The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 05, 1903, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Society
No. 85
Pi MAnM Art?l FOR FiNF f.!)FFf.TI)NFRY 31
I Tv 1 H K u JP I B 1,1 - w - . -.
fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pies,
Doughnuts and fresh Bread Daily
Portland Journal Agency. Hendrlck's Block, Opp. Depot j
I. J. NORrtAN & Co. Prop. M
Q. A. WOOD & CO, Props
Staple ane Fancy Groceries. Highest Price paid
for country produce. Fresh bread daily. Your
Patronage is respectfully solicited.
Private Free Delivery to AH Parts of the City
Qermans Compla:u "f Heat Supply,
As was general! expect 1, thoro
comes from the daily r ess i 'rough-
out Germany complaints about tho
reduced supply of mens, caused by
the drastic meat inspection bill law,
which went into force on tho 1st of
April, 1903. Tho general effect of
the new regulations will be inferred
from the fact that during the three
months from April 1 to June 30,
1903, only 3250 tons of fresh meat
were imported into Germany, against
4716 tons during tho same period in
1901, and 5777 tons in 1902. Tho
import of smoked and other simply
nronarwl meats droDDed from 6561
On the War Path.
(Lately with the government gographical and geological survey of Brazil.
Newcastle, Wyo., Nov. 3. A de-j
tachment of posse men arriving here
last night with the bodies of Sheriff
W. H. Miller and Deputy Sheriff Chas.
Falkenhnnr. brines the firat detailed
report of the woody battle fought be- United States Deputy Mineral Surveyor
tween a posse under Sheriff Miller and "
25 Sioux Indians under the leadership uu,ce over rawince. nuatifciutie, oHGOfi. Correspondence soUdted
of Eagle Feather, an educated Indian
and a graduate from the Carlisle In
dian School, who is an unusually in
telligent man. The two officers were
killed in the engagement on Lighten
ing Creek, north of Lusk, Saturday
I evening.
go to TTJrc TDCrTT T7 a t?
illlj lSkJLaLsLUfT FOR
prepareu meats uruppeu jiuu I,... nnurninn a mnTlf rn Hinrvni i mm uulcft- "b"'b oiuu kiuci, ouu
tons to 3240. and bacon from 3973 WAS Ht U UVtKNUK A rAtt I I U HAD I LtU IT five other warriors, were killed
Bring Us Your
tons to 771 during the Apnl-Juno
nnnrfcpr. ns comnared with the im
ports for the same period of the pro-
ceding year. Hams declined from
S10 tons to 256. and other forms of
pork meats from 1S25 tons to 574
Add to this the fact that bv another
ause of the same law, which has governor Chamberlain passed
been in force since October 1900, the ttirougn Kosemirg on mesuay morn-
incfs train, enroute to Salem, from
canned meats-of which SS42 tons. triP to Washington. He was met
valued atS2.040.800 were imported Pn the tram the editor of the
; iooaw w w,hnA a ?t I rLAiNDEALER, who snowed tne uov-
will be amiarent that the German hmor the recent decision of the Sn
meatimnort lias been reduced to Preme Court in the case of Maria L.
about one-third of its former propoiJFIandeis vs. Multnomah County et al;
.: ana was asKea wnai nis action wouia
bo regarding calling a special session
J.F. Barker & Co.
of the Legislature to pass a new
law? The Governor said:
"I am extremely reluctant about
convening the Legislature in special
session. It is a question in my mind
Heating Stoves
Cook Stoves,
Stove Pipe
Stove Boards.
S. K. SYKES, Roseburg, Oregon
This, in a nation of such liberal and
constant meat eaters as the Germans,
is a common fact of serious and far-
reaching importance.
The deficit in imported meats has,
however, heen connterbaianceu 10
some deirree bv an increase in the re- whether an exhausted treasury will
cpintanf form rattle, of which Prove 33 Et an evil as a special
L o I . it r t , .
there were imnorted durimr the first sess,on ne legislature.
- In i i J
six months of 1903. 174.000 head. I suppose no taxes are assessed, leviea
valued at 512,852,000, as against r collected for the period named by
48.394 head, valued at S10.472.000 the SnPreme tne taxpayers
... ... .Ann I n ATI A flfTrtril frk cflTIll !f inil
aunnET the same oenoa in lyuz. """,u
This increased import of live cattle, would not seriously compla?
however, is stimulated by another ine inconvenience resulting m,-
art viz.-. the new tariff law. which compel economy lor the next year
will Drobablv cro into effect some time
J hi ti i I I I ir it
nprt Year. It raises the dutv on im- oi nasty legislation in tne
oorted cattle to S4.2S ner 220.4
Dounds. live weieht which will all 01111101 state definitely
but prohibit importations under ordi- course i snau pursue, unui my reiarn
nary conditions of the market Nat
urally, such a change in duties has
stimulated heavy importations during
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking is to have good
And to get them promptly when you order them. Call up
rhone No. ioi For good goods and good service.
J. ALSWeatherby
T. A. Bury
D. L. Maria
Roseburg Real Estate Co.
Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold
Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty.
ty with
List your proper-
A. C. MAR5TER5 & CO.
We Want Your Patronage
and as an inducement we offer U. S. P.
Standard Drugs, Fresh Patent jMedicines,
High Grade Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet Arti
cles, and Specialties
to Salem, when I will carefully ascer
tain the condition of the several
funds created for the support and
last few months before the new maintenance of tho several public in-
Oregon Legislature" and "the results
of hasty legislation in the future.
Had the Governor been a common
lack-leg lawyer he would have seen
that the tax bill, as passed by the
late Legislature was unconstitutional,
but Governor Chamberlain allowed
the bill to become a law of the State.
Tho Legislature had before it for
consideration about 600 bills, of
which number probably 150 were
passed to the Governor for his ap
proval. The tax bill was one of them
and after taking ten days to consider
the bill in all its phases, Governor
Chamberlain said it was a good bill.
perfect and commendable, and he
signed the bill. He signed the bill
knowing that it was illegal and let it
pass for future personal, political ag
grandisement, as an able and talented
lawyer, or his actual knowledge of
law is so deficient that he failed to
merits of the bill
Governor is more to blame than the
Legislature. If he allowed the bill
and buried by tho posse. In the sec- Jaclcsnrr Strr
i i i ziv. it.- l I
uuu ciami wnu iuu reuaxuia keu rav
ages were killed and a score taken
captive without loss to the posse. It
is said that the redmen are greatly
incensed over the fact that Weston
county authorities took their squaws
ane children from them and that these
proceedings really brought on the
The young bucks are in favor of
taking the warpath, and their cries at
dancing can be heard miles away.
Just as night was falling after a chase
of ten days, Sheriff Miller and his 12
deputies, six of them ranchmen pick'
ed up on the way, overtook the In
dians near the Beaver's Dam on Lights
ening Creek. The warriors had stop
ped for the night in a tract of bad
lands and evidently were expecting
trouble. Inspired by the lead of
Eagle Feather and Black Kettle, two
notorious Sioux warriors, they open
ed fire and in the gathering darkness
a pitched battle ensued. The Indians
fired rapidly, but wildly, while the
white men shot deliberately and with
a steady aim. The battle developed
Roseburg-, Oregon
Attention Rheumatics!!
Why pay the Rail Road a lot of money to
carry you to Springs of unknown medical
properties when you can be guaranteed a
cure at BOSWELL SPRINGS near home. .
ELATESITE ia Mineral Hnbber.T
or Hod It necesaaij to REPLACE JL WORJM)UT ROOF
itts me pUee of hlnele, Un, Iron, Ur and rmtl and all prepared rooflnn. Tor Cat and
ttp mrtacea, gntten. Talleji, etc Easy to Ur. Tejaptred lor aU ellnatea. Eeuoaable Is coat.
Id on merit. Goaiuteed. It wUl par lo aak for price and InlonaatJon.
Woroeler Bull di rut. I'OKXIiiVN'D
into a skirmish, the combatant s firing I
or comprenena tne merits or ae- from tnfts o from mes
in any event tne from lna gir-ntest. degression in the
ground. For a solid hour shot3 fol
lowed closely, spurts of flame coming
schedule is to go into effect.
Buys a Wife and a Span of Mules.
Last Monday at Beatrice, Neb.,
"William Razee nurchased a team of
mules from Peter Williams and in ad
dition to the equine purchase Razee
secured "Williams' wife to boot The
Williams are late comers in Beatrice,
while Razee, present owner of the
mules and woman, only came here
two weeks ago. Razee made the ac
quaintance of the Williams family
and within a few days had won the
wifes affections. Then Kazee pro
posed purchasing the mules. When
terms could not be made he proposed
to Williams to pay a higher price and
take the woman also. Williams con
sented, and it is said, received $150
for the team and the woman. Razee
took his purchases and started toward
Kansas City overland.
Anti-Suicide Clause Valid.
stitutions. If I find that these will
be so depleted and impaired or so
great indebtedness created by failure
to convene the Legislature as to seri
ously cripple the public service and
place the employes of the state, coun
ties and cities at the mercy of the
broker, I will call a special session
otherwise not."
'Another consideration which
makes me hesitate is the fact that
special elections will have to be held
at considerable expense and incon
venience to the public, notably in
Clatsop, Benton and Polk. My course
will be finally determined upon short
ly after my arrival in Salem.'
lne above statement is aoout as
smooth a piece of political buncomb
and cheap claptrap notoriety as wo
ever read. Here is the Governor of
the State, who was Circuit Attorney
for the First and Second Judicial dis
tricts at different times and was also
appointed, and afterwards elected,
In a decision in the United Attorney-General of the State of Ore-
States Court in Kansas City on Tues- gon, making this statement: It is
day, Judge John F. Phillips has held a question in my mind whether an ex
that insurance companies may enforce I hausted treasury will provo as great
the anti-suicide clause, which was an evil as a special session of tho
previously entered into by the in
sured. I A Bogus News Agency.
The decision was in the case of
James Whitfield, a well-known news
paper porting editor, who killed
himself. Whitfield insured for $5000,
receiving a policy that contained a
clause specifying that $500 only
should be recovered in case of suicide.
a 1 ! t
to Decome a law witn nis signatuae through the darkness like lightening.
or approval, Knowing tnat it was me- whfle demoniac whoops of the Indians
gaL he is a demagogue of the first the chanting death song of the
water and should be held up to con- woun(jed added wierdness to the scene.
I 11 ne approved tne Dm in ig- At the Black KettI. stand.
noranco, he is more to blame than the ing conspicuously in the open, fell
Legislature, because the governor is without a groan. The
supposed to know the law, and if he Gnomes 0f the white men won the
had any doubt, it was easy for him to ig warrior ynnior feli
asK tne Attorney-oeneral or even tne confusion seized the Indians, and they
Supreme Court Judges for an opinion more wfldjv towards the flashes
on the merits or validity of the bill, that revealed the whereabouts of the
but tne Legislature must be held up jt men, and forgetting their cun-
to contempt by the Governor, because njnr exposed themselves to the dead
a majority ol tne members are re-1 jv of the ranchmen. A bulle-
publican, but the obstreperous, unter- took Falkenbenr squarely in the neck.
nned democratic minority in the Leg- tearing a gaping wound that almost
islature pushed the bill through with severed his head from his body. He
all the power it had. . died almost instantly. Sheriff Miller
There are other points we could Was shot in the thigh, and his life
make which are held in reserve, but Went out in gushing spurts of blood
one thing is certain and that is, the that could not be checked. In less
Governor will call a special session of than half an hour he expired with a
the Legislature after he has held up messajre to his wife and children
"hasty legislation" to the gazo of the half-spoken on his lips.
citizens ot Oregon. Let us not fail RwIa strnrV bv two
to remember that that "hasty legisla- hnllpb? f?imnltaneonslv. and his fall
tion" was approved by him, either in disheartened his followers, and the
ignorance or because he connived to few surving fled into the darkness,
pass the bill so that he would have a All night Eagle Feather lay wounded
chance to convene the Legislature in among his dead brothers, and when
special session, to hold up the Legis- the whites found him in the morning
Iature to intended contempt and him- he still shouted defiance.
self Its thft mtrnn diint rf ftrpornn
, , Railroad Is Near Bohemia
and now is the time for eveiv demo-1
crat to bellow himself hoarse on the The Oregon & Southeastern Rail
Governor's snecions scheme fornoliti-S b now completed more than half
i a of un t. way into the Bohemia district, is
Have you seen our line of
Jackets and Furs. We do
not claim to do all the busi
ness, what we want is the
pleasure of showing our line.
The Goods will do the rest
We are confident that your
Jacket - or Fur will be
bought of
Pratical WatchmaKer, Jeweler, Optician.
Watches, ClocKs, Jewelry
Diamonds and Silverware
Watch Repairing
a Specialty.
r.w. nESsos. a: clusters. h.c.galkt.
rrcaMuil, ; Vice Prealdent. Caaala
Douglas County Bank,
BstultllMlicd IH8J.
Capital Stock, $50,000.00
Incorporated iooi
taxpayers of the State.
If you
If you
If you
If you
j you
If you
want to buy a farm
want furnished rooms
want to buy a house
want to rent a house
want to build a house
want to move a house
If yon don't know PAT
Gill on or address...
F F. pattern,
and Itaildnr
Oregon .
I List
Your Ranches aad Timber
Lands with me. : : :
The Scripps-McRao News Associa
tion which is supposed to furnish tele
graphic news to several afternoon
papers, on Tuesday afternoon sent out
the following:
"Willows, Cal. Nov. 3. Gov. Geo.
Although the Btatutes of Missouri de- B. chamberlain was seen here today
clare that insurance companies may on hfc way homo from a business visit
not make suicide a defence in refus- to Washinirton. D. fi. When asked
ing to pay a policy, Judge Phillips auout tho tax levy for his state for
held that as tho pleading ol tho con- this year which had been declared by
tract in question, voluntarily entered he supreme court unavailable on ac-
mto by the parties, goes merely to count 0f defectivo action taken by tho
the question of the amount of the rc-hjat legislature, he said: "I am ox-
3 l t r. . ... .
cuvery, aim uui, w ueiuau a icuuvcijr, tremely reluctant about conven-
my conclusion is that tho planum is vening tho legislature in special ses-
only entitled to recover the sum oi Bjon etc.
V500- To show tho worthlessness of such
service we state: Tho train on which
tho Governor was going home passed
New Way of Using Chamboriain's through Willows. Cal. on Monday,
wougn Kemeuy. - nnMnin. rwhrd
. . . t , . I wwv m tivii UWI VillVt vuwawu
mr. Armur uuapman writing irom . ,
Durban.-Natal. South Africa. nan: "Ae "uol:"UIK u" mwuiuu
a proof that Chamberlain's" Cough 1050, he told tho writer that ho had
Remedy ia a euro suitable) for old and not heard of tho Supremo Court do-
young, 1 pen you mo following : a cision, and knew nothing about it.
. a ? I i 1 "
ncgnoor oi mine nau a cimu jubi over rm.:. nrnv ti,n f,5t f thn
posed telegraphic dispatch. Tho
to tho Portland
ho had with
received the news but only after the
Editor of tho Plaindealer had tele
graphed it to the leading afternoon
papers of Oregon, and it had been
published. They did not even have a
reporter at tho train to interview the
tho Governor.
two months old. It had a very bad
rnupli and tho naronta did not know I
what to give it. I suggested that if they writer telegraphed
would get a bottlo of Chamberlain's Telegram the interview
the Governor and after tho
had appeared in that paper,
Cough Remedy and put somo upon tho
dummy teat the baby was sucking it
amll i si jti-tiili nllFA lilt fttailil TlilO
they did and brought about a quick ro- McRae et al telegraphed a garbled re
lief and cured tho baby." This remedy port to the afternoon press receiving
is for salo by A. C. Marslers & Co. I its service. The Roviow of Roseburg
thoroughly ballasted and is running
two trains daily to the bend of the
track at the crossing of Brass Creek,
where a substantial bridge is nearly
constructed. As soon as this bridge
is hnished track laying will Do con
tinued, the right-of-way having been
cleared and grading being nearly
done for three miles beyond the
bridge. Tho new combination depot
at tho east end of town is a sightly
Board of School directors of Diat. No. 4, modern conveniences and elegantly
Roseburg Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m. aimointed offices for the several de-
ov. 1UIM, lor the erection anil com- nnrtmnnta of construction, dovelon-
ment and operation.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed Rida will bo received by tho anii commodious structure, with
-jr 6
A guuuml banking business transacted, andfenstomers given every Q
accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking. O
Bank oped from nine to twelve and from one to three. Q
Tho OlfflxY up-to-date Merchant TAIImORS
We also do the Tjest work in Gleaning
Scouring and Pressing.
Call and see us. Opposite Post Office
pieuon oi a uign school building ac
cording to plana and specifications, pre
pared by Chas. Burggral, Architect,
Albany Ore. All bids must bo accom
pamed by a certified check payable to
Bchool District No. 4. Rosobare. Ore
gon, for tho sum of $250. As a guaran
too that in tho ovont tho contract is
awarded, tho contractor shall furnish
an approved bond,
Only Makes a Bad Matter Worse-
Perhaps yon havonover thought of it
but tho fact muat bo apparent to every
one that constipation is caused by a lack
of water in tho system, and tho uso of
drastic cathartics like tho old fashioned
nilln nnlv makes a bad matter worse.
equal to 76 per cent r!,nmwri!nii Stomnph nnd Liver Tnb-
of tho contract within ton days after tho loUj aTQ much moro mild nnJ g,,,, in
awarding of tho contract. ,;. ftn,i whnn .i10 nrOD(jr doso
Proposals for tho same, plans and is taken their action is so natural that
specifications, mav bo seen at 8. C. ono can hardly realiro it is tho effect
Flint'n. Rnanlinnr. Orntrnn. nr nt tlm Ol a IllCdlCino.
ni r 1
architect's office. Tho building shall bo
Try a 25 cent bottlo of
thorn. For Bale by A C MArstors & Co.
Flowering Bulbs
Stock is now in from Holland, and it is time to
plant them. Write today for our new catalogue,
which tells all. The same catalogue tells about our
completed by September 1st, 1004.
Tho board rcsorves tho right to reject
any or all bids. Signed
S. O. Flint,
Chairman, Board of Director Dis. No. 4
Clara Dillabd, Clerk. 75-N2
Wood I WoodI Wood!
Tho Plaindealeb wants 20 tiers of
wood at tho oflico, and any man who
wants to pay up a years subscription
can bring in a tier of wood and tho busi-! paid.
At n regular mooting of tho directors
of school District No. 4. tho clerk was
authorized to opon books for subscrip
tion to warrant loan of $20,000, said
books to bo opon Oct. 1st. Subscribers
can subacribo for amounts of (50 or mul
tiples thereof. Warrants will draw in
terest at tho rato of 4 por cent per an
num and will bo payable as follows :
$2,000 each succeeding year until all aro
For othor information apply to
ess will bo transact ed.
Clara Dillaed, Clork.
Call at the office of the Roseburg Water and Light Co.
and pay your water and light bills, on or before the 10th
of each month .and take advantage of- the discount