ml-. THE Roseburg Plaindealer PnMlsbed Mondays and Tlinr-days. PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING CO. 11. II. BHOOKKS, Editor. MARY K. BROOKES, Proprietor E itoredat tho Post Otfice in Roseburg, O-o.. aB second class mail matter Subscription f 2.00 per Year. A Ivortisintr Rates on Application. The Editor of tho has no lnten tlon ot maklnc a false fdatcu-tent reflcvtln r upon the life or character of any pen-on, officially or otherwise and any statement publUhed In these colums will be cheerfully corrected If errcncous and brought to our attention by the aggrieved party or parties. Our intentIoui that every attlcle published of a personal or political official nature shall be news matter of gem ra interest and'for the welfare of the State at large. DECEMBER 24, 1903. CLOSE THE HONK-I-TONKS. The Plaindealer has been asked the meaning of the word "honk-i tonk." The word is taken from the lan guage of a tribe of Indians of Okla homa and means degraded abandon ment. It firstfeame into use at Fort Elliott, near Mobeetie on the eastern line of the Texas Panhandle, near which is the Cheyenne Indian reservation. From Fort Elliott the word spreal over Oklaho ma, Indian Territory, Texas and New Mexico and wherever it is known the general acceptation is: a place where spirituous liquors are sold and a gambling establish ment is run and lot of females who did not purchase enough mater ial to make proper dresses so that j they had to be cut both high and low, ply their degraded business. Now we do not know that there are exactly the counterpart of such establishments in Roseburg, but there are far worse if the Plaindealer's authority is correct; and that authori ty says, that there are saloons in Roseburg where gambling is carried on day in and day out, night in and night out and where girls and women congregate at night with all the abandonment of a Parisian dive in the Italian quarters. Be this as it may, we know enough to state that some sa loons are withering blights upon the city at large and should be compelled to close up everything not contem plated by law. There is a house of prostitution be ing started in the very heart of Rose burg which will be a regular den of iniquity. From telephone messages received in Roseburg between parties interested, the Plaindealer is able to state, that a Roseburg man has been in Portland this week to bring a flock of lewd women to the city. On "Wednesday morning in talking over the matter with a saloon keeper in ouroffice, we were told that he had leased the rooms over the Office sa loon to a Mrs. Kate Clark to run a respectable lodging house.(?) Who in Roseburg does not know this woman . - . . um UCI lepuuiiiuu; lie sxim, auu w e have the statement signed by him, ; that for months past he had rented : the rooms to various parties and with the exception of three persons none ! had paid rent; and that they had i turned the building into a regular "dog house" and at night in the rooms, men consorted with other men's wives and daughters. In conversation he stated that if he told all that he knew about matters there would be a lot of shooting and a large number of divorce cases and Roseburg would be torn wide open. He gave names that surprised us somewhat, but we have been around the world a little and know something of human nature and while we are- no saint, but about as tough a piece of rawhide a coyote ever chewed on, we can truly state that the notoriety Roseburg has re ceived for being a wide open town keeps away scores of good men from locating, and as men with business sense and enterprise, the men who own vast property interests in Rose burg are a set of "tu fer a nickle" fools. They want all they can make out of their .property and will back up and countenance a state of public immorality that would make hell it self vomit in their desire to grasp more gold when by having a town renowned for right living and a high state of civilization and public and private morality their property would be worth three time3 as much as it i3 at the present time. The fathers and mothers who are raising families in Roseburg have something to demand, and that is, that the laws against sa loons running wide open on Sunday, against saloons running gambling hells, against saloons running broth els, and against places of prostitu tion and that all be closed andjkept closed by law. The Plaindealer can produce the evidence that city officials are stand ing in with and protecting crime in Roseburg. It can prove a state of de moralization, that is appaling and it is high time that our citizens awoke and demanded that the Circuit court by its grand jury and under charge of the Circuit Judge went to the bottom of the rotteness and the court should see to it that no man sympathizing with crime is on the grand jury. Let the watchword of every self re specting, citizen of Roseburg be: "Close the sinks of iniquity," and keep them closed. If the courts want to suppress the demoralization and iniquity in Rose burg, the matter can be done and if the oflicers will not do their sworn duty it is time that others be elected to tho positions they occupy, but do not fill. Now we do not know that there must be some adequate relief for the terrible evil cursing Roseburg and Douglas county at large. The Pendleton Tribune, Republican, saya editorially: J.TIenry Booth, the rejected applicant for land office honors and perquisities at Roseburg, has been thought unfit because of his connection with the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company. Quite a natural conclusion can be drawn by the sec retary of the interior since this big lumber company has acquired much timber and its appetite has been whetted by former acquisitions for more. The Booths are considered honorable men, but the baccilli for land grabbing in Oregon has become imbedded in the system of so many of the citizens of the state, that no risk can be taken. Initiative and Referendum Valid. bALKM, (Jr., Dec. -1. lne Supreme Court today handed down its opinion in the case of Kadderly vs. Portland, in which the validity of the initiative and referendum amendment to the constitu tion was involved, continuing the deci sion of the lower court and holding in substance that the amendment to the constitution was legally proposed and properly adopted, and that it is the province of the Legislature, and not of the court, to declare an emergency. This suit originated in the Circuit Court for Multnomah County, and was instituted by the plaintiffs to enjoin the authorities of the city of Portland from collecting the extieiifces of certain street improvements, which were assessed to . the abutting property-owners, under the provisions of the new charter of the city j of Portland, upon the ground that the Legislature ha t no power to declare an emergency in the case of the Portland charter in that it was contrary to the provisions of that clause of the initiative and referendum amendment to the con stitution of Oregon, which provides that no emergency shall be declared unless public peace, health and safety is in volved. When the initiative and referendum amendment was passed by the Legisla ture in 1S99, there were four other proposed amendments pending, and the constitution of the State of Oregon pro vides, while one, or more, amend ment is waiting the action of the Leg islature or of the people, that no amend ments thereto shall be proposed ; there fore the validity of the initiative and referendum amendment was questioned. Secretary Hitchcock Revokes Ruling. A telegraphic dispatch of Tuesday's date from Washington says : The Secretary of the Interior has re voked the order under which final act ion on entrances under the timber and stone act were suspended and all such entries, aggregating a large number, will now be acted upon in the regular order by the General Land Office. The order involves several hundred tilUUCUUU VI pUUtld UVSJirilLl 111 till. I lion ae i-tr-I nnika fif rulKll.t iliuiimn n t kk I w .... ... . . held up because of the big frauds por- petrated on the Government under the timber and stone act. The suspension which has been in force manv months has served a good purpose, and in the view of the Interior Department has been the means of protecting a d pre venting many fraudulent entries A rigid scrutiny of all entrie? under the act will be continued, but tl.c revo cation of the suspension order will have the effect of allowing all valid entries to be patented. This indicates that the Government believes that the backbone of the alleged ring that has been simu lating in and taking unlawful means of acquiring lands under this act has been broken. Democratic Banquet. The prominent democrats of the coun try will on Monday, January 4, !P04, at a public banquet in New York City sound their campaign bazoo for national honors. It seems to be an anti-Bryan affair. A dispatch says: "For several days the members of the committee which has for its chairman W. Bourke Cockran, have been com municating with Democrats of promi nence in National affairs, and it has been ascertained that the men to whom invitations are being sent and from ac ceptances are practicallyassu cd, include Chief Judge Parker, of the State Court of appeals; Senator A. P. Gorman, ex United States Senator David B Hill, Congressman John Sharp W;l'ums, leader of the party in the House of rep resentatives; William C. Whitm-y and others. The committee in charge of ar rangementH for the dinner include Aug ust Belmont, ex-Secretary of tho Treas ury John G. Carlisle, John D. Crim mins, Ashley D. Fitch, Hugh J. Grant and J. Edward Simmons. Cranbsrries are Most Profit bis. The telegram of Portland says ; Cran. berry culture in Oregon has a promising future, it would seem, from a late bulle tin issued by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. This bulletin was prepared by L. C. Corbett, and in a table he has prepared to illustrate the average yield of the berry in the various states, Oregon stands at the head. The average yield throughout the coun try is about 50 bushels per acr.-, but Oregon is credited with an average of 119 bushels per acre. MassachusettB comes next with an average of 117 bushels. No other state reaches tho hundred mark. It is the opinion of a Portland ma t who understands the cultivation of cran berries that there are flattering oppor tunities for thei' production in the Wil lamette Valley. The bulletin ismuM by the Govern ment, he says, while valuable for hiKtrue. tvon is not complete. It doea ni tiedil any ptaee in Oregon except Southwest ern Oregon wiih urowinj: cranberries, while there tire many other place where there are rai.-od with almost u,ual mic eess. Idaho doe not conns in for any credit, all houh it lias mhho locali'ie. I'or many ears thepiiio ! cranber ries has "radunllv risen. In New York maikctsin April, W.) they wore tpt del at from $3 SO to $4 iter barrel, while ut ihoMimo place they were quoted last January for $10 to if 12 a barrel. There are three titishrU to it barrel, thus tho average par Hcru iuld in Ore gon is almost 40 bnrrils, which t M0 would mao tho iac-mic amount toidioiit $100 per acre It is believed they are far more profitable th:m rtrawbtttrios under ordinary conditions. Cranberries are grown in very wets-round, i He plants being submerged during the early part of the spring. Their planting atid cul tivation are very simple. Their keeping qualities are gid am' they can Ik ship ped from one part of the country t the other with but little dniiuer of los. Portland merchants aro i (impelled lo thip in their cranberries lo a larye ex tent, and as California due" i.ot yield lhein any considerable amount there is h go m) market heio that cannot easily be eouce-tod by an over-supply. Even at a yield of 50 bushels per acre, it in as sorted by those who know, cranberries are exceedingly profitable, and why they have not had more attention paid to them in the Willamette Valley is a mat ter for speculation. Mysterious Disappearance. Information is desired by the under signed of .li hn J. Vliek, dead or alive," who disappeared from his train while en-route to tho Union Siovk Yards, somewhere between the C B. it R. cross ing and the Union Stock Yards olition, .Monday, November 23, lifc'S, between the hours of one ami three a. m. Dksv-hiitio.v: Height, 5 ft. 7 in. Weight, ItiS lbs Age, 33 vears. Hair dark, purled on right skle. Eyes dark, j Medium weight, dark sandy mustache ' rir,r front teeth ihvavoil. Lo.vtr front teeth crowded together. Slight! f scalp, sear from steam ' j,. on t;,jtf l mirn on hip. SlL-ht scars on right ear. car on fronl &f nLVk, right skle. Scar on back of neek, right side. Scar on right thumb nail from stropping razor. Left handed. Stub toe nail on second toe of left foot. At time of disapjtear ance wore a heavy cloth winter rap, dark color ; heavy weight, dark colored suck coat ; dark colored vest and pants ; laced shoes; turn down celluloid collar; blue It's a great word, isn't all it means a good deal. In sickness yon should only upon the skill of your i Reliance i the druggist to compound your medicine with accuracy. Every Doctor in Roseburg has inspected our labora- tor3 and approved our facilities We would like to have RELIANCE PACKAGES in doctor prescribes for any one REGISTERED Near Depot and white striped neck tie; faded bluej soft shirt with red stripe; flesh colored heavy weight cotton fleece-lined under shirt ; blue colored heavy weight fleece lined draweis; home knit heavy weight gray colored socks. Address all com munications to W. F. RILEY, 50 Kinzie St., Chicago, III. Special Agent C. & X. W. Ry. Homese:kers Arriving-. The Fall colonist rates of the South ern Pacific have brought nearly 40,''00 homeseekers into the state during the three months since they went into ef fect, saya a San Francisco news reiwrt. It is President Harriman's iolicy t as sist in the development of the country through wli ith his lines pass, and the low rates established Bzmi-aunually from Eastern points to California are for the purpose of inducing colonists to come here and settle. Tliere is small profit in the tariff in itself, but the re turns are brought by the development of unsettled sections of the state, which means business for the railroad. The low rate schedule which was in augurated last Spring proved successful and brought nearly 50,000 clonist. into the state. The same rat-s weie re sumed on September 10, and tho report received last Saturday show that 30,452 people had taken advantage of them up to December 10. The travel is heavier than was anticipated, as the early Spring is generally the time the farmers of the East and Middle West are moved lo come to the Pacific Coast. Tho Fall dates, however, proved alluring, and the overcrowded East poured nearly 40,000 homeseekers into the broad, unsettled lands of the West. They came into the state on an average of 380 a day, on the days the colonist trains arrived. The Southern Pacific passenger de partment has completed a table of sta tistics, showing the number of colonists who journeyed over the different routes and tho average per day. 'I he Ogden route was tho favored one. A total of 22,115 colonists traveled west over it, and the average per day on tho days tho homeseekers' rates obtained was 200 people. A total of 12,185 colo nhtM came by way of El Paso, most of them from the Middle Southern states There was also some travel from Port land and Los Angeles, which amounted to 1079 homeseekers. Many of those who camo bv way of Portland wore travelers from Canada and Xorthern K)inte, who took advan tage of tho low rates on the Canadian Pacific. That road recently agreed to establish the same toloniat rates that other Western roads had agreed upon to induce settk-rs to travel west. Kla a 111 rtvarri55v DCS ?lUy co. -era jt-i r ;r UMCi ion - jRMJiai Usui! i THE STATE LHUISLATURE. Tho Legislature has done good work and the following bills aro made laws: Tax Phelps law is repealed; the old law, with minor changes, is re-enacted; the $o00 exemption from tax es is restored; difficulty as to Record er's fees is removed. Criminal Law relating to poni tentiary executions is amended so that crimes committed prior to the tnking effect of tho now law shall be punished according to the law then in force. Charters Bills passed in both houses for Adams, Cold Ray, Beaver Hill, North Bend, Marshficld, Leban on, Cottage Grove, Athena, Lostine and Dalles City. GAME Prohibition of the killing of elk prior to September 1, 1907. Lewis and Clark Fair Joint memorial adopted urging Congress to grant the appropriation asked for. In the House on Wednesday a bill was passed to make gambling a fel ony. It will be likely killed by the senate. Tho bill is a copy of the Washington law. The House also passed a canal bill. The senate may kill the bill. It is expected that the Legislature will adjourn today. The Legislature adjourned early this morning and ended up the busi ness. TO RESORT TO WAR. England has decided to make com mon cause with Japan against Russia in Manchuria and Russia will now have completely back down, or the new or it be th;3 vear wiU . . . 1 iti t nA.-'? rhr sni m Anuim at-, f nt n "" - strutJSle between the Lion and the Bear, the like of which has never been known. We hope for humanity's sake the impending calamity can be averted. Free Masons Attention The Plaindealer is requested to announce that our Grand Master Swill it? If it means auvthinir at be able to place reliance not doctor but upon the ability of for filling his prescriptions. a chance to place one of our vour home the next time the in your family. DRUGGISTS KOSeDlKg be present it the public nstallation of officers on Saturday night, Dec. 2G, and will deliver an address. Al members of Iaurel Lodge are urgent ly requested to attend and visiting brethren are most cordially invited. The lodge will open on the M. M. de gree promptly at o'clock. After the installation and other ceremonies there will be held a social reunion of Masons and their wives and daughters, members of the Eastern Star and their invited guests and the best girl of any Mason who happens to be en joying single blessedness and want to introduce her into the "circle of Ma sonic social intercourse. The statement has just been made that the transport steamer Sherman, with over 1,000 passengers aboard, was nearly wrecked by Fred W, Jones, the second officer, who at tempted to run her on the rocks of Wakes Island. It seems that he was insane while in charge. The captain happened to go on the bridge in tho nicK ot time to save tho ship from total destruction. Afterwards the second officer attempted to jump overboard several times. In Chicago on Tuesday U. S. reve nue officers raided a school where a large number of men were learning how to make imitation whiskey. Tho officers declare it to bo moonshime whiskey and arrested six professors for running an illicit distillery. Our attention has been called to tho fact that the County Health offi cer uses special rubber apparel when ho goesto investigate small pox scares and that it is fumigated every time he uses it. The Republican caucus of tho House and Senate agreed to adjourn on Wednesday, but we aro afraid that it was only talk. At tho meeting of Laurol lodge No. 13, Ancient Free and Accept ed Masons last evening tho following of ficer." were elected : J T Bridges, W M ; W W Thackerah Senior Warden ; S F Cawltltld, Ju jior Var.!o:i ; A Sa zn. n, Tre.s; N T.leweti, Sec; O I' Cosh, w, Tyler RECTOR OF Sf LUKE'S. Asliburnhmi, Ontario, Testifies to the Hood Qualities ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. AsiuiuitN'li am. Out., April 18, 11) '3: I think it is mile right that I hlu nld tell jonwhata wondirful effect Chamber. Iain's t ough Remedy ha produced Tho day Mom Easter I wax h i digressed with a cold and cough that I did not think to bo able to take any dutii-n the next day, aa my voice was almost choked by the cough. Tho same day I rpceived an ordrr from you for a bottle of your Caigh Remedy. I at once procured a sample bottle, and took about three doses of tho medicine. To my great re lief tho cough and cold hud completely disapjieared and I was able to preach thrro timcH Kas.ter day. know that this rapid and ellYotive cure was duo to your cough remedy. I make thin testi monial without solicitation, leing thank ful to have found such n G mIsoiuI reme dy. Respectfully yours, E. A. LANG FK LOT, M. A., Rector of St. Luke's Church. To Chamlerlaiu Medicine Co. This remedy is for sale by A. C. Mar era A Co. Resolution of Condolence. To the officers and memi.ers of Rose burg Inlge, No. 320, of the Benevolent and Protective Order ol Elks: Our Brother, William C Hildebrand, Jr., is no more. J.'etolced, That, in tho death of Brother Hildebrand, Roaaburg llge, No 320, B. A P. O. of Elks, has suffered a serious and irredeemable loss. Itttolrtd, That our heartfelt sympa thies are herewith extended to the fami ly of our late brother in their hour of sorrow. Mav they bo consoled in the thought that the life that has depaitcd, has left its impression upon those in the circle o! hi.i brothers and acquaintances wun wnom mere win aiwny re mum a pleasant memory. Vttulttd, That we realize that a true and good brother has fallen. But how consoling the divine assurance that, that wtiich we call death, only opens to the freed spirit of the just and the good, the highway to life immortal. Fruits fall to the earth and decay ; but never a fruit that did not leave its seed, and never a life that did not leave its exam pie. lltitilttd, That an engrossed copy of these resolutions be given to the rela lives of our deceased brother, and a copy be furnished to the city papers for publication and that they be spread up on the records of Roseburg Lodge, No, 120, B. A P. O. of Elks. Jon.v T. J. W. Hamilton, W. H. J aviso, Committee. Out West (or 1OO4. The publishers of "Out West" pub lished in Los Angeles, Cal., announce that it will be as beautifully illustrated i and filled with ai entertaining a variety 1 of history, description, story, ycre and j editorial comment upon life and liters ; tureasever. j Special featnrea announced for the year 1S04 are a primary course in Span ish which, it is promised, will be the most complete and satisfactory elemen tary course of the kind ever published; the very valuable and "inten-st'ng remir niscences of Gen. John Bidwell, cover ing his life in California Ixnween 1S40 and 1S50, and a translation of a remark able trvatise on mining printed in 1561. This will be profusely illustrated with reproductions from the splendid en gravings included in the original treatise and will idiow that with tho possible exception of cyaniding and a few other recent refinements in 1 hemical process, the miners of that date were familiar with and used snbtantially every meth od of mining and reduction of ore now practiced. Altogether tho subscriber to "Out West" for 1901 will get unusually large returns for his two dollars. Head About to Burst From Severe Bilious Attack. "I had a severe bilious attack and felt like my head was about to burst when I got hold of a free sample of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I took a doso of them afler supper and the next day felt like a new man and have been feeling happy ever since," says Mr. J. W. Smith of Julifi, Texas. For biliousness, stomach troubles and constipation these Tablets have no equal. Price 25 cents. For sale bv A. C. Maraters & Co. SMiKE GH&RmE Is not a popular occupation. Most women shrink front the sight of a snake and would faint at the touch of one. Bnt these same women run greater risks than the snake channer. How many women allow ttis case to fasten on them and slowly to crush out their strength. Womanly dis eases should never be allowed to un dermiue the health. Female weakness, bearing down pains, in flammation, ulcer at ion, backache, headache, nerv ousness, and other 7omanly ail ments, curable by medicine, are promptly and per manently cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. 1 1 makes weak women strong and sick women well. "1 deem It ray duty to express my deep, heirV felt gratitude to you for having been the mean under providence of restoring me to health." writes Mrs. Oscar Drown, of Oxford, Granville Co., N. C " For two years I sufTered with femal weakness, headache, neuralgia In radons part of the system, and alter using four bottles ol Dr. Pierce's favorite Prescription, three of his 'Golden Medical Discovery, one vial of Tleas ant Pellets,' also 'Lotion Tablets,' nnd one box of 'AntlsepUc and Healing Suppositories,' I am cured."' If you ore led to the purchase of "Favorite Prescription" because of its remarkable cures of other women, do not accept a substitute. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book containing 100S pages, is given away. Send ai one-cent stamps the expense of mailing only, for the book in paper coverst or 31 stamps for the volume Iound 111 cloth. Address Or. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. aLrrMNS-SEMLBUI:DG NUiM tAL. The wedding of Mias llerllm Si hlbrede t Frederick K. Genius l td: pht c : t inn hi'im- of llu; bride' pniculp, Hon. iid Mrs U. A Si-hlhred.'. yeclerday id- terniHin at li::'.0 About seventy. guesls wre pn-Hent. ' Tin itilcti'ir if I Ik; ioi 11 o- u.-r-; elaborati-ly urraiib'til hihI ! eo'ii'i-.l wi'h 1 carnations, wild frun, mistletoe mid j Oregon grape. Tho bridal conpbi (stool l'ent 1 ti boanti til canopy of Hiiilux and ribbon! and woro iiuitud in nmrri.igo by Key J H. Loter, of the Christian church. A 1 the eoiirlucloit of tho wedding eeiemon nnd tendering of coiigraiulallonfi, Mr. and Mrs Gettins and thoguebts repaired to an elaborate liiui hcou. The bride was al tired in while Cn t,e 1 de Paris over taffi ta, and trimmed wi h ! cluny, and carried a bouquet of carna tions. I Tho bridesmaids were Miss Add e Sacrey and M'cs Wiltha Ueed, and tin- , maid of honor, Isn - mm 1 siv-iill W- , he brlde'H sinli-r, :il were dressed n I white and carried white c-rnatioiis. The groom wore black and a white carnation adorned the lapel of his coat. Lhas. T. Curry acted as beM man. Mist-es Leone Cohow and Dorothea Abraham acted as flower girls ami Miss Thelma Alley and Master Kelson Sweit zer as ring beari'M. gThe wedding inarch from Mendelsohn was rendered bv Mim Mabel Van Buren Misses Velle Barker, Gertrude Rast and Kate Fullerlon Hoisted in receivng i guests. I Mr. Gettins is a popular young m?n j of thii city, having gained many friend- in his few years refidouce here. He j in company with F. J. Make- ly irom toieiio, uino. At p-tent Mr. Gettins is associated wHi Mr Blakely in the Oregon B om and Tim ber Company. He is an exemplary young man and has hown good busi ness anility in all hi-i undertakings. The bride is one of ItM;burg's moM popular young ladies. A large crowd of friends collectrd at the Ha' ion to i-ee the happy couple off and to phoner rice on them and give their best wishes. They left on last evening's local for San Francisco, where they will sjeiiil their honeymoon, after which they will be at home to their friends in this city where they will make their future resi dence. Be Quick. Xot a minute should be lost when a child showi symptoms of croup. Cham berlain's Cough Kemedy given as soon as the child becomes hoar.-c, or even af ter the croupy cough apputrs, will pre vent the attack. It never fails, : nd is pleasant and safe to'take For sale by A C. MaretersA Co. CUngcnpeil, the Jeweler. W. E. Clini:enpeel, the jeweler, en graver and optician, h.s in his show window one of the swellest displays of Christmas jewelry ever shown in the city He is showing a fine line of rings. watches, brooches, pins and charms of the best makes and latest styles For jewelry work, watchmaking, repairing and engraving, his work i unexcelled. Have your name or your initials, or that of your friend, put 00 the present yon are going to give. CI ingeni -eel's engrav ing is attractive and up to date, ami y.-u have various designs to select from ami can know that it will be dune a." you wish it. 12 10-tf Deafness Cannot B? Cured I .1 "I'l'Hwstroiia nicy raio reach tf-e UextxiHil portion of t lie car. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constittitionxl remedies. Doafne?s i? raued by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When thi tnle is in flamed you have a rumbling Knnd or imjierfect hearins, and when it is entire ly closed, deafties is the result, nnd an less the infiatn.ition can be taken out and tliisj tube, restored to its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, uhich is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous services. We will pive One Hundred Doilors for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY vt CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 73c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES I.KND OFFICE. RotvburK Ore. , Svjit lis 'SOS oilreu r.cre y clven ltt Jn compliance with the prnvlM. n of the of rncr ot June s, iRs. entitled "An net for the 51 of tlml-cr Um! in the Stntrs-f rtlt'ornla,Oreon KrTa.U .ami a-Mnvtin Terr! iorr," uextend oltoatl lh public Und utes by" act of Augiut HENRY FRSST, o! Rio-clmrs. enuniT of Dxuc'ik. raslM tUr aii-l in thl office lit furorn statement No UO), nr me imrr.nne 01 ine u;; 01 i-cc .1 in tp .M X MJU'li ratxe N'o. S ct tsA will of ler proof hi thuvr that the land knight l more valuable for It timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish his claim before tho Register and Kecelrer ot this nlllca of KoMburj.Ortton. on Tuesday, the 21rd day of Fehrua-y. 1S01. Honamciiu witmnses; W. H . Mc'roswii J. W, Gardner. John It Kcra John Henderoou, all of Roi burs Ore.. Any and all person rlalmtnx adversely the above dc rlbcd la- d arc requested to file their claim In this ofSce on orboloro ald ZirA day of rcoiuary, mi. j. i. mwix.l-?, 1 7 p KcnUler. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice I hereby siren that the und-ratcac rdmlnlslrator of the state of Thomas Dtircat, deceaed, h filed his final m count In ciw trim iou county cterK m uouKtcounry Oregon, and that Monday l e II day ot Janua . ry, l'JOl, at 10o,olnck. a, m has lcn set by the Hon M li Thompson, county JinVt) ol .d county, for he irl.p objections. If any, to sld final account, ant for the final settlement of the same First pub tmtlon of this notice, be ing tl c 10 day 1 1 IUccmbcr. 19iS. E. K. ilson Administrator of Ihe estato of Thorn' Dun e ath, Ccbm dlOp Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES UN II OaFlCE. KocburK. Ore , June , vm. Notice 1 hereby ctren that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June i, 18.. entitled "An act for the sale of Umber tanas In the b'latcaof L'altfornla.OreKon Nerada.and Washington Territory," asoitond d to all the public land states by act ol August 4.18M. THOMAS WAIXiK, of Prk R'vcr, county of Walsh, state o" North Dakota, ha this day filed In Ihl office his tw.rn statement No. 5WJ. for tho pur chase ot the lota land 2,8$ NU of section. No. i, township as, south of ranee 8 west and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for It timber or stone than for agricultural purpot:, and to establish his claim before the Register and KecelTer of this otfice of Roseburg, Oregou. on Wednesday, tho 1Mb, day of Novmber, 19 S. He n imcs s wltncowt: tlrynlolf I'rtun.of Mil ti.n. North Dakota, Aichlhalil E. Wadge, of Wlr, Ntirth Dakota, Kasmu M. SUme, ot Aleiaudrlx. Minn, O. K 1 f tlui'. ol Hark River North Dakota. An and ll ivr-o a claim n,r adversely the alxnc ilecrttet Ih''h mu r"urMrd m tile Ihelr clalmi In IhmiilUv on .r botoro said 1Mb taj ol v. tail. J. T 111. D ES, lie- later. 9G& ffOE&& The "UNIVERSAL" FOOD CHOPPER Does Away with the Chopping Knife and Bowl Altogether. SOLD BY Churchill & Woolley, Roseburg - - - Ore 23 Store That FISHER & BELLOWS COMPANY MEM'S CLOTHIfiG It docsu't reqviire any considerable ex pense to wear good clothes if 'ou exercise good judgment in selecting from thor oughly reliable and correctly priced stocks such as ours. The Fall nud Winter dis play is at it s best. Styles and materials to please the most critical. Prices 25 per cent less than you will pay at other stores. We call particu'ar attention to our line of Oregon Cashmeres, fancy Worsted, Fan cy Cheviot and Thibet suites. All our suits from $12.00 up have non-breakable front. Hand padded Shoulders and Hand Tailored Collars. All are Union Made aud marked at from $5 TO $18 MEWS' OVERCOATS. A remark able line of the la ding st3les in all the newest mixtures and pJain materials, $7.50 to $20.00. MEN'S RAIN GOATS. We have everything that good and that w 11 turn rain. $2.25 to 15.00. Boys' Suits, B 3V Overcoats and plete st'ick of General Merchandise. Phone 721 Write Summons. : IN THE "IR T 11VRT Of T it K TTi, IK't" .t-ASClKTXTY. OF t,E,OX KJ ESe U-b..(., III . , . 1 Daii-t Pfsbup. I tm 'ant .. T- Uarl B J.op, lb above raml dehod -" 111 . .1 brebyreiurltaa:.rats-1 . Use roaa rllt SV-l aswism on 1st ike r.TY entiiled ot.w r.rvireUiJ.dyJary.lHM:a.4 I y.i fall I.. s,ror an er. iW aa( itsn- ih iJamtis will r-Jr t.s lb eoaKt tor Usv relief dtMn4ed In i-Uiait- coaasOai. !- ".r. der el 4lo urtoa ol Use a-H- tr.ct mid at C lem. tateTrS SierB in the state Wolnirt- n th iMh oftbe. lH.rebl!d. Use iw.oe . . - - .w 1 wit: u niMimi face, to-wlt: ll.i.ry sIksp. Helte Hkbos .ad Carl Hihp. tosc-hrr nilit Use Com and d- wpeBh aitoi mi. salt, im lor stvk - as t the our: msr sen eqatuble. This somrann-t ( -nhtih -d trader f t Una J. W iUmilt n. ju.twe o.' 'the bve e - t.Uedpurt. rade and enlervd on Use t day. . Dcber ZSSM. in and by whs. b order it is bnf2rltel that IhU isnaist .i1i K. mk .shed in the. fni.vDr.AtEi . w, 5neral rlrruwtlon p hiisbed in Dcl7cmisi- ty stite o Oregon, once week for six'eoss CiliTe weVs. l-es-ihtni: with 'kaixlt. ibelrd day of IXeember. 19 , ia-1 eadit. wtdt Tbssn - . - ! use sirs. ember 3rd. bos W W. CARDWKLU Attorney for FtatntlC t js-jii jt- mtcritK ur Oregon For. Douglas Cou.vrr. Plaintiff, j Ntvliwby t.Wk - H - y Georce . beiver, m s i tae uiua,4 Drfetsd. Defendant. J llaHtl.!!LJKmam,WTmtmaw an rareris-t ssso-tisced ntupcni' ser Use mu To l.eorvie W. -?eiver the above named ?iaW! "h t,.r.M tbetvmtat itenteot defendant. rJ? .EV."!? iro.m u ' In the name of the state of Orepm. 'n .f lOT ou are reiuired toapHmruid auswer fSr,.!!. ' f,1 ,:,, tri -t ".a the complaints tiled aeainst yWI i., tin ' lnl ?ZSlTtTdlhari: above entitled suit and court on or h liSttZPE F? fore tho lSih day January. 1901. ami i you failato a ppeji rand answer said csm tor a decree disso'vuii: the iiiarrinH coniracr, now esislnii; between the olain- tilt and defendant. 1 ins summon is tmblihed hr nnlnr of the Hon. J. W. Hamilton, unit:? of . " which order is datwl Nnvtunler .1 till iI.m I ... r I.KV..JI 1 - - - .1 ...... ,u in mo jam ortler lor puoncat ion of this summons is once a week for six consecutive weeks preoed - inR the ISth day of January, 1VHH. and nlaint eninsl. vnn ns lir..l,t. m...:..! t ami within the said time, ivlaitit iff will All that num amjly to tho court for the rviief demand-' tSTJX!?t 111 lies I.UUIIII1II1I1. IIS-W1L- ' SOUt' un Adraininstrators Notice of final &m?Mj&mtg3 raent. 1 OF OUEgSnTi- K-X WSft Vb 01lh(.lO, l AD JrOH DOUG- JjAS I'OUMY. In tho matter of estato of P, A. llar- ris. deceased. v... :....: i i : .1 . .; Kei. uiar. me tinner- stt-neil administrator of t he above named V91IUU una iiicii in mu aiKivo ivinrt inoi account in final settlement of said es tate, and the judge of said court by or der duly inndo and untured nf therein, has fixed Monday, the -1th day of January, 11K)I, at 2 o'cloi-k p. ni. o ani nay lor nenring onji'ctiun. if any, lo said final uccount anil tho settlement of .slate. Dated tho 20th day of November 190S It! F. NICHOLS. AdminirtritUir. E. G.. llalon, the p'mi! wrmlen who reaiiintl n veral ii 'it ths w ! been re-aj to his old po-.u-... 1 "Does The Business a com- for Prices and Samples 2S No' ice of Final Accouut. , . " lmtv t. .Hirt th f . - . w n 'he tomter -i tl. t-ri f i M-..i: . ... . - L . ' -'.i!jrun Ititfi.M-n. Wr..,L f Notkr ic hen-bT -trej that Uhs smsJ .T- ievuu.r t-l ire above etsttClnl I11- UVtl hts Ona! account. M et- , tU-mrnt tr-rrwj antLttSf OMirl hv riw Jnir m-j, "TlTr V er i , - "f t-s ef retort! n tiie Jornl thfrttrf, h hsM otssiav the tt t'i"?! ' l 'l"" lor ij,na-- ojctiows if " fbwcw lst to Said fJi,sU ceOii-t. assd Mir niuesneuria vikt t.ia T ?a " 1 . " J1J UX ItKM tUr -Novetnl-tjr 1903 DaM tlUi Mkh dar of Xov-.l.r om r ,v . OTe,H-r "T' If HBalsiBS, risectator of tbeeiat of WasMatcn Hcbs. Wsssa " : - ' , Sheriff ' Jutuu - Sale. la Use Cireall Cmorc ml . . I ZZlSmlT' " for i t :! ata(r. : . . . . 1 K''L Bvfcaa ku. .w.-e is aen-br nte. ts.r s. Hno. ! iirl? " o s.riW tnly 1mi eat s. Tl -:".T,rrw oc a tu Uaseet assd v exssso. B ee ui ; 'J. 1 ,Vfj ' ksci he .aat OelewfarVtW i jsoirx "? Tfr J"" J l AprH. I resaiss. lo-U: ot the Bontieat qHartr ot rtr ot sectins "X deentl as mnenrits 11 a i is. . quatercf wiioa n. ju . i.t.. ust. 1 . Ti-t Vr 1 J "l Twitas earner ot 1 s.kii I li line . jibi. iTJ", n , Ro-ebursrsip De r C.-vek. thanM ..r...ii .?Jrl . . . . w ite ; ntar f Svin7... . V lu u lo V --- -"s acrei more or ' ifr o ot the northwest qnartcr ol i X,. uis(auieaja inirrsrctstba soulhea'er rvad to a runnjnj l,i . . . . " :VXUIWII HIU FC , tt..n a. thence U'h 5on sat I ltn to the evil- lwl.iJ,i.n?iho.,u lw t' Uons t tfte I Uce ,d U KlnnliK.oouiainiusJO acre morn or ftMi. lTl Urw'la ii.e utalninf rii acres Als. the MHttheast quarter ol the noriheast aji auar- Djt jjj acres more or itZLShvt tu",lr'1' -wen"-. con iai. iuk KM aer a tMrv .r 1 s I irer ami tBexutthuesr . r, . .; .7i" wl tu'ortK the northwest -e-t. lUarlw ,, amiCn olxi " n-ttrui seottou wouining ia Ihetiasi hll I.I ISOUU nl. C"i Utn nr 1 0 , r -,. . t.. r" " Ail ol il.e aUve :ec itd la C aUv cno l,n.l tul.. 1. tiiwuohlp !? Sft.tlllK I.U.. . . -. lull . ... Mertdtau, and eonta nlti. Ii ih...r....i.n -re?on along s.kI llu to the suttiett oorsser ol t 1 . siM section t thuw w . .1 u k .: . ' ' "r VI -II S-CIlvll Ummi ulh aores nre. leSs r!ebt vxiitt the tee tnt. hereditatnenu an I apurlenances ,ikI istllappiv the ps ti,M Ie. flist .d ,1?,.7,V." Wv " dlslmr-ements JS?LSIL',U1. wth lute-est thereon .1 me mteoi per teut ir aniraiM iniet the 9th th. r. pay . rvr ... ke r krk .m thvt eurt. M dVT "! B M . ? ' !. .mH inn me to soil Her iMKlwt by U. . L A'Ro'T. , -e ff i.f lowif n.unj...t.k,oB. Iil .trn..i . . iH'i.