Oakland Owl Hoots. School district No. 1, Oakland, has levied a seven mill tax, to pay current expenses. Miss Mattic Howard, who has boon visitins her Bister, Mrs. W. C. Under wood, has returned to Galapooia. Lower Calapooia school district has levied a ton mill tax, to pay for building and equipping tho uew school house. J J. Brown, of Rice Hill, was in the city Wednesday. He has a fine assort ment of lumber for sale at the Thomp son mill site on his farm. C. D Smith, has been elected a di rector of Calapooia school district to fill the unexpired term of C. A. McNabb, who has moved out of tho district. J. P. Huelis. of Wilbur, has returnod from California. He has left at this of fice a cross between a lemon and pome granite. This hybrid was secured at Marysville, and is 5Js inches long and 9l2 inches in circumference The fruit is prized very highly, as it cost Mr. Hughs atout f50. This amount repre sents his expense account and it is not likely he will return. Twice within a year an Oakland 14 year old boy has been fined by the city recorder, and rather than allow him to remain in jail his mother has worked early and late to pay his flues. Most mothers would do the same thing. Such maternal devotion is natural. As some 16 year old boys work and Eupport fami lies, a great many people in Oakland think this young hoodlum should at Jeast earn enough to pay his fines. D. W. Dake, returned to the Cooper & Dake saw mill on the Upper Calapooia the first of the week. Mr. Dake reports many improvements at the mill and im mediate vicinity. Good roads five rods wide, have been built from Mrs. Orfit's farm and from the Upper Calapooia school house to the mill. About 200,000 feet of logs are on hand, and there is about 75,000 feet of lumber in the yard. Extensive repairs have been made throughout the mill. The new machin ery is of the latest patterns, including a planer emery wheels, cut-off paw, jig saw and turning lathe. Toes jay morning four Oakland boys were arraigned before the city recorder and fined for disturbing the Japanese section hands a few days ago. The two elder boys were fined $7 each and the younger fo and costs. The recorder of fered to give some wholesome advice, but fears the effort was like casting pearls before swine. This is the second time the elder boys have been before the recorder, and this official naturally feels that if they are again arrested the state or the Southern Pacific should tane them in hand. The Dublic is will ing to make allowance for mischievous pranks occasionally, but when boys from 13 to 15 are eternally mixed up in some mischief it is time parents took the reins of government in hand. For a boy to be in jail twice within a year is not an eviable record. The two younger boys perhaps were not guilty of inten tional wrong, but like old dog Tray, were caught in bad company and were compelled to pay the penalty. It is hoped and expected they will learn a lesson from experience. The boys were put in the city jail, but during the dav their fines were paid. ECONOMICAL "HINTS. Velvet Gowns With Two Bodice, llcnovatlng Old Sleeves. Although dress Is still costly, a wo man If she uses common sense need not buy so many costumes as formerly. For instance, take the velvet calling costume. This can have n second bod Ice made to wear with the one fiklrt In the shape of an evenlug blouse made With transparent neck and flowing- chif fon or real lace sleeves. For day wear with this same costume there can be a blouse waist unllned and trimmed with embroidery applique. Wide belts of morre are very smart just now, and one can be made to dc duty with several costumes. They are mmlo on n boned foundation, with small rosettes and a fancy buckle. Fancy stoics in flchu shape renovate many an old fashioned costume. They ally you doirt believe a cousin of J. Plerpont Morgan Is going to peflule Junk, do you? It's simply a bet." But the fun of the Joke Is tlmt tlio holder of n Junk license under the law A Direct Lino to Chicago and all points cast; Louis ville, Memphis, Now Orleans, and all points south. See that vour ticket reads via tho IL must make a weekly report to police i LIK0IS CENT UAL It. K. Thoroughly " ln-ndqunrtcrs of all hla purchases and business, whether ho does any or not. Tho prospect of making n weekly trip to police headquarters is more than Coolldge bargained for. "Don't forget to say that Coolldge la a strong canuicuuc ror uesi urcsseu man of the class," said one of his club- uintes to tho reporter at the St Elmo club. "Don't fall to mention that he is tho only man who ever took four girls to the Yale Junior promenade." Chief of rolice Wrlnn of New Haven was asked If Coolldge would be com pelled to make a report to his ofllec of all his dealings In Junk and secondhand articles. "Certainly, yes," was tho re ply. "This young man has seen lit to launch out as n junk dealer. Way should wo bend tho law to suit his pur- Dose? We shall reaulre n strict ac counting of all business done." When Coolldge heard of this he was so worked up that he paid a visit to Chief Wrlnn nt police headquarters and asked to have his license revoked. "No, sir," promptly declared tho chief. "That license was Issued for one year, sir. You fellows can't make n monkey of me. You may coino here weekly and report until further uotlce." A twinkle In the eye of the chief lends to the belief that he will not bo as strict In the enforcement of the law as appears. XMAS A DAVOK'T ERROR. modern trains connect with all trans continental lines at St. Paul and Oma ha. If your friends aro coming west let us know and wo will quoto thorn direct tho specially low rates now in effect from all eastern points. iny information as to rates, routes, etc., cheerfully given on aphlication. It. II. TltUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 14-2 Third St., Portland, Ore. J. C. Lind6oy, T. F. & P. A., 142 Third St. .'Portland, Ore. P. B. Thompson, F. & P. A.,' Room 1, Colman Cldg., Seattle, Wash. 84tf GUN HETAIi CLOTH DRESS. are made in all sorts of combinations and present an excellent opportunity for the utilizing of remnants. They are mostly trimmed with tiny ruchlngs of chiffon and taffeta or narrow bands of minlCand sable. The large chiffon undersleeves are also prime factors In the renovating of an old dress, for tight sleeves may bo cut short and widened by the addition of bands or figurlngs of velvet. Skirts are much fuller around the feet, and the additional width Is some times gained by setting in fancy pieces in the way of trimming. The picture shows a gown of gun metal broadcloth trimmed with black and white embroidery. JUDIC CHOLLET. County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all parties holding county warrants endorsed prior to and including May 4, 1901, aro re quested to present the same at the County Treasurer's ofiico for payment as interest will cease thereon aftor the date of this notice Dated Itoseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, Oct. 22, 1903. Geo. W. Dimmick, 81-St County Treasurer. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, Roseburg Oregon, June 29. 190), Notice it hereby given that In compliance with tho provisions of the act of (Vinrr nf Juno 8, J878, entitled "An act (or the sale of tlrabor lands in the States of California, Oregon Nevada ,and Washington Territory," aj extend ed to all the public land ttatei by act of Angus! BRYNJOLF PROM. of Milton, county of Cavalier, state of North Dakota, has this day filed in thlejofflco his sworn hiatcmcnClNo. 6t'J, for tho purchase of tho HKli Of. SCC. lio. 4.TD 23. south of ranee 8 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought li moro valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hit claim 'jefore tho Register and Kocelver of this office uf Roseburg, Oregon. on Frl.tay, tho 18tli day of December, 1003. He names as witnesses: i nomas waage, of l ark River. Kortb. Dakota. Archibald K. Wadre. Wales, North Dskota. ttHsmus, M. Stone, Alex andria. Minnesota, O. E. Lolthui, Park River .North Dakota, Any and all persons claiming adversely tho above divert bed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on ox before said lsth day of December, 1003. J.T. BRIDGES, Register. Hard Linen of the Players Who En tertain Theater Crowds. In the vnudevllle houses where con tinuous performances are given Christ mas dav strikes terror to the most time hardened dramatic soul. The doors open anywhere between 0:30 and 10:30 a. m. and close at about midnight. The hendllners play their customary two turns, but those lower In the dramatic scale play "on de mand," generally about four times. If an act Is particularly weak, it Is used to "chase" out the audience In plain English, to tire it into leaving the house and making room for the line waiting In the lobby. The low salaried vaudeville actor, therefore, eschews any Christmas din ner aud hies himself to the nearest quick lunch counter, there to feast on turkey sandwiches, execrable coiico and pie as heavy as his spirits. By the time he has done his last turn on the stage he Is more ready for bed than for the festive board. To the unsuccessful actor Christmas Is likely to bring that blessing of the Itialto, a "turkey date." Scattered within easy access of New York are numerous small cities. Filberts At 20 cents per quart. W H. Mur dock Cevelaud, Ore. 85-2mp Notice for Publication. UNITED 8TATE1 LAND OFFICE. Rosebunc. Ore., June 29, 1903. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Junes, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Callfornia.Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory," aaazUnd ed to all tha publlo land states by act of August s.1832. OLE K. LOFTHUS, of Park River, countr of Walsh. cUto of North Dakota, has this day Sled in this office his sworn statement No. 5137, for the purchase of the NK of the N of section No. 10. township -i, south of range 8 west and will offer proof to show that theland sought is more valuablo for Its timber or atono than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Register and Receiver of this olflce of Roseburg. Oregon, on Thursday, the 19th dav ol November. 1903. lie names as wit news: Thomas Wadse. of Park Kiver.Nnrth Dakota, ArcMbald E Wadge! Wales, north Daicota. Kasmua u. bione, aier nndrla, Minnesota, Brynjolf Prom, of Milton1 North Dakota. Anv and all persons claiminelr adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this onice on or bciore saia istn a ay of November, lstn. J.T. BRIDGES, Ktlscr.cg Notice by publica tion, of summons Is The Cibcuit Court Or The Sr.m: Of Ouboox For Douglas Couxtv. Sarah E. Seiver 1 riatntill, V9 Georce V. Seiver. Defendant. J To George W. Seiver tho above named defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon. You are required toappearand answer tho complaints tiled against you in the above entitled suit and court on or bo fore tho ISth day January, 1904, and i you failato appear and answer said com plaint gainst you as hereby required and within the said time, plaintiff will apply to tho court for the relief demand ed in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving tho marriage contract now existing between the plain tiff and defendant. This summons is published by order of the lion. J. V. Hamilton, judge of tno "na Judicial District ol Oregon which order is dated November 16,1'J03. and the time prescribed in tho said order for publication of this summons is once a week for six consecutive weeks preced- Soslety pieetlngs. AF. & A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13. Holds regular meetings on second anrl f n.tti WJ a A naartotra if on nVi month. O. P. Cosnow, W. M. N. T, Jbwxtt, Secretary. B. P. 0. ELK8. Roseburg Lodge No. 326. Holds reirnlar commnnlm. tiona at I. 0. 0. F. Hall on second and fourth Thursdays of -each month. All members requested to attend reiin- larlv and all vieitidg brothers are cordi ally invited to attend. F. B. Waits, K. K. Ror McClalutn, Secretary. CO.ID, 1st SEPARATE BATTALLION O.N. G., meets nt Armory Hall every Tlinrflrlntr avanlnn at O. a'mIaoV F. B. Hamlim, Oapt. OF A. Court Donulae No. 32, For esters of America. Meets every Tnenday eveninc in Native Sons' Hall. Vieitinebrotherhsl ways welcome. r bank Kennedy, B. C E.H Lenox, K.e. v.. v.iioovKK, rtivRitlan. 10. U. F. 1'hlletarwn Lodge No. 8 MrtfitH in Odd Fi.llnwV Tt.mn1n. Mir. " ner Jack son and Oaa Btrttn. nn Saturday evening oi each week. Mem- oera oi me oriter in kooi standing arg invited toatten:!. J. C. TwnciiBix, N. Q. N.T.Jkwett, oooreUrj. of P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meets svery Wednesday, la I. O. O. F Hal) a'. 7:30 i. m. Members in good tftanding are invited to attend. Geo. E. Hocck. S.V.RampK.R. 8. K.' Notice for Publication. UNITED EEATES LAND OFFICE. Rosebnnr, Ore.. June 3. 1903. Notlcou hereby given that In compliance t;tn ice provisions oi in act oi mngreia oi June 1, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of Umber lands In tho States of California, Oregon Nevada .and Waihlnitton Terri to it." aaazUnd- ed to all the public land staUa by act oi August IUSML'S M.STONE. of Alexandria, county of Douglas, slate of Minnesota, has this day Qietl in this odce Lis sworn statement No. MS, for the ourchae of the SU NWif, NK BWK of sec tion No. 11. township Ti, south of range S west, and will off er proof to show that the land soofht la more valuable for its Umber or stone than for agricultural purpowa. and to establish his claim tfore the Register and Receiver of this office ol Rosebura;, Oregon, on Wednesday, the ltlti dav of November. 1901. He naraei ax witarates: Thomas Wader. O. E. fx!thns, both of Park River, North Dakota, Archibald E. L. Wadge, of Wales, North Dakota itnrcjol! Prom, of Mlltoa North Dakota. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lauds aro requested to file their tUlrni In this office on or before the said IStb day ol November, VXO. J.T. BRIDGES, RtCister. O.T. M. Protection Tent No. 15. Holds its regular Reviews the first and third Friday of each month in the I. O. O. hall. Visiting members in good standing are invited to attend. Geo. W. Perm-, Com. E. E. Blodoett, Record Keeper. bcv I BICYCLE REPAIRING 5 Soooooooooooogccc Rambler nuv.fN'i LATHE WORK Bicyles HARRY H. HILLBR, 711 Osk St., Opr- Church!!! & Woolfey's coooccyyjoooooooootxxaoocvcooot IF ITS A WHITE ITT ALL RIGHT THE WHITE IS KlflG White family At.ti Tailor ing Rotory Sewing Mach ines. Machines with Lift Rotary S. K. SYKES, Agent For D0UGLA5 ANDCOOS COUNTIES ILAO CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of Woodcraft, Meets on 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month at the I. O. O. F.; Hall. Visiting members in good standing are invitod to attend. Deixa Jeweit, Guardian Neighbor. ilixxiK Lrrsv, fcecj. S O. T. M. Kweburg Hive No. 11. noiao ia restaur rf views apon me first ai d third Friil v. a at 2 :39 v m of each muntb :n tiif Native Eons' Hall. Bisters of otfir-r Hivt s visiting in the city are cordial! invited toaitend oar re views. H TT1E JIORIAS L. OOK. JsseiB Kapp.R. K. MATERIALS AND MODES. or. i intr the ISth dav of January, more properly speaking, towns, where j the date of the first publication there- B.,n ra Lvov rome. Of these the ' for0 18 lhe IOth -Y LLr- u. i.i.hvii.Nuyuu. SDOtted Velvet Flaab He-rived. Heavy Lace to Match Gowna. Ecru, cream and string colored lace Is embroidered with black spots to give it character. The most popnlar trim mings are those which can be divided into narta to be used as tabs, scrolls and irregular motifs. Spotted velvets make smart tea gowns and blonses or form charming home and visiting gowns for the dainty woman. To be smart a woman's costume should be as far as possible or one Ifct EtstiMle West. Our 1904, 100 Pace Catalog and Seed Planter's Guide is by far the finest and most complete catalog we ever issued. It has been carelulty re-wiitteu, con tains over four hundred illustrations and is brimful of reliable and valuable I information. Fifty-five paces are de- voted to the best vegetable, flower. FARM AND FIELD SEEDS for this COaSt, twelve pages to trees, eosi-s ad flower- I tsg PLAXT3, four pages to bee sdtpies, ten p?ges to ixccbatoss beoodebs, boxe cutters and podltry sdpplies. fourteen pases to SFHAT PUMPS, febtiuzsrs, gar den aj?d farm tools, etc. etc. The above edition of catalogs cost over $5,000. You get a copy free by wri ting. Ask for book No. 173. PORTLAND SEED CO., Portland, Oregon. January McCIure's. ifwl rIioavs never come. Of these the catchpenny manager keeps a list, andj on quick notice he scours Broadway j for cheap, unengageu uiicui. iroui which he organizes his company, re hearses it hastily in some playhouse conveniently Idle at the time, rushes some cheap printing upon the poor, un suspecting town and lands there bright and early Christmas morning. The population, show hungry, wel comes the holiday diversion and packs the town halL matinee and night. The nctora are thus assured of a good Christmas dinner and supper and a percentage of the box otBce receipts. Usually these are divided according to the Importance of the roles played by the actors. This will tide them over until New Year's day, which brings an other "turkey date." Many an actor now featured Attorney for Plaintifi. Notice for Publication. Broadway has played his share oi 'turkev dates." One in particular tells how, with live associates, he put on "The Clemenceau Case," not abashed that the cast railed for no less than twelve capable nctors, and was quite radiant over the returns of "one Christ mas dinner with trimmings'' and $125 to be divided among the actors. Wash ington Tost. CNITED STATE? LAND OFFICE. Rotebanr. Ore., Jane 9, 1933. Notice la bcretj- civen ttiat In compUaaea with the provltlona of tfce act of Omgreu of June S. ifTS, entitled "An act for tho tale of timber landt In tfce Stale of Cdl.'ornla. Oregon Nevada .and Waihlngton Territorj." aaextnI d to all lh public land ttatea tr act of Anput THOMAS WADGE. of l'ri River, coaatjr of Walth lUte of North DakoU, hat tbli day filed in Ihix oScc bia rrrrn atalenicnt o. lor tie pur chase oi toe ou i ana a && d rccuon No. A, loxntnip 2S. south of ranee 6 west and will offer proof to their that the land oncht li rcrv TaJuaMe for iu timber or (lone than for agricultural r-arpoCJ. and to eitabllih Ml d b-j- : tLa Kritterand Receivir at thll cilice of Rotebanr.Orezoa. on Yi edne!av. the ISth dav of November. 19TX. i He namre a wltitnfet: Ilrvnloll Ptikb. of Hi! in ale. North nakdta. R&tmut if. Stune. a: oa I Alexandria. Minn , O. K. Lifthss. of l'ark Notice for Publication. CMTED STATES LAND OFFICE, Rotccrarc, Orecon. Oct. 1. 19J3. Notice li he rebv riven that in coaiJianea with the proTiiloni of the act of Concm' 01 June S. It., enUtled "An act for the tale of timber landi In the State of cauiornia,urfoa Km vaJa .and Wathlneton Terrltorr." a extend ed to all tha publlo land Hale by act ol AnM FRANK W. UASTERSON. ol lnderxniace,oantj'of Polk, iiate of Ore- mn. ini iiar niea m mi uan ai nrora utem-nl No. iTfco. for the pnrehaae of the Soath Eat anailcr of tectlon o. XL lowaihlp Si touts, ol rane a weal and will offer proof to ahow that the land aon(hI U moro valuable for lu Umber or ttona than for agricultural pnrpoae. and to catablUh hit claim before the EertlUr and Receiver cf thVj oiUoa ol RoMbcrr. Orecoa. nnThsrstlirthe tilth l!ar of Uarch. 1S0C He natneaaa witnetsrt: u. iiaruo. j. jtrun. oi Brownsville. Urvcon: oeorcc uateman, tna n!rrrn. ci' Rowonrz. Oregon. Anr and all peraon ciaiminc aavemeri lae above described landt are ri-qnested to file their claim In thli oSca on or before eald 10th day ol March 1SOL j. t. UKiwca OctTp RcgUler. River North Dakota. Asr and all penon claiming advcroely the above iecnDt una arereqnesiea in nit their claim in thit oBee on or before aaid lsth dayolilov. 19W. J.T. BRIDGES, Rodktcr. Thebiggist thing certainly, in the January McClure'e is the article of Carl Schurz, "Can the South Solve the Negro Question? ' It is absolutely masterly in elevation of thought and vigor of treatment; and will awaken discussion, much of which is boune to be vehement. Keck And Beck with this article in polit ical and social significance is the second chapter of Part Two of Hiss TarbelFs "History of the Standard Oil Company" taking up "The Fight for the Pipe Lines." The other articles comprise n eofA W Eolker's pleasing "Zoo' animal stories, "The Wild-Animal Sur geon and 'Hib Patients," and & stirring account of "Tunneling Oat of the Libby Prison," by James Wells, one of the sur vivors of this darine cnic Of fiction, there is to Euit &3?rybody. Henry Wallace Philips begins his new "Bed Saunders" service by a rollicking accouat of the blo?somtu out of th Saunder Jianch. lhereisa tale ol a highwayman in the good old English times stage coaches, by Eden Phillpotts, with the suggestive title of "A Pickaxe, and a Spade;" a tragic and compeling story of Manila. "The Failure," by Jas. Hopper: and a whimsical tale of love routine mathematics. "The Tree of a Thousand Leaves," by Alice Brown. The January HcClure cover is to be remarked. It is by Jessie Wilcox Smith and one of the most beautiful child drawings, certainly, ever made. BLACK AND WHITE WAIST. shade. Gun metal gray, for Instance, Is worn with squirrels, and sables bar monlze beautifully with brown cloth. Plush will be used In many ways and beaver plush is greatly In demand for smart millinery. The new chiffon velvet makes Ideal velvet gowns because it Is so light In weight. It Is very expensive and there fore not likely to become common. Very heavy lace of the Paraguay or cluny type Is used both on costumes and on millinery, and it is dyed to match the material. Lace hats in brown or black have a velvet border to match and are trim med with velvet and 6teel ornament and large plumes. Trained skirts are no longer modlah, but smart gowns have long skirts, with- the length falling mostly round the back and sides and the front cer tainly an inch longer than Is actually required. Walking skirts are quite dis tinct In style and have nn all round appearance, but only for country wear do they perfectly clear the ground. Burnt orange appears on many cos tumes of brown, and It la especially suited to this color. The Illustration shows a black and white chiffon waist trimmed with Jet, JTJDIC CJIOLLI3T. CHRISTMAS "BARRING OUT." j , ! A Stranse Custom at Schoolboy sad Teachers. "Barring out" was one of the Christ mas customs greatly in vogue in Eng land three centuries ago. It Is a cus tom that obtains not only In England, but to some extent in our own country, to this day. although It Is not particu larly a Christmas custom In our coun try. "Barring out" was the keeping of the teacher or master out of the school house until he yielded to such terms as the boys of his school chose to dic tate. If the boys were able to keep the teacher out of the schoolhouse for three days and nights he was bound by all the laws of the custom to como to terms with the boys and to grant them all that they demanded In tho way of half holidays and abbreviated lesson hours apd extended recesses. If, on the other hand, the teacher out witted the boys nnd regained posses sion of the schoolroom, tho chagrined pupils were bound to submit to such terms as he chose to dictate. As these terms usually included the severe trouncing of all the boys having any thing to do with the barring out of the teacher, tho boys were on the alert to keep him from defeating them. Moro than one Christmas time of rejoicing has been turned Into a time of weeping nnd walling on the part of boys whom some barred out teacher baa defeated. Leslie's Weekly. YALE STUDENT A JUNKMAN Pars Be Qu!ck. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Cham- berlain'83ough Remedy given as eoon as the child becomes hoarse, or even af ter the croupy cough appears, will pre vent the attack. It never fails, nnd is pleasant and safe to take. For ealo by A C. Marsters& Co. For Sale Cheap. 245 acres stock or dairy ranch 2 miles coutheast of HyrllePoint, Oregon. Fine new house, good out buildings. Will sell with or without stock and fur niture. Havo good object for selling. For particulars address Carl Pressly, .Myrtle Point, Ore. A Relative of J. P. Morgan Korcl Football Bet. George Green Coolldge, member of the class of 1004, Sheffield Scientific school, Yale university, who hails from East Orange, N. J., where hla father, a cousin of J. Plerpont Morgan, Is a wealthy business man, recently took out a license nt police headquarters to buy, sell and peddle Junk, rags and old bottles In a pushcart, says a New Lla ven special dispatch to the New York World. Coolldge, who refused to state his reasons, also took out a bootblack's license for his friend and classmate, F. E. Johnson, Jr., also of East Orange. Coolldge was not at the fashionable St Elmo clubhouse when a reporter called. Johnson declared that ho knew nothing about the bootblack's license, lie said that he and Coolldge had a wager on tfle Harvard-Yale football game, Coolldge betting that Harvard would score. If she did not he agreed to purchase a pushcart license at a cost of ?2. "Coolidge evidently intended to turn the Joke on me by getting me a license to black boots," declared Johnson. "Jte A Laundry List For Christmas. For u laundry list obtain a delicate book slate with two or three leaves and bound In cloth. From embroidery lin en cut n piece sufficiently large to face the front nnd back and with a margin a quarter of an Inch wide all around. On one-half of the piece mark tho words "Laundry List" within a framo at the middle, and to decorate the re mainder of the pleco draw a conven tlonal flower design. When the work Is finished, apply the linen to tho slate and cover with glue by turning the edges over and making them fast to the Inside on a narrow edge of tho cloth binding that Is usual lv left between the edge of the slate part and the binding. At the top hinge corner attach a ring with bow and ribbons, by means of which It ran be hung In a convenient place, nnd at tho knot tie a piece of string half a yard long, to the end of which n pencil may be attached. The solution which the New York chemist has discovered to remove the beard will evidently not bo popular with barbers nor with women who use their husbands' razors for ripping seams or paring coins. According to the statement of tho United States treasurer, the circulat ing medium has reached $29.00 for each of us. These look n good deal like bargain counter figures. Notice for Publication. CNITED STATES LAND OFF1CL. Rotebanr. Oreson. Julv23 1KB. Notice li herein- riven that In eomclianea with the provident of the act of Congreai cf Jnne S. entitled "An art for the tala of Umber landt In the Elatea of California. Oreroa Nevada .and Waihln tlo- Ti rltorv." a extend ed to all the public land, itatet bj act of Accost t,uyz. WEIATUVE U HUBBELU of Sparta, conntj ol Monroe, state of Wltcostln nas mil aav uieu in ura omcc nit iworn tiaie meat Nn. MM. lor the pnrchan of the lot 9. 10. IS and 15, of section No. 10, In town'hlp No. 77, sou in oi range ro a west and will offer proof to thow that theland fought u more valunble lor lu Umber or stone than for agricultural purpotet, and to establish nil claim before the Register and Receiver of thli Ulc ol Roaetxirs, ortron. on Tncsdav the 5th dav of January. 1501. He names aa witnesses- John C. rirjattock. Eparta. WiMontin, B. Kriarnboixer, Faal Gary, both of Rosebnrz. Ortcon. J. H. ErarU. Peel. Orczon. Any and all persons clalmlnz adversely the above described land are requested to nle their claims In this offce on or before tho sid sth day ol January, IV01. i.T.llKIUUUi, Reg liter. Notice for Publication. Dulled States Land Office Roseburg. Oregon, Oct. a, 1903 Notice Is hereby given that In compliance who ui provisions oi me act oi ingrez June J. )S,8. entitled "An art for tha ule timber lands in the States of California, Oregon Navada.and Washington Terri to nr." aiextend- ed to all th publlo land stales by act of August JOHN Q. KENDALL. nf Minneapolis, countr of Hcnuenln. state o Minnesota, nu wis aav mea in mis o trice nu swom stalemrnt No. 5SI. for the pu chac of wo annin cist qaaricrci section no, it, town snip.: souin, ranges west and will offer proof to show that the land sought la moro valuable for It Umber or stono than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hla claim before the Register and Receiver of thU office of Koeebunr. ureron, on Monday, tho 2ilh day of March, IftM He names aa witnesses: Charles Thorn, John Thorn, of Roscbarg; John Becker, Frank Long, of Cleveland. Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this offlco on or bcinro tho said blh day of March, 1901. J. T. BRIDGE. Register. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Borcburg Ore., Sept lu, 1905. f-ottce is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juno 3, 18TS. entitled "An act for tho sale of iimucr lanes in me states of Callfornla.Orcgon lievada.and WashliiETtim TWriinrv nnvtnnH Od to all the public land states by act of August nENRY KRNST. of Roscbtirg, county of Douglas, has this day mmi iu mis uuice ma Btvuru aiaicmcui no. txtjy, for the purchase of the nw of sec 'it In tp No 20 south, range No. 8 west and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is more vaiuaoie ior us umDor or siono man tor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Register and Kocelver of this off ice of Roteburg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 23rd day of February, 1901. no names as witnesses; vv.u. ucurosisn, j W, Gardner, John Rogers aud John Henderson allot Rojebnnr Ore.. Any and all persons claiming adversely tho above described lands ore requested to file their claims in this office on or beforu said 2Jrd day of rcuruary, iw. j. i. uuiuw,b, d 7 p Register, Marshals Notice. All parties owning dogs in tho city l'mits of Roseburg, Oregon, who will como to the City Hall and pay their li cense between this dato and Feb. 1st may havo them for ono dollar each After that $2.50 will bo charged for each license, and there will bo a dog catcher in tho field. Take warning as this is your last notice. All licenso tags must bo attached to collar of dog, otherwise they will bo taken up. D. J. J.utvis, 2-7t City Marshal. Notice for Publication, Doited Statci Land OSes, Rnacbarz Oregon. AUf.SI. 170X. Notice Is hereby clven that In compliance. with the provisions of tha act of Cocgms of June . 1STS. enUtled "An act for the tale ol .lnber lands Is tha States of California. Orfon Nevada .and Washington Terrltorr." as extend ed to all the publlo land states by act ot Acrust S.U9Z. UINNIE I. HARRIS. Cre ot O. M. Co ot Portland, county of Multnomah, slate of Orrcon. haa this day filed In this office her sworn statement No. iSTSfor the Durchaao of tho NE?i ofSecUon fo.3l in lownsnioo. . sou in. nuiEe -u. o mm and wul oiler prooi to snow mat me iana sought is more valuable for Its umber or stone man for agricultural purpose, and to establish hla claim before the Register and Receiver of tall of lice of RoMbnrx. Orezoa. on Friday, the liih day of February, 1503. He nmmeias witnesaci: . u. xcirosscn. J. n Gardner, John Rogcn, Franc T. Dolesby all ol KOftcourg. Oregon. Ast and all Kertons cLalralnc adversely the above described lands are requested to nte mei claims In this ofSce on or before said 12th day of February, 1S03. j.t bbiuub, Oct 8 p Register. Notice for Publication. UNITED STASE LAND OFFICE. Rosebura Ore . Sebt. -1903. Notice u herebv clven that In compliance with the provisions of tho act of Congress ot Junes, IKS, enUtled "An art for the sale of timber lands In the States of Callfornla.OrcKon Nevada .and Washington Terri tory," as extend ed to all tho publlo land stales by act ot August 4, liVi. HENRY W. STOREY. of Portland, countr of Multnomah, state ol Ore- . has mis day hied In this omcc nu sworn statement Nn. for the purchase of the nw uf K-cUon no. 31 in tp a, sonin, ot rango xo. WtSt and will offer proof to show that theland sought It more valuable for lu Umber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Register and Receiver ot this office nf Kosabtire.Oreron. on Tucsdar the luth day of February. 19M. He .1.1. ik' tr r.. ....... r V Ga-dncr. of Roseburg, Ore., John Rogers, Flank V. IlnlrahT.nf Portland. Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the bove described lands are requested to ale their alms in this offlco on or oeiorc aaiaiomaay February, 1901. J. T. niuuumi. p Register. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court ot the slate of Oregon for Douglas County, O. A, Hchlbrcdc,! Plaintiff, I vs. R. E. Smith, I Defendant, f Notice is hereby given that by virtrtc of an oxecuUon and order ot sale duly toned out of the ahnvti named court aud ranse. on tho 23d day of October. 1903, upon a judgment and de cree duir tendered and entered in said court. on the lhh day of October. 1903, by foreclosure of a morlgaga in favor ot the above named ntninttff. n! aralnst tho above named defend ant. and onalnst tho hereinafter mentioned aud di cribed mortgage property for the sum ot f lttt.43, with Interest thereon at the rale of 10 per cent ror anum from the 13th day ot October, U03, and for the further sum of 125. Attorney's fee with Interest tbcieon at the rate of G per cent per annm from the 13th day of October, 1903, and tho further sum oISU.40 cost and disbursements. Now, Therefore I will on Saturday, December 19, 1903, at one o'clock p. m. ot said day, at the Court House frontdoor, In Roseburg, Douglas (Vinntv. Oregon, sell at publlo auction to the highest bidder, for cash fit hand, all the right, title and lntccst which the said defendant had on the 10th day ot January, 191. or at any time thereafter In or to the following des cribed premises, to-wit: Rnntli half of self of SCO 31. in to of 39 south, rango 6 west ot tho Willamette Meri dian In Douglas County, Oregon, containing n mm nflanil. tncMher with the tenements. hnilttmpnt and annurtenancoa thereunto lclonging or In anywiso apperUlnlni, and will apply the proceeds of such sole, first to the pay- mf.nr.nf tho emta and disbursement! ot inin and ni this snlt. including said attorney' fees; to the patmcnt of the said sum of Ut& due plaintiff with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 13m day nrortnbcr. 1903. and the over Plus If any. merer, pay over to R, E. Smllb, as by order of raid court In said execution to mo directed and delivered, commanding mo to sell said above described real property In the manner provided by law. Date of llrst publication Not. 19, 1S03. K. L. PARROTT, 85 "w thcrlff of Donglas County, Oregon, Dr. II. L. Studlcy, tho Osteopath, is now treating several patients at Dillard Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday from 7 to Hi o!clock A. M. Those desiring n permanent euro should tako advan tngo of the opportunity at onco, 0. Modern Equipment, Through Pullman and Tourist Sleep ing Cars and buperb Dining Car Service. STOPOVERS ALLOWED E. 8. Rttcr? CUptor So. 8 Holds Unor ren!ar meeting on the first and third Thirsdavg in each nonth. Visiting members in cood lUndinz ere respectfully invitod to at tend. Mrs. Kaxxix Snuacr W. II., Maude Rat .Secretary. For ratei, folders and ether formation, addrera RUBEH-iKS. Boeeborg Rebekah Lodge No. 41. 1.0. O. F., mwta In Odd Fellows' Temple eTery Tuesday evening. Visiting Bisters and brethren invited to attend. Deixa Brows, N. G. Cora Wucberlt. R. S. UNITED ARTISANS. Umpqua Ab- 1 1 Bombly No. 105 meets every Satur- day evening, at 8 o'clock In atrve Sons HalL Vuiting Artisans cordially invited to attend. Rev. S A. Docglas, M. A. Miss. I.vt.a Baovrx, Secretary. w OODMEN OF THE WORLD.-Oak Camp No. 125. Uaib at the Odd Fellows' Hall, in Rftwburg. every first and third Monday evening. Visit ing neighbors always welcome. Zt. i. Jewctt, U. U. J. A. BrcoAXAX, Clerk. UNION ENCAMPMENT. I. O. O. F. 1 1 Odd Fellow's Ttrnple. Meets first and third Thursday evenings each month. Visitors cordLulv invited. J. 11. ILuoltox, C. P. J. C. Twrramx, Scribe. Professional Cards. )R. H. L. STUDLE Osteopath Cures disease, br srlenlUe manlimlaUoa thesrby removing tho cause or aarlsUnc nature . . . to penoim ner run, uons. Consultation free. Oihco over the Post Office Femalo diseases a speciality. Q.EORQK M Court Hons Downstairs. BROWN, Attorney-at-Law, nOSEBORQ.ORX c V FISHER, if. D. Physician, Surgeon. Office over P. O. Kosebueq, 'Phone Main 50 1 . Orbgox. J. R. CHAPMAN Dentist Abraham blk ove Post Offlco Roseburg, Ore. QR.GEO.E. HOTJGK, Physcian & Surgeon. rjQce Review Rid. Phono, Main Si ROSXBURO ORKQON p WIUYNSS, DENTIST, Review Building, Telephone Mo. i. HO3RB0RQ. ORKOON M. Crawford a J. 0. Watson Attorneys at Law, Boosu IAS, Bank Build., R03IBORQ, OB JBjsTnualneas before the tl S Land OSes acr ninlrrc case a specialty. JOHN H. SHTJPE, ATTORN E Y-AT-L A W, RosKnu&a, Orxoom Rnalne before D.8. Land Offlco and Probate , buflneu a specialty. Offlco Abraham Building, J0' FULLERTON Attorney-at-Law. Will pracUoe in all the State and Federal Courts Office in Marts' Mia., ttoseourg, urexon. F. W. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law. RO&XBUKb, ORKUOH oni 1 and t vr!ew Building. J A. BUCHANAN, Notary Pablic, Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Room 8 Marsters BulUlac. ROilKBORU, O T0HN P. RYAN, CIVIL ENGINEER Land Surveyor. FRANK RYAN, TIMBER ESTIMATOR Offlco, Boom 6. Tajlor A Wilson Block. Roseburg. Dill iiiyfirf' a tt-S - . w cat lis sis W-i THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery by daylight TO AT.Ti POINTS EAST 3 FAST TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OQDCN AND DEXTER 3 W. C. McBRlDE, Cca'I Agent, 13-4 Third Street, Portland, Ore $222. TTl Oddbtrabjl; Non-Magnetic CX. TDOsa SOrst Ctat ffj TsUj Gaaatirtd Lin Txuistr Wf ALL JEWELERS QU Caatxsied Badriet jEL eaieuBBst. srsrtzc j?n2 COLORED MM 1 1 EAKCY I lh 1 arlTltllilEBgliild lb mA G9' SV f? Wiaersrj,Css. Go to iIf h wnnnmiFF M I1UWUUUII I 9 5 I t i Baths in Connection. BARBER SHOP, For a Prompt and First-dasa ShaTe or Hair-cut. Compe tent Workmen, Clean Tow els, Tools ai wars in shape. Sbop on Jackson St. x TIIBEAND GRAZING LAND City and Mining Pro port 7, Home steada and Timber Claims Located, tho best now vaunt. No lees paid until Filing accepted. Relinquish ments bocght and sold. ; : : Stewart Land Co., feoa i Tajfir & WBsw Mock ROSEBURG OREGON Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Ecsebcre . Ore, An?, x. VXC Xcllca Is hereby girts la la ecapUaaes tin proTlrioaa of tie act ot Osaxreae ot iBsS.urS.ectiUe3'aaaft for ti uia of - asseriasdsia uesuuicl Ca2L'oraU.Orezca SrradaadKsjMng-oj Territory." saexxcad 1 d to all tha pablls load (tolas by act cf-laza I JOHSC SHATTTCK, o! Eparta. eoanrr of Xonroe. (tar of Wlseonaia n tbis dT aiij la tills o2Soe bis nrora (tate- , cent !a 50. for the pareaaw ol the sontb- ta tows- Icr ajpicuHaral pprporcm, ad to extoblUa afe alsln btfor tta EtglsUr asd BoeolTM ef tJkss mea of SosssbBrz. Crracaa. (oaTceslayihelshdayof Jaaoary. 1904. He names a wltoess: B Srakeaberrer. Paal Gary J both of Roarcttrz. Oretna; J. H. Emvt. Peel. tnmn; neeoosss UQDoeu. sparta. wtsooona. Aoy aad all persons rlaiialny ad Tersely the abare described lacda are mniMUd tn 1 t!,!r elalos In talaoSceoaor before the saldlSh day of Jaanary. 1301. J.T.ISS1DCE3, Beglvwr. Your Watch! When was it cleaned and oiled? Is it running liko it otiht to? If 13 not, it would be welljto have it exn laminedj I will look it over carefully land tell yon iuat wncro tno troubte ul and what it will cost to repair it. f I guarantee all my work and live! up to tho guarantee. R.F.WINS10W Jcg.d Notice for Publication. Called Stales Land OSee. . Ecxcbanr, Qrcroa, Joae I. 1SCX Koueali heraby Elreaths la eoapUaae with the rrorlalcnaotth act of Ooazreia of June S, 137S, tatlUfd "Aa act for the sale ot ttaber laadi la the States of California, Oregon NeTada And Washington Territory." as ixtend od to all th public laai atatas by act of Aozart HKSRT n. BEOOSS. of Eosebarr. County ot Oooxlaa. Sute oi Ore coa, has ihli day 2lrd la IhU ,or3ce his sarora statesiest Ko. for the purchase ot th NEJiot section Moircihip 3d. raaje 4 west and will c!!8r proof to show that the land sonait Is moraTalnatlo for Its timber or straa than tor agricultural pnrpoaea. aad to eatahUah hla claim before thelteglster aad Kecarrer of tUa fOco of Boaebors, Oretca. oa Friday the Stthdaynt JaanarrlSOL Ha names aa witness: Gnore Keed, H. t. Stutlley. Mares ret I. Erootes D. P. Fisher, all of Koscbnrg. Oregon. Any and all persons elaitalae; odrerjely the above described lands ore reooested to file thcii clalrcs la this of See oa or before tho 23th day ol January. 19CM. X.T. BRIDGES. JulyKp Ecgister H. Little, DENTIST. Oakland, - - OregeH. MRS. H. E ASTON is proD&rod to wait upon old and new customers and friends with a tall and complete stock of GROCERlES 111 finals anrl nf VlP )wRt ail iivau mum va v e f quality. Teas aad coffoeaare i Bpecialtles. Your patronage solicited. i 203 Jackson St., Roseburg Notice for Publication. United States Land OSee. Bosebcr?. Oregon. Oct.il iscs. Notice la hereby tfren that la comprtaaee with tha proTlalons of the act ot ConIeai of June S, 1STS, eatltled "Aa act tor the sale at timber lands la the State 0! California. Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory aa axtead d to all the pubUe land state br set ot Anrwl a. 1S33. FRANK F DOLESBY. ot Portland, county of Sfultaomah, state- ot Oregoa. has this day filed la this office his sworn statement So. 3671, tor the purchase ot tho SEK of section Xo.341n township No. 25 south of range Ko. S west and will offer proof to show that the land sonsh t Is more raluable for lu Umber or atone thin for agricultural purposes, aad to establish his claim before the Register aad Receiver ot this olflce of Boeeburr, Ore son. on Friday, the 12ta day ot February, 1903. Ho names aa witnesses: Minnie Harris. Portland. Ore., V. IK McCroateu. J. W. Gardner, John Sogers of Roeeburg, Orecoc. Any and all persona clatml&s adrcricly tho above described leads are requested to file their claims la this office on or before the sold 12th day ot February, 1W3. J.T. BRIDGES, Oct Bp Register. Notice for Publication. United State Land Ofire, Roseburg, Oregon. Oct. 20, 1968. Kctlce u hereby given that In corapUaneo with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of Call fo rata. Oregoa he Tad a, and Washington Territory, as extend ed to all the public land states by act ot Aragats UOKACE R. PARHKLfE, ot Seattle, county of King, suteot Washlngtoa. has this day riled In this oCSco his swom state ment No (WH, for the piirchaso ot the lots t, S, l. andthesw ofnejotseo So. 2, tp2Ss,of r Sweat and will offer Tiroof to ahow that thelaadaonxht la moro valuabla for lis timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish hla claim before the Register aad Receiver ot this Uarch. 1M. Ho names as wltnesaea; Chaa Thorn. John Thorn o! Roeeburg, Oregon; John Becker, Fiona Long, ol Cleveland, Oregon. A&yandallpero.B claiming odvorsallytho bove described lands are requested to file their claims In this offico on or before aaid 29th day of March, lm. J.T. BB1DQK3 Nov 3S Segtito. offlco of Roseburg. Oregon. Tueaday, tne Ui day of na