The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 08, 1903, Image 3

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    Goq. Moulton, of Ban Francisco, Is In
town today.
t --
Elbert Hermann will leave tonight for
a week's visit in Portland.
Miss Coo, of Grants PnBS, is in town,
the guest of Mrs. Burr Jones.
In Ladies' Jackets we have even -thins;
that is to be desired. Also a
complete assortment of Furs.
Among our many attractions is a
very pretty line of Hisses' and Chil
dren's Cloaks. Call and see them.
We have just recieved a large as
eortment of Ladies' Skirts ranging iir
price from
SI. 75 to $8.00
A One Door South of P. O. m
The People's Store
Cor. Washington
and Main Streete
Mrs. Belle Collins
O & 0
and union Pacific
Title (iuarantee&Loan Co.
J. D.
Dr'e. Cheadle & Johnson, dentists.
? Of Local Interest. l
Vernon Ramp went to Salem yesterday.
Dr's. Cheadle & Johnson, dentists.
O. A. Kruse, of Salem, is visiting in
the city.
Circuit Court convenes in the morning.
Miss Leon a Ryan is entertaining Miss
Kitty Harbard, of Salem.
Mrs. and Mrs. Von Pessl, of Cleveland,
are in town today on business.
R. L. Caitt, of Cavitt creek, is trans
acting business in the city today.
Don't delay consultation with your
osteopath until your crbo is hopeless.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Parker aro now
occupying their now reeidenco on Cass
Mrs. Hollyfleld, of Drain, is in town,
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. T.
Mr. and Mrs. II. W Maynard.of Kan
sas City, touring the Pac ific coast, aro
in town today.
Mrs. Frank Moore, of Salem, who had
been the guest of Mrs. J.N. Ryan for
the past two weeks, returned homo yesterday.
Harry Slocum is fitting up a bowling
alley in tho new Mathews building next
to Rico & Rice, and will have it open
for business in a few days.
Geo. Langcnberg is in Iae Vigas, N
M. and expects to bo absent two weeks
or longer attending court.
For a nice job of shoeing go to U. L.
Gould. "O-tf.
AU..rney General A. M. Crawford
spei.t Wednesday in town.
See Frank E. Alley for land scrip.
Guaranteed perfect, and ready for
delivery. Lowest market price.
All parties knowing thcmpclvcri indebt
to S. K. Sykes, on notes and accounts
luist due, will plea.sti call and settle.
S. K. Svkks.
John Barger returned from Eugene on
Ben Huntington, of Yoncalh, was in
town Tuesdav.
Mt . Sitidley would be pleased to con
Mill in regard to your case. "5
Mrs. Chas. H. Fisher returned to
Boise, Idaho, Tuesday morn ing.
Itlue prints of township maps, fifty
cents each. Filing papers properly
prepared. Frank E. Alley, up stairs, i
over Land Office.
Miss Kate Fullerton is visiting rela
tives in Portland.
Do yon intend to buy a Stove? If so,
go to S. K. Sykes, and get his prices.
Get your rifles and shotguns and amu-
nition of S. K. Svkes.
Miss Anna Hunt, of Leona, is in the
city the guest of Miss Emma Fisher.
Mrs. R.A. Whitaker and little son
have returned to Roseburg, Or., after a
brief visit with Portland relatives.
Portland Telegram.
F. E. Alley was doing business in
Eugene on Wednesday.
Ask those who have tried it. The ver
dict is always in favor of Osteopathy.
H A If 11X03.
Secy, and Treat
OBSce In the Court Book. Have the only cota
te Kt of abstract book In Douglas County
Abstracts and Certificates ol Title famished to
nnnrlu ennntv land and mining claims. Bare
also a complete et ol Tracing o' all township
plats 1b the Eoseburg. Oregon, U. S. Lan d Dls
bict. Will male bine print copies or any town
Of every descriytion. Farms and Min
eral Lands. Oregon, Washington and
Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Lewis, of Albany,
are in town, the guests of relatives.
Mrs. L. A. Seldon is at home after a
visit to relatives in Salem and Portland.
Hon. and Sirs. F. A. Brown, Mrs. D.
E. Vernon and Mrs. Henry Little of
Oakland were in the citv Tuesday and
Wednesday, attending tho meetings of
the Eastern Star, attendant upon the
visit ofjthe Grand Worthy Matron.
Miss Edna Parsley, is t home from a
months visit to relatives in Marshfield.
S. K. Sykes is agent for tho Fairbanks
Morse Gasoline Engines, the best made.
T. R. Sheridan went up to Portland
on Tnesdav nicht's overland, on busi
W. H. Snyder, a lumberman from
Winlock, Wash., is prospecting in town.
Hon. Ira B. Riddle and father, J. B.
Riddle, of Riddle, spent yesterday in
the citv.
All kinds of mining tools sharpened
and repaired at H. L. Gould, the black
smith. 70-tf.
Tuesday evening, Mr. J. M. Hitchey
came down from Anlauf, bringing with
mm air. Irani; Jameson, an old man.
who was placvd in the county hospital.
Mr. Jameson has been in feeble health
for some time. Mr. Ritchev returned
as far as Drain, on last night'B overland.
Wm. Currier has opened np a swell
candv store in the bnildinz formerly oc
enpied by him as a grocery store.
See Frank E. Alley for reliable ab
stract of title to your property. Up
stairs over Land Office.
Abstract of Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing on Govern
ment Land.
Bine Prvnte of Township Maps Ehowing ;
.all vacant Land?.
Architect, Abstracter.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
Special designs for Office Fixtures j
Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415
Leadin? Mnsic House of Southern
$25.00 Gold or silver will buy a good
Organ or make a payment on one of our
fine Pianos, p- ices ranging from tlSo.GO
to $450.00. I have decided to Fell my
present stock regardless of cost or profit.
See or write ns at once and secure
some of these bargains.
T. K. Richaedsox.
Roseburg, Oregon.
Mrs. Frank Bolter and Mrs. M. Wilk-
ins left, Wednesday night, for Portland,
for treatment for Mrs. Wilkins' eye.
Mrs. Emma Powell, after a visit with
friends here, left Tuesday morning (or
her home in Fresno, California.
If von dont watch J. T. Bryan's show
window, yon fail to see many of the
latest novelties in jewelry. al7-lmp.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. Long left Wed
nesday morning for a visit to relatives
in Cottage Grove and Portland.
Tin Plain-dealer this afternoon re
ceived a telephone message from Myrtle
Creek saying that the Postmaster at
South Myrtle Creek, twelve miles south
ot Myrtle Ureefc liail been killed in an
explosion and two other men feriously
injured, but details as to the caiifc of
the distressing accident were unobtain
able. Dr. Geo. E. llouck wan summon
ed to attend the injured men and left
for Myrtle Creek at once.
Austelle Zigler returned, Tuesday,
from his month's vacation spent at
Portland, Seattle and other points north.
Chas. h. Roberts, county surveyor,
went to Bohemia Tnesdav to do some
surveying for the Oregon Securities Co.
It is expected that today or tomorrow
President Roosevelt will
to meet in special session
Is your property for sale? If so,
call congress p. nA !,, ih fitlp
examined and secure
an abstract of
Many Mothers of a Like Opinion.
Mrs. Pilmer, of Cordova, Iowa, says ;
"One of my children was subject to croup
of a severe tvpe, and Uie giving of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy prompt
ly, always brought relief. Many mothers
in this neighborhood think the same as
I do about this remedy and want no
other kind for their children. For sale I
bv A. C. Marstcrs and Co.
J. T. Bridges and J. M.
will attend the meeting
Temple of Mystic Shrines
of AI Knder
at Ashland,
F. J. Schofield, the landscape garden
er, has just arrived. He does all kinds
ofeardeninc. Prices reasonable. Leave
orders at this office. 75-2t.
Better than Pills.
ti.p TTnn. "Rinper Hermann left last
evenine for San Francisco on business.
He will return on Monday night and re
main in Rofebure for two or three days
when he will go to Washington.
If troubled with a weak digestion try
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets. Thev will do vou cood. For sale
bv A. C. Marstera & Co.
Are you thinking about buying
Dr. B. F. Fallin, a very prominen t Dr0Derty in Dourias County? If so,
. v n ifc wil1 yn 10 Frank E- AIley Mar8ters
examine the title before purchasing.
Public School Program.
Mtiwn of Jlvrtle ureeK ana iajhkiho
conntv. dropped dead
Tueeday from heart disease. He prac-
vears, and was an honored member ot
Ancient Order of United w orkmen, ana -e, . ,r. "
nf the Wor d, and ai a -"c "l" "uupc
The question has been asked In what
wav are Chamberlain a Monincli and
Liver Tablets superior to the ordinary
cathartic and liver pill"? Our answer is
They are easier and more pleasant to
take and their effect is so gentle and so
agreeable that one hardly realizes that
it is produced by a meJicine. Then
they not only move the bowels but im
prove the appetite and aid the digestion.
For sale at 25 cents per bottle by A. C.
The pupils of the Eighth Grade hae
formed into two societies, which wi 1
rethorical exercises alternately every
two weeks. The program of the Orion
Society will be given Friday afternoon,
at which time they will be pleated to
welcome their friends or anyone interested.
Sone by the school Star Spangled
also Woodmen
politician, he was a true blue republi
can of the stalwart stripe. The funeral
took place at Myrtle Creek yesterday at
the Christian church of which he was a
zealous member.
tonight, in connection
with their regular service. Everyone
Edith Patterson.
Essay LaFayette
Vivian French.
Dnet Beautiful Moonlight
Ruth Gibson and Edith Patterson.
Miss Maloney on tne
Chinese Question
Walter Fisher.
The slave in the Dis
mal Swamp
Forrest Bart rum.
Ada Murphy.
An Exquima Hut
Floyd Hammitt.
The OM Kentucky
Home, Good night
Pauline Thompson, Edith Patterson,
Floyd Hammitte, Forest Bartrnm.
Recitation The Fate of John Bur-
Zelia Grantham.
Joan of Arc
Ruth Gibson.
The Music Box
Maxine Thompson.
Pauline Thompson.
The Wife Hunting Deacon
Lulu Hawn
Song by the school
Vivian Jackson.
The Government oi
Mayme French.
Old Ephraim
Gcoigc Sheridan.
.bytheschool Sweet Summer s
1 fiporee Bennett has
been returned to Roseburg for the com
ing year, and, accompanied by Brothers
Hedeepetb and Oden, has gone on a
Banner. tr;n t0 Crater Lake, to catch fish. But,
Sister and I as there was never but one truthful fish
erman known to history, and his words
have stood out for nineteen hundred
years, for their honest truthfulness:
"Lord, wo have toiled all night and
caught nothing," we shall await with
great interest the return of the Roseburg
fishermen, who will doubtless nown
Peter's record.
If vou want to see or purchase the
very best vapor cabinet manufactured,
go to A. C. Marstera & Co. and inspect
the renowned Buckeye. It is warranted
in every particular. 73-tf.
J. W. Morrow, a prominent citizen of
Warner Lake is in Roseburc today. He
is one of the settlers, who has been
turned out of house and homo by the
decision of the General Land office. .
Guaranteed Forest Reserve scrip
for sale in large or small quantities,
by Frank E. Alley, over the
Land Office Roseburg. Will place
same for non-resident purchasers.
Made with, every possible touch,
of smartness and distinctive ele
gance, yet moderately priced.
But instead of trying to bank
the dictionary by too beavy drafts
upon its adjectives, we simpld ex
tend you a cordial invitatio to
Tben you'll understand why so
many well dressed women always
buy their cloaks of us.
TOSEPHSON'S ge roseburmreT
School Books
The City Election.
The first drunk and down that we have
seen in Roeeburg after a residence of
twelve months was on the vacant lot in
front of Buckingham's store. The man
was long haired with a billy goat beard
and he was doinc the Nebuchadnezzar
act in rooting up the ground with his
nose like a hog grubbing for worms and
eating grass as ravenously as an Eastern
Oregon steer that had struck the green
fieMsoftho Umpqua Valley. He was
promptly taken care of by Marshal
Jarvis who gave him a chance to stab
cock-roaches in tho city bastile.
Mrs. J. C. Aiken, who exhibited in
the fancy work department, at the dis
trict fair in Eucena, won a number of
first prizes on her work. Mrs. 8. C
Flint and Miss Elva Wimbcrloy wero
also very successful exhibitors.
LOOMIS DIXON. At the homo of the
bride's parents on Clover Creek, at
noon yesterday, Mr. Chas Lomis and
Mis Mamie Dixon, second daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dixon, Dr. J. A
Townsend officiating.
Tho marriage was a very quiet affair
being celebrated in tho presence of tho
relatives and a few friends. Cut flowers
and pot plants were used in lavish
abundance throughout the house, and
following the ceremony an elegant wed
ding breakfast was Eerved. The bride
who is a Douglas county girl by birth
and rearing is a young lady of most
charming personality and rare attain
ments, while the groom is a progressive,
successful young merchant of the
Loomis Bros, firm of Newport. Mr. and
Mrs. Loomis left this morning for a few
davs visit in Albany, before going to
their future homo in Newport, followed
by the good wishes and congratulations
of a host of friends.
Paosed off very quietly on Monday.
The officers elected being City Recorder,
City Treasurer and three Councilmen.
H. L. Marsters, republican and John 1.
Long, democrat wero the candidates to
fill the Recorders office for the city of
Roseburg, on a very light vote.
First Ward 19
Second " 2fi
Third " 52
Fourth " 23
Buy one of those fine
Morris Chairs we are show
ing and comfort and satis
faction is sure. Also a splen
did line of Rockers.
Full line of Couches and
Lounges that are up-to-date.
The Furniture Man
iledlurn Length Overcoats
for the fall and
win be
in vogue
Marstera' majority 1".
H. C. Slocum Jr., was re-clecteil City
Treasurer without opposition receiving
i28 votes.
Thu vote for councilmen resulted
follows :
First Ward W. A. Burr, 27; W.
Fisher, 11.
Thinl Ward F. G. Micelli, "1 : G
Kruse, 25.
Fourth Ward Jos. Sykes, 29; J
Aiken, 14.
Notice for Publication.
I'nltcl St(m Ijuk! Odce.
Kmcburc. Omwn. OcUJl 1KB.
Nolle is hereby rtTen thst in compliance
with Ihe provisions ot the act "! Conches cu
JoneS, 1ST, enuiled "An set !or ti sale of
Umber tantls In the Stato c! rlitora!a.Oreso3
Narada .and Washington lerrtiory." as extend
ed to all the public land stales bj act ot Anxust
ol rortland. countr ot Muttnomab. Ut ot ( garment.
Orecon. has this day Bled In this office his j Yottncr
u-nm iitAtn.nt Nrt .v.7i fnr ill onrchtue of I v
T-nnt. ! the SE ot section No. 31 in township No.
lA"h south bt rsnse No. S wt
and will otter prool to show that the land socrht
Is more Taluable for It limber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and KeceWer ot this
office of Kosebarr, Oregon.
on Frtits j, tho 12tn daT of February, ISM. He
amrs as witnesses: Minnie nam, idiuuu,
Ore., W. It. McOroa-cn. J. W. Gardner. John
Rogers of Koseburg, Oregon.
Any and all persons Claiming anverseiy tee
above described land are requested lo file
their claims in this omrw on or belore the saw
:th day of February, 19W.
Oct 8 p Register.
Eastern Stars.
Dr. J. H. Townsend left last night for
Corvallis to remain until Monday at
tending the Presbyterian Synod of Ore
gon. Due fo his absence thee rwill be
no service at the Presbyterian church
either next Sunday morning or evening.
The Southern Pacific railroad haa dur
ing tho week re-invested the old passen
cer conductors with full power to run
the trains and punch tickets. Tho train
Btrents who were promoted from freight
I D - - . I rilllif.'Vlll fllllA IUIIIUIILiO 111111 IT VII v
Old Black Joe conductors have been reduced, and irom I . . . at the
vrTflrrior Nature this time on there will be only four caau m w .. . -
The big flying machine built by
Prof. Langley at Whitewater, Va.,
was iriven an airing and it fell into
the water and was a perfect wreck.
The frovernment stands behind tho
WOODKUFF. At Salem, Monday
niirht. Clarence, ton of Mr. and Mrs
E. T. Woodruff, of Cleveland, aged
fourteen years.
Clarence had been taken to Salem for
medical treatment and died from the
effects of a surgical operation. The re
mains came down on this morning's
overland, and tho funeral services wero
conducted by Rev. Douglas, at tho homo
of Ituben Marstcrs, this morning, aftor
which tho interment was mado in tho
Cleveland cemetery. Mr. and Mrs.
Woodruff have tho sympathy of a largo
number of friends in this their sad bo-
The audience and English counsel
Alaska boundary commission
tnis-.imsu.. '-- , f, o . . now in session in London are naving
train agents on ttio roan, i wo wm i ua Kumi o D-.B.r..x
stationed at San Francisco and two at feea charged by a special land agent.
Portland to chock up the through pa8
Tho annual visit of the grand worthy
matron, Mrs. Helen P. Gatch, of Salem,
who spent Tuesday nnd Wednesday
hero, was an occasion greatly enjoyed by
till affiliated with the Order of tho East
ern Star. On Tuewlav nicht. in tho
Masonic hall, was held a business meet
ing which was largely attended by mem
bers of tho order and on ednesday
night, tho order tendered a recoption
complimentry to Mrs. Gatch and Grand
Sentinel O. P. Coshow. to which all
Masons and their families were bidden
Below is tho entertaining program ren
dered, after which an elaborate lunch
was served, and altogether the evening
was spent most delightfully :
America Chorus
Adddress of Welcomo Rev S A Douglas
Piano Solo Mrs S A Douglas
Reading Miss Mary Brooke
Vocal Solo Mrs A T Stcinor
Address O P Coshow
Vocal Solo Mrs S A Dougla
Address Mrs Helen P Gatcl
Mrs. Gatch left for Grant Puss thi
;l, i .
morning, nnu all wno mci nor win long
and pleasantly remember her brief stay
penger business, but outside of these on
ho Orecon and California road the old
mndnetors will conduct attairs nice tney
did before tne train sgents were appoint
a not time lor uenerai uickhihuh
haa been speaking for the past two
The famous Ferris-wheel which de- days on tho American contention and
lighted sight-seers at the Chicago tho general is a capital story teller
IVnrUn Fai'r ia In ha fnlfon t.n St. nnd ha a tnllinrr his vnrns for .ill theV Will Visit With Mr. Larlon 8
t n a: Mr. and Mrs. Joo Carlon
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carlon, of East
OrPirnn. arrived this morning nild
- - - O I
Is not extreme, bat exceptionally
nobby, cat from special designs.
These coats are loose, yet they fit
perfectly, and best of all, they in no
way, resemble the ready made
men, or men whose voca
tions are sach that a free use of the
limbs is necessary, will find these
coats "just the thing."
The shoulders of these coats are
perfect, the broad shoulder effect
The materials are many and are sure
to please the most careful dresser.
Ask to see them at
Notice for Publication.
United Slater Land Office.
Kwburc Orrann, Aur.SI. 1WB.
Nolle- is hereby clren that in compliance
with the provisions of tha act of Congress ot
uneS. iSTR. entitled An act far the sale 01
linber lands in the States of California, Oregon
S'erada.and Washlncton Terrilorr." as extend
ed to all th public land stales bj act of August
s, VSll.
Care ot O. M. Co.. of rortland, countr ol
MultnomRh, sUte of Oregon, has this day tiled
in this office her sworn statement No.nT3fnr
tho purchase of thcNE1 ol section o. stin
township No. 35 south, range No. s west
and will olferprool tosnowinaiineianasonsjn
Is more Taluable for lis uraner or sione man
frt. .c.H.ii1f nral rmrnnspi. and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
office of Roseburr.Oregon,
on Friday, the 12ih day of February, 1M3. He
names as wltucscs: W. II. McCtossen. i. W.
Canlucr. John Rogers, FraiiK F. Dolesby all of
Koseburg. Oregon.
Inr ami 11 rxrsnns clalmlnc adveisclT the
above described lands arc roiuestcd to file their
claims In this office on or before said 12th day
of February, WM. J.T. HKllHJK.
Ono good horse
the blacksmith.
Notice for Publication.
Roseburc, Oregon. Oct. 1. 1W3.
Notice Is hereby given that In comrllanea
with the provisions of the act of congress oi
JuneS,lST8.enUtled"Anact for the sale of
timber ianus in tne oiaicsoi v uimii,univ
v.... whlni?tnn Terrilorv." asezlend-
d to all the publlo land states by act ot August
ol Indcncnpcncc, county of l"olk, slato oi uro
,.. ,iv nimi in this office his sworn
South East quaiter of section No. S2, township
25 south, ol range 8 west
and will offer proof to show inaitna iana sougas
Is more valuable for Its timber or stono than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim bofore the Register and Receiver ol this
nlflra of RAaahurar.Orecon.
on Thursday tho 10th day ot March, ISM. in
Hrowmvllle, uri-gon; uwirgo saivmau,
llatcmaii, o Koscnurg. wrcgou.
a... an. I all runoni e.lalmlne advcrslGT tho
alwvo described lands wro nnucstcd to fllo their
claims In this offlco on or before said IOlh day
of March um. j.x.nuiDCES
Oct r p Hegliter.
Window Sale.
Thu ladles of tho Christian Church
will conduct a window salo Saturday
Oct. 10, at Mr. Buckingham's grocery
store. Patronage solicited.
Woollenberg Bros.
For Sale.
H. L. Goold
Douglas county should make a po in
to attend the fair at Eugeno and help
make it a grand saccess and then we
can expect Lane county to return the
compliment next year.
Just arrived from the factory a car
load of the celebrated Page fence, which
is cheaper than a board enco and will
last a life-time and la put up to your
satisfaction without extra cost. It is
used and endorsed by the leading men
of this county. For circulara and prices
address Stearns & Chenoweth, Oakland,
Ore., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly
20 tiers oak stove wood, SO tiers grub
block wood. D. 8.K.BU1C 48tf.
The Second Southern Oregon District
Agricultural Fair.
The fair will open at Eugene on Tues
day, Sept. 29, and the Southern Pacific
railroad haa offered a rate of ono and
ono-thinl fare for tho round trip from
all points on the line in Oregon.
There will bo tho best display of agn
cultural products and livestock ever ex
hibited in Western Oregon, aa the rail
road has offered free transportation ol
such to the fair.
Tho prizes have been doubled this
.tear over last, as the State mado an ap
propriation of f 1,800, tho last year's ap
propriation being only $900.
The next fair will undoubtedly be
held at Roseburg and tho cititens of
Administrators Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed was, by the County Court, o
Douglas County, Oregon, on the 16th
day of September 1903, duly appointed
Executrix of the Estate of Jacob Lehn
herr, Deceased.
All persons having claims against the
aforsaid estate, will present the same,
duly verified tome at Camas Valley,
Douglas County, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
First publication of this Notice Sept.
Executrix of the Estate of Jacob Lehn-
herr, Deceased.
The BisefetTg JwA art Sis C
Will pay a premium of f I in addition to
tho regular price of $10 on each ton of
cast iron this offer to hold good until
October 1st.
We Also Want
Hides, Furs, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc,
Rubber and becond iland furniture
Cor, Oak andBoee SU-.Opp. Barnard's Stsligjq