Harris for Congress. Tere is already- a widespread intef est Over the question of who shall be the re publican candidate from this district for Congressman in the coming campaign. Last year, when the death of Congress man Tongue made election of a success or necessary to fill the unexpired term, liinger Hermann was nominated and elected His nomination was more in vindication of his long and honored ca reer as an Oregon statesman and politi cian, who by his exalted position and influence, had helped to give to Oregon a name and fame known from one end of the country to the other more to. in dicate Oregon's appreciation of the man for the gooJ li had done and as a" re buke to the antagonisms waged against him in the Interior -Department; under which In- served the country faithfully and honestly as Land Commissioner, that the people of this district felt a de sire to return him to Washington as a member of Congress. , With this understanding the young republicans of the district, whose name is legion, while they sought last year to name a young mau for the honor who, if elected, might be returned again and again for a score of years, growing and developing into a m.m of great influence and power in Congress and in behalf of the Pacific coast, by failing to agree among themselves as to who that man should be, fell in with the old liners and helped nominate Hermann. Xow again comes that general demand all over the district for a young man for the place, one vigorous and full of fire and enthusiasm, yet sound in judgment, who can go to Congress from this district from terra to term, each time more fully developed in statesmanship and greater in influence amongst the great men who wield the destiny of the nation The district wants a young man who can make a career for himself and a still greater name for the grand old state of Oregon. It does not take the seer nor the mind reader to discover that the man best fitted and qualified for the place, the one who fits into it as though he had been made for itfis Hon. . L T. Harris of Lane county, our honored son, who as Speaker of the last House, won the esteem and admiration of all the members, regardless of party, for his fit ness for the place, his impartiality, hie accuracy, profound judement and wis dom in directing deliberations of tlfat august body. Hon. L. T. Harris is Lane's choice for Congress, and wc are certain lie will re ceptee honor that the district stands ready to bestow nponhinf, and which it will shower upo54iHnwith the biggest republican vote recorded in the district when it comes to the vote. As a debater Mr. Harris is fluent and forceful. He has a commanding pres ence, a strong individuality and just enough reserve to make him universally popular with the masses. As we look ont into the future of the Pacific coast, so great with possibilities, the demand for the vigorous vopng blood in all the fields of activity becomes at once appar ent. Thwir'bther yonng men in the state of the Harris type that need to .be put to the front in places of responsibili ty and of duty. The elders, who have served as faithfully and well, have right to the seats of honor where, in re tirement, we shall crown them with the laurels thev have won and revere - c- - . - their good works while we put the younger men at the tasks that in the do- ine wiselv and well, will require the most vigorous manhood m their a ceo in plishment. J.he Hegister takes pleasure in pre- eentinz to the First Congressional dis trict of Oregon the Hon. L. T. Harris, Speaker of the House, as candidate for Coneress. - Son. .Claude Gatch of Salem is ndTacandidate, and Marion county will, no doubt? stind Tead v to join with other counties of the district in tender ing Mr. Harris unanimous nomination Eugene .Register. i Myrtle Creek Mailings. Mrs. II. A. Sly has receivl her bene ficiary of f 1,000 left by her son Charley, who was insured in the V. 0. W. District organizeFF. G. Woodcock of the-W. O. W. fraternity spent yester day here in the interests of his order. The members and officials of the Myr tle Creek Prune Association met in Cot. ton's hall Wednesday afternoon and de clared dividends, or something better On Saturday, of last Dunnivan sold a two ranchVix miles up on. to John W. Benifield. wfk Jan. P Hundred acre North Myrtle Mr. Benifield has begun to build a house and other buildings on his jjew farm and will move out with bis familv as soon as they get a home finished. A traveling salesman who happened in town last week was heard to make the remark that X. Selig has as nice store room ae is found between 'Frico and Portland. That is expressing it in a nut shell. The room is.-JOsGO with an 18 foot ceiling, walls papered, ceiling painted, and hardwood floor. The coun ters andall shelving is of selected fir stock and is artisticaHy-ihwi and finely fin' ished. A twelve foot deck extend across the rear end and a seven foot one on the sides. A large basement extends under the whole building. The store is well lighted with a 10x40 glass front and two large windows in the tipper part of the back end. The store is a great addition to the town, and-a credit to the successful merchant who has been able to build up such a business institution rfln conversation with Wm. P. Johnson head of Wm. P. Johnson Lumber Com pany, Monday evening it was learned that the company is severely closing down operations in its lumber manufac tory indefinately. The principal rea- sons for lumber mills to be shut don- are the scarcity of the local -market, the freight rates and the price paid available help, which make the business unremu nerative. The company has several hundred thousand feet oMumber at its docks and is putting tlft through ,th drying process and planer, and shipping it as fast as suitable i markets can be found. . Work, on tlje spur is not con sidered, and will, not be'until conditions are more favorable. Lo5kin$J0(ass' Items. Our School is progressing nicely, with .Mrs.-Ella Tazlar, ad .Miss Fannie Colv'en teachers,, trith over 40 pupils enrojled.- -, , -' ' rl ' .We are having quite a revival meeting j under the charge of Elder Hogers of the M. E. Church Much interest- is" mani fested and attendance is good. Prof. Murrel is in our valley with the ' intention of organizing a class in vocal music. Hope he will meet with success as there are plenty of young people who ould make lino singers if properly m- tructl. On Friday evening, Jan 29th, Miss Madge Ilrown gave a birthday party to her friends. They icport aline time. Mis Madge .received several valuable presents, both useful and ornamental Those present wore : Mr. and Mrs. J. Jfll. Drown, Mioses .Mae and Pearl Sim- nions. Bisssiff Morgan, Xannie and Myr tle Andrus, Linn McCoy, May Denni, ! Sraee and Illanche Jiuell. Messrs. Earl j nd George Ollivant, Nelson Andrus, ! Charlu " Dennis, Maurice, Kos-oe anil! Oratio .Younger, Vernio. Buell, Harry and Hasting llrown. At midnight a1 nice lunch was served, 'which ' was cn.- joyod by all. In the wee small house j they adjourned, wishing Miss Madge ' the returns of many birthdays in the fu ture. B Real Estate Transfers. Henry Luchsinger to Mary K. Brookes j $130. w w U sec 24 tp 22 s of r 9 w, i containing 160 acres; also the uwj swj i ahd lot S and 9 sec IS and ejj se4 sec i 3tp22sofr 9w. H Wollenborg ot ux to Fred A Kribs. ; an undivided JJ interest in and to the s's nw'4, s's neL4' sec 36 in 29 s of r 9 west. G. F. Garoutte et ux to W H Lackey $200 ; nw.VJ swif, s swi nwVi of sec 21 tp 23 s of r 4 w, coutai'iitig HO acres. Miriam Ferguson and H X Fergnson, to D L Tester, $43i) ; lots 2 and 3 in blk 11, Waite addition to the city of Roee- burg. W. R. Thompson to Wm Powell, $102; a strip of land 140 yds wide off from the south side of lot Xo. S sec 31 tp 24 s of r 7 w, containing 17 acres more or less. Henry Luchsinger to Mary K' Brookes $150; eK nw sec 24 tp 22 s of r 9 west. Charles M U ilson et ux to Frederick O Lange, $SO0 ; swj of sel-4 of sec 1, tp 29 s, i r 9 west, and nw3i of ne of sec 12, tp 29 s, of r 9 w excepting one acre roni the last aboveescribed) contain ing 79 :tf res. EJ Chapman to W E Chapman, $322 CO; 20 S4 acres beginning at the s e corner of Geo J Chapman D L C, thence w 16.75 chs, thence n 1.00 chs, thence e 8.50 chs, thence n 23.23 chs, thence e S.25 chs to the e line of said claim. thence s 24 23 chs to place of beginning. CD-Drain etux to Rolo D Drain, $250; lot 1, blk 6, in the town of Drain, Ore. J A Haines et ux to Ellen A Benoit, $750 ; in blk 3, beginning at s e cor of said blk, thence s to the s e cor, thence w to the O & C K R line, thence a alon said line to the n boundary line of said blk, thence e to place of beginning, blks Xo 4 and 5 and the w 120 it off blk 13 and 14 and 6. Elizabeth Langenberg to Susie L Rob inson. $3,001; blk S of the Third Brook- side Add to city of Roseburg, containing 20 acres. (Reported by Title Guarnt. it Loan Co.) New Olive-Drab Uniforms. All members of Co. D, 1st Separate Battalion, 0. N. G , are hereby notified to call at Roy -lopres Tailor Sltop, on Jackton street, between Thursday, Feb. 11, and Saturday, Feb. 13, to have their measures taken for the new olive-drab woolen uniforms to be issued to the Guard at once. If not able to comply with the above, take your own measure or have some one else do so, and for ward the same to me not later than the above date, as it is important that every mau should have his measure properly taken in order to insure a good fit By order of F. B. Hasilijt, P. A. Webb, Capt. Co. D. IstSgt. 12-lt Meeting of the Republican State Cen tral Committee. ToirrLAXD, Or., Jan. 29, '04. The Republican State Central Com mittee is hereby called to meet in the City of Portland on Friday, the 12th day of February, 1904 (Abraham Lincoln's birthday), in room 12 Hamilton build ing, at 10: 30 o'clock a. m , for the pur pose of selecting the time nnd place for holding the next'State Convention, an- .portioning delegates to said Convention, recommending date for holding prima ries, and for the transaction of such other business as may properlv come before the committee. Fkaxk C Baker, Hahrison Allen, Chairman Secretary. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Unequalled for Con stipation. Mr. A. R. Kane, a prominent druggist of Baxter Springs Kansas, says: "Cham berlainlg Stomach and Liver Tablets are, in my judgment, the most superior preparation of anything in use today for constipation: They aro sure in action ana with no tendency to nauseate or gripe. For sale by A. C. Jlareters & Co Not a minute should be lost when child shows symptoms of croup; Cham ueriain s uougn nemedy given as eoon as the child becomes hoarse, or even af ter the croupy cough appears, will pre vent the attack. It never fails, nnd is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by A C. Marslere& Co. Wood Wanted at the Court House Sealed bids to furnish 80 tier of 18 in oak wood, 4 to 10 in. in diameter, to bo delivered at the Court Houee in Rose burg on or before the first day of Nov '1$)4, a bond for thefaithful performance of contract must accompany each bid Bids opened Friday, March 4, 1904, at one o clock p. m The court reserves the right to reject all bids. Roseburg 3an. 27, 1904. 51. D. Thompson, J2S County Judge hat are They? Chamberlain'H Stomach and Liver Tablets. A new remedy for eloniacl troubles, biliousness, and coiiHtipatioif and 'a good one. Pneo' 25 cent". For eale by A. C Mardera k Co. (:Li.y USE FOR FOOTBALL Vale Instructor Applies the Sport to Greek Verse. GAME WITH HAKVAED THE TOPIO. t)r. II. n. AVrlKlif. Thoorjr In That Fotitbiill AnitibCH the Smun Rnthn mIiikiu In Modem Youth Tlint Kveit Dcxcrlbrd ! the "Uiul" nnd "Od ynupjr" Inspired In .Men of Otlior Un Ileitrty Hcbimiuhp Mnde to 111 Plan. ; Football mid the .classics are being combined in the course of Greek at Yale, says a New Haven dispatch to the l'liihidclpliia Press. Nearly n hun dred poems recently written hi Homer ic verse on the subject of the Yule- Harvard football game wore presented by jneniliers of Dr. H. 11. Wright's Greek classes. The poems are closely modeled on the "Iliad." and special attention to the use of Homeric epithet was required of the students. Instead, however, of references to "swift footed Achlllc and "Ajax, who bore his shield like n tower," it was "Roraback with his back sloped like a mouutaln" and "long headed, red headed Rockwell." The poems were the result of n plan of Dr. II. 15. Wright, instructor In Greek, to arouse the Interest of the students and to familiarize them with the construction of the epic verse. Ilia theory is that the game of football arouses the same feeling of Intense enthusiasm in the modern youth that the events described In the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey" Inspired in the men of former times. Accordingly he made an offer of extra credit to members of his classes who would present poems along the lines laid down. The general and enthusiastic response, he says, con linns him In his theory. The offer was made after he had tried vainly to interest his classes In Greek. The language and lofty senti ments of Homer had no effect on the majority of the students, who seemed unable to get the spirit of the poetry. In trying to find a contemporaneous ex- ample of the feeling which Inspired pa-t of the world's greatest literature he thought of the game of football. "Football is real and vivid to every one of these men," he said in explain Ing his Idea. "It arouses the same In tense admiration that Is manifest In Homer. Rafferty, Hogan and Suevlln occupy positions almost like demigods of old In the estimation of the under graduates. They- are not unfitting sub jects for heroic poetry: they have many of the qualifications strength, courage, daring and brains. The battle is one In which the strong of body, the quick of eye and the swift of foot will tri umplu The poetry which I have read Is very satisfactory and shows that the men have caught the spirit I desired. Many of the epithets are truly Homer lc." The following is a part of one of the poems handed In: This is the noble array which Rafferty, ralshty in battle. Led to the glorious conflict. under the bonny blue banner: Farmer, the mlshty line hitter, smashing, firm as a mountain. low Guarded the center back field; Met calf, the speedy, stood next him Holding the line at his right hand, and Mitchell stood hard by his left hand. Shevlla. whom Hemes, they say, hid given his wonderful pandal!. Guarded the far right wlrm, strong offense or defensive; hi Rockwell, the crafty, was there, behind Roraback. center. ClOS4 Whom Bloomer, the mighty line smasher. and Batch elder. strons1 as & bollock. Aided on either side. The McKay Kequest to Harvard. Harrard university, already one of the four richest universities In the country, measured by the amount of Its productive funds, has lately re ceived what will probably be the lar gest windfall In the shape of a legacy ever secured by an American lnstltu Hon of learning. Under the terms of the will made by the late Gordon Mc Kay, the millionaire inventor and man ufacturer of sboemaklng machinery. Harvard will eventually Inherit all ot his immense estate, estimated to be worth at present between 20.000,000 and S2o.000.000. The amount presently available un der the terms of the bequest will. It It believed, be nbout $4,000,000. Briefly stated, the university Is to have SO per cent of the net Income of the $20,000, 000 estate left by Mr. McKay after certain annuities amounting to $47.0oO are provided for. This Income Is to accumulate until It amounts to $1,000, 000. when It Is to be paid over nnd de voted to Instruction In nil grades of applied science and In extending aid to meritorious students. On the death of the last of the annuitants the cxecu tors are to pay over to Harvard the entire estate and nil unexpended In come to be used in the advancement of scientific education. The McKay bequest, which ranks among the most notable In the record of educational benefactions and they have been many and large revives public interest In the endowments und productive funds of other institution: of learning In this country. Among the richest institutions nnd the amounts of productive funds credited to them dur ing the last college year are the fol lowing: Armour initute 12,500,000 Columbia university 13.2S3.&37 Cornell university 7.C77.C3S GIrard college 16.002.S1 Harvard university tf.119.53g Johns Hopkins university 4,400.000 Leland Stanford. Jr., university.. 20.000.00C Northwestern university 2,950,00c Pratt institute 3.000,003 University of California 3,035,027 University of Chicago S.IG.KS University of Cincinnati 3.337,303 University of Pennsylvania 4,001,745 Washington university 4.7G7.0M Yolo university 5,000,000 It will be observed that Harvard ranks very high financially without the addition of the McKay bequest, which again exemplifies the Scriptural max im, "To him that hath shall be given. Pensioning of Life Suvcrs. Among the early bills Introduced In congress Is oue by Representative Ixiv cring of Massachusetts for pensioning retired members of tho murine life saving service which attracts not little attention. A bill of similar pur port was, presented last year and was favorably reported by the committee on Interstate and foreign commerce and placed on the houso calendar, but never came to a vote. Mr. Loverlng' new bill, which requires three-quarters pay on retirement for life davcrs, la now In the hands of the above named committee, of which he Is a member. ,The measure appears to be quite gen- orally 'favored, tho only opposition that has come to. notice being on the ground that tho government should expend Jts money for pensions only when tho wprk of tho pensioners Tvns In the lino of patriotic service. Under present conditions it aouic times happens that when sqrfm.cn aro illcd or disabled in the pursuit duly private subscriptions are tuken up for the benefit ol their families. In recent case in which an entire nto:"'?' ho ai in t,,.v,. avlng crew was drowned the fund so raised amounted to $40,000. Prlvirte generosity, however, la more or less uncertain In any event-nnd does not go so far us to provide for the old ago of life savers "who have escaped actual accident. ' Wages .of ?05. a month for ten months in the year, juut of which the HUi'fuian must support his mess, clothe himself and -maintain his fam ily and himself during the Idle months, are certainly not strikingly bettor than the private soldier's $13, every -'CI,t of which he can save If he chooses. The work of the life saver, loo, Is about the most hazardous in which men can engage scarcely less so. In deed, than that of the soldier In tho field. Both the Importance and peril of the service rendered by these public servants are abundantly attested by the frequent reports of the heroic res cue of life and property along our ocean and lake coasts. In giving the details of a murderous assault a Chicago paper said. "One sweep of the knife had slashed her waist almost from shoulder to wrist." Surely the victim Is a proper subject for u dime museum. If mobs are encourage! at smart weddings In New York It mny be nec essary to supplement the lists of pres ents and distinguished guests with a list of the killed nnd Injured. Queen Olga of Greece is an admiral In tho Itussian navy, though It is hard ly probable that she will Join any of the squadrons in Chinese waters. It Is announced that King Alfonso of Spain is going to travel extensively. He is likely to see a great many things that his country used to own. The price of steel billets has fallen bo low that no well regulat-l family need be without a winter supply. DRESSY GOWNS. Velvet Coatatnra Are to lie Popular Thla Winter. Very Handsome velvet gowns are among the smartest things this winter. Usual ly a gown of this sort Is quite expen sive, and as a result It Is often made to do duty both focday and evening wear. A long, well cut skirt accompanies two bodices. Embroideries are seen a good deal on princess frocks. The shoulders are kept very wide, tbe t-ffect being attained by the addition of a fichu composed of folds of velvet, fur, lace and taffeta. Formerly only light shade were used In the evening. Now one sees a great many dark shades as well. Cloth gowns CHIFFOX EVEXCG DHE3S. for evening wear are also smart, and they are lightened In appearance by the addition of pieces of real lace, gold and silver embroideries, etc. Dyed lace Is now a feature of many of the smartest gowns. Worth Is using a good deal of silver with blond lace. nnd the heavier makes are dyed to match the new shades of royal blue. golden brown, etc Most of the gowns have very high collars, which have to be cut with the greatest care. The new chiffon velvet Is finer and closer than panne, but as yet Is too expensive to use very liberally. The little tassels of silk are replaced by larger ones. In which chenille Is con epicuous, nnd long fringes "of chenille nnd ball pompons of the same are nwd both on fur and plush and are shown In mole gray, seal brown and black, The cut shows a chiffon evening gown trimmed with narrow ribbon niching. JUDIC CHOLLET. . Ilank Money Orders. The national banks of the country might add very materially to their popularity and usefulness by establish Ing n method for tho transfer of money which would be less cumbersome and Blow than tho system now employed by the postal department and express company. "What the business people of the coun try need Is a system by which Jones In Atlanta, Ga., for instance, can go to a bank and deposit $100, or any other sum, to be paid to Brown In New York or Seattle on tlie same day by a bank In cither of those cities. The bank In the receiving city notifies Smith that It has the sum to his credit, nnd that, with his IdenU3cntlon. cn-j nbles him to get It at once. The cost of tho transfer, including telegram and bank commissions, Is held out of the remittance or nrrnuged between Jones, who pays It. and Brown, who Is the beneficiary- A similar system has long been In vogue In Germany and has resulted In the marked facilitation of money cx cliangcs within tho empire, accommo dating the public, hastening business and proving profitable to the related banks. Such an arrangement between national banks of this country would soon give them un IiuiuciiHe volume of business annually,' with profit belfo'r than ordinary oxebnnge. and would, do n utibllf service, that the tieonle WOuld not be felowao appreclr.tt' Notice-for Pnblifiatjoi, UNITeY) states LAwn ovvwv.i ' Uaeburtf.Ore.,rlHntillJ1m03. aotlco Hereby gtyan th lu coriplUne with tho prnvUloni of the itt of CbnmuTr lij. Juncu. WH, entitled i-An net for the ! of TO ircrodK ,n id V wihliiiitun Territory." sexteiid 0f iri1,aU Ule VMlc land mte hj Lt oI'Aupwt. I nT Knfcliiirc, enemy ol UouRiiu, ha tlil dy niuii in tiiUonice m8uum stateim-nt k so uuj,. 'sud will oiler proof to ihow tbst the Und sourbV lmoro tilunlle for ltn timber or itone thtn for acrk'ultUrAl burnoEei. ami ti n.Mi.h- hi. . claim before the UegUter and Itecelrer of thlsl olllcx ol UoMburg, Oregon. 1 on Tu'euUy, tllu 2M iUy 6f Vut.rtiary. 1J0I HoiKim-xiis wlta-kM-ir, V. H .. Mc'rotm-ii J. W, (iunltivr. John KiKurHaud John Henderson, nit of (to-' burg On'., Any Hid nil nemons tlnlmlni; advcr-y llur above itt-N rlt-.l ladHre n-'iucl.il to file their e lrtlmi- in MiIb oltlcuon urbuloru mid ilnl ilnyof K. lituary, 1'JU4. J. T, llltllJuKS, '1 7 P KcgL.ter. SUMMONS:- tv the riitfuir c uhtoi- the staik Ol' iiKI'.UON KOtt O IMil.AS COUNT.', r jii. i j. jt'iiii iig-, riaiiiiui, t i H 'I Noo ' lny Mlnliie Company, I ' r.uuaiii ii. i.rit-,1, Henrv i.ra tium Drown, tifor uJ.Atkiiin mid John I' Mirvti. tiustw. Hi'fcn.lant. T Xootidni Mitilliif Comrmiv. l i.rlvatii cnr. nrailon), Kftrard II. I eUh, ilenr jrhm Irowli.O orse J. Alliln. Hlid John !'. Ahrni.. trmti'e. ilne liained rlu-viiilaiim. mid to ,-arli of slid iten'mliilitu; In t Cllil-in.'o! IlieSUtcnf O-eirnn. nn ami each il you ans hereby required (o apiar and answer jlie complaint Hied mtaltiM you In the varch. and If you fall o to iiir and wnt viiiiuvi pint mi - r oc on? nie izm usr 01 answer, I r ant thereof the plaintiff will ap ply tn be Court for the rellei demanded In the coutflaltit. h kucrlii' t utttement of which U that tlie defendant Henry Graham Hrown be decreed hold turn titlo at he may have In the mill au I m.ll-altu and "perly described In uifcouipi. ini in iruu lor tne uri-naut fcu Man l U-Uti for the utean.l benefit of nlaln. tlrr. anddlTistliieearh of th defendant! of niiy an 1 nil rtfi.t, title and interest Ihey or either ot tin m may have or c'aiin. In or u aa!d property nr any pt ihvrtof, and voting the wc in tht plaiiiUlfatw! iierpWtially eujolnlnx the del- udanta ana each of hem from attentat; any rl;ht, Ittle or Intertat In, or control orer. aid pm.-orty or any part thereof, for the eoata nd ditbuiMineuuot this mit aud for men o'brraud further relief a to the Court iball scorn oultable Til Mjinmon ' mibli-hed bv virtue of an order duly made ami entered In the above rn- lltlwl ltm an I cau by tbe Ho-iorable J. W. Uaillron, Judaeo: aald Court, dated January 19. HOt. The t-me pivmt bd In aald order for nnblira- Inu of tbii Ml mm in I twice a week lor lx uc vs-'lve w-ek, the date of !' tint nubllca tlon u hereof If January XH u au ro to a: w tmx i Attorney for i'Ulullff. Noiicc for Publication. Culted States Land Office. Rocburg. Oregon, Oct. 56, MS. Nbtlre it hereby rlren that In eomcllanea with t.-.e proTl!on of the act of Conrrraa of June I. IS.S, enUlled "An act for the aJe at timber landi in the State of California, Orefon erada.and Wasbtngton Terrlujry,"ae xtaud. i to all the public land lUUi by act of Acrort JOI'X G. KEKDALL. t Mlaneapollf. county of Ileanrnln. tuteo Mit.tiela, baa thiaday tiled In th-f office bU twoni .tu;rai-nt 'o. 5.M. for tbe pu cba'e oi tie -iith e-l q artero( section J'o. 11, town Mp 2T Mjutb. range 3 weat anj will offer proof toihow that the land aoogct la tnnpi Talnable lor 1U Umber or atone than for asrlcultaral nartoaei. and to ratabllaa his data before tie Register and Bcctlrar of Una o:Uc of KoMbsrc. Oregon. on M mday. the th day ot March. I- He name a wliaeet- Charlca Tbos, Jibn Ttwtii. ot RrHeNurg; John Keeker, Frank Long, ol t'Wte'and. Ore Aar and alt i-rron claiming aJremelr the bovedefCTilied land are rraneatcd to file their els tn In tl i oSce on or bciare the (aid 2h y ol March, 13W J. T. BRIOUlS. acgiter. Notice for Publication. cxnxnsTiSE-i usiiomtE. ltoeburgOre . Kpt.4. IMS Notice it Lercl y gtren that In compliance wilt :t.e proTlMvioa ol tbe act of (VogTt-M ot Jooe K. enl. J.d An art for the tale of tlmt-r landt in the Stat ot rall!orata,Oierca Scrtda .and U atMngton Territory,' ca cxUDd ed t. all the puUIc land ttatea by act of Aocurt t.lki. HENRY W. STOREY. ot fartlaad. cnanty of Multnomah, tla of Ore- mn. bat thlt dar clot in thla oSxx bl aworn Ute-nent No. :.- for the parrbajr ot the na1. of wxtion No. M In tp OS tuttth. of raiijre No. and will offer tvroo! to ainjw that tht land aought It mvre raloable for lla timber or atone lean for agricultural parrotet, and to eataUUh hit claim before the Kegttter and lieccliar of thil olfica of HoMburg.Ortroa. on Toeflay the 1Mb dy ol FehrnaJT. lt He r arnea at wluii.- W . H McCruwen, J. w a-in-r ot Rjvrborg. O'c.. John Kken. tiant y v .- l-r.nf jv-rtland. Ore. Auy an t all penona clairalng adrenely the lore leM-nrwi ianatareriuete-i meieicni aim .n lata nnce on or Dcio-e t.iaioino.j yebruary, 1901. J. T. B1U1HJES. j Helw Notice for Publication. Land Ofaeo al Itoacbarg. Oregon. January Notice la hereby siren that the follo-ring- ntsM a -tiler n nini souce ot nit intention to make final proof In tapporl of hit claim, and that aM rmo will be made !ore the Kit. ter and Receiver O. & L. O. at Rotcburg. Ort- gon. on Atarcn n, inut. tx: Marcot I). Wheeler. on bl It. E. No. 1113, for the rj NKJi and Lott i ano.. pec i. tp.au s.. it. a m He name tbe following wuaeaac to prore in luuuuuout rwucDcv upoa aaq camTa Uonf tad lanl. tit- Knitnlph Amttcin. Al NrtT froiich. William it. Porter and Richard W. Dlei, all ol Camaa Valler. Oreron. J.T. hairxit, Rcgltter. Noll ce. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Directors of School District No. 4, Rosebuty, Oregon, until Feb. 15thl904 ior iitc construction, ol a fa-inch fewer from the new High School Building to Mosher St. in the city of Roseburg Ore. and tn connect with the sewer on said Mosher St, at the intersection of Jackson and Mo.her St. The Board re serves the right to reject any or all bids The successful bidder must give bond for the faithful performance of the con tract. For particulars call on S. C. Fust, Chairman Board of Directors, School District no 4, Roseburg Ore. iloney to Loan. As linanciat agent lor capital I am prepared to loan money in any amount irom ?ou to folXJ on real estate or per sonal security, or to purchase property outright, or to. purchase good notes at a discount. The money can oftentimes be paid or drafts issued the same day that tho application is made. Enquire of II. II. Brookes, at tno Pminokalkk office, Kotcburg. A Business Proposition. If you aro going east a careful selec tion of your route is essential to the en joyment of your trip. If it is a business trip tinio is tho main consideration ; if a pleasuro trip, tcenerv and the conven iences and comforts of a modern rail road. Why not combine all by using the ILLINOIS CENTRAL, the Up-to-Datu Road, running two trains daily from St. Paul and Minneapolis, and from Omah to Chicago. Free Reclining Chair Cars, tho famous Buffet - Library -Smoking Cars, all trains vestibuled. In short thoroughly modern throughout. All tickets reading via tho Illinois Central will be honored on theso trains nnd no extra ftuo charged. Our rates are thd Ranio as those of inferior roads why not ger. your monoy'a worth? Writo for full particulars. B. H. TnuMnuLL. Commercial Agent, Portland, Ore. J. C. Lindsey, T. F. & P. A., IVtland, Ore. Paul I). Thorns?, n, F. &. P. A., ' I : Scuttle, Wash. " Soelety (Nestings. AF. & A. M. kaujvj LodgB No. 13, UoldB reisnlar raeetirnjij on eeiuiui ami f urth Vedouiluv ol eucb -month. J. T. limBbta, U , 1 N. X. JKvvtTr, fiecretary, B. T. 0, ELKS, HuHubnrK Lodge N . dZo. tlolus reidiliu common"'! tiona at I O. 0. F. Hull on wi nn.l and loortb Thursdays of taeh to mi. All rneuibera'mjuu'ele'd to attend rvi', larlv and all viaitinsr nn.tli.-rf nre -.i ally invited to attend, .. , . ' ' K ii. Waitb.-K. K Kov McClallkn, rfricri-tarv. CO.'.D, 1st SEPARATE IJATTALLION O.N. G , tno'ta t Anm-ry Hall even rtiuriKlaVrinitii;, al 8 o'clock. " K. B. IIamlw. (Jrf(i O. k). F. Flillfttiirittii Lodi:e -So. 8. MtwtB in Odd Fnltiur' Temple, cor r.nr J.tolffcon mid (lass irtp. on eatiiriiay evening ol. each we-tt, Mem-: ber of th ordnr in ipiu'd' oiandint; ar (uvilH.i to atfem,. h J. U IwrrciiKiL, N. fa. p N.T Jtwifrr, K:rBtr. Kol P. Alpha lAMino So 47. Mtt everv WtnlnrfMlay, in I. O. O. F Hall 7: p. m. Mmlra in itood nanding are invited to Httend. Gko. E. Hocce. g. V. Rami- K K S. O.T. M. Protection Tent No. 15. Holds its retrular Reviews the first and third Fridar of each month in the I. 0. 0. hall. Visiting members in good standing are invited to attend. Geo. W. Pjamr, Com. E. E. BLODoirrr, Record Keeper. LILAC CIRCLE. No. AM, Women of V o.Klcrafi. Mit- o. '-'ml and 4th Fridaye of each moi fh at the I. 0. O. F. Hall. VimSii, member in ool tariilin; Hre invitwl to atUsi.d. Uklla Jkwett, Hu-irrimii Neighbor. VlMi Otkv, Secy. L O. T. M. Ii.aM.hnr)c Hive No. 11. Holdi. it rt-tfntar rev:evri np"n tlie ffrtit ard third Fridnis at 2iJ9 d m ol t-nch month in tne NUv cVina Hall. j 5ieten of other Hiw viMting ir irif cttr ' an ordmlly tnTtfe-t ta:tnd our re vi. Hathe Mobiax L. Con. Jks-ik Kait.R K. E. S Roeiurp Charter No. 8 Hotae thIr rctnlsr meeting on tbe finr and third Thuri-daTfl in each unth Minting member in rood fUndir ar rww-ctfallv Invibwl to at- snd. Mas. Naxsie Spkaoce W M.. Macdk Rait -SreUry. u NITED ARTISANS. Cmpqca As sembly No. 105 meets every Satur day evenine. at S o'clock in Native Sons Hall. Visitinc Artisans cordial I v invited to attend. JIbs. M. A. Reed. M. A. Mrs. Mixxih oxes. Secretary. w X)DMEN OF THE WOKL'). Oi Canm No. 125 Mtp i u,r 0-1C" Fi)of' HnII In Khtrg ..vrr dret bdJ thiid MmmIav evpnioff. V'uit- ii nrtgl.'tf.ra elwnf -lt-.m-. N.T. Jewett. C. C. J A. Bt'CUAKAS. Cirk. IT ION ENCAMPMENT, I. O. O. F. Uitd hellow's temple. Meets first and third Thursday evx-nines each month. VLfitore cordially tnnted. J. B. Hamiltov. C. P. J. C. Twitcheu.. Scribe. Professional Cards. LKOR iK M. Ri OWN. A ttorney-a t- La , OoortHonM DovnStalra. RIK-T.BCRG.01UI c V FISHER. I. D. Physician, Office over P. O. Phone Main 591. urgeon. ltOSBtl, OXEGO!!. QR. J. R. CHAPMAN Dentist Abraham Uk ore IJott OSlce Roseburg, Ore. Q R.GEO. E. HOUCK. Pli3'scian & Surgeon. OBce Review Bid. Phone. Mala II KOnKHCKU OKSi.OS DENTIST, ttaTtai' Building, Telephone So. 4. KCXSRPRO. -iK"--OS M. Caawroiai a J 0. Watson Attomejs at Lmw, KnoXBtlAS. Bank ul itMrtaOliH, Ol Bnatneaa before the ft 8 Landoareap nlntnc caaet a apedal ty JOHN H. SHUPE, ATTORNEY-ATLAW, RoKRCRO, ORg(H' Battnea-before U.ri. Land OQrvand llnbai. buio- a tpcelalty. OlOr-e Abraham Building. J C. VULLERTON Attorn ey-at Law. Wll1 nracilce tn all th State and Federal Cnnrt Otace in yarn Bld., KOM'oarg. urecou F. W. BENSON, Attoruey-at-Law mmi 1 and I varlew Building ROSEBfR't. ORWWOri J A. BUCHANAN, No-.ry Public. Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Room S Mantera BntMtnc HOKBDRl.0 N. A. FOSTER & CO., GOVERNMENT LANDS Of every descriytion. Farms and Min eral Lands. Oregon, Washington and Minnesota. (j23) OAKLAND. OREGON Notice for Publication. United States Land Offlce. Roseburg Oregon, Aug. 31, l'Xtl. Nolle is hare by glran that In compliant with tha vroTltlona of the act ot CoDgreai of June S, U.S. entitled "An act for tha tale ot timber landt In the Statct of Caltiornla,Orgon Nerada.and Waihlnnton Territory," aatxtand ad to all tha publio land ttatet by act ot Augurt .1W2. MIXN'lb 1. HARRIS, Cnro ot O. M. Co.. of Cortland, county ot Multnomah, ttato of Oregon, baa thla day tlli-d In thla offloo her aworn statement No. -.673 for the purohano of the NK'.f ot Section No St In tuwnthlp No. Sri south, range No. 6 weat and will otfer proof to show that the land sought la mora ralual.le for tta timber or alone than for agricultural yurroset, and to ettaUIah hit claim before the Register and Recelrer of Ahli olilco of Rota burg, Oregon, ou Friday, the 12th day or February, 1403 H nanieau wltites: W. II. McCiomeli, J. W. Gardner, Jiihn KogeN-, Fran F. Dolnby all nf Koti-bnrg. Or-goti. Any and 11 i.e.tis cl-ilmlng adwru'ly the nb'Vodcrllict Utidaiuvrvqiier.fd to Hie tntlr Vlnima In thla offtcoou or bctom aild lith rtny t February, M.K ' l.T BUUKiK, ycia.p ' ut),iii KJK5 OO Rambler I- Bicyles i J ?U li&U dooc 7i "l ill I f ll 111 m S. K. SYKES, Avjent For DOUGLAS ANDCOOS COUNTIES e THE nF THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Spriugs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery by daylight TO ALL POINTS ELA.ST 3 FAST TRAPS DAILY BETWEEN 09CK AS1 9ENYEK 3 Modern Equipment, Through ing Vars and buperb Dining Car bervice. STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rutes, folders and ciaer forma Uon .'mid rwa TIMBER AND GRAZING LAND City and Mining Proper;, Home steads and Timber Claims Located, the best now vaat. Xo fees paid until Filins accepUxl. Relinquish ment bosght and sold. ; : : Stewart Land Co., fee 4, Tajfer & WSsh fhA ROSEBUKG OREGON Your Watch! W'hvn was it cleaned and oiled? Is il r in liii tiko it a ht to? t( is not, it would be wellto have it ex-l tniincd, I will look it over carefnllt ind tell yon just where tho trouble in md what it will cost to repair it. I guarantee all my work and live! up to the guarantee. R. F. WItySlOW J? Jeweler asd ?ticiaa H. Little, DENTIST. Oakland, . - Ore go MRS. H. E ASTON in urepAred to wait upon old and nuwcti8toniersaud friends with a. full and complete stock of GROCERIES All fresh and of the very best qnalitv. Toas and coffees nre epecialties. Youi patronage solicited. 305 Jackson St., Ro.ebarp $222 P aaW Non-Magnetic Jot S2d SSmCua ff ItHj GwaXttci I AL JEWELERS VJ ZSwiaSaa SoeUrt J Bt9Mt.atorlg JpyfflS. COLORED m'M 7A F-AHCY 2l &IALS I P WalU Ci. t WTiy Al factartas WJV AA Wflsrt,v7.Ctfs- BjkT j Zf ftr Txt. OUz.1. V tffsf ScaFrxsclaa. 1 M-nnovoiw. tl. 2 Z, f)n.' I'liiirrfalll A? M'.w.ll ... r - - -" . j llll " . Ill ' -f IF ITS A- WHITE ITT F.LU -RIGHT THE WHITE 15 KMG White family Aro 1 'r- ing Rotory Sewing Mach ines. Machines with Rotary Lift Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Pullman and Tourist Sleep W. C McBRIDE, Oea'I Age, 134 TMrd Street, Parting. Ore i Go to BARBER SHOP. For a Prompt aad First-cUsa -chaTe or Hxir-cnt. Compe tent Workmen, Clean Tow "Is. Tools larjBiD shspe. Baths la Censectiex. hup oo Jukton St. Notice far Publication, CXTTED STATES LAND OFTIrEc KuaMio-jc Orc-Oo. Oct. X, 1U. ctU a tarakT it ttaa 1 nmylam trtta f-oTlaUm l vka Mt af Caim af Jcaa SUTl. "Xm at ter ti aaJb mt I Bracarlaaialm U fta.ua of Caa?a-aU.Ovan Vfim And WaaMartca Tmiry. m aalaitl d to all Ua -raklte lam ttaMa j an el AaaM C UB2. , raiSEir. jtiSTHEsoy. f otIodepearBee.cnaBtrf Ftxk. a:at-of Ore p n, ha thi daj- JSleJ la Utia oSca hi avsra , aUteBrnt Ko. STS&. tor th porehaas ol ifce Souta Eaatqnaiterotaeetloa So. . M-ratklp 35 oa Ih. ot nan 8 wwt ; aadwnlellcr proof to a&arvtbaltfcclaadaowfet , la more Talsau tor lla tiaber or osa tkaa Sot atrlraltaral sarToaaa, an to M:b!fek clxlra balara ta Kciitar aid Kcttnr mi tVa otfloaof Koa9u,090cos. ' on TborsUT too 10th fiar ol Uarrh. 1304. Ho cazaesaa vltsevca: B. Martin. Jt Martin, ot Browarrtlle. Orarna: Geors Balfwaa. rnd Baleaaa.n' Rovoorz. Urcxna. Any and all penopa dalolac drcrvley. tha abore dncxibed Uada ra r.-qScatol to tU Ihelrj' dalma la this oSce ea before aaUIOth dar ol Marca 1SKK. J.T BBIDCXS OctTp Scciater. Notice for Publication. Cnitel Statea Land Qfiaa. Boaebarr.OrrKon.rearaarrS.15M. XQtlcm la haraby lm that la aoaaUaaaa wlththawoTiaiotuottha net ot Coasraoa t Jnaa I, antlUcd "la art fry tho aalo at tobtx laaa la tho state of CWrataOina araia ad Waaalartoa Tarrtiorr.- aa axtn& adtoaU t&a yaatla laad BatM at af Aagoot HKXRT H. BROOKES, ol Eotbarj. Coaaty or Dooilaa. State ot Oro Kon. aai this day fltrd la this oace his aworn tUieaieat Ko. for the parchsae ot the N EX ol KCtloa S, towtuhlp 08 .-. raas 4 west aad will off tr proof to ahs-w that tha laad aMh4 la mora ralcabla for lta timber oc ctoca Uu foracrlealtnralBarpoaa.aa4ta wtahltati M ala btfoxe tha Ecclatu sad Saeafror ol mia oefiea ot Seaabaiz. Oracoa. lOaThnraday the KUt day of April. X90C Be . uacx-a u wiuisrs. ueorpe Keea. u I Stadler- Margaret J. Brooke. O P. Flaher. all of Bofeborr. Oregon. ', Aaj- andall pertons daiaitcr adreraeiy the wreuooiwa laooa are rwraesiea to n.o t&eu cUisuta this ottos oa or before tho Ilia dajul April, ISM. J.T.BEIDOSS. BesUtct Notice for Publication. rtelted Statea Land Oflc. Rocebarx. Oresoa. Oct, Jl nee. Netlc a herabr glrta that tm eeapaaaaa with tha prtrrlaloni of the let of Couiim et JnaaS,inaoUUad-Aaait ier tha aala et tlabar lands la tha Bute cf CaMfrala.OiatB KtTadaad Washtaxtca TarrttoT7.aaastaaV ad to ail tha pabtla laad states aet at Anrsat FKAKKF DOLESBY, ot Portland, county of Moltnoraah, ataU of Oregon, has this day Bled la this nfileo his aworn atatexatnt So. SSi. for the porchaMOt tha 8KV of acUon Ko. St in township XixM south of raage Xo. s west aad will offer proof to show that tha laad sooaht Is mora Talnable tor lta Urabsr or aUaa thaa f or aricnltoral parpoae. aad to establish hi claim before the Enrta:r aad KacalTar et this office ot RoMbrux.Oragea. on Frl'lay, the 12ta da of JVbniary, 19EB. He namcaaswltneases: Jtlnnle Harrla. Portland. Ore.. W. H. i!cCrovo. J. W. Q.rdaer. John Rogers of Bcscburg, Orecon. Any and all persona clalmlnr adTersely tho abore described landt are requested to file their claims tn thla oW oa or before the said 13th day ot February. 19uX J.T. BRIDGES, OclSp Retbter. Notice for Publication. United States Land UQre, Rnseburr. Orrroo. Oct., 1368. Notice la hsrabr rlTan that ta eomnllMaa i with tha provisions of the act et ObDfreaa ot ?o5 . Jane 5. enUUed "An act for the sal at j Umber laads in ths Statea ot CaUforata, Oraxea Narada.and Washington Territory, aaaxtead ' ad to all the publia laad stats by act et Aucsst HORACE R. PARMBLUK. of Seal tie, euanty of Klnsr. rtateof Waahlnstna has thiaday HIM In thlsofflae his awnrn ataie roent So fHM. far the tmrcbaae of the lo'a t, 3, 4. ami the aw,1 ofnetjofscc Ko. a, lps,ui rS west and w 111 of ft r proof to tho w th at tha laad sotsjM Is more valuable for lta timber or stene thaa for asrtenluiral purpoaes, and to cstahlhi hli claim before the Register aad Ratal Tr et HUs of lice of Roatburx.Orexon. Tue.iay, tne inh day ot Uarcb. tSOt. He tiamrsaa witnesses: Chas Thorn. J.tha Thorn nl hoaebiirir, Orewoa; John Becxer, fianh Lniic..I.C!eve:anJ. Ortron. ADTandUH-ro- s cialalas; ailtfrjallT the above 1ii.criU.vt lands are requested so Sin their rU tns in thlaofSeeenor beiore aald ath day of Maroti, 14. J. T. BJsJ 1X1 KH KiV5 BesSMW.