The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 10, 1903, Image 3

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We are now prepared to show Holiday buyers all S
the new novelties and fancy creations both useful and
ornimental, and handhed exclusively by us.
A few of the nobby things we are prepared to show iii our holiday
line are; Fane.' work Brackets, Hankerehief Boxes, Chatelaine
Bags, Novelty I'urses, Collar & Cuff Boxes, Kid and Golf Gloves
Silk and linen Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, New Neckwear Fancy and
useful Suspeuders, new Silk and Fancy handle Umbrellas, Hats,
Shoes, Clothing and other articles too numerous to mention.
I The People's Store
One Door South of P. O.
Of Local Interest.
Copyrights 4c
Anyone wmainc a sketch and description may
quickly ajcertain our opinion free whetner an
lnreauoa ts protiably pxtentaMo. Comtnuntca
UonsKnctiyconrMentlal. HANDBOOK onfatcnta
nt tree. Oldest acencr tor seconne patent.
Psients taken through Mcnn A Ox receive
rjvrvi: no.-i.-f, without charge. In the
Scientific Hmerican.
A handomelT illcrtrated ireeklj-. Tarcest dr
rclaUoa ot any scientific tanrnal. Terms. S3 a
rear: four months. TL Sold byall newsdealers.
HUNK & Go.36,BrMtfwai-Hew York
Branch OScc S3 F St. Washtaeton. TJ. a
Cor. Washington
and Main Streets
Mrs. Belle Collins
Title Guaranteed: Loan Co.
I. II. HaniLTOS,
T resident
Secy, and Trca
OBce In the Court House. Have the only com
plete tet ot abstract boots In Donelan County
Abstracts and Certificates ol Title furnished to
Donclas county land and rninine claims. Hare
also a complete et of Tracings of all township
plats In the Rosebars. Orecon. D. S. Lan d Dis
trict. Will make bine print copies ol any town
Of everv descrivtion. Farms and Min
eral Lands. Oregon, Washington
Abstract of Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing
ment Land .
Blue Prints of Township Maps showing
all vacant Lands.
Architect, Abstracter.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures
Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415
Just arrived from the factory a car
load of the celebrated Page fence, which
is cheaper Uian a board ence and will
last a life-time and is put up to your
satisfaction without extra cost. It is
used and endorsed by the leading men
of this county. For circulars and prices
address Stearns & Chenoweth, Oakland,
Ore., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly
A Direct Line
to Chicago and all points east; Louis
ville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all
points south.
See that your ticket reads via the IL
modern trains connect with all trans
continental lines at St. Paul and Oma
ha. If your friends are coming west let us
know and we will quote them direct the
specially low rates now in effect from
all eastern pointe.
Any information as to rates, routes,
etc., cheerfully given on application.
Commercial Agent,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
J. C. Lindsey,
T. F. & P. A.,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
P. B. Thompson,
F. & P. A.,
Room 1, Colman Bldg., Seattle,
WopIs. 84tf
Good Samaritan Hospital Offering
All those who wish to donate fruit
canned coeds, potatoeb, groceries, old
clean linen etc are requested to send
them to the Rectory before December
11. It is especially desirable that the
Pr.BPhnrr' offering should reach the
r "
Good Samaritan hospital before Christ
John Dawson.
floney to Loan.
As financial agent for capital 1 am
nrenared to loan money in any simount
rom 50 to $500 on real estate or per
eonal security, or to purchase property
outright, or to purchase good notes at a
discount. The money can of'ontime
be paid or drafts issued the same day1
iiiti' the application is made. Eoquirc
of H. H. Brookes, nt the Plaindkal
office, Roseburg.
I Dr's. Cheadle it Johnson, dentists.
For 1 nice job of shoeing go to H. L.
Gould. 70-tf.
Dan Whitsett lias moved to his new
home on I-ane street.
A. Younger, of Ashland, is registered
at the McClallen today.
I). S. West returned from a trip to
Eugene, Tuesday evening.
Fresh Candies manufactned daily at
Currier's confectionery. Finest in the city
Holiday goods quite extraordinary as
comparison will quickly show. S. K.
M. P. Elliott, of Salem, is in the city
today and is registered at the McClal-
For Trade Small farms in Southern
Indiana to trade for Oregon property.
H. L. Ball. S3tf.
Geo D. Goodhue, the well-known
poultry and creamery man from Salem,
was in the city Tuesday.
We buy right, we sell right ; we name
our priees with confidence. Implements
and Hardware. S. K. Sykes.
Is your property for sale? If so
see Frank E. Alley and have the title
examined and secure an abstract of
Investigate, compare. We seek
your business only on the basis of mu
tual snterest. Hardware etc. S. K.
In addition to low prices we gnaran
tee prompt service and absolute satis
faction. Stoves and tinware S. K.
If troubled with a weak digestion try
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets. Thev will do vou good. For sale
bv A. C. Marsters & Co.
Mrs. I. E. Thomas returned to her
home in Cottage Grove, yesterday, after
short visit with her daughter, Mrs.
. D. Ramp, in this city.
Rev. Davis Errett, pastor of the First
Christian church of Salem, preached at
the Christian church in this city, Tues
day and Wednesday night.
Wanted to Trade. A fine young Jer
sey cow lor a good wort horse or --year
old colt. M. Lemmee,
SS-2t p Dixonvillc, Ore.
For Sale. A ten-acre apple orchard
in Brooks First addition to Roseburg
Will be sold cheap. Enquire at this of
fice for full particulars. 80 lm-p
Are you thinking about buying
property in Douglas County? If so
it will pay you to have Frank E. Alley
examine the title before purchasing,
The north-bound overland, due here
at II :15 last evening, did not arrive un
til 8:45 this morning, the delay being
caused by a freight wreck at Redding,
The missionary meeting of the ladies Presbyterian church, announced
at the home of Mrs. A. J. Bellows, has
been postponed to some date not yet
D. S. T. West, fire insurance, notary
public, city property rented, county and
city warrants bought, and collections
made. Office on Jackson street, No. 407.
Hoover building, opposite post office.
Lost. A bm-kskin puree, fastened
with a snap, containing about f20. The
nder will be liberally rewarded by
leaving the same at the Pl.u.vokalkk
office. 94-2t
The Empire livery and feed stables
now occupied by Al Kent, successor to
the firm of Kent t O'Neal, has been
rented by the owners to Messrs. John
Banks and S. M. Kelly, of Oakland, who
will take charge in a short time. Mr.
Kent still retains his stables on Main
street, and he has expressed his inten
tion of erecting a fine brick stable in the
near future to accommodate his increas
ing business.
Rice and Rice, the house furnishers
are showing a beautiful and varied as
sortment of china and glass ware, suita
ble for holiday gifts and for practical
uses. The assortment includes fancy
bowls, individual plates, individual cups
and saucers, individual coffee and choco
late sets, water sets.cut glass and fancy
vases; in fact everything to please the
collector is shown and the reasonble-
ness of prices will merit your attention
Wilbur Rosa entertained a number of
his friends at his new home in Kinney
villc, at the extreme north end of the
city, Tuesday evening, at the pop
ular jrame of flinch. The parlors were
tastefully decorated with oriental effects,
After sufficient enjoyment at flinch the
party adjourned to the dining room
where refreshments were served. Those
present were Misses Maud Maiden
Daisy Maiden, Lulu Cloyd, Myrtle Coch
ran. I -co 11 a Sloper, Minnie and Neita
Bell, and Mrs. Ross; Messrs Stephens
Robieon, Harry Miller, Maurice Maiden
Lester Bell, Elmer Wimlerly and Wil
bur Rosf.
Dr's. Cheadle A Johnson, dentists.
Consumption is cured by Osteopa'
hy- 94 dis
k. O. fccliwarx of hugene was in the
I city Tuesday.
E. N. Sin th of Myrtle Point was in
the city Tm ttlay.
L. St. Ores of Drain was in the city
Tuesday on business.
Otey Boon has returned from a visit
with friends at Glendale.
John F. ICe'ly ami R. A. Both of En
gene were in the city Tuesday cvenine.
Beu Watson went to Eugene Tuesday
to take a view of that section of conntry.
C. P. Jones of Ashland transacted
business in our city Tuesday.
E. E. Wilson and L. E. Johnson of
Glendale were in the city Tuesday.
Geo. W. Kearns of Grants Pass was
registered at the McClallen Tuesday.
Geo. W. Stearns of Oakland was a
business caller in Roseburg Tuesday.
H. A. Williams, editor of the Myrtle
Creek Mail, was in our city Tuesday.
Osteopathy is a great and nat ural sys
tern of healing. Any disease responds
to treatment. fUd!5
The Rev. R. Christipon will preach in
the Methodist church, Sonth, next Sun
day morning.
H. O. Lewis, the Albany photograph
er was attending to business matters in
this city Tuesday.
Mrs. C. W. Pogue of Albany is visit
ing at me nome of her daughter. Mrs.
W. Moffit in this city.
Misses Audrey Bridges and Maggie
McClallen are visiting Mrs. Bristol' at
her Sunnyside fruit farm.
See Frank E. Alley for reliable ab
stract of title to your property. Up
stairs over Land Office.
FOUND A silver medal. The owner
can obtain it by describing the same to
the editor of the Plain-dealer.
See Frank E. Alley for land scrip.
Guaranteed perfect, and ready for
delivery. Lowest market price.
County Surveyor Chaa. E. Roberts
and John Townscnd have returned from
a surveying trip to Fleurnoy valley.
Edwin Weaver of Myrtle Creek, was
in the city Tnesday. He had just re
turned from a trip to Weiser and Boise,
J. W. Bikerof Cottsige Grove, State
Game Forestry Warden, was in the city j
Wednesdiyon business pertaining to
his office.
Surveyor Switzer and Special Agent
Wilson have returned from the moun
tains where they had been inspecting
recent surveys.
Prof. Sanders is unable to attend to
his duties at the High school this week,
lieing confined to his home as a result of
oison oak xjigoning.
Harry Stevens returned Tuesday from
the mountains where he accompanied
Surveyor Switzer and Special Examiner
Wilson on a survey.
Blue prints of township maps, fifty
cents each. Filing papers, properly
prepared. Frank E. Alley, up stairs,
over Land Office.
Work has commenced on the new
high school building, which will when
finished, be the best school house in the
Willamette Valley.
The Shadow social at the I. O. O. F.
hall Monday night, under the auspices
of the W. O. W. was well attended and
all reported an enjoyable time.
The W. C. T. U. will meet Friday af
ternoon at 2:30, in the home of Mrs.
Faulkner. The subject is "Rest." A
very interesting program is being pro-
pat ed.
II. O. Lewis of Albany has purchased
Olive's photograph gallery and will as
Fiimc the management at onco. Mr.
Olive will go to California as soon as he
closes his business here.
Fred J. Blakely, manager of the Ore
gon lioom ana limber Uompany re
turned Tuesday from Portland where ho
was promoting the interests of his ex
tensive enterprise.
Roseburg Lodge No. 314, B. of R . T
at their last regular meeting at the Na'
tive Sons' hall, elected the following of
ficers for the ensuing year: Master. C
B Baker; vice master, Chas Harmon
past master, E P Long; sec, II Wright;
financier, 0 W Ballard'; journal agent
A L Rvan ; grievance committee, II (
Bickett, chairman, A Howard, O 8
Johnson; examining physician, Dr. E
V Hoover.
Osteopathy cures female troubles
Results toll when you try Osteopa
thy. 04-dlB
Emory Davidson was on tho Blck list
Earnest Gndway, of Anlauf, Was in
the city this week.
Jos. Lyons, the Drain banker, was
transacting businoss in onr city vostor
two Greek steamers collided near
Athens, and fifty persona were drowned
on Tuesday.
Get your abstracts ot title from J
Hamilton, tie has tho only complete
set of abstract b 1 ks in the county, tf
Mr. and Mrs 0. W. Smith drove I
from their home near this city Tuesday.
They expect their daughtor Stella, home
Tuesday, Dec tho 22, one day only
Dr. Lowe, the optician, will bo in Rose
burg. Don't fail to see him about your
eyes and glasses.
The Roseburg Cook Book, by the Wo
man's Guild of St. Goorge'a church,
now ready, and for sale at Cannon'
Book Store at 50c per copy. 93-lmo-pd
1-obt. On Tuesday alternoon, be-
ween tho Umpqua bridge and the post
oihie, a circular brooch of coral and
gold. Finder please return to this office.
If you want ta wo or purchase the
very best vapor cabinet manufactured
go to A. C. Marsters & Co. and inspect
the renowned Buckeye It is warranted
n every particular. 73-tf.
E. B. HandsaW of Aulauf called yes
terday morning and among other things
he said that his f.itKcr was the corre
p pon dent of the Plaixulmler from his
settlement in the yer lskiS.
vi e nave taken bueritj rarrott into
partnership for the next four weeks and
assigned him to duty on page four of
tho great, moral and religious news
paper of Oregon.
wncn you want a pleasant purgative
try Chamberlain's Stomach Tablet,
rhey are easy to take and produce no
nausea, griping or other disagreeable ef
feet. For sale by A. C. Marsters A. Co
uuaranteea forest neserve scrip
for sate in large or small quantities,
by Frank E. Alley, over the
Land Office Roseburg. Will place
same for non-resident purchasers.
China Sam has just received his stock
of holiday goods and has a unique as
sortment from which to select. He has
Chinese and Japanese goods of all kinds
including china cups, plates and tea
sets, rarely beautiful emborderies, vases,
bronze and brass ware, toys etc. See
his before you buv your Christmas
gifts. 1 mo
Miss Esther Taylor, a convert to the
Holy Roller's gospel of salvation, is de
mented, and has been nent to the Boys
ana Girls Aid Society home, in Port
land. Last Sunday morning ilisa Tay
lor created a scene in the staid, old
Presbyterian church in Portland by
December 12, 13, the Adventiats will
bold a two day's convention followed by
a week of prayer in the basement of the
new church. Elder Burg, president of
the Western Oregon conference of Sev
enth Day Adventists will preach Friday
night at 7:30. On Saturday there will
bo services at 10:30 a m and 2pm and
preaching in the evening. Sunday ser
vices will be at 10:30 a m and 2pm
bervicos eacn nigiu iiiereaiicr lor a
week. The public will be made wel
The iiopular school contest at the
High school will continue until the last
day of school proceeding the Christines
acation when a basket social will be
held, ami the result of tho last count,
and Uic winner of the contest -will be
announced. It is expected the last
week's voting will bo hotly conteted.
The latest count resulted with the fol
lowing persons in the lead :
Mar Hanan 610
oily Campbell 575
Frank Berry 150
Grace LaBrie 115
Mary Parks 115
Audrey Bridges 85
AUEENE In West Roseburg, Dec. 8.
1003, Gladys, the 6 year old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Abeene, of
At the regular meeting of Roseburg
Chapter No. 8, ordor of tho Eastern
Star, Thursday night, tho following of
ficers were elected for tho ensuing year
Maud Rast, W. M.; J. T.. Bridges, W
P.; Flosalo Shambrook, A. M.; Mrs,
Palsy Anderson, Con.; Appointed by
W. M: Mrs. O. P. Coshow, Ada, Mm
Risloy, Ruth, Mrs. M. Josephson, Esther,
Mrs. G. E. Houck, Martha; Mrs. Fred
Peebler, organist ; A Sahman, V.; Sam
Josephson, S; P. M. Beard, M.; O. P
Coshow, C.
For a quarter of a century we've
been busy solving shoe problems
solving them for man. woman and
childsolving them successfully.
In the selection of our fall shoe
stock we have called to our aid this
long and successful experience. The
result is a mighty gathering of fall
footwear embodying in an unrivaled
degree of style, comfort, durability
and moderateness of price.
We want you to get better ac
quainted with our big shoe depart
ment. It's chuck full of attractive
things and the prices are attractive,
tJ .
Is the Best Published at any price. It
is only 10 eents a eopy, $1.00 a year.
In Every fiumber of fTlcCLiURE'S there ore
Articles of intense in to rest Six good short stories, hum
on Subjects of the greatest oxous .torice, stories of life and
national Importance. action and always good.
In 1904 McClure's will be more interesting,
important and entertaining than ever.
"Every year is better than the last or it
would uot be McClures" ::::::::::::
Subfcribo now for .McClure's for 1904 and tret the November
and December numbers for 1803 free of charge : : : : :
Tnx S. S. McCutbk 623 Lexisoto: Bcildino, New York, X. "Y
Bilious Colic Prevented.
Take a double dose of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
kb soon as the first indication of tho dis
ease appears and a threatened attack
may lie warded off. Hundreds of people
use the remedy in this way with perfect
success. For sale by A. C. Marsters A
'A Little Outcast" is advertised on
our billboards to be played here Doc. 11
and promises to bo a good play. Vi
sions of the Orient, with its mysteries
and magnificence, arb vividly pictured
in the second act of a "Little Outcast,"
where for tho first timo in any produc
ion a correct view of a typi cal Chinese
restaurant is given.
Malcolm Moody's piano attempted to
call down the Plaindealer on the
proposition that tho state had no
power to condemn the land for a gov
ernment canal. Since the articles
appeared Attorney-General Crawford
has dug up the law in the case, and
in answer to a communication from
the Portland Chamber of Commerce,
he says; that the state has power to
condemn land, and assess the
damaces and pay the same for
land condemned for the public
good. The Attorney-General
sound on the question of eminent do
main as held by the Supreme Court
of the United States, and however
Buch a man aa Malcolm Moody could
show such a vast amount of igno
rance on a common proposition Bof
fundamental law is a mystery far
deeper than his want of knowledge
on the Postal law. 'Nuf ced,' except
to ask the brother to come again.
Bryan's son-in-law comes out as a
I Btaunch republican. Think of ltl
We have great bargains to offer in
Incubators, Brooders, Bone Cutters
Write at once for Bargain sheet
Portland Seed Company, Portland, Oregon
The Poultry Supply Poasc of the Northwest
Geo. Doherty, representing the Port
land Evening Telegram, is in tho city
Ainsley Johnson is around again, hav
ing recovered from his recent slight illness.
Tho advance sale of peats for a "Little
Outcast" to bo played at the opera
house tomorrow evening insures a good
J. II. Short and son Victor of Clover
f!nk are in tho citv today. Mr. Short
has just returned from a month's ab
sence on Elk Creek.
Thomas Dixon, left Tuesday evening
for Boise, Idaho. Ho was accompanied
as far as Portland by his sister, Myrtle.
Which is it, Tom, a girl in Idaho or tho
fair maids of Utah?
Tho Roseburg lodgo of Royal Neigh
bors will meet in tho Native Sons' hal
Friday evening, Dec. 11th, at 7:30
o'clock. All members are earnestly re
quested to bo present. Tho annual elec
tion ( f officers will occur at this tune.
Cards are out for tho wedding of Fred
K Gettins and Miss Bertha Sohlbredo,
to take place Wednesday Dec. 23, at 2:30
o'clock, at tho homo of tho bride's
parents Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Sehl
brcde. They will leave on tho local tho
samo evening for San Francisco, where
thoy will spend tho honeymoon.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. I. Wollon
ben? entertained in truo German fash
ion at a "coffee klatch" and the nffair,
tho first of tho kind over given i 1 Roso
burc was charming, being both uuiquo
and genuinely enjoyable. Tim guests
took tholr needlework nlong. bun vastly
moro attention was given to tho sweets,
blank bread and coffee whifh was
served continuously throughout tho af
tornoon. Among thoso present were:
Mmos. Flint, T. It. Sheridan, Bensou,
A. Wollcnberg, Houck, Walter Hamil
ton. John Wright, J. C. Fullerton,
Nnihnn Fidlertou. Bridges, Barker, Jo-
Bonhson. Stroud and Thackorah Misses
Lulu Willis and Roso Josephson assisted.
E.J. CARPENTERS Production of
A Little Outcast
By Hal. Reid & Lawrence Russell
Miss May Stockton
Will bo Supported By
Stanley Johns
Millicent Evans
And the best acting conpany ever
seen in Melodrama.
All carried by this Company
I Striking acts of thrilling
I startling Realisms
Tons of Elcctrilal ap-
Abundant Life and Color Combined
make this tho best play of Now
York Lifoover produced
Prices Lower Floor 59, 75 Gallery 25, 35
All parlies indebted to the lulu grocery
firm of V. R. Buckingham please cal
In and settle promptly.
03-2t-pd A. SCHLPKMANN.
Have You Seen That
We are showing in our window. It is np-to-date
A full line of Bedroom Suits can be found on our floor.
If yon need Blankets or Comforts we have them
From the cheap to the best.
AfaH ;line of Mattresses and Pillows.
One of our Elastic Cotton Felt Mattresses
are hard to beat.
The Furniture Man
School Books
- AT
The House Furnishers
We carry tho finest line of CHINA WARE
ever brought to Roseburg, everything a
bright new piece imported direct from the
Factory by ourselves. Our China and Dish
Department is the talk of the towu
A chance to make mother, sister or sweet
heart a lovely keep sake, a fancy ornament
nd a useful preseut
In All The Very Latest Designs
If we had free use of this entire paper we
would be unable to tell you of all the good
thiugs wo have aud will sell at special prices
throughout the Holiday Season.
Just Step in and See our Handsome Line ot
Give us your business. We have special
care for all mail orders entrusted to us. Our
mail order business has grown to be a prime
factor and every mail brings us orders which
ave filled the days they are received.
Oregon's School Supply Agents
Direct from the Factory A Great Saving