birth Rate In New York. The birth rate figures of New York city, calculated by periods of time by Dr. Louis Haupt of the board of educa tion, have been made public. The fig ures for the first quarter of this year give a general rate for the entire city of eleven babies born every hour. This is apparently an enormous in crease over the birth rate for the corres ponding quarter of last year, hut is not really a more than normal increase and is arcounte-i for by the natural increase in the a lult population The figures are more comprehens ve than ever fore, and that makes the apparent be-dif- ference. Nevertheless, a birth rate of eleven children an hour is very great, and shows the rapid progress of the city tow.ird being the greatest in the world Dr. Haupt conjectures that the birth rate in the more thickly populated dis tricts of the East Side is fifteen an hour, and in the most contested districts at least twenty an hour. He admitted that he thought a con jectural rate of one baby a month in the ultr-afashionable districts, including Murray Hill, would be a fair estimate, but he eaid that he would not want to be responsible for that estimate. On the West Side above Fourteenth street, Dr. Haupt believes the birth rate to be from eight to fifteen an hour. The sections of the city built up with what are known as apartment houses have a birth rate of approximately five children an hour. Fortunes In Goats. A statement just presented by the de partment of commerce and labor, through its bureau of statistics, shows that importations of goat skins into the United States are now running at the rate of $25,000,000 per annum, and that a large share of these are brought from India, China, Arabia and southeastern Russia. The increasing popularity of certain classes of kid leather for, foot wear, as well as gloves, has increased very greatly the demand for goat ekins in the United States within recent years In 18S5 the.value of goat skins imported was about $4,000,000; by 1S90 it had grown to $9,000,000, by 1S9S it was $15,000,000, in 1900 it was $22,000,000 and in 1903, $25,000,000, in round num bers. The farmers of the United States are apparently making no effort to reap any part of this golden harvest for them selves. The census of 1900 showed the total number of goats in the United States to be less than 2,000,000 in num ber, and when it is understood that the skins of probablv 20.000.000 eoata were required to make $25,000,000 worth im ported last year, it would seem that the Bupply from the United States could have formed but a small share of the total consumption. Yet the fact that a large share of our supply of this impor tant import comes from India, China, France and Mexico suggests that there are large areas in the United States which might produce goats successfully and in sufficiently large numbers to supply the entire home demand. Hayhurst Notes. Mrs. Davis, of Corning, Cal., mother of S. Y. Davis, with her youngest son and grandson, was visiting here this week. Hermann Miller and his cousin, Ches ter Miller, left for Jefferson, on Wednes day of last week. Mrs. Chas. Stanley and daughter, were quite sick last week, but are well once more. Jack McKirdy is hauling lumber and building a new residence. Mrs. McKir dy returned home last Saturday from a visit to relatives near Yoncalla. A number of relatives from here at tended the funeral of "Uncle Charley' Putnam. Mrs H. D. Yett and children and Mrs. Jas. A. Davis and children, of Yon calla, were visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. J. T. Miller, last Sunday. .Between ten and hiteen men are working on the new Billy creek saw mill. Unless the work is pushed along rapidly and the machinery hauled be fore the roads get muddy, there will be no lumber sawed this winter. How ever, if good weather prevails, a great deal may be accomplished in a short time. Pbo Boso Publico Distress in England. A London news dispatch of Tuesday' date says: While Brown and Sulley. his fellow gambler, are enjoying the mil lions wrung from the cotton corner, the cotton manufacturing districts of Lanca shire and adjacent countries have reached an acute stage in the period depression precipitatid by the American manipulators of the cotton market. dozens of towns in the cotton districts of England thousands of men loiter work less in the streets, while women and children suffer hunger. In Blackburn Glossop, Mottram and a dozen other towns smokeless chimneys and the silent walls of closed mills overshadow thou sands of homes of men thrown out of work because the price of cotton pro hibits its use by English manufacturers. The distress is widespread. Soup kit chens Iiave been opened in all the mill towns in Lancashire. The spinners' unions relief funds are nearly exhausted Thousands of men, women and children are on the verge of starvation. Addi tional mills are closing daily, adding hundreds to the army of unemployed Churches and charitable institutions are unable to cope with the distress, which is acute and increasing daily. The fed eration of master cotton spinners met in Manchester and decided that the mills still open must run on short time until October 10, when it is hoped that the corner will be broken. Xhe prospect of relief, howeven, is dismal. Lancashire and adjacent counties re ceive normally 600,000 bales of cotton weekly. Last week not a single bale ar rived. The Liverpool master spinners declare that if they paid Brown's price for cotton they would make a weekly loss of t3000. Meanwhile the mills are idle, waiting for a break in prices, and tens of thousands of woman and chil dren face hunger and want. In Bury alone 2000 persons are reduced to living wholly on charity funds. Six months ago all were earning living wages in the mills. The relief officers found many families of spinners too proud to accept charity living on kitchen refuse and po tato peelings. The amalgamated association of cotton spinners that met to consider the results of the American gambling in cotton re ports i "We have the spectacle of the cotton trade of the world dislocated by the immoral trading of American gamb- lors. It is impossible to foresee the end. We believo the time has arrived for drastic action to prevent a recur rence of the present situation. If it is beyond the wit of the legitimate trading community to de iso means of preven tion of gambling in food and raw ma terials, all civilized governments ought to be sought to make the offense a crimi nal one." With winter close at hand, bring ing cold and wet weather, the people of Salem are beeinninc to wonder where they are going to get their supply of winter wood. The wood problem has been worrying a good many for several years, but in the meantime it has not been growing anv better. As the city srrows in population and industry, the demand for wood is rapidly increasing and in a corresDondine ratio the supply di minishing. There is at present very ittle wood left in that vicinity, with in a reasonable distance, and those who are compelled to haul from a distance are demanding prices which will pay them a good profit. All summer long grub oak sold for $5 per cord from the farmer's wagon, and now the man is fortunate who can secure a cord of grub oak for less than $5.50 per cord or $6 sawed But the scarcity of old fir is felt even more than oak. Old fir wood is sell- t, r o- 1 j - ' ing for So per cord and is very scarce at that figure. Second growth fir sells for $4.50 per cord, with a few dealers selling for $4. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimon nials Address F. J. Chenney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family pills are the best. Trespass Notice. The public is hereby warned not to trespass upon the premises, not to hunt for or shoot any kind of bird or animal on the Da Motta farm and pasture land located east of.Roseburg under penalty of the law made and provided. M. T. Dawson, Prop. Roseburg, Oregon, Aug. 18, 1903. MRS. H. E ASTON is prepared to wait upon old and new customers and friends with a full, and complete stock of GROCERIES: All fresh and of .the very best quality. Teas aad coffees are specialties. Your patronage solicited. try Tor-Lrann Cfr Dnuhfirir tiuber -Atat efcaiNfl LAND City and MinmgJPropor,7, Home steads and Timber Claims Located, the best now vacant;. $?p fees paid untilJFjling accepted.- "Belinquish mehtsj&cght and sold. ; : : Homes from $250 to $5000 Write or 'Phone Wm. M, Porter. Real Estate Agent and Notary Timber and Homestead Locator Packer and Guide Camas Valley, Oregon 25 mllcaconta well ot Kotebarg Administrator's Sale erty. of Real Prop- Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order made by the County Court of Douglas County, State of Oregon, in the matter of the estate of Thomas Dunseath, deceased, on the 28th day of September, 1903, and entered in the Probate Records of said Court on said day, directing and authorizing me, the under-signed administrator of the said estate, to sell at either public or 'private sale, as provided by la, the real prop erty of, and belonging to the s.dd estate, to the highest bidder, for cash in jiand, for the purpose of paying off the claims against the said estate and the expenses of administration. ixow, tnereiore, by virtue ol said or der, I will, on and after Saturday, Octo ber 31st, 1903, at one o'clock in the af ternoon of said day, proceed to sell and offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, tho following described real property owned by the said estate and described as follows, to-wit: The E4 ot the SWK of Sec. 20, Township 32 Stewart Land Co., Rsea 4, Taykr & Wflsos Heck ROSEBUKO OREGON South, of Rango 5 Wcst.Willahietto Me ridian, in Douglas County, Oregon, co taining 80 acres, more or less. Dated at Rosehurg, Oregon, this -'0th day of September, A. D. 1903. E. E. Wilson, Administrator of the estate of Thomas Dunseath, Deceased. First publication, Oct. 1st, 1903. D. S. T. West, having accepted soveral old and reliable file insurance compa nies, is now prepared to do a general fire insunnce business. Insure with him. Office at the City Hall. 102-tf. Write your FarmExperience and Send In 1902 the Southern Pacific Company published a pamphlet entitlod "Cali fornia Industries". It contained princi pally the personal testimonies of expert enced cultivators, says the Pacific Homo- stead. A short description of the dif ferent sections was given and following this the testimonies of fruit growers, dairymen, etc., etc., showing the number of acres cultivated to oranges, grapes, olives, alfalfa, etc., the cost to cultivate the yield per acre and price the products were sold for. This was one of the most practical pieces of literature that could be put out. Mr. W. E. Coman, G. P. A of the Southern Pacific Company, has written the agents of that company in Oregon that it is the intention to get up a similar publication for Oregon and asks that all who are able to give the results from their farms, dairies, fruit orchards, berry patches, etc., in Oregon write the results for publication in the pamphlet. He says he wants only the actual results under favorable conditions the same as can be accomplished by any intelligent grower under normal conditions ; that is, he wants only honest representations. Anv of our readers in Oregon who will take the time to give their experiences will be doing the com- pat.y a courisey auu uiu Hiaiu justice i j .... Soman, or to the I'laindkal "B and it wil forwarded to him Facts. Mr. Man, you want facts. We are going to give you facts. As you read them over you will know they are facts And we can prove they are facts. It is a fact that McCormick Binders, Mowers and Rakes are the standard by which all others are guaged. It is a fact, Racine Buggies, Hscks and Road Wagons are far outstripping our competitors' lines. It is a fact that the Bain Wagon is the most successful, durable and economical wagon on the market. It is a fact that the above are all in cluded in the Big 3. You can find them at S. K. Sykes. Roeehurg, Ore. See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co for blue printi and filing papers. tf For Trade Small farms in Southern Indiana to trade for Oregon property H. L. Ball. 33tf. Get your abstracts ot title from J. D Hamilton. He has the only complete set of abstract booxa in the county, tf Roseburg Nurseries. Very choice fruit trees, all leading varieties. Spitzenberg and lellow New town Pippin apples a specialty. For sale at very reasonable prices by Rose burg Nurseries, H. Schroten, Roseburg Oregon. 56tf For Sale. 75 lambs and 130 ewes, Merino and Cols wold sheep. Address Paul V. Cuvil Her, Wardton, Orecon. 71 lm. For Sale. Gold coin winter wheat, white Rus sian side oats, vetch seed, Siberian oat yielded 549 bushels per acre 2 years ago, also pure leghorns and plymouth rock fowls, and Scotch Collie puppies, the finest in the land. Address . A Kecsk, Roseburg, Oregon. C6-lm. Piano Buyers. ion will notice that we do not have to be continually striking out for a new make of Pianos. The Keedhatn has been our leader for 14 years and is today leader among the high grade pianos of the world. Some cheap pianos are made high grade simply by getting a boost in the Oregonian or some other leading paper, through those big dealers who think they can, and do make the major ity of people believe it simply because they say so. It doesn't take ink, boost or high commissions to make a good piano, but instead the very best mechanics, and the very best material such as are always used in Needham pianos. 29-tf T. K. Richardson, Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon. H. Little, DENTIST. Oakland, Orego 0203 IT fcssSk Non-Magnetic jtfB -SUM 83rr Cat Lin ftrufcbr III ALL JEWELERS J Elaatratad Booklet .JffV&. COLORED ifflffln !Ti flufcr I L J IThmiEHlul 1 g P 3 Wita ft. B7rl iJ oak- u ?viv'rtfrifflTii Professional Cards. J)R. H. L. STUDLE Osteopath ALL DISKASKa TKEATKD 80CCEWFnLI.Y Phono e11'S?851 Residence. JOffice 1163 Weal Roeeburtr Office: Hoom 11 Taylor & WlUo- Block examination Vrfm nfflrtA hmit. o i - 3 to A p. m. Uraduate Htllt College ot OateoDalbV ,Jj.EOKOE M. BROWN, Attorney-at-Law, Oourt Hon nnwtiHtalrs ROSEBURO.ORK Q V FISHEU, M. D, Physician, Surgeon. Office over P. O. RoaxBUBd, Orkgom. 'Phone Main 591. QR.GEO. E. HOUCK, Physcian & Surgeon. office Rexlew ma. HOHKBORU' OHK(J(N Phone. Main 31 jjjLMER V. HOOVER, PHY8I0IAN AND 8UROEON. Robkbubo Obicqon Special attention siren to: Diseases ol lb Ho. ana Throat. Office Main 8L, one door south of Phone. Main 341. City Hsll WHVY NES. DENTIST, Renew Building, Telephone No. 4. tt'MKBPRU- HKKl)U M. Cbawfohd a J. O. Watson Attorneys ;at Law, RoomalAt. Bank Bulla.. ROdlBORQ,Uk. -Business before the O 8 Land Office and auului cue a peel alt 7. JOHN H. SHDPE, ATrO RN E Y-AT- LAW, RoxiBiiui, Okioox. Bullae-- tIore U.S. Land OQouand Probate buuneea a rceclally. OSW Abraham Building. O FULI.KRTOW Attorney-at-Law. WU' practice in ail the State and Federal Couru Omre in Marka Bid., Koaeburg, Oregon. W. BBN80N, A t torney-at-La w. toot 1 and 2 Tlew Building. EOSSBDRb. ORXUOtl J. A. BUCHANAN, Notary Public. A t torn ey-a t-Law. Collections a Specialty. Room S afarsten Building. ROSKBOKQ, O H. J. ROBLSETT, Attorney at Law Eooa 11. Taylor A Wilson Block. RoacBnao, On JOHN P. RYAN, CIVIL ENGINEER Land Surveyor. FRANK RYAN, TIMBER ESTIMATOR Ofice, Room 6. Taylor & Wilson Block. Boaeburc. Roe Farm for Sale. A good 800 acre farm for sale five aiiles from Myrtle Creek, 100 acres in cultivation, balance hill, pasture and timbered land. Small orchard, good house, barn and other improvements For price and terms apply to P. T. Mc- Gee, Myrtle Creek, or D. S. K. Buick, Roseburg, Oregon. S-tf Smith' Dandruff Pomade Stops itching scalp upon one applies tion, three to six removes all dandruff and will stop falling hair. Price 60c. For sale by Marsters Drug Co. mltf AMERICA'S GREATEST WEEKLY. THE TOLEDO BLADE, TOLEDO, OHIO. New and Larger Build in;. New Presses' New Stereotype Plant, New and Modern Appliance la every Department. Tbe Toledo Blade la now Installed In its new building, with a modern plant and equipment. and (acllltlea equal to an j publication between New York and Mca(o. It la tbe oaljr Wecklr newspaper edited expresalj- lor ererr atate and territory. Tbe News of the World soananxed that busy people can more easily 'comprehend than by reading cumbersome columa of rallies, All current topic made plain in each Issue by apedal editoral matter, written from inception down to date. Tbe only paper published esped ally (or people who do or do not read dally sewa papers, and yet thirst (or plain (acta, (bat this kind ot a newspaper la popular, Is proven by the (a t that tbe Weekly Blade now baa orer 1S0JCO3 yearly subscribers, and la circulated In allparlaol the U.S. In addition to the news tbe BUde publishes short and aerial aloriet, and manr department ol matter aulted to every member of the family. Only one dollar a year Write for free specimen copy. Addreaaa THE BLADE, Toledo, Ohio. THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD The Greatest Farm Paper of the North, -west. Published weekly at Salem, Ore iron. Edited by the Farmers of tbe O'orthwest. Twenty Pages. Illustrated. A WE3TERN PAPER FOR WESTERN PEOPLE g Papera for $i oo. Lrss than acta each Publication began March 1. 1900. Now has o.aoo subscribers. Phenomenal growth la due to lta being tho beat farm paper pub lished. YOU SHOULD READ IT HOMESTEAD AND PLA1NDEALER 52.75 A YEAR, Qo to .. ;. BARBER SHOP, For a Prompt and First-class Shave or Hair-cut. Compe tent Workmen, Clean Tow els, Tools always in shapo. Baths in Connection. Shop on Jackson 8t. t a iff. I Soeiety fleeting. AF. A A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13. Holds regular meetings on second and f nrth Wednrtfltlaya of each month. O. P. Cosnow, W. M. N. T. JkwiTT, fiecretary. AO. U. W. Roaebnrg Lodge No. 10. Meets the second and fourth Mon- days of ach month at 7:30 p. m., in the I. O. O. F. Hall. Members in good Atandinir arn mvitnd to attend. F. M. Toxica M. W. . H. Lknoz Recorder. D. .8 Wbst, Financier. B. r O. ELK8. Roseburg Lodge No 32(1. Holds regular communica tions at I O. O. F. Hall on second and fourth Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend reitn larlv and all viaitinz brothers are cordi ally invited to attend. F. B. Waits, K. R. Ror McClallpn, Secretary. O. E, FOURTH REGIMENT. O. . JS. U , meets at Armory Hall every Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. F. B. Hamux, Capt. EGREE OF HONOR. MyetieLodue No. 13. Sliets 2nd and 4tu inure day eTenibs of each month in Na tive Sons' Hall. Vinitlng members cor dially lmui to attend. Mas. Mkkit West, C. of H. E. H. LicNNox.Rec. fOF A. Court Donulaa No. 32, For eatrs of America. Meets every TiiNxlay evening in Native 3ons' Hall. Vialting brother always welcome. S. W.VanZilk C. R. E H. Lkxox. R. P. E. V. Uoovkk, Ptiveician. O. O. F. Philt-tarian Lodjte No. 8. M-H in Odd Fultowe' Temple, cor ner Jickeon and Caaa eueets, on Saturday evening each wtu-K Mem bers of the order in itond ftmndiiig ara Invited to attend, J. C Twitciikll, N. t. N.T. JitWaTT, gt-cr clary. K. of P. Alpha Ltcn No. 47. Mec nvi-ry WfMlnerday. in I. O. O. K Hall 7:30 p. in. MftnlH-r in good itanding are invited to attend. Uko. E. Hoick. S. V. RampK- R. 8. KO.T. M. Protection Tent No. 16. Holds iU regular Review the first and third fridar of each month in the I. O. O. hall. Vuriting members in good standing are invited to attend. Geo. W. PDurr, Com. B. E. BLODarrr, Record Keeper. I ILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of Woodcraft. Meeta on 2nd and 4th Friday! of each month at the Na tive ijooi, Hall. VUiling members in good standing are Inrited to attend. Madob Bcciiamax, Guardian Neighbor. Mlhmix OTtr, bee j. O. T. M. Rosebortf Hire No. 11. Hold it r-anlar rTiew orxn tbe first and third Frida; s at 2:39 d m of each month in toe NatWe Bona' Hall. Sitters of other Hires timting in tne city are cordially invilM tAattrnd onr re- le. HATnr Moatvx L. Om. Jx-!K Kam-.R. K. 0.' E. 8 RoMsborr Chapter No. 8 Holds their regular mertinK nn the Qrst and third Thursday in eacti nonth. wioe mem ber e in rood itandiriE are rspetfoly invited to at- and. Mm. Naxxie Spragce W M.. Maude Rat ScreUry. F.BEE A HB. Roebnra: Rolx-kah Lodire No. 41. l.O. O. F., mt in Odd FrllowVTVmph" eTeryTnda evening. Visitine meters and hrftbr- iuvitrd to attend. Dtij.t Brokx, N. G. COKA WlVBEXLT. R. S. UNITED ARTISANS. Dmpqua As sembly No. 105 meets every Satur day eveninc at 8 o'clock in Natire Sons Hall. Visiting Artisans cordially invited to attend. Ret. S A. Docolas, M. A. Miss. Lela Bbowsc, Secretary. w OODMEN OF THE WORLD.-Oak Camp No. 125. Meets at the aid Fellows' Hall, in Roeebars. every first and third Monday evening. Wait ing; neighbors always welcome. N. T. Jewett. O. C. J. A. BccBAJCAX. Clerk. II NION ENCAMPMENT. I. O. O. F. Odd Fellow's Temple. Meeta first and third Thursday evunintrs each month. Visitors cordiallv invited. J. B. Hamiltox. C. P. J. C. Twrrcnnx, Scribe. Your Watch! When was it cleaned and oiled? Is it running like it ought to? If la not, it would be well to have it ex i Umined, I will look it over carefully ana ten you last where tne trouble is land what it will cost to repair it. I guarantee all my work and live up to tho guarantee. RF.WINSLOWr upticiai Notice for Publication. UNITED BTATK8 LAND OFFICE, Roseburg, Ore., Aug. S. ll3 Jletloa u harabj glren that tn compliance CrtUi the provisions of the act of Congreaa of Jaa S, II7t. entitled "An act for the aala of Hm bar lands In the States of California, Oregon Jferadand Washington Terrtiory," aa extend as; to all the sublla land states by act of Auguft a, UK. JOUNC RU4.TTUCK, ol Sparta, county of Momoe, state of Wiaeomtn naa tbla daj Died In thla offloe his sworn state ment No. ytO. for the purchaae ol the aouth east quarter (8H!.) of section No 4 in town ahlpNo 27, south of range No sweat aad will etfer proof to ahow that thai lead sought ta mora Taluable for lta Urabar er atone thaa for agricultural purpoaea, and to eatabliah hi etala before the Bagtater and Bacalrar f thla IBM of aVoaaknrg,0ragoa. m Tuesday the liihn.yof Jaruary. IBM. He names aa witness: B Kiakenbcrger. Paul ary, twth of Boseburg, Ores in; J. H Erarta, feel, . . ii.kb.n u - ur.. Any and all tenons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their clalma In thla office on or before the aald 12th day ot January, 19M. Register. doats for Sale. About 40 bead of Angora goata for sale, all young does, also some thorough bred bucks. Correspondence solicited. L. A, Marsters, Cleveland, Oregon. SUMMONS. Ja the Circuit Court ot tbe State of Oregon, (or Douxlaa County. Mollle U KoMion, Plaintiff.) vi. S O. F. Koblion, Defendant.) To O. F. lloblaon, tbe above named Defend ant: ,Iu the name of the State of Oregon, you are ticrrby iummoned and required to appear and answer the complaint filed agilnit you In tbe abort entitled court and cause, within ilx wecki from the date of tbe flrtt publication of thla lummoni, and If you fait to appear and anawer aa herein required, for wanr thereof the plaintiff will apply to (aid curt for tbe relief demanded in her complaint, which U for a decree from id court dluolvlng tbe marriage contract existing between plaintiff and defendant, for the caie and cuitody of the minor child, Brennan Koblaou. that he may renume h-r former name, Mollle M. Mc Claln, for her coiti and dlibuncmeuU, and for auch other and further relief aa to the court may seem meet with equity and good conscience. This. summons la published oncea wet k for at least alz successive weeks In tbe Pj-mhucal-(k, a eml-weekly newspaper published at Hosoburx, Oregon, by order of Hon. M D. Thompson, County Judge of Douglas County, Oregon, made Autusl 21, 1903. - The tint publication ot this aummona fa on the 21th day of Auiust, 1903. J. A BUCHANAN Cl-7w Attorney for Plaintiff, CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, forDoualaa county. In tbe Matter nf the Estate of) Tbomaa Dunseath, Citation. Deceased. ) To Tbomaa Dunseath, father of deceased, and all others legally lntretcd In aald Estate, GKEKTIXU: In tbe name of the Btaie of Oregon. You ara hereby cited and require 1 Ui appear In the County Court of tbe State of Oregon, fee tbe County of Douglas. In tbe courtroom thereof, at Boseburg, In the County of Douglas, on Monday, the 28th day of Sept., 1903. at 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause. If any yon hare, wby an order for tbe ssla of tbe real property be longing to said estate, aa prayed for in the peti tion of E. E. Wilson, the administrator, to-wit: Tbe EUof 8Wof section SO, Tp 32 south, of ranges west, w. M In Douglas connty. Ore ton, and containing H) acrts. should not be made authorizing E. E. Wilson, tbe sj minis tralor of the state nf Thomas Dunseath, de ceased, to sell thu afoiesaid real pmp-rly at either public or private sste, for tbe purpose of paying tbe indebtedness of the estate and ex pense of administration. Witness the Hon. M D. Thompson. Judge of tbe County Court of tbe Slate of Orvgun. for the County of Iuk1s, with the - al of svld Court afflied tbla 25lh lay nf August, A D., IMS. Atles : D. II. BIIAyBUOOK. CI. rk. scat.) s27. Notice for Publicatiou. Land Office at Kebar?, Oregon. September lfc, 1SU1 Notice Is hctby tixva thl tbe foll.mlng nsmed a tiler has fllrd notice o bis mun Inn to make final proof in support oi bis claim, nd that said rroot will be made t-efore tho Rrxif ter and Recelrer. V. B. L. O. at Boseburg, Ore gon, on NoremberT. 1903, Tlx: DsTid ComstM!k. on Hd. E. So MIS, lor the NW 8WX, Sec W, T. 27 B-. B. l West. uq names the following witnesses to pro re bU continuous residence upon and caltlts tlon of said land. tIi- Theodore Littrell. Elmer uttreii. oeorge uoi, ana omey uocn, an oi Boseburg, Orron. J.T. Bkidgu, Begtster. Notice for Publication. O. H. Land OEce, Boaebonr. Ore.. Jnue 2th. ls-CO Notice is hsrsby glren that Is compliance with the prorlaloiia of the act of Cosgresa of JonaS. 1IT3, entitled "An act for the sal of Umber lands In lbs States of California. Orages Naradand Washington Territory." aaaztaad d te all the sublla land atatea by act ot AngtuS a. USX Oacar Peterson, ol Spokane, county ol Spokane, state of Wash. icgV'D, bas Ibis aay aled tn this oflt bis sworn latrment No. SCI, for the purchase oi the NE!f section No.8, township is south, of ranaea west, aad will of fer proof to show ttat the land aooght la more Taluabl for lis timber or stone than for agricultural purples, and lo establish his elalm before lb KetUier and Ileceixtr of thla office of Boaaburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, the I.tb day of Notember. 190X. He tiamea as wltoesns: Andrea Erickaon, of Flandreu. South Dakota. J. W. Gardner. W. II. lict'rotsen. and Geo, Taylor, all ot Bose burg, Orreoo. Any aod all persons claiming adrenely the a bore described lands are rejteU-d to file their f lalms In this office on or before said 11th day of XoTember, ISOi. J.T. Hal DOS", Register. Notice for Publication. C. S. Land Office, Bcaebunc, "re. ruaeS, la. , Notice is hereby glren that tn compliance wiia me proTmous oi see an oi uingrrM oi June 3. entitled "An act for the sale of Umber lands tn lie states of (.'ali"orn!a.Ore:on Nrada.and asMnrion Terriiory. ' asexiend d to all the public land atatea by act of Augoat 4, isn. Archibald F. Wadae. ot Wales, county of C-vaher, MAle of North Dakota, has Ibis day fl.el In thU office bia sworn statement No MSS. (or the SW4 c4 sec tion No i township 25 sooth. o( range b west, and will offer proof to ahow that the land aooght Is more Taluable for lu timber or stone than for agricultural purpotea, and to establiah bia elalm before the Begistcrand BacelTer oi thla Uloe of Boaeborg. Oregon, on Thurislay. the lAh Cay of Korembr, 1901. lie names aa wtcesr Tttmas WaJce, O. E. Loftb- . both or Park Blrer. N Dakota, Brynjolf Prom, of Milton. N. Dakota, and Bas mus . Hone o! Alexandria, Minn. Any and all person clalmint adversely the aboTe described lands are reuuested to file their claims in this offlce on or before said luh d ay of Sorember, 1901. J.T. BxtbOES, Register. Notice for Publication. DN1TEU STATES I.ANO OFFICE. Rna burg Oresou. une 29. 10.M. Notice ts hereby gtTn that In compliance with the provisions of the act ot Congress of Junes, is?, entitled "An act for the sale ot Umber lands tn the States of California. Oregon Nevada .and W ashington Territory," aaextend ed to all the public land states by act ot August i, U92. BRYNJOLF PROM, of Milton, connty of Cavalier, slate of North nasoia. nas wis aay nieo in mujooce nis sworn statcmrnt'No. for the purchase ot the SE of sec No. 4,Tp 2S. sou til ot range S weat, and will offer proof to ahow that the land aooght is more valuable lor Its timber or atone than for agricultural purpotea. and to eatabliah his claim before the Register and Receiver of this office of Roeeburg, Oregon, on Friday, the lSla day ot December, 1903. He names ss wttnesoea: Thomas Wadge. of Park Klver, North Dakota. Archibald K. Wadge. Wales, Norta Dskota. Hasan. M. Stone, Alex andria. Minnesota, O. K. Lotthua. Tark Rivet North Dakota, Any and all persona claiming, adversely the above described landa are requested to file their claims In thla office on or before said 15th day ot December. 1901. J.T.BR1DUES, Register. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATE LAND OFFICE. Roseburg, Ore., June 2). 1903. Notice ta hereby given that tn compliance with the provisions of the act ot Congresa of June 3, 1STS, entitled "An act for the aale ot timber landa In the Slates of CaIltornla,Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory," aa extend ed to all the public land atatta by act of Angus! 4,1193. OLE K. LOFTHC3, ot Park River, county ot Walsh, sutc of North Dakota, haa thla day filed in this office hit aworn ttatcrcent No. for tho purchase ot the N) of the N'K of tection No. 10. township , south of range S west and will otter proof to show that the land Bought la more valuable for lta timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Register and Receiver ot this office ot Roaeburg, Oregon, on Thursday, the lath day ot November. 190X He names aa witnesses: Thomas Wadc, if Park River, North Dakota, Archibald E Wadge, WaUs, North Dakota, Raamua M. Stone. Alex andria, Minnesota, Brynjolf Prom, ot Milton, North Dakota. Any and all persons clatmlngly adversely the above described landa are requested to flip their clalma In thla oUtce on or before aald 19th day ot November, 1903. J. T. BRIDGE". K eg Her. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, Kotcburg, Oregon, Julv 29 190R. Notice ta hereby given that tn compliance with the provisions of the act of Congreaa of June 3, rtTt. entitled "An act for the tale ef timber lands In the States of California, Oregon Nevada .and Waahlngtor Teirllory,"oaaxtand od to all the publie lead txatee by act ef Auartct 4,1m. WELCOME L. II EBB ELI, of Sparta, county ot Monroe, atate ol Wisconsin haa tnla day fllid In ih'r- office his sworn state ment Nn. 5561, for the purchase of the lots t, 10, 16 and IS, ot section No 10, in township No ,27, aouth nl range No 3 wtat and will offer proof to ahow that thelandaought ta mora vi.iuaoie ror its timoar or atone tnaa for agricultural purpoaea, and to eatabliah hf elalm before the Register and fiecelver of tbla fUoi) of Roeaburg , Oregon, on Tuesday the 6tu day of January. 1904. He namce aa witnesses: John C. Shatiuck. BparU, Witconiiu. 11 Kr-kenbercer. Paul fl.rv. both nf ; Roseburg, Oregon, J. H. Kvarta, Pvl, Oregou. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above described landa are reqnes'oii o file their clalma in this offce on or before tho said o h day ol January, 1WI. J.T. bridqCs. hcgitter. If you want to buy a farm If you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If you want to rent a house jf you want to build a house If you want to move a house If ynu don't know PAT Call on or address . . F F. pattern, IList Your Ranches and l im Lands with me. : : : R. R. JOHNSON, I HAVE EASTERN CUSTOMERS OFFICE IN MARKi BLOCK. AND CAN SELL ROSEBURG, OR. ooooooxoooooxxxx AGENCY 0 Y V v Rambler s brazing Bicyles 7ll Oak obooooooc Wm White Farnity and Tailoring. Rotary Sewing Machines. Machines With Automatic Lift. S. K. SYKES, Agent For DOUGLAS AND COOS COUNTIES NVER jrT AM HID GRANDE THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake Cit, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery by daylight TO AT.T. POINTS EAST 3 FAST TRAINS DAILY BEIWEEX 06DQi AXB BENYg 3 Modern Equipment, Through Pullman and Tourist Sleep ing Cars and Superb Dining Car Service. STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, folders and 'aer formation, zuldrf-.-"? Notice for Publication United Sute Land Office. Roburg. Oregon. June 1931. Notice u hereby given tnat In compliance with the provisiona of the act of Congresa of Jane 3. 1ST?, entitled "An act for the sala of Umber lands In the Stales of Call!orals,Oreoa Nerada.aail Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the publle land stales by act of August 4.U92. WILUAM J. ENTRES?. ofOshkosh. county ot Winnebago. State o Wls..has thla day filed In thlsofSce his sworn alalement No. SiSl. for the purcMav? ot the ES SRi aw SEi4. SEi SWV, of sec tion 4 in Township S South. Kanxe 4 West, and will otter proof to show that the land Bought la more Taluable for lu timber or stone thaa for agricultural purpoaea. and to eatabliah, his claim before the Register and Receiver oi thla office of Roeeburg, Oregon, oi Monday, the 9ih day ot September. 1903. He names aa wltneea: Roy Brennand, Frank F. KopttU, Martin Rasmusrcn. and Herman Ilaruhelm. ot Oshkosb, Wisconsin. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above describe landa are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said JSth day of September, 1903. J T BRIDGES July 16p. Register. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Roseburg, Ore., June , 1903. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the rroTliIona of the act of Congress of June S, 1ST, entitled "An act for the sale ot Umber landa tn the States of CaIt:ornla.Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend ed to all the publle land atatea by act ot August . 1392. THOMAS WADGE. of Park River, county ot Walsh, state of kudu, dh mis aay niel in mis otnee his awnrn statement No. M33, for the pur chase of the lot 1 and 3, N KU ot svcUnn No. 4, township 25, south ot r.uce S weat and will offer proof to show that thelandaought la more valuable for it timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to eatabliah hla elalm before the Register and Receiver f this office ot Roaeburg.Oregon. on Wednesday, the lSlh day of November, 1SC3. He namea aa wltneaaea: BrynJolt Prom. ot Mil tun. North Dakota, Archibald E. Wadge, ot uaicp, carta I'aaoia, itasmua ja. atone. Ol Aloxandrla. Minn.. O. K. Lit thus, ot Patk River North Dakota. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above described landa ate requested to file their clalma In tbla office on or before aald 1Mb day of Nov. 1903. J.T. BRIDGES, Re. later. Notice for Publication. UNITED SEATES LAN D OFFICE. Roseburg, Ore.. June 29. 1901. Notice ta hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congresa ot June 3,15.8. entitled "An act for the aale ot timber landa in the Statea ot California, Oregon Nevada .and Waahlngton Territory," aaextend edtosjl the publlo land atatea by act ot August RASMUS M.STONE, of Alexandria, county of Douglaa, alato of Minnesota, haa this day tiled in thla office hla aworn statement No. StK, fr the Burchae of the NWjr, NU Stjnt see on No. 10, township , sou in ot range 8 west, and will offer proof to ahow that the laud sought la more valuable tor lta Umber or atone than for agricultural purpoaea, and tn eatabliah hla elalm before the Register and Receiver of tbla oltk of Roseburg, Oregon, on Wrduewlay, the Istu uav of November, 1901 He namea au wltm sses: Thomas Wdpt. I). K. Lolthua, both of Park River, North Dakota. Archibald E. L. Wadc, oi Wales. North Dakota Brvnjolt I'rom.of Mi. ton North Dakota. above described lauds are reuue-ted to file their claims In thlaoOoxnor before the saUtlstb day ot November, 19U. J.T. KSIDGS Register. Resebarg Oreaon. b WITUAIDINfl tmM-4 aawa AUAXX11U lathe work HARRY E. HILLER, St., Opp. Churchill & Woollcy'a Ii It's a WHITE It's ALL RIGHT The Whi W. C. McBRIDE, Gen'l Aest, la Third Street, PortlsnJ. Orr, ; Notice for Publication. Pni;.l 4taiM r.n.t np,u , . Roseburg. Qreron. June IS. 1903. NoUce is hereby given that la ecsapUanea) with the provltlcna of the act of CongTea mt JuneS, lS7S.enUtlel-An act for the aala a Uailer landa In the States of CaH!ornU.Oregom if I ,,-7iJ4 w"asw3 Territory." aaexund jtoall the pubUe land atatea try act of Augl HENRY H. BROOKES, of Rosebnrg Count r ot Douglas. Sute ol Ore znn. has tali day fi.ed In this ofice his sworn su-ement No. 1X&, lor the pa rebate of ta NEi; of sections, township Ss. range 4 west and will offer proof to show that the land social la more Taluable for its Umber or atoniti for agricultural pnrpceea, and to establish before the RegUter aad Receiver of tk on Friday the SSta day of September. 19C0L He namia as wltnoscs: George Heed, H. u ot Roseburg, Oregon. auj anu au persona claiming adversely tho above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before the 2ith day of September. 1903. J.T. BRIDGES, JulyHp Reglata Notice for Publication. Cnttol Sutea Land Office. Roseburg, Oregon. June 2. 1903. NoUca Is hereby given that In eompltanea with the provisions of the act ot Congresa f June S,)573. entitled "An act tor the sale ot Umber landa In the Statea of OJifomla,Orege Nevada .and Waahlngton Territory." asextand dtoall the publle land atatea by act of Aug-oa , vt M VRY CLARK, of Oahkosh, K. D. Box 1ST. county of Wlnne bp. J'tateof Wtsconatn. haa thUday filed in this offlce her aworn statement No. SJ79 for the purchase of the ii NWW, swif NlIX NWK SKU of Sec 2. Tp 38.&1 W, and 1 wilt offer proof to ahow that the land sought la mora valuable for lu Umber or atone than for agii cultur.1 purpojca. anl to eaublian her claim ta aald land before the Register and Receiver ot this oSlee at Koteburg . Oregon, on Monday the 2Sth day Jot September. 1994. She namea aa wttnesaee: C. D Clark. MarUa Raamu-aen. Hennan Harts helm, and Rot Brcnuand, of Oshkoah. Wi.consln. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file thir claims in this ouVe on or before aM 39th dar of September, 1903. J.T. BRIDGES. JuiylSp Register. Notice for Publication. United SUtes Land Office Boseburr. Oreton. June C 1903. -i.S'.'J u hbT aiven that ta coBpllanoa with the ptovialona of the act of Congreaa inn s.lsi nuUed "An act for the aala ot Umber landa tn the Statea of CallforabxOragom "J..and Waahlngton Territory." aaaxtaaaV AjtoU the publle land atatea by act of Augwat JOHN L. WATSON, of Glide, county nf Douglas, eute ot Oregoa. haa thl uav died tn thla offlce hla aworn aute meut. No. iSjLlorthe iurchaae ot the lota 3 and 4. SwiTswU. n'wJ SWJ.. ot eecUoa t. In townyhlp 'J7 south, ot range 2 west, and will off er proof to ahow that the land sought ta more valuable for its Umber or atone thaa for agricultural purposes, and to establish, hla elalm before the Register and RaceJ.rar ot thla m Tuesday tne jsa aay of September. 190J. Ileuameaaa witneasw.: H. u Kngles. John .1lvV,.,lr'f',.hn Oreenman. and R, J. Wauoa, ait ot Peel, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the clalma in this offlce oa or before aald 2nd day Of Skpl . IWl. j. T.BK1DOIS. JUJl6p Register. te Is King