The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 02, 1903, Image 4

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    Profit In the Dairy.
I have often wondered whether the
average farmer ever stopped to con
sider in a business way the cost of keep
ing his cows, and to compare both sides
of his balance sheet with his herd of
cows, says tho Epitomast, Of course
there are those that make a careful cal
culation of cost as well as profit, and if
the cows are not paying expenses they
are found looking after causes for this
deficiency and are seeking out remedies
that will change the face of the account.
The man who does this will finally
succeed in spite of difficulties, while the
one that goes at his business in a hap
hazard way will have to charge a very
low figure for his feed, throw in his
work, and interest on his money, if he
comes out even. The average number
of pounds of butter for the cow accord
ing to the census reports is ISO pounds
of butter per year to tho cow. It is
plain that we must get above the aver
age if there is to be a profit in the busi
ness. Just how much above must de
pend upon the cost of labor, feed, and
the price obtained for tho product.
There are a number of cows that
will more than double the average, and
there must necessarily be a large num
ber that fail to reach the average. Gur
ler, in American Dairying, calculates
that the cow must produce 190 pounds
of butter annually before there is a pro
fit. I think that in some sections a cow
yielding 190 pounds of butter yearly will
make a profit to her owner, while no
doubt there are others that would nec
essarily keep such a cow at a loss. The
use of the Babcock tester is a great help
in selecting cows that will pay for their
keep, but with many of the trouble is
not altogether with the cow. The man
ner of feeding and care of the animal has
much to do with both the quantity and
quality of the milk, but is not of greater
importance than the quality of food. A
cow muEt have proper feed if she is to
give-a large amount of good milk, and
in order to attain best results for the
dairyman the ration must be compound
ed both with reference to the cost and
the availability of the feed, and also the
ratio of carbohydrates to the protein. It
will often pay to buy some protein if the
farm cannot be made to produce sufil
cient of this element, but, in most cases,
by proper planning, the farm can be
made to yield this most valuable ele
ment to advantage by cultivating some
one or two of the legumes. A cow must
have a large amount of rough feed-
about three-fourths of her ration should
be of roughage, and it should be so fed
that the entire ration would show a
ratio of one to five and one-half or one
to six, for best results. 'We hear a great
deal said about the dual cow of late
years ; I am inclined to that one cause
of the low average of cows is due largely
to the idea of keeping dual cows, or
dual-purpose cows, as they are called ;
people are afraid to invest in dairy cows
because tney fear that the cows will be
a source of loss, as they are not valuable
for beef animals. They do not see their
way clear to invest in animals of the
beef type, so there is a feeble effort made
at the dual type as a compromise.
Scientists tell us that it is impossible to
develop both qualities to anything near
perfection, and so the dual-purpose anl
mal is a poor animal for either. By
using good judgment the dual cow can
be dispensed with.
About Values.
The young breeder who has grown
Sock of standard bred chickens from
eggs from a thoroughbred yard finds
difficulty in fixing the value of his
birds. After the culls are removed,
how shall he put a price fair to the buy
er and seller on the stock 11 his cus
tomers come to him his prices should be
lower than where he must stand the ex
pense oi advertising and shipping, as
well as the stationery and postage ac
Any thoroughbred fowls that would
not be disqualified but lack the fine
points of the breed will bring from two
to five dollars as breeders for the males.
and one to three dollars for the females
Birds that are fit to win in the shows
will bring from $10 up to $100, depend
ing upon the size of the show and the
quality of the bird.
Males and females from a flock which
has made a record as egg producers will
bring about what the owner chooses to
ask for them. A hen with a trap nest
record of 200 eggs per year is worth
gooa aeai to ner owner, and in paying
a long price for her you are paying not
only for the hen and her good qualities
but the time of the owner in ascertain'
ing her real worth as an egg producer.
ine older breeders get better prices
for their stock than amatuers; they are
also easier to deal with in case of disap
pointing hatches, for they cannot afford
to have a dissatisfied customer.
novice often 'wishes to get for his young
stock the same prices he paid for the
old without regard to quality ; older
breeders sell culls on the market rather
than send them out as breeders at any
Frequently a novice writes to a breed'
er giving the standard description of
perfect bird of the breed desired, and
offering from one to five dollars for such
a bird. This is done through ignorance,
but you can't please a buyer of that
kind. He does not know good values
when he sees it.
xne oest place to study values is in
the yards of a reputable breeder or at
the poultry shows. With the exception
of the prize birds prices charged for in
dividual specimens or pens are usually a
guide which the beginner may depend
on where be has a knowledge of stand
ard requirements Wallaces' Farmer.
A Serious Wasts of Fertility.
Permanent stable yards and night
runs for stock are sources of great waste
of fertility on too many farms, says the
Farm and Fireside. The reader can
doubtless think without effort of a doz
en farms where the same yards and
night-runs have been in use for a gener
ation or more. These fields if now brok
en and cropped would be about as val
ueless for a considerable time for a pro
duction as if they had been systemati
cally starved, instead of gorged with
fertility for most crops.
Where the same fields are necessarily
kept in use for yarding purposes or
driveways, they often can be scraped
with profit after several years' use to
the depth of two or three inches, the j
scraping being used as a top-dressing to
spread over fields robbed of their right
ful share of this fertility. It is often
possible to mako use of a road-scraper
which has outlived its usefulness for
highway purposes for scraping tho sur
face of yards and driveways, thereby
saving much time and labor. Tho sur
face can be sheared off and shoved into
windrows convenient for loading in a
few hours, whore hand labor would re
quire days.
A better method of preventing the
fertility wastage alluded to is by means
of a systematic rotation of yarding-lots
often, but not always, possible. The
wire fencing that is now 60 largely in
use can be rapidly and inexpensively
moved, thus allowing tho space devoted
to yards and fence rows to bo kept free
from objectionable growths, and to
yield in their turn bountiful crops.
More busy farmers will adopt such a
vard-rotation when onco weaned of tho
permanent yarding practice than will
take measures to Eave tho fertility from
being washed away into the streams.
Many otherwise beautiful farm homes
arc made sources of annoyance to the
traveling public and an actual menace
to the health of tho occupants by reason
of too close and long continued yarding
of stock near the home buildings.
In the writer's opinion it is not an
overstatement to assert that on not
few farms there is a fertility wastage
from stable yards, driveways and night
runs fullv equal to value to many loads
of expensive commercial fertilizers.
Sheep Shipments.
Stewart & Packard will start their
fourth shipment of sheep this fall for
San Francisco tomorrow. This ship
ment will consist of twenty-five cars or
a total of 2750 head.
Including tomorrows shipment this
firm will have Eent to San Francisco dur
ing the last few weeks nearly ten thous
and head of sheep. The first shipment
consisted of 1200 head, the second about
2500, the third nearly 2S00 and tho one
tomorrow 2750.
The price received by the gentlemen
is not as high as liked, but it enables
them to make a fair profit after all ex
penses are paid. Eugene Guard.
Temperance Testimony From
Supreme Court.
(By L. F. Additon.)
"No legislature can bargain away the
public health or the public morals. The
people themselves cannot do it, much
less their servants. Government is or
ganized with a view to their preserva
tion, and cannot divest itself of the
power to provide for them." 102 U. S.,
"There is no inherent right in the
citizen to sell intoxicating liquors bv
retail ; it is not a privilege of a citizen of
a state." U. S. Supreme Court, 137
U. S., p. S6.
"'Sot can we ignore the fact, estab
lished by statistics accessible to every
one, that the disorder, pauperism and
crime prevalent in the country are, in
large measure, directly traceable to this
evil" the saloons. U. S. Supreme
Court, Dec 5, 1SS7.
"Isor can it be Eaid that government
interferes with or impairs any one's
couEUtutional rights ol liberty or prop
erty when it determines that the manu
facture and eale of intoxicating drinks
for general or individual use as a bever
age are or may become hurtful to society
and to every member of it, and is there
lore a business in no one may
lawfully engage." U. S. Supreme
Court Dec 5, 1SS7.
"jjy tne general concurrence ol opin
ion of every civilized and Christian com
munity there are few sources of crime
and misery equal to the dram-shop,
where intoxicating liquors, in small
quantities, to be drank at the time, aro
6old indiscriminately to all parties ap
plying. The statistics of every state
show a greater amount of crime and
misery, attributable to the use of ardent
spirits obtained at these retail liquor
saloons than to any other source." U.
S. Supreme Court 1890. From Oregon
The Soldier's Laat March.
Why Is It that the most solemn eerv
Ice ever devised by man, the stately
hush of the vast cathedral, the Impos
Ins; robes, the stained glass windows,
the pealing organ, all fade Into insig
nificance beside that soul stirring, sim
ple act the trumpeting out of "taps"
over the "body of a dead soldier? No
man who has ever heard it, either on
the field of battle, at the quiet army
post-or In the haven of these weak and
shattered units of the Grand Army of
the Republic, ever forgets It For the
bugle notes seem to take Into their own
all embracing cadence the tears, the
memories, the shattered hopes and the
lone farewell. John It, Rathom In
Saw Hla Flnlab.
"Are you preparing to dle7' asked
the elderly female of the condemned
"No, ma'am, I ain't," replied the tic-
tlm of circumstances. "But the Toiler
In the next cell can stand a lot of talk.
Tou might call on him." Chicago
City and Mining Property, Home
steads and Timber Claims Located,
the best now vaunt. No fees paid
until Filing accepted. Relinquish
ments bought and sold. ; : :
Stewart Land Co.,
lorn i, Taylsr & Wilswi Hock
is prepared to wait upon old
and new customers andfriends
with a full and complete
stock of
All fresh and of the very best
quality. Teas aad coffees are
specialties. Your patronage
Administrator's Sale
of Real Prop-
Notice is hereby given, that by virtno
of an order made by tho County Court
of Douglas County, Stato of Oregon, in
tho matter of tho estato of Thomas
Duiiseath, deceased, on tho 28th day
of September, 1903, and entered in tho
I'robato Records of said Court on saul
day, directing and authorizing me, the
under-signed administrator of tho said
estate, to sell at either public or private
sale, as provided by law, tho real prop
erty of, aud belonging to the said estate,
to tho highest bidder, for cash in hand,
for the purpose of paying off tho claims
against tho said estate and tho expenses
of administration.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said or
der, I will, on and after Saturday, Octo
ber 31st, 1903, at ono o'clock in tho af
ternoon of said day, proceed to sell and
offer for sale to the highest bidder, for
cash in hand, tho following described
real property owned by tho said estate
and described as follows, to-wit : Tho
E of tho SWJi of Sec. 20, Township 32
South, of Range 5 West.Willamette Mo
ridian, in Douglas County, Oregon, con
taining SO acres, inoro or less.
Dated at Roseburc. Oregon, this 29th
day of September, A. D. 1903.
E. E. Wilson,
Administrator of the estate of Thomas
Dunseath, Deceased.
First publication, Oct. 1st, 1903.
Write your FarmExperience and Send
In 1902 tho Southern Pacific Company
published a pamphlet entitled "Call
fornia Industries". It cont.iuied princi
pally the personal testimonies of experi
enced cultivators, says tho Pacific Home
stead. A short description of the dif
ferent sections was given and following
this the testimonies of fruit growers,
dairymen, etc., etc., showing the number
of acres cultivated to oranges, grapes,
olives, alfalfa, etc., tho cost to cultivate
the yield per acre and price the products
were sold for. This was ono of the most
practical pieces of literature that could
be put out. Mr. W. E. Coman, G. P. A.,
of the Southern Pacific Company, has
written tho agents of that company in
Oregon that it is the intention to get up
a similar publication for Oregon and
asks that all who are able to give the
results from their farms, dairies, fruit
orchards, berry patches, etc., in Oregon
write the results for publication in the
pamphlet. He says he wants only the
actual results under favoiahle conditions
the same as can be accomplished by
any intelligent grower under normal
conditions ; that is, he wants only honest
representations. Any of our readers in
rgon who will take the time to give
their experiences will be doing the com
pany a courtsey and the stato justice'
You mav send vour statement to Mr
Soman, or to the Plaisdeal b and it wil
forwarded to him
Mr. Man, vou want facts. We are
going to give you facts. As you read
them over vou will know they are facta
And we can prove they are facts.
It is a fact that McCormick Binders,
Mowers and Rakes are the standard by
which all others are gnaged.
It is a fact, Racine Buggies, Hrcks
and Road Wagons are far outstripping
our competitors' lines.
It is a fact that the Bain Wagon is the
most successful, durable and economical
wacon on the market.
It is a fact that the above are all in
eluded in the Big 3. You can find them
at S. K. Svkes', Roseburg, Ore.
Get your abstracts ot title from J. D
Hamilton. He has the only complete
set of abstract books in the countv. tf
Roseburg Nurseries.
Very choice fruit trees, all leading
varieties. Spitzcnberg and Yellow New
town Pippin apples a specialty. For
sale at very reasonable prices by Rose
burg Nurseries, H. Schroten, Roseburg
Oregon. 5Ctf
Piano Buyers,
You will notice that we do not have
to be continually striking out for a new
make of Pianos. The Needham has been
our leader for 14 years and is today
leader among the high grade pianos of
the world. Some cheap pianos are made
high grade simply by getting a boost in
the Oregonian or some other leading
paper, through those big dealers who
think they can, and do make the major
lty of people believe it simply because
they say so. It doesn't take ink, boost
or high commissions to make a good
piano, but instead the very best
mechanics, and the very best material
such aa are always used in Needham
pianos. 29-tf
T. K. Richardson,
Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Hlcfcel SHrar Cose
Fully Guaranteed
For Mis br
Qoatrated Booklet
careejMrt, saowlag
The New England
Watch Co.
H. Little,
j Oa
Oakland, - Ore go
n. j
Professional Cards.
I Residence 8M,
(Office UK)
West Roseburg
Ofllco : Koom 11 Taylor A Wilson lllock
Examination Freo. Olllcu hours U to 12 a. m.
2to6p.m. brsduato Still College ol Osteopathy
A 1 1 orney-a t-Law,
Court House
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. O. Rosunima.
'Phone Main 591. Okkoon.
Physcian & Surgeon.
nOce Review ma.
Phono. Main 31
Roskhrro Okeoon
Special attention giveu to Diseases
ot the No.
nil Throat.
Office Main St., one door smith ot
Phone. Main 311.
city lull
Review Building,
Telephone No. 4.
M. Crawfohd a J. O. Watson
Attorneys at Law,
Rooms l&x. Bank Build., ROSEBURG, OB.
faFBuslnes before the D 8 Land Office and
mining cue a specialty.
Buslncs.-before U.S. Land Office and Probate
business a specialty.
Office Abraham Bulldlnc
Wll' practice In all the State and Federal Courts
Office in Marki Bid., Roseburg, Oregon.
rtai 1 and 2
vyiew Buildluc-
J A. BUCHANAN, Noury Public.
Collections a Specialty.
Room 3
Uaritera Bulldlnc.
ffi J. ROBINETr,
Attorney at Law.
Koom 11.
Taylor Wilson Block
RoisnCBO, Orb
Land Surveyor.
Office. Boom 6. Taylor A Wilson Block.
Fine Farm for Sale.
A good S00 acre farm for eale five
aiilea from Myrtle Creek, 100 acres in
cultivation, balance hill, pasture and
timbered land. Small orchard, good
house, barn and other improvements
For price and terms apply to P. T. Mc-
Gec, Myrtle Creek, or D. S. K. Buick,
Roseburg, Ore-on. 2-tf
Smith Dandruff Pomade
Stops itching scalp upon one applica
tion, three to six removes all dandruff
and will slop falling hiir. Price 60c
For sale bv Marsters Drue Co. mltf
New and LargcrBuitdinj;, New Presses'
New Stereotype Plant, New
and Modern Appliance in
every Department.
Tho Toledo Blade Is now installed in Its new
building, with a modern plant and equipment
and facilities ojual to any publication between
New York and Chicago. It Is the only Weekly
newspaper edited expressly for every state and
territory. Tho News ot the World so arranged
that busy people can more easily comprehend
than by reading cumbersome coiumsof callle
All current topic made plain In each issue by
special cditoral matter, written from inception
down to date. The only paper published ejpeel
ally for rccple who do or do not read dally news
papers, and yet thirst for plain facts. I bat
this kind of a newspaper Is ' popular, Is proven
by the fa t that the Weekly Blade now has orer
mfXO yearly subscribers, and is circulated iu
allrartaof the C.8. In addition to the news
the BUde publishes short and serial stories, and
many department of matter suited to every
member of the family. Only one dollar a year
Write for free specimen copy. Addrtsss
Toledo, Ohio.
The Greatest Farm Taper ol tho North,
west. Published weekly at Salem. Oro
con. Edited by the Farmers ol tho
Northwest. Twenty Pages. Illustrate).
3 J Papers for Si oo. Less than acta each
Publication beean March 1, 1900. Now
has 9,300 subscribers. Phenomenal growth
is due to its being tho best farm paper pub
. $2.75 A YEAR.
for a Prompt and First-class
Shave or Hair-cut. Compe
tent Workmen, Clean Tow
els, Toole always in ahapp.
Baths In Connection.
Shop on Jackson 8t.
fuo to .. ..
Soaiety Meetings.
AF. & A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
IloldR regular meetings on second
in.l i ...v. ir.i ,.l ,.
niu 1.1 ill I, Wltlt'nimyo Ol MHUII
month. O. P. Cosnow. W. M.
N.T.Jkwmt, Hecrotaiy.
O. U. W. RoBoburg Lodge No. 1(5.
Meets the second nnd fourth Mon
days of ouch month at 7:30 n. m..
in the I. O. O. F. Hall. Members in
good HtandiiiB Bre invited to attend.
F.M.Tozikk M. W.
E. II. Lenox Recorder.
D. .S West, Financier.
P. O. ELKS. Ropobnrg LodgeNo.
326. Holds regular communica
tions at I. 0. O. F. Hall on second
and fourth Thursdays oi each month.
All members reqtit-etfcd to attend reim-
larlv anil all visiting brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
r. b. Wa:tk, K. R.
Rov McClallkn, Secretary.
O.N. U., metfl ut Arniorj Hall fveiy
F. It. Hamlin, Capt.
OF A. Court Dondan No. 32, For
esters of America. Ment8 every
Tuemiay Hvenint; in Native Smifi'
Hall. Vinitintrbrotherna!wav8 wtlcump.
Fbank Kennedy, R. C"
E H. Lenox, R. P.
E. V. Hoover, Physician.
O. o. F. Philetarian Lodco No. 8.
Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor-
Saturday evening ol each week Mem
bers of the order in vood etandinu aro
bvitbd to attend,
J. C. Twitchell, N. G.
N.T. Jkwktt, Secretary.
P. Alpha LoiIrb No. 47. Meet!
every Wednesday, in I. O. O. F
Hall a. :o0 t. m. Member in
(trxxl si anding are invited to nttend.
Geo. E. Hocce.
S.V. Rami K. P.. 8.
1. .M. Protection Tent No. IS.
Holds its regular Reviews tho
hrst and third Fritlav of aeh
month in the I. O. O. hall. Visiting
members in good standing are invited to
attend. tiEo. . Perry, Com.
t,. c. ULorxiETT, Keconl Keeper.
IUC CIRCLE. So. 49. Women of
Woodcraft. MeKe on 2nd and 4th
FridKj of each month at th
itve J-une, Hll. ipiting members in
iood staudini; are invited to attend.
Della Jeweit, Guardian Neighbor.
.ui.NXiK Orrv, tocy.
LO. T. M. Rohnrc Hive No. 11.
Hold its mrnUr rtview npin the
ffrst and third Frida: 8 at 2 :39 n m
of rcth month tn tne Native Snot' Hall.
stetrrp of other Hive visiting in the city
are cordially inviuvi tnattond nnr rn-
viw. Hattie MontA.v I.. (Inv.
Jkssik RanvR. K.
E. S Rofobnrp Chapter No. S
lioUle thbir renolar meetinc on the
Srsl and third Thursday in ear.!,
uonth. Visitinc member in eoo-1
itandine are respectfully invitwl to at
tend. Mrs. Nax.vie Spragce W. M..
Macde lUtr Secretary.
KDEKAH8. Roseborp Rbekah
lXKjire o. 41. I.O. O. F., mHl8 in
Odd Fellow Tern pie everv Tnesdav
evening. Visiting Bisters and" brethren
invited to attend.
Della Rnow.v, N. G.
Cora Wimbebly. R. i?.
sembly No. 105 meets even- Sator-
day evening, at S o'clock in Native
Sons Hall. lsiting Artisans cordially
invited to attend.
Rev. S A. Docglas, M. A.
Mm. Lela Rbown, Secretarv.
fifW Caran No. 1U5. MeotB at the Odd
Fellowe Hall, in Rosebnrc, every
first and third Monday evening. Visit
inn neighbors nlwavs we!imi.
N. T. Jewett, C. C.
J. A. BrciiANAJt. Clerk.
I. O. O. F.
Odd tellow's Temple. Meets first
and third Thursday evenines each
monm. isitors conliallv invited.
J. B. Hamilton-. C. P
J. C. TwrrcnKH.. Scribe.
Your Watch!
hen was it cleaned and oiled?!
Is it rd.inin; like it ouj'it ts? If
is not, it would bo well to liavo it ox-
imined, I will look it over carefully
ind tell you just where tho trouble if
and what it will cost to repair it.
I guarantee all mv work and live
up to tho guarantee.
R. F. WINSLOW J7?r.and
Notice for Publication.
Kosoburir, Ore. Atnr. 3. l'XB
Notice, is hereby siren that in compliant
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
JuneJ, 8T8, entitled "An art tor the salo ot
Umber lands In the Plates of California. Oregon
NtTada.and Washington Territory." asextond-
d to all tho publle land states by act of August
a. 1892.
of Sparta, county of Montoc, stato of Visoonln
n.ns this day filed In this office his sworn state
ment No. S'0, for the purehssd ol tho south
east quarter (SKi) of section No i lu town
ship No 27, rnuth of range No. a west
and will offer proof to show that tho land sought
is moro valuable for Its timber or stone than
(or agricultural purposes, and to establish hit
claim before the Register and Kecelrer ot this
Ulce ot Roseburg, Oregon,
on Tuesday the Mill day of Japuary, 1901. Ho
names as witness: II Krakenbcrcur. Paul Garr,
lioth of lto'clmrK, Orcicoti;J. II Evarts, Peel,
Oregon; Wolcomo llubnolt, Kparta, Wisconsin,
Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
Hboyo described lanu arc requested to file their
claims In this ofllco on or beforo tho said 12th
day ol January, 1901.
Leading Alnsic Mouse of Southern
$25.00 Gold or silver will buy a good
Organ or mako a payment on ono of our
fine Pianos, prices ranging from v 185.00
to $450.00. I liavo decided to noil my
present stock regardless of cost or profit.
See or write us at onco and securo
porno of tlicso bargains.
T. K. Richardson.
Kosoburg, Oregon. I
In tho Circuit Court ot tho Pt.'c ol Oi i;ou,
lor Douglas County.
Jlollle M. Robison, Plaintiff.!
O. F. Robison, Defendant.)
To O. F. Robison, tho abovo named Defend
ant: In tho name of OioBtatAof Oregon, you are
hereby summoned and rvriulrud to appearand
Hiiswer tho complaint, tiled nglnt tou in
the abov) entitled court and canst) within six
week from the date of tho Unit publication of
this summon, ami If you fall to appear nnd
answiT aa herein required, for want there. .f
tho plaintiff will apply to said court for Ihc
relief demanded In her complaint, whirl, j
for a decree from raid court dissolving the
marriage contract cutting between pin ulir
nnd defendant, for the caro and custrdy it
the minor child, Brennan Koblson, that lie
may runtime h r former name, Molllc M. it
(,'lKln, for her eots and dUburfcmentx, a- j
for ruch other anil further relief an t i'io i
court may seem meet with equity aud good I
Thlsuinmons Is published once a wek tin
at least tlx successive wtekt In tho i'i.ainuejil
aa, a cmi-wtckly newspaper publlihnl at
Ko'eburg, Oregon, by nrdir of Hon. 31 1).
Thompson, County Judgi- of Douglas County
uregon, mauo aukusii, i'juj
Tne first publication oi mm summons It on
the 21th day of August, 19U3
(A-lw Attorney for I'lalntlff.
In the County Court of the State of Orecon.
for Douilaa county.
In the Matter of the Estate of 1
T t. ..... - Tk... ...-.. Plt.llnH
luifiuwi &uiirvauv .iiim,
Deceased. 1
To Thomas Dunseath. father of decrtued. and
all otheri legally Int-reMcd In nald fcitate.
In the name ol the Plate of Oregon. You
are hereby cited and reoulrel to ernear In the
County Court of the State of Oregon. Io- the I
County of Douglas. In the courtroom thereof, I
at Koeeburg, in the County of Douelu, on I
Monday, the 28th day of Sept., 1003.
at 10 o'olock In the forenoon of that day, then
and there to show cause. If any you have, why
an order for the sale of the real property be-1
longing to said estate, as prayed form tne peti
tion of E. E. Wflson. the administrator, to-wit:
The EU of SW'.i of section Vt. To 3i south, of
range & west. Vt. il in Douglas county. Ore-I
goti, and containing K sens, snoui-i not ua
made authorising E. E. Wilson, the adminis
trator of the xtatc ol Ttomaj Dunseath, de-
ccal. to sell the aforesaid real ProtK-rty. at
cither public or private s'e, for the purpose of
paying loe louvuieuiiesji 01 me i-iiare uii .
D.Thomp,u,.jnd?eof i
the Count j-Court ol the Bute of Oregon, for j
the Cournr of DoueU. with the of eM ! .fMvaxC tHfat -Ulh 1 i Atlrrtftf X tl
Atlcs-: D. K. SHA-'BROOK. Clerk.
(seal.) aZ7.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at itoseburg, Oregon, September
is. 190.
Notice Is hereby riven that the following
named svttler has filed noUre ot his Intention
to mate final proof In support ol his claim, end
that said prsof will be made tfore the Kris
ter and Receiver. V. P. U O. at Koseborg, Ore
gon, on November 7. 19M, vii:
David Comit -k.
on Hd. E. No Ksl9. for the SU SWK, T.
27 S.. K. 1 West.
He names the touowfnz witnes to rrovc
his continuous residence npon aad cultiva
tion of said land, r U: Theodore Mttreti. E '
Litlrell. George Cox, and Votiwy Oden, all of
Kocturg, Oregon.
j. i . Btiixjis, Begister.
Notice for Publication.
I', a Land OCce. Kowbnrr. Ore.,
Jane ;Mh. 1 S
Notice ts hereby clren that In eosiptlanca
with the Tsroiljloni of the act of Coczren ot
June S, JSTS, entitled "An act for the sale of
Umber lands In the Stales of Callfom!a.Ore?cn
NtTada.asd Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all tea publle land staut by act of ASjrsxt
Oscar Petwn.
of Spixane. county ot mIim, stat of Wash
ington, bas this nay fiW In this oiae bis
sworn tatment No. SRI, for the purrhase o;
toe .stu ni vrctlon .no. a, towusntp s soutn, oi
range west.
and will offer rroo! to show that th land sought
Is more valuable for its Umtvr or clone than
tor agricultural purrotet. aad to establish els
claim before the Register aad Receiver ot this
office of Rorabsxg, Oregon.
on Wednesday, the Utii day ot NoTember. 13K
He names as wltne" : Andreaw hncssos.
ot Flaadreu. .south IkoU. J W. Gardner, W.
II. Mr"ron, and Geo. Taylor, all of Eow
barg, Orreon.
Any and ail persons claiming adTerelr tae
above drribed lands are requested to file
their rlalsns In this rOce on or before said 11th
day of November. IMS.
j.t. ntiDflx, Register.
Notice for Publication.
C. 5. Land Office, Roscburg, Ore..
Notice ts hereby ctven that tn comr4lanc
with the provisions of the act of Congress ot
June S, '... entitled "An act for the sale of
ltmlr lanos tn tee Mat to! cantorsta.i'regon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the public land staUs by act of An gust
Archibald . Wadce.
of Wales, county ot Cxvalier. tate ol North
Iisxota. ha this day 11 eil In ihl otare his
sworn statement No iiS. tor the SW't f k-c-tion
No L township 2$ south, of rsng-.- s wot.
and will oiler proof to show that the landsocght
Is more valuable for lis limber or tuss than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver ot this
otiico of RoMburr.Ortcus.
on Thursday, the lth day of November, 19M.
lie names as itnese: i enmas n acce, u.
E. Lofthnt. both of I'ars River. N Dakou,
Brynlolf I'rom. of Milmn. N. Dakota, and Ras
mus fc. i-tone. ot AlexatKlrla, Minn
Any and all person claiming adversely the
stove described lands are requested to file
th elr claims in this office on or before said lrth
d ay of November, KB.
J.T. Heidoes, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Ros burg Oregon. June 3. 1W.
Nodes is hereby given that in compllanca
with the provisions of the act ot Congress of
JuneS, 1ST?, entitled "An act for the sale ot
timber lands In the States of Califomla.Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
cd to all the public land states by act of August
of Milton, county of Cavalier, state ot North
Dakota, has this day filed In thlsSnSce his
sworn siatementNo. M.6, for the purchase of
the ot sec. No. ,Tp 2S, south of range
S west.
and will offer proof to show that the lac d sought
is more valuablo tor tu timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
office of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Friday, the 1Mb. day ot December. 1MB. He
names as wltnevcs: Thoma Wadge. ot Part
Klvcr, North Dakota. Archibald E. Wadfce.
Wales, North Dskota. Kamus. M. Stone, Alex
andria. Minnesota, O. E. Lolthus, Park River
North Dakota,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands arc requested to file the!
claims in this office on or bcioro said lsth day
of Dvccmbcr. 1WS.
Notice for Publication.
Rosebunr. Ore., J ua e 2J, 1903.
Kotlce Is hereby given that In compllanca
with the provisions of the act ot Congress of
June S, 1STS, entitled "An act for the salo ot
timber lands In the States ot Callfomta.Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
eJ to all the public land states by act of August
ot Park River, county of Walsh, state ot North
Dakota, has this day filed in this office his
sworn tatcMcnt No. M37, for the purchase
of the Nt of tho S1 cf lection No 10.
township south ot range S west
and will oifer proof to show that tholand sought
Is moro valuablo for its Umber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
office ot Roseburg. Oregon.
oj Thursday, tho I'Jih day ol November. 1MB.
Ho names as witnesses: Thomas Wailitc, of
Park River, North Dakota, Archibald E Wadge,
Wnles, North Dakota. Rasmus M. Stone. Alex
andria, Minnesota, Brynjolf l'rum, of Milton.
North Dakota.
Any and all persons clalmlngly adversely the
abovo described lands aro requested to lll.i their
riaims in mis omcc on or ovtoro sam lvm aay
of November, 1905.
Notice for Publication.
Kotcburg, Oregon, July 29 1.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ot
Juno 3, 18.8 entitled "An act for tho salo of
timber lands In the States of Califomla.Oregon
Nevada .and Washlngtoc Tc rltury," as extend
ed to all the public land slates by act of August
ot Sparta, county ol Monroe, state of Wisconsin
has this day filed In th' ofllco his sworn state
ment No. S661, for the purchaso of the lot 9, 10,
15 and 16, ot section No 10, in township No. -T,
south ot ratigo No S west
and will of for proof to show that the land sought
Is moro valuable for Its timber or stono than
(or agricultural purposes, and to establish hit
claim boforo tho Register and Rocoiver ot this
office ot Roseburg, Oregon,
on Tuesday t be Mil day of January. 1501. He
names as witnesses: John C. Miattuck, Sparta,
Wisconsin, II. Kr.konborgor, Paul (Inry, both of
Roseburg, Oregon, J. II. Kvarts, Peel. Oregon.
A persons claiming adversely 'ho
abovo di-ccrlbed lands aro idiuesttd to 11 lo
their claims In this nlTco on or before tho sc Id
5ih day of January, PjOI.
2 Rambler BRAZi:ili
711 Oak
White Family
Rotary Sewing
R 4 w w . f
Machines With
fs2 -
Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado
Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky
Mountain Scenery by daylight
Modern Equipment, Throush Pullman and Tourist Sleep
ing Cars and Superb Dining Car Service.
For rates, folders and ether
formation, address
Notice for Publication j
Tutted States Land Office. i
Roseburg, Oregon. June 12, 1X2.
'oUre is hereby given that ts eorapllasce I
will: the proviik-ns oi the act of Coagrri of
June J. JSTS. enUUed "Aa act for the sale el
Umber lands la Ute Slates o! Califorsla.Oregan
Nevada .and Washington Territory." as extend- i
ed to ail the public land steu by act o! August '
t. USX J -e .
ofOshkoh. county of Winnebago, Sut O this day filed in thisIoSee Ms sworn
s .tement Nn. (or the purchase ot the
IT, SE. SWi4 SEt. SE SWtf at sec-
oa 4 In Township South. Rssre 4 West,
ts more valuable tor It timber or stone than
for agricultural purpuM. aad to establiah his
claim tefere the Register aad Receiver of tail
office of Roseburg, Oregon.
ot Mmday, iheth day ot Sesteraben 19C3.
He names as witnesses: Roy Brennand.
Frsnk F. KopliU, Martin Rasmussen. aad
Herman Haruhelm. oi Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Aiy and all persons claiming adversely the
atviTc dscribd Sands are re)uested to file their
rtaiias in uus ossce oa or UMore said am aay oi
Septets her,
joiy lep.
Notice for Publication.
R("burg. Ore , Jane 3, 190S.
Notice is hereby given that la cossptlaace
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June S.1S7S. entitled "Aa act (or the sale of
timber lends In the States of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory." as extend
ed to all the public lead states by act of August
Tirnv ic u-i rmr
of Part River, county ot Walsh. sUte ot
North Dakota, has this day filed In this office
his sworn statement No 5ta, (or the pur-1
chase ot the lot land 2.S, NKti of sccUon
No. 4, township 2j. souUt of rnce S wt
and will offer proof lo show that the lead sought
is more valuable (or Its timber or stone thaa i
(or agricultural purrvtes, and to establish his
claim before the Register aad Receiver nf this '
ofiice of Roseburg, Oregon. j
o.i Wednesday, the lta day of November, IS 3. ;
He names ss witnesses: Brynjolf Pnim. of Mil
ton. North Dakota. Archibald E. Wadge. of
Wale. North Dakota. Rasmus M. Stone, of i
Alexandria. Minn. O. E. Lttthus, ot Park'
tviverrortn uacoia.
Any and all persons claiming
nlng alverrely the
e rvouested In file
atxivc itcrttK.M tanas ar
their claims In this offiaj on or before said tsth claims ta this office oa or before said ta day
day of Nov. 1S03. . ,. j o( September. 03. J.T. BRIDGES.
J.T. BRIDGES, Jcij-Kp KecUter
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg. Ore., June 3. 1903.
Notice is herebr ctven that in compllanca
with the provisions ot the act of Congress ot
June S, JSTS enUtleil "An act for tho sale ot
timber lands in the States ot Callfomla.Oreroa ifa k n , V W alitHi..fe h! a t e
Nevada .and Vt ashlnston Terrltorv." as extend
ed to all the public land states by act of August
4. l9i
o( Alexandria, county of Douglas, state
of Mlnncs ta, has this day filed in this
office his sworn statement No. 543s, Ut the
purcha-c of the S', NWi, NV SWi4 ot sec
tion No. l' township is south ol rangtsS west,
aad will oHer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable tor Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hit
claim before the Register and Receiver of tail
office ot Roseburg, Oregon,
on W,dne-lay tho lsin dav of November. 1901.
lie names a. wlturssea: Thomas Wadge. O. E.
Lotthus, both of Park River, North Dakota.
Archibald E. L. Wadge, of Wales. North Dakota
Brynjolf Pnnn, ot Mtiton North Dakota.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are reiiuclct ta file their
claims In this office on or before the saidlSlh
day of November, 1S0S,
Notice for Publication.
Rojoburg, Oregon, Ocu 1, 19t3.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Juno S, JS.S, entitled "An act for tho sale of
Umber lands In the States ot Callfomla.Oregoa
Nevada .ami Washington Territory," asextend
ed to all the publle land states by act ot August
ol Independence, county of Polk, state of Ore
gon, has this day tiled in this ottlco his sworn
statement No. 5766, (or tho purchase o( the
South East iiuntter ot section No. SI, township
25 south, ot ranges west
and will olfer proof to show that tholand sought
ts more valuablo (or Its Umber or stone than
tor agricultural purposes, and to establish Ms
claim beforj the Register aad Receiver ot this
office of Roseburg, Oregon.
o i ThutsJay the 10th dav of March. 1904. He
.names aa wlluevos: It. Martlu, M. Martin, of
HrowusrlUe, Ortgnti; (ieotgo Bateman, Fred
llati'mnn, o RoMjuurg, Oregon.
Any and all prisons claiming adversley the
Nve described lands vro rtnuested to Hie their
claims in this ofllco on or before said 10th day
ot March 1901.
St., Opp..Cliurchili;;& JVVoollsy'a
If It's a WHITE
The White
Is King
and Tailoring
- .
Automatic Lift.
W. C McBRIDE, Gcn'I Agent,
124 Third Street, Portland, Ore.
Notice for Publication.
Cnited Utes Lead OSce,
Roseoorg, Orecoa. Juae Li. 1303.
Notice la hereby gtva that la erapiiaaoe
with th provisioas o the act ot Cosgrees ot
JuaeX. JSTS. eantledfAa act (or the sale oi
Usber leads In the Stairs of California. Oregoa
Nevada adWashiagUiaTerritorT.-uextead-dn
the pablie lead states by act oiAcgaat
ot Roburg. Cusaty ol Douglas. State ot Ore
ton, has this day Al la this .oflce his sworn
slateaeat No. 53S6, for the purchase of the
N of section S, township S S range west
aad will offer proof to show that the lead sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone thaa
for agricalturai purposes, aad to establish tie
claim before the Keristtr aad Receiver of tali
eiflx cRoborg.Oreroa.
oa Friday the 33(a day ( Septoaber, X9CO. He
oaaes as witnesses: George Keed. H. U
rtuJWy. Margaret J. Brjokes. D. P. Fisher, all
I of Roseburg. Oregon.
above described lands are requested to file their
j imua riBiming Barereiy tae
luestea to ate their
ore the 2th. day of
i ciums iu tais o:ace oa or bef
September. 1908.
Notice for Publication.
Cnited States Land OSice.
Koseborg, Oregon. June HE.
NoUce ts hereby given that ta eoapUaaca
with the provisoes of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1S7S, entitled "Aa act (or the sale of
Umber leads tn the States ot California. Oregoa
' ,to all the putdle lead states by act of Aug
.cTu.uu nuiuxxgwa icmiory, asexteao-
, 5" r?a5..a' xl. couaty of Wtace-
K. D.
,m. mir; uwnsin. na tnu day filed la
- . - ' - ' ' mm h
offer proof to show that the land sought ts more
valuable for Its Umber or Hone thaa for airrl
cultartl purposes, and to establish her claim to
said land Kiore the Register aad Receiver ot
this oSi.-e at Keburg. Orreon,
on Monday the "th day Jf September. 1903.
She names as witnesses: 0. D Clark. Martla
4 p f3 3,at , ana
Kasmuvstn, Henaau Hartxhelm. aad Ror
I Brennand. o( Oshkosh.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
. abovdtwritv.! u,.4 a?. ..,.4 fti.. .w.i.
Notice for Publication.
United States Lead Office
Roseburc. Oreran. Jns l?. im
( NoUceU hereby given that la eomcltanea
! with the provisions of the act of Congress ot
fnAe m c-ef e . . . .
. ..4ii j9io.iauu(a An act ror tne sale eg
umoer iaaas la the States ot California. Oregon
Nevada.aad Washington Territory," asextsad
ed to all the publle land s la las by act ot August
4, 1S92.
of Glide, county ot IXiuglas, SUte of Oregon,
has thi. cay filed In this office his sworn state
ment. No. 5.SSJ, tor the purchase ot the tots 3
and 4. SW NWt4, SW swii, ot sccUon
4. In township 2J south, ot range 5 west,
aad will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for Iu Umber or stoae thaa
for agricultural purposes, aad to establish hla
claim before the Register aad Receiver ot this
office ot Roseburg, Oregon,
on Tuesday the itl Jay ot September, 1903.
He names as witnesses: 11. L. Kngle. John
Gardner. John Greeamaa, and X. J. Watson
an tu iwi, uregon.
Any and all rersona claiming
adversely the
claims la this office oa or before said 22nd day
ot S,pt . 1903. J. T. BRIDGES.
JlJlP Register.
n juir-biiuw i alius are I
tlMlftl tfh Him tS I .
Notice for Publication.
United SUtee Land Office.
. Roseburg Oregon. Aug. 31, 1901.
NoUee is hereby glvea that la compliance
with the provisions of the act ot Congress of
June S.1S78. entitled "An act for the sale ot
Umber lands la the States ot California, Oregon
Nf I"1.'?"1 whlngton Territory." as extend
ed to all the publlo land states by act ot August
4, 1392.
Caro of O. M. Co.. ot Portland, county of
Multnomah, state ot Oregon, has this day tiled
In this office her sworn statement No.U73tor
the nurchaio of tha NE4 otSecUon No 341a
township No. 2S south, range No. s weet
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable tor Its timber or stone thaa
for agricultural purposes, and to establish, his
claim beforo the Register and Receiver ot this
office ot Roseburg, Oregon,
cn Friday, the fish day of February, 1901. He
names aa witnesses: W. II. McCrossen. J. W.
Gardner, John Rogers, Fran F, Dolesby all of
Roseburg. Oregou.
Auy and ll wis ins claiming adversely the
ab iVo deecribcvt lands are requested to file their
claims tn this office on or before said lith day
of February. 190X J.T. BRIDGES,
Oct 8 p Register.