Working and Salting Sutter. On complaint, regarding merchant carrying hign explosives in siock iu After washing, the butter should be center of the city, it waB moved and car removed from the churn in the granular ried that a committee bo appointed to form, weighed and placed upon the look alter the matter. Referred to corn worker ; it should bo Bpread evenly on mittee on ways and means. Petition in the surface of the worker and salted to regard to putting a railing on the high suit the taste of customers. The ten- sidewalk along the McClallen House dency seems to favor fresher butter; property was referred to committee on from 4 to 3-4 of an ounce of salt to the city improvements, pound of butter will be about right. The On motion the treasurer was instruct salt used should be the best obtainable, ed to call in $1,0CD worth of city war and it should be sifted over the butter, rants. and perhaps mixed in to some extent An ordinance In regard to bawdy with the paddlo. After passing the houses in the city of Roseburg, was twinn the butter nrftsented bv F. S. Micelli. and read for should be turned and worked again un- the first time. Also presented an ordi til the salt seems to be thoroughly nance asking that strong measures bo worked in. It may then be put away taken in regard to the sanitary condition to cool, and after several hours given of the city, Administrator's Sale erty. the final working. The amount of work ing required the second time is to be determined by the appearance of the butter. If the Bait is not all worked in at first working, portions of the butter will be of a lighter color than the rest; it should be worked just enough to make it all of uniform color. At first working there is no way of telling positively whether it is worked enough or not, as the "mottles" or streaks will not show for eeveral hours, hence the reason for two workings. Great care should be taken to not overwork it, as this will spoil the grain, which consists simply of the butter granules that we had in the churn. When a piece of butter of the right grain is broken or pulled apari it should have the appearance of broken cast iron; if worked too much it will have a salvy, greasy appearance. Care should bo taken to keep the .butter at all times at a uniform temperature, as it will then remain hard and firm until finished. Gilt-Edged nutter. Of course, we all like it, and like the good price it brings. The problem is to produce it. What is known as bacillus No. 41, 6ays a writer in the New York Farmer, has been very successfully used in a number of creameries for this pur pose. It has been tested in cream good and poor, fresh and stale, separated or of Real Prop- , II. L. STUDLE'i Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order mado by the County Court of Douglas County, State of Oregon, in the matter of the estato of Thomas Dunseath, deceased, on the 28th day of September, 1903, and entered in tho Probate Records of said Court on saw day, directing and authorizing mo, tiio under-signed administrator of tho saul estate, to sell at either public or private sale, as provided by law, the real prop erty of, and belonging to the said estate, to tho highest bidder, for cash in hand, for the purpose of paying off the claims against tho said estato and tho exponscs of administration. Now, therefore, by virtuo of said or der, I will, on and after Saturday, Octo ber 31st, 1003, at ono o'clock in tho af ternoon of said day, proceed to sell and offer for salo to the highest bidder,- for cash in hand, the following described real property owned by tho said estate and described as follows, to-wit: Tho EM of tho SW of Sec. 20, Township 32 Smith, nf Runra 5 West Willamette Me ridian, in Douglas County, Oregon, con taining 80 acres, more or less. . Dated at Rosobure. Oregon, this 20th day of September, A. D. 1903. . E. Wilson, Administrator of the estate of Thomas Dunseath, Deceased. First publication, Oct. 1st, 1903. Write your FarmExperlcnce and Send In 1902 the Southern Pacific Company published a pamphlet entitled "Cali fornia Industries". It contained princi Osteopath ALL DISEASES TREATED SCCCESaFULLY WmnA ) nrauucucu km, nesmonco, i nono (nninniir.'i w-., i .,.,... omco : Koora 11 Taylor A Wllso- Block Examination Froo. Offloo houn 9 to VI a. m. 2 to & p. m. Uraduato Still College ol Osteopathy In the matter of granting a gas Iran' chiso to Z. C. Corbett, C. S. Jackson ap' peared before the council, on behalf o( Mr. Corbett. On motion tho franchise was granted, but was disapproved by the mayor for the following reasons: First, it was not passed according to the charter; second, on account of tho now ly elected councilman not being familiar with previous nrocecdinirs in recard to said matter, the same should have been taken under advisement before final ac tion, in order to make themselves famil iar with the terms of tho ordinance, and third, that three years is granting too much timo before action is taken to show good faith on tho part of the par ties receiving said franchise; fourth that some deliberation should he taken bv the council in onler to protect tho interests of the city. The following bills were read and ap proved and the recorder instructed to . draw warrants on the treasurer for tho pally the personal testimonies ol expert same: Mrs. Belle Collins, meals for Professional Cards. AF. A A. M. Laurel Lodgo No. 13. Holds reeular meetings on second V onrlf nvrVi Wnrlnooln era tf am a1 month. O. P. Cosiiow, W. M. N. T. Jkwitt, Secretary. Q.EORQE M. BROWN, Attorney-at-Law, Court House Dowu Stairs. ROSEBURG, ORE AO. U. W. Roseburg Lodgo No. 10. Meets the second and fourth Mon- rlnvD nf aunn mnn)i n ft 7 .OA n In thd I. O. O. F. Hall. Members In Hood ntandinor are invited to attend. M.Tozikb M. W. E. H. Lenox Recorder. D. .8 Wkbt, Financier. c V FISHEtt, M. D. Physician, Surgeon. Office over P. O. Uobkhuku, 'Phono Main 691. OimioN. Q R.GEO. E. HOUCK, J. Physciau & Surgeon. Office Review Hid. rnnnc. siain ai KOHKBUKtl . OltKUON- gLMER V. HOOVER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ron k una Ohkoon Special attention given to Diseases ol tho No's ana Turonl. Office-Main HL, one door south o I City Hall rnaus. main ati. W HAY NES, DENTIST, Revluw Building, Telephone No. . KO.SKBDRG. OKKdOS M. Cbawfobd a J. O. Watson Attorneys at Law, Rooms 1J.S. Batik Build.. ROSEBDRU, OH CCr-Biulnca before the O S Land Office and mining cases a specialty. prisoners, $3.75; B. F. Tage, street work, $11.00; Leona Mills Lumber Co., 2C.3S ; D. J. Jarvis, marshal's salary, stamps, and killing dogs, $61.25; Wm. Dysert, wood, $12.50; II. L. Marsters, record er'8 salary for October, $20.00; H. C. Slocum, treasurer's salary for Oc tober, $16.05; R. W. & L. Co., water for October, $36.00. No further business before tho council, it was ad- raised bv eettin?. and in different class- coming es of creameries, and the remit has been I jonrned uniform. When added in the proper way, there has been an improvement in Japan still keeps up her war prep the quality of butter, though it will not orations. This is sensible from her make a gilt-edged butter when it in not view-point. Rus- or the Tf aha VinQ fn firrnr. nlWi.. ,,1. l,orw1ll Tn forr r-"" " vuumu.-v (iivAi ij assays va,sv aa hv I . a It at If the pleasant and desirable aroma and at all On the Manchunan flavor of good butter are duo to the Korean issue this is a better time for presence in the cream of certain kinds her to do it than a year hence or ten of bacteria, but they are fewer in num- years hence will be. unless she can ber than the other. The object of ripening the cream be- j fore churning is to develop those bacteria and they are to be found in June cream, while most liable to be absent in winter. Considerable effort has been made to in sure the certainty of having these bac- teria always present, and for this object what are known as butter cultures are used. They perpetuate these organisms in get allies in the interval. Russsia is gaining strength in Manchuria steadi ly. Her railroads are transporting troops to that region. Japan cannot be in a much better position a year from now than she is in today, while Russia in the twelve months will be far more potent than she is now. Time is on Russia's side, as the astute enced cultivators, says the Pacific Home stead. A short description of tho dif ferent sections was given and following this the testimonies of fruit growers, dairymen, etc, etc., showing the number of acres cultivated to oranges, grapes, olives, alfalfa, etc, the co3t to cultivate the yield per aero and price Uie products were sold for. This wasono of tho most practical pieces of literature that could be put out. Mr. W. E. Coman, G. P. A., of tho Southern Pacific Company, has written the agents of that company in Oregon that it is the intention to get up a similar publication for Oregon and asks that all who are able to give the results from their farms, dairies, fruit orchards, berry patches, etc., in Oregon write the results for publication in the pamphlet. He says he wants only the actual results under favoiablo conditions tho same as can be accomplished by any intelligent grower under normal conditions ; Uiat is, he wants only honest representations. Anv of our readers in Oregon who will take the time to give their experiences will be doing the com pany a courtsey and the state justice- You may send your statement to Mr Soman, or to the Plainpeal vr and itwil forwarded to him ripened cream, and some of it is saved men wn0 gje at the head of affairs in at each churning to be added to the next. The souring is delayed, and the ripening of the cream may continue longer than usual, the flavor being proved by the process. Boiled Cider. Japan know. This is why the little nation is getting herself in shape to ci.4. i i. : u.? III- I UgUk ttUCU LUC UtCIIlUCb 13 UUlUUllllCTl by Russia, if it should be committed. It is said that President Roosevelt is busy on his message to the extra Some interesting figures in regard to session of Coneress. There is noth- the advantages of boiling cider before jug jn that session, however, to neces- pntting it on the market have been re- ritate a message which will require peatedly quoted bv the agricultural pa- , ,. n ,. ., pers,andyetarea surprise to most of mDch Preparation. Ordinarily, the us. The Country Gentleman says: messages which go to special sessions "Boiled dder is always a staple, worth of Congress are very much shorter about $1 a gallon. Now a forty-five gal- than are those to the regular assem- lon cau .01 sweet cioer worm win of bod nofc a wood in the process, and other expenses leaves at least a dozen dollars net on each cask of sweet cider." A contributor to Farm and Fireside says.- "The suggestion is not bad, but unfortunately comes a little late. Boiled cider willkeep almost an indefinite length of time, and surely it will sell if properly put up and offered for sale. I session in which the country has a profound interest It differs very widely in this respect trom the one called by Lincoln in 1861, and like wise from that'summoned by Clevc land in 1893. Lincoln had a good many things to think of and to say at that time. Cleveland was bothered might have made thirty or forty casks considerably, too, by the panic which oiaaerwiousmaiangmoreuian nan ted the assemblage of Congress in an effort, and with a good profit evapo- ration pans, etc-could We produced tte samaQT of ten 1 In the mvp.ral hnndrnri dollars worth of boiled United States at the present time dder. It takes but very little time to I everything is serene, so far as re make it, and far less room to store it gards the need of congressional ac- uian vinegar, ana Dnngs iar more mon- ... ti.A nf wnvpm. ey when sold. The idea will keep, how ever, until the next apple year." City Council Meets. ber will be called on to deal with is Cuban reciprocity. It is safe to say that President Roosevelt could, in an The common council of the city of hour's time, prepare a message which Roseburg met in regular session last would be adequate lor the coming 1 w i j I rit - I juuauay eiening ana lue luiiuwiiig wiu,seSS10n transacted: The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The petition of citizens of the Hamil ton addition asking permission to build a six-foot sidewalk on Houck and Miller streets was referred to the committee on dty improvements. L. M. Parrott ap peared and asked the coundl to put iu a crosswalk on Bowen and Oak streets. On motion it was referred to committee on dty improvements. B. W. Fenn appeared and asked the coundl to recognize him as city survey or and stated that if hiB request was granted he would establish all the ini tial points and furnish plats, maps and field notes, all of which shall be indexed and become the property of tho city. Hie compensation he should receive shall be left to the discretion of the council. On motion it was refered to a committee of three consisting of F G Micelli, J H Sykes and C W Parks. II. D. Graves appeared and asked that the dty construct a crosswalk on Kane and Lane streets. Referred to commit tee on dty improvements. S. K. Sykes appeared and stated that Simon Lane and wife had dedicated a portion of land, running north from Douglas street. He asked that same be accepted by the city as a street and tho S. P. R. R. Co be notified to put in a crosswalk at this street. Referred to -committee of fire and water. Also asked that away bo provided for the school - children to get along the railroad track on Douglas. street. Referred to commit tee on city improvements. A complaint in regard to a water doset on the Davis property was referred to the committee on health and police. The committee appointed to examine the sewer put in by Churchill & Wooley on Sheridan street recommended that the value of tho same was $33 and asked that the recorder bo instructed, to draw a warrant for .that amount in payment for the same. On motion it was so ordered. City Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given that to all parties holding dty warrants endorsed prior to Dec 4, 1901, are requested to present the same to the City Treasurer's office for payment, as interest will cease thero on after the date of this notice. Dated Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. 3 1903 H. C. Slocum, Jr. City Treasurer, TIMBER AND GRAZING LAND: JOHN H. BHUPE, ATTORN EY-AT-I.A W, Roskiiuro, Oregon Builne bcloro O.S. Land Offleuaiid I'robaU- buMDeM a ineclaltT. Ot&ce Abraham Bulldlni. C. FULLERTON Attorney-at-Law. WU1 practice In all the Bute and Federal Court OtDce In Uarka BIdK., KoscburR. Oregon. W. BENSON, A t torney-at-Law. Soelety fAeetlnga. B. I. O. ELKS. Ronebnrg Lodge No. 326. Holds rxitnlar cummunicr tiona at I O. O. F. Hall on second and fourth Thurmlaye of each month. Ail members reqneeiod to attond regn lurlv and all vinitinir brothers are cordi ally invited to ttltend. F. li. Waitic, ft. K. Ror McClalltn, Hecretarv. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court ol of Oi K " for Douxlaa County. Molllo M. Boblton. Plaintiff.) TI. O. F. Boblaon. Defendant. ) To O. F. KoblaoD, tho abore named Defend ant: In the name of the Stata of Oregon, you am hereby lutnmoned and rconlred to appear and aniwur the complaint filed agalnat you In the above entitled court and cauae within ill wecka from the data of the flrat publication nf thla lUramoDi, and tf yon fall to appear mrl anawer aa herein required, for want then-of. the plaintiff will apply to aald court for I " relief demanded In her complaint, wltl h i for decree from laid court idUaolrln tic marriage contract exutlnK between pUliiilir and defendant, for the care and cuiUxly n' tbe minor child, Brennan Koblton, that liu mar returns h:r former name, Mollle M. Mc clain, for her coata and dUbuncmenU. and for auch other and further relief aa to tbo court may acem meet with equity and good conscience. Thliummoni fj publlnbed once a ink for at lea t alx aucceralre weclu In the.l'i iiHDaiL a, a eml-woekly newipapcr publUbed at Boceburx, Oregon, by order of Hon. M I). Thompson, County Judge of Douglaa County. u re ami, raaue aukuii h, ixu. Tbe nrat puoncauon oi urn tummona la on the 2tth day of Antuat, 19U3. J. A BDCnANAN U-7w Attorney for Plaintiff, GENCY ooooooooooooooocxx3ooooooooooc3o sooocxxcaacooooooooA BICYCLE REPAIRING BRAZING LATIIEJWORK HARRY E. niLLEK, 7ll Oak St.,J.Opp.: Churchill & iWoolIey's k Rambler Bicyles oooooooooooooe CO.D, 1st SEPARATE BATTALLION O.N. U., meets at Armory Hall nvery F. It! Hamuk, Uupt f OF A. Conrt Donaa No. 32. For ohWs of America. MetLs every Tnnwlay evening in Native Sons' Hall. Vieltinif hrothern always wulcome Fuank Kknnkoy, R. C E. H. Liwox. R. P. E. V. Hoovrb, Physician. I.' 0. O. F. Phlletartan Lodae No. 8 Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor ner Jackson and Cass street, on satnnlay evening of each week. Mem bore of the order in ifood standing are invited to attend. J. C. Twitchkll, N. Q. N.T. Jkwktt, Secrttary. K. of P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meets F in good standing are invited to attend. Geo. E. Houck S.V. RajipK. R. 8. every Wednesday, in I. O. O. Hall at 7:30 p. m. Mumlwrs O. T. M. Protection Tent No. Ifi, Holds its regular Reviews the first and thin! Friday of each month in the I. O. O. hall. Visiting members in good standing are invited to attend. uko. . 1'krhv, Com E. E. I5loiwktt. Record Keeper. CITATION. aaaP inaUS In the County Court of the Btato of Oreeon. for Douelaa countr. In tbo Matter of tha Eatate of Tbomaa Uunaealn. ClUtlon. Iieccaiaod. 1 To Thorn a Dnntcalh. father of decaed. and all olbera legally Int-roted in aald Eatate, iikekiiiiu; In the name of the Stale of Oregon. You are hereby cited and rrqulrel la appear In tho County Court of the State of Orrgun. fo- tbe County of Douglaa. In the courtroom thereof. at Iloscburg, in ue Uounty 01 uougiaa, on Monday, the 28th day of Sept., 1903. at 10 o'olock In the forenoon of that day. then and there to now cauae, 11 any you nave, wny aa order for tbe aale of the real property be longing to aald eatate. a prayed for In the peti tion of E. E. Wflaon, tho admlnlitrator, to-wit: The EUof 8WK -t aectlnnSO.Tp Si aooth. of range & wcit, w. X In imugtaa county, ure gon, and containing M uru. abontd not be mie auLnormnr K. E. Wilson, me aimima- tralorof tberatale of Tbomaa Dunncath. dc craaol, to aell the afoieaaid real property, at either public or pnraie aie, tor me purpose 01 paying ute inaebteaneta 01 loe eaiaw auu k- lietlicoi wraiDumuoo. Wltneaa the Hon. M D. Thompaon. Judge of tbe County Court of the Htale of Orrgon. for the County of Douglaa, with the Seal of ald Court attl led thla 2Slh lay of Augutt, A. D., lata. Attea': D. B, BIIAUBUOOK. Clerk. xaU aZ7. Wn cm If It's a WHITE It's ALL RIGHT The White Is King oma 1 and 2 wrrlew Building. KOSEBDKb. OKKGUN J A. BUCHANAN, Notary Pablic. Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. ILAC CIRCIJ5. No. A9, Women of W'oodcraft. Meotn on 2nd and 4th Friilaye of each montb at tbe Na tive Sons, Hall. Visiting members in ?nod standing are invited to attend. Dklla Jkwk t, (inardian Neighbor. Missig OTgy, Secy. Boom S Hanteri Building. RaiKUOltll. U H. J. ROBINETT, Attorney at Law Coom 11. Taylor A WUaon Block. JOHN P. RYAN, CIVIL ENGINEER Land. Surveyor. FRANK RYAN.T1MBER ESTIMATOR Office. Boom C. Taylor & VVllaon Block. Roseburg. Facts. Mr. Man, you want facts. We are going to give yon facts. As yon read them over you will know they are facta And we can prove they are facta. It is a fact that McCormick Binders, Mowers and Rakea are the standard by which all others are guaged. It is a fact, Racine Buggies, Hacks and Road Wagons are far outstripping our competitors' lines. It is a fact that the Bain Wagon is the most successful, durable and economical wagon on the market. It is a fact that the above are all in cluded in the Big 3. You can find them at S. K. Sykes', Roseburg, Ore. A good 800 acre farm for sale five miles from Myrtle Creek, 100 acres in cultivation, balance hill, pasture and timbered land. Small orchard, good house, barn and other improvements For price and terms apply to P. T. Mc- Gee, Myrtle Creek, or D. S. K. Buick, Roseburg, Oregon. 2-tf Get your abstracts ol title from J. D Hamilton. He has tbe only complete set of abstract books in the county, tf Roseburg Nurseries. Very choice fruit trees, all leading varieties. Spitzenberg and Yellow New town Pippin apples a specialty. For sale at very reasonable prices by Rose burg Nurseries, H. Schroten, Roseburg Oregon. 56tf Piano Buyers. You will notice that we do not have to be continually strking out for a new make of Pianos. The Necdham has been our leader for 14 years and is today leader among the high grade pianos of the world. Some cheap pianos are made high grade simply by getting a boost in the OregonL-.n or some other leading paper, through those big dealers who think they can, and do make the major ity of people believe it simply because they say so. It doesn't take ink, boost or high commissions to make a good piano, but instead tho very best mechanics, and the very best material such aa are always used in Needbam pianos. 2-tf T. K. Richardson, Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon. City and Mining Propert, Home steads and Timber Claims Located, the beat now vacant. No fees paid until Filing accepted. Relinquish ment bought and sold. ; : : Stewart Land Co., ROSEBURG OREGON MRS. H. E ASTON is prepared to wait upon old. and new customers and friends with a full and complete stock of 1 'GROCERIES' AH fresh and of the very best quality. Teas aad coffees are i specialties. Your patronage L solicited. V 205 Jackson St., Roseburg . The Bait Lo Prlead Javeiad watea kUdt Non-Magnetic Ricks! Surer Caaa Fully GturanUaS Vat mi by ALL JEWELERS mm m-i EHwtritd Boakltt os resnsat, abowtas COLORED FANCY DIALS HisHev Esglaid nates Co. Roheborq, Obi n. T. &!. Roeebors Hive No. 11. Hold it rvcnlar review opnn the nret ana llnril tnar.e at 2:39 n m of each month in tbe Native Som' Hall. Sistt-r of other Hives visiting in the citv are coruiany invitee mattena our re-1 tipwe. Hatti Mobiax L. Co. Jismk Rapj,R. K. Fine Farm for Sale. Smith' Dandruff Pomade Stops itching scalp upon one applica tion, three to Bix removes all dandruff and will stop falling hair. Price 50c For sale by Marsters Drug Co. mltf AMERICA'S CREATES! WEEKLY. THE TOLEDO BLADE, TOLEDO, OHIO. New and Larger Building, New Presses' New Stereotype Plant, New and Modern Appliance in every Department. Notice for Publication. Lan.l Office at Boaeburx. Oregon, September is, 1901. Notice la hereby ciren that the followin namol attler baa filed nolle oc hla Intention to make final proof in support oi bit claim, and that aall proof will be made llore the Retrlv ter and KecciTer, 0. 8. L. O. at Koaebarj. Ore Con, on SoYcmber 7. 1903, rfz: Darld Comtt'vk. on Hd. X. No fcSW. lorlheNK8WK.Seci,T. 77 8.. R. 4 Weat- II e name the lollowinc wltneaaea to prore hla contlnuoua rraidence opon and enltlTa- tlon oi aald land, tli: Tbeolore Uttrell. Elmer Uttrcll, Georse Cox, and Volner Oden, all oi lUMcburr, Oregon. j. i. tsainau, tuiiur. l: 0.' fc.. b Koeebnrs Chaptor No. 8 Holds their reeular meeting on the firit and third Thuradars in each nonth. YiBiiing members in rood rtandtne are rMpeeuolly inviud to at tend. Mas. Nan! Sraaotnt W. M.. Macdk Rxtr Secretary. RKBEKAH6. Rows burg Rebekab Lodire No. 41. I.O. O. F., moeta in Odd Fellows' Tem pie oTerrTnew'a erenine. Visiting sisters and brethren Invited to attend. DiM.i Drtowx, K. G. Coba WiMBaarr. R. S. Notice for Publication. O. a Land Office, Rburr. Ore.. Jnue th. 1'.B NoUea u harabr rtrcn that In eompllase vtth tha Drortalona ol tha act of Conrrexa of Juna t. IfJt, anUtlad "Xn act for the aala of Umber laada la tea males oi uauiomia,urecn Harada Aad Waahinirtoa Territory." aaextead ad to all tha pnblU land atataa by act of Atjutt Oacar Peterson, ol Spokane, county oi Spokane, state of Wash- in(trn, naa mis aay nira in uiis oare iu aworo tUlement No-SCll,for the pure haw ol the NEH of section No. 8, township 3 south, oi racire west. aad will of far proof toahowlhaxualaadaocfhi la mora Taluabla far iu Umber or stona than for irrlcnUortd porpoaea. and to establish hla claim before tha Ef elite r and Bacalrcr of thla tflca ol Boaabvr.Ortcoa. on Wednesday, the lllh day of NoTember, 1301. e names aa wimeare: Anareaw encason, of riandren. rVnth Dakota. J. W. Gardner. W. II. XcCrotaen, and Geo. Taylor, all of Boe borc. Orecon. Any and all persons ciaiminc aareneiy ue abore described lands are requested to file their rlalma In this ntace on or before said Ilia day of November, 151. 4, 1. iwwu, ncsisicr. White Famil' and .Tailoring Rotary Sewing Machines. Machines With Automatic Lift. 5. K. SYKES, Agent For DOUGLAS AND COOSJCOUNTIES rRlO GRANDE IHIQG Modern Equipment, Through Pullman and Tourist Sleep- r 1 o v Tr - r lug ari anu oupero uimng var service. STOPOVERS ALLOWED MTED ARTISANS. Umpqaa As- eembly o. 105 meets every Satur day evenme, at 8 o'clock in Kative Sons Hall. teiting Artiaana cordially inviieu to atienu. Rkt. S A. Do co las, M. A. Miss. Lbxa Baovrjf, Secretary. OODMEN OF THE WORLD. Oak Camp No. 125. Meets at the aid Fellows' Hall, in Roeebnnr. ererr 6 ret and third Monday evening. Visit ing neighbors always welcome. N. T. JaWaTTT, C. C. J. A. Bcchakam. Clerk. 1NI0N ENCAMPMENT, I. O. I uuu fellow's iemnle. W 1 .1 , FTM X O. F. Meets first and third Thurslay evenings each month. Visitors cordially invited. J. B. Hamilton, C. P. C Twrrcnaix. Scribe. Notice for Publication. O. 3. Land Office. Boseburj, Ore.. Jnnavs. 190J. HoUea u hereby firsn that In compltanca with tba crorlslons of tha act of Gonrresa of Juoea,IS7&.anUUed"'Anaet for tha sale of Umber lanas in ine Kales 01 uau:oraia,ure?va Karada and Washlnrton TrritorT.aaextnd- ed to all tha public bud stairs by act of Aofust a.isn. 'Archibald K. Wadce. of Walca. county of Cavalier, state of North uaxota. nas tnia dar nira in mis omce nu sworn statement o MS, lor the n Jt 01 sec tion ."o. t. townanip s soum. 01 ranee s west. aad will offer proof to show that tha land aocrht la mora valuable for lta Umber or stona than for agricultural purposea, and to estabUih hla claim before tha Keclster aad Bacelrer oi thla ulca of Boaabarr-Orezoa. on Thursday, the lth day of November, 1901. He names aa witDoeea: TComaa n aiice. u, K. Lofthna. both of Park River. N. Dakota, Hrrololl l'rom. ol Milton. N. iaoia. and tta mus k. tUne. of Alexandria. Minn. Anv and all nersona elalmlnt adversely the above described lands are requested to file th elr claims in this office on or before said inn day of November, 190J, J. 1. UBIDGS3, tircuier. For rates, folders and 'ther formation, address The Toledo Illade la now installed In iu new bulMiDK. with a modern plant aad oiulpmcnl. and facilities equal to any publication between New York and Chicago. It la the only Weekly newspaper edited exprenly for every stale and territory. Tbo News of the World so arranged that busy people can more easily comprehend than by reading cumbersome colums of callle All current topic made plain In each Issue by special edltoral matter! written from Inception down to date. Tho only paper published eapect ally for people who door do not read dally news papers, and yet thirst for plain facta. I bat this kind of a newspaper la popular, Is proven by the fa't that the Weekly Blade now has over 190.CO0 yearly subscribers, and Is circulated In altpartaof the U.S. In addition to the news the Blade publishes abort and aerial slorie, and manr department of matter suited to every member of the family. Only one dollar a year Write for free specimen copy. Addroam THE BLADE, Toledo, Ohio. H. Little, DENTIST. THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD The Greatest Farm Taper of the North west. Published weekly at Salem, Ore- Son. Edited by tho Farmers of the orthweat. Twenty 1'agcs. illustrated. A WESTERN PAPER FOR WESTERN PEOPLE 5a Papera for $1 00. Leas than acta each Publication began March 1, 1900. Now haa 9,100 subscribers. Phenomenal growth la due to lta being tuo Deal larm paper pun llshcd. YOU SHOULD READ IT HOMESTEAD AND PLAINDEALEB $2.75 A YEAR. Go to .. F. II. WOODRUFF BARBER SHOP, For a Prompt and First-claes Shavoor Hair-cut. Compe tent Workmen, Clean Tow ela, Tools always in shape. Baths in Connection. , ,U J Shop on Jackson St. Your Watch! When was it cleaned and oiled? Is it rannin; liko it oulit to? If 13 not, it would bo well to havo it ex tmined, I will look it over careful! .ind tell you just where tho trouble if and what it will cost to repair it. I guarantee all my work and lie up to tho guarantee. R. F. WINSLOW JT!.er.agi - b?UUU Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Kosrburz Oregon. June 23. 193U Notice ta hereby riven that la comptlanca with tha Drovlalons of the act of Concreaa of Juna 3.178, entitled "An act for the aale of umber lanas tn tbe siatea 01 lauiornla,uregon Nevada .and Waahlnzton Territory." a extend ed to all tha publle land stales by act of August BnTNJOLr PROM. of Milton, county of Cavalier, state of North Dakota, baa thla day filed la thldoQee his sworn statementTNo. &tS, tor the purchae of the UEJf of sec No. I.Tp south ot range sweat. and will offer proof to show that the land sought 11 mora valuable tor ua umner or aione man for agricultural purposes, and to establish hla claim before the Register and Keeetvar ot this of Ilea olKoeabarg.uregon. on Fridav. tho ISlh dav ot December. 190X II namea aa witnesses: 1 nomas n auce. 01 rara Klver. North Dakota. Archibald K. Wadae, 1 Wale. North Dakota. Kasmns. M. Stone. Ale andria. Minnesota, u. a. Loimus, rars; Kiver .ortn liaaota. Anv and all ncrsona clalmlnt adversely tlx abovo described lands are requested to flic thei claims In thla office on or before aald ISth day I ol December, J.T. BRIDUKS, Register. Notice for Publication. UNlTKO 8TATK3 LAND OFFICE. Roseburg. Ore.. Aug. 3. l'jrci Notice la hereby given that In compllanoo witn tne provisions 01 ine act 01 uongresa 01 June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the aale of Umber lands In the Slates of Callfornla.Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory." as extend ed to all tha publle land slates by act of August a. iwjt JOIINC 81UTTUCK. of 8rarta. county nf Monioe. a to of Wisconsin naa this day died In thla office bla sworn stato- . VT tfOA .UA .. V. 1 . . ... I. cast quarter (8EU) of ecctlon No 4. In town' shin No 37. south of range No. 3 west and will of fer proof to ahow that tha land sought la more vaiuaDie ior 11a umoar or atone man tor agricultural purpoaoa. and to establish hla claim before tha Register and Kecalver of UUa Ulca of Boasbars. uragoa. on Tuesday tho l'Jthdayof January, 1904. lie names aa witness: B Krakenberccr. Paul Gary, both of RoKetmnr. Oregon : J. It. Kvarts. Prel. Oregon; Welcome Hubbcll, Kparta, Wisconsin, Anv and all twraona claiming advereelr the aboye described lands are requested to file their claims in mis omro on or Deiore tno aaiu inn day ot January, 1901, J.T. BRIDGES, Register. T. K. RICHARDSON. Leading Mnslc House of Southern Oregon $25.00 Gold or si'.ver will buy a sood Organ or make a paymont on ono of our fino Pianos, prices ranging from $185.00 to $150.00. I havo decided to soli my present stock regardless of cost or profit. See or writo us at onco and secure some ot theso bargains. ' T. K. Richardson. Roseburg, Oregon. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATE -i LAND OFFICE. Roseburg. Ore. June 29. 1903. rKottea ta hereby given that la compliance with tha provisions of tha act ot Congress of JuneS,IS78,enUtled"Anaet for tha sale ct Umber lands tn the 8tatcs of California, Oregon Nevada .and Waahincton Territory." as ax tend ed to all tha publle land stmtaa by act ot August a, wi OLE E. LOFT 1108, of Park River, county of Walsh, sUte ol North Dakota, baa thla day nieti in tnisomcc mi awom atatemcnt No. &137, ior tno pnrcnae of tlio Ni 01 ine 01 tectiou .o. iu township , south of rangu a 1 and will offer proof to ahow that uie lana sou gnt ta more valuable for IU timber or atone than for agricultural purposea, and to establish his claim before tha Register and Receiver ot thla office of aoaaburr.urtgon. on Thursday, tho I9lh dav ol November. 1KB. 110 namea aa wiincsxvs: luumaa whuku, i Park lilvcr. North Dakota. Archibald K Wadge Wales. North DakoU, Kaamua M. Stone, Alex andria. Ulnncaou, Brynlolf Prom, ot Milton North Dakota. Any and all persona clalmlngly adversely the above described landa are requested to flip their claims in mis omco on or oetore saia ivui uay ol November, 1903. J. 1. RcgUtcr. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Roseburg. Oregon. July 19 190a. Notice u hereby given that tn compltanca witn tna provisions 01 ine act 01 uongrcxs 01 June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the aale ot timber lands tn the States of California, Oregon Nevada .and Washlnstor Teiritorv." as extend ed to all the publle land tUUs by act ol August WELCOME L. HUBBELU of Sparta, county ot Monroe, itato of Wisconsin haa this day Died In th' omco hla aworn state ment No. MSI, for tho purchase ot tho lota 9, 10, 10 ami is, 01 a!Ciion no 10, in townsaip o. w, south ot range No Sweat and will offer proof to show that the land sought is mora valuablo tor It Umber or atone than far agricultural purposra, and to establish his ttlalm before tha Ragtstar and Receiver ot this cuioa ot Rosaburf .Oregon. on Tuesday the Uh names aa wltneasea: dav ot January. 1901. jonn v. roaiiuca, oparti Wisconsin, B. Krkenbetgor, Paul Gary, both itoscMirg, uregnn,j.ti. avans. l'ccl. Oreeon Any and alt persons claiming adversely the abovo described lands ait) requested to filo their claims In this oftce on or before tho said Jth day of January, 1901. J.T. BRIDGES. RciUter, THE SCENIC LINE hrough Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery by daylight TO -AT .T 1 POINTS ELA.ST 3 FAST TRALXS DAILY BETWEEN MKH ANB IENYEI 3 W. C. McBRlDE, Gca'I Agest, 134 Third Street, PorUxad. Oro. Notice for Publication United States Land Office. Roseburg, Oregon. JsneS, 1902. !oUeeia cerebr given that la coapUaaca with the crovUlons of the act of Congress: of Juaa 3. 1ST, entitled "An act for tha aala ol timber lands la the Stales or California, oregoa Sievada jaad n ashlngton Terntory. aaexteno- ad to all tha pabUa land statta by act of Aogaat 4.U0Z. WILLIAM J. ENTRESS. otOshkosh, county ot Wlanebago, Slate o wia.,nas this day Died in tais jooce his sworn statement No. &tsO. for tbe purchase of the E, S&i. RWli SKJf. 3EV SWJ4 of sec tion 4 in Township i South, Range West, and will of ler proof to show that tha land aought Is mora valuable for its Umber or sum than for agricultural porpoaea. and to eatabllsh hla claim before the Register sad Receiver of this office of Rossbarg. Oregon. oi Monday, tbe Ath day ol September. 13 lie names aa witseoes: Roy Brennand. I-Tank F. Koplllx, Marti a Raamuanen. aad Uerman Ilartxhelm. ot Oshkoah. Wisconsin. Anv and all Mrsona claiming adversely the above de9cribd lands are mneated to die thel' claims In this office on or before said SSth day of September, 190J. jTaiuixiaTS July ISp. Register. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Roue bare. Ore- June 3. 190B. Notice is hereby given tbat in compltaaca with the provisions ot the act ot Congrrsa of Junes, IKS, enUUcd "An act for the sale ol timber lands In tha Statn of California. Orecon Nevada. and Washington Territory," a extend ed to all the publle land states by act ol August a, l y. THOMAS WADQE. of Fark River, county ot Walsh, state ot North Dakota. ha this day Sled la thla omce hla sworn statement No. &39, for the pur chase ot the lots land 2.SV. NE of secunn No. 4. township . south oi range 8 west and will offer proof to ahow that the land sought Is more valuable for It timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Register and Receiver nf this allies of Roseburg. Oregon. on Wednesday, the lsth day of November. 19T3L He name as witnesses: rJrynioll rTora.ot un ion. North Dakota, Archibald E. Wad re, ot Wales. North DakoU. Rasmus U. Stone, of Alexandria. Minn. O. E. Lfthus, ot laxk River North Dakota. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above decribed lands are requested to file their claims In this oScc on or before aald lMh day of Nov. 1903. J. 1. BK1UUC Register. Notice for Publication. Cnited Rtates Land Q5. Roseburg. Orecoa, June IS. lSOX. NoUca u hers by gtvea m ta cceipUanea) wlta the provisions of tha act ol Ccagress eg Jane 3. 1S7S. eaUUed "Aa act for tha sale ol tiaber lxadi la the StaUa erf Call!orU.OTega Nevadaad Washington Territory." as extend ad to all tha pa bile Uad states by act of Aagsat 4.IS93. HENRT H. BROOCKS. ol Roseburg. Cooaty or OoagUx. State of Ore- KVU, UM MMJ UICQ IS UUDQCC CIS SWOTS statement No. SSat. for the purchase ot tbe oi section a, township 3 a. range i west and will otter proof to ahow that tha laadaoogfe. is mora valuable for lta Umber or stona thaa for agrlcnltaral mrraea aad ta MtiMhN itm claim before tha Register aad Receiver ol tkM atace ol Sosabare. Oraroau on Friday the 2a day ol September. 190X Da names as witnesses: George Keed. IX. U Stadley. Margaret J. Brjokes, D. P. Fisher, all of Roseburg. Oregon. Any ani au persons claiming adversely the abovedescribed lands are requested to file their claims In this of See on or before the 55th. dsy ol September. 1903. J. T. BRIDGES, JnlylSp Redsta Notice for Publication. UNITED SEATES LAND OFFICE. Roseburg. Ore.. June 'J9. 1903. Notice is hereby given that la compliance with the provisions ot the act of Congress ol June S, ISTSj entitled "An act for the sale ol Umber lands tn the States of California, Oregon Nevada.and Washington Territory," aa extend ed to all the public land states by act ot August 4.U92. RASMUS M. STONE, ot Alexandria, county of Douglas, atate of Minnesota, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. M3S, ft r the purcha-o of the S' ,U 8W ol sco ot lion No. 1 township 'f, south andwiuoiici is more valu I ranges west. and wlUotfcr proof to show that the land sought able ior lta umber or sione tnan for agricultural purposes, and to establish hla claim betora the Register and Receiver of this office of Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednesday the ISta dav ot November, 1901. He name as wltni-sses: Thomas Wadee, O. K. Lolthna, both ot Park River, North Dakota. Archibald K. U Wadge, ot Wales. North Dakota Brynjolf Prom, ot Milton North Dakota. Any and all persons claiming adversely tho above described lauds arc requested to file their rlalma In this ofnce on or before the saldlSlh day oi November, 1S03. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office. Roseburg. Oregon. Jane S. 1903. NoUcs ts hereby given that In eomptlaaea with tha provisions ot tha act ot Congress ol June X, ICTj entitled "An act tor tha sale at Umber lauds ta the States of California. Ot at ol Nevada .and Washington Territory." as extand ad to all tha poblla land tUtas by act ol August 4. USX MARY E. CLARK, ot Oshkoah. R. D. Box 1S7. county ol Winne bago. State ol Wiscooaln. has this day filed In this office ber sworn statement No. 5379. for the purchase of Uie SWU, SWJi NEK. NWy SKi4 of Sec 2. Tp JS3,k4 W, and wlU offer proof to ahow that the land sooght Is mora valuable for Its Umber or atone than for arl. cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Eegitter aad Receiver ot this oftlre at Rosebanr. Orrson. nn Monday Uie 2Stn day Jot September. 1903. She names as witnesses: C D Clark. Martin Kasmuen. Ue-maa Uaitxhetci. and Roy Brennand. ol Oshkoah, Wcoala. Any and all persons claiming adversely tha abore described lands are requested to file UWr claims tn this office on or before saMSth dsy ol September. 1903. J.T. BRIDGES, Jeiy ISp Register. Notice for Publication. United States Lead Office Roeeborg. Oreeon. June II. 1903. NoUee Is hereby given that ta compliance with tha provisions ot the act ot Congress ot June 3, IS?. cnttUed "Aa act for tha sale at Umber landa ta tlx States ol Callforata, Oregon Navada .aad Washington Territory," aa extend ed to all the pubUe land stales by act ol Aogwat t,lSS2. JOHN L. WATSON, ot Glide, county ot Dougbu. tte ot Oregon, has thl day filed In thla office hla sworn state ment. No. SSSJ, for the purchase of the lots S and 4, SWJi NWVC NW SWJf. ot secUon 4, In township 2? south, of range 2 west, and will otter proof to show that tna land sought la more valuable for It Umber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hla claim before tha Register aad Receiver ol tola of flea ol Rossbarg, Oregon. on Tuesday the S3J day of September, 1903. no names as witnesses: u. l. sngiea. Gardner. John Grvenman, and B J. ail oi t-eei, urrgpn. John Watsoa J.T. BRIDGES, Register. He Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, Roseburg. Oregon. Oct. 1, 1903. NoUca la hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act ot Congrrsa ot Junes, lS7S.enUtled "An act tor the aale ot Umber lands tn the States ot Callfornla,OregoB Nevada.and Washington Torrltory,"aa extend ed to all the publle bind states by act ot August 4,1392. FRANK W. MASTKRSON. ot Independence, county ot Polk, state ot Ore gon, haa thla day filed In this office hla sworn statement No. STCfi, for the purchase of the South East quaitcr ot accUon No. 32, township 25 south, ot range 8 west and will offer proof to ahow that the land sought la more valuablo for Its Umber or atono thsa for agricultural purposea, and to estahllah hla claim before Uia Register and Receiver ol thla office ot Roseburg, Oregon, o i Thursday the 10th day of March. 1904. He names as witnesses: R. Martin, M. Maitln, ot Rmwnsvlllo, Oregon; Georgo Batcman, Fred liatcmau, n' RoteDurg, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversley the abovo desciibcd lands vra miursted to file thtlr claims tn thla office oa ot March 1901, Oot7p or bcloro said 10th day J.T.BRIDCRS Register. Any and all persons claiming adversely the aveaeecrlbei lands are requested to file their claims In tnia office oa or before said 22ad day ot Sept. 1903. juiytep . T. BRIDGES. Register. Notice for Publication. United States Land OOce, Rosebune Orecon. Aug. 31. ism. NoUca t hereby given that 1b com pi lane with tha provisions ol tha act ot Congress ol June J,lSTS,snUlled"Anaet for tha sale at Prober landa In the States ot California. Oregon Nevada.and Washington extend ed to all lis pubilo land states by acs ol Auras a, l9-f MINNIE L HARRIS, Care ot O. M. Co- ol Portland, county ot Mnllnomah, state ot Oregon, haa this day filed. In this office ber sworn statement No. UTS tor Uie purchase of the NK ot SecUon No.U1b township No. 24 south, range No. s west and will offer proof to show that the land sou ght ta more valuable tor lta Umber or stone thaa for agricultural purposes, and to establish hla claim before Ute Register and Receiver ot thla office ol Roseburg;, Oragoa. on Friday, the 12U day ol February. 1983. Ue names aa witnesses: vf. H. MrCrossen, J. W. Gsidner, John Rogers, Frang F. Dolesby allot Roseburg, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the abiT described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said Vila day ot February. 190. J.T. BRIDGES, Oct8 p .Ktgljler.