THE - Roseburg Plaindcaler Publlst-.iv Mnt..lajt. and TUur-days. PLAINDEALWJ PUBLISHING CO. H. II. BROOKES, Alitor. MARY K. BROOKES, Proprietor Eiterodat the Post Office in Roseburg, Ore., as second elass mail matter Subscription ?2.00 per Year. Ativertipiuu Rates on Application. The Editor of the 1' has iwi inten ticm of maUins ft false statement rellertln; upon the life or character of any person, officially or otherwise and any statement published in these and brought to our attention by the agRrieved parly or parties. Our Intention is that every I article puim&iieu wi n.irui w j. . offieial natare shall be news matter of general intccst andor the w,Haro of the state at large. DECEMBER 2S, 1SW3. for A HIGHER STATE OF MOR- ALITY. The series of articles on public and private morality which the Plain- dealer has been publishing is bear- iug fruit and meeting with the hearty snnnnrf. .ind rnmmpnd.iHon of demo- crats as well as republicans, and so great was the demand for papers last Thursday and Saturday that we could not supply the numbers asked for. We are glad to know that there are and those who voted for the bill be scores of good men in Roseburg and lieved that $300 was exempt from Douglas county who say that they desire a change: and we hear that a non-political, civic federation has been organized for the enforcement of law and the inculcation of a high- er state of public and private morali- tv. Such an organization should o I meet with the hearty support moral and financial of every citizen of Douglas county and especially of Roseburg. The enforcement of law is the safety of the nation. If there are bad laws thev should also be en- forced until they can be amended or rpnpjilwl. As rprrards saloons ran- ning wide open on Sunday and, like some in Roseburg, being nothing more nor less than gambling hells, and, some, the verv lowest kind of bawdy houses, where, abandoned, de- graded, filthy, in their vile immorality and proud in their shameless aban- donment these places are cess-pools of iniquity and the breeders of crime, And our courts do they know? Are they cognizant of what is going on? Do they winK at sucn anarcnicai pro- ceedings? Do they attempt to en- force the laws on the statute hooks? Have they tried, time and time again, to enforce the laws against the crimes we have mentioned, and have the juries composed of the best citizens of Douglas county turned the offend- ers loose on a verdict of "not guilty?" If the juries have done so and the court officials and judges have be- come "heartsick" in their effort to en- force law there is a possible excuse or, rather, a palliation, for failure for not attempting to enforce the law. sent from the House to the Senate If theiaws are being violated daily in where it was lost. The Most Honor open defiance of order and good gov- able George G. Brownell was presid ernment and the courts make no ef- ing in the Senate when the bill was fort to prevent violations, but, on the sent in and immediately the bill was contrary, close one eye and wink the lost and no great effort to trace or other, instead of being courts of jus- find it was made and the man who tice and of law they are criminal- ent to Scott and under a plea making machines. We have no ex- of friendship and fealty wormed him cuse to offer, no inflections of the self into his victim's confidence to voice to tone down, no words of sell him out a short time later, is now double meaning to use when we say: trying to prove that the loss of bills Any court having the power to sup- passed by either branch of the legis press crime and failing to do so, is a lature and sent to the other is of lit blighting, withering curse upon the tie moment. The bill was stolen or people at large and no man can con- made away with by a thief. The bill ceive of a worse hell than a hell fed was in the interest of law, order and by courts of supposed justice by ac- good government and it would have tually conniving at crime. undoubtedly have passed the Senate Now, we do not know where to place and became a law. Now we have no the gross miscarriage of law and jus- tice in Roseburg. We know that it made away with the bill because of exists. We have seen the laws vie- nis friends hip with gamblers and the lated, or at least supposed that viola- element, but as President of the tions were going on. There must be Senate he made no effort to find it by several broken cogs or the eccentric employing the methods known to any out of fix, but we have not yet had presiding officer of a legislative as time to examine into and find out sembly. His course, to say the least, what part of the court machinery is shows that his sympathes and support beyond repair. We want expert tes- timony, so as to know exactly where to Dlace the blame. If there is one place in these United States demand- ing the highest order of patriotism, for Oregon and failing in that ambi intelligence, sterling honor and integ- tion, has announced that he is a can rity, it is the tribunals of our land; didate for Congressional honors for and as the officers of these courts this district. Now we want this man's come from all political, social and re- record to come squarely before the ligious parties, it is to our individual benefit that no man except a pure man, and well qualified, be elected to office. Are there any republi- can officials standing in with crime? Down them at the coming election, Are there any democrats pandering to criminals? Down them. If there is any part of the machine that is still true to principle, retain it. But there are men in office who are not directly responsible for the enforce- ment of law who favor turning Rose- burg into a Sodom and Gomorrah, be- cause of the money that can be made out of the fruit of immorality and shuffled statesman of the sawbuck vice. brand. Now we are not opposing him The civic league should be backed because we are supporting or sup up by every father and mother in posed to be supporting Binger Her Roseburg who wants to raise chil- mann for re-election. We write what dren in a "for God and morality com- we publish from conscientious motives munity." It is time that the black and we care not who is the successful flag of vice be pulled down. It is candidate for the Congressional nomr time that the horrible stories of hu- nation provided he is a man of good man and animal depravity be forever political standing and is a man of forgotten. It is time that Roseburg, sterling honor and integrity. With Phoenix-like, arose from ashes of the the record that this man Brownell past and became renowned for virtue, has, to make him the nominee of the morality and law-abiding. We could wish the city no greater joy or hap piness than, that by one mighty effort, the year 1904 be ushered in by a de termination to redeem the past years of vice and lawlessness. MOST HASTY LEGISLATION While the joint legislation is to be commended for the close application to business, yet it becomes apparent that the haste in which the work was done did not give the representatives Qr senat0rs time in which to liroporlv go over the hills and guard against pjrorS It W3S the intention Of DOtll brancll- gg 0f jie legislature to have passed a bill exempting $300 worth of taxable property consisting of household fur- niture and personal effects from taxation to the head of every family. The bill passed and became a law but so far as next year's taxes is con cerned, it is inoperative, because the emergency clause was not attached and Attorney General Crawford states that in the next tax assessment that no exemption can be allowed. That the passage of the bill without the emergency clause was either by mis- take or design there can be no doubt, but as the framers of the bill desired taxation, the intent should be taken into consideration. The tax law pro- vides that the tax assessment shal date March 1, 190-1. The Exemption law will not go into force until March 23, 1904 It is hinted that this was another . specious scheme to get into the citi- zens' pockets. Suppose there are $50,000 taxpayers in tha State and the exemption of $300 to each tax payer this would give a tax exemption on approximately $15,000,000 worth of property. At 3 per cent the tax would be in total $450,000. We do not believe that there was any design to pass the bill in its present form and under the circumstance if a test case could be made before the State Supreme court, that body might rule that the intent to exempt $300 worth of property should be taken into con sideration as that is the spirit of the bill whatever the letter may be. BROWNELL FOR C0.N0RES5 Lost Anti-aambiinz Bill His pIea f0r office? In the three days session of the legislation last week, the House passed a very commendable bill when it was attempted to put this state on as high and progressive plane as Washington by adopting the anti- gambling bill of that state and mat ing it a law of Oregon. The House is to be commended for the good vrork which it did and the record it made. After passing the bill it was! desire to say that Brownell stole or was against the best interest of the State. It is this same Brownell who aspired to be United States Attorney public and although we have only been hearing of this man for the past fifteen months, yet we have watched his course and his very erratic per- formance before the public as a poli- tician. He may be a brilliant man. He may be a shrewd politican. He may even be an honest man, but his public record is against him, and re- publicans of Douglas county, this is the man who is sought to be brought before you for your support to send to Congress. This man is a political huxter, trixter and trader in poltroon- ery. He is undoubtedly a double- party would court defeat. A man ho was a Judas Iscariot and a Benedict Arnold even to an open enemy into whose commence no nau ormed himself under the sacred plea of friendship, such a man is a proper candidate for the shades of oblivion. Now the Pi.aindeai.ku is not going to make a fight on the candidate for the Congressional honors after the nomination, it is coing to have the matter thoroughly discussed before We do not know that Binger Her will bo a candidate to succeed him self in Congress nor do wo care; but one thing we do care about and that is, whoever is the candidate, wo want him to be a man of whom wo can sav: Fellow citizens we uenevo mm to be a man worthy of your suffrage; a man who will add honor to the of fice instead of getting all his honors out of the office. Truly if there is one Republican Congressional candi date of whom it can bo said: 'Thou are weighed in the balances and found wanting" it is George C. Brownell. A fierce blizzard and snowstorm has been raging in all the states east of the Rocky mountains for the past four davs. The thermometer fell in North Dakota to 30 degrees below zero. Un saturaav it was so uanc in New York City at noon that the city had to be lighted and then the bright est electric light only made darkness visible. A railroad collision at Grand Rap ids, Mich., on Saturday caused the death of IS persons and 31 were badly injured. The blizzard blew out the signal and two engines met with a frightful crash an" loss of life. On Saturday, Mrs. Roosevelt enter tained 500 children at the White House, while the President slipped in and grinned at the amusement going on. An Alabama mob, on Friday night. attempted to cover up a lynching and set fire to the jail. The fire was com municated to other property and $35,000 damages was the result. r Reliance It's a great word, isn't all it means a good deal. In sickness you should only upon the skill of Tour doctor but upon the ability of the druggist to compound your medicine with accuracy. Every Doctor in Roseburg has inspected our labora tory and approved our facilities We would like to have RELIANCE PACKAGES in doctor prescribes for any one i? uiierton - REGISTERED Near Depot The Plaindealek is able to state on reliable authority that a grand jury for Douglas County will be con vened on Monday, Januray 18, 1904. This means that there will be an exo dus of gamblers, lewd women and bums and toughs of all kinds, and we hope that the sentences on those tried and found guilty will make per manent the fortunate exoders. It is about time for the army to "get up and get." A Democratic Candidate for President. A New York special of Saturday, says: "Judge Alton B. Parker's boom for the democratic nomination for President will be launched next Mon day evening at a dinner to take place in Sherry's, at which ex-President Grover Cleveland and ex-Senator Dav id Hill will speak. The dinner was arranged by Charles Murphy, and, while it is ostensibly given in honor of Mayor McClellan, it will really show for the first time Murphy's hand in National politics. Murphy has been in communication with party leaders and has laid his plans to carry the state for the demo cratic electors. The fact that he has nvited and has received acceptances from the Cleveland wing of the party is an indication that tho Bryan ele ment has been thrown overboard. The features of the platform of the democratic party may be out lined at this dinner. Murphy has not only invited Cleve land and Hill to speak, but has been assured that W. Bourke Cockran August Belmont, John G. Carlisle, John D. Crimmin3 A. P. Fitch, Hugh J. Grant and other men of influence in the financial world will sit at tho main table. Mr. Cleveland has sent a letter of acceptance. Mr. Cleveland in his speech is ex pected to outline what he considers will be the paramount plank in the Democratic platform." The Plaindealeu desires it to bo understood that it is making no fight on the saloon as a licensed establish ment. It is making a fight to cause to saloon to conform to the law of ho land the same as any other leg itimate business. Chief Newell, of the Irrigation de partment of internal affairs will make visit to Oregon to talk over intend ed plans for bringing largo bodies of and under cultivation. The Department of Justice will not illow settlers on "overlap" lands in Clark county. Wash., to settle the matter with the railroad company. The government will mako its own terms with the parties interested. Japan has decided to land 15,000 soldiers in Corea. A New Kind or Quarantine. The learns that Dr. Bu Gas lias iloue a good work by issuing a quarantine not dreamed of in Uoscbtirg philosophy. As hoiltli otli -er he tin. la the conditions prevailing in some of 'the resor.a f the city, likewise the conditions of the inmates, such as to make quarantine necessary as a public protection, and such quarantine was declared this morning. Olallr. Christmas day was observed at this place with the usual fine dinners an J so cial meetings of neighbors and friends. The Christmas tree was tastefully ar ranged and laden with costly and beau tiful presents. "Uncle" John llrou, besides a number of of other present-", received vouchers for ids pension and back pension. Of course the old gen tie- man was well pleased. The dance on Christmas night was well attended aud enjoyed by those who like to indulge in tripping the light fan tastic toe. Installation Ccremonlesat the .Masonic Hall. The installation of officers of tho W sonic Lodge and Eastern Star which oc curred at the Masonic Hall Saturday night was largely attended by the mem bers of the two enters and their im mediate families, about 200 altogether witnessing the ceremonies. Following the installation of the officers which was attended with most impressive cere- mi nies, Mrs. 1. Wollenberg rendered a it? If it means anything at be able to place reliance not for filling his prescriptions a chance to place one of our your home the next time the in your family. Kicaarason DRUGGISTS Roseburg selection on the piano, followed by a able address by Hon. G. M. Yoran, o Eugene, Grand Master of Oregon Free M aeons, which received a hearty ap plause. The program concluded w th a soprano solo by Mrs. A. T. Steiucr. After the ceremonies an elaborate banquet was served, the tables well nigh bend ing under the load of tempting viands The officers elected for the ensuing yea in the Mnsonc order, ate: J T Bridges, W M ; W W Thackerah. S W; S S Caw field Jr W;EJ Strowd, Sr D; Sam Josephson, Jr I); NT Jewctt, Secy; Salzman, Treas: O I'. Coshow, Tyler K W Terrell, Sr S; F W Haines, Jr S. Tiic Eastern Star officers are; Maude Hast, W M ; J T Bridges, W P; Flossie Shambrook, A M ; Hegina Ratt, Secy Edith Waite, Treas; Daisy Anderson Conductress; Kittv McWihiams, A C Libby Coshow, Ada; Mrs Kizley, Kuth M Joscphson, Esther; Mrs. Geo Ilonck Martha; Minnie l'eebler, Electa; Mrs Wallace, Warder; Sam Jnsephson, Scnli' nel ; F M Beard, Marshal ; 0 1 Coshow, Chaplain; Mrs I Woolenberg, Organist SjHicial Christmas services were held in the First I'resb) terian chcrch last night, tho services being attended by large an attentive audience. From start to finish the program was we rendered and pleasing but special men tiou is due Mrs. Adams' soprano eolo "Christmas Chimes," Mr. II. W.Brooks of Portland, for his splendid barytone singing, Miss Kathryn Fullerton's read ing and Mrs Nathan Fullerton's organ voluntary. Below is the program. Oregon Voluntary Mrs. Nathan Ful lerton. Hymn, "Hark tho Herald Angeli Sing." Prayer, Tho Lord's Prayer. Responsive Reading, Matt. II, 1-2, Duct, "Tho Holy City" Miss Mary Brookes and II. W. Brooks. Reading, "20th Century Vision" Miss Kathryn Fullerton Solo Mre. Adams. Quartetto, Mrs. Adams, Miss Erick son, Dr. E. M. Cheadlo, II. W. Brooks Recitation, Miss Mary K. Brookes. Address by Pastor. Hymn, "There's a Song in tho Air" Choir. Hymn, "As With Gladness Men Old" Choir. Offering, for Foreign Missions. Hymn, "Joy. to tho World" Choir. Benediction, Pastor. jMiss Delia Durham returned this morning lo Cottago Grovn, having spent u few dnya visiting with friends in this citv. Mrs. I). H. K. Unick from liur recent Miichs. is recovering V H. Rogerp, of Myrtlu l'oint, wit in Rotoburg yesterday. V. II. Marion, of Drain, transacted business in the city Friday. W. D. Hell will leave for Portland to mrmow evening, for a few dayn Im-micss trip. Mi'Hsr. II. S , J. V., nnd Henry Conn of Melrose, were in RoHeburg Fitturday on business. Samuel Rnid, of Handon and A. T. ttobcrson, of Coquille, wore Roseburg visitors Sunday. A party of about twenty ierionB from Minnesota and Wisconsin points, were registered at the Roseburg House Sat urday. Miss Bellows, sister of A. J. Bellows, is very ill at the family residence in West Roeebtirg, and is not expected to recover. Miss Mildred Waite canio in on the local this morning fiom her country tome, ami was a guest nt the McClallen Hotiso for dinner. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hogan, of Oak land, spent Christmas in this city with their daughter, Mrs. John It Souther lin, aud family. It was remorod that all tho Roseburg saloons went dry yesterday as a result f the shooting at the Cruiser saloon esterday. Thifl should be kept up every Sunday and may in the very near future Misses Minnie and Grace Sheridan and George Sheridan lelt last night for J'an Francisco. Mrs. Sheridan has been there for a week. George will enter a school there and the familv will re main until Julv. Together with Messrs Johnson and Clark, Maggie Rvan and Mrs. E. J, Judd gave bonds to appear before Re corder Marstcrg and stand trial this afternoon in connection with the moral war now being waged in Roseburg. Mrs. A. C. Marsters entertained a number of Roseburg young people at her home Christmas night , at the popu lar game of llinch, and the game of au thors. Afterwards a delightful luncli was terved. Those present were Missot Clara Parks, Mary Parks, Alice Parks Miss Curren, Messrs. Chas. Wagner, L, S. Hopfield, Emery Marsters, and Hermann Marsters. 'For Mother's Sake," to appear at the opera house on Wednesday evening promises to be one of the best prodne tions of the ceason. Rural dramas have alwavs been well received hero. "For Mother's Sake" is one of the latest and is pronounad the most successful of the new school. The managers, Rusco and Holland, will give a complete produc tion, carrying a special car containing everything in the way of scenic and me chanical displar neccceary to a finished performance. Rieing Star lodge No. 174, I. O. O. F. will meet in special tession Thursdav evening, IX-c. 31, tor transacting bust' ness. Arrangements arc being made with the board of directors of the Odd Fellows Bnilding Association whereby the lodge will meet every Friday there after. The following are the officers of the new lodge: A. Salzman, N. G ; M D. Thompson, V. G ; Frank G. Mirelli Sec'y ; J. T. Bridges, Treas; J. D. Ham ilton, R. S. N. G ; J. H. Sykes, L. S. N G ; M. Fickle, warden ; Sam S. Josepli son, .conductor; W. E. Morrow, I. G John T. Long, O. G ; Chas. L. Hamil ton, R. S. S; Lonis Rdtile, L. S. S ; l. Beard, chaplain ; D. R. Shambrook R. S. V. G ; Geo. W. Dimmick, L S. V. G ; J A. Buchanan, P. G ; finance com' mittec, Dr. Gee. E. Ilouck, A. C. Mars ters, H. Wollenberg. Out West tor iOO. The publishers of "Out West" pub lished in Los Angeles, Cal., announce that it will be as beautifully illustrated and filled with ai entertaining a variety of history, description, story, verso and editorial comment upon life and litcra ture a3 ever. Special features announced for the year 1904 are a primary courfo in Span ish which, it is promised, will bo the most complete and satisfactory elumen tary course of the kind ever published tho very valuablo and interesting rem niscenccs of Gen. John Hid well, cover ing his life in California between 1S40 and 1850, and n translation of a remark able treatise on mining printed in 1501 Tins will lw profusely illustrated with reproductions from tho splendid en gravings included in tho original treatise and will show that with tho possible exception of cyaniding and a few other recent refinements in ihomical process the miners of that dato were familia with and used substantially every ineth od of mining and reduction of oro now practiced. Altogether tho snbscriber to "Out West" for 1901 will get unusually larg returns for his two dollars. A Request. 1110 prisoners in tno uounty jai would greatly appreciate reading matter such as books, magazines, papers et Time passes very slowly when one is in continemont, but many an other wise dull hour could bo passed if wo had something to read. Wo wish to state that tho treatment accorded us by Sheriff Parrott and Deputy McClallen sucn as is consistent with their sworn duty nnd is much appreciated by ns. Six Inmates. Books Lost. A number of books belonging to tl public school library have been lost. Tim return of any of thorn will bo great ly appreciated. Will the patrons of tho school kindly look for such books in their privnte libraries and return uuy that may bo found? A. M. Sandkhs, City Supi. of Schools. Ucal Hstntc Trnn-f rs. W I). Smith to I. I. Hur.l, $135, 1 33 acres lying in sec 1 tp 33 h, of r C w. John Seetlorf, (singlo) to W E Cixk, WO; lot 2, and in i.( of nejtf of sec :;2 ii th 2."i h, i.f r ft w, containing 70 0 acres. JamcH F D.iilalierl v ft ux lo Win Richards el al, $2."0J, lots 1 and 2 ti k 2, Dcvoro's Addition to the town if Von- alla, coulaiiiii g 1U acres. Jessie Voce and husb.ind to IWIcrk Brown, $ 175 ; lots 3, 4 and 5 jn hi I) n, i tho town of YonraMa HTM on et ux to Bi-n Fishi-i, $350; lots 21 and 22 n Park Add t . Roeburg. Win H Carroll et ux to Andrew T Be. ' till $1000; tho n4' of sec 31 in tp 23 r, of r No 3 w of the win, containing Ifiti acres. James L Tenney, (unmarried) to John E HolmlKiri;. $800; the x4 of in i, Dwii of nwi-4, i-wkj of ne nfm ' n tp 31 h, of rO w, containing IfiO acr i Emanuul Hinlius (unmarried in Frederick A Krihb', $H2."i;swV of tec tp 31 s, of r 0 w, K'lO acres. Geo W Stephens et ux to S F Hamil ton. 37O0 ; 1W.45 acres, lying in sec 15, nd 22 in tp 25 s, of r 0 w. ' LJ Sacry and husband" to Samuel , Lautz, $150; lots 4, 5,0 and 7 in blk 4. n Krowsons add to Drain Engenc S Low et ux to C R Wheeler, f2S0; thesj of nei of swjf of sec 9 and the e C acres of the of of ir.v of swj of sec 9 all in tp 22 s, of r 5 w, con taining 26 acres. Geo Estes et ux to Thomas Roberts, f 1 ; lots 3 in blk 25 in Riverside Add to the town of Roseburg. Wm L Moore et ux to John E Holni- bergf50; njfe of nef, fcJ-4 of neij and ie4 of of k-c 34 in tp 31 s, of r 0 containing KiO acres. Head About to Burst From Severe Bilious Attack. 'I had a severe bilious attack and f-I t like my head was about to burst when I got holt! of a free sample of Chamber- Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I i took a dose of them after supr aud ; the next day felt like a new man ami have been feeling happy ev--r since," says Mr. J. W. Smith of Juiili, Texas. For biliousness, stomach troubles and constipation tlice Tablets have no! equal. Price 25 cents. For tale bv A. . Marsters & Co. Two inmates of the County jail here. ! namely, Bert Bice and Harvev Bice. ! attempted to break jail yesterday at 4 i o'clock, the mealtime hour, they sue- I ceeded in getting past Hany McCialli'ii they deputy sheriff, but were captund by Sheriff Parrott, and taken back to I their cells. 1 Clingcnpctl, the Jeweler. W. E. Clincenpcel, the jeweler, eit graver and optician, hug in his fIkjw- window one of tlie swellest displays of Christmas jewelry ever shown in the city. He is sltowins: a fine line of rings, watches, brooches, pins awl charms of the l-ert makes and latest styles For jewelry work, watchmaking, repairing and engraving, his work is unexcelled. (lave vonr n.niif or vvnr initials, ar tliat of your friends, put on the prefent you ' are going to give. Clingenpeel's enrav- i ing is attractive and up to date, and y u : have various designs to select from and 1 can know that it will be done as you wish it. 12-10-tf ; Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannos reach the deceased portion of the car. fhere is only one way to cure deafness, and that is bv constitutional remedies. Deafness is routed by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tule is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire ly closed, deafne.s is the result, nnd un less the infiamation can be taken out j and this tube restored to its normal con-' dition, hearing will be destrovod for.; 'Or- ever ; nine cases out of ten are catifed by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous services. We will give One Hundred Dollors for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot Ikj cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tole lo, O. Sold by Dmggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Notice for Publication. CNITKO STATES LND OFFICE. RtxburR Ore , Sept tu, .008. .Notice It fccre' T ctTen that In nimJIinr. ' with the t'rovH. n of the act of Coni:t. of Junes, l.h,entiikit "An art for tho ?ale of timber lands In tl.cStatci of California, Oregon Hcrada .and Vt ajhlngtun Territory," aa extend ed to all the public land tate br act of Aucmt . IKK. HEN'ltY PRSST, of Krwohnrs, eocnty ot fringe, rut thin day filcl In tula office hit morn statement No UDi, for the purchije of the mv ol mjc 21 In tp N- 2d tout h range So. S ct ajid will offer proof to thow that Iceland vottght l more valuable for It limber or itone than for agricultural purpoMi, and to ettabllth his claim lofore the ltcidter and Kccelrer ot thli olflca of KoMbnrf, Oregon. on Tucday, tho 23rd day of February. IM5I. He name as wltnroscs; V. H . Met rw-n J W, Uardncr, John RtKcnaod John Hcudersou. all of lto bun; Ore., Any and all perrons rlalmlne adversely the above dt-crltt la'd are miuestcd to file their rlalma In this omce on orbelure Mid 2.!nl dy of rcDruary, iwh. j. 1. uiu d" p RccMer. Notice of Final Settlement Notlrc It hereby ctven that tho nnd - ndroo dmlnlntralor of ihe mtatoof Thomas Dm (cat, deceased, bus Died his final areount t ln ei.J mill luuiuiiut) cicik ix LnillKlHn eiiuniy Oregon, and that Monday tt e 11 day of Janua ry, 1:01, nt li)o,clock. a, m. ha been set by tl c Hon XI l Tliomv(iti, comity jtnlw nt sU county, tor licmliiK objections It any, to said final account, and for tlii tinal teltlemcnt ol the same. First ptiblirallon of thli notice be Ing tic 10 day d Ptcember. 191S . E. K. Wilson AdminUtralorot the estate ot Thomas Pun c a h, dictSKd. dlOp Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND 0?FIOE. Roicbmv. Oru , June 23, 1933. Notice is hereby gircn that In compliance with the provisions of the act ot Congress of June S, 1S.8. entitled "An art tor the sale of timber lands In tha States ot Californla,Oregon Nerada.and Washington Territory," asextend d to all tho publlo land states by act ot August 4.1S92. THOMAS WADGE, of Park RiTCr, county ot Walsh, stato ol North Dakota, has this day (lied in this office his sworn statement No. 5139, for tho pur chase of the lota land 2,81$ NKJ; ot section No. 4, township 2), south ot ningc 8 west and will offer proof lo show that the land sought ts more valuablo for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purpuras, and to establish his claim before tho Itegistur ard Kccelvor of tali 0III04 of ltoseburg.Oregon. on Wednesday. Urn lith lay of November. 19 S. Hu names ms wlineMU's: llrjnjolf I'rom. n( Mil ti,n. North Dakota, Achliald E. Wadgt, uf Wales, North Dakota, Rismua M, tttoue, ol Alnxandrla, Minn, O. K. Lifthu, of I'aik Klver North Dakota. Any and all pcrou claiming adversely tho above, deicrliieil lands me niiuestwl lo Ulo thelrclalmn In this otQcvtm or before said lstli day of Nov. l'JOi. J.T, BU1D1ES, Kestttcr. The "UNIVERSAL" FOOD CHOPPER Does Away witK the Chopping Knifo and Bowl Altogether. SOLD BY tChurchill Woolley, Koseburs - Ore Store That FISHER & BELLOWS COMPANY lEN5 CL0THIMG It doesn't require any considerable ex pense to wear good clothes if you exercise gfxd judgment in selecting from thor oughly reliable and correctly priced stocks such as ours. The Fall and Winter dis play is at it s best. Styles and materials la please the most critical. Prices 25 per cent less than jou will pay at other stores. We call particular attention to our line of Oregon Cashmeres, Fancy Worsted, Fan cy Cheviot and Thibet suites. All our suits from $12.00 up have non-breakable front. Hand padded Shoulders and Hand Tailored Collars. All are Union Made and marked at from 5 to Si 8 MEIIS? OVERCOATS, A remark able line of the leading styles in all the newest mixtures and plain materials, $7.50 to $20.00. MEM'S RAIBT GOiLTS, We have everything that h good and that will turn rain. $2.25 to 15.00. Boys' Suits, B y-i plete stock of General Merchandise. Phone 721 Write Summons. ; ofoIeos r.T, 11.. 'TATK , Em fcu&op. ttn;st. j j DarM flitbom I fra ntS To Dirt j B tMl., the bore iMBml drfecd Wbr to P:.r .i ...Vrr tWu-T putni aka unuwt a la ik .! cMitM tttt HU 'ly J.iia.ry.mi: .k! 01 the pUintirf wm .pair t., tWocon tor ttw svHef i!caxHltl in pUiaiiC conoklol, 10- BMrir is c..mi. IrUm ox. bit oi Siovrn In tae iui r WMfeiBKUa a Ik 'sth d.r oIAmU 1W and for ta nn J caUkly 'W Mii' lunrj 'mn-. lle Bt.Bon .ait r.Tl Rl.twin njfkr .Itk Ik- -i i burMjrntnu ot thl mir. nnl for mv-b otber rv- ih-i i uie van mr Jeein ran I table. Thtntnrann 1 tiMihd bvtr M l-e : tukil court. c-fVe and entered -n the lt Ur f IVwraber 1HU. la n.l br whr& opter ft t, h. ii(ni.ia. i3tzKe m lave ittpive en. rrTltftd ihtf ammo :hll kv lhftl in tb pLUYbritr. . iu . c:ncrl rtrrnlntkm p blttbet In lKmruV r.xi n -tjr Mate o' OrrfoB. once week lor tlx ronce cntlve week. beitnlDK with fhar-tla- tbeStti lay of December. I9t. en.stnc tttlaTfer-daj- Jamarj- Ulh fcM. The dale of the am publication of ihls tauBHHit U Tharvlax. Pea ember 3rd, hu. W. W. CAKDWEIL. Altontec tor fUtatiff. Is- The Cuccit Conttr Or Thk State Or ! Orhjo.v For Docglas Ood.stt. Sarah E. Reiver Plainlift, I Xotice by puMicR- V tion, of'suiiiHwits Geoive W. Seiver, Defendant. J To George W. Seiver the above named defendant. Itt the name of the state uf Orecwt. You are required tonppirruid answttr the complaints died sigitinst vott in the at ove entitled suit and court on or be fore the ISth day Jannary, 1901, aad i you failato appear and answer tid oui plaint gainst you as herebv nHinirvil and within the said time, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demand ed in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving tlie marrage contract now existing between the plain tiff and defendant. This summons is published hv onier of the Hon. J. W. Hamilton, jiulse of the 2nd Judicial District of Oregon which order is dated November l5.;iHi3, and the timo proscribed in the said order for publication of this summons is once a week for sis consecutive weeks preced ing the 18th day of January, 1904, and the date of the first publication there fore is the 10th dav of Xovemter. 1903 C 1. LEVEXGOOD, Attorney for Plaintift. Admininstrators Notice of final Settle ment IN' THE COUNTY COURT OF STATE OF OREGON, IX AND FOR DOUG LAS COUNTY. In tho matter of estate of P. A. Har ris, deceaeed. Xotice ia hereby given that tho under signed administrator of tho above named estato 1ms filed in tho above Court his account in final settlement of said es tate, and tho judge of said court bv or der duly made and entered of record therein, has fixed Monday, the 4th dav of January, 11)01, at 2 o'clock p. nt. o. said day for hearing objection, it any, to said hnal account and tho sottlotn. nt of estate. Dated the 20t! day of November 1903 B. F. XICHOLS, Administrator. E. G. HotUon, the gannj warden who resigned several months ao, has boon re-appointed to his old position. Does The Business Overcoats and a com- for Prices and Samples Xotice of Final Accouul. ' . Ia the tWtr iVnart .4 the State of ( Oregon, iu Jue: tVun:i. ' r?iaie 01 No! u is lutroki- a r .b... .1. T . i "-tlU,r ! Uh a love entitled , w film nig final scrogat, ia et- tkumit Ihawf and the court br order J , f it t-us-ri record oa the Joonwi tbervut. ha Voadav the m Kr wneanas bjeeuoas if an UMr be, to said final accoxtnt. and . Ihe setUeatetU ol id TkVt t, - , " um: ioi oar 61 AOWlwr im - ,rf?tl1 " Hh dv- of November. lriV?- L 6. Hwjhbs. . Httvhfe?. dtveaftui . - " Sheriff's Sale. K. A. Kj, tfafeiisr. A K-M-terS Atpfe Xer. hs wti. DefavVaBt. .-..?St.U V7 tt kyyirer3 fvT"0 oa frro duly Vwl est ot 5r dL'lTTlI ; " IF Jeai l "? y ' Ocweer, l-. ferceiesure ..fTt? ..i"? J,jre'1 r tor tfce sua. M iberM at Me rte ol .r1 BBU f"" Use Mk 'tT of Oeto t r. 14. an-l to. . o.u v d nta tM wiH he t un U, e rvN i.,r, :tt k. , . iim-. hkLnVf; . 'rc.lOU- LU 5 P"1- MrtS toitje, kln dscntxd , remts Uu; ,wii!Vt " sorfn-s't qartr.-ot Mt r, R , a.j 4tirvr w xciloa Z2, dcnted m vS.?.?,'," : c'"rfK at a slke In tho 4 kr ,.t tre-Uoa M ihAlas oct.1 . . " r?": t b 'Mvbeast corner at I.kfu., niBniBg nenh to the wmth line ol the uaty mad lending fro ax Ko-etwre up IKr r i-reek. Ueuce aterl) aions; MMi.t ron.! I..hf, the ame atenecj He mat I n.- ... . ,t M.u.a ihence soulix alois id line to the vuttie.vs center ot t.. noriwa.t quarter ol the n.fUeat quarter ot !5 L"J wMU. ,n-:- Mt W ebaias to tho Jaee ol bviu u p. t&tt.iBg W acres more or Xh f i,H 01 llh! northwest qnaiter nt , iCri Rbnt intersects lao west ttue .1 seetton at. Utvnee otheasvr. J alon th- south J,n ot skl ewiaU rSadto tt Piiiniwretheswee., tho I t'b raonlns l,.KWtt,kUh 'Re center otsajdVeT iton a, thtttce Hih alone sW ltn to the cvn l!?fIfW 'hence west to toe quaver p.t Witreen aldeetlon. it and 3. theuea KHt.alooKtbe ltween sM actions to orless0 "'"K'idolc,: fO acres njoro Al, the kixjlheajt quarter ot the northeast , ih2SM h. ' h southeasi quar wrut section . e-ntalnln a aores more or tai' inc; lw aer t. wr or le-s .,.ir.Vh,f,,e 1irterof the northwest lrler and tb southwest quarter of the north- u.h11VtU,r ,",.l ,fce nu'"" quarter ot the Muthst quarter ot section 2, conulnin 131 ac es more or Iws. Al' the csm ot the east halt ot section 37 couutu-ur i, 0 aerva more or ls. , . . "i? "l' T dee-bed land beiui: in toTUFhir 2J somb, wnne 5 wc, w jlUmette lll n,nJ ?ntnis Im thearv(rawttJO aores mr or ToKethcr with ihe tone .il hreV,wenU n l i'l'urtenance 1 SKl "Y or 'a anywise appertajntmf. .bdutlU)ly the prxeyedsoi inch sale, n st to the wuieat ol tl,. c.ts and disbursements 1 u lt L ym,Kl oo wld sum ot dn (.ttnuiit wtih interest thereon at tti mwol jxr reut jnr annum irotn the Vlh Uj 01 ri..u r. t?i . t she oyer plus II aur. Utt be. ty 1 yyr to -Jie clerk of the Court, as bv t.nter t ai-t i i.urt in -aid exeeotton t me iliri ua and det.i. red. cnuman-Ung me to sell aW sbi.y.- dewlbet real propertr lu the mau ner ruyMtl U ly. . . K. L. PARKOIT, f.i luwtas coun,r-or,fso3- f'