IP mnaemer. Vol. XXXVI ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1901. No. 8 5 fOR FiNE CONFECTIONERY and ICE CREAM PARLORS NORflANS Fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pies, Doughnuts and Fresh Bread Daily Portland Journal Agency. Hendrick's Block, Opp. Depot I. J. NORflAN & Co. Prop. FARMERS' CASH STORE, Q. A. WOOD & CO, Props DEALER IN Staple ane Fane' Groceries. Highest Price paid for country produce. Fresh bread daily Your Patronage is respectful solicited. Private Free Delivery to All Parts of the City TROXEL BLOCK OPP PASSENGER DAPOT HELLO 1 Bring Us Your 4 FOR CHSH OR TRKDE. J.F. Barker & Co NOZZLES ETC., 5. K. SYKES. Roseburg, Oregon Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking is tc have good FRESH GROCERIES And to get them promptly when you order them. Call up Phone No. 181 for good goods and good service. C. W. PARKS & CO. J. iLgWeatherby T. A. Bury D. L. Martin Roseburg Real Estate Co. Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber Estimates a Specialty. List your proper ty with us. A LARGE LOT OF SPRAY MATERIAL At Marsters' Drug Store A CAR LOAD OF SULPHUR Of Superior Quality Weary Wllllo Bryan New York, Jnn. 24. That William Jennings Bryan will not in any way control the Democratic convention at St. Louis is shown quite conclusively by the expressions o several of the biff leaders in interviews aa published by the Herald. Out of 101 interviews 04 per sons repudiated Bryan. According to the Herald free silver ia a dead issue and Mr. Brynn'a late views are ancient in purport. The following are some of the expres sions of Democratic politicians: Senator Xewlnnds, Nevada Mr.Bryan will not be our candidato and he is not going to dictate our platform. Condi tions have changed and opinions of men on great national questions have changed, therefore Mr. Bryan's individ ual opinions will not have the same Talue now. Senator Dubois, Idaho I am opposed to Mr. Bryan's attitude as eet forth in his Nebraska speech and his published interviews. The free silver issue is a thing of the past. Senator Morgan, Alabama I have ceased to consider what Mr. Bryan says or does. He belongs to the past. He has a perfect right to hip views, but he must not espect the Democrats who were Democrats long before he was thought to be influenced by his in dividual notions. he is ALL wrong. Senator Clay, Georgia I do not care to go into a discussion of Mr. Bryan's views on the Democratic convention. I believe however, he is. all wrong and will have very little, if anv, effect on the convention. Senator Culberson, Texas Mr. Bryan is entitled to his opinions as to the best policy of the Democratic party, but there are a great many men in the party who supported him loyally who cannot accept his recent utterances as practicable under existing conditions. Senator Simmons, North Carolina The sentiment of the Democrats of North Carolina is clearly against any attempt to revive the silver issue, be cause they consider it belongs to the past. We are interested in the issues of tbo present, and in harmony rather than in factional division. Hermann Reads Him a Lesson WAsmsoros, Jan. 25. Representative Hermann has protested to Chairman Burton against the action of the com mittee in refusing to report a river and harbor Dili, lie torn uurton mat on most works the damage from failure to continue the improvements and protect what had been done would cost more than the bill. It is understood that the improvements that are under way in th districts of a majority of the members of the committee are covered by contracts. and will be carried in the appropriation bill, or the last appropriations were so large that there are balances which wiil keep the work going. There is great deal of dissatisfaction as a result of the commi ttee's action. Moros Exhibit Treachery. Manila, Jan, 25. It has been learned here that Lieutenant C. W. Flake, of the 22d Infantry, was killed while try ing to enter Mora Cotta, Mindanao, for the purpose of examining the locality. He was accompanied by Private Foy, of the same regiment. Lieutenant Flake was shot treacherously, the Moros firing on the party while Major Bullard was parleying with them. Moro Cotta was at once taken by assault, with no further loss to the expeditionary forces. The estimated loss among the Moros is 20 killed. Price of Hops Advancing. Yesterday at Santa Rosa, Calif., a local grower sold 150 bales of this year's crop for 28)s cents. Last week the mar ket was 27 cents, and it was believed it had reached its extreme limit. The year 1903 was a record-breaker for prices, and since that time hops have been disposed of at from 12 to 20 cents. Several hundred acres of now hops are being ret out in this country at the pres ent time. If you want to buy a farm If you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If you want to rent a house jf you want to build a house If you want to move a house If yon don't know PAT Call on or address . . . F F. pattern, Contractor i aid Builder Reseburg Oregon List Your Ranches and Timber Lands with me. : : : R. R. JOHNSON, I HAVE EASTERN CUSTOMERS OFFICE IN MARKS ULOCK. AND CAN SELL ROSEBURG, OR. A Freak of Nature. THE LATEST WAR NEWS RUSSIAN DIPLOMATS AND JAP ANESE AMBASSADOR OONFER RUSSIA IS ACTUALLY AFRAID OF THE RESULT OF A WAR WITH JAPAN AND HER ALLIES. Paris, Jan. 27. Official advices received here from vSt. Petersburg show that Foreign Minister Lams dorff, before giving Russia's answer, has called in the Japanese Minister, M. Kurino. The two Ministers are now conferring with the view of so shaping the re sponse as to avoid a conflict. This is considered to be an explanation of the dispatch from Tokio saying Japan has requested Russia to hasten her reply. As Count Lamsdorff and M. Kurino are having confer ences prior to the submission of the reply, it is re garded as evidence of Japan's insistence on an early answer and of Russia's desire to avoid a response which might precipitate hostilities. Count Lamsdorff s course in conferring with M. Kurino before answering is cited as showing Russia's willingness to go to the last limit in order to avoid war. But, it is added, if the efforts of Russia fail she wiil be prepared to strike very hard blows from the outset. All information reaching the highest quarters here tends to show that the crises continues acute. It ap pears to be accepted conviction in government circles that the final determination between peace and war cannot long be deferred. A categorical denial is given so far as France is concerned, to the Pekin report that the French Minister is taking part in negotrations with the view of mediation of Franco, Great Britain and the United States. Fifty years ago Brcese Gibson and his brother, George D. Gibson, now of Pom- eroy, Wasb., when they;wero boys to gether on their Polk county farm, cut open a small oak sappliug and inserted in the center of it a small stone. They agreed that in 60 years they would re turn to-the spot and cut tbo tree down and see what effect it had had upon the stone. This they did, and found that the tree had grown until it was a foot through and had completely crown over the stone. They had plastered the stone in the tree with mud when they inserted it, and, what is more strange than any' thing else, ia that the mud had also turned to stone. This piece of oak tree, with the stone imbedded in it, will bo put in the museum of the State Histori cal Society at Portland. The tree stood on the farm that now belongs to James Sykes, near Eola, Polk county. Found a Cure for Indigestion. I use Chamberlain's Stomacan d Liver Tablets for indigestion and find tnat tney suit my case better than any dyspepsia remedy I have over tried and I have used many different remedies I am nearly fifty-one years of ago and have suffered a great deal from indigest ion. T can cat almost anything I want to now. Geo W. Emory, Rock Mills Ala. For sale by A. O. Marsters & Go Farm for Sale. A well improved stock farm of 70 acres all under fence, house and other buildings worth (1200 will sell at present for f 800. There is good land joining can be bought cheap. For description call on or write O. M. Wiseo.v, 2wp Camas Valloy, Or, MORE UNITED STATES SHIPS FOR THE ORIENT AL NAVY. Gibralter, Jan. 27. The United States torpedo boat destroyer flotilla, consisting of the Decatur, Bain bridge, Barry, Chauncey and Dale, escorted by the cruiser Buffalo, arrived here today on its way to the Philippines; ALBANY CONSCIENCE STRUCK Albany, Or., Jan, 27. A moral wave struck the City Council of Albany last night, and as a result Al bany will hereafter be a closed town. A resolution was passed which is designed to suppress all gamb ling, secure rigid enforcement of the law authorizing Sunday closing of saloons, banish the slot machines from the city and effect other reforms. Rumors had been afloat all day yesterday that there would be "something doing" of a reform nature at the City Council last evening, so the result of the exciting session was not altogether unexpected. The first intimation that a moral wave was coming was in the closing paragraphs of Mayor W. H. Davis' annual message to the City Council. The Mayor advised the Councilmen to "set out by definite declaration their policy regarding Sunday and midnight closing of sa loons, gambling annexes to saloonslot machines, etc." As soon as the Mayor finished reading thej mes sage, Councilman J. M. Ralston, of the Second Ward, moved the adoption of a resolution which he had pre pared and which embodied tho following provisions; "First That the Marshal and policemen be in structed to notify the saloons to close all gambling games at once and keep them closed under penalty of having their licenses revoked. "Second That the ordinance closing saloons Sun days be strictly enforeed. "Third That the ordinance committee be in structed to prepare an ordinance regulating slot ma chines in accoordance with the state law. "Fourth That the ordinance committee be in structed to prepare an ordinance closing all saloons at 12 o'clock, midnight. "Fifth That Collins & McAlpin be instructed to close the rooms over their saloon and that all stair ways or means of direct communication with the upper floor be done away with at once." The discussion on the resolution was very brief. Some of the Councilmen asked for more time to consid sider the matter, but Ralston urged immediate action. Marshall of the Third Ward, called for "the question" and the resolution without a rush without a dissenting vote. The action of the City Council has aroused great excitement among all classes of people. Chicago, Jan. 27 With the ther mometer 16 degrees below zero, it marked the coldest day of the winter. Two deaths from cold today are re ported and two yesterday. The suf fering of the destitute is fearful, and business concerns are coming to the rescue with substantial subscriptions. At Milwaukee the weather is the coldest since 1887. A blizzard is raging in St. Louis and work on tho fair grounds is temporarily suspended. At New Richmond, Wis., a new re cord was made, when it jumped to 48 degrees below. There are fierce north winds in Central and Western Kansas, and it ia 16 decrees below at Des Moines, and the storm u grow ing more violent. The police of thU city are distributing supplies of coal to the poor. Coldest Weather In the Central West. An Advanced Idea from Russia. R. VV- FENN, CliZIJL ENGINEER. (Lately with the government Wraphica! and geological eurveyof Bnuil. OOUth Amenra.1 United States Deputy Mineral Surveyor. Office over Postofflce. ROSEBURG, OHGO. Correspondence solicited FOR 00 TO THE ROSELEAF CIGARS, TOBACCO HND SMOKERS' SUPPLIES. Jackson Street, - - PoseWo- nrr. O, v.j,wu Russia, which had freed its serfs be fore wo emancipated our slaves, has now anticipated our niOHt advanced factory legislation with a law providing compul-' eory compensation for employees sus taining injuries of any kind while at work. If the accident proves fatal an annuity is payable to the widow or chil dren. This annuity, w hich is to equal the employee's wages for 260 days every year, is Eeen to be very liberal. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the law is that it is passed in the in terest of labor with imperial consent at a time when the Government is giving the strongest encouragement to manu factures. 5bs Saw VIslo s or Drsaro :d Dreams The Ballard Lodge of Elks, of Seattle, Wash., is in a state of commotion be cause its secrets have been learned bv a woman. Mrs. E. II. King heard that her husband was to be initiated. Curi ous to know what the initiation was. she climbed onto the roof of a building just across a narrow alley from the Elk's hall. The roof is on a level with one of the lodgeroom windows. The plucky woman secured a board and placed it across tho eight-foot allev into a window of tho Elks' lodgeroom. Climbing out on this board ehe was enabled, because of a crack in the lodgeroom window blind, to see all that was going on and as well to hear what was said. Then ehe quietly climed off the roof, went to her home and awaited the coming of her husband. When Mr. King stepped into the house his wife begged him to tell her what the lodge did to bim. He laughed and sold it was all secret and that he was not permited to tell. Then ehe be gan a series of cross questions and told him how ehe'bad learned the secrets. The exalted ruler of the lodge was noti fied. He visited Mrs. King and placed her under oath not to reveal any of the things Ehe saw or heard. But the cat is oat of the bag. Mrs. King could not hold the secret and now it is public property, although the details of the sights the woman saw she has refused to tell about. It is said that Mrs. King will demand that she bo made an honorary member of the Elks. There is but one other woman in the world who has that hon or, bne is from Uhio, and was taken into the lodge because she secreted her self in a lodgeroom and saw and beard all that was going on. To protect the lodge the woman was made an honorary member. The grand lodge of Elks has been notified and will take np an investiga tion 01 tho Ballard auatr. I C A S H T ROSEBURG JUNK AND HIDE CO. Pays the highest Gash Price for Hides, Pelta, Furs, Wool, Tallow, Rubber, Metals and Scrap Iron of all kinds We also sell Second hand Furniture of all kinds at Prices to suit the Times. Corner of Oak and Rose Sts. Opp. Empire Stable. ELATEBJTB la Mineral Bnbber.l YOU MA.Y2CTK?tD BCXX.DIKO or and It necessary to REPLACE A WORXK)CT KQOF EI.ATERXTE ROOFING SoUfc-a merit. Guaranteed It wilJpaTtoasi forpriSTlktoriiSS" Eeaoa1 -THE ELATERITE KOOFING CO., Worcxwtor BtuldinjE. lr nrrr. 4 -y j IONS GREAT REDUDT IN LADIES' MB MISSES' JACKETS CAPES $15 00 now $11 25 $10 00 " S7 50 B14 00 " 10 50 7 50 ?T 5 65 812 50 " 9 40 6 00 1" 4 50 ill 00 " 8 25 5 00 " 3 75 $4100 now $3 00 WOLLENBERO BROS., Phone 801. nosey to Loaa. Ab financial agent for capital I am prepared tolloan money in any amount from 50 to $500 on real estate or per sonal security, or to purchase property outright, orjto purchase good notes at a discount. The money can oftentimes be paid or drafts issued the same day that the application ia made. Enquire of II. H. Brookes, at the Plaindealir office, Roseburg. A. SALZMAN, Pratical WatchmaKer, Jeweler, Optician. Watches, ClocKs, Jewelry Diamonds andjsilverware Watch Sepairisg a Specialty. 00X0000000000X300C000000000000000 F. W. BKXSO.V, President. A.C.UAESTEK3. Vice President. H.C. GALXT, CuMe Douglas County Bank, Established I883. Incorporated 1901 There often comes a time in the strug gle with pulmonary disease when the victim loses heart and gives up hope. The ambition to be up and around gives Tray before growing weakness, and the sufferer keeps to the bed. No one who suffers from lung disease should lose heart or give up hope while there is a possibility of cure, in many cases Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery has cured lung "trouble" when the cough was obstinate and deep seated, with, hemorrhage, emaciation, night sweats and general weakness. A great many men and women ore living to-day in the full enjoyment of health and hap- eness who had been "given up" by doe rs, but found a perfect and permanent cure in the use of "Golden Medical Dis covery." My wl fe bod betnorrhajre of th e lanes," writ es W. A. Sanders, of Hem, Mason 00.,'W.va. She bad ten hemorrhages, and the people all around here said she would never be well again. But she began to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Mcdlcat Discovery and she soon began to gain strength and Bcsh. After talcing ten bottles she was cn tirtly veil. Should you think this would do you any good to publish, Just use it, and If any one disputes the merits of this almost omnipotent medicine they may enclose self-addresseif enve lope with stamp, and I will answer, the same as written in this letter." Frku. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Bend at one-cent 6tamps for the book In paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth- bound volume. Auaress uz. v. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y, Capital Stock, $50,000.00. BOARD OP DIRECTORS F. W. BKSSOS. B, A. BOOTH J. H. BOOTH. J. T. BRIDGK3 J. F. KELLY, A. C. MAESTKR3 K. L. VTTTEB A ronpral KnnVinr. hnainaM wnA-&.1 0 accommodation consistent with safe and conservauva banking. X Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three. v OOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOO Get one of our 1904 Diarys and Keep Tab on Yourself BOYCE & BENGTSON The Up-to-Date Trilors I WE BUY ANYTHING 2 And sell everything at a low figure. A big store full of just 2 what you need. All kinds of furniture. Buy, sell or exchange Har- S ess, Saddles, Fr and Oak Wood, Buggies, Wagons, most anything J you want at the Second Hand Store. 414 Jackson St., Roseburg. I Second Hand Store l 414 JacKson Street Roseburg, Oregon NOTICE I Call at the office of the Roseburg Water and Light Co. and pay your water and light bills, on or before the ioth of each mouth and take advantage of the discount