Buy Vour spray immps and otc, nt Sykes'. See tho Fisk Jubilee Singora at Opera Houso tonight. Sam Miller spont Tuesday in Rose ?1 -,Y burg, from Dillnrd. Tho constant use of cathartics cuubos constipation. Osteopathy cures it. 18 2 YEYTTW TTT'iLTC We have made great reductions in JLJL J V X JLVr 11 3 prices of Overcoats, Men's and Boys' ' L"-!!?i"' Clothing, Ladies' Jackets, Shirt Waists, Skirts and Dress Goods. . . S HOES ftlftUI THF TlrMF Til RIIY We carry in stock a comPlete line of llUn 10 IllL lllTiL I U OU 1 Ladies', Gentlemen's and Childrens If you would take advantage of this Shoesstylish, servicuble and durable: golden opportunity to purchase first- class goods at the very lowest figures. WMS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO The People's Store L ABRAHAfl, Prop. One Door South of P. O. BEST MEAL IN THE CITY FOR 25 CENTS. THE NEW ill! Cor. Washington and Main Streets Mrs. Belle Collins Abstract of Title to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for filing on Govern ment Land. Bine Prints of Township Maps showing all vacantLands. FRAME. ALLEY Architect, Abstracter. Plans and Estimates for all Build ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415 ROSEBURG, OREGON OREGON And Other Beautiful Flowers Send Postal Card for 1904 Catalog CLARKE BROS., PORTLAND, OREGON For Good Pictures and Fair Prices flo To Smith's Sunbeam Photo Parlors Corner Pine and Lane Sts., Roseburg, - Ore. ExpelUd Because Ttiey Prayed. It was with an sir of gladness that the members of the Amalgamated Waiters made their way into Schnetzen Hall, at No. 12 St Mark's place, last niht, says a New York despatch. They had been expelled from membership in the Wait pro' Alliance of America because they nnened their meetings with prayer, Samuel Gon.pers, President of the American Federation of Labor, when be Urnwl the facts ordered the alters Of Local InterestJj Dr'e. Chcadle & Johnson, dentists. Wood for sale. Leave order with J. F. Bahkeb. tf County Roadmaster J. O. Johuson, was in Roseburg yesterday. The best thins; for nervous troubles or female diseases is Osteopathy. Dr. H. L. Studley, Osteopathic Physi cian. Free consultation. Over poot-office. Reverend Green and family of You calla have removed to Cottage Grove to reside. Lenoir Ragsdale is ill with pneumonia at the home of his step-father, Attorney J. A. Buchanan. Miss Leona Matthews on last Monday opened a term of school in the Wober district, beyond Edenbower. Is your-property for sale? If so, see Prank E. Alley and have the title examined and secure an abstract of same. Investigate, compare. We seek your business onlv on the basis ftf mu tual snterest. Hardware etc. s K. Svkes. Lost Monday afternoon possibly on Jackson street, a pair of steel frame glasses. Finder please leave at this office. 1 t In addition to low prices wo guaran tee prompt service and absolute satis faction. Stoves and tinware S. K. Sykes. A new invoice of premiums baS arrived and will be oa exhibition Saturday morning, Feb. 20 at 10 o'clck. 2t Fisuer & Be'jjws Co. John Jfeuner, who has beecn attending the Drain Normal, spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Roseburg, enxoute to his home at Days Creek. He was met in Roseburg by his brother Iawrence. Cheadle& Johnson, dentists. Don't neglect your health. Try Osteopathy. Those who liavc tried Osteopathy praiso it to the skies. 13 Osteopathy is a specific for femalo dis eases and nervous troubles. A. D. Ottinger was spending a few days in Roseburg this- week on business. Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Oehme returned homo from Portland last Tuesday even ing. H. J. Wilson, of Riddle, spent the fore part of the week in Roseburg transact ing business. Tonight the Fisk Jubilee Singers will appear at the Roseburg Opera House in their famous concert. Mrs. L. L. Tower, after a visit here with her husbaud, has returned to her home at Colfax, Wash. See Prank E. Alley for reliable ab stract of title to yonr property. Up stairs over Land Office. E. W. Williston and family who have been at Yoncalla have departed to their old home at GriJley, California. Harry D. Whittaker has been engaged to teach in District No. 23, at Calapooia. The term will open on next Monday. W. J. Kelleher and W. II. Sykes, of the Kelleher & Skelley Lumber Co., were in town Tuesday from Kelleher City. Wilbur Ross has out invitations for a "stag social" to be given at his home in Kinneyville addition next Thursday viveaing. A pleasant social evening waE enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Carle last Monday evening by a small number of friends. J. L. Boyle, a prominent member of the Maeonic fraternity at Canyonville, was attending the exercises in Roseburg last Monday. D. S. T. West, fire insurance, notary public, city property rented, county and city warrants bought, and collections made.- Office on Jackuon street, No. 407, Hoover building, opposite post office. Blue prints of township maps, fifty cents each. Filing papera properly prepared. Frank E. Alley, op stairs, over Land Office. ; Ed. Singleton and family departed Tuesday for Hilts, California, after a sta' of several months at Wilbur, where the family has been residing for the benefit of the educational advantages. t Alliance to restore the devout memoere jrn Singleton Is engaged in the lumber into good standing in tne union. i lng business- there After a warm debate, last night tne Alliance obeved the order.but put a Fourteen of the girls of the Roseburg stumbling block in the way by refusing High School last evening signified their t odmit the ostracized ones unless tney i intention ol organizing an Indian Club returned as individuals and paid an as-1 Class for the purpose of physical culture Civil Engineer R. W. Fcnn has been engaged in making a survey and plat of the property of A. J. Bellows in est Roseburg during the past few days. The infant son of Attorney and Mrs. . J. Robinett died last Tuesday morn' inc, of pneumonia, aged 10 months and days The funeral was held yester day afternoon from the residence. Bessment fee. The nravinsr waiters unanimously ie :.,a thn nrnnosition and President Gomners will again come forward as peacemaker. He is at present in Porto Rico. " It is expected thst about twenty will be enrolled. The class will be under the direction of William King, Georgia Minstrels. Annual School Census. Richards & Pringle'a Famous Georgia Ministrels with its fifty comedians, I graceful dancers and sweet singers, pnntvSnDerntendentF. B. Hamlin 1 comes to the Opera House on Saturday, j i . I T7l. O- bas sent out to the several bcuuoi eu. -i.i- tv, Wants for the anfinal school The features introduced this season VCIJwd .... 1 . , ... census. The census is required by Jaw are novel,. numerous ana startling, ana to be token in the last week of February include many innovations on, the field of and Rhall include every person between ministrelsy. The Hinging portion of the the age of four and twenty years actual- snow is the strongest put togemer- w i ridint? in the district on the 25th of lyle Williams, Wm. Garland, held by the district clerks uutil the an- and T. P. Jones, the six highest salaried. nual meeting on tne imru i)iuuu iu miuini ciugcio m hjd nuuu. t,,. which this year falls on the date of I In oomedy the company is especially " ' , ... , . I . , , ,..f.. r the20tlr. They are then suDiniuea to i strong ana numoers every way iaw xi-.i i fr;r.tnrs for correction, ana rtes h. it- lmdicy. uiarence roweu iT in the district records and ! Emmett Davis, Bunk Campbell - . . r, 1 , ,. . fT .t t ,Ac in the uountv auner- tjnas. ccoii. ine ono is maun uit ui .i intendent with the annual report of the district. A Direct Line in Chicaco and all points east; Louis- vUle, Memphis, New Orleans, and all I w budget of funny sayings, and Dud- ajid The olio is made W. Cooper and bis talking figures, Simp son & Pittman, musical artists; Camp bell Bros., coon comedy exponents Kraton. the marvelous Hoop boomers "Boom'sky," in illusions; the No Toneys, acrobats ; Clarence Powellina Pruning shears, saws and a complete lino of spray pumps at S. K. Sykes. Fresh Candies manufactured daily at Currier's confectionary best in tho city Miss Maude Rast is expected homo from a month's stay in Portland, next week. Fou Sale Cocker Spaniol pups. En quire of F. F. Patterson's residence, Laue St. Miss Kate Buick returned from a week's visit to friends in Portland, this morning. For TradeSmall farms in Southern" Indiana to trade for Orego projwrty. II. L. Ball. 33tf. Benjamin Pilkington was over from Oakland yesterday transacting busines at the court House. Our spraying outfits are superior to other kinds, Inst longer, and are not too costly. S. K. Sykes. We rely On low prices to win trade on fair treatment to retain it. S K Sykes, tho hardware man. Every price we quote represents the best value obtainable for that price, S K Sykes, stoves and tinware. Show wisdom bv scekinc the store where reliable sooda are sold as a mat ter of principle. S K Sykes, hardware. See Frank E. Alley for land scrip Guaranteed perfect, and ready for delivery. Lowest market price. Wo buy right, we Eell right; we name our priees with confidence. Implements and Hardware. S. K. Sykes. D. E. Vernon, editor of the Oakland Owl, was in Roseburg, Monday to join with the Masons in the cornerstone ceremonies. Mrs. Henry Little, of Oakland, who came up Monday evening to attend the Elks' Ladies' Social, returned to her home yesterday. v .MUs Lill Collier, until recently millia- er with Josephson's, has taken a post tion as milliner in The Dalles and wiU be there until July. -I Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Clough, of Can yonville, were in Roseburg Monday to attend the Masonic ceremonies at the laying of the cornerstone. "' " ' Warren P. Reed, of Gardiner, a largt property owner and prominent citizen. spent ednesday in Roseburg on busi ness, and has gone to Portland. Dr. H. L. Studley Osteopathic physi cian, UOfeouig omcc over postoiucei At Oakland, Settles Hotel Tuesday, Thursday snd Saturdays. Consultation tree. Marriage license have been issued to John Fruit and Emma Hodson, of Glen'' dale; E. S. Addison, of Lorane, Lane county, and Miss Madge Bishop, of Oak land. THE SHOE PROBLEfi baea "bu r solving shoe problems-- solving t m for man, woman and child-solving them successfully. & the selection of our fall shoe stoch we have called to ouz aid this 1 onz and successful experience. The result is a mighty gathering of all footwear embodying in an unrivaled degre of style, comfort, durability and mo Grateness of price. We an you to get better ac quainted with our big shoe depart ment. IV chuck full of attractive things and the prices are attractive to . JOSEPHSON The Big Store ROSEBDRG, ORE. Due to the fact that the Native Son's Hall is undergoing repairs the meeting of the Mental Culture Club next Tues day will bo at the home of Mrs. W. R. Willis, and the regular musical will be rendered. MARRIED. Normal Notes. Mrs. Mazgie Seiple of Portland is visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. State Supt. Ackerman Secured at the Normal school last evening. The little two-year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Beta Andrews was poisoned last week by eating three pills which it found in a bureau drawer. It took sev eral hours hard work to save the little one. There is a good opening in Drain for some man to start a brick yard. The soil is here ; wood is convenient and cheap If you want to see or purchase the very best vapor cabinet manufactured, go to A. C. Marsters & Co. and inspect the renowned Buckeye. It is warranted n every particular. 7J-tf. The Plaixuealer office is always pre nared to turn out on short notice all kinds of commercial job printing, cards, receipt books, posters and booklets in clean and neat styles. You should get our nrices and see samples if there is anything in the line you need. Through an oversight the military ball given in the Armory last Saturday evening did not receive mention in the last issue. The event was one of much fpJiMtv. and althoueh tho attendance was not large it was pronounced by those participating as one of tho best enioyable hops ot tne DAVIS LAMB. At the home of the bride's parents, in Wilbur, Feb. 22, 1904, Mr. James B. Davis and Miss Bertha A. Lamb, Rev. N.J. Harbit officiating. Both parties are well known in Wil- . . w bur. W iss Lamb is one oi lwugiaa coun ty's successful teachers, and is beloved amJ brfck for a pr;ce by all who know her. Mr. lmvis ta now Tbo Drain Real Estate Co. report the in the employ of the S. P. R. R.. m bag- ge of two lots in Gardner's Add. to gage clerk, in Los Angeles, Cal., where I Gco- who wju bai)d a house and they will make tbeir lutuie nome. i move to town The ceremony was performed in me A T petter transacting business presence of a; few invited guests, wno, at fjotu Grove Monday. with a large circle ol friends, wisn tne j.m. Stark of Elkton was a Drain happy ample an even journey through 1; Monday, life. .J. H. Mr. Bohm has bis new blacksmith and 1 . I wason shop on First street about com- The Washington Birthday nartv riven A most nleasing marriaae ceremony . ,, ,, v was performed in tho parlors of Hotel Lj, t HaU iIontlay nigbt McClallen yesterday morning, Fob-. 4, d 8ncccss. The proceeds of 1904. In tbe union oi air. c. u.ou.u, v. . ,,n. . " .... - rtl-... f I "WW Toledo, Ohio, and iliss eusie u, w. pre tions mado for a b5g I Have You Seen That 1 FINE OAK BEDROOM SUIT 4 We are showing in our winaow. It is up-to-date. A lull line of Bedroom Suits can De found on our noor Clavton Place, in Douglas county. In the presence of a score of friends who bad gathered to witness the marriage. Rev. A. Dou silas with a onei wmce, united tho happy pair. At me ciose they were showered with nee and a brace of old shoes was also in evidence. The CTOom has until recently been in the street railway service at lacoma, Wft.h. The bride ia the daughter oi Jesse Claton. of Umpqna Ferry, and la roll and favorably known m Roseburg Mr. and Mrs. Curtis will reside on tne Clavton Farm at Umpqua Ferry. Ralph Wollenberg, son of I. Wollen- berg, departed for San Francisco Tues day eveninz. where he will, after a - - month's visit with his uncle. Carl Mun- managed ana ter, enter one of the business colleges in I season the citr. i . . n . . f Richards and f nngie s lamousueorgia E. P. Tynan, the well known S. P. Minstrel will appear at the upera passenger conductor, is slowly recover-1 House. Saturday, Feb. 27, and give two 5nf from the severe fiiepo of inflama-1 nnrtnrmiinces. A SDCCial matinee at tory rlieumathm with which he has o.-30 to give the children and farmers a been afflicted for several weeks, but will chance to 6ee this wonderful periorm not be able to be about for a time yet. anco and their regular evening perform Ashland Tidings. ance. Prices to matinee, children 25 adults 60. Evening performance, lower On last Monday evening a pleasant floor 50 and o, gaiierj m ana so Bvinl of the Mnsons was held at - - , II,. l.nll ;n knnnr nt Hronl Mnotnr R. M. I lth tll6 financial assistance of tho I ... .l t t T? tt Annnllinff Yoran. The majority of tho Masons f V Tu ' i"-! were in attendance at the Elks' social will mate an cuon to orga. . but this did not deter the few present burg Band permanency inn E , fm oninrina the npiSion. A lirflt 38 It 18 a campaign ceaw enjoying luncheon was served in the ante-room. when martial music is in demand. With tho prospect f il f nme assistance the momoersoimo hand will make a promise of giving Sat urday evening open air concerts, and havo no doubt that they wm receive me ALSO THE LATEST IN HON 1EDS. If you need Blankets or Coafsrts we kave tkem From the cheao K tne best. $ Afull;line of Mattresses asm Allows. One of our Elastic Cotton Jfelt Mattresses are hard to Deat. B. W. STRONG The Furniture Man time in Drain on March 12th when the W. 0. W. will have a big Joint class iniation. The lodges at Roseburg, Oak land, Yoncalla, Drain and Cottage Grove will participate. Misses Smith and Kuvkendall of the Normal school spent Sunbay and Mon day in Eugene. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with local appucatioss, as they cannot reach tho scat of the disease. Catarr-! is a blood or constitutional disease and in order to cure it yon must take inter nal remidies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall a Tho first action when you have a cold catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. should bo to relievo the lungs. This is jt was prescribed by one of the best best accomplished by the free use of phyaiciana fa this country for years and Chamberlain'a Cough Remedy. This ja a regular prescription. Itis composed mlv linnefies tho tough mucus and best tonics known. combined with causes'its expulsion from the air cells j best blood purifiers, acting directly of the lungs, produces a free expectora- oa thc mucous surfaces. The perfect tion, and opens the secretions. A. com- combination of tho two ingredients is plete cure Boon follows. This remedy wbat produces such wonderful results in will cure a severe cold In less time man caring Catarrh. any other treatment and it leaves mo Send for testimonials free. F. J. Chksey A: Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c Hall's Family Pills are Uie best. THOUSANDS SKY THKT MCCLURE'S MAGAZINE Is the Best Published acaoy ptns: It is only 10 cents a eopy $1.00 a yea. When You Have Cold i , iii .i r nvHtcm in a natural ana ueaimy wuur i tion. It counteracts any lenaency wnrd pneumonia. For sale by A. Marrlcrs & Co. In Rstzty fiomber of mCuORHS tbaffe ar Articles of Intense interest Uuc good abaci atorta, aa on Subjects of the greatest erocs vterlM, it wlon mt Xte mA national importance. aeaoa and. afnyi gwd. In 1904 McClure's will be more interesting, important and entertaining than ever. "Every year is better tnan the last or it fwould not be McCinrw it :::: Subscribe now for McOlnm .or 1904 sad get ti 3favuatw and December snoDatatot IS03 free of charge i : : : t FREE The S. S. McClcrb Costpaxt. 625 Lzxurerox Bcxlsxxs, Nnr Yi c,N.Y M. F. Rapp, the former Roseburg drugaist, was in Roseburg this week Rano with Hon. C. A. Sehlbrede has support of tho citizens m an under- lmn in the commission business in taking. 1 1 , .. . : 1 u. .. 1 . ...1 , V, T ,11a, posedof their interests. Mr. Rapp ex- Floyd Woodruff has purchased ho n ,M 5 othfir husiness in the terest of August Schloeman in the pro- w f,-3w Wanted. Men or women local representatives for a hgh class magazine. Largo com missions. Cash prizes. Write J. N Traiseb. 80 East Washington Square, Nnw York. N. Y. eb. nn p, For Sale. Seventeen head of fine, registered An gora goats. If you want to start right, now is the time. L. A. Marstsks, 14-tf Cleveland, Oregon. noints SOUth cM that your ticket reads via the IL T TTiOIS CENTRAL R. R- Thoroughly tnini connect with all trans- lines at St Paul and Oma l;uiiutuM . ill I t'VII If your friends are cu . and know and we will quote mem uireci vuV l. r.tcg nnw in effect from all pnstnrn Doints. Any information as U rates, mites, etc.. cheerfully given on apuiica- jli. 11. mu.uu"'i Commercial Ag''(t, U-l Third St-j-Portland, Ore. J. C. Lindsey, " - . T.F&P-A- , , " 142 Third Si., Portland, Ore. p,'li.1hompeon, F- & I- A., i,n 1. Colnwn Bldg.. Seattle, ley in his latest creation, "Jim Jackson, at the Policy Shop." The big parado takep place about noon in which two big binds furnish the music. A special feature of this attrac tion is the matinee at. 2:30. 1'nces city. Attention Co, D. Pursuant to General Orders from Adintnnt Generals office, all members Co. D. First Separate Uattauon, are hereby ordered to report at tho Armory equipped and prepared for Inspection on Thursday evening Vlarch 3rd, 1904, at T?-mnmwr that it is ouality, not nuantitv. that wo strive for in furniah inc our citv trado, therefore you will always get tho cheapest milk of tho GAiims Dairy, because tho best. All retail milk delivered in bottles. Our specialties are cream, milk and butter milk. If von don't see mo wnguu 'phono to tho Creamery. 14-tf eery business at the corner of Cass and Jackson streets conducted by .schloeman & Watson. Mr.B. F. Watson and Mr. Woodruff will continuo tho business at the same stand, while Mr. Schloeman will co to Oak Creek where ho has oubi- neso established. Tho now firm' is mak ing preparations to remodel the front of the store making it entirely open, ana will put in a largo new stock of goods. Wood Wanted at thc Court House.. eatisfaction without extra cost, it is used and endorsed by tho leading men !,;. mtntw. For ra miliars and prices I 1. b. Ui Ui, tUlQ w address Stearns & Chonoweth, Oakland, Ore., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly I. A. Manning and family, formerly of this city, but for some yearn residents of Matacalpa, Nicaragua, nro due to ar- ,i in nii Francisco tomorrow or next day, they having sailed on tho 6th. Thev will bo in Salem early next week. Manning lias refigned ins posi.u'u . - . .n i- -t I Mr. 7.30 ifc m: Iuspe:tion by w. xaywr of the coffce plantations ar.d from vanconver. i .... ,. ,i.ii:,,ifi(iM Scaled bids to furnish 80 tier of 18 in. nab vrnml. 4 to 10 in. in diamctor, to be delivered at tho Court Houso in Rose burg on or before the first day of Nov 1904. n bond for the faithful performance f of contract must accompany cacn urn Bids opened Friduy, March 4, 1004, at ioiii Hum nrs irom uwinw.i .... .., ,,i Hnio nun o'ciock n. m aiio uuiui. ikchv ma . - a tviii hRiiceionn nv in me uini-uu uu.v-u . , m...,nifnrm. Hearv marching oraer. i Mnnnim, the rloht to n-iect nlrbHls. nosuourg uiuc m... - i nronauiv in oiuuiu. . - .. .. . t -f Sn. .Inn. 27. 1004. M. V. l uomi-bo., v mvi rj i " lem Sta'eainan P. P. Webb,, 3Jy order of F B. Hamlin, Capt. Co. D. 1 J28 County Judge Seed Corn for Sale. I havo for sale 50 bushels of first-class seed corn, at $1.00 per bushel. 15-lmo-p J. A. Hewett, Roseburg. Title (iuarantee&Loan Co. ROSKBl'EO, ORKQOK O ail.TOH. Protldcnt C. HixaTo.s. ScCT. d Ttci For Sale. Four mules, 2 wagons, harness, buggy, o nt Koiiv & uanKa livery huvuiu. Seo J. A. Buchanan. umcelu the Court Uouw. Ho iheuuljcoDi picteiwt ot Utret boot In Uoujlai Couu! j AUlncU and Ceruaettca ot Title lurnitbcU o ilmicriu mimtr land ud mining cUlmi. Ua a. idta a complete" at or Trfcclnfts ol all township plH ta the Kotcburg, OrtKoa, D. S. Laa u li Wqu Will make bine print copies ol any town imp- County Treasurer's Notice. Notico is hereby given to all parties holding county warrants endorsed prior n,i inMmlino Jnlv31. 1901. nro re quested to .present tho same at the Cminly Treasurer's omco lor payment. s interest will ceaso thereon after the date ot thiij notice. Dated, Iloscbnri, Donglua County Oregon, Jrtii. 23, 1904. Geo. V. Dimmicit, S-8t . County Trenaurcr. UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY lha' Bast k) Cwnnt Litwrtwi 12 Complete Novkw Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND rVVPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS ' $2.60 per year: 25 cm. A copy NO CONTINUED STORIES' EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IM ITSELF Rock Island meals are the best on wheels Not very good poetry, perhaps, but what it lacks in rythm, it more than makes up in fact. And the prices are reasonable low enough to be within the reach of people of moder ate means; high enough to ensure good food, good cookinc and good service. Breakfast and dinner are served on the a la carte plan you pay for what vou order. Luncheon 50 cents. Denver to Kansas City cago; St. Paul v j I I , ' I I JJ ; Denver to Chi-' I to St Louis. f Full information on request. L. B. COKHAM, Coaani At. MOTWrd St,Portn.0- 84 tf igt sgt. Wash. 4 X.VW"-