The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 05, 1903, Image 3

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Got your rifles and BhotgunB ahd atnu
nltion of S. K. Sykes,
i -
U. W. Alderson, of Cleveland, Wad In
Rosoburg, tho forepart of the week.
Jamea 8. Hlto, nn electrician was
killed by a livo wire in Portland Tues
day. For Trade Small farms in
Indiana to trade for Oregon
H. L. Hai.l.
See Prank E. Alley for land scrip
Guaranteed perfect, and ready for
delivery. Lowest market price.
Ji vv
In Indies' Jackets we have ewrv-
( thine that is to be desired. Also ji
$1 complete assortment of Furs.
Among our many attractions is a
cry pretty lino of Misses' and Chil-
dren'a Cloaks. Call and seo them.
We have just recieved a largo as
sortment of Ladies' bkirts ranging in
price lrom o
$1,75 to SS.OOg
. v;
A One Door South of P. O. m
The People's Store
All parties knowing themselves indobt
to S. K. Sykes, on notes and accounts
past due, will please call and settle
S. K. Sykes.
Cor. Washington
and Main Streets
Mrs. Belle Collins
i A
Title Uuarantee&Loan Co.
D C. Hamilton,
Secy, and Treas
OClce in the Court House. Have the only com
plete Ket ol abstract boots in Douglas County
Abstracts aud Certificates oi Title furnished to
Douglas county land and mining claims. Hare
also a complete set ol Tracings ot all township
plats In the Roseburg, Oregon, D. S. Lao d Dls
trict. Will make bine print copies ot any town
Of ever" descriytion. Farms and Min
era! Lands. Oregon, Washington and
Abstract of Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing on Govern
ment Land.
Blue Prints of Township Maps showing
all vac&ntLands.
Architect, Abstracter.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
Special designs for Office Fixtures
Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415
Of Local Interest.
Dr's. Cheadle &. Johnson, dentists.
Dr's. Cheadle & Johnson, dentists.
For La Grippe try Osteopathy. S4-ol0
For a nice job of shoeing go to II. L.
Gould. 0-tf.
Miss Goulder will spend Saturday and
Sunday with friends in Portland.
Do you intend to buy a Stove? If so,
go to S. K. Sykes, and get his prices.
Sweatland'a Ice cream Saturday and
Sunday at Currier's confectionary. 85-81
Phil V. Dickman of Glide was in town
See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
or blue printi and filing papers, tf
August Schloeman, of Oak creek, was
in town, Tuesday.
F. E. Alley made a business trip to
Eugene, this week.
S. K. Sykes is agent for the Fairbanks
Morse Gasoline Engines, the best m ado
Judge D. S. K. Buick left this morn-
'ng for a business trip west of Grants-
Today at 1 :30 o'clock Mrs. A. C. Mars-
tors vory charmingly presided as hostess
at luncheon, at which there were eleven
guests. The floral decorations wero en
tirely in cosmos and chrysanthemums,
tlio hall and parlor being wonderfully
pretty with tho lavish use of deep pink
hinl pale raspberry reds in the great
blossoms sot oil' by tho green of sword
leaf ferns. But perhaps prettier still
was the dining room, whero only white
and yellow appeared, tho (lowors shad
ing from Bnowiest white to tlin deepest
golden yellows. In tho corners of tho
room were enormous bowls of the flow
ers, and the mantle was well nigh hidden
under them. Suspended just over the
table was a basket brimful of chryean
themums, and a tall vase full of the
flowers formed the center piece, on a
Mexican drawn work square over yellow
satin. Tho biggest of yellow and whito
chrysanthemums lay at each cover and
the place cards wero circular discs in
pastel tones, hand decoratdd in floral
designs. Tho menu consisted of eight
Misses Stella Hamilton and
Buick assisted
guests were:
F W Haynes,
S C Flint, J F Barker, John Wright, W
T Wright, F H Churchill, W R Willis,
K L Miller, Louis Barzee.
and tho
Mrs. Marstere
Mcsuamea J T
M Josephmni
Women's ills find prompt
cure in Osteopathy.
relief and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Singleton, of Oak
creek, were in Roseburg, Tuesday.
Cbas. TIadley, left yesterday morning
for Portland, to remain indefinitely.
All kinds of mining tools sharpened
and repaired at H. L. Gould, the black
smith. 70-tf.
Ora Murphy left on this morning's
overland, for San Francisco, to remain
See Frank E. Alley for
J. A. Frnit. the Western Union line
man, of Glendale, was in town, Tuesday, stract of title to your property.
stairs ovr I Jind Office.
FrMli Candies manufactued uailv at
Currier's confectionery. Finest in the city
Dr. C. E. Bogue, of Myrtle Creek, was
one of Roseburg's business callers, Tuesday.
Wasted. Girl for general housework.
Position in Roseburg. Enquire at this
Forest Ranger A. S. Ireland, left yes
terday morning for Hazel Dell, Lane
A. P. Whitmore, representing the
Irwin-Hodson company of Portland,
was in town Wednesday.
EASTON. In Roseburg, Wednesday,
Nov. 4. 1903, Henry Easton, of heart
Mr. Easton was born in Montrose,
Scotland, and was 71 years and four
days of ago. At an early age, in com
panionship with his brother, Rob
ert, and his father, he came to this
country and, 21 years ago, settled in
Roseburg, where he has resided most of
tho time since.
Mr. Easton leaves a wife, a daughter
and three sons, which are as follows :
Mrs. Minnie McGrevey, Henry, James
and Albert Easton.
The funeral took place this afternoon,
from the Presbyterian church. Rev. J.
T L I Tf I . . . ..
is your properly lor eaie: ii tu, A. Townsond conducting the services.
see Frank E. Alley and have the title Interment followed in the I. 0. 0. F.
examined and secure an abstract of 1 cemetery.
reliable ab-
Mrs. J. F. Peebler, relumed,
night, from Junction City, where
has been visiting her mother.
Mrs. Wagonblast and little daughter
returned on last evening's local, from
Jefferson, where they have been vis. ting
A Direct Una
A marriage license has been issue! to
Alexander Thompson and Caroline
Hunsaker of Myrtle Creek.
yesterday morning on business.
Osteopathy gains new adherents every
day. Why? Because of its permanent
results with so-called incurable dis
eases. 84-ol0
Chrysanthemum Exhibit.
Arrangements have been completed
for the chrysanthemum show to be
given by the ladies of the M. E church,
at the Opera House on Thursday and
Frirfar eveninirs. November 13 and 14. a. L. Goff.-of Oakland, who has been
The following is the list for which prizes visiting friends in this city, returned to
will be awarded : Oakland, Tuesday morning.
class r.
Best collection of potted plants. Best -p. J. Blakely, of the Oregon, Boom
exhibit of ringle potted plant (any anri Timber Company, went to Portland
Class II. (Cat Flowers.)
Best floral design of fraternal order.
Class III.
Best specimens of white, pink, yellow,
bronze and red chrysanthemums.
Class IV.
Best specimen Good Gracious, Phila
delphia, Mrs. E. G. Hill, Nervious,
Queen, Golden Wedding, Modesto, Maj.
Bonaffou, Helen Bloodgood, Florence
Davis, W. H. Robinson, Mrs. Wm.
Kimnson. Mrs. G. W. Child. Vivian
Morell, and Golden Gate chrysanthe
mums. This exhibit to have not less than
three blossoms each.
Class V.
Best bouquet of chrysanthemums.
The prizes and their donors are as
follows: Silk cushion top, Wollenberg
Bros.; box candy, Wm. Currier; hair
brush, A C Marstere; box stationery,
Claude Cannon ; picture frame, A Salz
man ; pair kid gloves, Airs. Josephson ;
umbrella, Fisher-Bellows Co.; puree,
Marks & Co.; silver thimble, J T Bry-
two pictures, B W Strong; cup and
The ladies of the Christian church
will hold a window sale of home cooking
at fcthe Buckingham grocery next Satur
day, ov. 7th.
Blue prints of township maps, fifty
cents each'. Filing papers properly Lpecially low rates now
prepared. Frank E. Alley, up stairs, all eastern points.
over Land Office.
to Chicago and all points east; Louis
ville. Memphis. New Orleans, and all
points south.
See that your ticket reads via the IL
modern trains connect with all trans
continental lines at St. Paul and Oma
If vour friends are coming west let us
know and we will quote them direct the
in effect from
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab-1
lets are becoming a favorite for stomach
troubles and constipation. For sale by
A C Marstere & Co.
Thn Ropehure high school will meet
the Central Oregon State Normal school
in a game of football, next Saturday.
Mrs. Lucretia Shambrook of Umpqua
Ferry was in Roseburg Monday attend
ing the funeral of her grandson, Fred
If troubled with a weak digestion try
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets. They will do you good. For sale
bv A. C. M arsters & Co.
Any information as to rates, routes,
etc, cheerfully given on apblication.
Commercial Agent,
14i Third St., Portland, Ore.
J. C. Lindsey,
T. F.& P. A.,
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
P. B. Thompson,
F. A P. A.,!
Room 1, Cohnan Bid);., Seattle,
Wash. 84tf
E. C. Ashbaugh, who has been visit
ing his sister, Mrs. Harlan Stanton, of
Dixouville. returned to his home in
Fortlaud, on lai idght'a overland.
Real Estate Transfers.
Louis Dumbleton, of Winchester,
was in town, Tuesday, and took home
the two horses stolen from him, Mon
day night, by Bice Bros.
Vnr information about Osteonathy do
not ask some one who knows no more
than von do yourself. Consult Ur. it.
L. Studley and get the truth,
Bert Riddle returned from Riddle,
yesterday morning, and will resume his
position as fireman at the Douglas Coun
ty Prune Association's packing house.
Are you thinking about buying
property in Douglas County? If so,
j it will pay you to have Frank E. Alley
examine the title before purchasing.
William H. Gray et ux to Robert B.
McCalley, $2000; the ne of sec 24, in
tp 21 s of r 5 w, containing 160 acres.
Wat ran P. Reed et ux to John Miller
$1 ; lot No. 2 in block 19 of the town of
United States to Frederick W.Shef
field, i) of ne and tho njs of eej of
JFor a quarter of a century we've
bean, busy solving shoe problems
solving them for man, woman and
child solving them successfully.
In the selection of our fall shoe
stoch we have called to our aid this
long and successful experience. The
result is a mighty gathering of fall
footwear embodying in an unrivaled
degree of style, comfort, durability
ana moderateness oz price.
We want you to get better ac
quainted with our big shoe depart
ment. It's chuck full of attractive
things--and the prices are attractive,
School Books
nave iou been lhat
We are showing in our window. It is np-to-date
A full line of Bedroom Suits can be found on our floor
J If yon need Blankets or Comforts we have them
From the cheap to the best.
A fall line of Mattresses and Pillows.
One of our Elastic Cotton Felt Mattresses
are hard to beat.
The Furniture Man
nedium Length Overcoats
for the fall and
will be
in vogue
'The Christian."
Interest among' local theater-oers
is aroused over the announcement that
' The Christian" will be presented at
the theater. Of all the modern dramas,
and there have, been many, no play lias
received greater praise, nor created
wider discussion than the dramatization
of Hall Caino'a famous novel. As a book
it sold by thousands and Mr. Came re
ceived more in royalties from this story
alone than many of the earlier novelists
of England did during their entire liter
Never since "Tho Christian"
Notice for Publication.
Untied SUtd Land OSce.
Kowbunr. Oreeon. Oct. SI ran.
Notice u hareby itien that In complianc
with th oroTiiloni ol the act of Cosmo ot
Jun 3, irm, entitled "An ci tar th ul of
Umber una in in niui c: iuioniia.urgvii
NTt4 and WuMeM lerrltorT."uxtnd-
dtokllUpatUluiattaUb7MtofJL.U(QM '
of Portland, conntr of Multnomah. ute of
Oregon, ha thla day flint In thU office hU I
mxrnm titfmf nt No. 5C74. for the pnrChaM Ol I
IbeSEvrof iectlon No. JI in towninip o.vj
aoulh ol rante No. 8 writ
and will offer proof to now that th land oa jal
li more ralnabl for iu Umber or iton than
for agricultural pnrpoaet, ana to eitauun nu
claim before the Berlater and Bolrer of thla
offlc of Roeeborz. Ore ton.
on Frider. the 12tb day of February. He I
mmn aa hiicbim: Minnie nam, ronianu.
Ore., w. H. HcCrwen. J. w. Gardner. Joan
their claim In tbl office on or before the laid
11th day of February, IW3.
Oct 8 p KegUtcr.
eaucer, Rice & Hice ; camera, Churchill
& Woolley; bead chain, I Abraham;
box candv, W D Bell; piece of sheet
music, W A Burr; box toilet soap, Mrs
A C Kidd; handkerchief box, Young
Sam; cookie jar, G V Bapp; Bible,
Fullerton & Richardson; framed pic
ture, S K Sykes ; fancy plate, Kruee &
Kewland; vase, V R Buckingham ; vase,
J F Barker. These prizes are on exhibi
tion in Fisher-Bellows Co. window.
The Best Liniment.
Walter Laird and sister, of Sitkum,
were passengers on 1 neiay morning b
local for Drain, where they went w at
tend the funeral of Mrs. G. V. Harry.
Forrest Irwin, who has been in charge
of the Wells-Fargo & Co's. express of
fice durine the absence of MisH Kate
Bnick, left on Tuesday evening's
for his home in Red Bluff, Calif.
A. F. Stearns, of the well known firm
of Steani8& Chenoweth of Oakland,
was in Roseburg transacting business
yesterday, and paid his respects to the
Frank Rose and Albert Branch were
: in town from their Mont Alto ranch
yesterday. They report that carpenters
are now at work upon the Mont Alto
ferry boat across the Umpqua river.
Guaranteed Forest Reserve scrip
for sale in large or small quantities,
by Frank E. Alley, over the
Land Office Roseburg. Will place
same for non-resident purchasers.
arv career,
1 J in tn 9R a nf r A sr. mntaininff 1G0 I nnoimllr nrnilnwil bv Miss Viola 1 Rnrpm of Rfxwbnrr. Orecon
1 ' ' I " " J r ... I . .tl uCr.. .I.lmln. th
Allen has the play oeen mvestea w nn abo - d ribed land are reinetcd to file
such a first-class company and sucn
mmnloin scenic equipment as that
trlifrh will nresent it at Roseburg this
season. The production has tho repute
tion of being the beat over sent out from
New York in tho play. Not even tho
slightest details have been overlooked,
and tho performance is being praised
along ita route for tho very thorough
manner in which the powerful drama
In treated. Plaveoors In Roseburg will
If you want to see or purchase the
very best vapor cabinet manufactured,
United States to Thomas E Bledsoe,
c of the e (or tho oi of tho neJi
and the o& of tho setf) of sec 22 tp 21 s,
of r5 w, containing ICO acres.
United States to Jesso L Dyer, lots 7,
8 and D, of Bee 30 in tp 30 B,.ofr5w,
containing 42.Cfi acres.
J F Barker et ux to John E Payton,
$1 ; lots 3 and 4 in blk 12, of S Drain.
John A Carpenter to Fred V Wiel,
tiOQ: the full undivided 54 interest in
and to tho nej of sec 22 in tp 20, 8
6 yty containing 160 acres.
Virginia F Lyons to Horace J Putnam,
$770 ; tho s) of tho Joseph Putnam D
L C No. 38, containing 161. 61 acres, and
lot 1 containing 34.44 acres, lot 7 con
taining 18.20 acres of sec 16, and ne of
of r have good reason to congratulate them-
I selves in having this opportunity to I jWOrn tatcmcnt No. STH. for the putchaw
witness a magnificent production.
Card ol Thanks.
" Ch-t mberlain's Pain Balm is consid
thecred best liniment on the market,"
write Post & Bliss, of Georgia, Vt. No
other liniment will heal a cut or bruise
bo promptly. No other affords such
quick relief from rheumatic pains. No
other is so valuable for deep seated
pains like lame back and pains in the
chest. Give this liniment a trial and
you will never wish to be without it.
Sold by A. C. Marsters & Co.
Rev. F. G. Strange, of Jacksonville,
passed through Roseburg, Tuesday, cn
routo for Eugene, where he yesterday
officiated at tho marnace of his eon,
Ferdinand A. Strange, of Walla Walla,
and Miss Katherine Kauffman, of Eu
gene, at the home of the bride's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Strange will make their
future home at Walla Walla, where Mr.
Strange is now engaged in the grocery
To tho many kind frienda and neigh
go to A. C. Marsters & Co. and inspect of bo, and lot 6 containing 00.95 acres bora who so kindly and willingly aa
the renowned Buckeye. It ia warranted in sec 8 tp 22 a, of r 0 west. aisled us in our lato bereavement, we
uiiB oi vrvgun iu ittuiui i wish to cxpreos our ueuiucii. ninu
$13.88 ; G.94 acres situated in sec 0 tp 22 j Their kind and sympathizing words and
s, of r 11 w. I deeds were n pourco of great comfort.
A R Flint to Helen A Dearborn et als, I Mn. and Mrs. D. U. SiiAxnitooK,
$1 : tho 8wj of the seK of sec 20 and I Flohsik P. Siiamuiiook,
Notice for Publication.
Unlto! States Land Office.
Rocbnnr,Oreiron,Oct. 36, 19153.
Kotles ti herebr rtxen that ta comcuanca
with the proTUloni of the act ot Concret of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the. aale of
timber lands in the State ot Callfornla.Orcgon
Knutimd WuMnrton Terrltorr." uextend.
d to all the publls land itataa by act ot Amm
state o
chase ot
the sonth east qoartexof section So. H, town
ship 27 south, range 8 nest
and xlll offer proof to snow inatina tana. Kutui
t. MAM ..iti.M tnr it timber or stone than
nrposes, ana u uuuuia
nn Unmlar. the th d& Ol March. ISM. He
is not extreme, but exceptionally
nobby, cat from special designs.
These coats are loose, yet they fit
perfectly, and best of all, they in no
way, resemble the ready made
Young men, or men whose voca
tions are such that a free use of the
limbs is necessary, will find these
coats "just the thing."
The shoulders of these coats are
perfect, the broad shoulder effect
The materials are many and are sure
to please tho most careful dresser.
Ask to see them at
Woollenberg Bros.
One good horse
the blacksmith.
For Sale.
H. L.
Administrators Notice.
n every particular.
for ajrrleultnrU purposes, and '
claim baton tha Bejritter and 1
oillco of Roasbcrj. Orajos. .
names aa witnesses: unariea mom, jouu
Thorn, ol Roseburg; John Becker, Frank Long,
ol oiereiana, ure.
Any and alt persons claiming suioikij mo
above described lands are requested to flic their
claims In thla otneo on or before the said ath
day ol March, 1SW. J. T. BRIDIJkS,
Just arrived from tho factory a car
load of the celebrated Page fence, which
Is cheaper than a board ence and will
last a hfe-time and la put up to your
satisfaction without extra cost. It is
used and endorsed by the leading men
of this county. For circulars and prices
address Stearns & Chenoweth, Oakland,
Ore., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly
II. I. Reynolds, of Pocatcllo, Idaho, is
in tho city, and made tlio Plainukalku
a pleasant visit todav. lie is a civil en-
(?ineer and surveyor and has decided to
locate in Roseburg permanently.
For Sale.
75 lambs and 130 ewes, Merino and
Cotswold sheep. Address Paul V. Cuvil
ier, Wardton, Oregon. 71 lm.
County Treasurer's Notice.
In Justice Buchanan's court Tuesday
afternoon in tho case of II. M. Easterly
vs A. D. Rradloy to recover a watch and
2S damnires the iurv consisting of D. 8.
K. Buick, J. M. Bridges, L, Koelhagen,
Thos. Ferguson, H. J. Wilkins and N.
T. Jewett brought in a verdict for the
plaintiff in full. The case is as follows :
in nil narties About a vcar aco Esterley was in Rose-
D. S. T. West, firo insurance, notary
public, city property rented, county and
city warrants bought, and collections
made. Office on Jackson street, No. 407,
Hoover building, opposite post office.
Quarterly meeting services at the
United Brethren church, conducted by
Elder Black, convening at 2 p. m , Sat
urday, Nov. 7, and continuing over Sun
day. All are invited to attend these
services. J. II. Mkiiryman, Pastor.
Krttlnn !g lilritlV L'iVen
t.i.i: t irr.rr.ints endorsed prior buns "broke" and according to his story
. i :..i.,.i; Mnv 4. 1901. are re- be pawned his watch to A. D. Bradley
.,.i , ,,( tli same at the for $3 npon consideration that when ho week for Cenlralia,
A . . ,..,: r. ..vmi.nt as ".mt nnon his feetacain'Miecoiild redeem sdoihI a month with
i jfiiiiiLV i rcHurur s uirn-c i rj i - - . i
interest will cease thereon after the date his watch but according to Bradley s
of this notice story the watch was sold to him and
Dated Roseburg, Douglas County, again sold by Bradley. The watch could
Oregon, Oct. 22, 1903. therefore not be redeemed by kstcrlcy
Geo. W. Dimmick, and hence the suit. Mr. Bradley will
... 1 . 1 w. nnon rt t Tl( P.irfn!t. PA!1 T t County treasurer. appeal , -
Dr. and Mrs. Oehmo will leavo next
Washington, to
their daughter,
there, afterward returning to Portland
for a month with another daughter and
son. About tho first of the year they
will go lo San Francisco nnd other
points of interest in California, remain
ing away unti spring.
tho nw of the ne of sec 29, tp 29 e,
of r 6 w.
Jesso L Shambrook ct als, to B J
Bovingdon, $3000; commencing at a
stone set on the left bank of tho Ump
qua River, from which a blk Oak 14
inches in diam, bears s 68 degree, e 1.70
chs to said treo, marked with a cross.
A blk oak 8 inches in diam bears n 87
degree, o 90 links, said treo also marked
with a cross. Corner of lot commences
s of this point 2 chains on tho o lino of
tho Jas Colo D L C at a stono, bears n
20 degree, o running w from this point
22.14 to n set stono on tho w sido of said
D L C, thence s, along tho lino of the
D L C, 18.14 chs to tho place of begining.
All in hoc 35, tp 25 s, of r 7 w.
How's This.
Tho pastor and elders and deacons of
tho Grand Avenue Presbyterian church
of Portland aro having a rather lively
scrap over running tho church to suit blockwood.
themselves and as neither sido will give
20 tiers oak stovewood, SO tiers grub
D.S. K.Buic 4Stf
Notico is hereby given that the under
signed was, by the County Court, o
Douglas County, Oregon, on the 16th
day of September 1903, duly appointed
Executrix of the Estate of Jacob .Leim
herr, Deceased.
All persons having claims against the
aforsaid estate, will present the same,
duly verified tome at Camas Valley,
Douglas County, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
First publication of this Notice Sept.
21, 1903.
Eliza Lxoxhckb.
Executrix of the Estate of Jacob Lehn-
herr, Deceased.
Bronze Turkeys.
Puro bred brouzo turkoys for sale.
Gobblers, $2.50; hens, $2. Mrs. Wm.
Buxton, Brockway, Oro. tfo20
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Ro- jn tuey may bo disciplined by the pros-
ward for any caBe of Catarrn mat can-1 Byter'
not be enrod bv Hall's Catarrh Curo.
F. J. Ciieknky & Co.. Toledo, O. Tho Berlin Tagblatt on Wodnosday
Wo, the undorsignod, have knowned printed a sensational story to tho effoct
F. J. Chonov for tho last 16 years, nnd that whtlo a regiment ol uorraan sw
belfuvohim porfectly honorablo in all diors was drilling at Vitna, a. Poland
husinnsa transactions and financially private Btopped from tho ranks, attacked
ablo to carry out any obligations made I tho colonel of tho regiment and cut him I ot xtontcsano. county of chehalis. state ot
. ., , L I. ...i.i. ,: !-.. rm, on Urn I Washington has this day fl'.ed In this office his
uy inoir nrm mu pietuu o
West & Troax, Wholosalo Druggists, regiment loudly cheered tho soldier for
Toledo, Ohio. the awful deed. An Investigation re-
Wa. mun. Kimnan it Marvin. Wholesalo vcnlod tho fact that tho colonel was bit- Umore valuable for It Umber or stone than
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. torly hated by the regiment nnd ho was
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken internal- condemned to death. Tho murderer wns
ly, acting directly upon the blood and 8elccted by drawing lotB.
mmvuia nnrfars of tllO SVSteni. TestI
inonials so nt free.
irt.H 7fr. tor bottle. 8old by all
Hall's Family Pills aro tho beat.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office.
Roseourg, Oregon. Aug 10, 190X
Motto It hereby glTsn that ta compliance
wlla the provisions of rat act oi ijongres o
Juns , 1 JT. snUUed "An ait for the sale at
timber lands In the Btat o' California. Orsjroa
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the publle land alatea by act of A egos
" -
Ur.Kl 1I1UM9SK
sworn stxlemrnt Ko.Sftx; for tho purchase o
tho Northeast quarter ot Section No. SS, In
Township No. '-'J south of range No. 3 west
and will offer proof to show that the landsonght
for agricultural burooses. and to establish, hi
el aim before the Register and Kasetrer ot Udt
At 20 conta per quart,
dock, Cleveland, Ore.
II. Mur-85-2mp
office of RocabBrsr.Oracon.
oil Friday tho '.MuU lay oi January, 1901.
names as witnesses; Mattte M. Shannon.
eidecn. Wash., O. Krakenbcrgor, Roseburg,
Ore., 1'aulUarv, Roseburg, Ore., J. li. Kvaru.
IVel. Oro.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands aro rvuuestctl to file
their claims In this office or or before said 'tiaX
day of Jan, l'JOl j, T. BRIlH.ES
oot29p Register.
Tte Eftsekrg Jmk tai MMe C
Will pay a premium of l in addition to
the regular price of $10 on each ton of
cast iron this offer to hold gocd until
October 1st.
We Also Want
Hides, Furs, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc,
Rubber and Second Hand Furniture
Cor, Oax, andSose SlsOpp. Barnard's Stall oq
A girl to do general housework. Apply
o Mw. C. A. Sehlbredo. 7sJ-