a m lottritealer ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1903. Vol. XXXV No. 97 a . MADH A MC' FOR FiNt CONf ECTIONlRY gg YSXJKX and CE CREAM PARLORS S Fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pies, Douynuts and fresh Bread Daily 1 Portland Journal Agency. Hendrick's Block, Opp. Depot I. J. NORflAN & Co. Prop. & FARMERS' CASH STORE, G. A. WOOD & CO, Props DEALER N Staple ane Fane7 Groceries. Highest Price paid for county produce. Fresh bread Patronage is respectfully solicited. Private Free Delivery to Ail Parts of Your o b i daily the City OXEL BLOCK OPP PASSENGER DAPOT Bring Us Your S3 '4 FOR CKSH OR TRKDE, J.F. Barker &C A Full and Com plete Assortment of all kinds of TOYS. Etc, Etcjjtjtjt YOU'LL FIND Ji THE PRICES v SATISFACTORY I HAVE PUT IN PLACE A stocK of HOLIDAY GOODS so com plete, so meritorious, that we Know we can please the purchas ing public Our stocK is large and embraces the latest and newest in Carving Sets Silverware Burnt Wood Novelties Cutlery Sporting Goods S. K. 5YKES. Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking is tc have good FRESH GROCERIES And to get them promptly when you order them. Call up Phone No. iSi for good goods and good service. w PARKS & CO J. SI.Weatherby T. A. Bnry D. L. Martin Roseburg Rea! Estate Co. Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber Estimates a Specialty. List your proper ty with us. A. C. MAR5TER5 & CO. DRUGGISTS We Want Your Patronage and as an inducement we offer U. IS. P. Standard Drugs, Fresh Patent Medicines, High Grade Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet Arti cles, and Specialties Russia Moves on Corea. A stronc Russian squadron, consist ing of eight warships, including two bat tleships, has arrived at Chemulpo, Korea, tho port of Seoul, the capital, to support Russia's opposition to tho pro nosed onenini of Yoncatnnho to tho commerce of tho world. Tho Russians threaten to land 3000 men and march on Seoul should Koroa disregard their warning. Japan and Great Britain, on October 17, according to a dispatch from Pekin, asked for tho opening of Yongampho to the commerce of tho world, and tho Ko rean foreign minister consented subject to the approval of tho eiuH.'ror of Korea which wee withheld, owing, it was said, to a strenuous protest made by tho Ilus sian minister to Korea, M. l'avioff, al though this subsequently was denied. Korea was then said to havo strongly objected to Russia's interference as be lug a violation ot Korea s sovereign riiihts. loiter it was asserted that Ja pan insisted on recognition of her influ ence in Korea and the opening of Yon gampho or other ports to foreign trade A dispatch to the Associated I'ress from beoul, Korea, December JU, an nounced that .Minister Allen that day had a long interview with tho emperor of Korea on tho subject of the request of the United States lor tho opening of nu, on the lain river, to the com merce of tho world. Tho Korean gov ernment, it was added, had been placed in a dilemma by tho demand of the United States. Corea is to be Russianized. Seoul, Corea, Dec. 16. Mote rioting has taken place at Mokpbe, and yester day a Japanese mob wounded 17 Core ans. High Corean officials are hurrying to Mokplie to try and quell the disorder. So far Russia has not interfered. United States Minister Allen has de manded a df finite answer from tho Co rean Government with regard to the opening of tho port of Mijn. Despite American, British and Japanese pres sure, Russian inlhienco over the Corean Government is apparently unshaken, and it is exjected that Corea will pro crastinate in dealing with the matter, and possibly refute eventnally to act at all. A feeling of unrest is growing among the Corean people, who fear that wheth er it be peace or war between Russia and Japan, the extinction of tho nation is imminent. It is believed that the outbreak of hostilities or the announce ment of a protectorate of any kind will precipitate trouble. Foreigners in Se oul expect disorder, and the American lesidents desire a warship. The Corean army, numlering SO00 men, ia consid ered one of the nwt dangerons factors of the situation, as an insubordinate ele ment beyond otficial control. In use of trouble it is feared that the soldiers will be the first to lead the rioting and be gin looting. A p.Tt of the Russian Fquadron has already departed for port Arthur, and the remainder of the fleet will follow, leaving no warships of that nation in Corean waters. Cox6TAxnxopi.K, Dec. 10 The United States Legation has received an exhaus tive report of the recent incident at Al exandretta, fully convicting the local authorities and police of making unwar ranted attack on Consul-General Davis and of arbitrary interference with him in pursuit of his duties. The report shows that although Attarian, the natu ralized American, had been ten days in Alexandretta, he was not molested un til he attempted to embark for Egypt under the protection of the Consul. The Legation has transmitted the re port to Washington and is awaiting in structions regarding measures to be takt-n to obtain satisfaction. Washington, Dec. 10 Tho Navy De partment today received a cablegram from Rear-Admiral Cotton, dated Beirut osterday, announcing that the Brook lyn had left Beirut for Alexandria, Egypt, for target practice. It is under stood at the Navv Department that when tho Brooklyn finishes this prac tice she will return to Beirut and that the San Francisco will go then to Alex andria for target practice. you you you you you you want to buy a farm want furnished rooms want to buy a house want to rent a house want to build a house want to move a house If yon don't know PAT Cill on or nddrPSB . F F. pafefeeion, Contractor and l.nildor Reseburg Oregon. Your Ranches ani Timber me. : : : R. R. JOHNSON, Lands with I HAVE EASTERN CUSTOMERS AND CAN SELL OFFICB IN MARKS BLOCK, ROSEBURG, OR. That Turkish Outrage. Wages Cut. GO WHO WILL BE THE LUGKEY TO SUCCEED HIM? MAN RECEIVER THOMPSON TO BE SUCGDEDED BECAUSE HE WAS EITHER A ROGUE OR A FOOL IN HIS BUSINESS METHODS. A special dispatch from Washington on Tuesday night says: J. Henry Booth will not be reappointed Receiver of the Roseburg Land Office. The Oregon Senators have been notified ihat in view of Booth's connection with the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, the President and the Secretary of the Interior deem it improper that he should continue in office. The Senators have been asked to recommend some one else for this office. No choice had been made up to a late hour tonight. Register Bridges at Roseburg will be reappointed, but his appointment will probably be held up until the delegation recommends some one to succeed Booth. The evidence brought out in the trial of Asa B. Thompson, though not incriminating him, indicates clearly, so the authorities here think, that he is not a proper man to hold the ouice of Receiver at La Grande. The jur' acquitted him because the evidence against him was delivered largely by a group of persons who themselves were entirely unscrupulous. At the same time, it is a fact that Thompson's administration of the affairs of the office and his relations with Bartlett, his predecessor, to whom the applicants appear to have been referred, made it improper and undesirable that he should be reinstated in the oflice. It is felt that Thompson lias shown a lack of discretion and judg ment, to say the least, and there seems no probability that he will be reinstated. There appears to be no prospect that Hal J. Cole will be appointed Register of the Spokane Laud Office. Senator Foster has made no little effort in his behalf, but the objections, in the mind of the President and the Secretary of the Interior, seem to outweigh it. The opposition to Mr. Cole originates at Spokane, and it is of a general character, rather than specific in its details. It is difficult to find the real inwardness of such a case, but it is clear as matters now staud, that Cole will not be appointed. Connellsville, Pa., Dec. 15 A re duction in wages averaging 17 per cent and affecting 30,000 men in the Con nellsville coke region was announced to day. The H. C. Frick Coke Company takes the initiative in this, tho first re faction since the great strike of the car- '90s, and today posted notices at all their plants announcing the reduc tion. The new rate ia somewhat above the basis of the former $2 coko scale, and indicates that the trick Company in tends to make a etaud for something like a 12 mimimum price for furnace coke, notwithstanding the fact that many sales have been reported below that figure Simultaneously with tho announcement of a reduction in wages, the Union Supply Company, tho owner of all tho company stores at the plants of the Frick and allied companies, an njunced a general cut in tho prico of goods. Negroes Political Party. As the result of a m-etingof the negro leaders of Tennessee and other Southern states held at Chattanoog i last we "k. the committee on ' platform gave out the declaration of its principles and asserted its independence of other parties. After reciting that conditions in the South are such as to demand a separate negro party, the declaration continues : When it becomes necessary for any race to sever its connection with politi cal parties in order to preserve its exis tence, it is wisdom fo call upon all peo ple immediately concerned for aid. We therefore call upon all races and classes for aid and moral support not only in organizing a separate party in opposition to whiskev and cocaine, but in remons trances and the etitions to tho powers that bo for the enactment of such laws as will suppress the evils complained of "We call upon our brothern in the states which have disfranchised them to meet en masse to organize and petition their respective legislatures for the pas sago of laws to protect them against co caine, whiskey and peonage. "We demand the enactment of a law making it an offense for any well and able-bodied man or woman to desert his or her family and refuse to care for and snpport his or her family." Three deaths have occured and thir teen have been injured cither by falls or by freezing, the mercury regislerinc thirteen degrees below zero last night. l ne street car lines are running verv ir regularly and with great difficulty. The people find difficulty reaching work. Several hundred were delayed this morning by a firo in the business part of the city. The tramps and the homeless are be ing sheltered at the various police sta tions. An epidemic of diphtheria is as suming alarming proportions, the mor ality aheady being great. T. K. RICHARDSON. Leading: Mnsic House Oregon. of Southern $25.00 Gold or silver will buy a good Organ or make a payment on one of our fine Pianos, pi ices ranging from $185.00 to $450.00. I have decided to sell my present stock regardless of cost or piofit, bee or wnto us at once and securo some of these bargains. T. K. Richardson. Roseburg, Oregon, Washington-, Dec. 15 The public lands committee toJ.iv ordered a favora ble report on Senator Mitchell's bill for tho relief of Sherman county settlers; ho Mitchell's bill refunding $1.25 an acre to settlers who paid the double minimum price for lands, and found subsequently that their entries were not actually within railroad grant. Special Inspector Suspended. La Gkanmk, Or., Dei. 15. Inspector McNutt received a telegram from Secre tnry Hitchcock yesterday instructing him to turn over oll'ical p.ipers in his posses sion to the Register, and he has done so, Register Davis is now the only ollicial here in the discharge of his duties, but Clerks Robinson and Carny and his stenographer are on duty. Register Davis is receiving testimony for final proofs and applications to pur chase timber land, and tbeso papers are filed for action when a Register and Re cciver shall be hero to act on them. An inspector must examine tho witnesses for timber land applicants before such can be accepted, so they will havo to up pear again somo time. Mr. McNutt has not heard further from the department or from his Indiana friends in Congress and is etill quite in tho dark as regards he charges against him. Blizzard Cast of The Monntalns. Ciiicaoo, Dec. 15. The lako region is suffering from an intenso cold spell The Chicago weather records this morn ing show that tho present cold wav breaks all tho records v for tho first half of December in twenty years. To Relieve Settlers. Mystery at Panama. WA8iit.vaT0.v, D. C., Dec. 15. Rear Admiral Coghlan has cabled from Colon tho following: Tho Atlanta arrived yesterday, hav ing sailed from San Bias to Gandn with out seeing or hearing anything of Co. lumbian troops or vessels. Tho officers communicated with tho shore at all principal points. The Indians are re ported to bo very suspicious of strangers. Trails from San Bias were found which arc passable for small parties, but none leading inland. Tho Atlanta leaves to-i day for a cruiso to Cains Tiburon and tho Gulf of Darien. Admiral Coghlan sent tho following: "Tho Mayflower today reports that the Colombian war vessels Cartagena and Pinson were at Turbo with from 400 to 800 men. They took supplies and sailed on December 8, and are sup posed to havo landed troops at Gandi. The Atlanta, however, was at Gandi on December 9, and got tho opposite infor mation. The American consul at Car- j tagena reportB that the ehip Cartagena 1 returned there on Dec. 9. The Atlanta j returns to the gulf today for further) search." j The state department officials are per-1 plexed over the situation, as it is not be-1 lieved that the mysterious movemen te ; of the Colombian government mean j any good, and where belligerent actions ' might be soon suppressed by the United States, much trouble, oxtienseand delay of the canal treaty would ensue. ' K. W- FENN, ENGINEER (Lately with "-tpWg g0olo,ica. suof Br, United States Deputy Mineral Surveyor. OIllco over Postoffice. ROSEBURG. OBBrnw wrresponuence solicited go to THE ROSELEAF FOR CIGARS, TOBACCO KNE) SMOKERS' SUPPLIES. Jackson Street, - - Rosehnro- n - tl v-w&vm Sees No Soldiers. WisnixoTov, Dec. 15 Admiral Cogh lan cables from Colon under date of yesterday, as follows: "Atlanta arrived here yesterday. Sailed from San Bias to Gandu, not hav ing seen or heard anything of the Co lombian troops or vessels. Was in com munication with the shore at the princi pal points. Tho Indians are very sus picious of strangers. Found a trail from San Uia, passable for small par ties but none leading inland. The At lantic leaves ttxluv for a cruise to Cape fiburon and Gulf Parien " Cougl.tan later sent the following: "The May-dower today reporta that Cartagena ai.d Pinyaon were at Tubo, with Irra i-Air to eight hundred men. Tly t k supplies and sailed on the 8th ; saproi to have landed trooos at andi. At '.n. a however, at Gandi on the 9lh and received opposite informa tion. The toa-nl at Cartagena reports that the eh i Cartagena returned their uU.. the Atlanta returns to the gait VIj.- : r farther search." 1SSSSSE. T H ROSEBURG A S JUNK AND H HIDE Pays the highest Ca3h Price for Hides Pelts, Furs, Wool, Tallow, Rubber Metals and Scrap Iron of all kinds We also sell Second hand Furniture of all kinds at Prices to suit the Times. T CO. Corner of Oak and Rose Sfs. Opp. Empire Stable. ELATKHITK Is Minora! Rnbbor.l VOC JIAT1NTEXD HCIX-MMC or Oua It necessary to REPJLACE A WORJM)CT KOOF ROOFING T,A" lUcK ot tin. Iron. Ur .aS urtl tni all prvecred moZaa. TorinttsA eaMoaaerit OHrmstd. It will 'toiik forprtcei ud InfotSufoaT "KramIe 13 eo THE ELATEUITE HOOFING CO.. Worc.ter Bniltliive. rOICIXiWJN'.D i Sa D mingo Assassins. NrEr. Dec. 15. An alleged plot to assAKioate William F. Powell, United tates Minister to Hayti and Charge d'Affairs at Port au Prince, Santo Do mingo, has bcendisclosod in a communi cation from an official of the present Dominican government to a follow coun tryman in this city, who formerly was an official under Wos y Gil, the recently disposed president of tho repablic. The letter states that the plot had been so arranged that ex-President Jiminez, under whose leadership Wos y Gil was overthrown, should be killed about the same time. The plot to assassinate Minister Powell, it was asserted, was conceived because of his opposition to plans of cer tain officials. The plan as reported, was to let two or three men get into a fight on a street along which Mr. Powell was passing. It was arranged that in the melee other plotters should engage, and it would be an easv matter to kill the American "by accident." With regard to Jiminez, the writer as serts that lie was to hi the victim of plain assassination, and that already two unsuccessful attacks have been made up on his person. Tho first occurred Dec G, when a shot was fired at him while he was driving. The second attempt was made three days later. It is said Mr. Powell is being carefully guarded when ever he goes out. Watches, CIocKs, Jewelry Diamonds and Silverware France to Occupy Slam. Wants More Niggers. Washington, Dec. 15. Senator Hoy- burn (Idaho) today introduced n joint resolution requestnig tho president to ac quire hy annexation tho island of San Domingo and tho dependence of San Do mingo and Hayti. Bilious Colic Prevented. Take a double doso of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy if 1 1 1 r, il cation of the dis case appears and a threatened attack may bo warded off. Hundreds of peoplo uho thu rclnedy in this way with perfecs success. For ealo by A. C. Mnrsters & Co. Paris, Dec. 15. Dispatches from In do-China report the massing of French troops on the Siamese border in antici pation of war. The officials of Indo- China are quoted as saying that the oc cupation of a largo slice of Siam lias been decided upon. The authorities in Paris do not believe that a rupture with Siam will occur, and say tho measures taken are merely precautionary. RECTOR OF ST. LUKE'S. Ashburnham, Ontario, Testifies to the (lood Qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Clingenpccl, the Jeweler. W. E. Clingcnpeel, tho jeweler, en graver and optician, has in his show- window one of the swellest displays of Christinas jewelry over shown in tho city. Ho is showing n fine lino of rings, watches, brooches, pins and chanuB of tho boat makes and latest styles. For jewelry work, watchmaking, repairing and engraving, his work is unoxcellod. Have your name or your initials, or that of your friends, put on tho present you aro going to givo. Clingenpeel's engrav ing is nttractivo and up to date, and ycu have various designs to select from and can know that it will be dono as you i wish it. 12-10-tf AsiinuitNiiAM, Ont., April IS, 1933: I think it is onlv right that I should tell you what a wonderful effect Chamber lain's Couch Kotnedy has produced. Tho day before Easter I was so distressed with a cold and cough that I did not think to bo able to tako any duties tho next day, as my voice was almost choked by tho cough. Tho same day I received an order from you for n bottle of your Cough Remedy. 1 at onco procured samnle liottlo. and took about three doses of the medicine. To my great ro lief tho cough and cold had completely disappeared and I was nblo to preach three times Easter day. 1 know that this ranid and Directive euro was duo to your cough remedy. I mako this testi monial without solicitation, being thank ful to have found such a Godsond reme dy. Kt" pectfully yours, K. A. LANGFELDT, M. A., Rector of St. Luke's Church To Chamberlain Medicino Co. This remedy is for sale by A. 0. Mar- j tors & Co. GREAT REDUCTIONS IN LADIES' AND MISSES' JACKETS ahd CAPES i $15 00 now $1125 $10 00 " $7 50 14 00 " 10 50 7 50 " 5 65 Ll2 50 " 9 40 6 00 " 4 50 11 00 " S 25 5 00 " 3 75 $4,100 now $3 00 WOLLENBERQ BROS., Phone 801. A. SALZMAN, Pratical WatchmaKer, Jeweler, Optician. Watch Repairing a Specialty. rxxooooxxoooooooxx)coooooooxooxooox O F.W. BENSON. A.C.MAESTEKS. H.C.GALET, 9 ? Douglas County Bank, 5 5 "Established I883. Incorporated 1901 Capital Stock, $50,000.00. v 0 BOARD OF DIRECTORS O F. W. BESSON, R. A. BOOTH J. H. BOOTH, J. T. BRIDGES 0 J. F. KELLY, A. C. MAUSTEKS K. U MILLER. A general banking business transacted, andjeustomers given every P accommodation consistent with safe and conserratire banking. O Bank open from nino to twelve and from one to three. 0 XMAS SUITS OVER GOATS We maKe them up right & guarantee satisfaction BOYCE &BENGTS0N The Up-to-Date Tailors Flowering Bulbs Stock is now in from Holland, and it is time to plant them. Write today for our now catalogue, which tells all. The same catalogue tells about our ROSES, TREES and PLANTS. PORTLAND SEED CO. PORTLAND, OREGON. notice: Call at the office of the Roseburg Water and Light Co. and pay your water and light bills, on or before the 10th of each month and take advantage of theJdiscount iS233B STRESS