The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 09, 1903, Image 4

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    Selecting a Boar.
In selecting a boar for breeding pur
poses, either for the herd that is kept
purposely to produce breeders or the
herd that is maintained only for produc
ing for the pork barrel, there aro eomo
rules that it is essential should bo ob
served, eays the Swino Herd.
It ia a mistake to wait until late in
the season to buy your breeding boar.
You have a better opportunity early of
securing the tops. You get the first
pick, and it is worth something, though,
of course, there are plenty of good hogs
to be selected along through tho season,
it is Etill an advantage to have the first
In the first place, you are then ready
when the breeding time commences.
Some breeders wait until late in the sea'
son, then have dilhculty in securing a
boar. The pig is sold that they are cor
responding about. Another breeder
has already sold out that they expected
to receive one from, and other disap
pointments are likely to arise until you
have lost a couple of weeks or more of
the time when you desired your hogs
This sometimes in your dispair causes
you to use an inferior or second class
ooar, wmcu is a uaa innuence on tne
herd, and will be shown in the next
, t t - . ,
year's pig crop.
select a boar that will counteract anv
deficiencies in the sows and improve any
defects. If they are deficient in back
get a boar with an extra good back.
This is a matter that should be carefully
considered. If they are not strong
enough in bone and leg, secure a boar
with a strong bone. If their noses are
too long, get a boar with a shorter nose,
and at the same time try to improve in
the good parts of the animal. You can't
get the hams too good nor the backs too
broad nor the sides too deep with the
length in proportion.
Breeding is a science and requires a
great deal of study to make the proper
crosses. Every breeder should be fa
miliar with the standard of the breed in
which he is interested, so as to keep in
his mind the object and improvement
that the breeders as a rule are striving
for. This would enable him to detect
any defect in his breeding animal and
teach him to discriminate between the
essential and nonessential points.
A whole lot of people make a greater
cry because of a white spot on the body
ham or a weak foot. The color is one of
sentiment; it is a fad, and not one of
real worth as affecting the man who is
producing for the market, though it is
all right to be considered, but don't for
get those points of greater importance.
All breeds have in their background
as its basis the motive of improving the
pork raiser's profit in the hog produced.
While it is a very desirable thing to
have a boar well marked, it is not really
essential to its value. If you have two
hogs of equal qualities in essential
point, and one is properly marked and
the other is not, of course it will be
proper and right for you to take the pro
perly marked one.
All breeders should remember that it
is important that they should use their
utmost endeavors to improve the chest.
wherein is contained the vitality; the
back, loin, legs, feet, head and jowl.
Barley as Food for Horses.
While it is undoubtedly true that oats
13 the standard grain food for horses.
ana will proDamy continue to be so
through all time, yet there is a wide
place lor the feeding of barley, not only
to colts while growing, but also to horses
at work; and for fattening old horses, it
would probably be correct to say that
there is nothing like it. In f eedin g bar
ley it is not customary to feed it right
along, the same as oats, although to
young colts that are ' growing it may
sometimes be fed once a day to advant
age. To horses at work it ia usual to
feed it two or three times a week, but
when the object in feeding is to fatten
old horses and put them in a condition
for selling, then it would be well to feed
barley to them every day. The favorite
old time method of preparing barley for
such feeding, is to steam it. This is con
sidered preferable to boiling.
T x - t t . .
i is inougnt to De a matter ol some
importance to know just how far the
steaming process should be carried. It
is not considered judicious to steam it
to the point of causing the grains of bar
ley to burst open. It is Bteamed enough
when it allows moisture to escape when
squeezed between the finger and thumb,
It has been noticed that the barley fed
thus to horses, old or young, exercises a
very salutary influence on the coat,
This it does very probably through the
influence which it exercises on the di
gesuuu, aa n ia weu Known mat the re
lation between digestion and tho charac
ter of the coat is close. It has also been
recommended to crush barley and moist
en it before fed to horses. Barley thus
prepared is considered preferable to
barley that is ground. The reason why
barley thus crushed is preferable to bar
ley ground, and why barley that
steamed is preferable to barley boiled
are not very appaient. Practical men
however, have come to the conclusion
that there is a difference in favor
crushing and steaming, as compared
with grinding and boi'ing. The Farmer.
Heaves in Horses.
Most people know the diseases of live
Btock only in their effects. The trouble
called heaves in horses belongs to this
When once this disorder is well estab
lished it is incurable. It has very inti
mate association with the digestive or
gans, with the stomach.
By giving an animal the best sort
food any predisposition toward heaves
is lessened.
A directly practical observation in
this connection is that all bulky food
containing but little nourishment should
be omitted from the food of animals
troubled with heaves.
One authority on the subject of heaves
asserts that the disease is unknown
where clover hay is never used.
Dieting and not medicine is the idea
here: "Many different medicines have
been tried, but not one has yet been dis
covered which gives even partial satis
faction." These are good general directions as
to the course to bo taken in feeding:
'A small quantity of the best hay once
a day sufficient. It is a good plan to
feliflLtly dampen this or the like food to
allay the dust. The animal should not
be worked immediately after a meal.
Exertion, when the stomach is full, ag
gravates tho symptoms. Turning on
pasture gives relief. Carrots, potatoes
or turnips chopped and mixed with oats
mako a good diet." Homo and Farm.
Bovr lie la Worn Oat In tho Service
of Society-.
Tho prancing, high stepping hack
neys that draw the shiny carriages of
the rich aro often driven the pace that
kills. In "Horses Nine" Sewcll Ford
tells tho story of such n horse and hla
mate and how they were worn out
The author says: Seeing them come
down the street, Heads tossing, polo
fiains Jingling, tho crest and mono-
rain of tho house of Jerry glistening
tn quarter cloth and rosette, their pol
ished hoofs seeming barely to touch the
asphalt, you might have thought their
lot one to bo envied. But Bonfire
knew better.
He curved his neck nnd threw hla
hoofs high, whether his muscles ached
or no; in winter he stamped to keep
warm, In summer to dislodge tno nies;
he did his work faithfully, early or
late, in cold and in heat, and all this
because he was a son of Sir Bardolph
and for the reason that it was his na
ture to. Had It been put upon him he
would have worked in harness until
he droDDed. Dranclns: his best to the
No supreme test, however, was ever
brought to the endurance and willing
ness of Bonfire. They Just kept him
on the pole, nerves tense, musciea
strained, until he began to lose form,
His action no longer had that graco
and abandon which so pleased Mrs,
Jerry when she first saw him. Long
standing in the cold numbs the mus
It robs the lees of their spring. !
Sudden starts, such as are made when!
you are called from line after an hour's ,
waiting, finish the business. Try as ho ,
might Bonfire could not step so high,
ranlit nnt- inrrv n rmrfpot orrst. TTls'
not carry a
neck had lost Its roundness. In his
rump a crease had appeared.
At last the inevitable happened. Two
young hackneys, plump of neck, round
of quarter, springy of knee and nock,
were brought to the stable. Bonfire
and his mate were led out of their old
stalls to return no more. They had
been worn out In the service and cast
aside like a pair of old gloves.
With one exception there has been a 1
deficit In postal revenues every year
since 1S35.
Thousands of letters are mailed ev
ery day without the vestige of an ad
dress to Indicate for whom they are In
Mall matter of any kind addressed
in a vague and indefinite way. such as
to "the most prominent physician,"
eta, is not deliverable.
Benjamin Franklin, first postmaster
general, boasted that under his admin
istration all the cities of the country
had been provided with a weekly malL
One may mall a letter desUned for
foreign parts without prepayment of
postage. It will go forward to destina
tion, and the recipient will be required
to pay double rates for the privilege of
reading It if he values It sufficiently.
At the Chicago post office a record la
kept of the different ways of spelling
the name of that city on mall address
es. At last accounts 2S0 varieties had
been tabulated. Among the less Intri
cate of these are Zlzaxo, Jagjago, HJpa
ho, Jajljo and Chachlcho.
Work Done "While Asleep.
Cabanls tells us that Franklin on
several occasions mentioned to him
that he had been assisted by dreams
In the conduct of affairs In which he
was engaged.
Coridillac states that while writing
his "Course of Studies" he was fre
quently obliged to leave a chapter In
complete and reUre to bed, and on
awaking he found it, on more than one
occasion, finished in his head.
The most remarkable testimony of
this kind Is perhaps that of Sir Thomas
Browne, who declared that, if It were
possible, he would prefer to carry on
his studies In hla dreams, so much
more efficient were hla faculties of
mind when his body was asleep.
Hraterisv in Doira.
Nerves are the disease of the present
day among human beings, but I did
not know till recently thnt hysteria Is
also a malady of dogs. A friend of mine
owned a dog which suddenly one day
was seized with an attack of nerves.
Since then It has been very HI. wahder-
Inc incessantly round and round the
room, refusing food, but still recogniz
Ing Its owner. Another little dog suf
fered from hysteria In consequence of
fricht from railway traveling, and It
really seems as though civilization, in
nmderinc docs more delicate and
more suscepUble, had done them
distinct physical injury. London
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that to all parties
holding city warrants endorsed prior to
Dec. 4, 1901, ate requested to present
the same to the City Treasurer's office
for payment, as interest will cease there
on after the date of this notice.
Dated Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. 3 1903
H. C. Sloctjm, Jr.
City Treasurer.
City and Mining Property, Home
steads and Timber Claims Located,
the best now vaunt. No fees paid
until Filing accepted. Relinquish
ments bought and sold. ; : :
Stewart Land Co.,
Room 4, Taylor & Wilsen pock
ia prepared to wait upon old
and new customers and friends
with a full and complete
stock of
All fresh and of tho very best
quality. Teas aad coffoes aro
specialties. Your patronage
aos Jackson St., Roseburg
Administrator's Sale
of Real Prop-
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue
of an order made by the County Court
of Douglas County, State of Oregon, in
the matter of tho estate of Thomas
Dunseath, deceased, on tho 28th day
of September, 1903, and entered in tho
Probate Records of said Court on said
day, directing and authorizing mo, tho
under-signed administrator of tho said
estate, to sell at either public or private
sale, as provided by law, the real prop
erty of, and belonging to the said estate,
to tho highest bidder, for cash in hand,
for tho purpose of paying off tho claims
against tho said estate and tho expenses
of administration.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said or
der, I will, on and after Saturday, Octo
ber 31st, 1903, at one o'clock in tho af
ternoon of said day, proceed to sell and
offer for salo to the highest bidder, for
cash in hand, the following described
real property owned by tho said estate
and described as follows, to-wit: The
E& of the SrU of Sec. 20, Township 32
South, of Range ft West.Willamette Me
ridian, in Douglas County, Oregon, con
taining SO acres, more or less.
Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, this 29th
day of September, A. D. 1903.
E. E. Wilson,
Administrator of the estate of Thomas
Dunseath, Deceased.
Fir6t publication, Oct. 1st, 1903.
Write your FarmExperlence and Send
In 1902 tho Southern Pacific Company
published a pamphlet entitled "Cali
fornia Industries". It contained princi
pally the personal testimonies of experi-
enced cultivators, says tlie Pacific Home-
stead. A short description of the dif-
ferent sections was given and following
this the testimonies of fruit growers,
dairymen, etc, etc., showing the uumber
r ' 1 . - . 1 . ...
of acres cultivated to oranges, grapes,
olives, alfalfa, etc., the cost to cultivate
the yield per acre and price the products
were sold for. This wasono of the most
practical pieces of literature that could
be put out. Mr. W. E. Coman, G. P. A.,
of the Southern Pacific Company, has
written the agents of that company in
Oregon that it is the intention to get np
a similar publication for Oregon and
asks that all who are able to give the
results from their farms, dairies, fruit
orchards, berry patches, etc., in Oregon
write the results for publication in tho
pamphlet. He savs he wants onlv tho
actual results under favotablo conditions
the same as can be accomplished by
any intelligent grower under normal
conditions; that is, he wants only honest
-epresentations. Any of our readers in
Oregon who will take the time to give
their experiences will be doing the com
pany a courtsey and tho state justice
You mar send vour statement to Mr
Soman, or to the Plaindeal "b and it wil
forwarded to him
Mr. Man, you want facts. We are
going to give you facts. As you read
them over you will know thev are facts
And we can prove they are facts.
It is a fact that McCorinick Binders,
Mowers and Rakes are the standard by
which all others are guaged.
It is a fact, Racine Buggies, Ilftcks
and Road Wagons are far outsirippin
our competitors' lines.
It is a fact that the Bain Wagon is the
most successful, durable and economical
wagon on the market.
It is a fact that the above are all in
eluded in the Big 3. Yon can find them
at S. K. Svkes. Koseburz, Ore.
Get your abstracts ot title from J. D
Hamilton. He has the only complete
set of abstract books in the countv. tf
Roseburg Nurseries.
Very choice fruit trees, all leading
varieties. Spitzenberj: and Yellow New
town Pippin apples a specialty. For
sale at very reasonable prices by Rose
burg Nurseries, H.Schroten, Roseburg
Oregon. 5Gtf
Piano Buyers.
You will notice that wo do not have
to be continually strking out for a new
make of Pianos. The Necdhain has been
our leader for 14 years and is today
leader among the high grade pianos of
the world. Some cheap pianos are mado
high grade simply by getting a boost in
the Oregonian or some other leading
paper, through those big dealers "who
think they can, and do make the major
lty of people believe it simply because
they say so. It doesn't take ink, boost
or high commissions to mako a good
piano, but instead the very best
mechanics, and tho very best material
such as are always used in Needham
pianos. 29-tf
T. K. Richardson,
Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon.
I Jeweled
I Mad
nickel 63vcr Case
Fully Guaranteed
For sale by
nitutrated Booklet
on request, thawing
Tba New England
Watch Go.
Wfttcrssry, Cma.
New York. Chluro,
H. Little,
Professional Cards.
Phone H,.?'1' J MlUence.
i"imitiw husi itnseuurg
Offlco : Koom 11 Taylor & Wilson Illock
Examination Fren. nidi-n linn, a i in v
2 to 6 p.m. Uraduato Mill College of Osteopathy
Court House
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. O. Roseburq,
'Phone Main 591. Ohkoon.
Physcian & Surgeon.
Offlco Review Hla.
Phono. Main 31
Special attention given to DIkckm: of tho Nob
and Throat.
Office-Slain St., oiio door south ol City Hall
Phone. Main SU. '
Rovlew Building,
Telephone No. 4.
M. Crawfohd a J. 0. Watson
Attorneys at Law,
Rooms IAS. Bank Bulldg., R03HBDRB, OB.
EST-UusIncAf before the O 8 Land Office and
raining cases a specially.
Rosunrno, Orkgos
BnRlne1-before U.S. Land Office and probatr
buMnes a sr-eclaltv.
Office Abraham Building.
J U. eUl.l,riK10
11' practice In all the State and Federal Court
uiare iu jiaiK uwi.., tvofccourg, urevou.
oma 1 anl 2
vurlew BuIMIn?.
J A. BUCHANAN, Notary Public!.
Collections a Specialty.
Room 3
Xarstcrs Baildlnc. KOSKBORfi,
Attorne3 at Law.
toora 11.
Taylor & wiiran Block Koherckq, Oaa
Land Surve3for.
OQce, Room C Taj lor & WiUon Block.
Fine Farm for Sale.
A good SCO acre farm for sale five
miles from Myrtle Creek, 100 acres in
cultivation, balance hill, pasture and
timbered land. Small orchard, good
house, barn and otlwr improvements
For price and terms apply to P. T. Mc-
Gee, Myrtle Creek, or D. S. K. Buick,
Roseburg, Oregon. 2-tf
Smith' Dandruff Pomade
Stops itching ecalp npon one appliea
tion, three to six removes all dandruff
and will &top falling hiir. Price 50c.
For tale by Marstera Drnz Co. mltf
New and Larger Building, New Presses'
New Stereotype Plant, New
and Modern Appliance In
every Department.
1 he Toledo Blade Is cow installed in its new
building, with a modern plant and equipment,
and facilities equal to any publication between
New York and hlcago. It is the only Weekly
newspsper allied expresly for every state and
territory. The News of the World so arranged
that busy people can more easily comprehend
than by reading cumbersome coiums of raihea
All current topic made plain In each is;ue by
special editors! matter, written from inception
down to dale. The only paper published cspeci
ally for people who door do not read daily news
papers, and yet thlrt for plain facts. I bat
Ibis kind ot a newspaper is popular, Is proven
by the fan that the Weekly Hladc now has over
14000 yearly subscribers, and is circulated in
all tarts of the U.S. In addition to the news
the IU de publishes short and serial stor!e, and
many department ot matter suited to every
member of the family. Only one dollar a year
nto for free specimen copy. Addrcsss
Toledo, Ohio.
The Oreateit Farm Paper of tho North
west. Published weekly at flalem, Ore
gon. Edited by tho Farmers of tho
Northwest. Twenty Pages. Illustrated.
5 Papers for Si 00. Leys than acta each
Publication began March 1, 1000. Now
has 0,300 subscribers. Phenomenal growth
Is duo to its being tho best farm paper pub
$2.75 A YEAR.
UO tO ..
For a Prompt and Firel-claes
Shave or Hair-cut. Compe
tent Workmen, Clean Tow
elB, Tools always in ahapr.
Botha In Connection.
al V- - r. .
Soolety Meetings.
F. & A. M. Laurel Lodife No. 13.
Holds reuular meetings on second
and t nrth Wednesdays of each
month. O. P. Cosiiow. W. M.
N. T.Jkwktt, Secretary.
O. U. W. Roseburg Lodge No. 10.
Meets the second and fourth Mon
days of each month at 7 :80 d. ru
in the I. O. O. F. Hall. Members in
good atnndinc are invited to attend.
F.M.Tozikr M. W.
E. II. Lenox Recorder.
D. .8 West, Financier.
P. O. ELKS. Roseburg Lodge No.
326. Holds regular communica
tions at I. O. O. F. Hall on Bocond
and fuiirth Thursdays of each month.
All members reqimeted to attend regu
larly u nd all viaitini: brothers are cor di
rtily invited to attend.
F. 11. Waits, K. K.
Roy McClallkn, Secretary.
O.N. G., meoin at Armory Hall every
Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock.
F. B. Hamlin, Capt.
OF A. Court Donclas No. 32. For
ettrs of America. Meets every
Tnewlay evening in Native Sons'
Hall. Vieitintr brothers always welcome
Fbank Kennedy, It. C"
E. H. Lenox, R. P.
E. V. HoovKit, Physician.
SO. O. F. Philetarian Lod;:e No. 8.
MeetB in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor-
ner Jackson and Cass streets, on
Saturday evening of each week Mem
bers of the order in good standing art
invited to attend.
J. C. TwirciiELL, N. G.
N.T. Jbwktt, Secretary.
of I . Alpha Lodite No. 47. 5iee3
ivery Wednesday, in I. O. O. F
nan a'.JiJU P. m. Members in
tfood eUntllng are invited to attend.
Geo. E. Hocck.
S. V. Rami-K. R. 8.
O.T. M. Protection Tent No. 15
Holds its regular Reviews the
iirbt and third Fridav of onrh
month in the I. 0. 0. hall. Visiting
memlere in good standing are invited to
auemi. ueo. W. 1'erkt, Com.
E. E. Blodoett, Record Keeper.
CIRCLE. No. 49. Women of
oodcraft. MeetB on 2nd nnd 4th
lays of -ach month at ih Na
tive .sons, Hall. Visiting members in
ifood standing are invited to attend.
Della Jeweit, Gnardian Neighbor. Otsv, Seer.
LO. T. M. Rope bo r Hive No. 11.
Holdn its rtenlar reviews upon the
first and third Frida e at 2 -.39 p m
of t-ach month tn tlie Native Sons' Hall.
Sietfcrx of other Hiveg viirltine in the city
are ordially invited toatUnd onr re
view. Hattib Mobiax L. Com.
JssfiK Rapp.R K.
E. S Rofebnrif Chanter No.
Holds their reanlar meeting on the
fir', and third Thnrwlavn in parr.
nonth. Vistiinft members in pood
lUnditi;: are reopectfnlly invited to at
tend. Mrs. Nannie Spraque W. M.,
Maudk Raw Secrttarv.
TEI$EKAHS. Rosebnrj:
m'vtH in
I Jx!w No. 41. l.O.O.F.
Odd Fellow' Temple every Toesdav
evening. laitinR sisters and brethren
Invited to attend.
Della Brown X. G.
i I sembly No. 105 meeta everv Satnr-
tlnv evpninc. nt fl Vlrw.l- in V :.-..
Sons llall. Visiting Artisans cordiallv
invited to attend.
Rev. S A. Docclas, 31. A.
Miss. L.ela Brows, Secretarr.
Ubid No. 125. Meele at the Old
Fallows' Hall, in Roefbnnr.
Orel and third Monday ovenine. Vialt-
nc neighbors alwave welcome.
N. T. Jkwett. C. 0.
J. A. Been an an. Clerk.
l Odd I-ellow's Temple. Meeta first
w and third Tliurwav evenings each
month. Visitors cordiallv invited.
J. B. IlAVILTOV. f!. P.
J.u. lwrraiELL, bcribe.
Your Watch!
w hen was it cleaned and oiled?
Is it rnnnin like it o:i;ht ti? If
is not, it would bo well to have it ex
itntned, I will look it over carefully
4iiu win you jusi wnero tno trouble is
ind what it will cost to repair it.
I guarantee all my work and livd
up to tho guarantee.
R. F. WINSLOW Je!e!.er.and
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg, Ore., Aug. 3, lsttt
Notice Is hereby gtvtn that in compllanca
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June S, 18.8. entitled "An act for the sale of
Umber lands in the Btatesof Callfornla,Oregon
Navada.and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all tha public land states by act of August
ol Sparta, county of Momoe, statu of Wisconsin
has this day filed In this offlco his sworn state
ment No. 5'"S0. for the purchase ol the south
cast nnartcr (SEf) of section No 4. in town
ship No 27, math of range No. 3 west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hla
claim beforo the Register and Recelvar of thla
fflce ot Roseburg, Oregon,
on Tuesday the nihility of January, 1901. He
immcn as wltncw II Krakonbeiycr. Paul Gary,
both of RoM-burg, Oregon; J. 11, Evarts, Peel,
Oregon; Welcomu Hubbcll, Hparta, Wisconsin,
Auy and all ruiwiii8 claiming adversely tho
aboye described lands aro requested to flic their
claims in this office on or before tho said 12th
day of January, 1901.
Lending Alnslc House of Southern
$26.00 Gold or Bilvor will buy n Rood
0r(ian or nmko a payment on one of our
fine Pianos, piicea ranging from $185.00
to $150.00, I have decided to soil my
present stock regardless of cost or profit.
See or writo ua at onco and aecuro
Rome of theso bargains.
T. K. Richardson.
Koeeburg, Oregon.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Btntn of On-iron.
for Douglaa County.
Molllo M Roblton, I'lalntlu".)
O. P. Rohlaon, Defendant, J I
To O. F. Koblnon. the ahoyo named Defend
Iu tho name of theatatoof OrCKon. you aro
hereby gummoned and required to appear and
answer tho complaint filed afralnat you In
the above entitled court and cauxo within elz
weeks from the dato of tho flnit publication of
this ummonn, and If you fall to appear and
anawcr aa herein reau
:quired, lor want thereof
the plalnlltr will apply to
eaiu court lor ir
relief demanded In her complaint, which It
for a decreo from Kald court dUsolvlnir ll.!
marriage contract existing between plalntIR
and defendant, for tho caie and custody of
the minor child, Brennan Boblton, that t.c
mar resume hor former name, Molllo II. Me
Claln, for her costs and disbursements, ar.d
for such other and further relief as to the
court may seem meet with equity and good
Thlsisurnmons Is published onco a wetk foi
at leant six successive wee Its In the Fmihdeiu
er, a fcml-weckly newspaper published at
Koteburg, Oregon, by order of Hon. M I).
Thompson, County Judge of Douglas County,
Oregon, made August 21, 1303.
The nrst publication 01 this summons is on
tho 24th day of August, 19J3.
J. A tSUtllA.V ti
61-7w Attorney for FlalntlfT,
In tho County Court of the Elate ot Oregon,
for Douglas county.
In tho Matter of the Estate ofi
Thomas Dunseath, Citation.
To Thomas Dunseath, lather of deceased, and
all others legally lntreted In said Estate,
In the name of the State of Oregon. You
are hereby cited and require! to appear in the
County Court of the litate of Oregon, fo- the
County of Douglas. In the courtroom thereof,
at Uoseburg, In the County of Douglas, on
Monday, the 28 th day of Sept., 1903.
at 10 o'olock In the forenoon of that day, then
and there ia show cause, If any you haye, why
an order for the sale of the real property be
longing to said estate, asprayed for In the peti
tion of K. E. Wilson, the administrator, to-wit:
The EUof SWW of section M,Tp 31 south, of
rsDge 5 west, W. M In Douglas county, Ore
gon, and containing K acrts, should not be
made authorizing E. E. Wilson, the adminis
trator ol the pstate of Thomas DunMath, de
ceased, 10 sell the aforesaid real property, at
either public or private sale, for the purpose of
paying the indeblednets of the estate and ex
lue of administration.
Witness the Hon. M D. Thompson. Judge of
the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
the Coumy of Douglas, with the t-'cal of svid
Court airlxcd this "iSlh lay ot Angust, A D-,
Attest: D. R. SHAMBROOK. Clerk.
(giAL.) a27.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, September
IB, I9M.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named s-tller has filed DOtice on his lnlenllon
to make final proof In support ol his claim, and
that said proof will be mole fore the Regis
ter and Receiver, O. 8. L. O. at Rosborg, Ore
gon, on Jiorcmber". r. Tlx:
David Comit'-ck.
on Hd. E. No M9. for the Sit SW. Sec W. T.
77 K., K. 4 West.
lie names the following vmnces to prove
his continuous residence npon and cultiva
tion of said land, vli" Theodore Littrell. Elmer
Uttrell, George Cox, and Volncy Oden, all of
aorctiurg, ures-on.
j. 1 . hriixjxs, tu-gisier.
Notice for Publication.
U. a Land Ofice, Boboir. Ore..
June tSib.lKB
Notloa is hereby girtn that tn compllase
with lb prorlslons of the act ot Congress of
Jnce S, 1ST, entitled "An act for the sals ot
Unbar laads In the States of California. Oregcn
Jicrada And Washington Territory," asextaad
d to all tha public land statas by act of Asfost
Oscar Peterson.
of Spokane, county of Spokane, state of Wash
ington, has this day filed In this o3-e his
sworn ttatmcnt So. 5121, for the purchase 01
the t-l-i at section o.b, totrnsnip : soma. 01
range west.
aad will offer proof to show that let land socght
Is more Taluabla for iu timber or stone than
for agrlmltsral purposes, and to etaUlsh his
claim before the Register and Raceiter of this
offlca of Rosa burr, Oregon.
on Wednesday, the llth day of Sotember. 1903.
He names j witnesses; Andreaw Enekson.
of Flandren, wulh Dakota. J. W. Gardner. W.
H. McCrosen, and Geo. Taylor, all of Kose
burc, Oregon.
Any and ail persons claiming adrenelr the
abore rtctcribed lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said llth
day of November, IKS.
J, T. KBIDGE., KCttliter.
Notice for Publication.
C. S. Land Office. Bowbarg.Orc.
5otIre is htrcby glrcn that tn compliance
with the proTiiions of tha act ot Congress of
June J, llfrs, entitled "An act for the sate of
timber lands in the Ftates of California, Oregon
Neradand W'ashingtcn Territory ."aseitend
d to all Its public land statts by act of August
4, lin.
Archibald E. Wadce.
ol Wales, county of Caraller, state of North
laxota,haJtnuiiar cied in this orsce bis
sworn statement o. Mix for tbesli of c-
Uon Not. township 5s south, ot range 6 west.
and will offer proof to show that the land songht
is more Talcable for it Umber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Bacclrcr ot this
el flea of Rosaboxr. Oregon.
on Thursday, the tsta day of N"oTembr, 1315.
lie names as witness: Tcoass n sdre, O.
E. Lolthas. both of fart River, K Dakota,
Bryniolt Prom, ot Milton. N". Dakota, and Ras
mus k. btone. ol Alexandria, Minn.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims In inlsoScc on or before said lath
d ay ot November, 1903.
j.t. kudos, segisicr.
Notice for Publication.
Roa-burg Oregon. June 73. MH.
Notice is hereby given that In compllanc
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3,157. entitled "An art for the sale of
Umber lands In the Slates of Callfomla.Oregoa
Navada.and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all tha publlo land states by act of August
ol Milton, county of Cavalier, state of North
Dakota, has this day filed in thlxjoffice his
sworn statcmenCKo. Ms6, lor the purchase of
the SE ol sec. No. ,Tp 2S, sooth ol range
8 west,
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
offioa of Roseburg, Oregon.
on Friday, the ISlh day of December, 190J. He
names aa witnesses; Thomas Wadge. of Park
River. North Dakota. Archibald K. Wadcc.
Wales, North Dakota. Rasmus, M. Stone, Alex
andria. Minnesota, u. k. ixiitnus, rare tuver
North Dakota.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims tn this office on or before said 15th day
oi ueccraocr.
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg, Ore., June 2J, 1903.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions ot the act of Congress ot
June S, )5TS, entitled "An act for the salo of
Umber lands In the States of Callfornla,Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the publlo land states by act of August
of Park River, county of Walsh. sUte of North
Dakota, baa this day filed In this offlco his
sworn statement No. M37, for tho purclmx-
ol me oi tno ot section no. iu,
township south of range 8 west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim beforo the Register and Receiver of this
office ef Roseburg. Oregon,
on Thursday, the lath day ol November. 1XU.
no names as witnesses: Thomas wiuue, oi
Tark River. North Dakota, A rcN bald E Wadge
VP . 1 . VnH K ndk-rtfd t. ....... l U,nnA
andrla, Minnesota, Brynjolf Prom, ot Milton,
North Dakota.
Any and all persons clalmlnelv adversely the
above described lands am requested to (lie their
claims in mis onico on or octore sammnuay
oi NOTcmDcr, taq.
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg, Oregon, July 29 lWM.
Notice H hereby given that tn compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congrcse ot
June S, 15.8. entitled "An art tor the sale of
timber lands In the States of California. Oregon
Nevada, and Washlngtoc Teirtlory'aseztond
ed to all the public lead stales by act of August
4, 1S92.
of Sparta, county 01 Monroe, statu ol Wisconsin
has this day nkd Iu th's office hla sworn state
ment No. ,vsai, for the purchase ot tho lots 9, 10,
IS and 16, ot section No. 10, in township No. -7,
south of range No S wist .
and will offer proof to show that theland sought
Is more valuablo for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purports, and to establish hit
claim beforo the Register and Receiver of this
office of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Tuesday the Slh day of January. 1901. Ho
namca aa witnesses: John C. r-hatluck, Sparta,
Wisconsin. B Krtkenhereer. Paul tlarv. hnth nl
j Roseburg, Oregon, J, II, Kvaits, Peel, Oregon.
Auy nuu au persons claiming adversely mo
abovo described lands aro requested to file
their claims In this otlco on or beforo tho Raid
6th day ot January, 1901.
g gambler
White Family and (Tailoring
Rotary Sewing Machines.
Machines With Automatic Lift.
5. K. SYKES,
Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado
Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky
Mountain Scenery by daylight
Modern Equipment, Through Pullman and Tourist Sleep
" ing Cars and Superb Dining Car Service.
For rates, fotders and ether
formation, address
Notice for Publication
raited Stales Land OfSee.
Rowbarc. O regno. Jane TZ, ISfi.
Notlc u hereby given that tn csmpltanca
with the prorUlrns of Ike act cf Congress of
June 3, liftl entitled "An act for tt ta! ot
Umber lands tn the Slates of CaJtfonila. oregcn
Nevada .and Washington Terrtiory.- aaextandV
ad to all tha public land states by act of Acxnxt
of Oshkoh. cocntr of TV.a.ira Sti n
I Vls-.has this day died ia Ihis .of3c hla sworn
utenmt N. s0. lor lie parents ol Hit
iron in iownsmp 5 room, usri nest.
andwilloffer proof to show tha! the laad sou gat
Is mar valuable for Its Umber or stone t&an
Claim before tha EKii and Bafvlrar r.1 tv
for acrlcnltural ramnea. and tn MtM?,V M.
office of Rose burg, Oregon.
oi Monday, Use i;th day ot Septeiaber. 1JCS.
iic oum as wiuieoes: Koy urennand.
frank F. Kopliti. Martin Rasmosen. and
Hennab Haruhelm. of uhkoah, Wisconsin.
Any and all teron claiming aJvr:r the
above describ.-d lands are resumed to file their
claim in this office oa or bef.-e said Slh day of
July Kp.
Reels ter.
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg. Ore , Jane . BOS.
NoUce is hereby given that in oamptlance
with the provistoas of the act of Confrv-s of
JnneS,lS.enUtled "An act for the sale of
Umber lands in the States ot ralisornta,Oregon
Nevada .and Was&lngton Territory," as extend
ed to all the pubUc land states by act of August
of Park River, county of Walsh, state of
North Dakota, has this day filed in this ofSce
his sworn statement No Ma. for the par
chaseiof the lots land 2, S1 NKiJ of socUiin
No. , township . south ot r.nce S west
and will otrerprooi to show that the land sought
is more rata able for lt Umber or stone than
for agricultural purrxwes, and to establish hla
Claim before the RdLsier and Rfvlvrr nl tbl
oiflos of Rmtahun- oroenn
on Wednesday, the ISlh day of November. 1X3. ,i?SJ,Sfat j5 ner data to
He name as witnes: Brynjolf Prow, of Mil- i !r,7 iJS fi "ii5" aJ Kwllrer oi
t.n. North Dakota, ArchibsSd E. Wadge, of , ' ?" 7 ,t'1lb.0rIson
Wales. North Dakota. Rasmus M. Stoned of ! S? 5.dr 5 th dayjf September. 1SCJ,
Alexandria. Minn. O. E Lslthas, ol Park i n"" rTilaescs,:, D Clark. StarUa
River North Dakota. i n',IIII?" Harabelcu nd Boy
. , .. ... ... ! Brennasd.of Oshkoah. wt-cooUn.
'"i ",u iwns aaramK a.iverseiy ne
day ot Nov, 1908.
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg. Ore., June a. 1908.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions ot the act ot Congress ot
Juno S.liT. entitled "An act tor the sale ot
timber lands in tho States ot CaIttornla.Oreron
Nevada .and Washington Territorv." as extend
ed to all the publlo land states by act of August i
i, 1S32. 1
of Alexandria, county of Douglas, state
ot Minnesota, has this day filed Iu thla'
omco tin swom statement no.
purcha-o ol the b Nti.
tion N". l' township JS. south
and will offer proof to show that the land ra rht
Is more valuable for its Umber or stono than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hla
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
office of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Wednesday, the IMh davof November. 1S01.
He names a wlt-u-sses : Thomas Wdtr. O. K.
Ulthus, tth ot 1-ark River, North Dakota,
Archil!.! E. L. Wadjc, ot Wales. North Dakou
Brynjolf I'nim, of Mlilon North Dakota.
Any and alt persons claiming adversely tho
above described lauds are requested to file their
claims In this office on or before the said ISlh
day of November, 1902.
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg, Oregon, Oct. 1, lftC
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act ot Congrea of
June S, )$. entitled "An act tor the salo ot
Umber lands In the States ot Californta,Oregon
Nevada. and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the public land states by act of August
4, 1882.
oi Independence, county ol Polk, state of Ore
gon, has this day tiled in this office his sworn
sttteinent No. 57CW, for tho purchase ot the
South hast ouaiter of section No. $!, township
25 south, ot range S west
and will offer proof to show that theland sought
Is more valuablo for IU Umber or stono than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia
claim beforo the Register and Receiver ot thla
offlco ot Rose-burr. Orecon.
onTluuiiay the loth dav ot March, Wi, ne
uamesaa wttnesc: 11. Marllu, M. Martin, ot
Brownsville, Oregon: George Batcman, Fred
Balcman. o Roeounr. Ort-cnn.
Any and all persons claiming adverstey the
nliovo deicrlbed lands re requested to ale their
claims in this offlco on or U fore said loth dav
7II Oak St., Opp.; Churchill;; Woolley's
If It's a WHITE
The White
Is King
W. C McBRIDE, Gen'l Agent,
134 Third Street, Portland, 'Ora.
Notice for Publication.
Tatted States Land OSce.
Roa-r. Ort5HDa, Jane IS. 13C3L
Notlc u herbT glycate la eosapllanc
wlta tie proTlslcnj of tha act of CoagTTaT of
UsBber laads in lie 5lale otCsllforsis.rMn,
fit ,V .
' Vtf3 " sjSlgtoa Territory." aa extaadV
1 liS. PUle Ud slates by art of Axs
. Ssha? J?tLZV?lU.''S, 01 T,S
f'". .-1,1 13 t?ll-0c: ni rora
ik wvst
. wul offer proof to show ISU the laad tccx&s.
' is sore velca&e for its ttafcer or ,
lor am cultural mraiM -.,.
', (latm before lhEr!i!.r.t r--. .r?
' QIcaotRoaebarx.Oregos.
oa Friday the SSta day o( September. 1WX. He
nia aa wune-se- Guo-re Rm h t.
stodley. Margaret J. Brookes. D P. Fisher all
i of Roseburg. Oregon.
Anr and all tmmi r-Uiininr
, above described Un.1i r,T,Ii.i . ?- ;v.i.
, claims in tills office oa or buoce the 2Sta ,!rof
Notice for Publication.
Cnlted States Land Office.
Koseborg. Oregon. Jotse 2. GCS.
Notice is hereby given that la ccapUaaca
with the prOTtslcnaof the act of Congress of
JcneS,)5TS.enUUed"Anact for the sale ot
Uraber lands tn the State of CalUornivOrtsoB
NjTaJ a .and WaiMa gtca Territory,- aa extend
ed to all the public land sta.Ua by act of Asg-oat
of Oahkosh. R-D. Box 1ST. conntr of Wlnne
bsro. Mat of Wisconsin, has this day filed ia
Uus oare her sworn statement No. 5K9 for
the purchase ot the sX, NWtf. swt vvif
.NWJ. SKi, of Sec 2. Tp JSS.R4 w, SW Twill
off er prool to show lhal the land songht Is more
: TaiuaMe for iu Umber or stone than tar . I.
i . . - miu? uu iur a7i
, Any and all persona claimlnr adrerselr the
aaims in this olllrv on or (wMn. ..;.- ,
of Septeabcr, S. J.T. BRIDGES,
Jmy I6p
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Offlco
.... v Rosebmrg. Orecon. June 12. ISO.
t? U hebT Irtvea that la eocalanesj
inns,,atled "An ait for the sale eg
Nl1 a 'i?. Sut of California. Oregea
i.fT.TitS!?,1?13-0? Territory aaexd
tflMt uWle land states by act ol Angst
ana 4. bW NW4. NWX SWV. of secUon
V , . ,n,' of ranee 2 west,
and wiU of fer proof to ahow that theland sooghl
'?.r)ff"Uaf1 Purposes, and to establlah hH
or?w lil851ter 4311 elTr of this
office of Roseburg, Oregon.
?TlT,K'Urtno UX ot September. 19US.
rtNI w',n: H- U kagies. John
,nZ?3!'i0&u GlWMU. "J R- J. Watson
Anj ana au '
of Sept. 1803.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land OOce.
Koavburg Oregon. Aug. 31,1900.
-t.2 .J u he.bT lTa thu tn compliance
7IrVl?JCI0Tto,0?,0,Ul Kl t Congrcse ot
,iUI.X,,s,.nUt,e,:l,Al the sale ot
.Imber lands tn the States otCaUforala,Orsoa
if IdT,d w hlnfton Territory." aa extend
41 PU d ,Ut bT cl 01
iVw 01 ?-M of rtland, county ot
Multnomfth, jUte of Oregon, ha this day died
in this office her sworn statement NtvKnalor
the purchase ot theNE4 of SecUon No. Mia
...n uaui), u, -T niuin, nuige No. west
and will olfer proof to show that theland sour'jt
Is more-
valuable for Its Umber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
ciaim before the Register and RccelTar cf this
office ot Roseburg. Orecon.
t-n Friday, the 12th day ot February. 1901 He
naiueta wltuji.-. e r tr ,
U-..v described lands aro requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 12th day
ol iehruery, 1801. J.T. BRIDGES,
w P IKtgbter.