Host) is on tile fiick;l'Ht todty nuiir OR HOLIDAY w3 We are now prepared to show Holiday buyers all the new novelties and fancy creations both useful and ornimental, and handbed exclusively by us. A tVv of the nobby things we are prepared to show in our holiday hue rv; Kaney work ..rackets, Hnnkcrchicf Boxes, Chatelaine tfajlS Novelty Ynrses, Collar & Cuff Boxes, Kid and Golf Gloves Silk and linon Handkerehicis, Mufflers, New Neckwear Fancy and useful Sipeuders, new Silk and Fancy handle Umbrellas, Hats, Shoes, Clothing and other articles too numerous to mention. Ctlcc i fltl mm niituro does tlio rost. tho caiiFo ami D'JdlU K, A. WiUi.nns, of Kiddle registered at the McClallc i m-lay II. J. Wilson, of bitsino-a in our city Riddle transacted Saturday. Mr. nntl Mrs. S.-lh Russell, of Riddle, were guests at tho McCIallon today. Will Gagnou, druggist of GrantH .l'lisn is visiting at his homo in this city. Ira Winiberly a d little son Lester, Drain arc vis-iting in theeily today. of C. W. Kirk, of Canyonville, was tran sacting business in tho city Saturday. The People's tore I ABRAHAH One Donr South of l O. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE .tOAst. Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac Anyone, senates a sketch and description may cutck y ascertain oar opinion itvc Inrer.; Is probablr rat entaMo. Commnnlca ticus strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents te-X fnw. Oldest arency for secunnsr patents. Patents taken th roach Mnnn A Co. recelre rjv-tit natict, without, charse. In Uia scietttific jftttencatu Dr's. Cher.dle & Johnson, dentists. Christinas Chea Ho & foUnon, dentist?. Harry E Miller spent Christmas with relatives in Oakland. F. H. Rogers, deputy assessor, spent Christinas with his familv at Drain. Harry Stapleton, spent with relatives in Salem i Stomach trouble respond to Osteo 1 pathv, and for rheumatism there i- A handsomely tlrastrated weekly. Ijmrest ctr- Terms. J a rear: I w racutas, nubju"j'"- MUNNSCo.36' New York Branch Office, S3 F St, Washlnston. D. c BEST MEAL IN THE CITY FOR THE NEW I Cor. Washington and Main Streets CENTS, j Mrs- Bel,e Co,,ins Title Guarantee&Loan Co. HOSEBURG. OKEGOK D HAHIL.T05, PresSdeat C. Hxxiltos, Secy, and Treis OSes tn tee Court House. Hare the only com rude ?t of abstract books in Done! as County ittr&cts aiwl Certificate ot Title tarnished to Jou?la cocnty land and mininc claims. Have lsoacoa;i'ie:ctoiTracinEs of all township TiiatsiB the Bofebure. Orecon, C. S. Land Pis Srict. Wiil make bine print copies of any town chip Louis Rapp, of Elkton, was citv Saturday, on business. in the ! none better. 99 Ml A. L. Hutchinson, of Kellogg, was in Kosebun: 1 hursday. on business. Fresh Candies manufactured daily at Currier's confectionery. Finest in the city Miss Mae Franzen, of Portland, is vwting with her cousins, the Misses Coshow. For Trade Small farms in Indiana to trade for Oregon H. L. Balu bout hern property. SStf." John Juhnfon, a student of the Drain Normal, is spending his vacation at his home in Edenbower. Loren Harvey, of Ashland, was in the city the latter part of the week to spend Christmas with friends. N. A. FOSTER & CO., GOVERNMENT XiANDS Of evcrv descrivtion. Farms and Min eral Lands. Oregon, Washington and Minnesota. (j23j OAKLAND. OREGON We buy right, we sell right ; we name our priees with confidence. Implements and Hardware. S. K. Sykea. Mrs. M. Ku-kle and son visiting relatives in Oakland part of last week. Karl the were latter Wilbur Ros spent Christmas day the home of his grandiuotlier, Mrs. S. Tajlor, in Oakland. See Frank E. Alley for reliable ab stract of title to your property. Up stairs over Land Office. Jeuner Page, night clerk at the Hotel McClallen went to Oakland to attend the Christmas dance there. Mrs. L. M. l'.oss and children were visiting relatives in Oakland over Christ mas, returning home Sunday. C. E Sutherlin. of Oakland, was a guest of tho MeUlallen House Saturday. Hepro.-eutativH U illis Kramer, of Myrtle Creek, was in the city Saturday. Mr. ami rs. A. II. Palmer, of I.i (i ramie weio gurfts at the .McClallen Saturday. Vre. Win. Currier and little daughter Uulh went to Portland Saturday morn ing for a fow days stay. Prof. Sandiira and Attorney 0 P Coshow, left this morning for their homesteads, near Ulide, to remain sev eral days. Foreign growths, goitre cti-irti euro d by Osteopathy. See Dr. Studley for free, consultation. I-adles' dli eases a tpeoiality. W d3l We will print the Pkiindealer Spe cial Christmas Ktlition on satin for sofa pillows, for 25 cents, for print ing onlv. James Sawyers, Deputy County Clerk returned from Drain ln-t evening where he had been spending Chris' mns with his parents. J. D Hamilton left for Ft. Jones, Calif., on Friday evening, to viit for a weak with relatives and to attend to some business matters. Revival services at the United Ureth em Church lxgining Jan 3, and con dueled by Rev. A. R. Laudy, of Dayton, Wash. All are invited. Ed. Morris who was v siting his sister and friends in thjs cjty last weak, left for Portland, to resume his work there with the S. P. Company. See Frank E. Alley for land scrip, Guaranteed perfect, and delivery. Lowest market The Rosebiirg Cook Book, by the Wo- ready for 1 man's ?uikl of St George's church, i now ready, ami lor sale at l annon s Book Store at oOc per copy M-lmo-pd price. For boots and shooes of all kinds and description go to Ash & Attwell at Hilde- brand's old store, Roseburg. tf Get your abstracts ot nt.e from J. D. Hamilton. He has the ouly complete set of abstract bo ks in the cbuntv. tf Mrs. John Hamlin, who has been teaching at Glendale, is spending the holidays with her family in this city. j G. M Yoran, of Eugene, Grand ' Jlaster Mason lor their tonwliction, was -J.- THE SHOE PROBLEfl For a quarter of a century we've been busjr solving shoe problems solving them for man, woman and. childsolving them successfully. In the selection of our fall shoe stock we have called to our aid this long and successful experience. The result is a mighty gathering of fall footwear embodying in an unrivaled degree o style, comfort, durability and moderateness of price. We want you to get better ac quainted with our big shoe depart ment. It's chuck full of attractive thingsand the prices are attractive, to . IQSEPHSON'S L roseburg, ore. 8 ... i If you want genuine bargains in ilry- Masonic installation ceremonies in goods, clothing, boots and shoes, call on j evening. AshAAttw-llat HtUebrand'sold store tf i . . If von want to see or purchase Col. Yorau, of the 1st Separate Bat- j very best vapor cabinet manufacture-!. POULTRY RAISERS We have great bai gains to offer in Incubators, Brooders, BoneCutters Write at once for Bargain sheet Portland Seed Company, Portland, Oregon The Poultry Supply Pouse of tne Northwest V Abstract of Title to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for filing on Govern ment Land. Blue Prints of Township Maps showing all vacant Lands. FRANK E. ALLEY Architect, Abstracter. Plans and Estimates for all Buildings. Special designs for Office Fixtures AiBr in new Bank Buildine. 'Phone 415 ROPEBrRG. OREGON Just arrived from the factory a car load of the celebrated Page fence, which is cheaper than a board ence and will last a life-time and is put up to your 3 tnlion, O. . J. .MOOD Will gu to iuiiuuui tomorrow evenme on business connect- b ed with his insurance business thero. X. G , will be here from Eu inspect Co. D , of this place Is your property for sale? If so, see Frank E. Allev and have the title examined and secure an abstract of same. Investigate, compare. We seek your business only on the basis of mu tual snterest- Hardware etc. S. K. Svkes. co to A. C. Marstors A Co. and inspect the renowned Buckeve It is warrant ! 1 n ewrr putrular. 1 '. Blue prints of township maps, fifty cents each. Filing papers properly prepared. Frank E. Alley, up stairs, over Land Office. An immem-c line of Morris Chairs and ! u.r, i,,t reived t Strong Furni- Ouarantooil rorest Keserve scrip ture Store; also a full lino of all kinds for sale in large or small quantities.! of Furniture nt reasonable prices. Call ! hv Frank E. Allev, over the . When you want a pleasant purgative ( try Chamberlain'p Stomach Tablet-. , They are eay to take and prohi'-o ro! nausea, CTipinc or other disagreeable ef fect. For sale hv A C arsters A to Guaranteed Forest Reserve ami see fur yourself. 99 tf In addition to low prices we guaran tee urompt service and absolute Fatis faction. Stoves and tinware S. Svkes. K Eatisfaction without extra cost. It is ned and endorsed by the leading men of this county. For circulars and prices address Stearns & Chenoweth, Oakland, fire., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly Basket Bait Gsrms Mr. Calloway, proprietor of the local delivery system, went to Eugene Thurs day night, accompanied by his wife and little daughter. Missus I.aura Spalding, Dally Hefty and Maxie Tliompson spent ChriftinaF at Drain, Miss Spaldiiij: returning Xmas night and Misses Hefty ami Thompson returning Sunday. Hon. and Mrs. Goo. S Downing ami son, Robt. Downing ami wife, of Salem, tiient Christmas at the home of Hon. C. A. Sehlbrede in this citv. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Downing are the parents of .Mrs. Sehlbrede. Land Office Roseburg. Will place, same for. non-resident purchasers. Locomotive No. 2207 was here from j Ashland Friday. Thi locomotive bnrns oil, and attrartxl some loatl attention. Oil is destined to Ixi ti'ed as a motive power on many of tlie railways in the verv near future. (o different gsmcs all new one in each package of s fa t 9 1 nrn4 &"m2"3A at your Grocer's. the i i t , . the ' i ! . Be Quick. ' I n m pT Z I : C-i i 'r7- '1 I I H M KI C T IZZ kit - 1 1 Not a minute should be lost when a child shows rtnptoms of croup. Cham- , i-rlain's Couch Itemed? civen as eoa as the chiW lecomes lioarw, or even af ter the croupy cough appears, will pre vent the attack. It never fails, nd is pleasant ami safe to take For sale by A C. Masters A Co. Have You Seen That FINE OAS BEDROOM SUIT We are showing in our window. It is up-to-date I A full Ii:.e of Bedroom Suits can be found on our floor ALSO THE LATEST IN IRON BEDS. If you need Blankets or Comforts we have them From the cheap to the best. A full line of Mattresses and Pillows. One of our Elastic Cotton Felt Mattresses are hard to beat. B. W. STRONG The Furniture Man ROSEBURG, . - - ORE ! Notice for Publication. .1 Tf trnnlilrtl with a weak diirestion try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. They will do you eood. For eale! Messrs. Ash t Attwell, of Cascade hv A. C. Marstera & Co. 1 Locks, have purchased the Hildebrand stock of goods and opened the store. They will lie pleased to meet all the citi zens of Douglas county who want good goods at reasonable prices tf Miss Mary Cloak, who attends the Drain State Normal School, is home to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Arthur Cloak. A. C Mareters & Co., desire to inform orchardists that they have a complete stock of Epraying materials and increm ents and solicit your patronage. Are you thinking about buying The Basket Ball games Chris ima . , . ii oitt-nrW and resulted in . in n r u hik iicii .i ... - , - r.;r fnr the Oranee team captained property in Douglas County.' If so - j - - . . .. , - ... . . , mi bv Miss Elsie Benedict, anil lor tne f jt vnll pay yoa U have i- raiiK fj. Aiivy examine the title before purchasing, The social danre at the Armory Hall on Christinas eve, wits well attended and was a sucoss. There were 21 num bers on the program.and tho three-step was foimally introduced in Koseburg for the first time. State f Oregon, Dcptrtment of Pub lic Instruction, Silem. Robanc Ot m.'Nrt. . K , Sottca ti teret-T jrtTf a tht In eosiplUnc j wliti the provbiniii of Um tct of Coajrwi of j Junes, 'SW, eBUtld "An t for tho tl of , UtElr UnI In the Ptt of ClMoral,0 ;i ; NraJ ,aJ Wuhtacun Tnl:oi7."exlatl J to til (be pnblio Uad iulUi bj wt otXcfiu . i. uss. ' JOHN O. KENDALL ! of M!nneiolli, county of Heacn-piB. tt o M ine u. ha thl4r fl'eJ In h oSSce hl 1 tmni ttraent N. Wl lor lb pu ch f Vc Knth ett q urtfrr f section No. 11, i wn hlp 2T mlh. ric west i aJwtlloerrroof ioibowt!iitbelBiSottELl i. mnn TaittKhto far lu t!mtr ot tlooc than for agricultural purrc. and to fiuUub hli claim tefore the Keltr and Kecelrer of Ihla olllc ot KoMbant.Oreton- THOUSANDS on MmiIit. thf th 1t of Mrrh. 9M name as wunewef naries n.oui, j-uu INFORMATION CONCL-RMNO EIGHTH GRADE FINAL EXAMINATIONS. Messrs. Johnson and Clark, proprie tors of the saloon, were arrested and ordered to appear before Recorder Marsters this a'ternoon. J. W. Gardiner and Fred Poqnettc, went their bondB and they were released to appear at the time set. charge of the tWnes Pitch- John Dodson a veteran at the Soldiers Home, returned from Glendale, where he went to spend Christmas witli re latives, Saturtlay, with a dislocatid shonlder. sustained hv fallinc off the sidewalk at Glendale Christmas morn ing. Dr. F. It. Bowersox of that place, accompanied him to Roseburg. The five girls who have telephone office Misaes MeFsrs Clark and Johnson, proprie tors of the Cruiser saloon, appeared be fore Recorder MarsU'ts this afternoon Christmas Day. Lester Bell writes from Elkton that he ; mim-miT inn Holiday vacaiiuu aw m home very much. He has gained the There were bon bon Iwxes of every size, sobriquet of a hearty good fellow anu a first-class minrod. i-:intained by Mar Hanan. t...., i - ., The features of the first game was wie basket throwing of Ella Black. Arne Black, Elsie Benwlirt and lvtan Jeweti fliil verv effi-ctive work it tt.R W'inini: of the last nan, .n" ... c . . , Ella Black was transferrer irom uiu Rlnek learn to tlie Orange, cbanging ue- r. , ntnrv. The bovs came was n c. t. West, fire insurance, notary IWkiuw J- - . . - . , . j Mon-inrized bv some rough rlavjng Dublic .city property rentea, county anu there being much rivalry among me cUy warrant8 bought, anu coiiecuoim w-b all rlavine for a permanent poEi- made. Office on Jackson street, .o. . . . I . . , tion on the representative liitfh bcnooi Hyer building, opposite post otiico, VnrlpKtronuexcellal in Basket throw- cmo tniprestinir foot ball scores for int. and v ar Hanan and Harry Hilde- ..,. pameH on Christmas Day . i iii- " ... -Jvrn did very eilecttve worK at. iori.u lhe An.OregonOlultnomaii HiW. At guard positions eacn piayer Carlisle Indianr, one of the strong T7,m Tlnivergitv teams vs. Reliance, h All-California team score 11 U Minnesota University which tied with ford, Lucilo and Addie Sacry, Edna on tne cnarco oi Keepinc open n u Parsiev and Lillian Stanton, were the day and were fined the limit, allowed by worth of bon bona on aw 120 Maggie Ryan and Mm y. a. recepientp of $40 Christmas eve and name . i. i'i :0u wwk. BlacK team Orange team.. It's E'e The Ecores: ....16 ....19 ....14 9 kind and description sent from many ad miring friends, and the young ladies have in this i.n added proof of their well merited popularity. Thos. R. Townscnd spent Christmas dav at his home in this city, returning Saturday morninc to Sitkum to com plete his term of school there, six weeks of the term remaining. Tom reports a very hard trip over tho mountains, via the Marshfield stage road, tho roads are in a very bad condition, and leaving Sitkum earlv in the evening, did not arrive in Roseburg until 11 o'clock next morning. Judd did not appear, and the bonds of $20 each ftirnislifHl for their appearance was forfeited to tho city. 1. Dates: (A). January 27, 25 , 29, )00 ; B). April 13, 14, 15, 1904; (C). MaylS, 19.20, 1904; tD). June 15, 10. 17, 1904. 2. Program : (A ). Wednesdays Arithmetic, Spelling. Physiology. (B). Thursdays Mental Arithmo- ;.. ifpmlini?. Writing. Civil Govern- -1 - - C I niunt. C.. Fridavs Language, History, Geography. 3. Sources of questions : Questions in tho following sub ject" will be taken from tho sources indicated: Geography State rourse of He, hn BfrCkcr, Frank hong. Thorn, of KiweburR; John of Cleveland. Ore. i Anj and all trjoa cu-minc auvereir e above described taintf are iequeted to file their j clairat la tbUoSee on or be'orc thetd2sth' dar of March. 1WI. J. T. BRIDf. Notice for Publication. CN1TED STATE3 LAND OFFICE. Koetrart. Orco)3, Jntr39 1WB. I Notice u hereby (rtTen that tn eompllanoa , wlththerroTUU'niof the act ot Con5 01 i JuceS. JSTS.enti'K-d "An art fcr the ale ot ttmt'Cr landt in t!.e :ate of California. Oroson ' Nerada .and W ashmctor Ti ritory." aa extad d to all th public land state by act ot Acfiut . 4,1332. ; WEIAUME I ML'UOtl.U SHY THHT MCCLURE'S MAGAZINE Is the Best Published at any price. It is only 10 eents a eopy, $1.00 a yeair. (a). The latest count of votes for the study; the coarse print in Fryo'a Ele- High School popular pupil contest, re- nieuts of Geography; map questions suited with Mar Hanan again in the in both coarse and fine print of Frye'n lead with Miss Polly Campbell a closn Elements f Geography, pecond. Miss Nitn Kabat having dropped (b). Spelling Eighty per cent. to third place. from miscellaneous test worth in Reed's This is tho last week of voting and the Word Lessons, and twenty per cent votcflmnst nil lo cat by Friday night, from manuscripts 15 and 16. of ectlon No. 10, tn town.hlp No. uth ot ranee No 3 west I and will offer proof toihowthatthetandaouRht ! Is more valuablo for H timber or tlne than for agricultural purpesej. and to establish his ' claim before the Kcrftter and Rocelrer of thU : ottiee ot Robart, Orocon. ,i tht ..ih dav ot January. 1SC. He namef a wltnee: John C. hattllPt. Sparta, W'lK-onMu. H. KrkcnterEwr, Paul Gaty, b-.lh nf Itoscbur. OreS"h. J. H. Krarta. r.el. O'egon. Any and lt persons clalminc adversely ihe above decrtbel land" arc requested tile their claims In this uOce on or before thj said Sih day ol Janusry. iwi. ,,,. Q In E:?y H amber of DQcCIxORE'S there are Articlca of intense interest Six good short stories, hum on Subjects of the greatest erous atories, stories of life and national Importance. action and always good- Ill 1904 MeClure's will be more interesting, important and entertaining than ever. "Even' year is better than the last or it would not be McClures" :::::::::::: Subscribe now for McCIui e's for 1904 and get the November ami December numbers for 1903 free of charge : : : : : FREE The S. S. McCl"ek Company, 623 Lexington BniLntxa, New York, X. T Sheriffs Sale. of the slate ot Oregon The leaders stand as follows: Mar Hanan Polly Campbell Xita Rabat Hazel Jewett The January number of the Woman's Win, An Attempted Suicide. 1X 111 liuov t rf . . Michigan University for the '03 western Homo Companion might also bo called a Blanchard-N enter Lyceum and Musical (() civil C championship, will play the University fiction number. There are five stories. Bureau, of Los Angeles and San Fran- t0 23, inclusive, of California on New Year's Day. The features are of exception interest,' cisco was hero Friday and made arrange- 0( 'jjuo America! h the following titles will indicate "An Afternoon with Joseph Jefferson," by .. , -t i-.. in flm title, of a llie ivoee oi it..Jc I "W VnrV tlm UtunipM of thn Hi(?h "chool 8tlldent. ",?Vel I , n l.nve iust Most Wonderful City tho World Ever body: Fisk Jubilee Singers, Thursday Uiure, rimiipo - -ii ... f Al.,ol.m Inn,,7. K,,r,x Knntnnr Ounrtetto. T7:.iinn ,a oiin oi i Daw. iv mwiiwiiiuiio . j . - fi. J.JudiL a frequenter ot tne ea- ins in tins city, atiemnteu tuiciuc c,,n,ii,v TnnrTiin? at the Cruiser saloon, iJUSSVAW I ... . while in a drunken condition, ne pnii- i Lincoln." " I ho United States Datigh- Saturday, January 23; m Leo Green- ,ii,.Dr "iiiHt te.rsof 1812." "Ouraturalistatliomo.-- lcat, impersonator, liiure'iay, rtpru L1UU..W., J 1 I , . . (c) Writing vertical ; specimens 1231 of txsnmanship as indicated in copied .1220 matter and from manttscripta. .730 fih. Headitur From indicated se- 070 lections. r t I.aiiL'itacL Reed's Graded Leo Grcenleaf, representing the j,ef,SOn9 In English, no diagramming. Civil Government Chapters 1 and 37 to 15, inclusivo, merican Citizen. Respectfully submitted, J. 11. ACKKRMAN, Supt. Public Instruction, ments for a star courBO at tho opera houeo on tho following dates, under the 12. . . . i. aiilr revolver, and the two sisters wia laratui"" ' ..... . 1 1 hti. vs., undoubtedly intended to snoot nimbe.. ;-... ,np,nti1 Arti.les of especial interest to women Season tickets will boon sale at htrong's II1UBC cini.o v.. . i .... ...... f . i t. i.oart. imt his aim was poor, B it,i:h.n...l,ofthc barrel of the re- century were known as ail" vaav -)--- made Euch a shot diliicult lor a man in such a condition, and his lettarm Tha Tlrnntea." are: "rrcncli uonio uooKini! ior Amur aiier mjw iwi ti.uv, Miss Findlater'e book has something ol ic..n uoueonoius, - oy .irs. .u n LU,na,.ui,c u..uoU. . u. - .. . n .....l!f.n .,.-t. . I ti. iirnnti. chnrnpicr in 11. si biuui i, ineumi . , ,.11 o mnt. vmnathetic and unacrstanu- .iiauo i iuu. x .a..,u, , s a a - v wife of tho well-Tcnown artist; "Home- 75 cents for Btnglo ticket. "Oriontal I Notice of Final Settlement, In the County Court ot the Stato :H Oregon for DmiKlits t ouniy. in tlio malturni iu vnaio 011 ,,..,. .l.l.n l1nl IVifl. ( Notlco licn-bv given miu mo uiiuiihkuhii tin- executors ol tho nbve entitled estate, have tiled In tlio ttliiivoeiitltUd court their account liitlnut ettloment of said estmo, Mini that thu .,c r r i ... t .:..: t(,1 Ti.,o. A Kwn T.i.. '"' 1 ' Sirs.-. :Lr:r ... . tuo inches long, uio ''"-'; ""'"- and rc6tricting evironment of to Celebrate .Wedding Anniversaries j" All m.-mtierH ot A.pna o.-.. and those present thought he was done the sorfrf and ft i8 u,e Mr. XB ymdo Pil,e. mblished by Knights of Pyth.aa and her,, so our..- for until the wo-ind was examined. Dr an Lnj.1 ro ColnI,iUiy, ;np j tho cily, are conlia ly invited to - iniii I" I nn itio fC fill fstiMT . nil VI I'll II V 13U1I' r, OIIO UUIIill f I n f Tlntlns ,tr.lLlie wound, the wounded man re- jnaining in-ensible for f me hours. . inanity of its character and by tho liter Springfield, Ohio v skill with which tho Bt-ry is told. - ten cents a copy. December 30, tOO.J. Ui-lKUOt salil court by order ilul) tiuitle and en Uwti'ii tin Journal thvreof han llxetl Hmi'iay, tho 4thuay ol Jnury. i-jui, ni un"v, ju. of said i1ay for liearltiR objections. II an tliuio lio, to said Una! account, nml tho s ttli uicnt of sal t estate. That the onler of Ml court Ik iluteit thu lith ilay ol Nov em' er, 1 W. Dated this the lath day of Novemlior ;. IW. U. A. t K.T. wootmoKK KxccutorsOi t"ie cttatcof MarthA Woodruff In the Circuit Court lor Douulas County, C. A, notuomie, l nomiui, vs. U. E. Smith, v.tiiM ! hi.rohr rjivr"t that br Tlrtnn(n oxVcullon'aml orvlernl dulr !wliloJ l.n alfitnumMl (Mltl SIUI HUM?. UU IW .k( cinLsiUr. lVi. in on a iutlnmoHt au i tie- CHtJ UUIV leUUUTCU IUU luwmj u emu e win iiy o' ucioocr. taw, dv wiwiair nf r mnrtimco In Uvor oi tho above wamea . . i . . t. .. I. 1 ... f ... iinll.n.J 111 slllll Hl'HlUIL Lltxz Ui-lL-lUallll.1 uivur'"' aiid'rtcrllo.l niorteace pniKrty tor tbesum ol $t;l.l with Interest thereon at the rate ol in nor rrnl tnr anuni irom oe i;ia u ui n,. Ain. iiwi mi fnr the further sum oi f-V ..t. .if nr rnt Tur anum from thf 12th day ol October. 1908. and the further sura of?ll- cot nml dlsDurseincnis. . . i 'i i, n. i . i r.i trill nil raiunini. ll.vuiw. w! iwi. at one o'clock p m of said day. at thii Court House front door, in Koschutg. uoiiRias Orecnii. sell at nubile suction to the ......... , - . - . ... ... i . .1, . I, .. . ! n t. i.i..t.n.t tii.iiia.p iirpii.n iti uuiiu. nil niu iikui title and Into est which tho mid defendaut had on fho 10th day of January, or at any iimn iiion aiier in or to tne louowiuc ura i,.ai4 .i-.mif.oi In. wit! fknitli half ol se54 ot sec 31. In tpot M .....ih mnn.A wet of tho dlauietto Men. dliin in tMUijias tiuniy, uresuii. wuminuM, ...... nt i. mi. ti.ccilHT with the tcncmenUi. I...... ii.irtnni, i.T.ii TiiiiiriiiiHiii'i. iiiucuum t cIoiikIiik or tn anywise appertaintuT, and will .....i.. n.n. iiii.1. nf siirli halo, ars to tho pay ment ol lhe cota and d sbursenicnts of said Ami nt tht inn. lnf'iiiiii ii ii n,iii n l t tj ' in i i fiMsas to the raiment of the said sura ol 12t.4J line niaintiu wiw iimi mviv.-" of to iHr cent tier annum from tho lilliday ol O -tolier, uw. anu irn- over pun m n"j r.,-..r m It K. rlmllli. as hv orde ol said court In said execution to mo directed n,i iiplui-nil. ro imiiiidlne me to soil ata niun-oilMMiW real tiroi-erty In tho mautier DatoonirstViiblloatlon Nov. W. WJ. K. 1 1 AuKUl I. 85 7w Shctlft ot Douglas County, Orer n Report of SchoaUn Dbt.No. 12. For the term ending Dec 23. No. of days attendance 1136 No. of days absence 3S b. of times tanly 16 Average daily attendance 19 The following is the names of scholars, grade and average : Eighth G rade Bertha Watson, 9S ; Lena Watson, 93; Jovce Matthews, 90; Sixth Sevunth Gra lea Deles Liviug- tone, 9S; tvtan Watson, Uj; Adilie .Matthews, 95; Wilma Matthews, 93; Clay Matthews, 91; Ellic Watson, S2: , K. Evarts, S2. Fourth and Fifth Grades Waitha Wat son, 95; Floyd Wabaon, S9; lloy Mat thews, 89; Alva Mathers, S3; Seth Mat thows, SO. First Second and Third Grades James Watson, 96; Nancy Watson, 9S; Eldred Shrum, 97; Robert Matthews, 97; Cecil Matthews, 96; Ivy Chapman, 97; Alda Watson, 99. O. C. Hocskr, teacher. Notice of Final Settlement. Assistant Editors. The Plaixdealer needs In the matter of the state! ol I Clark Richards, f Deceased. J Notice is hereby given that the under signed administrator of the above en titled estate, filed bia account in final settlement of said estate on the 2Sth day of December 1903, and on tho 23th day of December 1903, the Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made an order fixing Monday, February 1st, 1904, at the County Court House, in Uoseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day, as the time and place for hearinc the obiections thereto, and for the final settlement of said estate, any and all persons to said ttnal account, or any part thereof, are hereby notified to file the same in the above entitled court and cause, or be fore the time set for said final settle ment, E. E. RICHARDS. Dec 23 Administrator. an As sistant Editor or Correspondent at oven post ottiee or settlement in Douglas county for the year 1901 A certificate ol appointment will be issued to every assistant to represent tho Plaindealbr in their respective Inspection. Regular Quarterly Inspection of Co , 1st Separate Battalion, O. N. G. will be hold at the Armory hall, Monday even ing, Dec. 2Sth, at S o'clock p. m. Col. r "v :n i.- ; ? it nnmmnmh'n nml nil nnnlionrion miwfc v wm W USpecilUgomcer. r " , " . , He will also hold an officers ana non- school onThurs- l.nn,. llii linilnrcfttiiftnf nf tirn irnrul I ... uv.i,.. e"" i commissioned otneers citizens. day evening, Dec. 31. The Plaixdealer Publishing Co. I F. B. Hamux, Capt,