The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 09, 1903, Image 1

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    A V
No. 86
fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pies,
Boughnuts and fresh Bread Daily
Portland Journal Agency. Hendrick's Block, Opp. Lcpot
I. J. NORflAN & Co. Prop.
Q. A. WOOD & CO, Props
Staple ane Fancy Groceries. Highest Price paid
for country produce. Fresh bread daily. Your
Patronage is respectfully solicited.
Private Free Delivery to All Parts of the City
Bring Us Your
J. F. Barker & Co.
1-3 15?B:
Heating Stoves
Cook Stoves,
Stove Pipe
Stove Boards.
5, K. SYKES, Roseburg, Oregon
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking is te have good
And to get them promptly when you order them. Call up
Phone No. 181 for good goods and good service.
J. MJWeatherby
T. A. Bnry
D. L. Martin
Roseburg Real Estate Co.
Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold
Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty.
ty with
List your proper-
Turkey Fails to Keep
We Want Your Patronage
and as an inducement we offer U. IS. P.
Standard Drugs, Fresh Patent Medicines,
High Grade Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet Arti
cles, and Specialties
If you want to buy a farm
If you want furnished rooms
If you want to buy a house
If you want to rent a house
j you want to build a house
If you want to move a house
If yon don't know PAT
Call on or sd dress . . .
F F. pafeWon,
and Builder
I List
Your Ranches and Timber
Lands wittn me. : : :
George Lynch, a correspondent of
the Associated 1 ess m Fridny tele
graphed from Siia &a follow?:
While Austria nn J Russia :ire hag
gling with tho sultan over t he de
tails of th? plan of control, the .Mace
donian refugees continue to staive
and the Turk continues to drive the
villagers across the frontier. The
Russo-Austrian delay in submitting
teims of control is nothing short of
criminal, for eveiy day's delay means
a continuance of the Turkish cam
paign of extermination in Macedonia.
New that a plan has been submit
ted, the porte has started another
campaign of delay. The sultan has
held a council of his ministers, but
withholds the result. A campaign of
delay has been initiated, but the cam
paign of exteimination continues.
This is a serious charge, but it is sus-
cepitable of proof.
After visiting Adrianople, not be
ing satisfied with the stories of the
reiugees still neemg trom the reign
of terror fexisting 'there, I verified
them in other quarters. The verifi
cation proves the refugees' stories to
be not exceptional isolated instances.
The migration of the terrorized Mace
donians goes on, despite denials. It
is impossible to believe that in this
season of bitter cold the fugitives
should continue to seek the frontier
unless driven to flight bv imminent
With all the plausible excuses cir
culated in Constantinople, neverthe
less the Turks continue the campaign
of extermination. The pone declares
it is supplying money for the rebuild
ing of mined homes, but only the
Turkish houses are being rebuilt. The
powers' delay in submitting a plan of
control is inexcusably criminal, and
will be more criminal if the next
three months are permitted to pass
in parleys, protests and delays by the
porte. Even now the Macedonian
leaders, partly by necessity, manifest
signs of ceasing hostilities, but the
Turk has not held his hand. The
flight of impoverished fugitives still
goes on.
Says Bible "s Pott-y and Not History.
Chicago, III., Nov. 7 That the
stoiy of Abraham and Isaac as told
in the Bible is responsible for many
of the murders committed by relig
ious fanatics was the contention mado
by Dr. Emil G. Hirsch at Temple Is
real. Referring to the story of the
attempted sacrifice of Isaac by Abra
ham, Dr. Hirsch said:
"More hai ji has been done by that
tale than any other in the Bible. We
read eveiy few months of some man
who, in a religious frenzy, has killed
his children, saying that he did so in
order that he might make a sacrifice
to God. The story of Abraham and
Isaac has been read by those religious
fanatics and has led them to commit
their fearful crimes."
Dr. Hirsch lectured on "Was Abra
ham Reair and contended that no
such person ever existed. Abraham,
he declared, was the personification
of a nation, and the story of his life
as told in the Bible :s a stoiy of the
people of whom he was the type.
"We should rear-.e that the Bible
is a book of poetry and not a history,"
said Dr. Hirsch. "Its stories corre
spond to those that we find in the
mythology of every nation from the
ancient Greeks to the native inhabi
tants of Noith America. It is as a
book of poetry that the Bible should
be taught in the Sunday schools. The
children should not by brought up to
believe that every story in the Bible
is true.
"Atheism has gained ground be
cause of the manner in which the Bi
ble stories are interpreted. When the
children grow up they come to see
that many of the tales can not be lit
erally true, and, not knowing that
the Bible is a book of poetry and not
histoiy, are led astray by such men
as the late Robert Ingersoll."
Dr. Hirsch compared the Btories
told in the Bible to those told in
Shakespeare's plays. "We know that
such a person as Hamlet, prince of
Denmark, never existed, and yet
the play that bears his name is not
the less instructive. It narrates the
story of a struggle whish an entire
people had with the idea that a son
must seek vengeance for the death of
a father.
"So, too, the Bible stories te'l o!
the struggles of the people. The
story of Abraham and Isaac is a poeti
cal version of the struggle to do
away with the custom of offering hu
man sacrifices to the Deity, which
found its way into the creeds of near
ly all the races. The other storieB in
the Bible and the biblical biographies
are similar to the story of Abraham."
it foolish, is coming from Canada those
days. Says tho Halifax Chronicle, a
prominent Liberal journal : "This Alas
ka episode has mado jit clear that our
existing relations to tho empire cannot
lw continued much longer. Wo are
even now at tho parting of the ways.
Our subordinate position has been eo
clearly and so humiliatingly revealed
that it must speedily become unendura
bio " Tho Chroniclo wants complete
legislative separation within tho empire
or absolute independence. It prefers
tho latter, for two reasons because it
would avert any chance for Canada
to become embroiled with the United
States on account of any possible quar
rel between us and England, and also
because it would givo Canada tho pro
tection of the Monroe doctrine.
mere is not much chance (or serious
trouble between the United States and
England, as tho boundary issues are all
settled now. Moreover, tho Monroe
principle will protect Canada oven while
it holds its prosent connection, in caso
any enemy, or combination of enemies
of England should assail tho dominion
tfut why did Canada refuse to cut
loose from England when, in 1770, she
was appealed to by tho thirteen other
iirmsn colonies to join them in too war
of independence? That was tho biggest
mistake that Canada ever mado. It
was the parent of all her feebleness and
misfortunes ever since. Of course, one
reason why she refused to join us then
was that under the stipulation by Eng
land, certain favors were granted to the
Catholic church in Canada which ita
members feared would not stand if that
province should become part of an inde-
joadent American nation.
That was the time for Canada to talk-
about the "parting of tho ways," but
she missed her chance. Her failure at
that crisis to rise to the level of her op
portunity has been fatal to her progress
to this day. She has mado great gain
in population and wealth, but thev have
been trivial compared with tho advances
which she would have scored had she
joined her fortunes with the thirteen
colonies. Instead of having a popula
tion of less than 6,000,000, as now, she
would have between 25,000,000 and 30,-
000,000. She would bo part of tho great
est and most progressive nation of tho
world. Tho union will come ultimately
and amicably, but tho lost time can
never be made up.
New Way of Uslnc Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from
Durban, Natal, South Africa, says: "As
proof that Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is a cure suitable for old and
young, I pen you the following: A
neighbor of mine had a child just over
two months old. It had a verv bad
cough and the parents did not know
what to give it. I suggested that if they
would get a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and put some upon the
dummy teat the baby was sucking it
would no doubt euro the child. This
they did and brought about a quick re
lief and eurcd the baby." This remedy
is for sale by A. C. Marsters & Co.
Chrysanthemum Exhibit.
Arrangements have been completed
for the chrysanthemum show to be
given by the ladies of tho M. E. church,
at the Opera House on Thursday and
Friday evenings, November 12 and 13.
The following is tho list for which priies
will be awarded:
Clans I.
Best collection of potted plants. Best
exhibit of single potted plant fanv
Class II. (Cat FlovrcrH.)
Best floral design of fraternal order.
Clans in.
Best specimens of white, pink, vellow,
bronze and red chrysanthemums.
Class IV.
Beet specimen, Good Gracious, Phila
delphia, Mrs. ;E. G. Hill, Nervious,
Queen, Golden Wedding, Modesto, Maj.
UonaHou, Helen Bloodgood, Florence
Davis, V. H. Robinson, Mrs. Wm.
Simpson, Mrs. G. W. Child, Vivian
Morell, and Golden Gate chrysanthemums.
This exhibit to havo not less than
three blossoms each.
ClaHH v.
Best boquet of chrysanthemums.
Notice to Contractors.
Scaled Bids will bo received by the
Board of School directors of Dist. No. 4,
Roseburg Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m.
Nov. 2, 1903, for tho erection and com
pletion of a High School building ac
cording to plana and specifications, pre
pared by Chas. Burggral,. Architect,
Albany Ore. All bids must be accom
panied by a certified check payablo to
school District No. 4, Roseburg, Ore
gon, for the sum of $250. As n guaran
tee that in the event tho contract is
awarded, tho contractor shall furnish
nn approved bond, equal to 75 percent
of the contract within ton days after the
awarding of tho contract.
Proposals for tho same, plans and
specifications, may bo soon at S. C.
Flint's, Roseburg, Oregon, or nt the
architect's office. Tho building shall bo
completed by 8optember 1st, 1004.
Tho board reserves tho right to reject
any or all bids. Signed
8. 0. Flint,
Chairman, Board of Director Dis. No. 4
Claba Dillard, Clerk. 76-N2
It seems that nnothor attempt is to be
mado to chango our mail route from tho
old Coos Bay wagon road back to tho
Myrtle Point route. Tho inducement is
held out that wo will get our mail 12
hours earlier than by the present route.
This, of courso, would suit everybody.
What wo want is quick mail service
nnu tho quicker tho better. But the
ngures nt our command don't seem to
justify nnv such conclusion It is said
that u tho people of Coos county unite
in asKing lor it, an appropriation can bo
secured through tho aid cf Binger Her
mann, and that a first-class road will bo
built from Rosoburg to Myrtle Point,
connecting with a train from Mnrshfield.
which will bring the Coos Bay mail in
li hours ahead of the present schedule
inducements of a somewhat similar na
turo were held out to us before, and we
nil know what tho chango resulted in
o would be pleased to Eee a good
road connecting MyrtloPoint with Rose
burg. Wo bclievo such a road would
beneut the county generally, and coun
ty aid, for such a road, wo think, would
meet with tho approval of a majority of
the taxpayers. Let us have the road, if
wo can secure it on reasonable terms.
and then when it is finished, and when
the stages and automobiles are making
phenomental timo over ita Bmooth sur
face, we can change the mail route on
short notice. In the meantime it might
be butter to hold fast to that which is
good. Marshfield News.
Ciiktexn-e, Wyo., Nov. 7 There were
sensational developments this afternoon
in tho case of Tom Horn, the range de
tective, who is sentenced to be hanged
on .November 20 for the murder of Wil
lie Nickell in Iron county, when his at
torneys petitioned tov. Chatterton to
commute the sentence of life imprison
ment. A largo number of affidavits
were submitted with the appeal, and In
a number of cases the affiants charge
that Tom Horn did not kill the bov.
.Miss Gwendolin Myrtle Kimmel, school
teacher, who lived at Iron Mountain
when tho crime was committed, but
now of Kansas City, swore tliat Victor
Miller, a son of NickelPa neighbor, con
fessed that he killed the bov. Ollie
Whatman, and Iron Mountain ranch
man, makes the same statement. Some
persons who testified agains Horn now
swear that they were duped. "Witness
es also swear that Horn's confession was
a put-np job, and Uiat he really made
no confession at all.
Gov. Chatterton ha taken the matter
under advisement and will render a de
cision next week. While the appeal is
strong and has a tendency to create &
doubt, it is believed the governor will
refuse to interfere with the action of the
The above press dispatch shows
that Horn has many friends who are
afraid that if Horn i3 to harg that he
will make confessions implicating
them in the many cold-blooded mur
ders he committed. The writer lived
within a few hundred miles of Horn's
field of labor murder. Horn was the
hired assassin of large cattle corpora
tions to murder settlers on govern
ment land and it is said that at least
a score of secret assassinations have
been committed by him. That the
vast cattle syndicates hired murder
ers there can be no doubt and that
the scores of murders of settlers or
small men on the range was duo to
the emnity of the cattle barons was
a well established fact. In twenty
years newspaper work on the cattle
range country we have a fair know-
edge of the conditions and also know
tho work of such men as Tom Horn,
the hired assassin.
Inat Sand Bar.
Cmadc in I776 and 1903.
A good deal of exciting ta!!c, some
At n regular meeting of tho directors
of school District No. 4, tho clerk was
authorized to open books for subscrip
tion to warrant loan of f20,000, said
books to be open Oct. 1st. Subscribers
can subscribo for amounts of $50 or mul
tiples thereof. Wnrranta will draw in
terest at tho rato of 4J por cent per an
num and will bo payable as follows :
$2,000 each succeeding year until all aro
paid. For other information apply to
75-tf Claba Dillahd, Clerk.
Tho editor of tho Gardiner Gazette vis
ited Roseburg lately, and called on Con
gressman Hermann, to whom he sub
mitted a few questions regarding the
anticipated improvement at the mouth
oftbeUmpqua. In answer to the ques
tion of what he thought of tho possibi'i-
ties of tho Lower Umpqua, the Honora
ble Binger's reply was very characteris
tic. Ho said: "Well I will tell
you. 1 think they are simply lmmeas
ureable. I cannot command tho words
to express my faith in tho future of your
country. The only obstacle that con
fronts you there is tho bar at tho mouth
of tho river. 'Tis upon this that the
commercial prominence of your harbor
is now hinging. Tho one and only thing
you need to open that entire country is
deop water 011 tho bar, and you may rest
assured that I shall let no grass grow
undor my feet when I havo reached
Washington, until I hnvo laid my
plans more definitely in tho direction of
some improvement to thnt end. Mnrsh
field Nows.
Tho Plaindealeu is of the opinion
that if Mr. Hermann will concentrate
his efforts on Coos Bay for this ses
sion of Congress that much good will
resuit to Coos and Douglas counties.
Lot us havo one good shipping port
in Southwest Oregon, instead of sev
eral very poor ones.
11111 Dweanngen is in our midst quite
often of lato. Ho says he is looking for
a housekeeper and that bachelor life
not as pleasant as it should be.
R. L. Ritchoy has rented his mother's
ranch and his cheery "geo-up" as ho
farms the hillsides is pleasant to hear,
hit. Joel Tracy and wife and Mr. and
Mrs. John Hedrick wore guesta of Wm
Ellenhurg Sunday.
Mr. Chas. Mock was visiting faiends
in lower Hardscrabble Sunday.
T in. n
iiowaru emitn, 01 sunnydaie, was in
the vadcy last week.
Byron Brrwn, agent for Bliss Native
Herbs, canvassed this valley Friday
Monday morning the residence of Mrs.
Cook caught fire from a defective flue,
but with the assistance of Undo Jake
and Robert the fire was soon out and no
serious damage done.
Our school ij progressing nicely under
the management of Chester Putnam,
who seems to be well liked by all his
pupils. . Blosso
Keep Up the Bridges.
Douglas county has just been sued in
the circuit court at Eugene for $11,000
damages by Frank Gorrell, whose team,
with himself, fell through a defective
bridge killing the horses and seriously
injuring Mr. Gorrell. A jury has re
turned a verdict in his favor for $6,000.
The result of this case ehonld serve as
a general warning to the county courts
of the state that to bo on the safe side,
county bridges must be kept in constant
repair. Twice every year the com
missioners should go over and carefully
examine every bridge in the county or
require the same to be done by the read
supervisors so that such accidents as be
fell Mr. Gorrell may bo avoided. It
sometimes costs less to keep bridges up
than it does to let them decay and crip
ple the traveler who banks on his tax
receipt as immunity from bein dashed
to death or crippled for life by a falling
Lane county bridges, with perhaps a
very few exceptions, are said to be in
good repair. Let us keep them eo even
if it does cost in immediate outlay a sum
that seems expensive.
Good roads and bridges will bring ns
more of the substantial class of farmers
than any other sort of advertisement or
inducement we can hold out to the new
comers. Eugene Register.
The above is good round common
sense and we hope that from this
time on there will be no complaint
in Douglas county. We know that
our Commissioners court wa3 tryimr
to retrench and reduce taxation and j
save every cent it could and thi3 fact i
should be taken into consideration for'
the members of the court are very
conscientious in all that thev under-1
take. They may err but if they do it
is from the head and not from the
heart; and while we deplore the ac
cident and the damage assessed
against the county, we should remem
ber that the court is doing what it
believes to be its whole duty by the
taxpayers of Douglas county.
(Lately with tho government gographicol and geologieol survey of Braafl,
bonth America.) '
United States Deputy Mineral Surveyor.
Ofllce over Poatoffice.
Correspondence solicited
Jackson Street, - - Posehnr,
- to j
Attention Rheumatics!!
Why pay the Rail Road a lot of money to
carry you to Springs of unknown medical
properties when you can be guaranteed a
cure at BOSWELL SPRINGS near home.
ELATKHITU la Mineral Bnbbor.l
or Una it ncccary to REPLACE A. TVORX-OUT KOOP
rocScgs. 7oTfftaad
Woroeter Baildina, PO IT, A2f-D
Our Line of
In cafe of annexation, Canada would
bring tho United States a left-handed
dot in the shape of a debt amounting to
fo55,(X J.OOO, which is about one-third of
the interest-bearing debt of the United
States. Canada's census of 1901 showed
a population of 5,371,315, which is 1,900
000 fewer than New York and 1,000,000
fewer than PennsylTania had in PJOO.
Cauada is not a large proposition as far
as population is concerned, but in area,
canals and debt it is quite sirable. The
dominion is handing out subsidies to
railroads so liberaly that a quiet expec
tation to be annexed some day might be
suspected. Canada is so nearly an inde
pendent nation that tho differences con
stantly annoys it, and it feels so big in
diplomacy and finances that ita sense of
proportion is defective. Under the cir
cumstances, it should try to cultivate a
spirit of courtesy and good humor.
Hnrdscrabblo News.
O. G. Ellcnburg is with us again.
Sadio I'oasloy camo over from Drain
last week.
Mrs. Jennie Wndo, of Scottsburg, is
visiting hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John
Mrs. L. M. Ritchoy was visiting
friends in upper Hardscrabble this week
Mr. Mock, Miss Graco and Mr.
There is no doubt that Senator Hanna
will maintain his place at the head of
the national committecjthrough the cam
paign of 1904, if his health permits. The
fact, however, that ho has recentlv been
physical shaky, and consequently has
not been ablo to tako quite such nn
activo part in his own canvass for the
Senate as ho desired, makes it appear
that ho will feel unable to stand the
strain of tho management of another
presidential campaign. His triumph as
tho campaign manager in 1896 and 1900
is such an unusual distinction that he
may feel that a victory or two more
would not givo any further honors to
him. Ho already heads tho list ol Amer
ican party managers. Somebody else
may havo a chance to organize victory
for tho Republicans in 1904.
For Sale. A ten-acre applo orchard
in Brooks' First addition to Roseburg.
Will bo sold cheap. Enquire at this of
fice for full particulars. 8G lm-p
Is now complete and
we can assure you it is
the best ever brought
to the city.
See Window Display
Pratical WatchmaKer, Jeweler, Optician.
Watches, ClocKs, Jewelry
Diamonds and Silverware
Watch Repairing
a Specialty.
. ite iTwldeat. C&sMe
Douglas County Bank,
TstalHHect I883. Incorporated 1901
Capital Stock. $50,000.00.
A general banking business transacted, andcustomers riven every
accommodation consistent with safe and conservative bankic.
Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to thr.
The QJfflaY up-to-date Merchant TAILORS
We also do the best work in Gleaning
Scouring and Pressing.
Call and see us.
Opposite Post Office.
Only Makes a Bad Matter Worse-
Fcrhaps you havo never thought of it
but tho fact must bo apparent to every
ono that constipation is caused by a lack
of water iu tho system, and tho uso of
drastic cathartics like tho old fashioned
pills only makes a bad matter worse.
Chamberlain's Stomach nnd Liver Tab
lets aro much more mild and gentle in
their effect, and when tho proper doso
is takon thoir action is so natural that
ono can hardly realizo it is tho effect
of a m cdicino. Try n 25 cent bottlo of
them. For salo by A C Marators & Co.
Woodl Wood! Wood I
Tho Plain-dealer wants 0 tiers of
wood at tho office, nnd nny man who
wants to pay up a years subscription
Guy I can bring in a tier of wood and tho busi-
Mock camo homo from Elinira Saturday. ees will lc tipiienctcd,.
Flowering Bulbs
Stock is now in from Holland, and it is time to
plant them. Write today for our new catalogue,
which tells all. The same catalogue tells about our
Call at the offico of the Roseburg Water and Light Co.
and pay your water and light bills, on or before the ioth
of each mouth and take advantage of the discount.