The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 05, 1903, Image 4

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VfUr !" DIBlcuIl and the Prevalent
Important Method.
It la. a difficult matter to keep cab
bages In large quantities through the
winter. Every method in practice by
large Towers has Its disadvantages on
account of the easy decay of the soft.
watery leaves by ovcrwarmth and the
damage if not destruction of the stock
tiv fiwilnr. Thus one has to go be
tween these two difficulties, and on ac
count of the cost of the frequent re
movals of the crop It is generally ad-
vlsable to store them in the field where
they have grown, says Country Gentle
man. The prevalent method adopted
by largo growers is this: The space be
tween the rows, 3 by C, as may be con
venient is furrowed out as widely as
possible, and the plants, pulled as late
as nossible before risk or aamage Dy
freezing, are placed as they are pulled
and with the roots undisturbed head
downward in rows four feet wide and
tapering to one on the top as compact
ly as possible. Straw is then spread
over the heaps until as late as possible
with safety from frost, when earth is
thrown on the straw to insure safety
from freezing. Air vents are made at
Intervals of six feet and these filled in
with bunches of straight cut straw, by
which escape of any warm air collect
ing in the heaps is made easy. The
ground should be leveled to enable the
heaps to lie evenly. Sometimes these
pits are made larger, even eight feet
wide and high, but in some localities
the smaller pits will be safest
One of the Yonnirer Breed Good
Milkers and Good Feeder.
The Red Polled is one of the young
est of the breeds. It was not until the
year 1S4C that the union of the Norfolk
and Suffolk breeders gave the breed its
name. From the start this breed has
been famous as one valuable alike for
dairying and for beef production, and
on the markets of England the Norfolk
cattle take high rank. They were first
brought to America In 1S73 and since
then have crown steadily. Here their
beefmaklng qualities have been neg
lected to some extent but they have
figured strongly as valuable animals
for the small farmer. Neglect to show
them in high condition has also tended
urn wirxm BUM, DEMON.
to obscure their flesh bearing powers in
time past but recent exhibitions have
been highly creditable.
As their name Indicates cattle of this
breed are without horns, no appearance
of them being tolerated. In color they
are a rich deep red with white allowed
on the udder and underline. Inside the
flanks and on the switch of the tall.
The head Is quite characteristic, of
medium size, clean cut with a sharp
poll which carries a good tuft of hair.
The neck Is of medium length, body of
good size and shape, legs of medium
length. Bed Polls are very uniform,
prepotent and hardy and have many
earnest advocates, being good milkers
as well as cood feeders. G. M. Rom-
The Kind of Cattle to Feed.
The kind of cattle to feed depends on
circumstances. As a rule the good well
bred steer will make the most money
because he makes the most of his feed
that is, he puts it where It ought to
go, Into the high priced cuts of beef.
But sometimes It pays best to feed
common cattle and very common ones
when they can be bought at a corre
spondingly low price. They usually
make good gains, and, having been
bought very low, they may sell at a
big advance over their cost to the feed
er, though still away below the top of
the market Common light feeders are
selling In Chicago at 2JjO to $3 and
good ones at 54.75 to $3.25. There may
be more money In the stuff costing
$2J50 than In the five dollar stuff, be
cause when fat a bigger advance may
be secured for It This Is a year when
good feeders are bard to secure at a
reasonable figure, and hence attention
Is called to the cheaper and commoner
kinds. But the feeder should remem
ber that the common cattle must be
bought very low. There Is no pleasure
In their company, and it Is only Justi
fiable when they make good money, to
do which they must be laid In cheap.-
National Stockman.
Crop Item.
The government's October estimate
of the average yield per acre of oats Is
34.5 bushels, the highest estimate of
yield ever reported by the department
of agriculture.
The corn condinon Oct 1 was re
ported at 79.6 as compared with 77.7,
the mean October average of the past
ten years.
The preliminary estimate of the ay-
erage yield per acre of spring wheat ia
14.4 bushels; average quality, 87.7.
All of the Important sugar cane pro
ducing states except Texas report con
ditions below their respective ten year
averages for October.
The estimated average yield of hops
In pounds per acre Is 1,267 In Washing
ton, 1,400 In California, 1,100 in Ore
gon, 1,300 In Wisconsin and 325 In New
Texas reports 11 points above the
average for rice, Georgia about the av
erage and other states from 1 to 23
points below, the latter being the esti
mate for Louisiana.
Ssvlaa Teaebera.
The public schools in Switzerland are
Operated by the government, and civil
service rules are strictly applied. The
teachers, tvho are mostly women, are
very well paid and never discharged
except for cause. When they get so old
they can't teach, they are pensioned
liberally. The result Is that the coun
try has an excellent corps of educators.
Mnrrlase In Sweden.
In Swedish towns the average mar
rying age of males Is thirty and a half
years and of females twenty-wv-ii and
Every day of your life you take Into
your system germs sufficient to end
your life were It not for the protecting
action of the defensive agents in your
Education In Germany.
Germany is now the best educatea
nation of Europe, yet only hundreds of
years ago German teachers In many
"parts of the country were so poorly
paid that they used to sing In front of
houses in order to add to their income
Mrs. A. S. Forbes of California origfr
nnted the plan for strewing the sea
vlth flowers In memory of the sailor
Mrs. Florence Splccr Kirkpatrick has
been appointed as one of the five
trustees to build and manage the new
Carnegie library at Oneida, N. Y.
Miss Mary Morton, youngest daugh
ter of Levi T. Morton, devotes most of
her time and Income to caring for the
unfortunate children of New lork city.
Mrs. Celia B. Whitehead and Mrs.
Mila Tupper Maynard were nominated
for the Colorado state senate by the
Socialists of Denver at the Arapahoe
county Socialist convention.
Miss Maggie J. Walz of Calumet
Mich., Is the only woman Finnisn jour
nalist and newspaper publisher In
America. She came to America in 1SS1
and located at Hancock. After paying
for the trip from Finland she had only
$7 left and it was necessary for her to
accept a position as a uoniesuc serv
ant The names of two women are still on
the British pension list dating from the
time of George IV. One Is Lady Bar
row, the adopted daughter of John
Wilson Croker, Lord Macaulay's "bad.
very bad man, I fear." The other Is the
mother of Sir William Anson, M. P. for
Oxford university and warden of All
Miss Minnie Schenck of Williams-
port Pa., is declared to ue cnampion
woman rifle shot of the world, having
lust established a record of twenty
consecutive bullseyes at 200 yards.
Miss Schenck. who uses a .32 caliber
rifle, Is a terror to sparrows. Out of
fifty-six shots she did not miss once,
using a .22 caliber rifle.
Lonsrst Stilt Ilace.
The longest race ever run on stilts
took place from Bordeaux to uiarntz
In 1S93. The distance Is 303 miles.
Alexander the Great.
Alexander the Great used his sword
against women rather than for them.
and one of his favorite pastimes was
beating his wives with the flat of his
steel blade.
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only
positive cure now known to the medical
Ifraternitv. Catarrh beine a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and as
sisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers, that .they otter one
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimon
nials Address F. J. Ciienney & Co.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family pills are the liest.
Trespass Notice.
The public is hereby warned not to
trespass upon.the premises, not to hunt
for or shoot any kind of bird or animal
on the Da Motta farm and pasture land
located east of .Roseburg under penalty
of the law made and provided.
M. T. Dawson, Prop.
Roseburg, Oregon, Aug. 18, 1903.
is prepared to wait upon old
and new customers and friends
with a full and complete
stock of
All fresh and of the very beet
quality. Teas aad coffees are
specialties. Your patronage
City and Mining Property, Home
steads and Timber Claims Located,
the best now vasjait. No fees paid
until Filing accepted. Relinquish
ments bocght and sold. ; : :
Stewart Land Co.,
Room i Taylor & Wilson Block
Homes from $250 to $5000
Write or 'Phone
Wm. M, Porter,
Real Estate Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Guide
Cainas Valley, Oregon
25 miles south w(gt of Kom.-1 Uar
Administrator's Sale
of Real Prop-
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue
of an order made by the County Court
of Douglas County, State of Oregon, in
the matter of the estate of Thomas
Dunseath, deceaced, on tho 28th day
of September, 1903, and entered in tho
Probate Records of said Court on said
daj, directing and authorizing me, the
undcr-Hgned administrator of tho said
estate, to fell at cither public or private
sale, as provided by law, tho real prop
erty of, and belonging to the h lid estate,
to the highest bidder, for cash in hand,
for the purpose of paying off the claims
against tho said estate and the expenses
of administration.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said or
der, I will, on and after Saturday, Octo
ber 31st, 1903, at one o'clock in tho af
ternoon of said day, proceed to sell and
offer for snle to tho highest bidder, for
cash in hand, the following described
real property owned by tho said estate
and described as follows, to-wit :- Tlio
E of the SWK of Sec. 20, Township 32
South, of Hanso ft Wcst'.Willametto Mo
riilian, in Douglas County, Oregon, con
taining SO acres, more or less.
Dated at Hoseburg, Oregon, tins -"Jin
day of September, A. 1). 1903.
K. li. WILSON,
Administrator of tho estate of Thomas
Dunscath, Deceased.
First publication, Oct. 1st, 1903.
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable fxio insurance- coinpu-
nies, is now prepared to do a general
firn insur.inco business. Insure with
him. Office at tho City Hall. 102-tf.
Write your FarmExperlence and Send
In 1902 tho Southern Pacific Company
nublished a minnhlot entitled "Cali
fornia Industries". It contained princi
pally tho personal testimonies of experi
enced cultivators, says tho Pacific Home
stead. A short description of the dif
ferent sections was given and following
this tho testimonies of fruit growers
dairymen, etc., etc., showing the number
of acres cultivated to oranges, grapes
olives, alfalfa, etc., tho c.wt to cultivate
the yield per acre and prico the products
were sold for. This wasotio of the most
tiractical pieces of literature that could
bo put out. Mr. W. E. Coman, G. P. A.,
of the Southern Pacific Company, has
written the agents of that company in
Oregon that it is tho intention to get up
a similar publication for Oregon and
asks that all who are able to give the
results from their farms, dairies, fruit
orchards, berry patches, etc., in Oregon
write the results for publication in the
pamphlet. He says he wants only the
actual results under favoiahle condition'
the same as ran lw accomplished by
any intelligent grower under normal
conditions ; that is, he wants only honest
-epresentations. Any of our readers in
Oregon who will take the time to give
their experiences will be doing the com
pany a courlsey and the state justice
You may send your statement to Mr
Toman, or to the Plmndea. "it and it wil
forwarded to hiui
Mr. Man, you want facts. We are
going to give you facts. As you read
them over you will know they aro facts
And we can prove they are facts.
It is a fact that McCortuick Kiiidtirfl,
Mowers and Rakes are the standard by
which all others are guaged.
It is a fact, Racine Buggies, Hrcks
and Road Wagons are far outstripping
our competitors' lines.
It is a fact that the Bain Wagon is the
most successful, durable and economical
wagon on the market.
It is a fact that the altove are all in
cluded in the Big 3. You can find them
at S. K. Svkes', Roseburg, Ore.
See the Title Guarantee A Loan
for blue printi and filing papers.
For Trade Small farms in
Indiana to trade for Oregon
H. L. Ball.
Get yonr abstracts ot title from J. D
Hamilton. He has the only complete
set of abstract boons in the county, tf
Roseburg Nurseries.
Very choice fruit trees, all leading
varieties. Spitzenberg and Yellow New
town Pippin apples a specialty. For
sale at very reasonable prices by Rose
burg Nurseries, H. Schroten, Roseburg
Oregon. 66tf
For Sale.
75 lambs and 130 ewes, Merino and
Cotswold sheop. Address Paul V. Cuvil
lier, Wardton, Oretron. 71 lm.
For Sale.
Gold coin winter wheat, white Rus
sian side OAta, vetch seed, Siberian oat
yielded 549 bushels per acre 2 years ago,
also pure leghorns and plymouth rock
fowls, and Scotch Collie puppies, the
finest in the land. Address E. A.
Kbcse, Roseburg, Oregon. C6-lm.
Piano Buyers
ou will notice that we do not lia ve
to bo continually striking out for a new
make of Pianos. The Needhain has been
our leauer lor n years ana is today a
leader among tho high grade pianos of
tho world. Some cheap pianos are made
high grade simply by getting a boobt in
the Oregonirn or some other leading
paper, through those big dealers who
think they can, and do make the major
lty of people believe it eimply because
they say so. It doesn't take ink, boost
or high commissions to make a good
piano, but instead the very best
mechanics, and the very best material
such as are always used in Needham
pianos. 29-tf
T. K. RiciiAnnso.v,
Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Hlcfcel saver Cus
Fully Guaranteed
m nitrated Bookbt
on request, tbowlas
The New England
Watch Go.
Waif rtarj, Conn.
Ntw York, Chlctfo,
sio rraocisco.
H. Little,
Oakland, -
Ppnrtisional Cards.
l'linno I Residence 851, Residence,
mono Jomcoilta West Roseburg
Ofllco : Koom 11 Taylor A Wllso-i Mock
Examination Five. Oltlcu hours 9 to 12 a. in.
2 ton p.m. Uraduale Still College of Osteopath v
Court Houso
Down Stairs.
Q V FISHER, M. 1).,
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. O. Koskbuko,
'Phono Main 591. Ohkoon.
Physciau & Surgeon.
office Review Bid.
Phone. Main .11
HosKtiuao Okixoon
Hpeclai attention given Ui Diseases
of tho Nos
ami IIirOHl.
OrOco-Mnla 8t., one door south of
Phouc. Mh.ii 341.
City Hell
Review Building,
Telephone No. 4.
RfHKtti'KU .iK.iO
M. Cruvkoui) a J. O. Watson
Attorneys at Law,
Rooms 1 & 3. Ba'ifc BullJ.. it JiKFlUliU. ol-
fij Business before the 0 8 Land Office and
jitutn; cates a seclalty.
KuMCiu no,
HutiU)- bUrc U.S. Land OUici-and
bti-llHff a sfeclally.
0"nr-"ihmtittm HittMlnr.
t". H'l.I.KRTON
A t toruey-at- Law.
Wll prat-lire In all the Slate and Federal Courts
Orttrt- Ki Marts' Bid.. RoMbnrg. Ort-cun.
oms 1 and 2
vrlew 13'ulMlru.
A KUCHANAN, NutHry Public.
Collections a Specialty.
Koom t
MarUerw BalUtnc. KOSKBOKti.
p J. P.OP.INBTr,
Attorney at Law.
Taylor A Wilson Hloct
Rosinnuo. Ohi
Land Surveyor.
OOcc. Koom . Taylor A Wilson Illock.
Ro bun;.
Rne Farm for Sale.
A efxA SCO acre farm for snle five
aiiles Iroui Mvrtle Creek, 100 acres in
cultivation, ualance hill, pasture and
timbert-d land. Small orchard, good
house, tasru and other improvements
For price and terms apply to P. T. Mc-
Gee, Myrtle Creek, or D. S. K. Huick,
Roseburg, Oregon. 2-ti
Smith' Dandruff Pomade
Stops itching scalp upon one applica
tion, three to six removes all dandruff
and will stop falling luir. Price 50c,
For sale by Marsters Drus: Co. mltf
New and Larger Building, New Presses'
New Stereotype Plant, New
and Modern Appliance in
every Department.
The Tntalo Blade is now Installed In Its new
bulMmK. with a nuxlvrn plant ami equipment,
and facilities cinal to any publication between
New York and t.htcago. It is the only Weekly
newspaper e tiled expressly for crerr tate and
territory. Th News of the World so arranged
that but? people ran more easily comprehend
than by reading cumbersome coiums of rallies,
All current topic made p'ain in each ts'ue by
special t.ll total matter, written from t-.cept'on
down to date. The only paper published cspeci
ally for reoplc vhodoordo not read dsily news
papers, and yet thirst for plain facia, that
this kind of a newspajr Is popular. Is proven
by the fa t that the Weekly Made now has orer
l,tC0 yearly suhM-rlbers, and Is circulated Iu
all parts of the U.S. In addition to the new
the llljile publishes short and serial stories and
rninr department of matter suited to every
member of the family. Only one dollar a year
Write for free specimen copy. Addrcsss
Toledo, Ohio.
The Greatest Farm Taper of tho North
west. Published weekly at Falcm. Ore
eon. Edited by the Farmers of the
Northwest. Twenty Paces. Illustrated.
5 Papers for $1 ou. L-33 th in acts each
Publication bcRan Mnrrh 1 1900. Now
has 0,200 subscribers. I'hcnomrinil growth
is due to its be I IJ( tho best farm paper pub
$2.75 A YEAR.
For a Prompt and Firat-claHS
Shave or Hair-cut. Compc
VtH tVorkmon, Clotn Tovi-'r-")lB
alwnjRin ahnpo.
i . ths in Conneclion.
J Whop on Jt:kson 81. 2
I Go to .. :.
Society Meetings.
F. & A. M. Laurel Lodtte No. 13.
Holds reztilar moetinics on second
and f nrth Wednesdays ol each
month. O. P. Cosiiow. W. M.
N. T.Jkwctt, Secretary.
O. U. W. Rosohiirg Lodge No. 1(5.
Meets the second and fourth Mon-
l days ol ench month at 7 :80 u. ru
in the I. O. O. F. Hull. Membero in
ijood Rtandinv lire invited lo attnnd.
F.M.Tozikk M. W.
E. 11. Lunox Recorder.
D. .8 West, Financior.
r. O. ELKS. Rofloburg LodgeNo.
320'. Holds regular communica
tions ut I O. O. F. Hall on Pecnnii
uid fourth Thursdays of each month.
All members requested to attend retru-
Inrlv and all visiting brothers rue cordi
ally invited to attend.
F. B. Waitk, E. R.
Rov McClallkn, Secretary.
N. ti , meets at Armory Hall every
Thursday evening, ut 8 o'clock.
F. B. Hamlin, Capt.
EG REE OF HONOR. Myrtle Lodge
No. 13. Mtau 2nd and 4th Thurs
day uvhiiu.,(b of each month in Na-
'ive Hons' Hall. Visiting members cor
lially l4itnl to a'tnnd.
Mas. Mkrit Wkst, C. of H.
E. II . LKNNox.Rec.
OF A. Court Donulas No. 32. For-
eftre of America. Meta every
B T..UUil..f ............. ; v..n.. z ,
..--(, .-it-inn iu &inbl,3 guun
Hall. Viitiug brotlie re always welcome.
S. W.VanZilk C. R.
E H Lenox, U.S.
E. V. Hoovkk, I'hvMiimi.
O. O. F Flilli'tHriaii Lo.!i:n No. S.
Mete in Odd I'VIIo-am' Temp!, cor
oer Jackeun slid Cas Mrt-tlt-. -n
Satnnlay evening ol rh ivk Mem
bers of the order in irifc'd eunnlli.g hi?
Invited to attend,
J. C Twjiciik l, N. tl.
N. r. JkWkTT. i".-crt-tarj .
of P. Alpha Later N i Mr-
evrrv . 11, I l) O F
Hall ' 7:311 t. ni. Mm-M-rc u
good standing are invited to attt-nd.
Cito. E. 11 oleic.
S. V. Rami- K R. S.
T. M. Protection Tent No. 15.
Holds its retfulnr Reviews the
first and third Fridav of each
month in tho I. O. O. hall. Visiting
menilxTs in eool etantline are invited to
attentl. Geo. W. Peeky. Com.
K. IlLotKiinT, Hecord Keeier.
I LAC CIKCI.K. No. 40, Women of
Woodcraft. Mfels on 1'nd and 4th
Fridrtyf! of eaeii month at the Na
tive bone, HmiI. Mpiting membfrs in
;ood PtsndinL are invited to attend.
Della Jbwe t, ttnardian Neighbor. Otbv, Stcy.
LO. T. 51. Hive Xo. 11.
Holds it p n-cnlar review npnn the
first ami third Frida-.s at 2:38 n sn
of each month in the Native S--nfc' 1U I.
latere of other Hives viaitinc in ifte citv
are cordially Invited tn&tu-mi on- re-
. HvmE SIoRt-x I.. O si.
Ju-it Uam-.R. K.
E. P Rojobnrp Chapter No. S
Holds their reirnlar mwtini; on the
firet nnd third Thursdays in each
ninth. Vicitine members ia toad
lUnilire axe reptfnlly invit-d to at-
nd. JIes. Kasxik Spbagce W. M..
Hacde R.ieT Secretary.
F.BEKAH6. Rotfbnrj: Rcbeknb
LoJw No. 41. 1. 0. O. F., mccta in
Odd Frllowe' Temple every Tn-dy
eveninc. leitiDf Bisters and brethren
invito to attend.
Dkixa Rkowx, N. G.
Cora Wimbeblt. R. S.
sembly No. 105 meets every Satnr-
av evenins, at S o'clock in Native
Sons Hall. Visiting Artisans cordiallv
invited to attend.
Ret. S A. Dououis, M. A.
Miss. Lela Brown, S-cretary.
Camn No. 126. Meets st the Old
Fellowe' Hall, in Rofbare, everv
first and third Monday eveninc. Visit-
ins neighbors alwavp welcome.
T. Jkwctt. C. C.
J. A. Rcchanan, Clerk.
Odd Fellow'- Temple. Meets first
and third Thiirsdav eveninirs each
month. Visitors cordiallv invited.
J. B. Hamilton, C. P.
C. TwrrciiELL, Scribe.
Your Watch!
When was it cleaned antl oiled?.
is it rtinnin-j like it ouht to? If
is not, it would bo well to hare it ex-
tminctl, I will look it over carefully
uid tell you just where the trouble if
and what it will cost to repair it.
I guarantee all my work and live!
up to the guarantee.
Notice for Publication.
lbuteburir, Ore . Auk X, l'jni
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act ot Congress of
Juno S, SK. entitled "An act for tbe sale of
Umber lands in tho States of California. Oregon
Nsvada.aud Washington Territory," asoxtond
d to all the public land states by act ot August
s, 1892.
ol Sparta, county of Montoe, stato of Wlseoniti
nas this (lay flled In MilsoDlce his sworn stato
ractit No. 5' W). fur til ' pttrchaso ol the south
CJstiuarter(SKi4')of section No i in town
ship No 27, south of ranjto No $ west
and will otfer proot to show that the land sourht
Is more valuable for IU timber or stone than
for agricultural purpotns, and to establish his
claim before the Register and lleoelver of this
uica 01 KOMDura. urtzoo.
on Tuesday ihe Villi ilny of Jarliary, 1901. Ho
names as witness: n iMaKenueixcr. raut t nry,
lioth of Koseburrc,; J. II. Kvarts, Pes-1,
llroiriiM W nlejmifi I lllhhml. Mniirln. Wli.f.n,iMlii.
Any and all pirsous claiming adversely tho
abovo described Incds aru reuuested to 11 lo tht-lr
claims in this ofllee on or beforo tho satil 12th
day of January, 1901.
J. 1. J11UIJH1-.M,
(loats (or 5nlc.
About 40 head of Angora goats for
sale, nil young doea, also eoine thorough
bretl bucks. Correspondence eolicited.
L. A. M.MtsTKita,
Cleveland, Orogou.
In tlio Circuit Court of tho Stato ol Oregon,
(or Douglas County.
Molllo M. Itoblsoi), I'lalntllT.)
O. K. UoUlaon. Defendant. )
To O. K. Itobison, the abovo named Defend
ant: In tho narno of tho Stato ol Oregon, you aro
hereby mimmoned nnd required to ami
anawur tlio complaint tiled nr-alnrtt you In
the abovo untitled court and chum: within nix
wcelca from the data of the tint publication of
thlfi riummonn, and If you fail tnapiearaud
answer aa herein required, for want thereof,
the plaintltr will apply to raid court for the
relief demanded in her complaint, which ia
for a decree from aald court dissolving tho
inarrlusu contract exuding between pialntiir
and defendant, for tbo cac and ciikfxly of
the minor child. Brennaa KoblMin. that che
may rt-Kiirao h-r former namc.MullIe M. Mc
clain, for her cohta and dUbnm-menU, and
for euch other and limber relief aa to the
court may twin meet with equity and (rood
ThUttummona la puhllrucl once a week for
at leai-t six aucceMlTu week In the i'l il.fDCiL
icb, a eml-weekly new f paper publbdicd at
Koncburs, Orciton, liy order of Hon. M I.
Thompwn, County JudgH of Douglas County,
Oregon, made Aunum 21, 1903
The 11 rat publication of this summons Is on
the 'iltli day ol August, 1903.
fi-7w Attorney for Plaintiff,
In the '.ounty Court of the Stato of Oregon,
for Doucla county.
In the Matter of the Kitate ofi
Thomas Dunscath, Citation.
prccard. J
To Thomas DnnK-ath, lather of de-'aed, and
all others legally lnt-retrd In raid Estate,
In the name ot the Slate of Oregon. You
are hereby cllrd and require 1 to ap-x-ar In Ihe
County Court of the State of Oregon, fo- the
County of Dougla. In the courtroom thereof,
at KoKeburg, In the County of Douglas, on
Monday, the 28th day of Sept., 1003.
at 10 o'olock in the forenoon of that day. tben
and there lo .iomt caue, if any vou bare, why
an order for the sale of the real property be
longing U said estate, at prayed for in the peti
tion of K. E. Wilson, the administrator, lo nit:
The EJJof SWJJof rctlonM.Tp a! outh. of
range 5 wet, . M in D-ug!a county. Ore
con, and containing W) arris, should n"t be
made authorizing E. K. Wilson, the admit).!
tralor ot the Ut of T omai Dunoeath, :
craM-if to rll the aloieoaid real projriy al
either public or private .ii, for the pnrro-; 1 1
paying the indebtcdm, f the estate and ex
j-rn'e of adininl'tratlon.
Witness the Hon. M I Tlmiin. Ju l- of
the (VMiHty Couit of the h'late ol Oregon, f.-r
tbc County ol lno;la, with thr of ",
Court alMiel tins 2lll lay ol Atigml, A i ,
Atus : D. I", feHAJRltmC. C I. ik
IAL. a-T
Notic for Publication.
i Laud lltacc at H
. If-. 1SU.
eb'in;. t-trfn S,.t
t hoilce t he'-br eixeu that Iht-!;! mm-?
' named s tiler h-s Ql d tioticv o hl.:u'tu I r
I ! uate niial pdmf in snrt-nrl ol his claim.
that sakl rso! will lie made fre 'ho Knit
ter and iteeetrer. U. U. O. at Koscbun;, Ore
gun, on November 7. 1'.'M, rtz:
havid Co-Bit ft.
on Hd. E. No SM9. for the NU SVVJJ. Sec W, T.
27 S.. K. i West
He names the fol'owlntf to prove
his contluoHis rvssdence upon and c-.ilttva-lUm
of salil land, tic- Thex!orc Uttrell. Elmer
Llttrell. Oeorce Cox, and Voley tMe, all of
lUetmnr, ure(on.
i. T. Brawns, P.slster.
Notice for Publication.
V. S- IJtnd OSce. K-bir. Ore .
Juue 2Mb. 1-Ct$
Notice is hereby siren that tn cotapllar.c
with the provisions of the act ol Concresa of
JuneS.)7ti enUtWAnart f, tfcc of
timber lands In the Slates vi (a.'ornla.Orei-cn
Nevada .and Wuhlnc'-on Terrliory," aiextend
td to til th putUe land states by act of August
i, 1W2.
Oscar Ptrlersoo.
ol Staokan'. cmnty ol ?p"kn. state of ah
Inew c. bas this uay hied tn lbi iCS -e bl
sworn .tatment So ''Xi', for tr- rirrhax
the SB; -I section No. towub!p soatk, ot
raae a -sesl,
and will .jlfei proof tosow ti-at the land sjoikt
Is more valuable for n ttmlcr or iMne tlsan
far ajrrtn.ltarsl wirr. . and to establish Sis
! clst-n l! jre the Kirt:er aad U4ver of this
I olflcaolKosaburx.Orcon.
oc Weont ylsy. the litis day of November, 1COI
I lessntuailH(: AtMreaw unciMin,
I of Klandrvu. sotttb IHkoU. J. W. naxdoer. W
H MeCrtMsen, and tieo. Taylor, all of Kos-.-bsirr.
Any sod a'l pe-som claiming a-1: erveiy lie
above derlbol lands are rejte.:-d H 2!-trn-ir
latms in lbi ssTkv on or before al 1 ll'.h
day of Noveatvr. 1.
J.T. Rtimv, Re-.sur
Notice for Publication.
I. S. Land Office. Row-bur, "re
Jane a. 1A-S
Notice is hereby -riven that Is eosapltanca
with the proriiicas of the act of Costf-ress o!
icae X. st. entitled "An ut lez the tal of
timber lands tn the states of California, Oreaoa
Nevada .and Washlnsv-,n Territory," ajextend
ed to all the public land states by act of Auimst
4, UK.
Archibald E Wad.
of Wales, county of Cti;r. sute of North
Ilskota. has this dav il tn tbt o-Ac hU
swom sutemenl N" . for th SW4 .4 ste
tson No t township sooth, ot rsnce a sresst,
and n .1; of fer proof to show that theland soajclit
is acra ralnaMe for it tiale: or stone thaa
for acrtcultara panM-. and to establish bis
claim lfore the Rectster asd Keoeiver of this
eltlce of Kcseburs.Orefoa.
on Thurnlay. llx iU day of November, ISO,
He names a kIIocsh- IH-xna Waitoe, U.
E. U)lthu. botb of Park River. N UaknU,
Brynloif Pmm. of Mtltnn. N. !ak-U. ia ! Ras
mus ti btooe. of Alexandria, Mtnn.
Any and all person elatalav adversely tbe
liTe desrribed land are roioested tn file
their claims in this ofheeoa or txtiore said lsth
d ay of November, 15t.
J.T. BaiDats. BcfHtter.
Notice for Publication.
Kos burg Oref on. June "3. 1".!.
Notice is hereby given that la cotapJIance
srlth the provisions of the act of Congresa e!
JoaeS. T. entitled "An art fnr the sale of
timber lands in the Stat. "f California, Oregon
Neva-la .and W ashlnctun Territory," as extend
ed to all tbe public land slates by act ot August
of Milton, county of Cavalier, state nf North
Pakota. bas this day tiled In thisJnOechis
snorn statementTNo. SW, for the purchase of
the !E4 of sec. No. I.Tp 25, south ot range
9 west,
and til offer proof losbow thatthelasdunght
Is more valuable for Its timtr or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim beft-re the Itcclstrr and Ilecelver of this
of ilco of Hoseburg, Oregon,
on Friday, the 1Mb dav of IVcembcr, VXU. He
names wltneioes-Thomas Wadge. ol Paik
Klvcr. North Dakota. Archltld E. Wadtre.
Wales. North Dskota. Rasmus. M. Stone, Ale-.-andrla.
Muinv-soU, O. E. Loithus, Park Hive;
North Dskola,
Any and all persons cam!Di adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile"thel
claims In tlil oibee on or le!orc said lMh dav
of IH-cembcr. IMS.
Notice for Publication.
Kosebunc, Ore., June a. 1W8.
Notice is hereby given that tn complianca
with the provisions ot the act ot Congresa of
Junes. IS 8. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lanits In the States ot California, Oregon
Nerada.and Washington Terrliory," as extend
ed to all the public land states by act of August
. 1S32.
of Park River, county of Walsh, state ol North
Dakota, has this day Hied In thlsolSco his
sworn tatei. cut No. SIS7, for the purt.hae
or the N'j of the N, f nvtton No. 10.
township , south of ranee S wist
and will offer proot toshow that tho land sought
Is more valuablo for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver ot this
office of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Thursday, tbe t'Jtlt day ol November IKK.
Itc names as witnesses: Thomas Wadite, of
Park Klvcr, North Dakota, Archibald E Wadge,
Wales, North Dakota. Rasmus Jt Stone, Alex
andra. Minnesota, Bryujolf Prom, of Milton.
North Dakota.
Anv and all ncrsons clalmlnitlr advenclv the lands are reUctcd tn fll- their
claims in mis otuce on or ocioiv sain lutn nay
of November, 1908.
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg, Oicgoti, Jillv29 t'AB.
Notice ts hereby gtven that In eompllancsi
with tho provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, 1STS, entitled "An act for the sala ot
timber lands In the States of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washlngtor Tei rltory," aa extend
ed to all the public land stales by act of August
. ISStt
ol Sparta, county ol Monroe, stale ni Wlscouslu
has ibis day filed In tli'f otlleo ln sworn state
ment No. Wiil, for the purchase of tho lots 9, 10,
1 15 and 16, of section No 10.
in (owti'iiip .o
soutn 01 range no 3 wist
and will otfer proot to show that theland sought
Is mora valua
ble for Its Umber or stono than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hfs
claim before the Register and Receiver ot this
office of Roseburg, Oregvn.
ou Tuesday the 6llt dny of Jauuaty. T90I. He
natuta hh witno'.ses: John C. hbatlitck, Sparta,
Wln-onsln, II Krkoiiborgcr, Paul Uary. 1IU el
Roseburg, Oregon, J. It. Kvarts, IVel. Oivson
AuyandHlt persons claiming adversely Iie
aliovo dtscrllHHl lauds ure rcities'el 10 file
their claims In this ortfce uu or before (liu a i.l
6th day ol January, tbOI.
to buy a farm
furnished rooms
to buy a house
rent a house
build a house
move a house
If yon don't know PAT
C-ll on or addrcp . .
f f. puttBUjioD, assa
Your Ranches aai 1 im
Lands with me. : : :
o S 8
O Tit Oatf
2 X 5
White Famil'
Rotary Sewing
Machines With
5. K. SYKES,
Agent For D0UGLA3
Ul" '.W TH
Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado
Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rock'
Mountain Scener by daylight
Modern Equipment, Through Pullman and Tourist Sleep
ing Cars aud Superb Dining Car Service.
For rats, fofclrs and
formation, aikircws-
Notice for Publication
I'ntted ?ute Land OfSe.
Ri-bn:, Orecno, June 22. IaC
Notice ts Here J siren tbat tn cosnptlaaca
with Use provtstons of ibe act o Csgres of
JcneX,lTTs.euUUedAnarl for tbe sale ot
Untter lands In tbe States of rallsorala.Orefon
Nevada .and asilnewn Terrliory. uuutsl
d to all the pqbltc land states by act of Asrut
ofOsfcfcmh, county of WtnaeNaso, State o
Vis..bas this day Sled la lhli(Se bis sworn
ia-emeit N-. .MM) trtl-e pa-rriae of the
ES SPV SWi of sec
Uon 1 iu Township zs c-wik. Rarnre 4 Wrt,
and -"r.r. "Iter proof to shiw tfcatthelaadsout;:t
Is mrt- valuable fur It tltuber or stone than
for agrtrultural purposes, and to establish bis
dafo t-efore tbe Rerfsler and Receiver of UUa
office of KoMbars.Oreccn.
ot Munday, the -Mh day of Sei-tetatvr. 193
He names as witnesses: Koy Brennaad.
Krank K. KopltU, Mann TUtnnvea. and
llerma- llattihetta. of Osh1toh, Vtonsin
Anv aad all peiMsns clalmine adversely the
above doeHb 1 -and are reqneisted ti tile ttelr
claim in this olbce on or befo- td .?th day of
S-wemlir 1S0S. JTBKllHiKS
Jnly Wp. Keict-ter.
Notice for Publication.
Kosebunr. Ore .Jane . bust.
Notice ts hereby given that In corapttaac
with the provisions of tbe act of Conrrvss of
June S, 1STS. entitled "An a-t for the sals of
timber lands In the States of Cali.orma. iinms
Nevada, and Washington Territory." asextend-
i i . ih. ,,,,1,11.1. i,. ... ,. ,
; r ,......., K.v..t"'
'lS7i ..
, ., t , THOMAS WAPGK.
of fart River, county of Walsh, state of
North !akU, hav this ,ly file.1 tn this ..sHe
hta sw.-rn staienient No M. for the )ir -
chaw of the lots land 2,S, NS"-4 of section
No. 4, township a. south of r-nee S west
andnillot!erpnof toshow that thclandfought
ts more valuable for Its Umber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, aud to establish his
ctann itore f.e i.esister and Kccelver ot thii
off Ice of liowburjr, Oregon,
on eilnt'wlay, the lSlh day of November,
ISC 3.
He names as witnesses; RrynioK I'rora. of Ml
It'll. North Dakota,
K. Wad (re. of
Wales, North Hakota.
Rasmus M. Stone, of 1
K. LiltUiH, of lttik j
Alexandria. Minn , O.
River North Dakota.
Auy aud all persons claiming adversely the
aWivc descritod lands ate requested f St
their claims in tills otllcv an or before said litb
day of Nov. l'AB.
Ke Ister.
Notice for Publication.
Rosebunt, Ore., June WOfS.
Notice ts here oy litrcn that In complianca
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, )S8.cntllUd "An act for tho sale ot
timber lands in tbo States of Callfomla,Orei-on
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the public land states by act ot August
of Al-xandria, county ot Douglas, stato
ot Mlnn.-s.ita, has this day illud in this
tiQIco his swotn statement No. JIS, fer the
ptircha o of tho S', MVij, N", SWof
uon ,mi. t-. town snip soutn
and will offer proof toshowtbat
Is morv valuable for Its tlmbe
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim Kioro the Register and Receiver of this
ottlco ot Roseburg, Oregon.
ou Wulnoday, the Ibtn dav ol November, IWI
Ue tlMilCn a ltlti-i S'es: Tlinmas Wadgr, (1. K.
Uittluis, tsith of Park Ulver, North Dakota,
Archibald K. U Wade, of Wales. North Dakota
llrjiijoll "n.m.i( Ml. ton North Dalcota.
Any aud all pvrMitis claiming adven-ely the
uliove desoriiHl la -ils aro rtstue. .! to tlte'thelr
l.ttns tn tttta owoionor beb
fore the said 1Mb
u.-y ol Norcaibcr, lain.
J. r. EKIDilKV,
Onn rhit-r-hlll X Wvflr
If It's a WHITE
and Tailoring
Automatic Lift.
C iMcBRIDE, Gen'I Aycent,
la-l Third Street. Portland. Ore.
Notice for Publication.
rn.ted uts Land OSee.
Roaebo-r. Oreeoo. Jooe IS. TrW5.
Notice u hereby (riven that In eorasllaaca
with the nra-ritiocso! the act of Centres al
esiUUed An act for tie sals ol
"-be- lands In tbe States of CaUfernt.Orel-ca
Nvv a-ta Jtnd VVashijuUi Trr-r . . a,rj.
jdoll the psbllc laad states by act of Acfsat
of Kwbnrjr CuQntv ot ;scUs. Stite ol Ore
sron. haithisd.y M.rdin thb oCee hli sworn
sta-eascnt No. Vtf. for th prchae nt the
N X1 of section S,Mwn5bipr. range i west
aad will offer proof to show that the Uad soe r ht
Is i&ore valnabie fc-r its Umtvr or stone thats
for atrlcpltoral parposca. aad to esUbltsh hU
elalm before tn Recister aad Beceivcr ot thli
tflca of Boaebarr. Ortfoa.
on Krday tb 2 a day September, lWa. Ua
tsamrs a wltaerses: Gr$e Keed. II. u
stodly Marraret J- Brcs, D. P. Fl-hec. all
of Koebrs, Hrrftoa.
Any aad aU -fersAM dairalnc adverxlv the
aUvedescr-bed lands are reqttetd to He their
etaiTtM in th Mc on or before the 3Hh div ot
SepteBber. 19.
, , J. T. BRIDGES,
Jr Resist
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office.
Kosefcanc. Oregon. June "Sue.
Notice is hereby iclven that In
with K. im.I.I. l iv. . f .
vr-v: . "... .".
i 'ao,Kictnmwu Attsn tor tie sala ol
) UmlMr lands In the States of California. Orecoa
! Nevada.andWasMnctonTerrltory.-asextchd-
! ed to all the public land states by acted Anrua
. IWi. T
ot Osbts-vh. R. t. ItoxlsT, cuuotr ot Wluns
b-urJ. Mate of Wtsc.wsin. has thtsUy filed in
' vtBre ber sworn stitemeat No. 5B. for
! ?uf! -. ' -e N"Vi. sV. NEi,
I N SKV Tp SSS, kl V, and wul
t "u5' I;"'".' w mai tae lano u raoru
taiuaoieioriu iiBtoer or stie than for ac-rt-
stone than for inl.
) ' ,'",!UI Jo estawisa ner Claim to
said land before the Register and Recctvw ot
this ofli- at K.etnrv-. tlnwnn
on Monday the 2th dy J September. IMS.
She names as witnesses: 0. D Clark. Martin
KasrauAcen. Hemm Itartxhelra.
Any and all pwsoas cUlutng adversely the
above described lands arts requested to file thtr
elaims l:i thUotnrouor befent sifcl iith dar
of September. KSB. J.T. BRIDGES.
"P Regtstex.
Notice for Publication.
I'nltcd States Land Offlee
Roseburg. Orvvon, Juue VI, 1903.
.!J'?t.,E6 11 terabT given that tn cocirllancw
with the provisions of the act of Congress ot
June 3, Si entitled "An act for the sale of
Umlwr lands In the States of California. Oregon
i?i;i?ilSd W if,h,n,K,? Territory." as axtend
tiai Pu"e lnl Ut by act ol Auguat
of Glide, county it IX uglas, stale of Oregon
..i,..i. ... .....wii:. ... " - "v
' r'wi u'tw mat tne land sotieht
is more valuable for lu Umber or stonWaii
i?ri"RVc2UuISI R?1?M. " esubllsh tU
?i&ire 5ta K?f ister and Receiver ot ttu
..n TuestlHy the Jy 0( gptc.mir tKR
He ttabiu wrtlurssw: H. U ItS S
lU-Maer, J .hn Oreenman, and R J Wm
ill of ivel. Oregon. ---'auii J- "-.on,
Anvanlall i.rson nlatml. -
R'Hvdetr.oe,i land rv teunesteU toSi tiwlf
otSspt. tt-M.
IT K a 1 BB TUSK Wda
k - -Jr.
1 . -- " mh uuivw nis sworn stat-
ot n-ig west, mnt,.Mi. saw, lor the pnrchase of the lata t
thu land sought and 4. SWU NWV Sff swvr. ? VJ?.T.
n , . 1 , In . 1 ... 'U
by odd pence.