FOR HOLIDAYS We are now prepared to show Holiday buyers all the new novelties and fancy creations both ti efui and ornimental, and handbed exclusively by us. A few of the nobby things we are prepared to show in our h lliday line are; Fancy work Brackets, Hankcichicf Boxes, Chatelaine Bags, Novelty Purses, Collar & Cuff Boxes, Kid and Golf Gloves Silk and linen Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, New Neckwear Fancy and useful Suspenders, new Silk and Fancy handle Umbrellas, Hats, Shoes, Clothing aud other articles too numerous to mention. The People's Store l. ABRAHAH Proprietor One Door South of P. O. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE lis 9 Of Local Interest. Trade Marks Designs Copyrights 4c Anyone sending a sketch and description may culckly ascertain onr opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Commnntra OonsrtrlctlTConfldcnttaL HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest aeency for patent. Patents taken throueh Mann & Co. receive tperial not let, without charce. In tho Scientific Jfrnericam A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Ijirccst clr cnlatlon of any scientific Journal. Terms. W a year: four months. L Sold by all newsdealers. MuNN&Co.36,Broatf"- New York Branch Office. 25 K SU Washtacton. U. C BEST MEAL IN THE CITY FOR 25 CENTS. THE NEW rail Cor. Washington and Main Streets Mrs. Belle Collins Title Guaranteed: Loan Co. V. HaJHLTOS, President EOSEBOEG. OREGON D C HamIltoh, Secy, and Trea Once In the Court House. Have the only com plete Bet ol abstract books in Donslas County Abstracts and Certificates ol Title furnished to Douglas county land and minin? claims. Have also a complete ct of Tracings of all township plats in the Eoseburg. Oregon, 0. S. Lan d Dls Wet- Will make blue print copies ot any town ship N. A. FOSTER & CO., GOVERNMENT LANDS Of every descriytion. Farms and Min eral Lands. Oregon, Washington and Minnesota. (j23) ' OAKLAND. 0EEG0S Cheadle & fohnson, dentists. Consumption is cured by Osteopa thy. 94-dl5 C. N. Moody, of Yoncalla, was in the city Friday, on business. J. W. Crouch, of Oakland, transacted business in our city, Friday. Jesse Jones and Peter Wise, of Myr tle Point, were in the city, Friday. B. A. Hunsaker, of Myrtle Creek, was a business caller in Boseburg Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Fitzgerald, of Eu gene, were visiting in Koseburg, Friday. Jas. W. Laird and E. E. Johnson, of Coquille, were in the city Friday, on business. Osteopathy is a great and natural sys tern of healing. Any disease responds to treatment. D4dl5 Iver McMulIen went to Myrtle Creek Saturday, on a visit with friends, return ing last evening. Mrs. J. Henderson Miller, of Oakland, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. L. M. Boss. L. F. Wooley and J. W. Houck, of Cottage Grove, were registered at the McClallen, Friday. See Frank E. Alley for reliable ab stract of title" to vour property. Up Dr's. Cheadle & Johnson, dentists. B. L. Cannon of Lurley was in the city Saturday. Grant Taylor, of Oakland, was in our eity, yesterday. J. M. Hansbrough went to Grants Vasi Friday evening. Miss Byrd will spend the holidays with her parents in Salem. Chas. A. Pierce, of Cleveland, was a Boseburg vititor, yesterday. Prof. J. II. Cochran of Medford was visiting in Boseburg Saturday. C. II. Atterbury and J. 0. Atterbury, of Glide, were in town, Sunday. J. F. Mathews and B. A. Woodruff of Melroso were in the city Saturday. Geo. Bobinson is still confined to his bed, the result of an attack of quinsy. Wm. B Hurd. of Grants Pass, was registered at the McClallen, yesterday. G. L. Coon, of Camas Valley, was registered at the McClallen, yesterday. G. W. Puckett of Canyonville was transacting business in Boseburg Satur- stairs over Land Olfice. FOUND A silver modal Holiday goods quite extraordinary as comparison will quickly show. S. K. Sykes. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gazley were visiting with friends in Riddle the latter part of last -week. For Trade Small farms in Southern Indiana to trade for Oregon property. H. L. Ball. S3tf. W. G. Woodward has sold his stock of harness to A. D. Bradley and will retire from business. L. G. Dumbleton and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Sutherlin were in the city Saturday, from Winchester. We buy right, we sell right; we name! day. our priees with confidence. Implements I Victor Short, left for ware. S. K. Sykes. Is your property for sale? If so, see Frank E. Alley and have the title examined and secure an abstract of same. Investigate, compare. Wo seek your business only on the basis of mu tual snterest. Hardware etc. S. K. dav. Abstract of Title to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for filing on Govern ment Land. Blue Prints of Township Maps showing and Hard all vacant. i-anae. FRAME. ALLEY Architect, Abstracter. . . ... Investigate, compare. Wo seek Francisco. Dlonc and PctimJlfeS for all Build- ... Inc.; your business only on tne oasis 01 mu- Blue prints of township maps, fiftv 1 s tual snterest. Hardware etc. S. K. , , ..... Special designs for Office Fixtures Sykes. cents S QTS T ..... . . . - prepared. Frank h. Alley, up stairs, t u ipknnn ilK Tn mlrlitinn tn low nrices we jMiaran re jt j umce in new uaua. xjuuui"s- 'i - " L. lnJ n(li I ttxa nmmnl con'iw anil nrisnlntA Kfltio. uici imuu uuai,. faction. Stoves and tinware S. K, 11 ' - I Sykes. Just arrived from the factory a car jf troubled with a weak digestion try The owner can obtain it bv describing the same to the editor of the Plain dealer. A. B. Marquam, the pjstmaster and merchant from Tiller, was transacting business in the city, Saturday. See Frank E. Alley for land scrip. Guaranteed perfect, and ready for delivery. lowest market price. W. E. Clingenjeel returned from Portland last evening, having purchased new goons to re.-tocK lus jewelry case Dr. J. A. Townsend, has recovered from his recent illness, and took the pulpit at the Presbyterian church, Suu- Elk Creek Sat urday, to be absent for a couple of weeks. ' Vic will be with us Christmas, however. Miss Millie Strader has returned home from a two months' en joyable visit in Los Angeles and San BOSEBURG. OREGON load of the celebrated Page fence, which Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- is cheaper than a board ence and will jelg. They will do you good. For sale last a life-time and is put up to your bv A c, Marsters & Co. 3 1 Wasted to Trade. A fine vounir Jer-1 7! 11 1 1 1 t 1 1 i -1 A Dr. H. L. Stndley, the Osteopath is having the the front rooms over the post office remodeled and will occupy them in about a week. A union meeting of the churches will be held next Sundav at 2:30 p m., at the Methodist church under theanspi ;gy33 sey cow for a good work horse or 2-year ces of the Anti-saloon Uague. Osteopathy cures fomalo troubles. Results tell when you try Osteopa thy. 94-dl5 John Ferguson is on tho sick list and is unablo to attend to his duties. A. P. Bettersworth, tho Cottage Grove editor, was in tho city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Le Boy, of Grants Pass, wore registered at tho McClallen, Saturday. Fred Marsh, of Myrtlo Creek, was at tending to business matterH in this city, Saturday. Commissioner A. E. Nichols of Azalea and W. L. Nichols of Biddlo wore in tho city Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall and daugh ter, Grace, of Myrtlo Creek, wore Bose burg visitors, Saturday. Get your abstracts ot titlo from J. D. Hamilton. Ho has tho only complete set of abstract b 1 ks in tho county, tf H. J. Bobinett has resigned as princi pal of tho Melroso public school and has accepted another school, but where, we are not able to state. Z. I.. Dinimuiick, of Oakland, U. S. land commissioner, and also a member of tho Oakland Drug Co., is transacting business in the city, today. Tho Boseburg Cook Book, by tho Wo man's Guild of St George's church, is now ready, and for sale at Cannon's Book Store at 50o per copy 93-1 1110-pd Lost. On Tur.-.l.iy afternoon, be ween the Umpqr. 1 ' iMu and tho jKiet ollke, a circular Lr m-h of coral and gold. Finder pie re urn to this office. Messrs. Asli and A . a ell of Portland have purchased tl- Ilu.l.ibrand stock, and the More openrd to I usiness Satur day. Mrs. Beryl Smith is again be hind tho counter. Attorney Louis Barieo left Friday for Turner to attend the funeral of his sis tor, Mrs. J. C. Boberteon. Mrs. Bob ertson was -IS years of ate and leaves a husband aud two married sons. The production of "A Little Outcast" at tho opura houe Friday evening, was one of the best productions of the sea son here and uas well attended by a large and enthusiastic audience. Mrs. II. 0. Lewis arrived here from Albany, Thursday evening where she will make her future homo, Mr. Lewie having recently taken charge of the Graves photograph gallery here. A. N. Orcutt, formerly a teacher at the Dram Normal for two years, but now a resident of this city, is filling the I lace of Miss Holder, at the public school, during her absence. When you want a pleasant purgative try Chauiberlaiu'e Stouuch Tablet.-. They are easy to take ami produi-e 110 nausea, griping or other dir-agrevuble ef fect. For sale by A. C. Marsters A Co Guaranteed Forest Reserve scrip for sale in large or small quantities, by Frank E. Alley, over the Land Office Roseburg. Will place same for non-resident purchasers. Jos. Micel.i, Grand Master of the In dependent Order of Odd Fellows, is in Ashland, inspecting the I. O. O. F. lodce there. He will return in timo for the institution of the new lodge heto Saturday night, Dec 10. The liand kerchief liazaar given by the Y P. S. C. E. of the Presbyterian church Saturday was a success in every way. A great many hand made hand kerchiefs were sold, the proceeds going for the new Presbyterian church to be built in the near future. The Plai.ndealer is in receipt of an invitation to attend the seventh annual meeting of the National Livestock Asso ciation, and the thirty-ninth annual meeting of the National Wool Growers' Association which meet in Portland January 11 to 15. Wm. H. Kelleher, of the Skelley-Kel- leher Lumber Co., was in the city Fri day from Yoncalla attending to business matters here. Mr. Kelleher reports their mill at that place will be complet ed and ready for operation by the end of the month. Allert J. Camplell, who has a home stead near Sitkum, on the Marshfield road, was in the city, Saturday and in the evening was initiated in the Odd ran i THE SHOE PROBLEfl For a quarter of a century we've been busy solving shoe problems solving them for man, woman and child solving them successfully. In the selection of our fall shoe stock we have called to our aid this long and successful experience. The result is a mighty gathering of fall footwear embodying in an unrivaled degree of style, comfort, durability and moderateness of price. We want you to get better ac quainted with our big shoe depart ment. It's chuck full of attractive things and the prices are attractive, to . TOSEPHSQN'S g. roseburg, ore. I POULTRY RAISERS I if Have You Seen That We have L;u gains to offer in Incubators, Brooders, Bone Cutters Write at once for Barwuiu sheet Portland Seed Company, Portland, Oregon The Poultry Supply Posse of the Northwest i 1 b 1 : i old colt. M. Lemmer, Eatisfaction without extra cost. It is --'P used and endorsed by the leading men Miss Garnet Otey, formerly ol tnia of this county. For circulars and prices city but now living in Portland, has a nddress Steams & Chenoweth, Oakland, position with the Myers & Frank dry Ore., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly goods establishment in that city. Foa Sale. A ten-acre apple orchard in Brooks' First addition to Boseburg. Will be sold cheap. Enquire at this of fice for full particulars. S61m-p Are you thinking about property in Douglas County? it will pay you to have Frank E. Alley I. F. Bicdof Bice Hill transacted bus iness in the city Friday. W H and A. F. OlKn of Marshfield were in the city Friday. Mrs. Bolla D. Ramp and child are visiting with relatives at Cottage Grove. G. W. Kimball lias returned from San Francisco after an absence of several months. W. F. Arant, superintendant Crater I-ake. national park, was citv Saturdav from Ashland, panied by Mrs. Arant. Ifyouwantto sec or purchase the verv best vapor cabinet manufactured, to A. C. Marsters & Co. and inspect the renowned Buckeye. It is warranted n every particular. 7J-tf. of the in the accom- Fine -Farm for Sale. Notice for Publication. Clllt"i Slates Land OSrce. R.etKiTr. OrrK'n. Aur W. VJto. h'otlra u hereby tfrta that ta coapllaiso. with the proitil. n ot It act ol Cootm of June MSTS.anUtWAn'erl !or the ale ct Umtr lasd In tfc Stains" all?orn!a.Oreron StTaJa .aad Wuatarton Territory." aeitecd d to all the public Un4 atatc Ly act o! A cuj3 ,iat BEET TUfMSEK ot MontejarM. eountr ol chi-ba 1. tte cl Whinc;ou hot tht Jr H eJ In Ihu office hit oru tbe Town! aaS wUl o!! r proof to thow that the land fraught la aore valuable for lu Uabtr or ltoce than (or agricultural f urro. aad to titaMUh hli clatra t!or the RarUter aad Eecalrir ot thli elHee oIBoaetrarf .Orezco. on rridaj the a it 01 January. !. He ; ntni- u wltnfff. Matttc ST. shannon. Ab-j rtdotu. Vah.. B. Kratcnberser. Kowburc. Ore.. 1'aul Gary. BoKbsu, Ore, J. II. Erarta, Tcel, Ore Any anj atl irsoa claiming ajTeneiy the above lMcrttl latnt are rejuejtl to file tbelr claim In thU office or or before faM lilrnl Jay of Jan. I'M J-T. HKIPO&-. oct2Jp Rciter. FINE OAK BEDROOM SUIT We are sliowincr in nnr window. Tt is nn-to-date A full line of Bedroom Suits can be found on our fioor AT Cft THC T ATTTCT III IDAU PT7T5 5 uuu aajla anaajx ax. inun aaaw I If you need Blankets or Comforts we ha?e them k From the cheap to the best. .1 $ AuU 'line of Mattresses and Pillows. 3 One of our Elastic Cotton Felt Mattresses are hard to beat. B. W. STRONG The Furniture Man rn tu-mnt.o. : :-r the twtrehaw of: y nAcrnrm Northeast quarur of --ft -n .No. 2. in J ROSEBURG. nhp S.k 4- wuih of rn No. 5 et , h ... . . .. .... w a. ' VT. 1 ORE A S00 acre farm for sale five aiilea from Myrtlo Creek, 100 acres in cultivation, balance hill, pasture and timl-ercd land. Small orchard, good Notice for Publication. U. S. Land OOce, RoMane.rc . June '3, 1SCC Kolloe u hereby ftren that In compltanoa with tbe prorUkn of the act of Congrtja of June l.iiTJ.entItte.1 "An act for the al ot ,... in ,y. n( California. Oreeon v.r.,1. nJ Wuhlnrton Territory." a extend- THHT I E'Sl A Direct Line to Chicago and all points east; Louis ville, Memphis, Sew Orleans, and all points south. See that your ticket reads via the IL LINOIS CENTRAL R. B. Thoroughly modern trains connect with all trans continental lines at St. Paul and Oma ha. If vour friends are coming west let us know and we will quote them direct the specially low rates now in effect from all eastern points. Any information as to rates, routes, etc., cheerfully given on apblication. B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. J. C. Lindsey, T. F. & P. A., 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. P. TJ. Thompson, F. & P. A., pm 1. Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash. J. C. Becker, representing the '. N. Matecheck Candy company, of Portland, is in the city, and our candy dealers are procuring their Christnre supply of candies, etc. Geo. Lancenberc left. Saturday, for Dunsmuir, California, where he will en ter the service of the Wells, Fargo Ex press Co. He will run between that place and Sacramento. MnrBtml .Tnrvis arrived on the scone buying , onDOrtunc moment at about tnid- If SO I nicht. Saturday, to prevent a saloon brawl in which some of the participants examine the title before purchasing, wre already badly brained, and carried L(1 a couple ui mu iiuicmiia unuj lu jau limiBu. liarn and other improvements For price and terms apply to P. T. Mr to ailthe public land .tate. by actofAnsurt i..ii. ..).., w . i. ...:n I . rv o tr n I . ... 1 i-uunc un.u-i nviu. w " "!(, ix M vrllR ljrfH(K. Or U. J. IV. null., Boseburg, Oregon. very soon get over the effects of the hard butting by the goat. China Sam has just received his stock of holiday goods and has a unique as sortment from which to Felect. He has Chinese and Japanese goods of all kinds including china cups, plates and tea sets, rarely beautiful emborderies, vases, bronze ami brass ware, toys etc. cee his beforo you buy your Chrietmae gifts. 1 mo The Myrtlo Point Enterprise says: "Brownell wants to be Oregon's next congressman from the first district. A Notice for Publication. lrr-h'hil.1 VL VIirf. of Wales, county ot Cvalier, Male of North Dakota. ha thlf day filed In thl oSee hit nworn statement No. M5S. for the sW i of kc tlon No. township 2 jouih. ot ramce s west, and will offer proof to thow that the land ought la more valuable for lu timber or tonuian THOUSANDS SKY MCCLUR MAGAZINE Is the Best Published at any pruee. It is only 10 cents a eopy, $1.00 a yeap. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Rovebure, Oreuon, Jul 29 1. Notice U hereby glren that In oomptlane THU 11., uiui if ivit. v. - - . , , Junes. 1ST. entitled "An act for the alo of I E timber landi In the StaU ol talliornia.uregBu NtTada .and Waahln Rtor Te: ritory." a extend ed to all tha public land Italaa by act ot August 1WJ' WELCOME L. UCBBEU, of Sparta, county ol Monroe. Hate of MMnln hai tnis day filed It, th'f office . xr ".'i Inrthn mirrhaji! of tbe lolS. 10. 15 and 16. of wctlon No. 10, In township No. '7. south of ranceNo Jcil and will offer proof to ihow that tha land sought is more raluable for Its limner or sion. wau for ajrlcultural rurpoea, and to establish hli claim belure tee M Sec: on Thurxlay. the Mb day of Vovember. IMS. ..hiiiiui Th.ims, mare. O- 1 nrynjolf l'rom, ot Milton. N. Dakota, and Ras- mu E. Stone, ol Aiexanuna. jiiun. AnyandallperoncIalmin adverxly the above dewxlbcd lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 19th day of November, 1M. , ' J. T. Bridom. RcgUlcr. '- 3;ty Camber of CQcCLtORE'S there are Articles of mtensa interest Six good short stories, hum on Subjcots of the greatest eioua stories, stories of life and national Lnportanco. action and alu-ay good. In 1904 McClure's will be more interesting, important and entertaining than ever. "Ever- year is better than the last or it would not be McClures" : : : : : : :::::: Subscribe now for McCluie's for 1904 and get the November and Decerubor numbers for llKKJ free of charge : : : 84tf Good Samaritan Hospital Offerin; All those who wish to donate fruit, canned goods, potatoes, groceries, old i: ntr are requested to send jlCilU a J ai is a - them to the Rectory before December D. S. T. West, fire insurance, notary public, city property rented, county and city warrants bought, and collections made. Office on Jackson street, No. 407, Hoover building, opposite post office. Lost. A buckskin puree, fastet.ed with a snap, containing about $20. The finder will bo liberally rewarded by, leaving tho same at the Plaindkaler office. 5-2t The Wiedemann company's band con sisting of 13 pieces furnished us some very fine selections this morning, before Strong'-a furniture store. A large crowd collected and the bind is certainly a good attraction for their show. The meeting of the Mental Culture tomorrow afternoon will be the last Ihj fore Christmas Mrs. Strange will read a paper entitled "1,110 in wie uoionies, Mrs. J. C. Aiken will t.ilk regarding the West Indies and Mrs. J. B. Waite will handle Current Events. Miss Golder. the teacher of the 8th more District Attorney Geo. M. Brown, left Therefore Mr. Brownell should not Friday for Toledo, to attend the regular regarded so lightly by other congression term of the Circuit court for Lincoln ai aspirants." Is this the same-Brown county. Judge Hamilton is unable to en who did the Judas Iscariot and attend, owing to the illness of his wife, diet Arnold act to Scott? and his place will be filled by Judge Henry L. Benson, of Klamath Falls. Misses Audrey Bridges, Maggie Mc Clallen and Arie Black returned this morninir from a short visit with .Mrs. C. II. Bristol at her Sunnyside fruit farm. They report a very enjoyable visit and it certainly shone in their faces when they drove in this morning with Mr. and Mrs. Bristol. C. J. Clement aud family, left Satu r day night for Portland where they will make their future home. Mr. Clement was a member of the Bcal Estate firm of Clement-King & Co., and has closed his office hero to make room for the army of real estate firmB in Boseburg, and himself seek other fields. idate's success nnw-a-davs depends for agricultural purposes, and to 'M',h gJ ,. , , ;. claim before the KcRlster and Receiver of thla i on his ciieck than his merit. eutca of Uoaeburg, Oregon. Mrs. J. C. Aiken entertained a num ber of her lady friends at her home in this city, Thursday afternoon. The rc ception rooms were tastefully decorated with Oregon grape, laurel berries and chrysanthemums. Games, singing and instrumental music were indulged in by tho enestfi, followed by a delicior.i luncheon. Mrs. Aiken was assisted by her neico, Mies Florence Aiken, Miss Elva Wimberly and Miss Jennie Buick. Wiedemann's big show opens a week's engagement at the Opera Houso tonight bediming with Bret Harto's four act comedy, "Tennessee's Partner" with a strong cast of characters. Popular prices 15, 25 and 35 cents. This company bus visited Boecburc on several occasions The boys of the High school have or- an,i , w(lvH avo atiaf action, and tho 11 It iB especially desirable that the gra(o department of tho public school, ganized their Basket Ball team with peopiu 0f Boseburg always look for a ro-tjoWo- offering should reach the Left for her former home in Nebraska, I Mar Hanan as captian and Harry llilde-1 turn engagement of tho company and a ;!imiritan hospital ueiure vym.-i on me eievenw, j ""iu mo iUv... uuiu no uiniiugoi. 1 """""j I week h enjoyment. Ooou ..aiiiaiiu 1 . ....- . ..!. ; t: n.,l.' .1...: 1. ti,i r,.,l,.i. I . . .. . ner lamer, vmu uicu "i cuv, uicii tuaui. iiiomjoimiju i""""" ijn rnurstiay aiicrnoon airs. j.u. fornia, last week, the remains being re- a good Uiam but are handicapped at Aikun entertained about fifty ladies at moved to Nebraska for burial. present with tho lack of room for n saiam!,Kn,ii party and tho atternoon Bice and Bice, the house furnisheia practice, but they are determined to wn8 ono of 8Ucl, a8 to bo amply are showing a beautiful and varied as- bring out a team. gratifying to the hosted. Tho houso sortment of china and glass ware, r.nita- Geo. Kngle, llie ex-rortiaiKi piicner, was iicauiiiuuy uecorauti wiin uregon rwr- .!,. fnr l.nlidav Ldfts and for practical and who pitched a tew games lor Kose- grape, laurel, icrns nun lMignsn ivy, uses. Tho assortment includes fancy burg near tno close 01 1110 season, is now IuiwIh. individual plates, individual cups playing indfor baeebajl in Cincinnati, be on Tuesday theMl, day o. January . ... - names a um-w. . - l;., Wlfcons n, II. KrKcntrger. 1 sul j ?"' Itoscbiir, OrcKnn.J.II. Kvarts. IVel. Oregon. Any and all persons clalmlnK adversely the ltcn- above drscrlU-d lands are rojucsuM u. uib intiir cininin m mo v 5th day ot January. 11. JTBRID0Egi Register. on Frl.lav. the lSlh day of December, lMU He WalVslN.uthDkoU, Ka.mus.M. Slon .A lex- anas. John Dawsov, Honey to Loan. and tho lunch was both delicious, being served As financial agent for capital I am 1 ... i mnniyv in any amount prepareu i,v" -j . r.n in tr,00 on real estate or outright, or to pnrcnase t, .... . .,,. individual coffee and choco- Ohio, with a professional team there. Mrs. Aikon was assisted by Misses Jonn discount. The money ., mt. wit. la nn,l fnrv Hn has had several eood offers for next nie Buick, Wimberly and Aiken. Mrs. ., ,i,..fla iRHiicd fie same uj laioecw, '"J-v--- f- j " , ....... 1 n . 11 be paid or dra is I8fu . EDqujr0 vases-in fact every thiug to please the season, but has not yet accepted any of- A. Wollenburg won first prize, n hand that the application lsn j, ;8 bi0WI1 an,i the reasonble- fer. Ho expects to bo in good condition somo medallion and tho second prize, a of H. H. BrooVe?, at in .r!u ,:ii mr!t .0r attention, next snrimr. Biuallcr medallion went to Mrs. Fenn. Notice for Publication. Hutted States Land Office. RowbuiK. Oregon, Oct. M, !. Notlca is hereby given that In compliance with June timber w - . . 1 . ed to all the publlo land state by act of Auguat i. van. JOHN . KENDALL. ..IMIniicaiolls, county of llcnni-pln, MiiilicsoU.hasllili.dav: filed In this ollico Ills sworn utatcmcnl No. riJilt, lor the pu-chaio of the oontti cst i'iartcrof section No. 11, town ship 27 Miuth, ranert west and will oiler proof to show that tholand sought is more valuable for 1U Umber or J10"0 than for agrlcuUiiral purposes, and to establish hli claim beforo tha Resistor and Receiver ot this .Ilia alDnaahnW flrfllfftn on Monday, the to'th tiav ot March, lftM Ho tiam wiiniM'K: .iiarics imimi ....... Thorn, ot Roscburs; Jonu iiccaer, rrana itiuf,. of Cloveland. Ore. . , , ,,.. Any and all persons claiming 'Jve'ely tlio above described lands are requested to die their claims In this oftlco on or be'" ,l,",llai ,h day of March, mi. J. T. nR"" Notice of Final Settlcm-nt. In the County Court of the Stnto '.nl Oregon for DoukIbb County. In Din mattiirnf llie C'ktlltO oil .1 -I 1. - ,t... .1 .111 I Notice la hereby given that tho underhtRiicd, the executors of tho atve onlltleil cstaie have Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Ros-burR Oresoii, June 29. 1W1. I Notice is hereby given that In comrllanca with the provisions of the act of Congresa of Junes, 1OT. entitled "An act for the talo of timber lands In the States ot CallfornIa,Oreron v.v.ii. Ami witininrinn ltrriiorr. ascaicou d to all the public land states by act of August KHVJI J 1KUJ. Ar tiinn mnni, nf f.Avalier. state 01 orin 1 I HI .HIIH "I " V ..I . L I .J. 1.1 1.1. 1 Dakota, has mts uay hum w wi.v I ct.inmpnr n. wi. inr ine rurcuu 04 1 tho KEs of sec No. 4,Tp 2S, south ot range . v-..v-l A .V and will oirer prooi to snow miui iuu Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for arrlcultural purposes, and to establish hit claim before the Keg FREE Thk S. S. McCli re Coviimnv, 623 Lexinoto.v Bcildixo, Nkw York;, N. Y J dster and Kctlrer of thla office of Roe burg, Oregon. audrla. Minneaota, . I . TI.I-aI. ' Any and all person clalmtnc. adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims lu this oracc on ot oeioro am w , ol December. WW. j.T. BK!UE.S. Rcgtstcr. ICE & RICE The House Furnishers We carry tho finest line of CHINA WARE ever brought to Roseburg, everything a bright new piece imported direct from the Factory by ourselves. Our China and Dish Department is the talk of the town A chance to make mother, sister or sweet heart a lovely keep sake, a fancy ornament ud a useful present filed in ihe above cillltli-d court their accounl ... .i..i..,i.i..,,.t f ..,1,1 iixt.ile. and that tin , , 1 . udROof Mld court by or.Ier duly made aud en I clalKirato and tcn-Ilon Ihu journal thtTi-ol ha fixed l!ou.ta, ! iiin4lhditvof Jniiuary, 1WI. at ten o clock . in five courses. ,V,i, ttlo said ........ 1,. ...1.1 ilnul Hi-imuiit. mid the : . ..i l.t.i ...i.m. That tho order of court Is dated tho l-Jtli day pf Novenir, WOT. Dated imatno ... 'nVVV V. T WIltlllKlirF Exccutora 01 the citato ot Martha Woodruff. Notico for Publication. TiuiTtcn RTATK-t IJkND OFFICE. Kiwebnrir. Ore.. June 29, 19H3. Retire is hereby given that la eomptlanca wlththeBtaTtilonsofthe act of CpngTesa of June ,ir8,enUtltd"AB act for tha sale of timber lands in the States of Callfornla.Oregon v.. 1. . .mi w..hinftnn TcrrltorT."aixtnd- eJ to all the publU land states by act of Angurt Ol.K E L FT.tCS. II... V Tlt. nr I.l1lltv llf Walhll. SlrltO OlNOtttll ... 1 n.fc ....v., v.....j r. . , - Dakota, has this nay iiieu in inouitw ... "r.T... ' Mr. HIS7. for tho nnrchasol ot the N, of tho N4 of tectlon No. 10. tn.v,..iiir. soiiin 01 rauKu o wv.. . and wilt offer proof U snow mat tna lanu la mor. valuable far 1U timber or ;ton than for agricul'.ural pu-pos... and to establish hU claim before theTUjtlster ad Receiver of thU of tloe ef Eoaaburf , Oregon .... im. v ti... iiih itar ol riovemwr. r.w .... . .........j. -'-.-- VV..1,,.. l lie names as vuuww "V;V , . V. I Park River, North Pakota.Arcr'buld K Wailgo. Wales. Norm iMKOia, uaniiiiis . andtla. Minnesota, IirynJoU Prom, of Milton V . I V. II jV nla fllll.ll All. W .... .... .1 1 ,,.. .n. .11 wmnns clalmlnnlv adversely the I bnrn dpscrlbeil lands are requested to Bb their I claims In thU offlco on or before said 19th tlaj otNotemocr.! J.T. BRIDGES. Uegter. SILVERWARE AND CARVERS In All The Very Latest Designs If we had free use of this entire paper we would be unable to tell you of all the good things wo have and will sell at special prices throughout the Holiday Seasbn. Just Step in and See our Handsome Lane ot CARPETS RUGS LOUNGES COUCHES Give us your business. We have special care for all mail orders entrusted to us. Out mail order business has grown to be a prime factor and every mail brings us orders which are filled the days they are received. Oregon's School Supply Agents Direct from the Factory A Great Savin 8 .office, KOieuurg.