THE Roseburg Plaindealer I'ubltshed Monday ai'l I'h'iniiajrs. PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING CO. if he believes in big pill treatment for same time the Review, when it pub most even' ailment ho can run the j lished its last list, charged the coun- gamut of prescriptions of calomel, quinine and ipecacuanha to bo taken before breakfast; quinine, ipecacuan- ln ntiil pnlnmnl linfnrrt dinnfM nr itlP- H. H. BROOKES, alitor. , . " , " MARY K. BROOKES, Proprietor tu-""' 4" supper and for a suro snot ueiore bed time he enn take the three prescrip tions mixed; and nine times out of ten the big pill doctors can guarantee swift action and change in conditions' Tho editor lived on that kind of practice for ten years and knows that it is suro shot even' time. But it seems that Americans are fast losing Entered at the Post Office in Roseburg, Ore., as Eecoud cIubs mail matter. Subscription $2.00 per Year. Advertising Rates on Application. The Editor of the rxiij.-nEii.KR has no inten Hon of mating a falsa htatement reflecting upon the life or character of any por-on, officially or otherwise and any statemrut piibUthed in thews columswlll be cheerfully corrected if erroneous and brought to our attention by tho aggrieved party or parties. Our intention is that every ty 40 cents per lino. Tho commis sioners cut it down to 30 cents per ine, and the Review threatened to bring suit to collect tho claimed extra ten cents per line. Every year be fore that it charged -1U cents per ino and got it. Tho Review by such methods robbed the county out of vast sums of money and is tho last animal on earth to balk about rounty debts or grafts. article published of a jersouai or political faith m dope and placing dependence official nat are shall benews matter of general I , . . , ... interest and for the welfare of the State at large. DECEMBER 17, 1903. LAND OFFICE POLITICS. The Portland Telegram of last night's issue says : "For some time Southern Oregon pol iticians have predicted that J. II. Booth would not be reappointed receiver of the Rosebun: land office. He has held, the position practically a year aud a half since his original commission expired, people have this assurance upon massage treatment and getting the "small bones" that have a ten dency to slip, back into proper shape; and like the Hawaiian Island ers, instead of having the devil purged out they knead him out like a French doctor works over a glutton to cure him of gout (?) The big pill men are after the osteopaths, and want what thev claim to be a false system of curing various complaints, prohibited bv the terror of the law. But the osteopa bat as political matters have Men m a thy never kmed anvl)wy anli jf jt 3 a 1 1 1 - " I fnL-a if is i nnrtjtlr hnrmloss ofWf ,roc tn cn,.nrn tir niv t v Dflmtmpnt of his successor. and this is more than the big pill fol- Considerable grumbling has been m- lowers dare assert, lhe big pill men duljred in over the delay, though it was have srone into the unlit nrepared to generally understood that Booth s close , h - strU!nre for saPrema- connection with the Booth-Kelly Lum ber Company would result in his remov al as soon as his commission expired. Roseburg has been given the position for years. Knowing ones say that city will again be called npon to furnish the man and in this instance it will be acy, ana u tney can kiiock out uie osteopaths, then they will commence a crusade against Christian Science and other claimed divine healers. The big pill men who are backing up the State Board of Health had better Ashland, Or., Dec. 1(5. A gang of thieves and housebreakers raided Ash land last night. Entrance was attempt ed at three houses and nt a fourth resi- lenco it was successful, the carrying oil a number ol cltccts Running the Boys I" Tnmoc T TTanimnrh Jlnint. TEpnresent' ative for Doudas and Jackson Counties, go slow and not attempt by law to Hansbrough has been groomed for the say that no man shall allow another Congressional race next year, but his j0 prescribe or advise him whether to friends prefer to see him appointed take a dose of Epsom Salts straight ceiver oi me iana omee, nuuer uiau ai- ..... , . ,. . . . ,. '.. f r or take a little rock m his ne. gress over Binger Hermann During the last session of the Legisla ture Hansbrouch was an active worker and succeeded in having the "fellow ser vant" bill passed. That bill was quite an issue during the campaign of 1902 and as he championed its passage, the For some time past from ton to a dozen boys have been playing truant and making loafers of themselves and a common nuisance to the public, Their field of operation was th back part of the opera house, wht-r met, played cards, smoked - and raised low jinks before Hi en. To such an extent wa jectionable course of the that citizens complained of th on Tuesday Marshal Jarvi with the necessary paiiers. six at one time, several Thev were taken before the City Re corder, who gave them a lecture and turned them loose on their promise to be good. We learn that of the parents are backing boys in their meanness, by the officers for doing their duty. Now, we are aware that every old crow thinks that its young squabs are the blackest, and this may account for parents thinking their boys to be hunky doorey, but the fact remains that anv bov plaving truant from school, smoking cigarettes a i i play ine cards, is on the highroad : the penitentiary, if not the gall a . The Ntrne of Crime is Chtc .. they rettes heav- s ob s run i. and irmed rested tpm severa up the scoring Condemned Murder Escapes A dispatch from Vancouver, B. C, of Tuesday's date savs "The Northwest Mounted Police be lieve they have surrounded George railroad employes rallied to his support Cashel, the murderer who escaped from and elected him, When the election of United States benator came up. Jiansbrousih was one of the original supporters of Charles IV Fulton, and materially assisted in the latter's election. Hansbroueh has been a resident of Koseburg for nearly 20 years. He was conductor on the first train ever run over the Oregon & California road when that line was extended from the termi nus at Koseburg to Ashland, and re mained in the employ of the company up to a few months ago, when he resigned. Hansbrough has been an ardent Re publican all his life, and his friends will insist on his appointment to the posi tion now held by J. H. Booth." Calcarv Barracks. This is the day orig inally set for his execution, nnd they hope to have him in the toils again be fore it ends. A squadron of tne police is at Springbank, 15 miles west of Cal gary, where a man answering Casbel's description called at fonr ranches. He is now hiding on the prairie, ami the po lice expect to close in on him ere sunset. One rancher with whom Ca?hel pat np said the man was wet through, and had evidently tried to swim the torren tial Bow River and had failed. The farmer said he did not suspect the tramp was Cashel because he so uneon cernedly discussed the escape from jail." Unless the doomed man was exe cuted in the penitentiary at the time specified in the writ of execution ac I l: a r -xi.i. l The TdMrram is mistalnm: There oruul LU DUlua lavv w unzu l; it. t i. : i. has not been a man in Southwest Ore- . gon who dared to look with longing e fr,.thf w says that ii - -j t... t tt Geonre Bashel died by hanging at eyes on ine cnair occupied uvj.n. - . - Booth, much less asoire to sit in the iuuaJf ' i i j 1 1 1 7 " i 1 Ti io, at ine nour specinea in ine wru. At that time if not executed he ceased to be a living man according to law and if he continues to live he is a man without a name or country; A news dispatch says : "Debouncing the entire tolice system as primarily responsible for the crime epidemic which now grips Chicago, citi zens ami r -preventatives of reform, civic and social organisations of the city, mass meeting at YVillard Hull i Tues day afternoon, took the initial tia to ward a federation, which, ui. -r the Ashland In Terror. competent inspectoraol this department, who has recoived invaluable co opera tion from tho United States Attorney for Oregon. It is behoved that tho out- como of the matter will putting nn end in that editorial comment upon life and litera ttiro an ovor. Special featnres announced for the year 1004 are a primary course in Span- go lar toward lsli which, it is promised, will be the section to tho most complete and satisfactory eleincn- street about 3 o'clock yesterday morn ing, evidently preparing to rob Provost's hardware store. Policeman Long fired on them, upon their refusal to halt, and us thev continued to run he fired two additional shots, whoreupon ono of tho marauders turned and fired three shots at long range, in quick succession, hut without effect. The desperadoes then made good his escape. Vicious hoboes have been dropping in hero of late in great numbers. thioves fraudulent practices that seem to have tary course of tho kind ever published ; in se- the very valuable and .interesting remi nisconces of Gen. John Bidwell, cover ing his life in California between 1840 and 1850, nnd n translation of a remark able treatise on mining printed in 1501 . neretoioro ueen much In vogue Three men were encountered on Main curing title to public lands. Roseburg Public Schools. Hie Deposit Will Remain Deposited Tho will of the late Cardinal Ilerreroy Espinosa contains, according to n Fpe- ial disjmtch from Madrid, the extraord inary bequest of ?M,000 to the first Spanish general landing in United Sta'es territory with an army sufficient- Iv si rong to avenge the defeats in Cuba and the Philippines. Pending; the happenings of this event the legacy is to remain in the bank of p.iin. Hold Up in Roseburg. Report of tho Koseburg Public Schools T,1'8 will bo profusely illustrated with for the month ending Dec. 4, 100:1: reproductions from tho splendid en Whole number enrolled for year 667 gravings included in tho original trcaMso Number on register at end of month and will show that with tho possible 582 exception of cyaniding and a few other Number now pupils 22 recent refinements in chemical prowss, Average number belonging 572 the minors of that date were famili ir Average daily attendance 543 w,t" and used substantially every melh Per cent of attendanco 96 0(1 01 mining ana reduction ol ore now Number neither absent nor tardy 324 practiced Number of visitors 76 Altogether tho subscriber to "Out Miss Kidder and Miss Aldrich had no West" for 1001 will get unusually large cjites of tardiness. returns for his two dollars Miss Beyers had tho highest per cent of attendance. Names of "Roll nf Honor" pupils: Miss Stuart's room Waldo Masters, Kenneth Woolley, Freddie Bloberger, Byron Wright, Vance Perry, Ernest Bar ker, Wayne Bayle, Clyde Dick, Myrt Henderson, Greta Kohlhagen, Anneta trader, Dorothy Cannon, Isabella Ire land, Gladyss Minkler, Madge Patter son, Harriet Smith. Miss Hatfield's room Velma Davis, Head About to Burst From Severe Bilious Attack. Goldie Hoes, Gertrude Dolan, Alta Ar- Mr. Cluytou was on his way to the chambeau, Fannie Miller, Stella Heiz- stut ion to check a small lot of luggage, enstein, Elmer Mitchell, Clarence Tes- prejwratry to departing on tho-'north ter, Earl Howard, Earl Powell. bound overland. As he was passing be- Miss Akiu's room Molliu Cobb, Ca pi- fore Hon. Win. R. Willis' residence, op- tola Willis, Allie Ramsey, Stanford posite the Presbyterian church, he was Anderson. met by the robber and ordered to throw Miss Thompson's room Wallace Sing- up his hands. .Mr. Clayton complied, letou, esta Kruse, tannic Campbell, 'I had a severe bilious attack and felt like my head was about to burst when I got hold of a free sample of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I took a dose of them after supper and the next day felt like a new man and have been feeling happy evfr since," says Mr. J. W. Smith of Julifi, Texas, For biliousness, stomach troubles and constipation these tablets have no equal. Price 25 cents. For sale by A C. Marsters & Co. PUBLIC flASS MEETING. and the highway man not loosing any time immediatelv liegan searching his pockets keepinu him covered with the revolver. Ai he reached the pocket con taining the money. Clayton showed his tnurage by telliug the robber: "There is f IS in there and you may as well take it." The robber did so, then placed the weapon tn Mr. Clayton's lmck and or dered him to move oii,acompanied him for a short distance, then disappearing in the darknew. Mr. Clayton described the man as be ing about 5 feet 10 inches tall and of slender build, with a rather prominent nose ami Iwht mustache, wearing a licht colored coat and vest ami a soft hat, ami the robber stooped somewhat, Mr. Clayton said heomild easily identify the robber in case of capture, but the There will be held in the Method ist Episcopal church, on next Sunday afternoon, a public mass meeting, at 2-20 o'clock, under the auspices of the Anti-Saloon League, which every citizen of Roseburg la especially in vited to attend. The Rev. Dr. Chap- Miss Stewart's room Blanche Chaj- man, who has been doing such good Viola Willett. Miss Kabat'a room Willie Dawson, Hazel Minkler, Helen Wollenberg, Irma Wollenberg, Frances Alley, Dcssie Geng- er, Johnnie Kennv. Park, Ellie Cobb, Dora Reliance 11 : i pell, Helen Cardwell, Claire Gazley, Harriet Lytic, .lennie Wharton, I-c-sta Rhoades, Ivan Woolley, Philip Natcher. Mirs Kidder's room Lucy Brown, Pearl Davis, Walter Kruse, John Mitch ell, Dora Howard. Miss Aldrich's room Hazel Lytle, Rav Marsters, Willie Speck, Charlie Reese, Frances Thompson. Miss Clark's room Guy Cordon, Ella Bryan, Rosa Ramsey, Olin Douelas, Charley Smith, Ruth Wooley Eva Thorn, Louisa Wrizht. Miss Cook's room Grace Marsters, Lucile Ragsdale, Sylva Moore, Cayce Gray, Maria Turner, Kate Cordon, Hazel Carton. Miss Erickson's room Edith Clem ents, George W barton, Archie Jackson, Lucy Bridges. work in Portland in the past two weeks,will be present and will address the meeting. He is considered one of the best speakera whoever crossed the Rocky mountains, and it will be a treat to hear him. The Plaint) ealek does not know the scope of the in tended crusade against vice and crime, but it hopes that ways and means will be devised to free the city of the murderous villains doinc the numerous holdup acts. Senator Mitchell' Relief BUI. The "UNIVERSAL," FOOD CHOPPER Does Away with, tho Chopping Knife and Bowl Altogether. SOLD BY Churchill Woolley, Roseburg tt- Ore Store That Does The Business FISHER & BELLOWS COMPANY If it mcaus an' thing at It's a great word isn't it? all it means a good deal. In sickness you should be able tO place reliance not Neley, Alice Mahn, Emma Sehlbrede onty upon the skill of your doctor but upon the ability of the druggist to compound your medicine with accuracy Evefy Doctor iu Roseburg has inspected our labora tory and approved our facilities for filling flis prescriptions We would like to have a chance to place one of our RELIANCE PACKAGES iu your home the next time the doctor prescribes fornv one iu your family. A Washington dispatch saya : "Sen ator Fulton was today directed hy the Public Lands committee to make a fav Miss Golder's room Pauline Thomo- orable report on Senator Mitchell's bill son, Kutn ijibton, uollie Jackson, fctena lor me renei 01 anerman county seiners Marsters, Genevievo McCrossen, Edith I and his double minimum land bill. The Patterson, Vivian French, John Kast. I former directs the Secretary of the In- Hiph School Olivia Risley, Nellie teii jr to make a full investigation into the cases of settlers who have been du- Lillie Smith, Grace LaBrie, Jennie Hart, possessed of their lands, under a dea Ben Conn, Walter Barxee, Blanche sion of the Supreme Court, which Beard, Ethel Beard, Cora Campbell, awarded the tracks in controversy to Ituth Balderree. Ellene Flook, Margtret J The Dalles Military Wagon Koad Com- McCIallen, Flo Sch.ieffer, Dick Gilvin. A. M. Sanders, Supt. New Revolutionary Breaks Out. Washington, Dec. 15. Mr. Simpson, chair. Every applicant for land of fice honors directed attention to Bridges' seat and tried to oust him because they were afraid of the sup- nnsfid notvprfnl nnlitiral r.nmhinft WVimrTWh Tn ih w tiroo and if he was killed by any other man hPten firw, snd cPT,fv .n- nothing could be.done with his murderj didates have sprouted for Booth's of fice and there are more to hear from. Manufacturing Big Pill Medicine. er. He could not sue or be sued and so far as the law is concerned he would be nothing more than the ghost of a departed man. In the whole history of England up to 1870 when the writer ceased to keep track of English history only five men had The Portland Telegram on Tuesday contained the following article: 'Comnlnint is msd hv n mpmhpr of the State Board of Health that threats escapea irom jail auer tne writ 01 have been made ajraintt him or dire re- execution had been issued and the suits to follow if he does not recede from day and hour set when they ceased to the position he has assumed opposing rn ti, ftf HndiPl thfi writ. osteopathy. Just what these threats) were the board members refused to say. 1 ho made those threats he does not announce. had been issued and Cashel escaped about a week ago. Then the Govern or issued an extraordinary proclama- Osteopaths and massage artists who tion or writ extending the time for advertise to cure diseases are not going the execution but as the stay to get oB without a hard legal battle, al- r , , , , , , though the State Board of Medical Ex- , " " aminera seems to be resting on its oars, DY lne escapeu ieion or nis lawyers, in the matter of prosecution at present, nor by the representatives of the Evidence is being gathered and com- Crown while the man was awaiting plaints are being made out but the ball erennfion. the writ nf stay nf ft-re mi- 7 j - tion cannot have any force. This will not be set rolling until the board meets, the first of next month. "The osteopaths are trying to bluff the State Board of Medical Examiners," said a prominent member of that board yesterday, "and they try to bluff Legis latures and jndges into permitting them to openly violate the law. I have even received threatening letters telling me what the violators of the law would do to me if I presisted in this matter, but this does not deter me in the least. "The board has the written opinion of the Attorney-General of the state in re gard to the Etatus of these so-called doc tors, and we will not stop short of the State Supreme Court once we have be gun prosecution. These healers depend on the sympathy of juries in the lower courts, but we do not propose to stop at the lower courts. We will take the cases right up on appeal. We were dis posed to concede something in favor of these practitioners, but their course of braggadocio has had the effect of mak ing the board more determined than ever to prosecute violators of the law." The State Board of Medical Examin ers will hold its annual meeting in Port land on January 5, 6, and 7, when a number of applicants will be examined in regard to their qualifications to prac tice medicine within the state. Tho prosecution of the osteopaths will then be taken up. But the latter are not sitting idly by, awaiting developments. They are fully organized'in Portland and the Medical Board will find a good array of legal tal ent and many technicalities to cope with. The osteopaths claim they will lest their cases in their constitutional rights." This is a free country where every -man can enjoy any kind of cult and case is more technical than the Baker City case where Pleasaht Armstrong was sentenced to be executed and af terwards the law was changed so that all murderers after a given date should be executed at Salem and the judge has re-sentenced Armstrong to be executed at Baker City on Janu ary 22, 1904. THE DOQ IN THE MANUER. Delinquent tax lists arc now being published in a number of the counties of this state. Regarding such publications the Oregon statutes provicd that these lists shall be set in type not larger than nonpareil and shall be paid for at a rate not exceeding 25 cents per line. It is noticeable that in Douglas county a much larger type is being used, and it therefore becomes the duty of the coun ty officials to proportionately reduce tho rate per line, in comformity with both the letter and tho spirit of the law. The county debt is now piling up rapidly and all grafts should be 6trictly cut off. Roseburg Review. For the past ten years all the tax lists of the county have been set up in .the same kind of type as set up this year. A large number of the counties have used the same kind and style of machine type this year. So far as the Plaindealeu man is con cerned he did not know the law in the case or it would have been carried out, not only in the letter, but in the spirit; and if a mistake has been made will a just reduction. At the Ftulerton Ricliardson pany, or its successor, ana to refori to congress next session whether terms can be made with the Wagon Road Company whereby these settlers may be restored to their lands, which were j entered upon and improved in good faith. He is also directed to ascertain the extent and value of the improve ments made by each settler. The double minimum bill, which has appeared year after year for many Con- REGISTERED DRUGGISTS Near Depot Roseburg lead of the Citizen's Association, is to mhke a united, determined tf..'t to drive criminals from Chictg-' t ' reak up the hold-up man's reign of i- -r. ThU action by all the clubs I so cieties was made itcceary ty 1 terri ble condition of the eity. "A 1 m CO days, there have leen 12 runt ' by robbers and more thmi 909 r ries. No one can he said to be sti- the street- at any time after night, I hu man life ie the cheapest comm. . y in the second city in the United S Rabbi Emit Uirech said : ' hi capo baa become a by-word for vklf i.f, an archy, crime and destruction.'' He said it is hieb time this noterie'y be stamped out. Dr. Hirseh al ouu.nent ed on the violence precipitated hy link ers, and asserted that orciiWt I U'w should be held responsible, and tdiould se to it in the future that the I w is strictly obeyed. Iloyt King believed the 'di should be located in trying to cn luu,t a campaign against crime in a ciy as lame as Chicago." He niege"'' the police department and the Juitie - Court as open to investigation. He iei rred to the police department of ayetr 11-40, which showed that out of 70,000 arrests, alout 41,000 prieoners were di-barged and 25,000 had been punished. He did not believe all the arrests were made that should have been made, or thai the persons arrosteo had always met adi-quato punihhment. authorities are unable to find any clue to the identity of the robber. Senator renrose has introduced a resolution in the Senate asking the postmaster general to transmit to the Senate committee on postoiRcs and post roads all of the papers connect ed with the recent postoflice investi gation. Mr. Penrose will en:eavor to have tho Senate stir the grafters up a little .on its own account. Tho Most Holy Pope of Rome has offered his services to President Roosevelt to settle the Columbian fi asco. If any deacon, priest, bishop or elder is needed to settle the mat ter, we have at least one hundred thousand of them in the United States who have no axes to grind in the matter. It will, however, be a bad day for this country when reli gious orders attempt to control the country, but if we have to submit to religious domination in our political affairs, we favor giving the home brand a chance, Alleged Frauds in Oregon. The following is taken from Secretary Hitc'ienck's rejwrt: "Dnring tne past year there have been indicted and arrested in. the State of Oregon, charged with forgery and conspiracy to defraud the Government, a United States Commissioner and three others, the first being a woman. The United States Commissioner has been removal from her office, and all are wait ing trial by the court. "It is alleced that several hundred en tries and final proofs were mnde before this Couiumsioner under tho act of March II, 1902 (31 Stat. L , 790), all of which have lueii or are being examined by officers of this department. The niethodH Hirsued by these parties arc alleged to have been substantially as follows : "Forged entry (wipers of fictions entry men alleged to have been executed be fore the United States Commissioner, alleging settlement on a tract of land within the limits of a forest reserve prior to the creation of such reserve, would be transmitted to the local land office. Within a month thereafter, probably, final proof notices on said en try wouid ianiie, and after tho period of publication required, forged proofs, al leged to have been executed lefore this Commissioner, would bo transmitted to the local land office, whore, everything on tho face of tho papers being regular, they would bo forwad d by tho Register and Receiver to the General Lind Of fice at Washington, where no intimation of fraud appearing, tho proof was ap proved and patent on tho entry issued. " rhoreaf ter, forged deeds alleged to have been executed by the fictitious cntrymen before this Commissioner or a notary public, conveying tho land to -one of tho parties to tho conspiracy. would bo duly filed for record, ami thereafter the land would bo transferred by ono of said parties to some other per son, or else made a basis for a lieu selec tion under the act of Juno 4, 1897. V. 8. Attorney Complliuctitctl. "Suits have been h-ought in a num ber of instances in tho Federal courts to vacate patents and to restore to tho public domain the lauds acquired by those alleged fictitious cntrymen. "Tho labor involved in obtaining the evidence of these forgeries and conspire? cics and 'm presenting tho Baine to tho Federal grand jury lias covered a period 6f many months, uud has occupied al most the entire time of ono of tho most the United States Consul at Puerto Plata, San Domingo, has cabled the State Department under today's date that a revolution has broken out at San tiaio, and that the movement is exten sive and serious. This is supposed to be greases, proposes to repay U-25 an acre the result of the failure of the provision- " ,OS43 settlers wno paia an j al government to secure recognition at tor their lands, supposing they were the hands of United States Minister within the limits of the Northern Pacif- Powell. which fact operated to prevent c grant in Eastern Oregon that government from obtaining mon.y The fact that the Northern Pacific nnrrtnmninbiin itU. thmiipli n never constructed its road down the npot.m imn I Colombia river nullified its grant in Notions is known of the reported Eastern Oregon, but those settlers with plots against the life of United States e original limits 01 mat grant, wno .Minister Powell, but tho navy will paiu tiouuie minimum prce lor ineir mil. nil nw-Pf-Mr-niwantions to nrotect lanus, nave never oeen ante to recover the American location in San Domingo, half that amount. line this lull is in every way equita- MEWS CL0THIRG It doesn't require any considerable ex pense to wear good clothes if you exercise good judgment in selecting from thor oughly reliable and correctly priced stocks such as ours. The Fall and Winter dis play is at it s best. St3'les and materials to please the most critical. Prices 25 per cent less than you will pay at other stores. We call particular attention to our line of Oregon Cashmeres, fancy Worsted, Fan cy Cheviot and Thibet suites. All our suits from $12.00 up have non-breakable front. Hand padded Shoulders and Hand Tailored Collars. All are Union Made and marked at from $5 to $18 MENS' OVERCOATS. A remark able line of the leading styles in all the newest mixtures and plain materials, $7.50 to $20.00. MESPS RAIN GOATS. We have ever3'thing that is good and that will turn rain. $2.25 to 15.00. Boys' Suits, Boys' Overcoats and a com plete stock of General Merchandise. Phone 721 Write for Prices and Samples Summons. Notice of Final Account. Charges against Consul Good now. Charges against the official conduct of John Gooduow, United States consul general at Shanghai, China, have been received at the state department. The department officials decline information as to the character of the charges. It is admitted that they are of a very serious nature, but officials are of the opinion that the evidence furnished to support them is not strong. Mr. Goodnow is expected within a day or two. He is bringing the commercial treaty between the United Suites and China which pro vided for tho opening of Manchurian jwrts. Be Quick. ot a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Cham berlain'a Cough Remedy given as soon ns tho child becomes hoarse, or even af ter the croupy cough appears, will pre vent the attack. It never fails, nnd is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by A. C. Marsters it Co. All Hall and Hell. able, the large appropriation that it carriej, by inference, stands in the way of its passage, especially at this time, when economy is the watchword in the House. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannos reach tho deceased portion of tho ear. There is only one way to enro deafness, and that is bv constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an intlamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in tlamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, ami when it is entire ly closed, deafness is the result, and un less the inilamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its norninl con dition, hearing will be destroyed for ever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous services. We will givo Ono Hundred Dollors for any caso of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Tills are tho best. IXTHEClRnCTT COCRT O? THE KTATK OF OREGON FOR DOCtiLAd COUNTY, ECe Bishop. FUlntl-t. ) T- Dvid Bishop, Dtfen.lanO To DartJ BUhop, lhe iboTe named defend ant : In the name of the date of nrrgoa too are heteby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed aralnu joa In the kbore enUJJed su.t on or belore the Ulh day Janaarr,19)t: and 11 yon fall to appear or anier. for want there of the plaintiff will n:ly to tne coon for the relief demanded In plaimlfTa complaint, to-wit- )7ora decree of dtwloUoa of the CLvriasc contract made at Oderille in the cotsctT of Sieren in tne state of Washington on th- isth day of April l!& and for the care and cuUxlr of the ndrtor children, the Issne ol said isxr rlasre. to-wlt: lUnry Biaaor. Belle Bbbopand f I 111 . .1. I w w . 1 1 - tmrwmtinu of this suit, and tor snch utnerre- J lie! as t the nwm mar Kvm equitable. ; This raoBKuu l published by order of the , Him J. . Hamilton. Judge of the above e3- ' titled curt. made and entered on the 1st day of ' ix-cemocr r.ut, in anu oj wnica onier it is pmcribed that this summons shall be pnb I'sbcd In the FuitxDuua. a newspaper of wneral circulation p .Mished in IXraclas coun ty state o! Orejron. once a week for six conse cutive weeks. I el ii I ok with iburniar theStd day of December. an cad Ir e with Thurs day Jannary Hla 1SOI. The date of the first publication of this summons is Thursday. Dec ember 3rd, 19(38. W. W. CARD WELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, in Douglas County. In the matter of the estate of ) Washington Hughes, deceased. ) Notice is hereby given that the under signed executor of the above entitled estate has filed his final account, in set tlement thereof, and the court by order duly made and entered of record'on the Journal thereof, has fixed Monday the 4th day of January. 1904, at ten o'clock a m of said day for hearing objections if any there be, to said final account, and ! the settlement of said estate. That the order of taid court is dated the 16th dav oi .ovember i"AK. Dated this 19th day of November, L. D. Hughes, Executor of the estate of Washington Hughes, deceased. Sheriffs Sale. Assistant Editors. Tho Lawrenco (Kan.) liazetto gives an account of the divorce suit brought bv "Uncle" Patterson against his young The PLAINDEALER needs an As- wife. Patterson took the stand in "his sistant Editor or Correspondent at own behalf. "How long did you court e fc offico or settl0ment in vour wife?" ho was nsked. , . lriA. "How long did I cou't huh, how long Douglas county for the year 1904. did 1 cou't huh?" replied tho old man bieaking into peals of laughter. "I didn't cou't huh, she done cou'ted me I" "Jedgo," ho went on, "th fust two years uv married lifo wer like th sun shino on th' meddow nn' th' co'nfield. Then came th' rumblings uv th' sto'm. Th' clouds done cum up nn' th' wind do blow. Der wer rnstlin's an' murmur in's, nn' th' sun nn th' moon dun quit shinin'. Den th rain, data th' tear draps, an' th' thunder, dats th' rum Win' uv huh voice, dun knocked th happiness out uv our Uvea. Now, jedge, it's all hail an' hell." Out West for i904. Tho publishers of "Out West" pub lished in Los Angeles, Cal., announce that it will bo as beautifully illustrated nnd filled with ni entortnining a variety of history, description, Btory, yoree and iV certificate of appointment will be issued to every assistant to represent the Plaindealer in their respective communities and all applications must bear the endorsement of two good citizens. The Plaindealer Publishing Co. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is. hereby given that the un.lrslBn administrator of .he t-stato of Thomas Uu. sca 2 deceased, hu Sled bli final account In salsh estate with tho county clerk of Douglas count yd Oregon, and that Monday the 11 day of Janu. ry, 1MM, at 10 o.clocl. a, tn. ha been set by th i lion M. 1). Thompson, county ludxu ol auld county, lor hearlUR objections, If any, to said final account, and tor tho tlual settlement of ihu same. First publication ol this notice bo Iiir the 10 day of December, 19uS. K. K. Wilson AdmlnMrnlor ol tho cntatu of Thornm Dun, calh, deceased. d 10 p A Chriutnias danco will bo given nt tho Armory hall on Christmas evo by tho Rosoburg Orchestra. Notice by publica tion, of summons l.v IiieCi cuit Cockt Of TucSraTKOp Ok&ion For Docglas Cocxtt. Sarah E. Seiver " l'lamtitT, vs George W. Seiver, Defendant. J To George W. Seiver the above named defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon. You are required toappearand answer the complaints filed acainst you in the above entitled suit and court on or be fore the ISth day January, 1901, and i you failato appear and answer said com plaint gainst yon as hereby required and within the said time, rilaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demand ed in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the marriare contract now existing between the plain tiff and defendant. This summons is rnblished by order of the Hon. J. W. Hamilton, judge of tho End Judicial District of Oregon which order is dated November 16,1903, nnd the time prescribed in the said order for publication of this summons is once n week for six consecutive weeks preced ing the listh day of Jannary, 19lH, and tho dalo of the first publication there fore is tho 16th dav ol November, 1903 C. 1. LEVENGOOD, Attorney for l'laintifi. Admiaiastralors Notice of Final Settle ment. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR DOUG LAS COUNTY. In the matter of estate of P. A. Har ris, deceased. Notico is hereby given that the under signed administrator of tho above named estate has filed in the above Court his account in final settlement of said es tate, and the judge of said court bv or der duly made and entered of record therein, has fixed Monday, tho -Ith day of January, 1901, at '2 o'clock p. m.o. said day for hearing objection, if any, to said final account and the settlement of estate. Dated the 20th day of November 1903 B. F. NICHOLS, Administrator. E. G.kUodson, tho gamo warden who resigned several months uco. has been re-appointed to his old position. lUff. tnts. J In i the CUcuit Court of the State ol Oregm for R- A. RMfiii. Plaintiff, A. E. Molemitd Alpbi -JkitMCT- CIS ortfs VaHm I V . ... 4 w-L-cwj KiYcil la&fc DT TiriXlC Ol A3 eierution du oidcr of ple 2alr out of tne atore named court &ml can oa the iSiti CSV nf .ilrutn Mi deen e duly rriwlemi. aaJ entered In raid court nn fn QtH iaAKui.iu.. - . .. - -j w wwwii its, qj (unuwarc I ixinuff ant asahm the above naxacd D!eml ani. and ajctixut ine heivin-Utrr mention! - -"- vjmm at- uwuvt and described mortcased nrorrtT tor th nm taesaO. with tnUrvst tberroa at the rate ol y t .uu iummysi iccrc-oa at ine rate ot 6 per cent per annum from the 9th rtv of Octo- A siui anu apiMi mis wril: -Nw therefore. I will oa Saturdar. IVrember Mth.19.. at l:Co o eioct jv m of lhe Uiurt Houe front door, in Koseburg. Doug LV J01 I y ron, sell at publU: acetion to the highest bid.'cr for cash In hand, ail the rlsht. line and interest which lhe sid defendants, or Si.1.. oI um b,uJ- on the Stth day of April. Mi or at any time thereafter in or to the fol to In described premises, to-vrit: All that portion ot the northeast qaarterlof the t.otttat quarter ot secUon 21. described as follows, vo-wlt : Commencing at a state in ta south boundary of the northeast quarter ot th northeast qutrter ot svctlon 22. 20 chain south and io chain west of the cortheasl corner ot Mid (wtlon 21, thence runninj: north to tho south line ot the county road leading from Kwebunc up Der Creek, thence tasterlj alonjc said county road to wheie the same Intersect the east Lno ot said section 2J, thence south along; said line to the southeast corner ot too northeast quarter ot the northeast quarter ot said section . thence west 10 chains to tho place of beginning, containing 10 acres more or to a. Also that portion of the northwest quarter ot section -t. described as follows, to-wtt: Com mencing at the point wh re the countt toad lead ing up OeerCrck from K.wburc Intersects tho west Hue f said section 23. thence southeaster l j alon; tha south line ot said count! road to a point where the sure crosses th Im running; northand south through me center ot said sec Uon 13, thence s-uth along said line to the cen ter of said socUon 2, thence west lo the quarter post between said sections 2i and 23. thence north along the line between said sectlocs to the place ot beglnning.contalnlngsa acre mora or less. Also the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the east half of the southeast quar ter of secUon 21, containing 120 acre more or less. Also the southwest quarter of section 23, con taining 160 actts more or less AlM the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the north ct quarter and the uorthwest quarter ot the southwest quarter ot section 2S, containing 120 ac ts more or less. Also the east halt ot the east half ot section 27 cout.ln. ng ii o acre note or les. AH of the above described land being In J?.hlp 21 j0"1. rango 5 west. WlUametu .Meridian, and containing In the aggregate o acrea mure or les. Toether with the tene- ents. hcrvdltamenu an t at-purtenancea thereto belonging, or In anywise apiertainlng. And will apply the proceeds ot such sale.flisl to the payment ol the cota and disbursements ot said sale, to tho paymeut ot the said sum ot il,9u duo plaintiff with InUiest thereon at thfl rtlnnl AlMP Mint anna.M a.., ,W- mw day ot OctoUjrali-Oi.aud the iTer ilus H aar. thi-l-xl-M -n V itvaw t.- ilia V . htf lirtlfHsilf a 111 I In .i.a . dricd aud Uelivrrvd, ivmmanainr me to U oer prorlded bj Umt. e, tm , K, L. PARUOIT. li a.V