The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 24, 1903, Image 4

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For Delinquent Taxes for the Year of
Notice ishereby given that by virtue of
a warrant issued out of the County Court
of the state of Oregon, for Douglas
County ou the Hith day of Novem
ber, 1903, commanding mo to ad
vretite and tell the property of tne De
linquent Tax-Payers for and in the said
Douglas county," Oregon, ior the year
11)02, as extended in the Delinquent
Column in tiie tax rolls oi Douglas couu
ty, for said year, to satisfy the taxes
charged agaiubttaid tax-payers for the
said year, together with all penalties,
interest, and costs for the collection of
the tame.
The following is a correct transcript of
ihudehnouent property of the persons
whose names are set opposite each tract
as the same appears assessed on me saiu
Kolls and extended iu the Delinquent
Column of the same, and described as
follows, to wit:
Watts, B. J. Part NE. Yi of SV.
and Lot 3 on leit uaus ui
Siuslaw Kiver. Sec 19, Tp. 19.
R. 7. 15 acres
.? .35
Murohy. William SE. Vi of NE,
14 Sec 3G. Tp. 19, R. 9, 40
Oomnton-. G. C SW. Yi Sec S,
"Tp. 19, R. 11, 1G0 acres 4. SO
Gentry, G. A. E. i ot 1st;.
Sec 9; W. Yz of NW. & Sec
10, Tp. 19, R. 11, 1C0 acres..
Harris, W. F. SE. 4 of SW. &
-Sec 9, Tp. 19, R. 11, 40 acres;
E. Y of SE. V4 Sec S, Tp. 19,
11, SO acres; E. Y of NW.
14, NW. of NE. 4 Sec 1G,
Tp. 19, R. 11, 120 acres; W. Yz
SW. Sec 9. Tp. 19. R. 11,
Sfl acres 12.00
Martin, Caroline L NW. of
" NW. Sec 29; NE. & of
NE. Yi, SE. of NE. Vi. Sec
30. Tp. 19, R. 11, 120 acres...
Austin E. B. Lots 3, 4, 5, NE.
of SW. Vi, Sec 19, Tp. 19,
R. 11, 125 acres
Clayton, William NW. & of
SW. k Sec 16. Tp. 19. R. 12.
40" acres
Grant, C. XI. Lot 1, Sec 10, Tp.
19, R. 12, 24 acres
Kruther. F. D. E. V Sec 36,
Td. 20. R. C. 320 acres 11.50
Imrr, H. T NE. Vi Sec 22, Tp.
20, R. S, 160 acres
Gumbert, Ida E. SE. Yi Sec 26,
Tp. 20, R. S, 160 acres 7.o
Henderson, J. NE. Vi of NE. Vi
Sec 16, Tp. 20, R. 10, 40 acres
Little, F. C N. V- of NE. Vi.
SW. of NE. Vi Sec 36, Tp.
20, R. 10, 160 acres
Noel. Glen SW. V4 of NW. Vi
Sec 34. Tp. 20. R. 11, 40 acres 5.55
Noel. Leigh SE. Vi of NW. Vi
Sec 34, Tp. 20, R. 11, 40 acres 5.25
Elliott, W. S. SE. Vi of NW. Vi
Sec 36. Tp. 20, R. 11, 40 acres 2.30
Perkins, r. St Vi ot aw.
Sec 36, Tp. 20, IL 11, 40 acres
Townsend, John G. NE. Vi Sec
16, Tp. 20, R. 12, 160 acres... 14.35
Wilson. Edith W. Ys Sec 16,
Tp. 20. R. 12. 320 acres 27.60
Websterj G., and Ester A. Maines
E. U o NE. Vi Sec 5, Tp.
20. R. 12. SO acres 11.S5
Earl, J. F. N. Yz of NW. 14 Sec
16. Tp. 21, R. 4, SO acres 10
Bodley, W. F. NW. Vi of NE.
Sec 17, Tp. 21. R. 4. 40
Stell, Julius F. SW. Vi Sec 24,
Tp. 21, R. 5, 160 acres
Lane, 'J. G. SW. of SE. Vi.
NE. of SW. 14 Sec 30, Tp.
21. R. 5. SO acres
Tracer. L. II S. Yz of SW. Vi
Sec 34; SE. Vi of SE. Vi of
SE. Vi Sec 33. Tp. 21, R. 5,
90 acres 10.70
Kent, Frank A. SW. Vi of NW.
14. N. of SW. NW. Vi
of SE. Sec S, Tp. 21, R. 7,
160 acres 7.55
Cook. G. W. and wife NE. Vi of
NE. Vi, SW. 14 of NE. 14.
Lots 7, S and 9, Sec 9, Tp. 21,
R. 11, 134 acres 7.15
Gentry, G. A. SE. Vi ot SE. Vi
lot 2 Sec 17, Tp. 21, R. 11;
Lots S, 9. 10, 12, Sec 20, Tp.
21, R. 11; W. Yz of NW. 14
Sec 21, Tp. 21. B, 11; E.
NE. V4, NW. NE. of
; Sec 20, Tp. 21. R. 11, 3S2
acres 16.30
Thomas, S. E. W. Yz of SE. Vi, -NE.
V4 of SE. Sec 27, Tp.
412, R. 4, 120 acres 7.00
;; Fagan & Tracey S. Yz of .NW.
Vt, NW. Vi of NW. N. Yz
SW. Vi Sec 30. Tp. 22, R. 4,
229 acres 20.05
Grubbe. O. W. S. Yz of NW. 14 ,
N. Yt of SW. Vi Sec 2, Tp. 22.
R. 5, 160 acres 6. SO
; Tracey. L. IL NW. Vi of NW.
4 Sec 3; NE. 14 of NE. Vi
Sec 4, Tp. 22, R. 5, 81 acres 5.00
; Williams, Thomas R., Estate
- r N. Yz of NE. Yi of NW. Yi
Sec 4, Tp. 22, R. 5, 20 acres.
Mattoon, O. A. NE. Vi of SE. Vi
- ' Sec 5, Tp. 22, R. 5. 40 acres..
; Drain, Mary Lot 1, Sec 18, Tp.
- 22, R. 5, 38 acres 1.10
i," Crawford, James M. W. Yz of
W. Sec 24, Tp. 22,. R. 5,
160 acres 5.65
Fogies, Jasper NW. Yi of SW.
Yi Lot 3. Sec 28, Tp. 22, R. 5,
41 acres 4.55
Blackford, J. NE. Vi of SE. Yi.
SE. Yt of NE. Yi, N. lA of
SW. Yt of NE. Yi. NW. Yi of
t NE. Yi Sec 4, Tp. 22, R. 6,
' 150 acres 6.50
, Allen, Mary E., Estate Lot 5,
Sec 8, Tp. 22, R. 6, 3 acres...
" Klrtley, Adaline, Heirs Lots 5,
G, . Sec 13, Tp. 22, R. G, 61
' Bacon,- Mrs. Elnora Part Sec
19. adjoining Elkton, Sec 19,
Tp. 22, "R. 7, 5 acres 4.40
Gregory, J. SW. Vi of NW. Yi
-Sec 36, Tp. 22, R. 7, 40 acres. .80
Bacon, M. M. Lots 1, 4, 5, 11,
Sec 12, Tp. 22, R. 8, 140 acres 5.65
Kellette, Marza M. NE. Yi of
NE. Yi Sec 16, Tp. 22, R. 8,
40 acres 80
Fisher, W. B. SE. Yi of NW. Yi,
W. Yz of NW. Yi Sec 16, Tp.
22, R. 10, 120 acres 2.95
Walker, Charles F. Lots 5, 6,
NW. Yi of SE. Yi Sec 17, Tp.
22, R. 11, 145 acres 3.50
Crlteser, J. I. Lots 7, 8, 9, 10,
Sec 15, Tp. 22, R. 12, 1G1
Wade, C. H. SE. Yi of SE. Yi
Sec 19, Tp. 22, R. 12, 40
Campbell. Dan W. Yz of NE. Yi,
.'. NW. of SE. Yi. Lot 10. Sec
30, Lot 2, Sec 31, Tp. 22. R.
12, 159 acres
Chase. Elmer P. S. of NW.
Y SW. Sec. 36, Tp. 22, R.
13, 20 acres 1.20
Crogham. Jennie N. Yz of NW.
Y SW. Yi Sec 36, Tp. 22, R.
13, 20 acres 1.20
Deitrich, Georgia SW. Yi of SE.
Yi Sec 36, Tp. 22, R. 13, 40
JButler. S. F. SWf Yi Sec 26, Tp.
- -23. R, 3, 160 acres
Cox, James S. Yz of NW. Yi Sec
a, xp. Z6, it, u acres z.vo
Lovelace. A. E. NE. Yi of SE.
Yi Sec 16, Tp. 23, R. 4, 40
acres 4.70
Warren, George SW. Yi of SE.
Yi Sec 19, Tp. 23, R. 4, 40
Harvey, Aaron W. of SE. Yi
Sec 21, Tp. 23, R. 4, 20 acres.
'Finney, F. L. N. Yz of NW. Yi.
N. Yz of SW. Yi of NW. Yi
Sec 21, Tp. 23, R. 4. 100 acres 4.25
Cawling, William J. Lots 1, 2,
S. Yz of NE. Yt Sec 6. Tp. 23.
R. 6. 178 acres 6.50
Lanrton. Ansel, Heirs SE. Yi of
SW. U. Lot 1, Sec 4, Tp. 23,
R. 7. SO acres 4.5
Shophcrd. H. V. W. Sec. 3G,
Td. 23. 11. 7. 320 acres 10. iu
Barrett. H. M SE. VL Sec. 11,
Td. 23. R. 9. 1C0 acres y.ou
Hanuoman, Edward NW. Vi
Sec 11. Tn. 23. R. 9. 100 acres U.oU
Gustphson & Evanoff SE. Vi of
NE. Yi Sec. 19, Tp. 23. u. y.
40 acres 3. GO
Koltz, Peter NE. V4 Sec 23, Tp.
23. R. 9. 1C0 acres 'J.ou
Durrand, II. E. S. Yi Sec. 24,
Tp. 23, R. 9, 100 acres 9.30
McDonald. John NW. V4 Sec.
25; SW. V4 of SW V4 See. 24,
Tp. 23. R. 9, 200 acres 5.40
Nesbit, W. T. SW. Sec. 2,
Tp. 24. R. 2, 160 acres 14.7b
Needen, W. A S. of NW.
Lots S, 4, Sec 4, Tp. 24, It. 2,
1G0 acres 13.00
Lindquist, W. P. NE. 4 Sec. S,
Tp. 24, It. 2, ICO acres 14. o
Peterson, B. E. SE. Vi Sec 2S.
Tp. 24, R. 2, 100 acres 14.7a
Paulson, J. A. W. of SW. Vi.
NE. Vi of SE. SK. Vi 01
NE. Vi Sec 2S, Tp. 24, R. 2,
1C0 acres 14.75
Brown, A. H. SE. Vi Sec 2G;
SE. Vi Sec 2S. Tp. 24. R. 3,
320 acres 30.05
Bayles, T. N. Yz of NE. Vi. SW.
Vi of NE. Vi. NE. Yi of NW.
Vi Sec 34. Tp. 24, R. 3, 1C0
acres IS. OS
Brown. Florilla W W. of
NE. Vi Sec 36. Tp. 24, R. 4,
SO acres 1.65
Gray. Miner M NE. V4 of NE.
V Sec. 26. Tp. 24. U. 5, 40
acres 2.15
Schmidt, Alvin S. V of SE. Vi
of NW. Vi Sec 33, Tp. 24, R.
5. 20 acres 7.96
Tapp. R. J. NE. Vi of NW. V4
Sec 22, Tp. 24. R. 6. 40 acres. 2.15
Anderson, Frank NE. Vi Sec. 6,
Tn. 24. R. 7. 146 acres 6.10
Cavcnger, . . SE. Vi of SE.
V4 Sec 16, Tp. 24, R. 7, 40
acres 1-60
Thornton. E. E. SE. V4 Sec. 20,
Tp. 25, R. 3, 160 acres 14.75
Brown. A. H. NW. V4, S. Vi ot
S. Vs Sec 22, Tp. 25. R. 3,
320 acres 32.90
Hunt, Mrs. Mollie SW. Vi of
NE. Vi. NW. Vi of SE. V4 Sec
22, Tp. 25, R. 3, SO acres 7.45
Unknown Owner W. NE.
Sec 20: S. Yt of SE. Vi Sec
17, Tp. 25, R. 4. 160 acres 4.66
Unknown Owner SW. Vi of SE.
Vi Sec 3, Tp. 25. It. 5, 40
acres 1.95
Tapp, R. J. Lots 1, 2, NW. V4 of
SW. Vi Sec 9, Tp. 25, R. 5,
107 aeres 6.10
Gray, Mollie NE. Vi of NE. V4
Sec 6, Tp. 25, R. 5, 40 acres. 1.5S
Mackay, J. B. Beginning 4 rods
E. of R. R. 011 E. line NE.
V4 Sec 17, Tp. 25, R. 5; thence ;
E. 63 rods, N. 12 rods, W. 53
rods, S. 12 rode to place of
beginning, containing 4 acres,
in Sec 17, Tp. 25, R. 5 65
DuGss, Dr. E. N. Yi of SW. V4.
SW. V4 of SW. Vi Sec 30,
Tp. 25, It. 5, 132 acres 5.75
Smith, 0. E. NE. Vi Sec 22, Tp.
2C, R. 2, 160 acres 7.59
Haines, Joseph Lots 5, 12, 13,
14, Sec 2, Tp. 26, R. 2, 162
acres 9.70
DeWitt, Ella 5 acres in SW. V4
of SW. Vi Sec 24, Tp. 26, R. 6 2.95
Stevens, C. E. SE. Vi of NW.
V4. Lot 3, Sec 4, Tp. 26, It. 7.
SI acres 2.00
Woodruff, A. H SE. Vi of SE.
Vi Sec 15, Tp. 26, R. 7, 40
acres 95
Mathews, Alfred NE. V4 Sec 6;
N. Yi of NW. V4 Sec 5, Tp.
27. R. 3, 240 acres 10.70
Poland, W. J., Estate SW. Vi of
NW. V4 Sec S. Tp. 27, R. 4.
40 acres 1.75
Unknown Owner W. Yz of SW.
Sec 23; Lots 3, 9, Sec 31,
Tp. 27, R. 4, SO acres 2.S5
Ward, C. L. Beginning 21
chains W. of Vi post between
Sees. S and 9; thence S. 10.37
chains, W. 24.77 chains, N.
10.37 chains, E. 24.45 chains
to place of beginning, con
taining 25.51 acres, in Sec 8,
Tp. 27, R. 5 1.05
Richardson, F. R. Beginning
33.61 chains E. and 20.26
chains N. of V4 post between
Sees. 17 and 18, Tp. 27, R. 5;
thence on E. side of lane lead
ing from Deer Creek N. 7.23
chains to a stake, N. S9 de
grees 53 minutes, E. 7.62
cnaras, S. 23 chains, S. 89
degrees 53 minutes, W. 7.26
chains to place of beginning,
containing 5.50 acres, in Sec
17. Tp. 27, It. 5 2..0
Wilson, Howard E. Beginning
on E. line Claim 59 in Tp. 27,
R. 6, on S. bank of S. Ump
qua River; thence S. 13.93
chains to county road, east
erly along road to W. line
land H. Conn Estate, N. to
river, thence to beginning,
being part Lots 4, 5, Sec 5,
and Lot 5, Sec 8, Tp. 27. R.
6, 30 acres 1.45
Laird, Mrs. V. C. Beginning at
C. road, L43 chains W. 9.8
chains, N. 70 degrees W. of
corner stone to interior L.
corner to Claim 63, N. 70
degrees, W. 3.33 chains, N.
15.18 chains, S. 70 degrees,
E. 3.32 chains, S. 15.11
chains to leginning, contain
ing 5 acres. Sec 13, Tp. 27,
R. 6 1.S0
Ferguson, D. A. Tract in SW.
V4 Sec. 12, Tp. 27, R. 6, 2
acres 3.75
Daniels, Dan T. NW. Vi of SE.
V4 Sec 7, Tp. 27, R. 6, 40
acres 1.30
Driscoll, T. E. Lot 3, Umpiiua
Fruit Ranch, Sees. 11 and 14,
Tp. 27, R. 6, 25 acres 9.00
Andrews, A. and O. NE. Sec
8, Tp. 27, R. 7. 160 acres 8.70
Churchill, Mrs. E. H. Beginning
504 feet N. and 30 feet W.
of NE. corner of J. Cranfill
claim; thence N. 9 rods, W.
18 rods, S. 9 rods, E. IS rods
to beginning, containing 1
acre. Sec 26, Tp. 27, R. 7 2.30
Beasley, James SE. Vi Sec. 30,
Tp. 27, R. 7, 160 acres 5.40
Gorseline, W. M. S. of SE.
Yi, SE. Yi of SW. Vi. Lot 4,
Sec. 32, Tp. 27, R. 7, 149 acres 7.30
Benson. B. A. NE. V4 Sec 14,
Tp. 27, R. 8, 160 acres 13.80
Aassnen, E. E. NW. Yt Sec. 14,
Tp. 27, R. 8, 1G0 acres S.f.ii
Meadow, Craft E. SW. Sec.
24, Tp. 27, R. 8, 160 acres... 14.35
Butler, W. F. SE. Sec 24,
Tp. 27, R. 8, 160 acres 14. Za
Miller. John SE. Vi of SW. Vi
Sec 13, Tp. 28, R. 4, 40 acres. 1.90
Robinson, G. W. SE. Vi of SE.
V4 Sec 33. Tp. 28. R. 4; SW.
V4 of SW. Vi. SW. V4 of NW.
Vi Sec. 34, Tp. 28, R. 4, 120
acres 7.55
Robinson, A. T. SE. Vi Sec 31,
Tp. 28, R. 4, 1C0 acres 11.90
Nichols, John SE. Vi of NE. Vi,
N. of NE. Yt of SE. Vi Sec.
24, Tp. 28, R, 5, 60 acres 3.10
Thornton, W. E. Beginning at
a point 5 chains E. of the Vi
section corner in center of
Sec. 29; thence E. 5 chains,
N. 20 chains, W. 5 chains, S.
20 chains to the place of be
ginning, containing 10 acres,
Sec 29, Tp. 28. It. G 7.20
Gurney, G. V. N. of SW. Vi.
SW. Vi of SW. VS. SE. Vi of
NW. Vi Sec 22, Tp. 28, R. 8,
1C0 acres 13.65
Briggs, Mrs. Margaret E. of
SW. Vi Sec 21. Tp. 28, It. 8,
80 acres 3.35
JudMns D. F. W. of NE. Vi,
NE. V: Of NV7. Vi. Lot 2, Src.
20, Tp. 29, R. 3, 1G4 acres.... 5.50
Gulches, C SE. V4 Sec 2S, Tp.
29. R. 3, 1C0 acres b.m
Robinson, G. W Lots 1. 2, Sec.
4, Tp. 29, It. 4. 9G acres Z.M
Brown, J. A. Part E. of
Claim 41, Sees. 17 and IS, Tp.
29. R. 4. 155 acres 4.70
Morrison, J. D. One-seventh In
terest in S. Yz of NW. V4 Lot
1, Sec. 19, Tp. 29, It. 1, 1G
acres -10
McGee, Mrs. F. S. S. less 35
acres part of SE. Vi of NE. V4
Sec. 1, Tp. 29. R. 5; SW. Vi
of NE. Vi of NIC. NW. Vi
of NE. Vi. SE. Vi. SE. Vi of
NE. Vi Sec. 2. Tp. 29, R. 5;
N. of NE. Vi Sec 11, Tp. 29.
R. 5: N. of NW. Vi, W.
of NE. V4 Sec. 12. Tp. 29, It.
5, 786 acres 27.90
Cornelison. J. D. and J. A. W.
of SW. Vi Lot 4, Sec 35,
Tp. 29. R. 6; E. of NW. Vi
S"C. 36, Tp. 29. R. 5; jMirt
Claim 45, Sec. 27. Tp. 29. It.
5. 195 acres S.40
Pantou. A. C. SW. V4 or SW.
Vi Sec 36, Tp. 29, R. 5, 40
acres 95
Swafford. Heirs of S. W. SE. Vi
Sec. 24. Tp. 29. H. 6. 1G0 acres 9.50
Smith. It. E SE. Vi Sec. 4. Tp.
29. R. S. 160 acres 4.50
Centers. Mrs. E. J. NW. V4 Sec.
S, Tp. 29. R. S, 1C0 acres G.60
Boyer. J. D. NW. V4 Sec. 22, Tp.
29. R. S. 160 acres 5.40
Roberts, Charles One aero in
NW. Vi of NW. 14 Sec. 29,
Tp. 29, R. S 7.1C
Johnson. N. U. N. Vi of SW.
Vj Sec. 3G. Tp. 29. R. 9, SO
acres 4.93
Boyle. W. H. Part Claim 58. Tp.
SO. R. 4. a acres 2.30
IMce. A. M. E. of NW. H,
SW. Vi of NE. Vi Sec 16, Tp.
SO. R. 4. 120 acres 7.30
French. Isabella W. of SE.
M. SE. Vi of SW. Vi Stc 36.
Tn. JO. R. 4. 120 acres 3.20
Barlow. J. H. Lots 4. 5, 6. 7.
Sec 4. To. 30. R. 5, 141 acres 3.35
MUlor, D. H. Estate S. of
NE. Vi. N. of SE. Vt Sec.
14. Tp. 30, R. 5, 160 acres 6.10
Pickett. V. V. Ixt 4 or SW. Vi
of NE. Vi Sec 26. Tp. 30, It.
6, 40 acres 2.C6
Couglar. R. L. N. part Sec. 3J.
Sec Zi, Tp. 30. R. 5. 1 acre. . . 4.48
F1her, Jacob Lots 2, 3, 4, 5,
Sec 6, Tp. 30, R. 7, 161 acres. I. so
Stillcy Riddle Brothers W.
o SE. V Sec 36, Tp. 30, R. 7,
SO acres 30.05
Little, F. C SE. Vi Sec. 36, Tp.
30. R. S. 160 acres 10.M
Johansea, Mary A. E. of B.
Sec 10. Tn. 30. R. 9. 160
acres 5.6)
Soul, Mary E. SW. Vi Sec 2S,
Tp. 30. R. 9. 160 acre 10.90
Marshek, J. NE. Vi Sec 32, Tp.
SI. R. 1. 160 acres 7.40
AHen. Robert E. ot SW. Vi
Sec. 28. Tp. 31. R. 4. SO acre. 4.70
Mnndt, Clara W. of NW. Vi
Sec 16, Tp. 31, R. 5. SO acres. 2.30
Snyder, D. N. NW. Vi Sec 32,
Tp. 31, R. 5. 160 acres 6.10
Snyder. Anna SW. Vi Sec 32.
Tp. 31. R. 5. 160 acres 6.10
Hackler, Marion Lots 2. 3. Sec
5. Tp. 31, R. 6, 26 acres 2.36
Smith. Sophia N. of SE. Vi.
SW. of SE. Vt. NE. M of
SW. Vi Sec. 32. Tp. 31. R. 6,
160 acres 14.
Smith, Martin NW. Vi Sec 32,
Tp. 31. R. 6. 160 acres 14.
Denny. Rose M. SE. V4 of NE.
Vi Sec 36. Tp. 31. R. 7, 40
acres 3.
Baldwin. George SE. V4 Sec 36,
Tp. 31, R. 7. 160 acres 16.06
McKinney, Emma E. of NW.
Vi Lot 2, Sec 7, Tp. 32. R. 4.
160 acres S.06
McKinney. Emma SE. V of NE.
Vi Sec 12. Tp. 32. It. a, 40
acres 2.95
Holmes. SI. A. SE. Vi of NW. V4
Sec 20, Tp. 32, R. 5, 40 acre. 4.50
Teunant. Mrs. Phoebe SE. Vi
Sec 10, Tp. 32. R. 6, 160 acres 13.
Oregon Consolidated Mining
Company E. of NE. Vi of
SW. V4 Sec 19, Tp. 32. It. 7,
20 acres 50.10
Dewey. J. L. SW. Vi of SE.
Sec 35, Tp. 32, R. 7. 40 acres. 1.55
Yolk, Nathaniel W. of NW.
V4 of SE. Vi. E. of NE. V4
of SW. V4. NW. Vi of NE. Vt
of SW. Vi. S. of SB. Yt of
NW. V4. SW. V4 of SW. Vi of
NE. VI Sec 28, Tp. 32. R. 7.
80 acres 10.05
Kimbali. George NE. V4 of NE.
Vi Sec 29, Tp. 32. R. 7. 40
acres 3.05
Berg. Charles A. SW. Vt of SW.
Vi Sec 36. Tp. 32. R. 7, 40
acres 3.45
VoJk. M. Estate Lots 1, 2, 3,
Sec 2, Tp. 33. It. 7. 41 acres. S.43
Mutton Heirs, Stephen Begin
ning at the NE. corner of
land purchased by H. L. Mur
ton from Agnes Binlock on
the Deer Creek road, now
Douglas street, in the City
of Roseburg, rpnning thence
westerly along said street 2.00
chains; thence S. 3.00 chains;
thence E. 2.00 chains; thence
N. 3.00 chains to the place of
beginning 4.20
Webb, Mrs. Percy Block W of
Parrott street and S of Per
ry street, W. of It. R 8.45
Rose Estate, Aaron Lot 4,
m 1 .a
-1Z 0.O
Cnandler Estate. Mattie East
part Lots 7 and 8, Block 74.. 19.50
Hamilton & Hoover Lots 18 and
14, Block 85, 4th S. Add.
Roseburg 5.20
Hamilton ft Hoover Lot G,
Block 85, 4th S. Add. Rose
burg 3.35
Poe, J. R. Lots 6, 7, 8. Block 1,
Cliadwick's Addition to Rose
burg 9.20
Colvin, Robert Lots 4. 5, Block
7. Cliadwick's Addition to
Roseburg 8.15
Unknown Owner Lot 3, Block 1,
Terrace Park Addition to
Roseburg 2.10
Wilmoth. A. Lots 3, 4, Block 2;
Ixts 3, 4, 5, Block 3, Terrace
Park Addition to Roseburg.. 2.10
Unknown Owner Lots 1, 2,
Bloc it 12. Terrace Park Addi
tion to Roseburg 85
Preble, E. B. Lot 3, Block B,
Flint's Addition to Roseburg. 1.25
Hamilton, Templin & Micelli
Lots 9, 10, Block 3, Hamil
ton's Addition to Roseburg.. 2.50
Hamilton. Templin & Micelli
Lots 14. 15. Block 3, Hamil
ton's Addition to Roseburg.. 5.95
Hamilton, Templin & Micelli
Lots 1G, 17, Block 3, Hamil
ton's Addition to Roseburg.. 5.05
Hamilton, Templin & Micelli
Lots 9, 10, 11, Block 7, Ham
ilton s Addition to Roseburg 2.30
Mathews, Annie B. Estate SO
feet from N. side of Block 2,
Bushy Addition 9
Carpy, George and Susan Block
5 In Cloverdale, 1.43 acres... .55
Pratlcr, Charles L. Lot 9, Block
1, Thomas' subdivision of Lots
12, 13 of Fruitdale
Cole Estate, Louisa A. Lots 11
to 18, Block 1, Thomas' sub
division of Lots 12 and 13 of
Fruitdale 1.25
Laird, Mrs. V. C Lots 1 and
10, Block 2, Thomas' subdi
vision of Lots 12 and 13 of
Fruitdale 55
Cochran, W. E. Lots 5 to 11,
Block 3, Thomas' subdivision
of Lots 12 and 13 of Fruit
dale 1.10
Thompson, W. W. Lots 1, 2,
Block 5, Thomas' subdivision
of Lots 12 and 13 of Frult-d-il
Vvt:c, F. M.Lot 8, Block 20.
Riverside Addition 35
Rice. Mary E. Lot I, Block 25,
Kivcrsiue Addition 35
Duflii'ld, Lester Lot 5, Block 25,
KivcraHio Addition 35
llovey. A. G. Lot C, Block 25,
Kiversnio Addition in
Mote. J. W. Iot 11, Block 2,
west itoscuurg nin
Campbell, R. C All of Cannon
& Chandlers Addition to
West Roseburg 5
Miller, Mrs. Herbert Lots 6, 7.
Block s, ioncolla 3.90
Trliigle. II. B. Lot 7. Block 10,
lonrona 90
Cellars. M. J. West ot Lots
5 and 6, Block 3, Drain 1.25
McMahan, J. T. Beginning 6.G7
chains E. of Inner corner ot
W. boundary of Goodcll Do
nation Claim; thence S. 2.10
chains, E. 4.2S chains, N. 2.75
chains, E. 2:10 chhins, W.
4.3S chains to beginning, con
chains. E. 2.10 chains. W.
22. It. 5 11.10
Cheshire, Mrs. Robert Lot 30.
Drain Addition to Drain SO
Stark, N. M. S. Ixt 1. Block
1, Krewson's Addition to
Drain 30
Unknown Owner All fractional
Block S, Krewson's Addition. .30
Sterling, Mrs. J. A. Lots 1, 2, 3,
Gardners subdivision, and 3
acres in Sec 17, Tp. 22, It. 5. 12.70
Pryne, Charles Lot 1, Block S,
East Drain SO
Varwig. Louis ImI 4, Block S,
East Drain SO
ShUlocU, Max W Lot 6, Block
SO, South Drain 50
Roberts. C. A. Iots 3. 4, Block
33, South Drain 50
Strain. Mary A. Beginning at
Yew post on upper side of
street; thence W. 200 feet, S.
200 feet, E. 200 feet. N. 200
feet to beginning iu Oak
land SO
Unknown Owner Lots. 1. 2, 3,
5. 6. S, Block 1. Old Oakland;
Lots 1. 6, S, Block 2. Old Oak
land 1.75
Unknown Owner Lots 1 to 4. in
Block 6; all Block 7; I.ots 3
to 6. Block S. Crow's Addition
to Old Oakland 1.95
Haney, John 1-3 Block 7, 1st
Addition to Elkton SO
Haney, Charles 1-3 Block 7, 1st
Addition to Elkton SO
Hubbard, M. C. Lot 6. Block
16. 1st Addition to Elkton.. .80
Haney. John and Charles Lot 7.
Block 16. 1st Addition to Elk
ton 30
Critser, Francis O. Lots 1, 2.
7. S. Block 17. Gardiner 3.50
Hansakcr. Mrs. S. K. Lou 1. 2,
7, 8. Block 3. Myrtle Creek... 3.50
Dement Estate. Mrs. E. Lots 3,
4. Block 4. Myrtle Creek 4.35
Riddle. W. S. Lots 10. 11. Block
11. Riddle 2.10
Riddle W. S. Lots 1, 2. 3. Block
12, Riddle 3.CS
Jackson, John AH Block 1, Can-
yonrille 26.56
Bailey, Isaac W. Lots 1, S,
Block 2, Canyonrtlle 2.45
Starr. Filex Ixrt 10. Block 12,
Winchester 30
Unknown Owner SK. of NK.
M -ec. 13, Tp. 24, K. 7, 40
acres 1 10
Unknown Owner S. M of NE. t
Sec. 7, Tp. 2S. K. 4. SO acres . . 2.15
Unknown Owner-SK, X of NE.
. Ji &c 21, Tp. 2, K, 7, 40
acres 1 10
Unknown Owner SE. of NW. U
Sec. 24, Tp. 30, It. 4, 40 acre.. l.OSi
Martin. Richard SE. Vi Sec. 36. !
Tp. 23. R. 10. 160 acres 10. So;
Baldwin. L H. S. of NE. Vi.
less 20 acres off E. end. Sec
14, Tp. 26. R. 7. 60 acres1 2.70
Unknown Owner S. Y of SW.
Vi. N. of SE. Vi Sec 3.
Tp. 21. U. 4. 160 acres 10.S6
Dougherty, James K. NE. Vi of
NW. Vi Sec. 4, Tp. 23. R. 5.
40 acres 7.70
Now therefore I ill i
JANUARY. 1004.
at the hnr of one o'clock, in th after
noon of fal day, at my office 111 the
Court Hon, in Rotsehun;. Douzlne
county, t rHtfon, in oberlienctt to sid
warrant sell at public auction, snbject
to redemption to the pereim who offer?
tn wy all the taxes, interest, vnnhie
and accruing routs thereon, and take a
certificate at the lowest rate of interest,
fur rah in hand on the dv of tli ?slf .
Sheriff and Tax Collector for Douglas'
ecHintv, Oreenn-
Dateif this 9th (lav of December, 1903.
Tax jmyerB rtlease take no; ire that
coct is ldei to the nbove airwMints.
an.l miyone wit-hinu to remit any of t fie
above taxed will add 35 cents im line
for aiivertiini;.
A Direct Line
to Chicago ami all jtoint.'- east; Louis
ville, Memphis, New Orkainf, and all
limits sonth.
See that your lickot readf via the IL
LINOIS CENTRAL It. It. Thoroughly
moleni traim connect with nil traus
contineiiul lines at St. Paul ami Oma
ha. If yrnir frietidn arc cnniing west let us
know ami we will qnot them direct the
tHcially low rate nuw in effect ftom
all eatitern pninte.
Any information af U rntef, routes,
etc., cheerfully given on aphliestion.
Coiiiiiiorclnl Agent,
14-miird St., I'ortlnnd, Ore.
J. 0. l.imltey,
T. F. & l'. A.,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
I. It. Thoiniieou,
F. & l A.,
Room 1, Cwlnran Illtlj;., Seattle,
Wash. 81tf
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby ejvon to all partiefi
holding county wnrranto endorsed prior
tonnd including May I, 1001, are re
quested to present the name at tho
County Trennuror's ollico for paymi itt as
mtoroflt will couso thoroon after the date
of this notice.
Dated Kopuburs:, Donnlas County,
Onfgon, Out. 22, 1003.
Gko. W. Dimmick,
81-8t Conntv Treasurer.
Honey to Loan.
As finaniial agent for capital I am
prepared to loan money in any amount
from $o0 to $o00 on real estate or per
sonal t-eeurity, or to purthafo property
outright, or to purcliaFo eood notes at n
diFcount. Tlio money can oftentimes
lie iaid or drafts ibsued tho same day
that tho application is made. Enquire
of II. II. Ilrookcs, at ti.o I'l.wxnnAi.Mt
ollice, Iloteburp.
At M c itf p,-r q ur. VV. U Mur
o:'.v ) i l.tini, O.o 85 Ump
Notice for Publication.
Kon'-bun? Oregon, Juno 29. 190J.
Notice u hereby given that In compliance
with the provliloni of tho act of Conereii of
Juno S, 18,8 entitled "An act for the (ale of
tlnilwrlancln in the Htatviof California, Ort(OD
Nevaila.aml Washington Territory," a extend
ed to all the public land tatc by act of Auruit
4. lfc'Ji
l Mlllon, county of Cavuller, atnto of North
Dnkoln, lm thin luv file.) In tlilh Viflli-o hla
worn MnieuiditrNo. frttfi, for the luirchavo of
thoHKli of see. No. 4,Tp 28, south of rauge
8 wot,
and will offer proof to how that the laud aought
l mora valuable for ll timber or Hone than
for nitrirulturRl purpwe, and to establish hit
claim liuforu tho Krister aud Receiver of this
olfke of ltouburs, Oregon.
on Krl.lay. the IS1I1 day of lVoemUT, 190.1. He
lmmni kk u Hih'i-m.m Thomn WhiIkp. of I'mk
lilver. North Dakota, Archibald E. Wadice,
Val-i, Nnrlli DukotA. KHunim, M Stone, Alex
itndrlH Mlnni'soln, O. K. Lo!lhu. Turk Klver
Nur: li DnkutA,
Any nod oil tcrOBB claiming rulvcrtcly the
above described IdiidH rn riiiut-U.'d to file the!'
claim' It. tlit olllco on or belore fald 18th day
of ltc!Uiber. l'jus.
J.T. HKIudkS,
Notice for Publication.
KoKChiir. Ore., Ju 2t. IVft.
Notice H hereby siren that In compliant
Willi the provisions of the act of Congrera of
June is;. entitled "An act for the sale of
tln.Wr lanus In tho States of Callfomla.Oretron
Nevada, aud VashlneU,n Territory," aaextend
d to all the public land states by act of August
4. Ih92.
of I'nrk Kivcr, countv of Walrh, suto o' North
Dakoin, tint ihl day filed . 1 mi office tilk
worn -tntef cut No. Sl7. f..r the piirt-hav
of the SJ, of th NJi .f -vcllon No U
township '!. ninth of rninse 8 ni
and illoifer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuablo for lt timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Uecclver of this
office of Koseburg, Oregon,
on Tiuipolny. the v-n nay 01 Nove -li-r 1MM
He naie witnetse: Thomas Wadite, of
1-arfc Itlver, North Dakota, Arch bM E Wa-Itfel
al . S..NH H-kotR, Rasmus "I.Stone, .tie
ninlila. MliineMila. llrytijoif 1'ruin, ot Milton"
North Diikn .
Any and ail -crn'n elalmliKly adveroel the
above described land are rKjuited to til their
I'UiaiKin thl nftlce ou or before mtd 19th day
ol N vcmbwr, I'Att
Rtber x
Notice for Publication.
K.nebon:. Ore . Juvta. ISOt.
Noi: :s beitvy plrea that In comi!anr
with the provisions of the act of Con mot of
Junes, J'X erittited "An act for the sale of
limber land lit tl.e Mates of ( allfrnla,ireua
Nevada .and wM-.-t n Terrii'ry. uexiend
ed to all the public land stales by act of August
4. IHri
of Al. xandra, (ixioiy of Iioiitlas, slate
of Ml' u-"U, ha V it day fll1 ju tbU
ifioe b 'worn viatement No. ; H f r the
urrb e of the S NU, N, sj.i m-"-
I ..11 1 towmhlp wmiU of ra jre .1 vrl,
and 111 offer proof tosbowthattbelandsought '
Is morv valuable for its timber or stone than !
tor agricultural purposes, and to establish hit !
Claim (iore ir.e nelslcr and Receiver of this
olftce ol Kooaburg.Onrgon.
on W dneiay the IMS dav of November. 1'
He ane- a it'i'-e: Thomas Wtli.. O. E.
Lo-lb-ji. bdh of I'ark Klver, Nurth rtakora.
Archl aid E. L. Wdc, of WaV". North Ilakoia
Brjoji-K 'mis, of IMlon North IUlou.
Auy .nd all irnn claiming adversely I he
above drrerilt la 1 arc requeue.! tn file their
lira In th. o3io-onor before the said LSth
daj ol November. 19J3L
K. cut".
Notice for Publication.
KotvMtr.; Orncua. Otc 1. ISrt
Notice is tierrhy riven that In compltaaca
with the provUlons of ttc act of Ccncrwa of
Jnne t, s. entitled "An ail !nr the sale of
timber lands ia the Slales f t'sll'ornla.Drejon
Nevada .and Wasclnsrtou Terri'.ry," asextend
d to alt the public land slate by act of Acftsst
s. 9i
l IndciBince, county ol i'.tik.s-aleoIOre-e-n,hi
IhUday Bl-1 in this olice h' ivnm
ttirment No. for the i-orchao nf Ibe
rotilh East quatter of section No. Si, tovn ip
25t.4th. of rane h tt
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for its Umlr or stone ttaa
for acricultnral pnrpoees. and to establish hij
claim before the Register aad Receiver of Ibii
oitlce ot Rosebarx.Orvctia.
n Tbttisdsy the 10th day '-t Marr-h. 1X. He
names as itni-c: R MarUu. 11. Martin, of
B-ow:uville, Ortip-n; Oeorce Ha'-cman, FrvJ
Hemn, n Ro-voirc, Oirjoa.
Am and all perrons claiming ad versify' the
atve decrlbeJ Sands re rquelel to Bl their
claims In this oce on or before ald 10th day
of March 1901
Oct 7 p Kcsttter.
Notice for Publication
Unileil SUte Land OSce.
Rmebtirx Orpv-on. ue H, 1W
Nostra u hereby riven that In coapllanca
wtth tne rruvlikms of the aci ot Caufnt of
June S. ,eo titled "An art for the sale of
Isber lands Id tie 'Malesof California. Orrcon
Nvai .and W atlncton Terrtwry," as extend
ed to all the public land states by act of August
MINNIE I. HARKL. o' O.K. Co. ..I Portia id, cnunty of
Mu'.i'i- tr.lh, ,UU of "rMTn, h this day 31t3
tn tr.lorlW her sworn tatm.-ni No 7s for
ifce purchav of the o!P--cloa No 34 in
tutsfcshlpNo MHlth, ranRe Jf wnl
and will oT'erproot toshow that theland sought
Is xrv al iat lefor It limber or stone than
tor agrbraltural parres. and to establish his
claim befvre the Itesister and Receiver ol this
office of Roseburg. Oregon.
n Fridar. tblJihdv of F-bniarr. 190J Ut
ntm a Kiinos-a: w. II. XcCroven. J. V
Garduer, J-hn Koeef. Fran,: F. Doleby all ot
Kin bare. nyon .
Any and hit claiming adv.-nely the
abr drscrll-etl lands are req' to file tbei r
claims in this oScc on or before raid Uth day
of Fefcrnary. liiM. ).T 1SKIDGE-.
Oet S p Register
Piano Buyers
Yon will notice that we do not have
to be continually ftr'kini: out for a new
make of I'innos. The Needhain has been
our leader for 14 years and is today a
lender amoziu the high rade pianos of
the world. Some cheap pianos are made
hih jjrade simply by pitting a boost in
the Oreouirn or some other leading
Iaicr, through those big dealers who
think they can, and do make the major
ity of jteople believe it simply because
they say so. Itdtesn't take ink, boost
or high commissions to make a good
piano, but instead the very best
mechanic?, and the very best material
tiuch as are always ueed in Needham
pianos. 'J0-tf
T. K. Richardson,
Furnished Rooms.
.Mrs. M. E. Lohr, has o)icned furnisli
ed rotinis in the Fletchor block,, corner
Sheridan and Lane streets. Every
thine new, complete nnd attractive
throughout. Entire house' heated ; hot
and cold baths. Transient patronage
and regular roomers solicited. Phone
number 993.
Leading Alnslc House of Southern
T23.00 Gold or silver will buy a good
Organ or make a payment on one of our
fine Pianos, p: ices ranging from $IS5.00
to $150.00. I have decided to sell my
present stock regardless of cost or profit.
See or writo us at once ami secure
some of these bargains.
T. K. Richardson.
Roseburg, Oregon.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice ishureby given that to all parties
holding city warrants endorsed prior to
Dec. 4, 1901, are requested lo present
tho samo to the City Treasurer's office
for payment, as interest will ceaso thoro
on after the date of this notice.
Dated Losohurg, Oregon, Nov. 3 1003,
II. C. Si.ocdm, Jr.
City Treasuror.
Smith' Dandruff Pomade
Stops itching scalp upon one npplica
ion, three to six removes all dandru
and will Btop Mlinn hiir. I'riee r0e
For salo by Marsters Drug Co. mltf
Society (Meetings.
AF. A A M. Luiirrl I.oiIh No. 13.
H lht- tunpilnuHon Ht.tjnit
fiil f nvth Veflnoilit ol ouch
mon h. 0. 1'. Cotiiiow, W. M.
N. T. Jewett, Secretary.
T 0. ELKS. R ri?c Lxzf S -.
oUti. Holila ri-KUUr oouiojihii. 4
a !., r I m c i .11 1
And lonrth Thiirnihiys ot oach ni'mth.
Kl rriefn'HTH rotpii'pU-it tr- n'tunii ran
Inrle Mnil ol' vieitinv' rr- irn rorrli
illy i'.vited to attund.
F. K W'AiT-t, K. K.
Uov Ml (Jl.Al.I.F, SwUetsu , .
0.'. (J , ruei tg at Armorv Hall evrT
f hnrFilay ovomni;, at 8 o'clock.
F. B. Hamuk, Oapt
fOF A. Court D-.iurlafi N'o. 32, For
ecti're ol Americt. Mh-ib ovsirv
H TWeiluy evening in Niitiv- .-".im'
Hall. Vicitirif brithfal-aeo!c tp.
Fuank Kennehv, U.
E II I.B.VOt, K .
E. V. Hoovkk, I'tivHiiaii.
10. W. F riiliKHriiiu 1.1 Vf Nt-. b.
MiMjte in Oihl l-Vli-nt.' T-nip'p. cr
" ler Jarkpoii nnl Cat tie.te. 01,
tintnr lat oA'unini: ot rat.U ?ek Mfrr
heT"J if th nrrif-r in st.! ftu'iciy fi
tnvitxt in attfn't.
J. C Twi-chk l S.
N. f. Jewirrr. .-t:retnry.
3 of i'. Al.n No 47. Mfp
. VerV WrtlowiMV, -J J t). O. F
,6a HhSI m 7:3il p. tn. M m-r- n
oo-l indjn? jtre invito! to attftici.
(ito. E. HotrcK.
S. V. Kami K K S.
j O. T. M. Protection Tent No. IK
fl Holiia itg remilar Reviews the -
! I !.:. I T I r t
uiei. aiiu iiuru rriiiav 01 CJli'li
month in the I. O. O. half. Vieiliim .
nii;inlers in fcood rUamlin are invito.! to '
' 11 1. r.
... .vim. VJtsu. . 1 KKKV, KAm.
E. E. llLoixik-rr, Iteconl Kee;er.
Lii.ii; 1-nwi.K So. u, w.t,.m m
' .l-! on 1'lkl mi 4th
Frilitye of ear.h luomh at the I.
0.0 F. 1! . I. Vii!it Dj-nirtt..? in
cood ctr.n-'inir re invito to a'tiiii.
IKIXA Jewe t, lirrtari Nsftatiltor.
MiNME IrrsV, "Cy.
L. T. M. R.?r-crif Hlv- No. 11.
Hol.l, ite rtrnr rclcif op- n thf
" first ai (1 third Fridn- rtt !! n .r,
of e. h tiHMith in Vi" Native s-iui-' Hall.
"!-r if ofhor Htv- vi:tlrein tcecity
t- ew.iiimj irnir-i rnrtr. 1 our re-
7" Hathe Morian L. Cox.
J ei-ib Kjin- R K.
9E. f RweSorv Chaptpr No. 8
Hl.le iWr tev'oUr mwting on the
ii , tuurpiiRy in acr
n nth ViM-ins nirntk-rs in .u-v
tu li- s t- rif4v'filljr invrtwi to Ht
nd. Ma Nannie SraAtiutt W. M.,
.Macde Ra-t Secretary.
TRliKK.H5. Rowtmrz Kl-kah '
j l"hf- No. il. I.O. O. K ratg in
Odd F-iki'T.Taple evrr Tnday
-fnir-c. Viitine 'tstBrH nd brethres '
ITltwl to ttid. !
Della IIkow.v, N. G. ,
Coua Wimbsklt. It. S. I
semWy No. 105 meets every Satur
lliv f.vntn. i f C a"..1..1 Im V-. : !
Sons Hall. Visitinjr Aru'sAns conitalir
inviieti 10 aiteml. ,
Rev. S A. Docclas, 31. ,
Mtiss. Lela Bkow.v, Secretary. i
iry Cahu. No. 125. !.i. t the O ld '
F-!loe Hill, in Rtbnt;, every t
irr ai.d thinl Mcinda evenins:. Vu:t-'
M-iel'r? elrorn.
N. T. Jewett. C. C
J. A. BrctiAXASc. Clerk.
Oild Fellow's Temple. Mtxte first
and third Thnzxiav eveninsr- each ,
month. Visitors coniiallv invited.
J. U. Hamilton-, C. 1".
J. C. T'srrrcHEix. Scribe.
Professional Cards.
,noac (ortwiic; wot iburr
OOce: hoom 11 Tajlor A Vw BlVck
Exmnlntilon Five OS hoar 9 u 11 a. m
2 In 5 turn. Iirwlnat S:HI lV)!l.-iI O.IoDih
Coarl Hook
Do sro Stain.
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. O. Ro.KBi"Kn,
'Phone Main 591 Oreoon.
Ahraham Uk
ve IVtt Ofllro
Roseburjr, Ore,
Physcian & Surgeon.
oooe Ki-Ticw ma.
rhr ne. Main 31
KotIuh BulliltQF,
relophona vo. i. KOKBruo uh l)
A M. Chawford a J. O. Watso.v
Attorneys t Law,
Koows IAS, Bank Bulld., rt'JSHuUHU, Ol .
pCT-BiisSnebehireth TJ 8 Land OOrr anf
uiiiliu case a TCiaHj.
3unlni" teloro n.H. Ijind OfBtanJ 1'robati
tmln- n a specialty,
Oai o Abraham iluUdlnr.
Attorney-at Law.
Wll practice In all the State and Federal Coiiri
Office n Mark'" tlldn., KosobarK. Orriron
wmi 1 and 2
Vj,vliw Dull.'.lns:. RIKlHtKli. OKKHIIN
A. llDOK AN AN, Notary Public.
Collections a Specialty
Mamtjr ButliWus
Land Surveyor.
Utlliti, lloom fi. Tay or A W ilwti llloek.
I 3
HZ1 rxrl nt" !t?
SJK,y iCJ y
y 7M Oak
A rati. For DO
! ''i.-iiSi.'s. , ijfcr
e THE Qjrr S?$ r
and XSr'TiNyite
3 H&bigQ
Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado
Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky
Mountain Scenery by daylight
Modern Equipment, Through Pnllrnan and Tonrist Sleep
ing Cars and Superb Dining Car Service.
For rates?, folders and
fiirmitkin. aiMre-is
IGsiJi S3rtrC
FaCy Garistefcl
Wafts Ca.
Vitxttrr, Ctzs. ,
W Tail rv--
SuFruibcs. " l!j
City ami Minins Proprt,, Hoiue
stwhls an-1 Timber Claiius Located,
tin- Ivist now '3 -.XT. t. No fees iiatd
until Filinj; a?pteL Relinquish
tnent? boteht ami sold. ; : t
Stewart Land Co.,
Room 4, Tajlor & Wilson Block
Your Watch!
When was it cleaned aiMl oi!el?e
Is u rm li.i lix it t i ? It
pis not, it would be well'to have it ex-
iimined, I will look it over cnrefullj!
Siiid tell yon just where the trouble U,
and what it will coat to renair it.
I guarantee all my work and liwa
up to tho guarantee.
R.F. WINSLOW Je?tr.and
. t?tician
H. Little,
j Oal
is prepared to wait upon old
and pew customers and friends
with a full and complete
stoek of 1
All fresh and of the verv bosi '
f quality. Tih-j and i-offivp are
HptHMHi'tiPi Yonr tvatroiiat !
tj 305 Jacks in St., Kiwebui " '
rr. ts 2
I 9 p 5
St., Opp. Churchill & Wooll.y's jf
if its a white
itt f.ll. right
15 KIiG
White family And Tiilor
ing Rotory Sewing Mach
ines. Machines with
Rotary Lift
W. C. McBRIDE, Gen'l Azent,
la Third Street, Portland. Ore
Go to ..
For a. Prompt and First-claw
Shave or Hair-cut. Comp
tent Workmen, Clean Tow
h. Toole aluravsin shape.
Baths in Connection.
"I hup oo Jackson St.
Notice for Publication.
i R nr&ars:. Or . Acs 3. WK
' Notice is brrrbj ctrcs iax ia cotspllasc
wilA tie sroTl5fca ol it- act of Oosfif ol
JnsS.T.eaCUl""in art for tfc sale of
ttster laads ia tie Slam tn "ali;oTaia.OTsoa
Strata jad Wasalaion Tf rrl:orT," u eilD4
adtoaa lis pablle Uad sttea tr ct oi Ancmt
joHxr h nrrir.
o; Siarta. rwrintr of Jt nio. aute of WIjniia
nn- i day flktf a ilia ofiee hi sirora auto
at. tN'aii rtle pnreaase ot Use soata--taortrr(5Ei)of
svetfna So is tosra-.
h i So 2", with at raur No $ wt
and wOlolfer proof to s&ow tiat Um lead soar it
is motr Talnabie for !ta tiaber cr aicse tia
. for aricallaral porvca. asd to cstaillcn
; data tefcre tie Rtfdsm aad SoatTr of
i tiioeof Bceaius.Ortroa.
oa TueJar lie liih.vof Jarsarr. ISO. TJ
' v.c'u.. u .,a(. ZCTI
frrcn; Wekne HnbrIj. rt. Wtouia. .
Any Dd alt .a dalatng drrly thej
b-Tedrscnlt ia-t are requested tn Cte their
e'aina m hUpf5-caor rv-tor.- tie Ut tlih.
day et Jaauary, l9iL
Notice for Publication.
TaiJ ttte tvin.l O 3y.
Rfxoba-tr. OrrCi. Jua;lS. 11X
Settee is ierefcy firea that la coar4taaea
tth lie provisions of tie act of Coasrtea e4
jQne3.V.A.cQUtled"Aaact for the sle
go: ber Unds In tie stiles of ralUornU.Oro
Tada .aad WaaMnetoa Terr! lory." a extend
MoaU tie public laad ataUa hy act ot Ancaat
of KoseUirK. County ot UhisUs. Sute of Ore.
nn. nas this day a.d la this oSr his swota
sUi-eaient So. VCS, for the purchase of Uie
NEof secUoaS,towashlpSS, ranse -l west
aad will offer proof to show that tie laad aoczht
It more valuable for tta Umber or stone thaa.
for ari cultural purpot, aad to eataiUth hM
claim lfore lie Register aad BecelTcr of
(tflot of Koaebars. Orsjoc.
ou r:Uy thr iyih day .f January 190U Ho
ass'S as witness: Georsts te-l, U. U
-.tudlej- Marsareti. Brotes D P. Fisher. U
of Kiwrtmrj, Oregon.
Any and -ill tenons dainirng adrr-ely the
ab-iveiWitnU-d l-vwli are rrtyiiJ Ui file theli
elaisns ia thu office en or beiorc tic 23th day ol
January ISM.
.'ulylt.? Wur
Notice for Publication.
I'nllo) Glares LandOISce.
Koelmre.reciT. Oct. 31 1M3.
Sottce ti hereby siren that la cnmpUaaca
wtth tie proTistactot the act nf Cbncrera of
June J,)STJ. euUtlcd"An act tor lie sale of
tlmKsr lands tn the ?tatec! CalUornia.Oreiroa
SeTaJa.aad Washington "errttory."asextnd
4 to all thw publlo land atatea by act of Asjaat
, IWi
of rortland. county of Multnomah. s't' of
Orvcnn. ha this day died tn this offlce his
svrorn statement Srv Tt. for the purchase ot
the .Ktvf section So. St In township So.2S
south oi ranee No. $ wet
and will oiler proof to show that tie land soiijht
Is more TatuaUe for its timber or stone than,
for agricultural parpowa, and to establish h&a
clai-n before the Register and Kacalrer ot thla
olflce of RoMburc. Oresoo.
on Fri-Uy. ihe lilt daT ot February. 1 90S. Ho
liaises as witnesses: Mlnnlo llarrlv Port. and.
Otc, W. It. McCnw-en. J. W. Gardner. John
Kogors nf Bosour. Oreeon.
Any and all rrn cUlralnt a.lTerseIy tho
atove drscrlrxtl laada are requested to fllo
their claim In lhloffl.v.0nor bctora the sKt
12th Uy ot February, UML
OctSp Re$ister.
Notice for Publication.
United SUtrs Land Of9re.
Kosthurc, Oresxin. Oct. SJ, 1X3.
Sotire ts hereby given that in eompllane
with the provisions ot the act of Congress ot
June5,STS.enUUedAnact for tho sal a et
Umber lands In the Statu of California, Oncost
Nevada .and Wuhin rtnn Terrltorr. ai extand-
i ed to all tho public laud states by act of An(Bt
. otStMttle, omnty ol Kmir. utsot WahlnKton,
' has this day ilko In IhtsotBro his swum slate
' incut So 5 (M. for the purchase ot the 1'S 2. 3,
4. l '.hes4 otnvotsee So. 2. tp'.'Ss.ot
; rswrfii
and will offer proof to show i attheljdaoutt
Is loi-r.-raluatlo for ltn tiiut'cr or stoaa than
for agricultural purples, a-d t establish at!
claim before tto licctster and Uecclver ot tUl
ofltce of Roseburc.UrcifUU.
luea-.ay, luo th day ot March. V Of. Ho
lianies a tincsse: (has Thorn J.Jiu Thorn
ot hooburv. Oroaon: John Bccler, hank
Loint oi Cleve aud. trKn.
Aut nd -H t-vrMi s c lmlnx advrally tho
vIk e d.trrtbe ' land- aro rvqoestcd to Hte thvlr
i'l si 'Hi offco tut or Uiiora said 23ih ilay
ot Mureh. 1AM. J.T BKU-"
Nov KcgUler.