The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 12, 1903, Image 1

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    .... ,4 jiitrti ootity
No. 87
iVrvi iniu and ICE CREAM PARLORS
fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pies,
Doughnuts and Fresh Bread Daily
Portland Journal Agency. Hendrick's Block, Opp. Depot
m I. J. NORfiAN & Co. Prop.
G. A. WOOD & CO, Props
Staple ane Fane' Groceries. Highest Price paid
for country produce. Fresh bread daily. Your
Patronage is respectfully solicited.
Private Free Delivery to All Parts of the City
Bring Us Your
J. F. Barker & Co.
Heating Stoves
Cook Stoves,
Stove Pipe
Stove Boards.
5. K. SYKES, Roseburg, Oregon
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking is to have good
And to get thein promptly when you order them. Call up
Phone No. 181 for good goods and good service.
J. AI.3Veatherby
T. A.
Roseburg Real Estate Co.
Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold
Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty.
ty with
We Want Your Patronage
and as an inducement we offer U. IS. P.
Standard Drugs, Fresh Patent Medicines,
High Grade Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet Arti
cles, and Specialties
If you want to buy a farm
f you want furnished rooms
If you want to buy a house
If you want to rent a house
ji you want to build a house
If you want to move a house
If von don't know PAT
Cll on or address ...
Your Ranches aai Timber
Lands with me. : : :
D. L. Martin
List your proper-
F F. pattern, .Wl
As stated in our last issue, the let
ter issused by Governor Chamberlain
to the members of the Legislature of
Oregon is a direct insult to every self
respecting republican member of that
body, but as the rest of the members
are of the Governor's own political
faith it would be impossible for him
to insult them; and the true reason
why the Governor has attempted to
to throw the weight of responsibility
upon the republicans for convening
the Legislature and also to cause the
members to promise not to introduce
anything except the tax bill is an at
tempt to evade responsibility and
looks like the work of a moral coward.
Now the Governors manifesto
has the appearance of being fair and
honest to the taxpayers and many
persons cannot see through his poli
tical scheme of plundering the State
Treasury. The Plaindealer will
deal very plainly, and very fairly, and
very honestly with George E. Cham
lain, whom the Almighty for some in
scrutable providence allows to mas
querade before the public as an
honest, democratic politician of the
first water. And we may as
well predicate our case by stating
that Geo. E. Chamberlain, Governor
of Oregon, has a measure which he
desires shall not be interfered with
by the Legislature that, that scheme
or measure is for his own personal ag
grandizement and not for the good of
the state, and hence he desires to ex
tort as a political dictator a pledge
from the members of the Legislature
in advance of calling the members to
gether, that under no consideration
will they interfere with his political
scheme. The Governor is a very as
tute politician but there can be no
doubt as to his genesis after a man
has once heard him brav.
Now the facts in the case are as
follows: The last Legislature passed
a bill appropriating $165,000 for the
Celilo Portage Railroad. The Govern
or has the squandering of that vast
sum of money, and like Johnnie Hor
ner he wants to thrust his hand up to
the armpit into the public treasury
and dole out the plums to his politi
cal henchmen and pose as the bene
factor of Oregon who built the Port
age Railroad! But is there any need
for this portage railroad?
The rLAiNDEALER says unequivo
cally, there is not!
Why is there no need for Oregon
to build the Portage Railroad?
Because the Federal government
has already anaertaKen to ouiiu a
ship canal around the Celilo falls
and other obstructions and has ap
propriated $4,125,000 to bnild the
canal without one dollar of cost to
the Taxpayers of Oregon, and a port
age railroad would be in the way of
the ship canal and would also be a
constant expense to the taxpayers of
the state to keep up and operate?
All that the state is required to do
in order to obtain this great. boon
from the National government is to
secure for the War Department the
right of way for the canal; and if the
State exercising the power of eminent
domain can condemn property for its
own use or the use of railroads or
public highways it has the power to
condemn the land for Federal use
and purposes; and especially so when
the land is needed for a public bene
fit of a public nature. The Plain
dealer called attention to this mat
ter last Monday.
Now in view of the above fact, is
it not a fact that the manifesto is
sued to the members of the Legisla
ture has the appearance of being the
work of an obstructionist, a grafter
and a traitor to the best intorests of
the State of Oregon?
We want everyone to thoroughly
understand the proposition without
evasion of the true issue and without
infringing upon the Governor's
standing in any manner except as a
crafty politician.
Our Governor knows that the Fed-
eral government 13 anxious to com-
mence the construction of the Celilo
ftanal and that the onlv obstacle in
4-liv T-r tt ?o nnnn!nr flirt rP trtnir
luc WV " """6 w "aj-
The report of the Board of Engineers
was approved by the Secretary of
War last Friday and tho only thing in
the way'of immediate construction of
the canal is deeds to tho right of
way; and our Dictator has virtually
said to the legislators of Oregon,
"Unless you promise mo beforehand
that you will not take into considera
tion a bill securing tho right of way,
so that tho United States 'government
can build the Celilo canal, and that
you will not repeal tno act appropri
ating $1G5,000 to construct the Port
age railroad, you shall not assemble
to pass a new tax law in lieu of the
one approved by me and declared to
be unconstitutional by the Supreme
Citizens of Oregon, what do you
think of such a Dictator? What do
you think of this democratic, political
So far as the Plaindealer is con
cerned, it intends to show up such
specious schemes and strip the mask
from this Gesler, who, either from po
litical or mercenary motives, is stand
ing in the way of the grandest and
noblest boon ever conceived of for
Northern and Eastern Oregon, for
Washington and Idaho.
The man who would by or for po
litical chicaner', stand in the way of
such a mighty and momentous enter
prise, is no friend of the people, but
is the enemy to- the commercial and
agricultural enterprises of three
We hope that the citizens of Ore
gon will arise in the power of their
manhood and, if necessary, demand
the impeachment of Governor Cham
berlain, if he persists in his present
course of bulldozing the Legislature
and standing in with the railroad cor
porations to retard the advancement
of Oregon. And we may as well give
the snap away now as at any other
time; the object in not allowing leg
islation to secure the right of way,
for the government to build the Ce
lilo canal, Is in the interest of the 0.
L N. Co. and other lines, and while
3 great amount of fuss and feathers
will be made in preliminary work for
building the Portage railroad, it is
well known, except to supply a few
politicians with fat jobs and squander
rablic funds, that the road will not
bo built, for it was onlv intended 0
hamper the government in securing
the right of way and prevent the build
ing of the canal, at least this is what
has been stated sub rosa by men who
are supposed to know. The question
for the citizens of Oregon to answer
is: Shall the Governor stand in with
the railroads and thus prevent public
enterprises, or shall the demagogue
be relegated to the shade of oblivion
for his obstruction tactics? Shall
the Government build the Celilo canal
or shall Governor Chamberlain for
personal motives and aggrandizement,
prevent its construction?
The question is now squarely up to
the taxpayers of Oregon. What are
you going to do?
Way of Using Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy
Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from
Durban, Natal, South Africa, says: "As
a prool that Chamberlain's Couch
Remedy is a euro suitable for old and
young, 1 in you tho following: A
neighbor of mine had a child just over
two months old. It bad a very bad
cough and the parents did not know
what to give it. I suggested that if they
would get a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and put some upon the
dummy teat the baby was sucking it
would no doubt cure the child. This
they did and brought about a quick re
lief and cured the baby." This remedy
is for sale bv A. C. Maretcra & Co.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed Bids will be received by tho
Board of School directors of Dist. No. 4,
Roseburg Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m.
Nov. 2, 1903, for tho erection and com
pletion oi a nigti bciiool Duiltnng ac
cording to plans and specifications, pre
pared by Chas". Rurggral, Architect,
Albany Oro. All bids must be accom
paniod by a certified check payable to
6chool District No. -1, Roseburg, Ore
gon, for tho sum of f250. As a guaran
too that in the ovent tho contract is
awarded, tho contractor shall furnish
an approved bond, equal to 75 per cent
of the contract within ten days after the
awarding of the contract.
Proposals for tho same, plans and
specifications, may be eecn at S. 0
Flint's, Roseburg, Oregon, or at the
architect's office. Tho building shall be
completed by September 1st, 1901.
The board resorves tho right to reject
any or all bids. Signed
S. 0. Flint,
Chairman, Board of Director Dis. No.
CLara Diixabd, Clerk. 75-N2
At a regular meeting of the directors
oi school District No. 4, tho clerk was
authorized to open books for subscrip'
Hon to warrant loan of $20,000, said
books to bo opon Oct. 1st. Subscribers
can subscribe for amounts of $50 or mul
tiples thereof. Warrants will draw in
nat at tho rate of per cont por an
$2,000 each succeeding year until all are
aiJ. .For other information apply to
75-tf Claka Dillaiid, Clerk
A New Mall Thief.
Tho mystery of mail-box robberies at
Spanish Fork, Utah, which has been
puzzling post office authorities for
months has been solved at last. The
robber has been caught. For months
mail carriers on a certain rural delivery
routo in Utah have been troubled by
mysterious thefts from a small mail box
near Spanish Fork. A day or two ago a
decoy letter was found in a plowed Hold.
Another was immediately dropped
in tho box and a carrier station
ed himself near by to watch. In a few
momenta a large black raven Hew up to
tho box, struggled through the ajiorturo
for packages, and emerged in a few
minutes with a letter in its beak. Tho
course of flight was followed and a nest
detected in tho crotch of a big tree, in
vlMx were found all the pilfered letters.
There were drafts, money orders, sam
ples of dress goods and scraps of love
Colorado Miners Strike.
More than 10,000 coal miners in Colo
rado went on a strike Monday for an
eight-hour day and increase in wages.
One hundred mines have been closed
down. A few independent properties in
the northern coal fields and elsewhere
will not stop work, since operators have
agreed to concede an eight-hour day and
also increased wages. Less than 1,0
miners will remain at work, accordi1
to reports from affected districts
will be the policy of mineworkers to d
populate the various coal districts I
sending idle men and their families
other states where work ha keen i
cured for them.
Tho Colorado Fuel and Iron cotnaj -and
the Victor Fuel comanv annouiux .
today they would continue to opera;
mines and the public need have no feur i
of a coal famine. Despite claims of the
coal companies, householders in Denver
and other cities fonnd it impossible to
day to secure a ton of coal for immedi
ate delivery. State militia is held in
readiness to be dispatched to coal re
gions at the first call from the sheriffs of
counties affected.
Editorial tn the First Issue of the Jour
nal Under Present Management.
The Journal property has been pur
chased and has passed nnder the con
trol of the undersigned, and the paper
will be conducted on lines of greatest
benefit to Portland, to Oregon, and to
the great Northwest, and in many ways
conducted differently, as to men, meas
ures and methods, to those of its con
temporaries which follow narrow grooves
of newspaper habit.
The Journal in head and heart will
stand for the people, bo truly democrat
ic and free Irotn political entanglements
and machinations, believeing in the
principles that promise the greatest
good to the greatest number to all
men, regardless of race, creed or previ
ous condition of servitude.
Exuberant assurances are cheap and
empty. I wish to make none. Perform
ance ia better than promise; action
more fruitful than words. The columns
of The Journal from day to day will bet
ter reflect the spirit behind the paper.
It shall bo a fair newspaper, and not a
dull and selfish sheet. In short, an
honest, sincere attempt will be made to
build up and maintain a newspaper
property in Portland that will bo a cred
it to "Where Rolls the Oregon" country
and the multitude of people who are in-
crested in its development and advance
Portland capital largely is behind the
Journal, and the fund is ample for all
purposes. Coupled with energy and en
thusiasm, tho work of making a paper
devoted to Portland's varied interests,
is begun. The support of tho freedom
loving, the intelligent, generous people
of Oregon is invited and will bo duly
appreciated by still greater endeavor
aud achievement on the part of The
Journal, which hopes ever to become
stronger in equipment, stronger in pur
pose, stronger in news resources, and
stronger in good deeds.
Qtcndale Notes.
Mrs. Hallic Hamlin, principal of the
Glendale schools, visited her family at
Roseburg Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Gibbs and two daughters, Misses
Fannio and Oka, visited their relatives
hero several days his week.
Mr. and Mrs. Beats of Central Point,
mother and step-father of Mrs. E. A.
Wall, visited their relatives hero tLi
Thoframofor E. E. Redfield's fi
now dwelling house Is already up.
is being built on a beautiful location ai
when completed will bo a credit to t
Mrs. II. Selig of Myrtle Crook vibit
her daughter, Sirs. Cecil Van Gilder, '
Glendale this week. Mrs. Selig offt
her lino farm at Myrtle Creek for sale.
Dr. J. J. Caldwell an old physician oi
Oakland, Cal., stopped off in Glendale
Monday. Ho is on tho lookout for a
now location in Oregon. Wo have not
learned where ho intends to locate.
Mr. andMre. David Albro of Canyon
villo visited their daughters, Mrs. Chas.
Tyndall and Mrs. Ed Iloltz, in Glendnlo
this week. They also visited their Bon,
J. II. Albro and family on upper Cow
O. P. Lano and family moved out this
week to the Kenton mine, w'horo Mr.
Lano has been employed for some time,
and whoro they will remain this winter.
Tho D. of II. lodge, of which Mrs. Lano
ia a member, honored her with a fare
well reception in their hall hero Tuesday
Dick Johns Baw two enormous pan
there playing like kittens in a Held near
his homo on Cow creek ono day this
week. Asarulo, it is never necessary
., n.:. in... .
iui u iuuuiur bu use uiiyuuug u&u u jmi
ont medicine tonic for his appetite, as
ho is always in excellent trim to enjoy a
meal of fresh veal or beef or even a
mess of colt or mutton, on a pinch.
E. K. Illalock struck, a ledge on his
mining claim on Coyoto creek, ten miles
southeast ,of Glendale, which it is
claimed assayed J27.00O per ton. In it
ho found a stringer of gold, from which
he has taken out about $2.5,003, and still
continues with the same width. It is
rumored that he has placed a guard
over it night and day. The ledge is said
to be wedge shape, jMjaked on top, and
widens in depth.
Oregon Angoras.
Regarding tho recent stock show at
Kansas City, tho American Sheep
Breeder says:
"Following hard on tho heels of the
champion came the second prize year
ling doe, that carried sweepstake honors
at the Oregon State fair, and in less
than seven minutes sold to J. J. Gentry
of Texas, for $900, the record price for
an American bred Angora doe. This
handsome doe was raised by Craig
Ilros. of Macleay, Oregon, and like the
champion was bred in the purple, and
the men that honored her ami her
accomplished young Oregon breeders
with the exciting and unusual bids were
every one Angora experts who knew t1 e
intrinsic worth of the little filver fleeced
Oregonian. Col. Wells waxed warm
and eloquent as the bidding passed the
f 00 mark and rose to a triumphant
r.imax as the little Oregon beauty was
knocked down to Gentry at the record
I rice. The onlookers men and women
cheered totn? echo. Col. Stewart
Ll his equilibrium in happy exclama
tion and the- wildest scene ever enacted
ai a goat sale hud pasted into history.
Younc Craig and his beautiful wife ex-
lingwl happy glances and everyone!
wondered what was coming next. But
the grand climax had beeu reached and
record sales for the day were ended."
Real Estate" Transfers.
O II Buell et ux to Wm Voocheis
1 acre lying in sec 3. to 23 s r 7 w.
J R N Bell to V Cooper, tlj lot 2 blk j
3, north Park addition to Roseburg. j
II Wollenberg et ux to the Roseburg !
Water & Light Co. I4 fraction of blk '.
SO in second Southern addition to Roce i
burg. ... -j
W illiani J Kelleher et ux to John K
Skelley ; nej-f sec 10, tp23 a of r-6' w.
Alo, consideration $400; the undivided j
- ol tho nw oi nw4- the ait narAi
and swHj nw sec 26 tp 22, s of r G w
containing CO acres. j
Mandy Buchanan to Amos Buchanan
$1 ; loU 3, 4 and 5 in blk 4 Hamilton ad-!
dition to Roseburg.
Elizabeth J Lyle and husband to W A
Pearcc, $7SS.20 ; blk 7 containing 33.15
acres and lots 1 and 2 in blk II contain
ing 6.20 acres all in the third Brookside
addition to Rowbarg, lying in tp 27 s of
r 5 west.
Stephen Cole to Mary Cole $1; sejvi
nw. swit ne,t and the s.VJ'of nv? of
ne. of sec 20 tp 23 e of r 5 west.
Robert Alexander et nx V Pacific
Timber company, $1; e.-' ewtf, tec 21,
tp 21 s of r 5 west.
II J ux toL M Dabell,$200;
lot 3 and tho nef of sec 51, tp 30 g, r 5
west, containing 54.07 acres.
United States to John Rhodes, lots 1,
2, 3 and 4 of sec 2, tp 23 s, r S west, con
taining 12S.5S acres.
United States to Manuel Moore, nwl
sec 14, tp 24 a r9 west, containing 160
Moses Morrison et ux, to Mary E
IIesket,f5,750; beginning at the sw cor
of the I) L C No. 49 of John Cox in tp
2S e, r 6 west, in sec 19 and 20, 124.50
U S to Jefferson Dyer, wa ne , se4
nw.if, and lot 2 Fee 25, tp 30 s, r 6 west,
containing 159.10 acres.
Geo W Aiken et al, to J C Aiken,
$200; blk IS, lot Sin blk 15 and lot 5,
blk 16, in R R addition to Oakland.
S Hamilton et al, to Ella A Neely. lot
3 of block 3, Hamilton addition to Rose
t W Jones to Theodore Zander,$50 ;
lot 15, blk 4 of North Park addition to
Roseburg, containing of an acre.
Reported by the Title Guarantee &
Lain Company, Roseburg. Or.
Bronze Turkeys.
Puro bred bronils turkeys for sale
Gobblers, $2.50; hens, $2. Mrs. Wm.
Buxton, Brockway, Ore. tfo29
Anyone wishing to oxhibit potted
chrysanthemums at tho coming chry
.tanthemum show given by the ladies of
he Methodist church will please let
Mrs. Wooley know of it by 'phone or
therwisc, and plants will bo sent for.
Phono No. 10S1.
Foh Sale. A ten-acro applo orchard
in Brooks' First addition to Roseburg
I .Yill bo sold cheap. Enquire at this of
. lice for full particulars. SO lin-p
Only Makes a Bad Matter Worse-
Perhaps you havo never thought of it
but tho fact must bo apparent to ovory
ono that constipation is caused by a lack
of water in tho system, and tho uso of
drastic cathartics like tho old fashioned
pills only makes a bad matter worse.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets aro much moro mild and gentle in
their effect, and when tho proper dose
is taken their action is so natural that
ono can hardly realize it is tho effect
of a medicine. Trv a 25 cent bottlo of
them. For salo by A 0 Marstors & Co,
Woodl Woodl Wood!
Tho Plaindkaukr Wants .20 tiore of
wood at the atlico, and any man who
wants to pay up a years subscription
i can brin gin a tier of wood and tho bus
I ill i... i ... II
- uoa win uu uu uouiivu.
(Lately with the government ? rrA?hUMl and geologies! survey of Brazil,
South A merits.)
United States Deputy Mineral Surveyor.
OfllceoverPoetofflce. ROSEBURG, OREGOf. CowtaipondencescAated
Jackson Street, -
Why pay the Rail Road a lot of money to
carry you to Springs of unknown medical
properties when you can -be guaranteed a
cure at BOSWELL SPRINGS near home.
3LATErUTE is Minarnl Hobber.1
or n! it ni ettiWrj to KKPUlCE A WORJMtT HOOP
boM os merit Gora. i. U ... t tr.
Woroetr Boildiaz, POKTLASI
Is now complete and
we can assure 'ou it is
the best ever brought
to the city.
See Window Display
Pratical WatchmaKer, Jeweler, Optician.
Watches, ClocKs, Jewelry
Diamonds and Silverware
I Douglas Comity Bankx
Established I863.
Capital Stock,
r- w. BcssoN, b. k. booth 1. a.uvra, j.t. BsiMBs
X A general ban kin? business transacted. MfcJfca&oueM, givm awry
accom nil -iation consisveat with safe and casrntiT9 hV'tin
Bank open from nine to twele and from on u thrt.
Tho OTSlaY up-to-date Merchant TAIIaORS
Wo also do the best work iu Cleaning
Scouring and Pressing
Call and see us.
Flowering Bulbs....
Stock is uow in from Holland, aud it is time to
plant theui. Write today for our new catalogue,
which tells all. The same catalogue tells about our
Call at the oflico of the Roseburg Water and" Light Co.
and pay your water, aud light Bills, on or before theioth
- i,i v -
of each mouth and take advantage of the discount.
Rosetmrt, Oregon
'..' n "
r tetrad
,- , riL a r.-7Tl "
to o
Line of .
Phone 801,
Watch Sepairing
e Specialty.
Incorporates! 190
(hraosite Post Office.