The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 16, 1903, Image 4

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    The Caro of Farm Implements.
.1 vv ,.t i ,v!M,Mit nnainf- attnDlv ot nnmea cives out., cauau 11 i
TI.Io r,,,, n.rnlntna I SlUUlOlllV lO COUBC. Alio UUIL minim
i l . f ,..,, f i, i,v.iiit-i.s wavs bo fed in the stable, in timt
lalllUl Ulallfll lUllllUtO Vft S.S1VJ awvwu i - - r -
tn which wo refer, and wo conuratulato cow win uuta nui umy iran u uci e.i.u
i i,: ..,n;rocto;mi f intnrnst . but thero will bo less dancer of any of
5n nrocnws and bono that thorn getting choked and none at all
manv other localities will follow their uieir gorging uiemeeivcs mm t-iiuugu lu
Professional Cards.
How to Fatten Turkeys.
Anyone who makes a business of rasl
ing turkeys will find it profitable to fat
ten their choicest lot of birds except
those wanted for breeding purposes for
tho Thanksgiving and Christmas season,
and dispose of tho balanco through tho
winter, spring and summer months. As
fancv turkevs are always wanted for tho
holidays, it is a wasto of timo and ma
terial to sell inferior grades then, where
fore these should bo kept and fattened
later. It is true that oxcollent prices
aro generally paid for holiday turkeys,
but this brings most of the choice ones
of tho country to market and thereby
makes the competion greater than at
Tho season of active farm opera tious
is drawing to a close. Some fall plow
ing and seeding aro yet on tho program,
and tho corn harvest will soon begin
but tho mower, the binder, corn planter
and cultivators, carden tools and other example.
implements should be housed for tho
A farmer is known by tho implements
he keeps, and still more so by tho man
ner in which ho keeps them. Tho best
investment on tho farm is shed room for
tools. Nothing pays so well. How
manr sons of Adam are housing their
farming machinery on the ice sido of a
barb-wire fence or at best under a cot
tonwood tree? The sun and wind and
rain are peeling the paint off, cracking
the wood and rusting the iron parts
Machinery well cared for lasts twico as
long as that of the shiftless agrarian,
and tho satisfaction of using sharp,
clean tools in good repair more than
pays for cheap lumber.
An air-tight house is unnecessary. A
roof and such walls as will keep off sun any other season. Afterwards it is moro
and rain are all that aro needed, and difficult to get first-class turkeys, and
Euch can be built against a barn or oth- those that would pass only as fair at
er building, preferably on tho south Thanksgiving and Christmas time will
Eide. Keen the chickens out. They can be considered all right and often choice
be taught to roost in the chicken house in the winter, spring or summer. In
by confining and feeding them there for deed, if one has a lot of lean turkeys on
a few days. hand during tho holidays, and were to
Tho farmer numbers among bis choose between selling them at a Email
friends the song birds, the toads, the figure or carrying them over, it would
lady bug, the rural telephone, tho grain bo advisable provided ho had suitable
"bull" and oil. It is believed that few quarters in which to fatten turkevs to
appreciated the money-making qualities accept, by all means, the latter alterna
of oil as a preservative. Well oiled bar- native ; for a few weeks of proper feed
ness lasts twice as long, as well as does ing would make their bodies plump up
farm machinery. The same is true of wonderfully, and they would look so
leather boots, but not of rubber; grease much better that good prices could
rots rubber. When you put tools and readily be obtained for them. As to tho
and implements away for the season, best method of fattening turkeys for
or indeed for anv time, however short, market, some sav thev should be con-
they should be clean and bright, and fined, while others are opposed to it
tho bright parts protected with some Being of a wild nature, it certainly will
anti-weather mixture. Beef suet is the not do to coop them up in such a man
best, and it is cheap and it is easily ap- ner that they will begin quarreling,
plied. A swipe across a shining plow- chasing one another about and constant
share or a hoe will keep off rust for a y worrying for freedom ; they would in
long time, and it takes so much less that case soon tire of their food and, in-
J. M. Sun. make them drunk. Epitomist.
Way of Uslnj; Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from
Durban, Natal, South Africa, says: "Ah
a proof that Chamborlain's Cough
Remedy is a euro suitablo for old and
young, l pen you uio louowing: -
neighbor of inino had a child just over
two months old. It had a very bad
cough and tho parents did not know
what to givo it. I suggested that if thev
would get a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and put some upon the
dummy teat the baby was sucking it
would no doubt euro tho child. Uiis
they did and brought about a quick re
lief and eured tho baby." This remedy
is for sale bv A. C. Marsters & Co.
IMinnn S Kl'siddlCO 851, HoSiJellCC.
uono jonice nKJ Wc(t K()llcbuig
Offlco : Koom 11 Tnjlor.t Wllso-i Mock
Kxnmlnatlou Free. Olllco hours 'J to Vi r.. m.
2 to 5 p.m. lirmhiKto Still Collect) of Osteopathy
Conrt House
Down Stairs.
Q V FlSUEIt, M. D .,
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. 0. Rosununa,
'Phono Main 691. Orkoon.
. GEO. E. H0U0K,
Reduced Rates on Thanksgiving Day
The Southern Pacific Company will
sell tickets at one and ouo third fare for
tho round irip between all points on its
Oregon Lines, account Thanksgiving
Day. Tickets will bo sold on Nov. '2oiU
and 26th, and will bo limited for return
to tho 27th. All who desire to take ad
vantage of this reduction can secure
tickets from nearest Southern Pacific
Agent, on dates mentioned.
Physcian & Surgeon.
Offlco Kerlew ma. UOSKIIUKU'
Phone. Main 31 OKKliON
Review Building,
Telephone No 4.
M. Cn.vwKOKi) a J. 0. Watson
Attorneys at Law,
Rooms! &X, Batik BuIlJz., KO.SKUUKQ, UK
Sy-Bujlncsbbeforethe U 3 Land Office and
mining cuh a specialty.
Rosehl'ro, Orboo
Business before U.S. Land Offioeand Probate
tHHlneM a specialty.
Offlco Abraham Rnlhllne.
Just arrived from the factory a car
load of tho celebrated Page fence, which
is cheaper than a board enco and will
last a life-time and is put up to your
satisfaction without extra cost. It is
used and endorsed by the leading men
of this county. For circulars and prices
address Stearns A Chenoweth, Oakland,
Ore., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly
Wll' Dractlce In all the State ami Federal Conrt
Oraro In Mark! Man., Kowuurv. Oregon.
ami 1 and 2
uirlcw Building.
time and labor than scouring the rusty
tool when next wanted that it seems al
most idle to speak of it.
There is no business in life where sys
tem pays so well as on a farm. Having
a place for everything and keeping it
there when not in use is the main thing.
If you can have Euch places arranged
convementlv so that labor and time are
not wanted in cettine them to the field
and back again, so much the better.
stead of fattening, grow thin. Keeping
all the food, and especially shelled corn,
before them that they can eat, is also t 20 cents per quart.
unwise. If they aro a healthy, vigorous jod- Cleveland. Ore.
lot, and the weather will permit, it is
better to give them absolute freedom.
and all the clean water they want to
drink, but not quite all the food they
will devour, for four weeks prior to mar
keting. Corn of last season's crop, not
shelled from the cob, but the ear broken
W. II. Mur-S5-2mp
Administrator's Sale
of Real Prop-
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue
of an order made by the County Court
Every farmer should have a work- in two or three pieces, is preferable. It of Douglas County, State of Oregon, in
shop with a bench, an anvil, a carpen-1 will afford the birds exercise to make I tho matter of the estate of Thomas
ters' and a blacksmiths' vise, and such them pick the kernals from the cob, and I Dunseath, deceased, on the 2Sth day
tools as his iudement and experience I hr twins thns kent busv for an hour or of Seotembcr. 1903. and entered in the
EUEwrest. He certainlv ousfit to have a loneer par-h dav thev will not roam so Probate Records of said Court on ejid
hammer, a hatchet, a saw, jack plane, I far from home. During tho first week
a monkey wrench and an "S" wrench, thev should be fed Fnaringlv, and after
draw-knife, bits and brace, a square, a the second week wheat, oats, or a mash
level, a chalk line and an assortment of of boiled patatoes and corn meal mixed
nails, screws and bolts. He ought to to a crumbly mass, should be given them
have a small forse and common black- at noon. This should be fed cold, in a
smith tools. Experience and practice long trough that is kept perfectly clean,
will soon teach the use of all these tools, and for every 20 birds it is well to add
and their intelligent and deft applica- to the mash a handful of oil meal and
tion is as important as a knowledge of two or three of beef scraps. Grit of
soil chemistry or balanced rations. If gome kind should always be placed
the farm boy can serve an apprentice- where they can obtain it. If confined,
ship in Winter months to a carpenter or not m ire than 20 birds should occupy a
blacksmith it will be schooling worth fattening pen-, and there should be
many dollars in after life. plenty of roost's easily accessible, and
The other day I was cutting cowpeas located far enongh apart so the turkeys
in a new field and ran smack into a cannot reach each other when on them.
tump. The vines were heavy, and the This will tend to make them much more
team was going at a lively clip, and amicable in disposition, and they can
when the guards hit the hidden trouble, I therefore be fattened to better advant-
sinash went the tongue of tho mower I ag0. They should be fed at morning
beyond the surgical aid of splints and I and noon a mash composed of three
bay-bale wire. A new tongue costs parts corn, one part buckwheat meal
$2.50, but a quick trip to the lumber and one part wheat or bran, scalded and
yard, 40 cents for a 4x4x14 stick of tim- placed before them when it is warm.
ber and two or three hours' work made Xo more than what they will readily
a better tongue than the factory turns consume should be given at one time, of
out. The blacksmith and the wood course, and at night thev should have
worker have to live, but they need not either cracked or whole corn. Three
do so on the misfortunes of the farmer weeks of such feeding, other conditions
when that all-around man -is fortified being equal, will generally fatten the
with sharp, bright tools and the knack leanest turkey well enough to pass
of patting them where they wi 1 do the muster almost anywhere. Epitomist.
J A. BUOHA.NAN, Nou.ry Public.
Collections a Specialty.
Soalcty fVleetlnga.
F. & A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
Holds regular meetiuits on second
and f nrth Wednesdays of each
mouth. O. P. Cosiiow, W. M.
N. T. Jkwktt, Hecretary.
O. U. W. Roaeburg Lodgo No. 16.
MeetH the second and fourth Mon
I days of euch month at 7:30 p. m.,
In tho I. O. O. F. Hall. Mombers In
good standing are invited to attend.
F.M.Tozibh M. W.
E. II. Luxox Hecordor.
D. .8 Wkst, Financier.
P. O. ELKS. Rosebtirg Lodge No,
320. Holds regular communlca
" tioiifl at I O. O. F. Hall on second
and fourth Thursdays of each month.
All members requi'Btud to attend regu
larly Hnd all visiting brothers are cordi
nlly invited to attond.
J;. 11. Waitk, K. K.
Rov McClallfn, Secretary.
O.N. G., meets ut Armory Hall every
lhuroday evening, at b o clock.
F. B. Hamlin, Capt.
OF A. Court Dnnttlas No. 32. For
esters of America. Meets every
n Tnewlay evening In NativH Sons'
Hall. Visiting brothernalwaya welcome
I'EAXK Kk.vnkdv, R. C'
E. H. Lenox, R. S.
E. V. IIooveh, Phveiciati.
0 O. O. F. Philetarian Lodge No. 8
u Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor-
ner J nek eon unci Cass streets, on
Saturday evening of each we;fc. Mem
bers ol the ordpr in good standing are
invited to attend,
J. C. Twitcheil, N. G
N.T. Jewett, Secretary.
of P. Alpha Lodge No.
'A every Wednesday, in I. O. O.
Han a' 4 1-Mi p. m. Members in
good el ending are invited to attend.
Geo. E. Hoi'ck
S. V. Ramp K. R. S.
Notice for Publication.
Koaeburg, Ore., Aug. 2, l'J03
Notice li hereby id Ten that in compliance
trlth the nrovlslom of the act ot ConitrcM of
Jane S, 1878, entitled "An act for the tale of
Umber lands In the Btatciof California, Oregon
NeYada.andWaihlnirUra Territory," aj extend
ed to all the public land itatea bjr act of August
. IKK.
of Sparta, county of Monioo, MaUj of Wlrrainnln
nan this day Died In tlilj oHlcc his eworu state
ment No. fS0, for tho "purchase ol the (With
cjwtqiiartcrCBF.KJof acction No 4. In town
ship No Z7,unth of rango No. S went
and will otfer proof toihow that the land nought
li more valuable for lta Umber or atono than
for agricultural purponi, and to establish bli
claim before the KCKliter and KecelTer of this
etllce of UoMburg. Oregon.
on Tucrday tuv mb day of Jaruury, 1801. He
nnmm a witneos: KraicenMruur. ram .nty,
both of KoMibunr. Orcg'intJ. II. KvarW. I'wl,
Oregon; Welcome Hubboll, Hparta. Wicormlii,
Any and all pfirwins claiming adversely the
aboye described lands are reinctfd to file thi lr
claims In thloffico"nn ot buforu the tald 12th
day of January, 1WI.
oiooooooooogooocxxococooooooooocm eoooooceeooooooooott
Notice for Publication.
KoMdiure. Ureeon, JnlvVQ r.,
Notice la hereby gtren that In compliance
with the provisions ol the act ol uongreti or
JuneS, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Statesof CalUornla.Oregon
Nevada. and WashliiKtur Terrltury'atexlend
ed to all the public land tlalet by act of August
nt Sparta, county ol Monroe, slate of Wisconsin
nan inn aay nan in n-r omre on sworn nan
meal No. Sft, for the purchase of the Ion S, 10,
15 and 1C. ot section .no, 10. in towmnip .-o,
south of range No 3 west
and will of f er proof to show mat me land sougm
Is more valuable for 1U timber or stone tt-an
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Kecelver of this
tilce of Koaeburg. Oregon.
on Tuesday the 5tu day of January. 1901. He
names aa wune3: Jonn (.. nnaiiuca.oparra
Wisconsin, B. Krskenbcrxer. Paul Oary, both of
Rwi'hnra. Orvifon.J. If. Kvartf. IVel. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands aro requested to file
their claims In thUotlce on or before tha said
5th day ol Jannary, 1WI.
7ll Oak St., Opp.;Churchili;:& JWoolIey's
If It's a WHITE
Notice for Publication.
I'nltcd State- Land OSIce.
RoMlburg, Oregon, Oct. 'X, Wj3
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act ot Congreia of
Jnne3,1878,enUlled"Anact for the tale of
timber lands In the Statesof Callforsla,Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the public land states by act of August
nf Minneapolis, county of Ifennrpln, state o
Minnesota, has this day filed In th; office hU
sworn statement No. 57t. for the pn tba-e of
B O.T. M. Protection Tent No. 15.
fe Holds its regular Reviews the
B first and third Friday of each i the fonth east qiarterof section No. U, town j
month in the I. O. O. hall. Visiting l,hlP r ,uth- "ne "Mt . ... , ..,.,!
nwrnl in ,wwl fnn,i;n,. tn..l and will offer proof toshow that the land sought
attend. Geo. W. Pehrv. Com.
White Famil' and Tailoring
Rotary Sewing Machines.
Machines With -Automatic Lift.
Room 3
Mantere BalUlag.
Attorney at Law.
P.O-EB0KO. Ore
Koob 11.
Taylor A Wilxm Rloctt
Laud Surve3or.
OSfO, Koow 6. Taylor A Witran Mock.
day, directing and authorizing me, tl
under-signed administrator of the s.
estate, to sell at either public or priv:
sale, as provided by law, the rtl pr .
erty of, and belonging to the said etta
to the binhest bidder, for cash in hai
for the purpose of paying off the cUi
against the eaid estate and the cxrtetK
of administration.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said t
der, I will, on and after Saturday, Of
ber 31st, 1903, at one o'clock in the .
ternoon of said day. proceed to sell a
offer for sale to the hichost bidder, I
cash in hand, the following descrit
real property owned by the said es?t:
and described as follows, to-wit: T
EK of the SWt of Sec 20, Township
South, of Ran-o 5 West Willamette Me
ridian, in Douglaa County, Oregon, con
taining 80 acres, more or less.
Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, this SOih
; day of September, A. D. 1U03.
E. E. Wilson,
l,lm;nlc(.itn. n flic nalatu nf Tllf.TW , '
Rne Farm for Sale.
A good SCO acre farm for sale five
. aitoe from Myrtle Creek, 100 acre in
-nltivftion, halmifo hill, ;tiire ami
timbered iaiwl. Small orchard, cocd
aoam, barn n 1 oUior i in prove m en ts
i For price ad terms amdr to P. T. Mc-
', Je, Myrtle Crtfek, of D. S. K
KoeeburK, Oregon.
most good. Yes, I know I ought to
have marked that stump with a stake ;
another case of not doini: as well as I
knew, which is worse than not knowing
H. A. Bereman; in Rural World.
A Profitable Year in Hops.
.The Farmers' Institute.
The season will soon be at hand when
the annual county and district institutes
will begin to be called, and we hope
that thev will all have the euccesa and
the attendance and support that they so
richly deserve. Nothing has been of
more help to the progress and improve
ment of agriculture than these conven
tions of practical men. with their ex
change of ideas, suggestions and experi-
The world at large knows very little of
the Oregon hop crop and, except m
those business lines brought specially
into relation with it, has no conception
of its maeuitude. And vet the hop crop
forms a very important element in the
list of the state's products.
This has been a fortunate year for the
hop grower. Kis crop is larger than he
had reason to expect and what it lacks
in size is more than made up in the high
ruling prices of the product. Careful
estimates innicate that the production
of hops in the state this year will
amount to about 85,000 bales or 15,300,-
000 pounds. The prices this year vary
Rrncburg: Nurseries.
Very choice fruit tree., all lenditit
varieties'. S.pitaenberg ami Yellow New
town Pippin applet a rpocialty. F01
sale at very reasonable prices by Rose
burg NurMiriee, H. Scliroten, Roevburg
Oregon. 50tf
Smith' Uatfdruft i'omawe
Dunseath, Deceased.
First publication, Oct. 1st, 1003.
Stop itchinjf Mwlp nfn one apptiex
ix removes all dandruff
tnd will stop fnilinic h-ur. Price 50o.
For sale bv Mart-r. Dr i Co. 111IU
Mr. Man, you want facts. We 1
going to give you facts. As you r
them over you will know they are fa
And we can pruve they are fact.
It is a fact that McCormick Binder .
Mowers and Rakes are the standard by
which all others are gnaged.
It is a fact, Kacino Buggies, ifc-t-s
and Road Wagons aro far outstrippii 2
our competitors' lines.
It is a fact that the Bain Wagon ie ' i.f
moat successful, durable and cconomi- ;1
wagon on the market.
It is a fact that the above are all ''
eluded in the Big 3. You can find tL
at S. K. Pykea', Roseburg, Ore.
ence. A well supported farmers' insti
tute in a county always leaves its mark quite largely owing to the unequal quail
on the methods of farming, and in those ty of the product. Some of it brings 22
localities where they are best attended and 23 cents, while some of the lower
is -where one finds the most approved grades sell for only 9 or 10 centaa pound
methods of agriculture in practice and The average price, however, is placed by
the people making a profit at the busi- competent experts at 18 cents a pound,
ness. It ha3 been our privilege in the which will bring the value of the crop to
past few weeks to attend two of the $2,754,000. The average cost of cultivat
most interesting institutes we ever had ing and; preparing a pound of hops for
the privilege of participating in. They
were both held in a newly opened coun
try and were the first events of the kind
that ever occurred in that country. The
speakers were those who were gradu
ates of the school ot practical experi-
the market is 7 cents. According to
these figures the cost of the crop to all
the producers was about $1,062,000,
leavinc a profit to the farmers on their
year's work of $1,692,000.
Under these circumstances it would
Apples for Milch Cows.
ence in all parts of the country. Some appear that even tho most exacting can
were from the north and others were I find very little of which to complain in
from the east and south, and all brought h'S hop raising experiences this year.
with them their experience in their for- Oregon Daily Journal
mer homes for the benefit of their fellow
farmers. Others were present who had
been farming in the country for years,
and their experience was most valuable Apples, if judiciously fed to milch
to the new-comers. While the farmers' cows, will pay well enough to make it
institute is a benefit to any farming I worth while to pick them up. Early va-
communityand should be encouraged, rieties should be fed exclusively by
it is doubly profitable to the newer themselves, and sour ones in less quan
countries which are fast emerging from tities than sweet ones. The further ad
a range country and filling up with farm- vanced they are toward maturity the
ers and stock raiEers. In tho older coun- more sugar there is in them, and their
trims tli mnthndn of farmint? are in .1 feedinc value depends laieely upon tho
manner fixed and the capabilities of the amount of dry matter they contain,
soil and the influence of the climate are which, according to laboratory tests, is
understood to a great extent. But in somewhat higher than an equal weight
the new country all this is to be learned of turnips. They aro best to feed, there
in the school of practical experience, fore, when fully ripe, and preferably
That method of planting, cultivating after the night's milking ; and, as they
and managing a crop which is a Euccess are deficient in nitrogen, they should be
olawhorn mnv not be the proper one to liberally supplemented with wheat
pursue in tho new country. All the pe- shorte, bran, oil cake, clover and good
climate, methods of hav. An excellent mixture cctasists of
it;,.nt,-r,n mnnnwmp.nt and care of 200 pounds of wheat bran and 100
V,Ulkl tvavm uwb.vw- - . a
crops can be determined more speedily pounds each of corn meal and cotton
and with tireater certainty by meeting seed moil. Six quarts of apples per
tli tiBiphborinir farmers cow added to a
and discussing the various phases of ag
than if we endeavor to work
reasonable amount of
this every night will very soon increase
the flow of milk, and then, when the
msitrateil Booklet
Get your abstracts ol title from J. l
Hamilton. Ho has the only complete
set of abstract boons in tho county, tf
Piano Buyers.
You will notice that we do not have
to be continually striking out for a now
make of Pianos. The Needham has been
our leader for 14 years and is today a
leader among the high gade pianos of
the world. Some cheap pianos are made
high grade simply by getting a boost in
the Oregonian or some other leading
paper, through those big dealers who
think they can, and do make the major
ity of people believe it Bimply because
they say so. It doesn't take ink, boost
or high commissions to make a good
piano, but instead the very best
mechanics, and the very best material
such as are always used in Needham
pianos. 29-tf
T. K. Richarpson,
Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon.
((V J Vti w
ksl Welti E3ra Case PI
nM Fully Guaranteed H
nr. f ' s n
E. E. Btopr.ETT, Record Keeper.
B ILAC CIRCIJ?. No. 49, Women of
o ooicrait. aieeta on L'tnl ant! 4tli
- Fridays of each month at the Nu-
ttve fcons, Hall. Visiting members in
soon stHndinz are invited to attend.
Dulla Jewett, Guardian Neighbor.
M i.n mi Otev, Secv.
la more valuabla (or lis timber or stone than
for u-rtrulturl nurooKS. and to rstatillsb bis
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
ofiloa otRoMbura-.Oregoo.
name aa wlineisci: Charles Thorn, J ihnL,
Thorn, ol Rncebunt; John Becker, frank liat;
ot tieveianu. ure.
(dt and all penon clairainc auverselr tne
above decTlbcd lands aieriutl to ale t'eir
claims In thU office un or before toe said Zih
day of March. ISM. J. T. BKIOGf.
LO. T. M. Rccoborg Hive No. 11.
Hold itF rpvnlar review" npnn the
0 first and third Fridaie at 2 --33 pm
of ench month tn tne Native Bona' Hail.
sinter of othor Hivig visiting in trie city
are wraiaii? invtiixi tnattend our re-
xle-. Hattie Mobian (.. Gnsc.
Jehmk Raw R. K.
E. f? RoMlnrg Chapter No. 8
Holl lhlr reenlar metimr nn the
nnnth. ViMttnt; inexiber fn sovt arA resoxeUallv invitl to at-
etid. Mn-. Na.nxie SriAGOE W M..
Macpe Rat .S-crotarv.
KfthKAHS. Rowbnre Kelvkah
!wii.e No. 41. i.o. O. F., nfete in
(Wd Feliwii,T'mple evprTTni-eda-i
eveotnif. teituie w&nn Hnd brethrrr.
!IIVIt"J to fcttvtxi.
Dklla Phowx, N. G.
3 I semblv No. 105 rawts everv Satnr
day eventtis:, at S o'clock in Native
Son? Hall. iftttiug Artisans cordialiv
invitei to attend.
Rev. S A. Dooolas, M. A,
Mim. Lkl. Bhor-.v, ikseretary.
Jt IIIH (JKM. Kit.
Oatnn Nn. rj5. M-is Ht the O Ul
Fi-Ho-' H-i'J in Ri-burE. erwnr
1rt in.) itiini M,Ur equine. Viit-
nit o!irbinrc .ilwv 't'ftn.
N. T. Jewktt. C. C,
J. A. BrcMA.v?t. (J!rk.
Otld FellowV Temple. Meet first
and thint Thtirclav eveniin: wtch
iiionlli. iritora ronltallv tnvitni.
J. It. Haxiltox, C. P.
i. iWlTCHELL, i-lTlle.
The New England
Watch Co.
Wattrtarj, Ccta.
tin York, Cblap,!
SaaFrascbco. I
Notice for Publication.
Tntted Ktates Land OCice.
Roteourjr.Orrson. Au 10, llja.
Notice ta herebr civen teat la comrllanca
with the provltlons of the act ot Cncrrw of
June Z, ISTtLenUtlrd An act for the salt of
Umber lands Is the 3tat3' Cal?ornia,Oreiroa
Nevada jad Waahlnctoa Terrl to rv."ajxlend-
d to all tha pcblle land states bj act of X urart
a. U3Z.
of Monteano. conaiv of Ch- hi 1. stte ot
WuhiDr.OD has Hi ilar to) In thl tttUtt al.
swom st itiEeot Xo for the iirrh o'
the .Norihei quarter ol i-eciion - st. m
Towntbip S'. 2 sontri of ne So. I
and will offer proof to shcw that the land xo jht
Is mure valuable for tu Umber or iinst tfcan
for agricultural purtxxva. and to talihai Bis
claim before the Beciiter and Kecelver cf this
office of Kcaabarx.Urczon.
ut riiij lb .. a a In ntrr, lst He
nam aa wili:to M-ltteM "twliiian. AO
?drn. Hti. b. K:tea'-rr. Kwroaiv.
Ore.. I'aiil U.rv, lUJMrbor, One. J. H. E
Anv an-1 a.l iTMof cUlraloc adverveir Use
above dCM-nUM lands are ncaisret In itr
their claims iu tbtaolKcvornr Iwfawc Mtdnd
dav ol Jan. l-)t J.T. KRtr,K.
tE9n Murine r.
aMu I LlTaJli
8 S'7&
V v
Notice of Final
It the Cnntv Ormrt oftb lte
to micU t'.mmir.
Iri the mailt? f eetat of'
Martha Wo iftjfl. ibcnuvd. t
Nvle ). brrvbr lven lhl use on ncim.
thr ful" M I be abv eatttb-1 oia have
8kl in ibeaU vt uniltl-il eurt Ifawtr aerwasit
In ntMl -vt tVmenl m saVI ettie. -.D-t that Itv
Jueat ael roan t unter !:.. nswi asl tu
:-rt-o n la jaini ui- r-i st m-Q moq y.
the 4lbtvut Janaarv. evi, i M o. kx-Jt a.
m. n ukl -lf tnr b-iarl-jg -tijic:!-!! s it auj
Ihele tn M-d tail awoHiitt. a A ittr
ovs, o mt-1 e; .;e. Ibal t-i (.tr d
roort t- da'ed 'hr IJ'h 'at ! Novi-ia er. 1 IX
Itaitd tbM Use l-Jb ? Xuifai. ea.
H. . vtHl-KlTr"
x i. wo -itt rr
Kl-cnl.rt o, th- r-ltWni Mart.. Wotn!ff.
Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado
Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky
Mountain Scener' by daylight
Modern Equipment, Through Pullman and Tourist Sleep
ing Cars and Superb Dining Car Service.
For rat--, foMers ami
fortii.itioa. subirtsrt
W. C licBRIDE, Gea'l Akcci.
13-4 Third Street. I'ortJirul, Ore
our Watch! I
Wlii-n was it clm:iml and oiled?
Roseburg Financial Agency.
Money to loan in Bums ranging from
$50 to $1500, at 10 per cent. I charge 1
per cent for my services in negotiating
tho loan. H. II. Brookes, at the Plain
DEALER Office.
20 tiers oak stovewood, 30 tiers gr
blockwood. D. S. K. Buic 48tf
SI. Little,
City and Mining Proport;, Ilomo
steads nnd Timber Claims Located,
tho best now variant. No fees paid
until Filing accepted. Relinquish
ments bought and sold. ; : :
Stewart Land Co.,
Room 4, Taylor & Wilson Biock
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that to all part
holding city warrants endorsed prior
Dec. 4, 1901, aro requested to preet
the same to the City Treasurer's oil
for payment, as interest will cease the
on after the date of this notice.
Dated Koseburg, Oregon, Nov. 3 10
H. C. Slocom, J r.
City Treasurer .
is prepared to wait upon old
and new customers and friends
with n full and complete
stock of '
All fresh and of the very best
quality. Teas and coffees are
Hpecialties. Your patronugo
-t.t V t:
Vv ! it 1 1 ; it 1 1? I;
if not, it would Iw well to have it ex-
ttninud, I will look it over carefulh
ind tell you just where tho trouble it
tnd what it will coat to repair it.
I guarantee all my work and live
;ip to the guarantee.
ShericT s Siile-
iD'brCircat Cart ftf tbr sUse ' OcnoB
for IxwrU. 'mioM.
C. A,
1' alnttst. ,
- V
K. K. Smith.
IVIw't '
N'nlfc-e t rw-n tj slir llsl hr Ttrtswol.t
eitcatl- si abd rJr mK irt IvxtAdwutui
ti.e aliove now! eit .i-e. vu
,.f October. ltX, i'a & JMtsMiH ma- tc
crre nnlr n itml B1 rutr-
oh hf Vlh S u O. UX-r, J, j I
U' .mo In lr itM t-r ,
pi IdiIS. .txt uslnt t rikbote cKfe3
n it. .ml atn-t thr r ButtMH'ri
i 4 J, .crtt"-J wotl lor ihr o-
of Jl 1 IV uilh tr.l twit run fttthcraWo
W r w nt ir lonm itimsi ui m ij
Hvr. 19 a. -l i,r w-f inn tier Mi-n os
AiuvriMy fvp tih Iniero- ihv;..n ct itw
rtt i--ent i-r Uis innrt b- K i
O uU.r. "-'is. .I'd ttw lur kei tas 4 fll 4v
o4 an ! mburMrm n r.
Sow. TbctYt re I oil! o.i ?4Urir. IK-.irtj
4!h. s( on n'riwlt n m ol xlo My. .1 list
t'o :rt Htm-' liwtt K.r, in b-irj. LM.utr
I ,.! . Or. C"ii nll m raMtr u. ivi-n lb-
niermi it)irr ir -u i mtrnr., .11 in-- cv -.1.
title .ih! iiit lubl-htrH iWa.iDi N!
ni lh ilth day of JluT. l.-. i i na.
lime I herw 1 :it in or tw .he tuilowiuc dr
ctiUl rrnle. tt-kli:
r-mli. 1111 01 M.-M "I rtv 91. in n
joulli. r-nscC nrewt ut inc vVulnuictU; llert.
iImii in Ikui:U Couutr. Urvicon. o-n:a:nti(
SO acn- ol Iilni. t.-ci-n. r wtttt ti-c uaviii-iii
tKntlitmnpnts Mini aiiiiurtcuauce. ttiiTvunto
NloiiKinc ur in anrnriM: atinoruinln-:. una will
apply the prottolt of such Mle. Br to the pay
ment of the cent ami 1 sburtcmcnu ut said
sale and ot this suit. tneluJine 11 attumcy's
foes: to the luttrucn. ul tne Mid sum
duo plalnllfT with interest thereon at the ra'e
ot 10 per cent per annum (rom the l'-'ih da;
otUctubcr, 1WM, and lb ovr plus if any.
therc'-c, pay nrcr to K. t.. smun, m ny orurr
of said court in said execution to medlreett
and UcllTcrrd, couimaiulinic me to sell sal:
above decrlbcl real properij' tn the manner
proTiuoi or iaw.
uaiea mis .qu uaroi ,iocrair, iws.
K. L. lWRROrr,
S5 -tw Sheriff ol PongU County. Orogt n.
Notice for Publication.
I'nitol Stntcs Uind Office.
Kosehnnf, OrcKon, Oct. si rsos.
Notice is hereby given that In compllanca
with the provisions of the act n( Congress ot
June S, 18.8, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In tho State" cl Californla.Oreiron
Nevada, and Washington 1errttor7,"asextend
ed to all tha public land states by act of August
4, ISfZ.
of Portland, county nf Multnomah, state of
Oregon, hm this day filed In this offlco his
worn statement No. 5074, for the purchase ol
the SElf of section No. St In township No. 26
south 01 rungo No. 8 west
and will offer proof to show that tholand sought
is moro valuable lor us timber or ttono loan
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hit
claim before tho Register and Receiver ot this
oil Ico of Rosoburg, Oregon.
ou Friday, the 12tii day of February, 1903. He
names as wltncrsct: Mtunlo Harris, Portland,
Ore, W. II. McCrtxven, J. W. Gardner, John
Koccra nf Hosoburs. Ore iron.
Any and all person, claiming adversely tho
above described land aro requested to file
their claims In this office on or befora the laid
12th day ol February, 1903,
Oct 8 p Register,
Leading Alnslc House of Southern
$25.00 Gold or silver will buy a good
Notice for Publication.
Note -' r 'JtU tm OMiMtstu
in irvsi-1 Use rt f tVfinis I
Jqn, oc Wittd "m a-s t "t
tj.-'r -r-i- . 1 .ttVrata. -.-m
Nr.i a Wa-- n i-r! ry. f4
lo aB U fWkialM! Utr t ; iaaHt
. tsec
llfiu. hs. tab .t a 1 m l i.. ry
tfB X'. 1 iwwii m h o' r'ttt . mri
UMl ,13 ! r proof tu O t 1 te U4 vans'! t
mnn rnlnnhi for tw tiatvr or Mmu IbAs
lor r!rliural :i')a. o-1 to cMl luh SUs
dun ! re IM KetKcr asd liwiw vt tkb
oUsus of lloksMS,UtaMa.
or rtn,rl f v X l: t -f vrmN r. IML
Hr nan-' r .(l-r". Tt.-- W;0.
li 1 ., ih rti o I'vt Htxr t k m
Hrj-1 r P.tuB or Mi km. N. IHi 4a, a l Sa -its
tC Mv w Al- vn4ri. M an
Any .! il twrxari-wtrt rt'-r to-1
-rr 4V. now! lia-t wt mi'pNC k )IV J
b nr -UIi ifc iltttnBWic oB b-t-tr nuu 1 I
a) at rcsbr, Mt,
. J. T. Bs.Kfr, fcicsVtcr
Notice for Publication.
UNITED sr T. LNtt O - Pt'tK.
iImmx Or . Jne -S.
Sclr is br-' j r.nrp cf tn erHinr
Ui l snirtoi k' V.e ii Oosn-v.
Jnwi,'.rl.4 -. art Vt tr -I.- of
tta:-rVuKiui ic.-:ai.- ' rrts'"vta."-cpa
4 ( W vt- paobe Ki "by uiui Asrut
I tua-; WaKSK.
! fVr t ttsm-. mou ol W.Wi. ni
Stmh h t- 1- .fay l .u tlsw t-p
ht A..rm ?aunir No 3W, r'
cm-rM ! lud J. S Stii Ji i
a'l''ll iml ifcwiiHellrr''l
. . sun r.t ji.- if rr 11 tirc-Ver or ! m ima
lur arirl.u.-)si r-)r. aa! to t-iSMttk t U
cttts ein-1. Kr'-l'A-rsjKi Ke(reT tb
etSko of HtnolMf .sne.oB.
o-t Vrlmc-r. Vr t-tfc hr -I N'wroslkrr. " X
H - i-'. It inj-Jf Pna -I j4i--1.
9 NoP D t ta. :rfctJa S. Vtcr. t
W.lx. Soak .&, s.B. H. !-. -t
k- aoiri. Himm . O. & L. Irno ,o I . i
HrivrXisrtk Makot-t.
Any md U i' rri oo ckUsaisc ssaToroly i -e
aMr Jn1 i4 .f m!il " cUt
Notice for Pahlication.
Referee Sale of Real Estate.
In tho Circuit Court of the etatc of Oregon
for Douglis county
ChailrsO Whlic, l'UIntlfl I
v I
Charle.. Strong, and Manola Sttong. ,
bis wile, wouaru btrong and Otia
Strong, his lie, K11 Slrorg and Mr
Kdd Strong, his wife, Florence Htionc
a minor aud Klli nSirucg, her guard
ian. Suite Duncan nee strong and
K. N Duncan, her husband, lieorKC
birong, slcgle, hannle Kelly nee I
Strong and I'hilllp Kelly, her hus-
Hand, Margaret sironr. widow, Hor
ace Strong, and Mm. lloraro rstrong
his wife, llcorge Strong No. 2 and
Mrs George btrong, his wife,
Epbriain Strong and Mrs. Ephrlatn
Strong, his wife, Ella Strong, slugle,
Harvey Strong, single, Joe Ilunilsak
cr, Charles Wright, Roa llrownlng
nee Wright, Waltor Wright, Kthcl
Wright. Jcsra Wright ami the Stale
Land Hoard. Defendnnls.
To tho abovo named I'lalntiO" and Defend
ants: Nmlec Is hereby given that. In pursuance ot
an order ol tho above entitled Court .aade
and entered on the 17th day of October 1903, In
tho above entitled cause, which said order di
rects K. L. 1'nrtot. referee appointed thcrvin, to
sell tho hereliialtcr described proterty at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in
tho manner required for fft'.o ot real property
ou oxccutlon, for tho reason that tim same
canuolbo partitioned without great damage
Therefore I, E. L. Parrot t, thoduir appointed,
quallOed and acting refervo hitvin, will, on
the 4th day ot December, 1901, al tho court
homo door in Roseburg, Douglas comity, Ore
gon, at the hour of lu o'elock a. in. of said day.
sell for cash to tho highest bidder tho following
described real property, subject to a mortgage
upon tho interest of the plaintiff
lu the same, in the sum ot $00 and Inicrest,
which ald mortgage is owned by tho Slate
IjuhI ltoanl, to-wit; tho east halt of tho south
west quarter nnd ivrit halt ot tho southeast
It bong nen:. Jose S
fur li e i.mtw nt 1 et
ina S. "V iit:V-l "'An art
da ;.- kn 1 ta ii-t tii .irn.- :mi
K-ta .!' mMl t -i r."
W l all tti jiUc Uad WHkimt by M ABgvst
M.ll.m nyialy .if U- .lier. state "I No-!
UnV.u., hxa ih !a S'.il 1 t-'n(B,-t
;he -KVA f, m-. Nu. 4. T soulb 01 ,hcct
S wrt,
and ill otter proof to shor that the lart1 songht
u inun.-vai;aoie iur lv urawr or Kn man
for agrieullura pur;ots, and to establish tilt
claim ttore the Register and KecelTer ot this
olllca of Roseburg, Orefon.
tkrtr esa.M- la ttti ult)c am ir 14t mmI 1 -.0.
iaj M Nuv. ML
J.T. KUiF5.
-r ts Ic a? wtoU.j...
Notice for Publication.
WHsr.n - V. r.
Nolm m keret j osnsi last te 4'.i
art roc thm fatr uf
ttsitr lanh. .a tl ?tet.'3 .( in
eJ to sJl tse siitiK Wad b- tti Ai
1 1M.
i f Ak-soadia. t-Miiy l lh-U. "t
'f Mlrn ft, hat UI .tay tint in Uu
aiN swou latem nt N v v ' b-
' (jreb e ot the SA',. S'j SV , f w
j tioa V totrm'iip kkiiK ot r 'irf S km,
1 and will oiler prooi to sbov ifcattheUadsoeiht
Is more Talaabe tor its timber or none than
foraculturalrarrses, establish, his
! claim before the Kepcister aad Seodver ot thxa
t oftlcaofRoMbarcOresoa.
on wloe-iay the Ith dav a: oveaber. trot.
He names as wttsrsses : Tnamas v aao. u.
on FtiJay, th day of December, He J
aWsHMrs: loomas n tgp. 01 i-rs r t ..w Rlrr. North Dakota.' ort? 2. I Areh,bfr1Q?- t?' ArcblbM E. L. Wadc, of Wale. North Daioia.
,k?' -XV.I.6 n0,n' 5',BS,,i.- pVV ! Brynjolt Proa, ol Ml.wri North DaVot.
alrla. Minnesota, O. E. Lolltn?. Fatk River V.r,.i .11 v.--,n. rl-imfn- s,lrwlr ili
aesieu a.e ueir
re the said Istii
North D.kota.
Auy .nd all persons olafmlng adversely the
abuve deeribed UiKt ar rt)essel to file their
claims in ibis otBee on at before said llh day
of December, KUS.
Ktg titer.
Notice for Publication.
lUwebtirg. Ore., Jttue a, 19.
Sotlce is hereby given that in complianc
with the provisions ot the act ot Cougrcss of
June 3, IKS, entitled "An aet for the sale of
above described laads are
eWijas ia Una oSce on or
day ot November, ivWS.
Notice for Publication.
Organ or make a payment on one of our , quuj wVi,WliL,eTc',VJ,i'ia;,.Ksuu;,Sif
Qno rinnos, pi icea ranging from $185.00 1.1 iouglasi'nun,y, -ute ot Uregoti, couimIu-
. ,mnn t i i i i Ing ICO acres mole or less.
to $450.00. I Imvo decided to BOll my b,M rcfereo will sell tho s.Id property aliovo
present stock regardless of coat or prollt. ' gT?$ni
See or write uu at once and Becuro the general costs of this nult and secondly ap-
, ,, , ... . ply too balance to thw respccltvo p-trliis lu
F0U10 ol these bargains. ltJClr proportionate share as in this suit hcic-
T. K. Richardson. I toioru dtctcea.
. K UPARROTT. Referee,
ltosoburg, Oregon, Datoot flrstpub ication Nov. 2. 1103. 81-st
Koteocrg Oregon, Oct. 1, lafi.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act ot Congress ot
June S. 1STJ, entitled "An act for the sale ot
timber lands in the Slates ot California. Orerca
Nevada .and Washington Territory." os extend
ed ta all the nubile, land states bv act ot AUfu
iimrs-r lanus in me siatesoi iajirornt..'reyoa I
Nevada .and W ashtngton Territory,-' asextend- FRANK W. MASTEKSON.
td to all the public land state, by act ot August ' of Independence, county ol loik. sute ot Ore
4. ISi gnn, has thU day Sled in this oSiee his sworn
OLE E. LOFTUPS, j ststement No. STfiiJ, tor the j.ureha. of the
of Park River, countv of Walsh, JUte ot North South East quaiter of secUon No. S!, township
Dakota, has thm day filed in thtsoffice his 35 south, ot range S west
sworn .tateaient No. SWT, for the pnrchae 1 and will offer proot loshowthatthelandfonsM
of tho Nt of the N, ot teciion No. 10, ', is more valuable for iu Umber or stone than
township south ot rarige S wt si ' for agricultural porpows. and to estabUsh hU
audwilloffer proof toshowthattholandsought i lm cetore th Register and Kecelver ot thl
is more valuable for lta timber or stone than i oUlceotEoaebutr.Oresnn.
for agricultural purpows, and to establish his . on Thursday the Wlh day of March. Wt. He
claim tkre the Register and Receiver of thU ; names as witnesses: B. Msnlu, M. Martin, ot
olflceot Roseburg-, Oregon. t Brownsville, Oregvn; George Batesnsn. Fred
on Ttiurxl.y, the Wth day ol November. ISflS. ' Bateman, o Roserxirjr. Oregon.
Ho names as witnesses: Thomas Waiinc. ot ! 'ni1 11 persons claiming: advcrsley the
Park nlver. North Dakota, Archibald E Wodge, abive described lands ere requested to tile their
airs. Minn DsKOta, Kasmns it. stone. Alex- i claims ia this c
nndiia. Minnesota, Brynjotf Trom. ot Mlltou, ! of March l'AU.
Any and all pcrsops clatmingly adversely the ! Oct 7 p
nuove uescrineu iauu are reiuesteit tu ui their j
riaims iu mis ouieu ou or iMitare sals I'JUi day
ot November, VX3.
Go to .. t
i ml
For a Prompt and First-cla?8
Shave or Hair-cut. Compe
tent Workmen, Ulaan Tow
els, Tools always In shape.
Bnths in Connection. X
U. T . I r, . X
ouujiuu jticKsouat, w
Notice for Publication,
United States Land Office.
Rosebnnt Oregon. Aug. St, isoa.
Notice is hereby given that tn compliance
with the provisions ot the act of Congress ot
JnnS.STSj entitled "An act for the sale ot
Umber lands in the Statesof California, Oregon
, asaingKn territory,-asextend-
' tflKi public laad iiaUs by act o! Aujust
Care of O.M. Co.. ot Portland, county ot
' Multnomab, state of Oregon, has this day tiled
In this offlco her sworn statement No. Tx tor
the purchase of lhoNK ot Section No 34 la
township No. 26 south, rang No. wett
! andwilloiferproottoshowthattVolandaoneht
. is more valuable for Its Umber or stono than
i for agricultural purpows, and to establish hl
i claim before the Register and Receiver ot this
. ' office ot Roseburg, Oregon,
on Friday, lh r.Mi dat ot Febmary. l'Xtt lie
names UiteM.: H H. MeCraien. J. W
Oarduer, John Roger,, FTan K. Dotesby allot
' Koseburg, Oregon.
i .k 2.Tind".l t,ra,1s etalmlng adversely the
; abovo deserlbeil lands are requested to nle their
c,'r-5l, hU office on or before said Pith day
0cl8 P RUUr.