rrcsicieni C. Haxuxox. Smt. aud Treu COFFIN At Elkton, Fvb. 21, 1001 to Mr. and Mrs. A, Collin, a son. OEob la tua Court Hansc lTm th ni, Mn plcto Mt ot lOwtrect boufc In DourUt Counti Ab4tracttndi:crtlf!reiw ot TtUa Furnished to Douglu county tatid nail iclntap rl!m. it... "a wropteWitstotTraclugj ot til tomuhlp rrr ,,rrr "TOW. v. a. uiu a va lot. ill rnjvfot Mae yilttcoples ot aar town A Direct Uae to Chicago aad all points east; Leak- ville, Memphis, New Orleaas, aad all paints south. See that your ticket reads via the IL- LXNOIS CENTRAL R. 5L Thereeskly modern trains coanect with all traae continental lines at St. Paal aad Oma ha. If your friends are comlagweet let as know and we will quote thea dkeet the specially low rates now ia offset frsflL all eastern points. Any information as to rates, roe tee, etc, cheerfully given on apblkatiea. IB. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Ageat, 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. J. C. Lindsey, TVF.&P. A., 142 Third St.,-Portlaad, Ore. P. B. Thompson, F. & P. A., Room 1, Colman BIdg., Seattle, Wash. S4tf Catarrk Canaetke Car with locax. applications, as they cannot reach the seat of tho disease. Catarr is a blood or constitutional disease asd in order to cure it you mast take inter nal remidiee. Hall's Catarrh Care k taken internally, and acta directly oa the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for yeara'and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, eosabiaed with the beat blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingrefueats I what produces such wonderful resalls ia curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Chkskt & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75. Hall's Family Pills are tta bU