THE Roseburo Plaindealer Published Mondays and Thursdays. PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING CO. H. H. BROOKES, Editor. MARY K. BROOKES, Proprietor Entered at the Post Office in Roseburg, Ore., aa second class mail matter. Subscription f 2.00 per Year. Advertising Rates on Application. The Editor of the PliIndeiuek has no tnten tlon of making a false statement reflecting upon the life or character of any person, oQclally or otherwise and any statement published In these colamt will be cheerfully corrected If erroneous and brought to our attention by the aggrieved party or parties. Our intention is thaterery article published of a personal or political official natare shall be news matter of general interest and Ifor the welfare of the State it large. NOVEMBER 6, 1905. ELECTION RETURNS. THE TAMMANY TIGER IS VICTORIOUS. EUGENE E. SCHMITZ THE UNION LABOR CANDIDATE RE-ELECTED IN SAN FRANCISCO. New York, Nov. 4. George Mc Clellan (Dem.) will be the next Mayor of Greater New York, having defeat ed Mayor Seth Low for re-election by a plurality of 63,617, complete unof ficial returns having been received from every election district in the city. By the same returns, Control ler Edward M. Grout and Charles V. Fornes, President of the Board of Al dermen, running for re-election on the Democratic ticket, though elect ed two years ago as fusion candidates, defeated their fusion opponents by 66,790 and 64,973 plurality respect ively, Controller Grout leading the ticket. The sweeping Democratic victory was accomplished for the Democratic ticket and borough tickets in four of the five boroughs of the municipality, only Richmond borough, Staten Is land, giving Low a plurality and elect ing fusion J borough officers. J. Ed ward Swanstrom (Fus.), who it was thought last night would be elected President of Brooklyn Borough, was defeated by Martin W. Littleton, the Democratic candidate, by 2129 plu rality, in spite of Littleton's attitude in opposition to the Democratic city ticket The Vote. McClellan's total vote for Mayor was 314,906, to 251,285 for Low. William Devery, independent candi date for Mayor, polled only 2935 votes in the entire city, getting 2671 of these in Manhattan and the Bronx, 226 in Brooklyn, 38 in Queens and none in Richmond. Corrected returns show that Mar tin W. Littleton, who followed Hugh McLaughlin when the latter withdrew his support from the McClellan ticket, ha3 been elected Borough President of Brooklyn by a majority of 12,279 over J. Edward Swanstrom, Fusionist Indications late last night had been that Swanstrom was elected by a narrow margin. Speaking of the election, United States Senator Thomas C. Piatt said "It is the fortune of war and I have no complaint to make. This is especially so because the way is safe and because I know Mr. McClellan well and believe he will make a good Mayor. He is an excellent young man and if we are defeated I am glad the victory falls on such a pleasant personality. "I do not regard municipal cam paigns as having any bearing upon the state and National issues. There is no possible way of connecting it with the partisan issues that will af fect the contest of 1904." Mr. Piatt added that he had no doubt that the full Republican vote was polled for the Fusion candidate, Ex-Chief of Police Devery, who ran for Mayor as an independent, but se cured only a few thousand votes, de clared himself to be "out of politics for good." Eugene E. Schmitz (Union Labor) has been elected Mayor of San Fran' cisco. Geo. B. Clellan (Dem.) has been elected Mayor of New York. Myron T. Herrick (Rep.) has been elected Governor of Ohio; John L. Bates (Rep.) Governor of Massachu setts; John C. W. Beckman (Dem.) Governor of Kentucky; Albert B Cummins (Rep.) Governor of Iowa; Edwin Warfield (Dem.) Governor of Maryland, and L. F. C. Garvin (Dem.) Governor of Rhode Island. San Francisco, Nov. 4. The of ficial vote for Mayor of San Francis co, as given out by Register Walsh, is as follows: E. E. Schmitz, Union Labor, 26,016; H. J. Crocker, Rep 19,621; F.X. Lane, Dem. 12,587; F. R. Whitney, Soc.1094. San Francisco, Nov. 4. The elec tion yesterday resulted in an over whelming victory of the Schmitz, forces. Eugene E. Schmitz, present Mayor, Union Labor candidate, was reflected by a vote of 25,345 as agalrist 19,127 .for Henry J. Crocker and 12,237 for Franklin K. Lane, Dem. Lane's small vote is attributed to the arraying of the laboring class behind Schmitz against the capitalis tic employing class behind Crocker. The Republicans, in putting forward Crocker, who is essentially a repre sentative of the rich, threw down the gauntlet. Both sides put forth mighty efforts and spent a great deal of money. Schmitz paying $1000 for the Ellery band to play one night at his final rally. The Democrats sought in vain to get conservative Republi cans to come to Lane, on the plea that Crocker could not be elected. Tie party vote stayed by Crocker, and as Schmitz drew largely from the Democratic strength Lane was lost in the strenuosity. of the struggle. After the Mayor's victory the most notable triumph was in the contest for Assessor, in which Dr. Washing ton Dodge, Dem. defeated his oppon ent, Bahrs, Rep., by a majority of 19,- 425. Columbus, 0-, Nov. 4. More com plete returns today indicate that the plurality of Herrick, Rep., for Gov ernor, over Johnson, Dem. will ex ceed 125,000, but that the remainder of the Republican state ticket will not have so large a plurality. As the Re publicans not only carried the doubt ful counties and districts, but also some that were conceded to the Democrats, the majority on joint bal lot in the Legislature for the re-elec tion of Senator Hanna is now placed at 95 out of a total membership in both branches of 143, almost three times as many as two years ago, when the Republicans had what was con sidered an unprecedented majority of 35 on. joint ballot for the election of Senator Foraker. As Senator Hanna had only one majority on joint ballot six years ago and as he was the issue in this campaign, the result is gener ally commented on more as his vic tory than anything else. Chairman Dick says: "Hanna's per sonality did it" The'large wagers that were placed on "information from headquarters' Aid not go above 75,000 for Herrick. The betting element)"have all kinds of money," getting most of it on much less than half of Herrick's plur ality. A syndicate of Cincinnati and Col umbus' Republicans made a large win ning from Democrats at Cincinnati. Ohio never exceded the 100,000 mark but twice before. This was when John Burough during the Civil War was elected Republican Govern or by 101,409, and in the panic of 1894, when the Democrats did not come out to vote and the Republicans carried Ohio for Secretary of State by 135,070. The only'other time when anything approaching these marks was reached waa-last year, when the Republicans carried the state by 90,657 for Sec retary of State andjwhen Mayor Tom L. Johnson was almost as much of an issue as this year. 'Dutch Captured Holland." Cleveland, 0., Nov. 4 John H. Clarke, democratic candidate for the United States Senate, today made the following statement concerning the result of the election: "The result is, to be sure, surpris ing only in the increase of the Repub lican majority. The increased major- lty.against the Democrats I attribute to the fact that the campaign ar ranged by Mr. Johnson, with such aid as I could render, succeeded in creat ing an activity on the part of the Re publican organization not equaled in recent years. This brought out largely increased Republican vote, while the Democratic vote was not correspondingly increased because of the factions in Southern andJWestern Ohid which were organized and led by, ambitious and wealthy men within the' party. "In Cuyahoga county, all of the men disappointed because not given office united with those who were tried and found wanting, and dropped and these, under skillful leadership in my judgment, accomplished the re sult in this county. To these factors should be added the adroit ap peal of Senator Hanna to the fears of the; people which seem to have pre- vaBed. But, after all, The Dutch have effectively captured'Holland." m A company of Canadian soldiers was called oat Wednesday to guard the power bonse on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, on account of the strik e of 700 1 aborers employed in the co struction of the power hoube. The strik era .are Italians and Hungarians and are all armed with knives and revolvers The saloons have been closed on account of tbe&trike, and all bnilding operations are completely tied up. t ' Dejected, tired and hungry the Dowie- ite host arrived homer in Chicago Tues day from New York. The four hundred children that had been left behind were the Snappiest ones to greet the returning army. Despite, ridicule and hardships the host still holds faith in Dowio. The coalfields of Heppncr are to be d tveloped and it is said that good coal will be laid down in Portland at $4 per ton,' One ton of good coal is Cfjiial to about three cords of fir wood. PANAMA REVOLUTION. AN AMERICAN WARSHIP TO STOP FIASCO. TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILROADS WILL TAKE A BACK SEAT IN PANAMA AFFAIRS. A Washington dispatch of last evening says: United States Consul Ehrman, at 'anama, cables the State Department under date, that the Colombian Gov ernment warship Bogoto is shelling the city; one Chinese has been killed. Mr. Ehrman has been instructed to protest against the bombardment. If the Consul's protest is not sufficient the commander of the United States gunboat Boston, which is by this time on her way to Panama from San Juan del Sur, 600 miles distance, will prob ably seize the Colombian gunboat if necessary to stop the bombardment. The bombardment is in violation of all the rules of war, beginning as it did without the required notice. More over, the United States Government takes the ground that it certainly in terferes with transit across the isth mus, which this Government is treaty bound to maintain. The greatest activity was exhibited in the State and Navy Departments this morning, and there were frequent consultations between the officials, the Naval officers particularly being intent in working out the details of the plan of protection of the isthmian traffic, outlined by the State Depart ment It is quite evident the Navy is making preparations for a larger squadron in isthmian waters than it Fullerton - Registered Our Prescription Department contains a stock of FRESH BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS An ti-diphtheric Serum Anti - streptococic Serum Glycerinated Vaccine Any of the latest Scientific has for many years, and the fact is not disguised that all the informa tion that has come from the secret agents points to the ultimate success of the revolution. But meanwhile ex tremely delicate questions are to be answered, for the occupation of one end of the Panama railroad by the government forces and of the other end by the revolutionists, makes the situation extremely complicated. That is one reason the conferences are being held and why it is desirable that the most exact instructions pos sible under the circumstances shall be sent our Naval commanders and to the Consular officer on the isthmus to prevent them from making any false move that would put the United States Government in a position of violation of the treaty stipulations or displaying power in derogation of Co lombia's just rights. "You will protect American inter ests at all points and. do everything possible to avoid bloodshed," is the substance of the dispatch cabled by the Navy Department, at the instance of the State Department, to the Naval commanders now at the isthmus or on their way. Tho last part of tho in structions is particularly significant, for it forecasts a more active interpo sition by the United States Govern ment in the troubles on the Isthmus than has perhaps ever before been displayed. These orders were the result of the conferences that were held at the White House last night between the President, Secretary Hay and Assist ant Secretary Loomis and Acting Secretary of the Navy Darling and Admiral Taylor, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation. It is not doubted that under the authority thus conferred the Naval commanders will land ma rines and soldiers at tho railroad ter minal. Indeed, it is not doubted that Commander John Hubbard, of the Nashville, already has placed a ma rine guard ashore at Colon to protect the property, and that the command er of the Boston probably will take the same action when he arrives at Panama. A New daw Mill at Drain. Articles of incorporation have bo'Gn filed by the Kolleher-Skelly Company with a capital stock of $50,000, paid in full. The incorporators are Wm J Kellehor, of Yoncalla, John K Skelly, a prominent banker and merchant of McKoesport, Pa., and W II Sykes, of Roseburg. Included in the company also is T R Sheridan, president of tho First National bank of Roseburg. The company is at present construct ing a large sawmill west of Drain, which will bo completed in, about a month. All necessary machinery will be on hand ready for immediate in stallation. A fiume will be builtto transport the lumber to Drain, whese connections will bo made 'with the S. P. R. R. There has already been built in the creek where the mill is being constructed, a dam creating a pond large enough to hold 10,000, 000 feet of logs. The Uorrell Case. Tho jury in the caso of Frank Gorrell vs Douglas County, damages for inju'ries sustained in the collapse of a bridge,' at a late hour last evening returned a ver dict of $6000 in favor of the plained. The defendant county was given nihil Monday to file motion for appeal. Register readers are conversant with the details of Mr. Gorrell's mishap. ,On July 9, 1902, Mr. Gorrell started to drive his team across the Hubbard Creek bridge fn Douglas county, when the ujon rod ptnled out of a needle beam and the team, wagon and occupant were hurled to tho creekbed a distance of 30 feet. Both horses were killed and Mr. Gor rell sustained a broken arm and severe internal injuries. Tho county courts of Doughis offered to compromise, tho case by a proffer of $1050 which was declined. Tho amount prayed for by plaintiff was something over $11,000. O. P. CosNpw represented tho plaintiff and A. Crawford and Geo. M. Brown defend ant. The caso will bo appealed. Eu gene Register. To Discuss Race Problem. Commencing Monday. NovemberjC, and continuing for three days, there will be held in Washington an interesting conference on the rare problem in the United States. Many prominent lead ers in the colored race have promised to Richardson Druggists. ' Medicines promptly supplied attend tho conference, which is to be held under tho auspices of tho National sociological society, an organization for for tho study of the condition of the colored people in tho United States. L ho object of the conference is stated to be "To deliberate on the most serious phases of the race problem, and to for mulate plans for the relief of a strained situation broucht about bv the presence of said problem ; to discover some com mon ground upon which all of the friends of the cause may stand and to adjust the different and tho divergent views, respecUnc the solution of tho problem, into a definite and harmonious proposition." The conference will also consider the religious, tho educational, physical, in dustrial and Eocial aspects of the race question, and considerable time will lx spent in discussing the evil influence o urban life on the colored people. Prof Jesso Lawssen, of Plainfield, N.J is president of the association, and. former Representative Georee II. White. of -North Carolina chairman of the exqeu i tivo committe. Among those who will speak are: Rev. Dr. Richmond Babbitt' of Brooklyn. Bishop L. H. Holv. of lanta, Rev. A. S. Crapsey, of Rochester Uishop Abraham Grant, of Indiana and rroi. ti. A. Johnson, ol Shaw Univer sity, Raleigh, N. C. Relics of Unknown Ages. A dispatch from Grants Pass says Ihcro are fow sections of tho Coast that afford a bolter Hold for tho fossil-hunter than Southern Oregon. Tho digging out of old channels and clearing ofT ancient river beds by hydraulic giants have brought to light mnnycurious specimen oi antiquity in this part of Oreeon. Along the middle fork of Foots Creek are numerous old channels, nnd f mm tho depths of these have been uncovered by hydraulic giants six mastodon tuskr, two of which wero 10 feet and 10 inches in length, and quite well preserved One elephant's tusk was also uncovered in this region, and numerous other bones and remains of creatures of tho ago that modern man knows nothing of. and cannot classify. Not only tho relics of prehistoric beasts but of prehistoric man also have been found deep down in tho old chan nels of Southern Oregon's placer dig-, gings. From tho mines ot tho Waldo district have liecn brought lo light well preserved mortnrs, petition and crudp weapons that wero used by a raco that inhabited thm part of the world long Imj. fore tho mound builders throw up tho-r carthworks along tho Mississippi. Theso relics are not found on tho up- per strata, but deep down In the more ancient channels, showing that at tho time (hoy existed tho contour of tho country was vastly different from what it is at tho present time. In fact, the finding of tho elephant tusk would provo that this, instead of the cooler and more misty Southern Oregon of lodny. Naval Construction. Rear Admiral Howies, chief of the lln- reau of cotiHti notion nnd repaint, in hix annual report to tho secretary of war, reviews at length tho progress in ado by this government in naval construction during that period. It is shbwn that tho following additions have been made to tho effectivo force of tho navy during tho year. One battleship, four moni tors, twelve torpedo destroyers, one tor pedo boat and seven submarine torpedo boats. The list should have been in creased by two battleships and five cruisers, the report states, but owing to strikes and other causes their comple tion was delayed. Tho report states that tho "rate of progress of vessels un- lor construction at tho present time presents some very encouraging indica tions for completion of many of tho most mjwrtant contracts, but, considered as a whole, tho progress mado during the ast fiscal year has been unsatisfactory." Football Hot Stuff. The Eugene and Cottace Grove Ilizh school football teams nlaved here to day, Cottage Grove defeating Eugene by a score oi iu to o. i lie game was a se vere one, as the championship of the state was at stake. Eugene High school has held the lead in the stato for several years, and it was wrenched from them today by being outmatched from start to finish. Tho abovo special dispatch to the Sunday Oregonian by the Cottage Grove correspondent is enough to make Bob Yeatch's pet coyote grin in derision. It is evidently tho work of some rattle brained enthtiKiast who is not very well informed on matters pertaining to inter scholastic athletics in Oregon. In the first place, the Eugene High school has never held the state cham pionship, but last year the football team won the Western Oregon champion ship by forfeit inasmuch at Portland Academy, the champion team of that city, refused to meet the E. H. S. team under any consideration. The Pendle ton High cchool last year won the cham pionship of Eastern Oregon. In the second place. Cottage Grove has not yet succeeded in defeating the Roseburg team which recently defeated the E. H. S. and the Roseburg boys have the same right to claim the honor as does tho Cottage Grove team. Inttly, the Cottago Grove team is like the Roseburg team ; a high school team in name only. It is a conglomera tion of bank clerks, laborers and a few public school pupils registered in the high school department for football pur pose. The Engene High school is the only one of any standing between Port land and the California line which pos sesses a football team which is composed of active, earnest, bona fide stndenta who are in school for the purpose of securing a preparatory education. The fact that Supt. Breggs permits such questionable tactics in his school and at the same time certifies to their standing of tho po-called students amounts to little less than perjury. Supt. Sanders, of Roseburg, admitted that the Roseburg team was not com posed of bona fide students and was also weak enough to admit that he could not prevent the crafting in the athletic cir clea of his school. Engene Register. $150,000 Damage 5u!t. The Plaixdsalxk learns that Judge Hamilton, who tried the Hume-Chansso libel Euit at Grants Pass, will sue Baron Hume, of tho Lower Roguo, for one hundred and fifty thousand dollars dam ages for criticisms on his personal honor and integrity. It seems that the Rogue river Baron wrote a letter criticising Judge Hamilton's action or rulings in tho trial of the libel case and this is the ground for the damage suit. Tho facts in the caso are uukuown to the Plai.v duler and we have only a report from Grants Pass to back up this statement. The above was published in our last issue and our attention has been call ed to the fact that the report must have been circulated in Grants Pass, with the view of stirring up strife be tween the parties named. Holy Rollers. The two leaders of Holy Roller fame who have been causing so much disturbance in Corvailis for a week left Sunday for parts unknown. They evidently wero informed that a mob of citizens were preparing to present them with a coat of tar and feathers, and a pleasant ride out of town on a rail. If they had remained 24 hours longer the city would cer tainly have been the center of an other scandal. Tho family who de stroyed their household effects while under tho influence of a religious de lusion have at last come to their senses and have replaced tho furni- turo they sacrificed with new. Walking Delegates Will Not Escape Punishment. New YortK, Nov. 4 Samuel Parks, from his cell in the city prison, is said to have announced that he will resign as walking delegate and as a member of the Housesmiths' & Bridgemen's Union at its meeting Friday night, He says ho is out of the labor move ment forever, and declares ho wil not appeal for his conviction in the extortion cases for which he recently was tried. Ho is eager to serve his prison term, and is not seeking bail. "I am done," said Parks. "Nothing can save mo from Sing Sing. If I did get a new trial I would bo convicted as regularly as I camo beforo a jury. I am not ashamed of my labor career. I thought I was right and followed my best judgment. I have but ono ro- gret and that is for my wife. She is prostrated ovor my troubles." Cleveland Notes. John T. Long, one of Roeeburg's prominent lawyers, was out here visit ing relatives last Sunday. Mr. Burke of Calapooia, was visiting friends here the first of the week. Call again Mr. Barke. There has been some more gravel hauled on the roads lately. Let the good work go on. Mr. Woodruff and family were Rose burg visitors last Saturday. The dance given by Mr. Henderson of the old poor farm was a grand success. It took place last Friday evening. W. W. Scott was out on a visit from the Soldiers' Home the first of the week. He says he is well treated at the Home. Wallace Mnrdock and Charles Scott were out taking snap shots with the former's camera, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. WoodmlT and daughters, Mabel and Louise, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Doerner last Sunday. W. Scott has turned doctor lately. Nobody need be sick now. The Long boys were out the first of the week running coyotes but didn't catch one that we know of. Hollowe'en passed off quietly in our village, no mischief being done that anybody knows of. All last week we had Hme of thoee beautiful moonlight nights tliatuo other place that we have ever seen, can boast of. Jesso Tooley was in Roseburg one day last week on business. John and Albert Becker were break ing a fino colt last week. The weather stayed dry long enough for Adam Doemer to harvest his grape crop this year. William Fort in of Coles Valley, passed through hero last week headed for Mel rose. What is the attraction there Will? Johnnie Hall has taken up his real dence at the old fishery at the forks of the Umpqua rivers at tho south end of the old poor farm. Alfred Woodruff is wearing broad smiles. Wonder what is the matter? Elmer and Ira Pierce were the guests of David Good Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Doerner went to Rosebnrz, on business, one dav last week. Our school is progressing nicely under the management of Mrs. Miller. L. A. Marsters, our goat raiser, was moving some of his household goods np to his home on the creek Monday and Tuesday. Squirrel hunting has been the best this fall than for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Ervan Smith of Win chester was visiting relatives and friends here Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. R. Livingston, formerly owner of the Scott ranch, but now of Canyon City, and his daughter, Mrs. Anna Kern, were renewing old acquaintances here Monday and Tuesday. W.T. Emory of Coles Valley, was running coyotes luesdav with his hounds. Mr. Emory has had a good deal of experience in coyote running. He caught one a few days ago. Herman Marsters, one of tho most prominent young men of Roseburg, ie going to "batch" on the old ranch here this winter. You ought to get a cook beforo you come out here, Herman. The recent rains have started the plowing hero this week. Hoodoo. Will Not Vaccinate. Some time ago the Guard quoted the stato law regarding compulsory vaccina tion in the public schools. The Eugene school board haa decided it unnecessary to vaccinate the children, and tho law will not be enforced in the local schools, at least not this year. Guard. The Roseburg school trustees did not want to issue a vaccination order, but Circuit Attorney Brown told the members of the board that they were subject to a fine if tho order was not issued, as prayed for by Dr. DuGas. There is a whole lot of rot about this vaccination business and smallpox scare and the Plaindealer "believes that if smallpox Li scattered over this town it is scattered by care lessness, ignorance or purposely by persons who should prevent it Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Pleasant to Take. Is Tho flnost quality of granulated loaf sugar is used in the manufacture ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and tho roots need in its preparation give it a flavor similar to maplo syrup, making it quit pleasant to tnko. Mr. W. L. Rod erick, of Poolesvillo, Rfd., in speaking of this romedy Bays: "I havo used Cham borlain's Cough Remedy with my chil- dien for sovornl years anil can truthful ly my it is tho best preparations of tho kind I know of. Tho children like to tnko it nnd it has no injurious after ef fect. For salo by A. C. Mnrstora A Co Tho Statu Circuit t-ourt of Multnomah county has handed down n dwiaion to the effect that during tho Governor's absence from tho ntnto, thnt tlio Secre tary of Stato is tho Acting Gove mor. OLIVER WALKING PLOWS Are the Best No waiting for Extras when plowing is good. The best stocK of Plows and Repeirs in the Comhty. CHURCHILL & W00LLEY IB The Store That FISHER & BELLOWS COMPANY MEM'S CLOTHING It doesn't require any considerable ex pense to wear good clothes if you exercise good judgment in selecting from thor oughly reliable and correctly priced stocks such as ours. The Fall and Winter dis play is at it s best. Styles and materials to please the most critical. Prices 25 per cent less than you will pay at other stores. We call particular attention to our line of Oregon Cashmeres, Fancy Worsted, Fan cy Cheviot and Thibet suites. All our suits from $12.00 up have non-breakable front. Hand padded Shoulders and Hand Tailored Collars. All are Union Made and marked at from $5 to $18 MENS' OVERGO ATS. A remark able line of the leading styles in all the newest mixtures and plain materials, $7.50 to $20.00. MEN'S RAIIff GOATS. We have everything that is good and that will turn rain. $2.25 to 15.00. Boj's' Suits, Boys' Overcoats and a com plete stock of General Merchandise. Phone 721 Opera House, Monday, November 9th THE GREATEST SUCCESS LX DRAMATIC fflSTWT Ball Case's flowerM Thy THE CHRISTIAN hy Permission of Lieblcr A Co., New York. Direction of GEO. L. BAKER Cathuixe Cou.vriss as Asa Lee Willard as and a Specially Selected New York Comrjany The play that has broken records had such a whirlwind of success. PRODUCTION CARRIED COMPLETE Prices: Lower Row, 75 ceats aad Sheriff's Sale. tor DougUi County, Plaintiff. I rt. K. E.Siuiih, I IMcndant, Vnllra li .1... v .. . . execution andonlerol aale duly leuolcmtof Oay of October, im, upon a Judnut nd d. on the 11th day ot Octotwr. IMt. by foreclosure niUUU. IQ RIMIXQ n&Qiel UtflCDl- aot. an.l aalnt the herelualur mentioned "?. V.c.rluA,VorU,uw fWKrlj tor the turn of -U with luteretl thcreou at the rate ol 10 i-or crnt per anum from tho 12th day of Attorney' fee with Interval thereon at the of October. IWt, and the furOier sum of JU & coat and diaburwmenta. i.u7he."!U,K.l.Tlil oa SaUmUr. December h, 19X1, at one o'clock p m.ot Mid day, at the Court Uonso frontdoor. In Rou. ! OoukuS hUhest bidder for cash lu hand, all the ritht SftZtSW Wrhl,Ch ,he on the 10th day ot January, uax or at n il7il.,herl'V:cr .,n .or 10 lh0 'ollowlnr des cribed premise, to wit: " . f "-' "vj ii tc ai, in in oi 21 south, range wen of tho Willamette SleiU Halt 111 ll.tlrlM f'nllnt a 7 . . hcrediUiucnU 'and appurtcnaneva thereunto Fj.7A'LL,h,"ulKlnSlu:,ln W attorney" rri. . " uwnon at me, rate i-aieu mm aw uy at November. 1903. .. a .a. .. . ... viv-k;- u A mammoth dredger i9 Iwint. i.niit (iranta Pass to work the crave! .1him!i. U Foots Creek for gold. Does The Basimess Write for Prices and Samples Glory Quale John Storm everywhere. No other mn.Wn nar has Gallery, 51 ceils, Ck1ti S wife ! Referee Sale of Real Estate. In the Circuit Coaft ol the eate ot Orep lor DoutUi county Caarln O While. Plaintiff Charlea Stroof. Si Hanoi Stroox.! nts lie. Leonard Strong and Ona finlf. hla wlie. Edd Strocc and Mr Edd tronr. hi wife, Florence Strocx f ml!S?r.atd SlenSuojiir. hercuarO lI.sle Ducaa nee jHronp and k J Duncan, her huaband, Ueorce !lronr. tins'. Fannie Kelly nee tlro?.ana ""P Kelly, her hu- band, JIartaretsironx. widow. Hor aeebtninc.andSIra. Horace ctronr his wife, Ueonce Strong So. 2 and J ., Sconce etronc. hla wife, kphriam Stroncand ilra. Kphrlam sirouir. hU wife, Klla Stronc. alngk. !JT fooc.alnnle. Joe llunduk tlS11Wril,' Ko Browntnc "rS'Uht, Walter Wrlsht. Klhel rixht, Jeae Wrlcht and the etate Land Board, Defendant. To the aTe named Plaintiff and Deiand anta: Notice Is hereby kItcd. that, in porsuance ot an. order ot the above entitled Court made and entered on the 17th day of October MOJ. la the atari) entitled cause, whleh said order dl ..K-U Par-ot, referee appointed therein, to sell the hereinafter described property at pub lic aucUon to the hlcheat bidder for cash la the manner required Jor tale ol real property on execution, for the reason that Uw same thereto he partitioned without creat damare Therefore I, K. I- Parrot t. the duly appointed, utialine. and acting referee herein, will, on thethday ol December. ll, at the court houe door In Roaeburff. Dou!as county. Ore ,? ln,? hour of id o'cloek a. ui. ot said day. sell lor cash to the hUhrst bidder the following described ral property, subject to a mortrsure upon. tho Interest ol the plaintiff n t he same. In the sum ol and imereat. which Mid mortcKKo 1 owued by the State Laud Hoard, to-wlt; the east hall ol the south-wt-al quarter and wrat hail of the soutLeast quarter ol section township VS, south of range & wimt of Willamette Meridian, situated In imjukIm county, me of Oregon, contain inn ltM acres more or less. oaru rvierrc will sell the said property anoto described subject U said mortgaK? aioresald v -".' rix-ti-wrriiM ui ,m.iu b sic lira i j fjnIcouof thUBtiU and ivcondly ap- mj iwwiw to uiu respective pru " taelr j-roportluuaie saar u tn ihli rail hew X U PAR ROTT. Referee, Date ot oral publication Mo. J. 1V -