Get your rifloa and shotguns nnd amU nltion of S. K. Sykes I Samuol Patch, of Wnrdton, was a Roseburg visitor, Friday. William P. King nnd Thos. H. To n- sond, made a business trip to Dixonvillo Friday. Mrs. Ed. Goodchild, of Eugcno, is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Kennedy. Wilbur Ross began moving his house hold uoods into his new residence) in North Roseburg, today. For Trade Small farms in Southern Indiana to trado for Oregon property. H. L. Ball. 33tf. THE SHOE PROBLEfi I inTcri uriCTP to LfUIL3 JrUjtM.13. V In Ladies' Jackets we have evcry ( thing that is to be desired. Also a complete assortment of Furs. CliUDREN'S CLOAKS. Among our many attractions is a cry pretty lino of Misses' and Chil dren's Cloaks. Call and see them. LADIES' SKIRTS. We have just rvcievcd a largo as 3, sortment of Ladies' Skirts ranging in ftp price lrom $1,75 to ;$8.COS The People's j ABRAHAH XOl e Proprietor Ono Door South of P. O. BEST MEAL IN THE CITY FOR 25 CENTS. THE NEW Cor. Washington and Main Streets Mrs. Belle Collins Title (juarantee&Loan Co. EOSKBUKQ, OREGON. 1. U. Hakiltos, President D C. Hamilton. Sees. And Treas Office in the Court IloufO. Have the only com piete t ol abstract books In Douglas County Abstracts and Certificates ol Title furnished to Douglas county land and mining claims. Have also a complete set ol Tracings of all township plats In the Roseburg. Oregon, O. S. Lan d Dis trlct. Will mate blue print copies ol any town ship N. A. FOSTER & CO., GOVERNMENT LANDS Of everv descriytion. Farms and Min- - T ... ... , Uregon, asmngion anu OAKLAND. OEEGON eral Lands Minnesota (j23) Abstract of Title to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for filing on Govern ment Land. Bine Points of Township Maps showing all vacantLande. FRAftKE. ALLEY Architect, Abstracter. Plans and Estimates for all Build ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415 ROSEBURG. OREGON 8 Of Local Interest, Dr's. Cheadlo & Johnson, dentists. J. Cobb has returned from Portland. Dr's. Chcadle & Johnson, dentists. For La Grippe try Osteopathy. S4-olO For a nice job of shoeing go to H. L. Gould. 0-"- J. L. Clough, of Canyonville, waB in town, Saturday. L. S. Fortin, of Melrose, was a Rose burg visitor, Saturday. Victor Boyd, of Oaklaud, was in town Fridav. Do you intend to buy a Stove? If so, go to S. K. Sykes, and get his prices. S. K. Sykes is agent for the Fairbanks Morse Gasoline Engines, the best made Mrs. Oscaa LaForest, is visiting friends in Ashland. Women's ills find prompt relief and cure in Osteopathy. S4-ol0 W. R. and E. D. Wells, of Olalla, were in town, Friday. All kinds of mining tools sharpened and repaired at H. L. Gould, the black smith. 70-tf. See Frank E. Alley for land scrip Guaranteed perfect, and ready for deliver'. Lowest market price. All parties knowing themselves indebt to S. K. Sykes. on notes and accounts past due, will please call and settle. S. K. Sykes. The current topic for discussion for the Mental Culture Club tomorrow, Tuesday afternoon, will bo the Nicara gua canal. Tho ladies of the Christian church will hold a window sale of home cooking at Itho Buckingham grocery noxt Satur day, ;ov. 7th. Blue prints of township maps, fifty cents each. Filing papers properly prepared. Frank E. Alley, up stairs, over Land Office. Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tal- lets are becoming a favorite f jr stomach troubles and constitution. For sale by A C Marsters & Co. Mrs. J. T. Bridges and daughter, Audrey, returned on Saturday evening's local, from Portland, where Miss Aud rey had been in a hospital. Mis3 Dollie Dixon, left this morning for Utah, where she will spend the winter. Dan T. Daniels and wife, and brother Luther, have returned from Grants Pass, and will hereafter reside in Rose-1 burg, Mr. Daniel's run having been changed. T. R. Sheridan made a to Portland, this week. business trip U. S. Flournoy, of Flournoy valley, was in town, Saturday. J. S. Garner, of Glide, was m Rose- vjuaranieea rorest ueserve scrip burg Saturday attending to business for sale in large or small quantities. by Frank E. Allev. over the matters. Frank Conn, of Melrose, was doing business in town Friday. Rev. Mark .Mttnson went to Ixwna Saturday, where he held services yester day morning. Land Office Roseburg. Will place same for non-resident purchasers. Edward W. and W. S. Diller, of Mel rose, were in town, Friday. John Alexander and Arthur Blakely, of Glide, were in town, Saturday. Thos. Cobb is again in Roseburg, af ter an extended trip to Portland. Miss Marelle Mulkey, of Oakland, was in Roseburg Monday, attending the Lux- Miller wedding. Geo. W. Tithian, of Cincinnati, Ohio, was in Roseburg the latter part of the week, on business. Miss Kate Buick returned Saturday night from Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, where she has been visiting her brother. She also spent several weeks in Califor nia, visiting friends, while en route home. Chas. Gilvin left, Friday morning, Albanv and Lebanon, on business. for See Frank E. Alley for reliable ab stract of title to your property. Up stairs over Land Office. A. F. Rogers, representing the Blake- McFall paper Co. was in town Friday. FOOTBALL GAME. Rosrburg High School Wins Against Town With a Score of 11 to o. Wasted. Girl for general housework. Position in Roseburc. Enquire at this office. Mrs. Tonv Thompson has returned from Ashland, where she has been visit ing her mother. Rev. J. R. Landsborough, the Presby terian minister at Glenilale, anu wile, were in Roseburg Suturday. Mel Thompson, left this morning for Bremerton, Washington, where he may decide to remain indefinitely. L. Haynes, of Eugene, has accepted a position as tousonial artist in J. H. Avery interesting game of football . . t . . i r Dk.aI 1 was piayea saiuruay uieruuuu Woodruff's barber shop between an aggregation 01 .uoseuurK a star atheletes styling themselves the "finrmnn Ralls", and the Roseburc Hish School Eleven. While tho "Cannon Balls'Vere much the heavier team, they lacked the fast, suaj py work and endur ance- of the Bish School team, and as a L. T. Thompson and son, Valley, were iu town Saturday with a load of Chester While hogs. What might have proven a disastrous accident, if not a fatal ono, took place, Saturday evening, at the residence of Mrs. Betty Snyder, in the Rose grove. A jar was standing on a shelf and, wish ing to make use of the jar, which was supposed to contain rome old tea. Miss Vivian Jewett, tho niece of Mrs. Sny der, threw the contents, which proved to bo gunpowder, into tho fire. At once there was an explosion and stove litis, cooKtng utensils, etc, were blown to all parts of the house. Miss Jewett, however, escaped with a severe- of Coles ( Iy burned hand and badly singed hair. Mrs. R. W. Terrell and little son went to Oakland, haturday, lor a snort consequence the High School won by a visit wifli Mrs. Terrell's grandmother. score of 11 to 0, the touchdown being made by Casey and llannan. Tli linp-un of the two teams was as follows : In Justice Buchanan's Court, Friday afternoon, Sheridan Croy charged with assault with intent to kill Geo. E Brown, a stage driver, waived examina tion and was bound over to appear at the next term of Circuit Court, under a bond of 1 1000, with James O. Newland and S. K. Sykes. as sureties. Croy ar peared in Roseburg, Friday morning and voluntarily gave himself up. He savs Is your property for sale? If so, the report that his wife was implicated fUiwmntl.v rains new adherents everv see Frank E. Alley and have the title in the fray is untrue, and according to , j , . . Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Chisholm left, Friday morning, for Cottage Grove, where they will reside permanently. Lee Thornton came down from Salem Fridav evening to attend to business matters, and returned Sunday. Drs. E. Dngas and Geo. E. Houck, went to Eugene this morningas witness es in the case of Gorrell vs. Douglas Co. Cannon Balls Mathews Goe Kearney Hopfield Morrow Huntington Hunter Brand Gagnon Hildeb rand Milliken Morrow Hunter Referee. T R Townsend. Umpire II Kio.-ona Lineman. Strong and Fickle. R H S Johnson King Louis Ml Moore Ferguson Ragsdale Faulkner Fraley llannan Casey REL RTL RGL LG R LTR LER QB R II L L II R F B day. Why? Because of its permanent rastilLS Willi eo-caueu iiu-urauic mc- o -in eases . jm-uiu Mrs. N. C. Risley, who has been visit-, inn her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Thomas, Wr. Fndav mornmz. for her home in Albany. Rev. Father Beutgen, formerly sta tioned at Roseburg, but now at Euge nc was in Roseburc, Friday and Saturday, greeting old friends. Mrs. E. C. Sacry, who has been visit- . r - f t iw t tit r..ll inc tne lamnv 01 nirs. i. n. jiuiich examined and secure an abstract of same. If troubled with a weak digestion try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Thev will ! vou cood. For sale bv A. C. M aretera & Co. County Judge Thompson left yester day morning for Eugene, where he will be in attendance todav m the case of Gorrel vs. Douglas county. his btory it is Brown who was tho ag gressor ot Croy. liroun is now getting ah ng nicely and will pooh Iwat work again. MARRIED. MITCHELL WILLIAMS At Yoncal- la, 1 hursday, Oct. 29, 1903, at the residence of Mrs. A. E. McCurdy, F. J. Mitchell and Miss Edith Williams, Justice of the Peace, Fred Mcinzer. officiating. for the past month, went to Drain, Sat- work Qn ,Jle urday, where she will visit friends. hone ,mu in Ulc , Jas. A. fctcrhng, ol Urain, was over from Drain, Saturday. He expects to Glide-Roseburg Tele phone line in me near luture. Hollow E'en Social. On Friday night the L. O. T. M lodge .rave a Hollow E'en social at the lodge rooms, which was well attended and rreatlv enioved by all present. An ex cellent program was rendered, after which a dainty lunch was served and a social session. Be- low is the program. Piano Solo, "Tam O'Shanter, Vnr in formation about Osteopathy do not ask some one who knows no moro than vou do yourself. Consult Dr. H. L. Studley and get the truth. S4-ol0 Civil Engineer, R. W. Fcnn and Albert Abraham, left Saturday morning fr fMpnilale where the Abraham's es tate is about to install a city plant. Rev. Tufts, the Secretary of the Anti- Saloon League, was in Roseburg, Thurs day and Friday, making arrangements for a fight against tho local saloons. LUX MILLER. In Roseburg, Mon day, Nov. 2. 1903, at the office of the olhciating Justice, P. A. I.tix. of Saci- naw. and Miss Kose h. Miller, ol .Myr tle Creek, Justice J. A. Buchanan officiating. Mrs. K. S. Taylor, who has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. L. M. Ross, of this water 1 city for the past ten days, returned Fri day morning to her homo in Oakland. Hunter I. Brown, who has been em ployed in Frank E. Alley's office for the Grace .Moore -gt two months, left triday evening Are you thinking about property in Douglas County? buying If so, Piano" Solo, Merta Balcs for San Jose, where he contemplates it will pay you to have Frank E. Alley Ro8Cburg, PI LKINGTON PATTERSON In Port land, Thursday evening, Oct. 29, 1903, at the M. E. parsonage on 221 Eleventh St., Ira A. Pilkington and Mrs. Grace Patterson, Rev. Dr. Calbert official ing. The groom is a well and favorably known young blacksmith, of Roseburg, while the bride is one of Portland's es timable young ladies'. Tho happy couple arrived on Friday evening's local and will niako their luture homo in Pop a quarter of a century we've been "busy solving shoe problems solving them for man, woman and child solving them successfully. In the selection of our fall shoe stock we have called to our aid this long and successful experience. The result is a mighty gathering of fall footwear embodying in an unrivaled degree of style, comfort, durability and moderateness of price. We want you to get better ac quainted with our big shoe depart ment. It's chuck full of attractive things and the prices are attractive, too. I0SEPHS0NS The Big Store ROSEBURG, ORE. School Books And Stationery rsmrjr 111 11 1 iiii 1 11 p mm i w Hi i Have You Seen That S FINF 0A RFIWftftlH SUIT 1 I We are showing in our window. It is up-to-date I A full line of Bedroom Suits can be found on our floor I ALSO THE LATEST IN IRON BEDS. i If yon need Blankets or Comforts we have them 3 ft, a AT MARSTERS' From the cheap to the best. A fall line of Mattresses and Pillows. One of our Elastic Cotton Felt Mattresses are hard to beat. B. W. STRONG The Furniture Man ROSEBURG, 1 ORE : Recitation. "TJic Jinere, Lilith Moore v.i Knin Mrs. A. T. Steiner ,vnwf,.. Piano Solo .Blanche Beard Maccabee Drill ;iiost Solo. a.m,c II. II. Brookes For Sale. 7K iomt nnd 130 ewes. Merino and Address Paul V. Cuvil- ier, WarJton, Orenon. 71 lm. County Treasurer's Notice. making his future home. Percv Cochran formerly of Oakland, who has been visiting his grand-father who resides in Edenbower for tho past lnft Fndav for Ins new Homo in nTn,ifnril"where his father is now en gaged in tho Insurance bueiness. Prof. J. H. Hobbs, who has been teaching at Elkton, was in Koseburg Saturday, lie has been engaged as an additional teacher to finish the winter Arm ofRchool at tho Oakland Public Schools. District Attorney Geo. M. Brown, left Saturday morning for Eugene, where he will annear for Donclaa County in the damage suit of Gorrell vs Douglas coun ty. Frank Skidmorc, who has been isit- mg ins cousin, miuon Lien, 01 mo Kandy Kitchen, left this morning for Eucene. where ho will remain for the winter. Lillian M. Phelps, B. O., lecturer, so cioloirical and historical, will deliver a Kotice is hereby given to all parties holding county warrants endorsed prior ectur0 at tl0 M p. church, this (Mon to and including May 4, 1901, are re- evcning at 8 o'clock. The subject niipcted to present tne same ui- ... , st- Georgo and tlie Uragon, County Treasurer s omce iox - Thia .g & fine BUbject and win repay your Uftoiwlnnco and besides you are moat cordially invite! lo attend If you want to see or purchase the very best vapor cabinet manuiactureu, go to A. C. Marsters & Co. and inspect tho renowned Buckeye. It is warranted n every particular. 73-tf. aftpr Hie date I interesi win ceant "jv.v, nf iImh notice. Ta..i Itoseburir. Douglas County, Oregon, Oct. 22, 1903. Geo. W. Dimmick, County Treasurer. 8I-8t Bronze Turkeys. for Vnre bred bronze turkeys rci.i.ion. J2.50: hens, f2. Mrs salo Wm The damage suit of Frank Gorrel vs Pouglas county, for ?1 1,000 is being heard today in Euiienc. Attorney O. I . Coshow. who reprepents Mr. Gorrel, left for Eugene, Thursday night, it will lm remembered that Mr. Gorrel, horpes and wagon fell through tho coun f lipiil. over Hubbard creek, near M ill wood, over a year ago. D. S. T. West, firo insurance, notary public, city property rented, county and city warrants bought, and collections made. OlIU-o on Jackson street, No. 407, Hoover building, opposito post office. The Plai.vdealk joins the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Pilkington in wishing them a long and happy wedded life. DIED. SHAMBROOK In Portland, Sunday morning, Nov. 1 1903, George Freder ick Shambrook, of stomach trouble, Deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs D. R. Shambrook, and was 20 years and 4 months of age. He had been having ill health for tho past year and tho end was looked for at any time. About two weeks ago ho was taken to Portland for treatment, where ho underwent an operation last Tuesday, without improv ing his condition, and at 2 o'clock Sun day morning ho breathed his lost. Tho funeral was held from tho family home on tho corner of Douglas streets this niternoon. Intorniont followed in tho Masonic Cemetery. Ward's Funny People Co. Hie show ol this naino billed to xp- pear at tne opera House is a vauuevuie attraction and one of the beet of its kind ever visiting this coast. It is headed by j the "Handsome Harry" Ward, ably as sisted bv a company of stare Mrs. H. F. Ward is well known out west, she having appeared here as Miss Bertie Beckett, of New York. Alvino.Carcino, the acrobat, is a wonder, while the Frantiscos, who burlesque his ierform- ance, are so very funny that you cannot help but laugh. May George, the Flori da Nightingale, is simply perfect in her comic and sentimental songs. This is Miss George's last appearance on the Coast, as she has signed with a company to go to France. Moneyhnnd, the mash er, is a comical little fellow who is war ranted to euro tho very worst case of blues. Piatt, tho impersonator, and Rogowanol, tho lightning changeman, are a pair of artists not to bo outclassed anywhere. They form a show by them selves. 1-ast but not least is Symtehio, tho strong man, who allown an 800- nouud rock to bo broken on his bare chest. Tho rock is weighed and broken by some ono in tho opera houso, well known to the public. Taken altogether tho show is ono not to bo surpassed by any in its lino, ino price oi admission is 25. 35 and 50 cents. Tickets on safe at Strong's. Notice for Publication. I'nltol Futc LAtti 03 Kowbunc. Orrsnti. ra. Nolle u hereby itxen tbtl In comrtluio with the proTltloni ot the act of Concrru of June 5, UTS.enUtlcd "An rt far It ol timber ludi la the Sutei c! Cll.'ornli.Orcoa Wuhingtea "errttor7."utxtenl ed to all Ih public Uat ilMi bj- ct ol Aug-oxt 4.1SM. FRANK F DOLE5BY. ol Portland, county ot Multnomah. Mate ol I Orcson. baa tbU dajr filed In tht i CicebUl worn statement No. 2674. tor tbe parchaM ot I tbe HEK of section No. 31 In tgwxubtp No. 2S I loo lb ot ranee No. $ vnt and will ojfer proof to ibow that tbe land aou(bt ii mors raiuauie lor iu umwr or atone man for agricultural purpofei, and to eitablUh bU claim letore tbe Re fritter and Becclrcr ol tbli office ol Roseburc. Orecon. on FrldiT, the Uih dar ot February. 19CO. Bo I name aa hIuioki: Minnie Harm. rorUand. Ore., W. II. McCkw-cu, J. W. Gardner. John so nets ol Kcocburr. urexon. Any and all wmni clalrolns adrersel)- tbe I nbove described land are rcaiicsted lo file I tiiclr claim in thia office on or before the said I 12th 'lnr ot February, 19U. J.T. UK1LKS. Oct S p Ecslslcr. Petition for Dismissal. A petition signed by tho leading busi iiess men of Roseburg, has been mailed to the S. P. R. R. officials at Portland asking them to restore tho daily local freight svstom between Roseburg and In the suit of tho Leona Mill Lumber Co. vs. E. B. Spangcubcrg, to recover $1713.89, tho Leona Mills Co., through their attorney Louis Barr.ce ask that tho Portland which was recently reduced to I case bo dismissed, tho samo having been three limes a week. I Bottled out of court, At Glendalo, Friday morning, tho tw story opera houso building owned by Brad S. Radcliffo was burned to tho ground. Tho upper story of, tho build ing was used aj a loilgo hall and opera houso. In tho eastern half of tho lower story a saloon was conducted by Mr. Radcliffo and a restaurant in tho west ern end by Mrs. fcaran uomi irom which place tho firo is supposed to havo started. Fortunately tho Glendalo Hotel on tho west, tho residence ot Mr Radcliffo on tho south and tho store building on tho west woro Bituated far enough away to escapo with only a sligh scorching. Mr. Radcliffo estimates his loss at 14000 with $1500 insurance. Tho citizens of Glendalo may consider them selves lucky to escapo so easily when slight wind would havo Bpread tho firo over tho wholo town anil with no firo facilities it would havo taken but a short into to consume all tho building. A. H. Thompson, tho receiver of tho United States land office, at La Grando, was indicted by tho fedoml grand jury at Portland, last Thurs day, on a charce of soliciting bribos from three persons in connection with his office. United State Land OSicc, Roscburp, Oregon. Oct- 25, 1933. Notice u hereby rlren that Is coznpllane with the proTblona ot the act ot Goncre ot nnaS.1878. entitled "An act for the tale ot timber l&ndi In the States ol California. Oregon Nerada .and Waahln gton Territory," aj extend ed to aU the publlo land tutu by act oi August 1.U93. JOHN O. KENDALL. nl Minneapolis, county ot Hennepin, state o Minnesota, nas inn uay uieu in u ommnii sworn statement No. STS4, tor the pu'Chaso ol tbe aonth cast (lusrterot section ho. H, town ship 27 south, range S west and will otter prooltoshow that tbelanasouc&l Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, ana to cstaonsn nis claim before the Register and BeeelTar of this otflce ol Kojobun, Ore eon.. on Monday, the wth day ot March. 1M4. He names as witnesses: Charles Tbom, John Thorn, of Roscburj;; John Decker, Frank long. ot Cleveland, ure. Any and ail persons claiming adversely the above described lauds arc requested to file their claims in this office on or before tbe said Stlh day ot March, 1M. J. T. UKJlXiK. The "Kaufman Warwick' Overcoat is so perfectly made that to distinguish it from the highest priced custom tailored coat, vrould be impossible. There is nothing: lacking in these coats, for they areas well made as it is possible for master tailors to build them. They are exceptionally clever in appear ance and are sure to meet the instant approval of every par ticular dresser. They are broad shouldered and toppy and will fit to perfection. They are all h&nd made, and guaranteed to wear, or money The velvet collars are oi the best sflk velvet and will wear as long as the garment. Much annoy ance Is caused by collars wear ing out. The materials: Kerseys, Meltons, Vlranas.Chmchillas.Beavers and Montagnacs. Ask to see them at Notice for Publication. Woollenberg BrOS. " For Sale. One good horso cheap, the blacksmith. II. L. Gould ro-tf. Administrators Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed was, by the County Court, o Douglas County, Oregon, on the 16th day of September 1903, duly appointed Just arrived from tho factory a car Executrix of the Estate of Jacob Lehn load of the celebrated Pago fence, which is cheaper than a board ence and will last a life-time and Is put up to your satisfaction without extra cost. It is used and endorsed by the leading men of thia county. For circulars and prices address Stearns & Chenowoth, Oakland, Ore., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly P. A. Wilson, ono ol Kiddles promi-l nent citizens is in the city today. M. and Mrs. L. 0. Hughes of Lurley wero in Roseburg tod.iy on business. Wanted. 20 tiers oak stovewood, SO tiers grub blockwood. D. S. K. Buic 4Stf. herr, Deceased. All persons having claims against the aforsaid estate, will present the same, duly verified to me at Camas Valley, Douglas County, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. First publication of this Notice Sept. 1,1903. Eliza Lsrumsas. Executrix of tho Estate of Jacob Lehn- herr, Deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Brown left Fri day night for Mt. Tabor, near Portland where Mr. Brown will engage in tho poultry business. Only Makes a Bad Matter Worse Perhaps you havo never thought of it but tho fact must bo apparent to every ono that constipation is caused by a lack of water in tho system, and tho uso of drastic cathartics like tho old fashioned pills only mnkes a bad matter worse. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets aro much moro mild and gentlo in thoir effect, and when tho proper dose is taken their action is so natural that ono can hardly realise it is tho effect of a m edicino. Try a 25 cent bottlo of thorn. For salo by A 0 Marsters A Co. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office. Koscourg, Oregon. Auk 10, 13)3. Notice Is hereby given that la ecmpllaneo with the provisions ot the act ol Congress ot June S. ISM. entitled "An set for the sale ot timber lands in the Statno' California. Orejron Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend d to all ths publlo land states by act ol A Ujruat m, ' . BERT T11UMSKR ot Montesano. county ot Chehalis. state ot Washington has this day filed In this office his sworn st ilcment Ko. S006 for tho purchase ot the Northeast Quarter ol Section X. 2t, In Township No. '27 south ol range No. 3 west and will olter proof to show that the land sought is more vaiuaoie lor iu iimcer or stone man for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Register and Receiver ot this olflca ol RoMbura. Or too. on Friday the 'hid lay oi January. 1901. lie names as wltneson; Matlle M. Shannon, Ab erdcen. Wash., B. Krakenberger, Roseburg, Ufa., ram uary, KoscDurg. ore., J. it. Maris Peel. Ore. Any anil a.l persons claiming adversely the above described lands aro requested to file their claims lu this office or or before said 'ilm! day ol Jan, 1301 J. T. BRIDGES, ocUSp Register ..ONE MUM PREMIUM.. lbs Rosetarg Jnk asd Wite Co. Will pay a premium of SI in addition to the regular price of $10 on each ton of cast iron this offer to hold good until October 1st. We Also Want Hides, Furs, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc. Rubber and becond Hand Furniture ROSEBURG HIDE CO Cor. Oik andBose SU..Opn. Barnard's Btsis Wanted. A girl to do general housework, o Mrs. 0. A. Sehlbredo, Apply iib.v Ore. tfo29 JjUil-"l