The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 16, 1903, Image 2

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Roseburg PlaindeaSer
Published Mondays and Thursdays.
II. II. BROOKES, Editor.
MARY K. BROOKES, Proprietor
Entered at the Post Office in Roseburg.
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Subscription $2.00 per Year.
Advertising Rates on Application.
The Editor of the Pi.AlsriEAi.Eit lias no iutcn
Hon of matins a false statement reflootlns upon
the life or character of any peion, officially or
otherwise and any statement published in these
colums will be cheerfully corrected if erroneous
and brought to oar attention by the aggrieved
party or parties. Our Intention is that every
article nnbllshed of a personal or riolitlcal
official natjre shall bo news matter of genera1
interest and I for the welfare of the State ai
NOVEMBER 1G, 1903.
On Saturday the American Federa
tion of Labor at a meeting held in
Boston appropriated $1000 to aid the
Colorado striking coal miners.
"Why should nnyouo abuse Governor
Chamberlain for insisting that the mem
bers of the legislature should not at
tempt other legislations if called togeth
er in special session, than to correct the
mistake of the last session in regard to
the tax law? Tho.-e members who claim
other measures which they hao up
their slecvos should be passed must have
a faint remombrance that they were un
able to pass them in a forty-day session.
Do they want to take advantage of a
ten-day rush f-ession to get pot meas
ures that had no chance of passage
when the niombers had time to examine
into their merits, passed into law? It
looks that wav."
Spainards, Mexicans, Americans or
Englishmen on the North American
The case of the State vs the 0. R.
& N. company on the docket at The
Dalles circuit court has been contin
ued to the February term. The suit
was for the right of way for the
Portage raliroad.
The above is taken from the Eu
gene Guard and the Plaindealek
Why should Governor Chamberlain
as a dictator and tyrant ask the
members of the Legislature to give a
rjledcre that thev will violate the
Constitutional Law of Oregon?
And again we ask the questionis not
Governor Chamberlain a politicalmont
bank or fool when he asks the mem
bers of the Legislature to set aside
the following constitutional law of
the State in order that ho may be a
Article V. Section 15 of Bellinger
Eugene is having a lots of fun these and Cotton's Annotated Codes and
days. Two citizens bought the same
lot or thought they did and as fast
as the one with a force of men builds
a house the other with as many men
at night tears it down.
Statutes of Oregon on
Veto Powcrs-Keconsldernllon
of Vote by Legislature Volt:
to le by Yean mid Xnys.
"Every bill which shall have passed
the legislative assembly shall, before
it becomes a law, be presented to the
trovernor: if he approve, he shal
Mrs. Ada W. Unruh of Oregon as
tonished the assembly of the Nation
al ttt ' ru;u t-.,
r,- - n j , sign it: but if not, he shall return it
Union, at Cincinnati, on Friday bv , . . . ,. , ., , ,
. .. '. ' i . with his omections to that house in
tific Purity Teaching."
The Lght of the World.
1 cen
Dr. n on
. .since
which it shall have originated, which
house shall enter the objections at
of large upon the journal, and proceed
an to reconsider it. If after such re
an consideration two-thirds of the mem
in bers present shall agree to pass the
in sev- pill, it shall be sent, together with
the objections, to the other house,
by which it shall likewise be recon-
The Eagle Cliff cannery enterprise Lidered. and if approved bv two-
at Astoria has dispensed with China- thirds of the members present it
men and taken a Japanese force to sball become a law. But in all such
man the salmon packing establish- cases the votes of both houses shall
ment. The Chinese were too sese- be determined by yaes and nays, and
The coal miners and operators
Northern Colorado hare reached
agreement whereby the men have
eight hour day and an advance
pay. Work was resumed
eral mines this morning.
Many hitherto unknown sayings of
Jesus Christ havo been discovered in
jrvnfc bv archeolonists. who v.o dug
up papyri buried since the sec
tury, 100 miles south of Chi
.Jernard P. Grenfel, who h;is
framed in Ecvptian oxcavatu
since 1S94, at the general me t uig of
the Egypt exploration fund here, yes
terday gave the following details:
Vccompanied by Dr. Hunt, Dr.
Grenfel found a rich Ptoleniam ne-
croDolis at El Hibeh. The bulk of
the documents from the one mound
consisted of a collection of sayings of
Jesus. They are all introduc . with
the words, "Jesus saith," and for the
most part are new. The enU of the
lines, unfortunately, are oft eh obliter
ated. Apparently all the siyings
were addressed to St. Thorn:- One
of the most remarkablo is:
Let not him that seekcth cease
from his search until he finds, and
when he finds he shall wonder;
wondering he shall reach the king
dom, i. e., the Kingdom of Heaven,
and when he reaches the kingdom
he shall have rest."
Dr. Grenfel remarket! that enor
mous interest would bo also arouse:
by the discoveries on account of the
variations they disclosed from ac
cepted texts. One variant of the
mystical saying recorded in St. Luke,
"The kingdom of God is within you,'
was of great value, as the saying in
the papyrus appeared in quite differ
ent surroundings from those attri
buted to it by the evangelist and ex
tended far into another region.
According to Dr. Grenfel, these
sayings formed the new gospel which
is traditionally associated with St.
Thomas. An interesting variation of
the Gospel according to St. Luke,
11th chapter and 52d verso ("Woe
unto you, lawyers, for yo ha e taken
away the key of knowledge; e;
that were entering in yo hindered"),
reads in tho papyrus, "Yo havo hidden
the key of knowledge; yo entered not
yourselves and to them that were en
tering in yo did not open."
Another fragment contained a dis
course ol Uinst closely related to
passages of tho sermon on the Mount,
uul a conversation between Christ
. : i i - , .
and his disciples, in which chnst JUiy .B. fc. wuouy' or 01 BPeaKinK
answers a question as to when his
kingdom will be realized, sayinir:
When yo return to the state of in
nocence which existed before tho fall.
A valuable find was made in papyri,
written in Latin, giving
opinonated to suitthe owners.
The Pladtdealep. is actually sorry
for Governor Chamberlain and sorry
for the state of Oregon, that a man
in such an exalted position should for
a little political notoriety expose him
self to ridicule and the State of Ore
gon also at the same time. He has
backed down squarely and will call
the legislature in extra session prom
ise or no promise.
the names of the members voting for
or against the bill shall be entered
on the journal of each house re-
Tho hottest Bhot wo ever read
about being poured into any man was
tho red-hot stuff that Congressman
Williamson has fed to Malcolm A.
Moody in tho denial of having done
anything to prejudice, in any manner,
shape or form, tho Federal Grand
or writing about tho attempted rob
bery of the widow or tho fraudulent
transactions charged to Moody. The
denial is complete in every particular.
And in this connection the entire Or-
tho text of egon delogation in 0XPlicit language
I 1 tW I f AUmn rlnnii U ... 1 I
the onistles to the Hebrews and oni- Puu ""'lia um' 1MV,,,B "Passed
tomo of Livy's Six Lost Books. This, mu.vmuawy or collective-
with other nanvri. coverintr the ' " """"" " " UI1Jf wa ino Krana
noriod 150-137 B. C. threw much Hury ortho U' b' 1,8tr,ct Attorney
new and valuable light on tho history or "tat,ng that lfc was Political Pe-
of hitherto classical literature of Th Oregonian and Telegram have
I Knnn fnM..J 4- A- i 1
v,T..,. ucen luiueu to eat meir own manu-
A quaint instance of the business irom wasmnB-
i rtn nnn it i.t , i. r . i
nH,nH in m, in TIT 1J P u -u nuuiu UUk HUrpriSe US II
shown in the discovery of an amusing
contract whereby a slave boy was to
be taught shorthand for 120 drach
Are the Best
No waiting for Extras when plowing is good.
The best stocK of Plows and Repeirs in the County.
the President and his cabinet did not
call them down also. The dose of
filthy, putrid crow that tho Oregon-
Yoncatla Items.
Barton and Sidney Helliwell, two of
The payment was arranged on lan an lele8rain nave been forced to our most exemplar- young men, left on
Highly business-like basis, 40 l by fhe signed jobt letter of Sen- Monday morning, overland for Ban
J ' n(nn fit ntinll --.1 n..n i rt FranriRco to entir a bnsinGSH college.
drachmae down, -10 on satisfactory
evidence of progress, and 40 on the
attainment of proficiency.
And now the Mormon church by
decree of one of the Patriarchs has
doclared that there is only one nig
ger in Heaven and that St. Peter has
barred the gates against any more
ators Mitchell and Fnlhnn nnJ rn. Francisco to enter a boamesa college.
UtiU VUU I .
frrmnn II,n nr.u: slay eaeM crown t,ie,r overy ellort-
, , u"u " "tiu Mrg G w Cartwrighfa Eon who hac
IT Ml lit mol'rt n I 1- TTT I
nUulu uiuao a uuim BICK. 1VB Can hwn v f liiiff hflrn forRomH t me taet
now begin to Understand why it is has returned to his homo in California
that Harvey Scott has so few friends ,akinK with ,,im t,,u respect an(1 B00"1
in politics and the men in whom he wil,ofaU !rith w.hom ,ie co"e in con-
laci. lie aiso iook a very une pair 01
ilwr Iinrnit .-m a trnnliv of a limit he took
4. 1 1 ml . I 1
out so cneapiy. ine uregon delega- M the mountains of Oreuon.
tion at ashmgtoa should not be Trof Ben Devoie, Assistant Superin-
held up ras aiders and sympathizers indent of Schools in Manila, has re-
with crime and as denouncers of law,
The Store That Does The Business
enienng. ine occahion ab a negro order and g0l government because
corpse ,n the hirst Baptist church at Han-ev Scott wants to save a friend
Brown, pastor, had sent the colored haVft fMa tha Bnmn
personal friends, a man must be a
tered not in yourselves, i them) gone.
brother, whose name was Burns, to
glory land. To the consternation of
everybody Patriarch Miner, a presi
dent of a quorum of the seventy el
ders ot .Mormordom arose ana among
other things said: "No man with
black skin may enter the cates of
Heaven." That poor fool Mormon
fonfot that the black skin was in the
u- corhn and the man the spirit -was
friend, and the attempted slaughter-
We are confi ent that if you will visit
our store and r iKe a careful inspection
spectively; if any bill shall not be re- j Qf Qur stOCK YO Will be COnVHlCed that to !he Uf ,a he wU1 DOt a
turned bv the governor within five i . session. In other words, if
Our Prescript
days (Sundays excepted) after it
shall have been presented to him, it
shall be a law without his signature,
unless the general adjournment shall
prevent its return, in which case it
shall be a law, unless the governor
within five days next after the ad-
TTnrsh-h'ournment (bunday excepted) shall
man plead guilty to the charge of at- file sch bill, with his objections
tempting to rob" the Q.. 2L. Co2s thereto, in the ofice of the secretary
train last September. The prisoner of state, who shall lay the same be-
had to be helped into the prisoners fore the legislative assembly at its
chair by two deputy sheriffs as he nexfc session in like manner as if it
has not recovered from the wounds been returned by the governor.''
inflicted on him at the time of the The legislators according to their
tmin hnlrl nn hv thf PYnm;w mpsspn- oath would be bound to take notice
Sentence was deferred. of the laws vetoed by the bovernor
at the last session or be perjurers!
The Emperor of Germany who had Does Governor Chamberlain want
bis throat operated on for the remov- them to be guilty of that crime? We
al of 1 polypus is able to speak" in a hope not but we cannot believe that
low tone of voice. It seems that for he is so ignoront of the Constitution
three or four generations back that al law of the state to such an extent
the ruling family of Germany has that he has exposed himself to the-
been subject to cancerous growths, jibe of a mere tyro in law. His frnx- j. M. Hansbrongh, of RW1. .r ., joint
f fence
ion Stock Contains
turned to his work after an extended
visit with his relatives and friends. Hen
was born and reared iu our town, and
her citizens feel justly proud of his suc
Wo are very glad to note that Mr.Jas.
Bull has found his horsea that were
stolen and has them again at home and
save he would be verv much oblized to
mg 01 the entire Oregon delegation the thieves if they would return hie
as sympathizers of a man indicted for I bridles and baiters ; it is needless to add
felony and denouncing the due nro- ,h1 everJ' building, even to the chicken
f . a r I coop, on Mr. Bull's place will be found
, . . . . securely locked hereafter.
va. .utpuata, 13 carrying animosity jj. Manlcy Strawn, of Washington,
against the delegation and friendship is visiting at the home of her parents,
for the indicted offender a little too Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bull; of this place.
far. Tins week the hotel property now oc
cupied bv Sire. A. K. McCurdy and be
longing to II. D. Yett, was sold to a
gentleman from Pennsylvania through
the rustling real estate agent A. P. Ap
plegate. The traveling public will miss
this well known he use; we have not
learned just wbat the gentleman pro
poses to do with it.
The 1. 0. 0. F. Lodge here seems to
be quite wide awake of late, working all
I degrees in one night. New candidates
seem to be initiated every Salurdav
A Great dame.
'ercc's Pure Chemicals.
P D dc Co Standardized Pharmaceutical
Complete jaboratoru Souinmerit
government, executive, judicial and leg
islative, and each possesses separate and
Vft mflnnfflrfiirp. anrl Qnnnlv npat finfcfipH nrpnarah'nrK t,isUncl 'nnctiona. The executive can
... .... vv.j r.r.MwuU not b previous act. circumvent tho
ow Chamberlain is out with the
declaration that unless he is pledecd
by a majority of the legislators that
they will confine their work exclusively
call a special
lain can exercise a new power unprece
dented in the history of the covernor-
ship by bringing every legislator under
subjection to dictatorship, why, existing night ; well, this is a noble order, so let
conditions are such that a special session I the good work continue.
needs to be held, but if the legislators Mr. John Kyan, an old respected citt
refuse to bow the knee to Ciar Cham- an of Scotta Valley, died recently and
berlain a special session is not necessary. ,RU3 buried here last Friday. The be-
Mv, how our Georgie's head has reaved family have the sympathy of the
swelled since he became governor of Ore- entire community.
gon. there is strwnge philosophy in his uur rusumg mercnam r rant ntin-
n. He is h 'jig to the galleries well, of the Helliwell Bros., is building
on this proposition, but it won't win a commodious dwelling in the south end
him a solitarv hand claD. of town, presumably for rent; this is a
move in the right direction as there are
families every day wanting to rent
houses here and are compelled to leave
because of none to be had.
R. . I'oltek.
It doesn't require any considerable ex
pense to wear good clothes if you exercise
good judgment in selecting from thor
oughly reliable and correctly priced stocks
such as ours. The Fall and Winter dis
play is at it s best. Styles and materials
to please the most critical. Prices 25 per
cent less than you will pay at other stores.
We call particular attention to our line of
Oregon Cashmeres, fancy Worsted, Fan
cy Cheviot and Thibet suites. All our
suits from $12.00 up have non-brealcable
front. Hand padded Shoulders and Hand
Tailored Collars. All are Union Made
and marked at from $5 to $18
able line of the leading styles in all the
newest mixtures and plain materials,
$7.50 to $20.00.
ever3'thing that is good and that will turn
rain. $2.25 to 15.00.
Boys' Suits, Boys' Overcoats and a com
plete stock of
General Merchandise.
Phone 721
Write for Prices and Samples
and give you just and liberal treatment.
In breeding their royal bad blood has jety to carry some other point or to
much to do with the continuation of allow the State to be choked to
the scourge from generation to gen- death bv the railroads or his Celiio
Portage railroad scheme addled his
brain; hence that mighty dictatorial
letter was over-ripe.
Hansbrough for Congre-s.
The Butte Labor unions where
leaders were invited by President
Roosevelt to meet and dine with him
in Washington have broken out in
yellow spots caused by jealousy. The
trip was to have been made last week
but the socialist wing declares that
those who were to go are "self ap
pointed leaders." The trip has been
deferred to this week and more
trouble to the labor ranks is looked
Now that the Russian bear has his
paws securely on Manchuria he has
turned his attention to Thibet. Under
a pretense of protecting Thibet from
British invasion Rnssia seeks to have A nnrtv of darinn- adventnrers have
China request that Russian troops be banded themselves together at Aber
stationed in that strange country. If Jeen, Wash., with the idea that Tib
the Russian troops once set their uron Island in the Gulf of California
feet in the Thibetan province of is a veritable field of gold and that
China. The story of Manchuria will the only drawback is the na-
Derepeaiea. tives who are cannibals. It is
said that the Mexican govern
ment has offered $100,000 for killing
them off besides giving a patent to
the island to any body of men who
would undertake and finish up the
rjob. 1 his is an old story with moss
growing all over it. The island lies
about six or seven miles off the shore
of Sonora and aboT125 miles north
west of the city of Guaymas. About
ten years ago a party was formed of
Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona
toughs to clear the island of the can
-KTniT, VoKmn vjay, ia nil fnm nibals ana snare tne com which was
ud over the question of fever. The supposed to lie around loose in wagon
old doctors declare that the great loads. The Mexican government did
amount of sickness there is due to not offer a bounty and the desperados
i,i Wor tpTmIo thp vonnrr Ann, killed few if any of the natives and
tors declare that nine-tenths of the as for gld it was in the imagination,
fever cases are typhoid in character. The. Plaindealek man has heard of
The vounir men have cut out the vi- fabulous gold field guarded by canni-
tals of the victims to prove their bals for the thirty y- The
case but the old doctors continue to men at the nea(i of the new expedi-
'When you have more prac- tl0n are doubtless enthused with ad
venture and hunger lor gold. It is
said that 53 men of a company to
The Portland newspapers, demo- consist of 100 have signed for the ex-
cratic and republican, if they are re- pedition. It is said that the new is
publican, are now hard at work ex- land is off the coast of Mexico in the
tricating or attempting to extricate Pacific ocean, but all other accounts
the Governor out of the labyrinth of of the island and its cannibal owners
political perfidy, bumcomb, ignorance place it in tho Gulf of California. At
and demagogy. Oregon would have least Tiburon Island has been the
a better opinion of George Chamber- scene of many adventures and the
lain if he came out openly and ac- fabled island covered with gold at
knowledged that he only wanted to the time of the Spanish conquest by
pull the wool over the taxpayers eyes Ccrtez. It is the one spot that has
r that he wanted to flop and bray. I escaped actual conquost by either the
representative for Jackson an
counties, has been in Medford f
days. Mr. Hansbrough has th
eional beo in his bonnet, and In
here has been in the natur -building
in anticipation of the .
next spring. Medford Mail.
The Hon. J. M. Hansbrough would
have a good following in the race for
his friends expect that he would
carry the almost solid support of
the' labor organizations the same as
he did in his election for representative.
tice you will know better."
,awuua " ,ua If the condition of the Ux law ia Buch
there are going to have a war on that it requires remedying and the
prices. Let the good work go on un- coun'O will Buffer if the change ia not
til there is a schedule of cutthroat
prices. Une concern says that it has
$3,000,000 to put into the fight. As
the case now stands there is a very
wide margin between the price of
fiour and the price of crackers.
Prohibitionists on the War Path.
At Colfax, 111., on Saturday a mob
of several hundred men, women and
children organized and proceeded to
a building just erected by F. D. Rade-
ke, a brewer of Kankakee, known as
Cold Storage" plant, and completely
wrecked the structure. Threats had
been made by the temperance ele
ment, but the contractor employed a
large force of carpenters and planned
to resist any attack. They were out
numbered, however. Warrants have
been sworn out and the trial is set
for next Wednesday.
The board of the National Struc
tural Building Trades Alliance, at a
secret session decided that a general
strike shall be inaugurated
principal building trades in
unless the existing diificultie:
the Building Trades Emplo
sociation and the Iron Le
the Bridge and Structural I
ers are speedially adjusted,
mittee has been appointed to
a settlement and a confert
scheduled to be held in I
all the
; York
rs' As
ue and
1 coni'
: tempt
e was
power and duties of a legislature. If he
considers a law enacted, as a bad one, he
can veto it, but he cannot say to the leg
islature in special session or otherwise,
"You cannot consider thia or Uiit meas
ure." He may even convene tho leeis
latnre In special session for a special
purpote, and yet he cannot prevent cn
According to Portland newspaper aclment b;tliat of "T h Uives, for the two Senators cannot very
- Richardson
SetUing the Problem.
Political aspirants, with the exception I
ot the real leaders, are running around
loose with no well-defined plans. On
the one side it is Mitchell, Folton, Wil-1
liams and Hermann to succeed them-
in uuty
mailo, men Uliamberlam is
bound to call a special session
of two or IX) davs' duration.
The only thing he has to do with is
whether or not a special session ia nec
essary and act accordingly. Otherwise
he violates the duty of his office. Eu
gene Register,
Drain Nonpareils.
J. II. Cox was in from his new
near Lcona, Wednesday. Ho ia
pleased with his new location.
Dr. Tatom is in Drain this week. He
is accompanied by .Mrd. latom, who is
visiting relatives in this vicinity
l'rof. and Mrs. Dempster were in Eu
gene, Saturday, making proof on timber
Mrs. J. M. Stark, of Elk ton, arrived
from Portland on Wednesday's local,
She is enroute home from a visit with
her daughter, Mrs. Frank Connolly.
Mrs. W. G. Wade, who has been vlt it-
local for her homo near
Officials of the Builders' Construc
tion League announced Saturday that
the lockout of all the building trades
in Pittsburg, Pa., aliiliated with the
Building Trades Council will go into
effect Saturday night and will con
tinue indefinitely, unless all sympa
thetic strikes are called off. About
10,000 men will be affected.
Charles Hoelin, the 17-year-old
boy who fired at the fireman when
the 0. R. & N. train was held up last
September, on a plea of guilty, was
iit i i . i . . . . . .. .
senienceu to ten years in tne peniten- ine Inenda and relatives in and near
tinrv on Snf.nrdnv nr. Pnrf.lnnd Drain for the past three weeks, left on
Edwin Arpin, a confessed highway- Scottsburg. :inl firn floml u- sonton,. nf Mr. . U. Urubbe, ol bcottsburg, nas
Dccn a viauor ni mo noma 01 juugo ai.
D. Thompson, at Roseburg, thia week,
Mrs. John Lawson and daughter, Cor
nelia, from Gardiner, arrived in Drain,
Friday evening, on their way to Salem,
where Mrs. Lawson will enter a hospital
for medical treatment,
Tho Drain & Coast telephono is in
successful operation as far as Elkton
connecting with tho outside world. Mr.
Jas. A. Sterling is to bo commended for
hia enterprise in acting as its promoter
and builder and tho people of tho vicini
ty through which it traverses should
show their enterprise by patronizing it
and giving it a good word, aa it is
undoubtedly a permanent improvement
and anothor stop in tho country's ad'
well go against Hermann. On the other
side, if there ia any plan formulated, it
ia not, of. course, generally known, but
a brilliant combine could bo formed that
would mean great strength and create
considerable consternation in the other
camp. The aggreeraent would be:
Harvey W. Scott to succeed Senator
Mitchell, Joo Simon to succeed Senator
Fulton, Malcolm A. Moody to succeed
Congressmon Williamson, and Geo. C,
Brownell to succeed Congressman Her
mann. The latter, to some, might be
nauseous, but necessary. Simon is the
chief engineer and he heads Brownell in
the game, and he can have the Clacka
mas County statesman if he seeshat
George attains the object of his highest
ambition. Simon can inform hia in
creasing number of followers iu
etato that, if Bingcr Hermann ran be
elected, so can Geo. C. Brownell, the
friend of all I It would not be astonish
ing if there were such a line up. Poli
tics makes queer bedfellows, and it may
be that wo will find Lion Scott lying
down beside Liar Brownell, and peace
fully snoring. Woodburn Independent.
Thanksgiving Night
November 26, 1903
Tickets $1.00 on the day of sale
In Memoriam.
reaper whose name is
Firemen Have Awoke.
Portland on Saturday
in the penitentiary.
to eight years
Riddle News Notes.
Jack Wilson of Roseburg was in town
Monday Hattiu Logsdon is at West
Fork visiting a sister, Mrs. Mans
iuiv. iJougias nas cioscu a scries ot re
ligious meetings nt Canyonvillo ..Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Cornutt should feel
proud over tho arrival of a lino 9-pound
boy, born the Srd....J. L. Scott and
sister, Mrs. Maynard, aro in town
Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Riddlo spent a few
days with their daughter, Mrs. Stanffer
at Grants I'as8....0. v.. Logsdon of
After many years of peaceful slumber
tho firemen of tho Roseburg Fire De
partment havo at last decided to let tho
people know that they aro still alive,
that is in a social way. Arrangements
are now being made for a grand Thanks
giving Ball, at the Roseburg theater,
Thanksgiving night. Don't forget the
date, Nov. 20, 1003. This will bo the
grandest social affair of tho soason, you
should not miss it. Patronize tho boys
who fight the fire demon.
Lost. Strayed or Stolen,
About tnirty ot the countr prison
ers at Portland went on a sympathetic
jt-ike and refused to go to the rock
pile because one of their number for
causo was sent to tho black hole
They were all placed in the black holo
and made such a hellaboloo that the
Circuit court had to adjourn.
T fihln llnplr wna lnr Snml-iv XTa
Joo Clough and children of Canyonvillo vancement and development,
aro hero.... Mrs. Sam Parsloy and
daughter, Venitia, will resido hero this
wiutcr....l atilino Minis is living with
Mrs. M. Logsdon. A farewell party
was given nt tho homo of Herbert Prim
er, Tuesday night. Herbert intends to
leavo for Portland in a few days. Frank
Widib nnil f.-imilv. nlil rnntflmita liniA
havo gonoawny.... Rev Swaklmnnor, a tho expenses of tho Btato, Including city
colored ovnnueliat, hold a few meetings and school districts, will bo compelled
" ,1,e 9,hnrch ;1-,0ur ,8c!,0l now ,,a8 to pay in warrants endorsed "not paid
I 'a' .fflrf , JEFZtl'X t want of iun ,1 the interests on
of and it will tjifca nl.i.-i. in Mm' ,,.. these warrants will amount to several
future. Mail. ' tlraea tho coat of a specLl session.
Gov. Chamberlain is still holding out
against a special session of the legisla
ture to adjust tho assessment law mud
dle that was introduced by a democrat,
voted for aliko by democrats and repub
licans and signed by Hia Honor, tho
Governor. In case a special session is
not called and tho matter adjusted, all
Light bay, gelding colt, 3 years old,
two whito hind feet, star in forehead,
ono cropped car, weight, about 1,000
pounds. Last seen on Freo Johnson's
placo in West Roseburg, about Nov. 3d.
Liberal re ward for recovery and oxpenses
of keeping paid. E. W. Bryant,
87-lm Roseburg.
Furnished Rooms.
Mrs, M. E. Lolir, has opened furnish
ed rooms in tho Fletcher block, corner
Sheridan and Lano streets. Every
thing now, complete, and attractive
throughout. Entire house' heated ; hot
and cold baths. Transient jwlronage
and regular roomers solicited. Phone
number 093.
"There is a
And with his sickle keen
He reaps the beirded grain at a
And the flowers that grow be
tween." James Clarence Woodruff, son of Mr.
and Mrs. E. T. Woodruff, of Cleveland,
this ' n?,!0n vras krn December 4, 1SS9, and
uieu ai saiem, uregon, uctooer , inu,
aged 13 years, 10 months and 3 days.
His little form was laid into its last rest
ing place, by the side of two of his
grandparents, in tho Cleveland ceme
tery, on October S, 1903. At ono o'clock
the Rev. S. A. Douglas, of Roseburg,
conducted the funeral services. He
took for his theme, "Whv wo believe in
Christ, and the burial of Lazarus.'
"Jesus, Lover of my Soul," and "Near
er, my God, to Thee" were sung in the
church ; at the grave, "L Shall Know
Him," "Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me," and
"No, Not One."
We cannot understand why Clarence,
so young, innocent and lightheartcd,
with such bright prospects for a useful
manhood, should bo stricken by death
in tho early Spring of life. The family
circle is broken; how often, oh, how
otten, will father and mother, brother,
sisters, an loving kindred sigh for "the
touch of a vanished hand, and the
sound of a voice that is still."
les, ine ooy ia ucau, out witn every
tear that is shed on his little mound,
some good is born, some gentler nature
comes. So, let us bow in submission to
God's mysterious ways, and say, "Thy
will bo done." Somo day wo will under
stand. Clarence Woodruff, who died so
early in life, will bo missed by a large
number of friends, both old and young,
for his sunny disposition endeared him
to many, but Death is no respecter of
persona, and ho was called to his eternal
"Thero ia no flock, however watched
and tended,
But onu dead Iamb is there j
Thero is no fireside, howsoo'or de
fended, But has one vacant chair."
A. C.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Pleasant to Take.
The finest quality of granulated loaf
sugar is used in the manufacture of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and the
roois usea in iw preparation give it a
flavor similar to maple svrup, raakinc it
quite pleasant to take. Mr. W. L. Rod
erick, of Poolesville, Md., in speaking of,
thia remedy says: "I have used Cham
berlain's Cough Remcdr with mv chil
dren for several years and can truthful
ly say it is the best preparations of the
kind I know of. The children like to
take it and it has no injurious after el
feet. For sale by A. C. Marstera r-
The Lillian Yorke concert, at Wilson's
opera house on Saturday night, was de
serving of a ranch larger attendance
than it received. The people of Med
ford have so long prided themselves on
the unanimity with which they stay
away from poor shows, that they get
puffed up occasionally and miss some
thing tliat ia really good. This they did
last Saturday night. Every person with
musical tendencies at all, who failed to
bo there, missed something. Miss
Yorko has a voice very seldom heard
outside of musical centers, and Mr.
Duesbury, as a violinist, is hard to beat.
The attendance was small very small
but tho program was carried through
without a skip. The probable reason
for the small attendance was the inclem
ent weather, which kept many away
who would otherwise have attended.
Medford Mail.
For Sale.
Ono good horso cheap, H.
the blacksmith.
L. Gould
Dr'8. Chcadlo & Johuson, dentists.
Guaranteed Forest Reserve scrip
for sale in large or small quantities,
by Frank E. Alley, over the
Land Office Roseburg! Will place
same for non-resident purchasers.
If you want to seo or purchase the
very best vapor cabinet manufactured,
go to A. C. Marsters & Co. and inspect
tho renowned Buckeye. It is warranted
n overy particular. 73-tf.
Do yon intend to bny a Stove? If so,
go to S. K. Sykes, and get his prices.