The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 29, 1904, Image 2

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Roseburg Plaindealer
Pnbllibed Monday and Thurrdays.
H. H. BROOKES, Editor.
MARY K. BROOKES, Proprietor
Entered at the Post Office in RoBeburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Subscription f 2.00 per Year.
Advertising Rates on Application.
The Editor of the PlaIsdkalkr has no inten
tlon of making a false statement reflecting upon
the life or character of any perron, officially or
otherwise and any statement published in tbeee
columa will be cheerfnlly corrected If erroneous
and brought to our attention by the aggrieved
party or parties. Oar Intention is thatCTcry
article published of a personal or politicat
official nature shall bo news matter of genera
Interest and for the welfare of the State
FEBRUARY 29 1904.
Need of a Law to Empower
Investigation in Case of
flysterious Disappearance.
In the past year several mysterious
disappearances have occurred in Ore
gon, and in the past five weeks one
has occurred in Douglas county, that
beats the record and clearly points to
murder most foul and damnable or to
a train of circumstances that would
equal the Eugene Aram murder case
in mystery and complexity in the de
fendant furnishing by his actions and
words the almost positive evidence
of guilt except the actual finding
the body of the supposed murdered
man. As far as the Plaindealer
can get at the bottom of the disap
pearance or murder, if murder it be,
is as foillows:
Last yfear a Civil Engineer by the
name of Drake took up a homestead
near Glendale, and after he had taken
it up a neighbor who owns a flock
goats urgently requested Drake
relinquish his claim and move some
where else, because the land taken
tip"' was in the center of the neigh
bor's goat range. Several times the
matter was talked over by the neigh
"bor and Drake, and once or twice in
the presence of Drake's wife. Drake
refused to move elsewhere, because
the land suited him, and he went to
wotk iuce a progressive citizen and
fenced in his quarter-section. This
did not suit the neighbor's conven
ience and a deep resentment was ob
served by Drake and his wife, and
particularly so after the fence had
been built. About five weeks ago,
before nightfall, the' neighbor called
at Drake's bouse and told Drake that
lie had killed two deer and that he
bad hung one of them on a tree which
he described, and if Drake would go
the next morning for it he could have
it. Ine next morning at about nine
o'clock Drake left his wife snd start
ed on the trail to the tree where the
deer was supposed to be, saying that
he would be back again before noon,
and that is the last ever seen of him.
IT . . - ...
.hoc returning mat aiternoon, and
Mrs. Drake being thoroughly alarmed,
and filled with dire apprehensions,
she went to the neighbor and asked
him to go and hunt for her husband.
He essayed to allay her fears, but
would not go. The poor woman re
turned to her home and mourned her
husband as dead, and when the morn
ing' broke the ground was covered
with, snow nearly a foot deep. She
went again to the neighbor and urged
him to go out and hunt for her hus
band, but he did not go until about
four o'clock in the afternoon, if he
did go then. The third day, at Mrs.
Drake's tearful request, he did make
an effort to find Drake, but before he
went he made a stretcher and during
the day he was seen, in company with
another man, carrying the stretcher
in the woods. He afterwards report-
ed-that he had not found the body,
and now the stretcher has been lost or
destroyed, as it cannot be found. On
the fourth day a general alarm was
given and the neighbors flocked in to
hunt for Drake's body, and to the
crowd, the man who'said that he had
put the carcass of the deer on a tree,
for Drake to go and get, told differ
ent stories, and the first tree he des
ignated as hanging the deer on, was
declared to be a yarn, because there
was absolutely no evidence, nor would
the dead limbs of the tree bear up
ten pounds of weight, much less a
deer." Every other place where he
said that he hung the deer was inves
tigated, but no evidence was found.
Now, the summing up of this mat
ter is, so far as known: If the neigh
bor did kill a deer and hang it on a
tree for Drake to go and get, and
Drake went for it and some accident
happened to. him on his return, the
body of Drake and the deer would
have been found together or evidence
to that effect, as Drake would have
travelled home on the trail and not
attempted the almost impossible task
of crossing over the mountain full of
underbrush. If an accident had hap
pened to Drake on his way to the
designated tree and he had been killed
or become lost in the woods, the deer
would have been found' hanging on
the tree afterwards. The neighbor
could not have been mistaken and
thought that he placed the deer on
three 4r four different trees wide
apart lit from each other. The reluc
tance of tie neighbor in going out to
hunt for Drake, under the circum
stances seems most peculiar. The
fact that the man when he went with
another man to hunt for Drake, took
a stretcher on which to carry the
injured or- dead body, shows that if
the neighbor did not know Drake to
be injured or dead, he suspected that
he was. The disappearance of the
stretcher, after that time, is a most
mysterious transaction. If the body
were found and the death caused by
gunshot or knife wounds, there would
have been blood stains, yes, even,
though the body had been partly de
voured by a bear or wolf, if it had
been placed upon a stretcher. With
all the light before the Plaindealer
from all the surroundings and evi
dence that can be gathered at this
distance from the place, the Plain
dealer comes to this conclusion:
First: There was a cause why
Drake's perpetual absence from his
homestead was desired.
Second: The story of placing the
deer on the branch of the tree at
any point designated was a delusion,
Third: The time that Drake would
go for the deer was known to the
Fourth: The loss of the stretcher
without any explanation indicates
that it was used.
fifth: it the stretcher was used
the body of Drake has been securely
hidden from view and may never be
found. ,
The above are the salient points
which might have been fully investi
gated had there been a law to author
ize an enquiry into this and similar
disappearances. There was no cause
for Drake to leave his wife as his
home life was exceedingly happy.
There was no cause for him to leave
in fraud because of insurance on his
life for there is only $300 accidental
insurance which can only be collected
by finding the body and the widow has
offered it for information of Drake's
death. Drake knew every foot of
the country and it was impossible for
him to have lost his way for in any
course he might take it would lead
him to the river or railroad track in
two hours' journey. If there had been
a prompt and efficient enquiry into
the matter at the time and a proba
ble cause was shown there should be
a man in jail awaiting trialwithout
bail or a man whose own words and
actions has caused his neighbors to
look at askance would be by public
opinion declared to be innocent.
We hope the next Legislature wil
pass a law to cause instant enquiry
into such suspicious cases.
For months past it has been dinned
into the American ear and brain that
the Russian bear was the most ter
rible monster on earth. That the
Russsian navy was first-class in every
particular and that the army was the
embodiment of patriotism and
bravery. In other words that the
concern was all wool a full yard wide
and warranted not to rip, ravel and
we might add: run down at the heel.
The Russian press agents in this
country supplied glowing accounts
about the great "trans-Siberian rail
road, the seaports, forts, defenses.
manufacturing industries, colonies
and a score of other mirages.
Today the Japanese fleet has crip
pled the Russian navy and bottled it
up, and one of Russia's best battle
ships is like a punk junk and has al
lowed even a Chinese mandarin to
bully the commander. In the Red
Sea there is a Russian fleet which
sailed from the' Mediterranean Sea
through the Suez CanaL The fleet
was harbored at a port in "French
hast Africa until forced out by the
demand of Japan, and the fleet start
ed to pas3 through the Suez Cana
bound for the Baltic Sea but passed
back again into the Red Sea evident
ly expecting a French convoy to the
unent. Jrrance has determined not
to mix up in the rucas.
in kajcvh ma Japanese nave as
T ft il T t
sumed a protectorate and her troops
have garrisoned every available
point. In Siberia the Japanese have
destroyed seventy miles of railroad
between Harbin and Vladivostok and
are planning to cut railroad communi
cation between Harbin and Port Ar
thur. Between Vladivostok and
Port Arthur the Russians must de
fend 1,500 mills of rail road and the
cutting of the line at any point be
tween Port Arthur and Harbin, or
Vladivostok and Harbin the junction
will do vast damage to Russia.
At every point where there are
Chinese they poke fun at the Russian
troops -and the whole of China seems
to be making faces at the Russians
while in Corea the natives are sing
ing songs of victory for the Japanese
Of recent years the only nation
Russia has fought with was Turkey
and that was a farce because the
Turks would not fight. To use a
common expression now that the
Russians face "the real thing" they
do not like the idea of stopping Jap
anese bullets.
While the Czar is praying in the
cathedral at St. Petersburg and ask
ing for vengeance on the victorious
aps, he has found out that his trust
ed officers are a lot of thieves and
that the arsenals tiro empty and the
commissary department cannot sub
tain an army of 600,000 men in the
field for a month; and also that the
trans-Siberian railroad is not as good
a road as the Southern Pacific is
through Cow Creek Canyon. The
iron is from 42 to 56 pounds to the
yard and the ties are from 1500 to
1800 to the mile.
The Russian army can do good
work and when it faces an indisci
plined horde or when it make3 war
on an inferior people at the rate
of ten to one, but now that it has
met an up-to-date equipped army so
far all its aggresssive movements
have been to the rear and a retreat
into the wilds of Siberia. Vladivos
tok and Port Arthur are now virtual
ly abandoned and as the Russians yell
for more men they say to the Japan
ese troops: "Follow us into Siberia,
if you want to fight." Before one
month has passed Russia will beg the
nations of Europe to pull off the Jap
anese bull dog. So far Russia has
been the star actor in a farce comedy
in the game of war.
The Review, under the heading,
"Taxes are now due," says:
"bherin rarrott le now sending out
postal cards notifying taxpayers that
taxes for the 1903 assessment are now
duo. These cards also inclndo the
'Taxes will become delinquent the
first Monday in April. If the full
amount is paid on or before the 15th of
March, a rebate of 3 per cent will be al
lowed ; if one half of above taxes are
paid on or before the first Monday , of
April, the time for paying the remain
ing half will be extended to the first
Monday of October; if not so paid and
become delinquent, a penalty of 10 per
cent, and 12 per cent interest will be
"A very noticeable feature in connec
tion with this year's taxes is the large
increase over former years. A number
of instances have been cited where the
tax actually amounts to more than the
property would rent for. Such a con
dition would very soon paralyze proper
ty values, and demands serious atten
tion. Over 40,000 more is required
from the taxpayers of this county fox
this year than they paid two years ago.
Those who buy 5 cents worth of salts
or a dimes worth of camphor have the
assurance that they are getting the
purest and best that can be produced.
Is not limited to those who make
large purchases. It is a genuine
pleasure for us to serve each and
all who favor us with their patronage.
and this is exclusive of burdensome epe
rial taxes levied in eome localities. If
the people tolerate or endorse such a
condition it is bound to bring an un
precedented depression in the value of
all kinds of property in this county and
drive out all coming investors and
The Review is again trying to foist
a mares nestr upon its ignorant de
mocracy, and as ignorance, even in
the democratic ranks, is the side
partner of crime, we will give the
poor, benighted readers of that sheet
a few facts.
int- .
ine excess oi state taxes re
quired to be raised by law for 1904
over 1902 amounts to
$ 13,029
The excess of School
taxes required to be
raised by law for 1904
over 1902 amounts to
Total $ 27,026
If this excess tax had to be paid
by the 1902 rolls it would have taken
a levy of 29.4 mills for all purposes.
lhe excess of State taxes for
1904 over 1901 levy is
$ 10,572
The excess of School
taxes for 1904 over
1901 levy is
If the excess had to be paid by tho
1901 levy it would have taken a levy
for all purposes of 30.5 mills.
the levy for County purposes for
1903 roll was 10 mills.
Levy for 1902 was . 9.15 "
Levy for 1901 was 9 "
State tax levy, 1903 roll 7.65 "
Levy for 1902
Levy for 1901
5.5 "
7.55 "
There is on tho 1904 roll an in
crease of $370,667 of taxable values
over the tax roll of 1902, ttie in
crease being due principally from
timber lands sold by the government
to individuals, and the increase in the
taxable values of the railroad proper-
Several years ago, while the demo
crats were running the county affairs,
and like every other county in the 1
: t ' " '
United State? whW ihe democrata
control, there) was a Byatem of graft
ing not dreamed of by the poor, ig
norant constituents' of the Review,
but well known to the wideawakes.
Vast sums of money were paid the
Review concern fof ouppliea, and
grafts of every kind were foisted up
on the public, and not being content
with squandering all the money in
sight and leaving a deficit in the
treasury, the county was run head
long into debt and the republican ad
ministration have not only to pay cur
rent expenses, but the taxpayers have
to pay up out. of the 1904 taxes $15,
000 of debt contracted and expended
on every specious scheme of plunder
that a corrupt democratic ring could
conceive of to bleed an unsuspecting
Now, if we take the total of $27,
026 and the $15,000 of democratic
plunder debt, it makes a total of $42,
026, or an actual saving of $2,026
for the running expenses of the coun
ty, instead of an excess of $40,000
or more, according to the Review's
State taxes, school taxes and debts
contracted by the profligate demo
cratic administration and its allies
must be paid in full, and on these the
Commissioners' Court of Douglas
county cannot cut a single cent.
Regarding "driving out all coming
investors and settlers," the Review
should have thought of that when it
yelled so lustily for the $500,000 Port
land graft, for the taxpayers of Doug
las county, when the bill passed, had
to pay their share of the steal. It ill
becomes the Review to throw out slura
against the administration of county
affaire when its own the democratic
officials ran the county into bank
ruptcy and it has only been careful,
frugal, just and honest administration
that has saved the county from abso
lute ruin.
Ah Expensive Corpse.
The inhabitants of the little town
of Lea Martinques, France, refuse to
believe that one of their venerable
villagers named Rousseau is dead, al
though the physician certifies that he
is. The reason for their incredulity
is because H. Rousseau deceived them
under similar circumstances.
On three previous occasions has
Rousseau fallen into a death-like
trance; three times did his relatives
make preparations for his burial, and
three times did Rousseau, at the last
moment, awake from his state of
coma, to the terror of the good peo
ple who had come to attend his fun
His relatives, who are also the old
man's heirs, say that he has been
most expensive corpse, and decline to
make any further outlay for flowers,
carnages, hearse or other funeral
paraphernalia until they are convinced
that he is really and truly dead.
m at
ao wus ena they ask for a post
ponement until obvious signs of death
Mr. Cleveland is out again for the
nomination and he says the democrat
ic platform on which he hopes to
stand, as expressed in his lamruaze
should be: "Let that message be ex
pressed in language easily under
stood, unconfused by evasion and un
touched by the taint of iueclerv.
Obsolete issues and questions no long
er cnauenging popnlar interest should
be manfully abandoned." Bv the
holy smoke of the Stuffed Pronhet.
does ho expect suclra platform after
all his experience with the party of
evasion, equivocation and mental res
The war correspondents at Port
Arthur are putting up a pretty stiff
fight for Russia, and especially so
since the Russian warships sank four
Japanese hulks which were intended
by the ,Tapane3e Admiral to be blown
up in the channel leading to Port Ar
thur; and thus the groat naval victory
urnea out to be a bottled-up victory.
The Czar of Russia and his court
continue to pray for victory and to
promise that tho tiuisian dofeata shall
be avenged one hundred fold In the
meantifne the Japs are Mot doing
much praying nor talking, but are
doing some very effective Bhooting,
and, after all, that is tho kind of
prayer that tells in the end.
When the Japs send into Port Ar
thur harbor a torpedo, and a Russian
battleship is Bunk, the Russians send
out a news report that the vessel
went down by accidentally striking a
floating mine.
Japan's naval power and resources
were not overrated. From the first
gun fired in the war Russia's fleet
was placed on the defense, and since
that time has been crippled, if not
While the citizens of the United
States may forget the blowing up of
the Maine at Havana, the Russians
will not forget the sinking of the
Retvizan, the pride of the Russian
Hearst and Miles or Miles and
Hearst or Yellow Kid and Bathtub
or Bathtub and Yellow Kid, yes, any
old thing will, suit Miss Democracy
these hard times.
The Yellow Kid is the choice of the
Oregon democracy for President and
George I of sacred honor pledge fame
is to be the chief mourner.
So far no venturesome naval official
has asked for the job of command
ing a Russian picket boat outside of
Port Arthur harbor.
And now the Presidential boomers
have hit upon our own beloved George
tor second place on the ticket.
Loved Him for His Insurance.
A news dispatch from Baker City
of last Saturday's date says:
M.L.Legg, of Pleasant Valley,
brought bis bnde of a week to this
city today and left her with her par
ents. Legg is the O. R. &, N. engi
neerwhom some one attempted to
poison with strychnine in his tea last
Thursday evening.
He does not accuse his wife of the
crime, but said he noted the peculiar
taste of the tea, which he found
poured out ready for him when he
came in to supper. They had only
been married four days when the poi;
soning episode occurred. He said his
wile had referred to the subject of
poisoning'on three separate occasions
previous to the attempt made on his
life and had asked him if he would
poison her.
wnen ne complained of the tea,
she took his cup and the one she had
poured for herself and poured, them
together. She then threw the tea
out the door. A part of the tea re-
- J IT ...
inaineu ana j-gg gave this in some
milk to the dog and the dog died in
ten minutes. He asked his wife if
she had intended that for him and
she ran out of doors and fainted.
Legg says he felt bad himself after
tasting the tea, but the neighbors
gave both himself and wife antidotes
and they got over it.
Legg has $6000 insurance on his
life. He declined to pursue investi
gation of the case.
Toughs Break Up Religious Meeting.
Drad., On, Feb. 27 Two rough
characters were arrested here today
and put in the lockup to await trial
for breaking up a religious meeting
at a schoolhouse seven miles north of
here last evening. They entered the
house in a drunken condition, put out
the lights and drove the audience out
of doors. One, whose name is Petty
john, is said to be an ex-convict
The Isle of Pines.
Tho treaty between tho United States
and Cuba relative to the Isle of Pines ex
pired by its own terms during the past
week. Tho treaty fell of its own weight,
and nndcr the provision included in its
text that the final ratifications should be
exchanged six months after the dato of
its negotiation or the treaty would lapse.
It would have been a comparatively easy
matter for the United states to have
negotiated a protocol which would have
extended the terms of tho convention as
far as desired, but thero was so much
opposition to the treaty that it was
deemed undesirable to take up the ques
tion further. Senator Bacon, a Demo
crat, was given the convention by Sena
tor Cullom, chairman of tho foreign
relations committee of tho Senate, be
cause neither tbe administration nor
the majority senators felt that tho treaty
was in any way a party matter. It was
quickly found that the most strenuous
opposition to tho ratification of the
treaty came from Senator Penrose, a
Republican senator, who acted at tbe
instigation of Pittsburg people, who had
made heavy investments in tho Isle of
Pines and wanted to mako the place
their home in tho winter. So deter
mined was this opposition that it was
thought to be best to let the treaty die
and to wait tho time until the residents
of tho island became so dissatisfied with
no government at all, tho condition
which they are now in, that they would
readily accept a government from Cuba.
Thoro is no thought of retaining the
island by the United States, as its relin
quishment to Cuba was a part of the
consideration in securing coaling sta
tions there.
His Appreciation.
"The modern Sunday newspaper,"
said Uncle Timrod Tottcn, with his cus
tomary philo-acridity, "is certainly a
great institution." Its sice aud circula-
Uon, Its enterprise, scope, sagacity, dar
ing and all that are amazing, while the
mvorsuy onts contents is simply as
vvmuumg. or instance, the copy of
the Sunday Jaundice, which I had yes
terday, not only gave me a choice col-
ecuon of colored supplements of one
kind and another, a great many pages
of 'wants,' and innumerable chances to
win fortunes, meet undorsirable people,
.... ui.uiuus wuuoui puoiicuy, ac
quire or. dispense with tho liquor habit,
anuso lorth, but also entertainingly
uescriDou the latest fads in breach of
promiso, stock Jobbery, arson, biuamv.
embezzlement, and so forth, together
w.ith three new motives ai!d means for
suicide. Itlikmvieo informed me that
a certain scientist has difceovered seven
additional poisions, and another scien
tist has come ' forward with four more
fatal diseases. Furthermore tl
I'numre.1 can't imagine wiry it-cony-
uenieu ipcimy on a recent enactment of
the Welsh eisteddfod, an.gave me cl-ar
and explicit directions for making
knockout drops, war ballons, hop pil
lows, swizzle cocktails, febrifuge, nitro
glycerine and fudge, and a.' great many
other equally useful things. And in ad
dition to all that, down in one corner,
amazing as it may seem, there was an
item which even the strictest Sabbatar
ian would consider suitable for Sunday
reading. .
"Eh-yah I The modern Sunday news
paper is a glorious achievement. It
costs only 5 cents and is certainly worth
it, for, besides being for those who like
that kind of a thing, exactly theTcind of
a thing they like, I really don't know
where we could find anything else so
handy and cheap to spread on the pan
try shelves." Ainelee's.
Lee Canaon Wounds Frank Hill With
Pistol Shot at Drain Normal.
Frank Hill, of Wilbur, was shot in the
thigh last Friday evening by Lee Can
non, of Deer Creek, the affray having
taken place at the Drain Normal School,
where both the "boys are students. Can
non has been bound over in the sum of
1500 bonds, which he furnished. From
what can be learned Cannon had made
eome slighting remarks about some of
the young ladies of tho school, and the
plan had been made by several of the
young men and women to pelt him with
eggs. Cannon met the company on tbe
walk leading to the school building and
the former were about to begin the egg
fulisade when Cannon drew a pistol. Up
on seeing the gun Hill called out "Don't
shoot',, but Canon did shoot and struck
Hill in the thigh, making a serious
though not dangerous wound. Dr
Barber, of Yoncalla, was called, and -was
unable by probing to locate the ball.
Cannon is a senior at the Normal and
has by this rash act lost his chances of
eraduating. He is a young man who
has had a splendid reputation here-to-
ine preummay trial in the justice
court will be held at Drain Wednesday
oeioro Justice J. W. Krewson.
Fred J. BlaVcly's Incorporated Com
paay Jekes Over Electric
aad Water Systems.
Articles of incorporation for the Ump-
qua Light it Tower Company have been
filed in the office of the County Clerk,
capital stock 100,000, and the names of
the incorporators are Fred J. Blakely.
i. K. bhendan and Dexter Bice. Tho
principal office of the company will bo
in Roseburg and its business will be to
supply light, power and water to all the
cities and towns in the surrounding ter
ntory, to operate mills, railroads and
manufacturing industries. Shares
stock are valued at f 100 each.
ine new corporation is the result of
the transfer of the properties of the
Roseburg Water 4 Light Company and
of the Douglas Electric Company, to tho
new concern. The principal stock-
owners in the former are Morris Bros,
and Christenson, of Portland, and of the
latter J. . Hamilton, T. R. Sheridan
Mrs. M. Josephson and Dr. II. Little, of
Oakland. Many other local parties are
also interest in the Douglas company,
The tranafer of tho properties will be
on about tbe first sf March, or as soon
as the abstracts of the holdings of the
several companies and the other neces
sary papers can be prepared.
Whether or not either of tho plants
one of which is located on the North
Umpqua River at Winchester, and tho
other on the south at Roseburg, will be
discontinued has not yet been decided
"That is a matter which will have to be
determined after we have taken charge
of the property and see what is re
quired, said Fred J. Blakely. It may
bo that wo will operate both plants."
Another plan of the company which
has already received considerable notice
is the erection of a large sawmill at Win
chester during the coming summer.
W. 11.
LiRdsey Reports Floating Corpse
In South Umpqua River.
iho Douy ot aueau man was seen
floating in the Umpqua River at about
noon last Saturday by W. II. Lindsey,
who lives just across tho river from
Roseburg on tho old Godfrey place
above the bridge. He saya that ho was
within thirty feet of tho corpse and that
at times tho head and shoulders would
rise abovo tho water so that there could
be no mistake about it being a man.
Ho mado an effort to get to where ho
had a skiff moored but by this time tho
body had floated down stream so far
that ho gavo it up. Ho latter notified
the coroner, Dr. J. C. Twitchell, who at
onco made an effort to recover it by
starting J. M. Fletchor and George Perry
down stream in a boat. Telephouo
messages were at onco sent to the Curry
farm and to Umpqua Forry for a lookout
to be kept and Chad. Anderson was also
started down tho rivor bank on horse
back. Yesterbay afternoon it was
rumored that tho body had been found
and that it was that of A. N. Drake the
man lost in the vicinity of West Fork
for whom a large party of searchers are
now out, but this proved to b3 false nud
up to the hour of going to pre?s no dis
covery has been reported to Dr. Twitch
el). Four men wore Btarted from Rose
burg this aftornoon in two skiffe to mako
Docs Away witi the Chopping
Knife and Bowl Altogether.
Churchill Woolley,
Roseburg - - Ore.
The Store That
It doesn't require any considerable ex
pense to wear good clothes if you exercise
good judgment in selecting from thor
oughly reliable and correctly priced stocks
such as ours. The Fall and Winter dis
play is at it s best. Styles and materials
to please the most critical. Prices 25 per
cent less than you will pay at other stores.
We call particular attention to our line of
Oregon Cashmeres, fancy Worsted, Fan
cy Cheviot and Thibet suites. All our
suits from 12.00 up have non-breakable
front. Hand padded Shoulders and Hand
Tailored Collars. All are Union Made
and marked at from $5 to $ 1 8
able line of the leading styles in all the
newest mixtures and plain materials,
$7.50 to $20.00.
everything that is gobd and that will turn
rain. $2.25 to 15.00. :
Boys' Suits, Boys Overcoats and
plete stock of
General Merchandise.
Phone 721
a thorough K-arch on each side of the
river. They are Frank Reed. Thornton
Hughes, Thomas S trader and Charles
Mosier. They left town between 1 and
Many people express a doubt tliat any
man was seen and say Uiat it was prob
ably a scarecrow or something of the
sort instead. Mr. Lindsey, however,
has the reputation of a veracious man,
aud tliat he thinks he saw a corpse can
not be doubted. Last winter he report
eu that he saw a horse with a saddle
and blankets strapped en go down the
nver but no such loss was ever reported.
If a body was seen it is thonght that it
must be tliat of the missing man Drake,
for the reason that no party has been
missing that is known of", especially
long enough to tloat in the river.
Funeral Of A. C Lawrence.
The midnight funeral service of Scott
lan Kite Masonry was conducted last
night overthe bodyor the late Arthur
C. Lawrence nt tho Masonic Hall by
lion. r. A. .More as Eminent Co'mraan
der, assisted by a corps of brothers of
Uie Rite.
A few minutes before low twelve the
curtains were drawn and disclosed to the
audience seated in tho adjoining room
the remains of tho departed brother
lying tn state in the lodge room sur
rounded by a gaurd of Knights Templar,
jwuuuij; i jiaraue rest, wntie manv
1 1 ? . . ...
other Knights and members ol tl.
fraternity were seated for the purpose of
observing tho ceremony.
At tho stroke of twelve the lights were
extinguished and the guard retired to
tho dais in the east end of tho hall as
tho Scottish Rite celebrants entered
t A . A W . .
irum iuq wesi. i.ncse latter were in
black robes, each man carrving a lighted
candle. Slowly and solemnly thnv
moved to their places in tho form of a
square about tbo coffin. Judge Moore
then, 111 a very impressive manner, read
tho service assisted by the other mem
bore. Tho scene at midnight, the plaia
tive notes of "taps", thosolemn words of
tho service and the music all rendered
in tribute to one so well loved bv bis
brethren as was Arthur C. Lawrence-
will linger long in the memory of all who
were present.
At tho close of the services tho eel
ebrants slowly and silently retirod, tho
hall was relighted and tho guard of hon
or resumed its station and the ceremony
was at an end. Sunday Salem States
The interment occurred Sunday.
A Bargain.
95 acres of hind in Camas Valley, 25
miles west of Roseburg, Ore., 22 acres
in cultivelion, 60 acres In pasture, 23
aures of good saw-timber: cood box
houo. good outbuildings ; young orth ird
in bearing; 50 acres good bottom land.
Tho placo la well watered ; an unlimited
outrido range; J milo from school and
3)6 miles, from fitoro and P. O.
Does The Easiness
a com-
for Prices aai Sa&ples
This land could not be bought else
where for tiaX), but, a sold coon, will
takefSOO. Apply to J. R. Wirsox,
IMmo. Camas Vallev, Ore.
AcoUJcr.Ca-sc of Rheaawtfem
by Chamberlain's Paha Bali
The efficacy of Chamberlain'. -Pain
Balm in the relief of rheumatism is be
ing demonstrated dailr. Parker Trip
Iett,ofGrig!by, Va., says that Cfaam
berlain,s Pain Balm gave him perfect
relief from rheumatism in the back
when everything else failed, and he
would not be without iu For sale br A
C. Marsters & Co.
The regular meeting of the It. O. T
M. will be held in the Odd Fellowa hall
next Friday night, March 4th at 7
o'clock sharp. At this meeting bask
nesa of much importance wfll be trans-
ocieuaau every member is
urged to attend.
Profeate Court,
In the matter of the estate of G eorg
Hall, deceased, the administratrix, his
wife Mary J Hall, alio
an order has beon issued by the county
court appointing A ESmith administra-
or, wun oonds fixed at 110,000; bonds
men A. G Younsr. C L ChnK
George J Stearns.
Miss Flora Wilson has resijarcd her
position as stenographer with F. K. Al
ley, tho abstracter, and in
her home at CanyonvUlo tomorrow eve
The B;st lathe West.
Our 1904, 100 Pace Catalog nrwl
Planter's Guide ia by far the finest and
most complete catalog we ever issued.
It has been carefully re-written, con
tains over four hundred ninstr.?n.
and ia brimful of reliable and valuable
information. Fifty-fivo pages are de
twelve pages to texts, uosrs aud riows
isa flaxts, four pages to bxk supplies,
ten pages to incubators broodkrs. bot
pages to srnAYFUMrs, FSCTnrztEs, oar.
ne above edition of
catalogs cost
over $5,000. You get a
copy free by
writing. Ask for book No. 173.
Portland, Oregon.