The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 01, 1903, Image 2

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Roseburg Plaindealer
PuhltRlieil Mondays and Thursdays.
H. H. BROOKES, Editor.
MARY! Ji-JiliOOKES. Proprietor
Entered at the Post Office in Roseburg.
rb., as second class mail matter.
Subscription ?2.00 per Year.
Advertising" Kates on Application.
The Editor ol the I'laIndkalkr has no inten
tlon of making a false statement rctleotine upon
the life or character of any person, officially or
otherwise and any statement published In these
cobras will be cheerfully corrected if erroneous
and brought to our attention by the aggrieved
party or .parties. Our intention is that every
article published of a personal or political
official naUre shall be news matter of genera
Interest and for the Wilfare of the State at
latga.h,'' V -
OCTOBER 1, 1903.
The ImmlgratfofTProbleni.
Last Snndav the Rev. Dr. Robert
S. MacArthur preached at Calvary
Paptist'Church, in New York City, on
the problems arising from the arrival
here week after week of thousands o:
immigrants, his topic being "The
Americanization of Foreigners." He
"Tidal waves of immigration are
breakTnrr irnon our shores. Durin
the fiscal year recently closed the
number of immigrants pushed up well
toward 1,000,000. Every steamer
coming into our port brings great
numbers. Prosperous times in Ameri
ca invariably greatly increase the
number of immigrants. Our country
has shown a miraculous capacity for
assimiliatmg and absorbing the
heterogeneous . elements seeking a
home in America. A providential
chemistry has largely neutralized
" the toxic features and greatly
stimulated the tonic qualities in
enormous immigrations of past years.
At-timeaathhas seemed as if it would
be impossible for us ic digest the
.dangerous immigrants who by their
lumbers" and their ignorance threaten
the very.. -life, of the American Re-
pubEc 'These fears led patriotic
Americans as early as 1S42 to aim
-"for stringent" naturalization laws, so
-aSftyedoce the political power of
g "The.recentr marvelous- expansion
ln American life has given a cosmo
politan character, socially, racially,
politically and religiously altogether
unknown in our earlier history. We
."must, however, teach the Old World
that it cannot empty its poorhouses
fand prisons by dumping its paupers,
anarchists and other criminals on
American soil. America is worthv
rthe best immigrants that all coun
tries can furnish. Plans should be
at once adopted to distribute this
large immigration to the unsettled
portions of our country.
"These foreigners tend constantly
to the 'great cities, especially to those
along the' Atlantic Coast Although
onlyjabput .one-third of the entire
population is foreign by birth or par-
" entage7inthe"large 'cities it is often
two-thirds. In New Yprk there is
often heard- -as perfect babel of
"The public school must have its
full influence in Americanizing the
children of foreigners. Private
schools leadkto the segregation of
foreigners, and in this way racial
prejudices relirious antipathies and
foreigiTlanguages are- perpetuated.
Lectures-underine auspices of the
public schools system and under the
direction of patriotic political clubs
ought to toe given, all over the city:
Missionary teachers must seek out
theseforeigners, teachers going with
the- American Constitution in one
hand.arid"theJ3ible in the other hand.
The Gospel of the blessed God is the
only hope of humanity in every land.
We used lo send missionaries to for-
" eignlandsf now many of the people
- in these lands are coming to Ameri
ca. We now can do the work of for-
t - "eign missions at our own doors.
"The impulses of a common hu
inanity, the duty of American patri
otism and the promptings of our holy
religion vshould lead us to American
ize and religionize the swarms of for-
" - eigners seeking a home and a nobler
life and a grander future under the
American flag."
Post Office vs. Customs.
.... ... fj.jj-e developments in the Post Office
Department are regrettable, and yet
pleasing; regrettable that such de
velopments should be found, and
pleasing that the President, Post
masterGeneral and his assistants are
fy gleaning up the Department, says the
American rconomist.
' We-nave the honor to suggert that
this work of the administration should
not be stopped in the Post Office De
"ocpartmerit, but that there is ample
, room in other departments and nota-
i ble the Treasury Department, for an thorough and search
ing as the Post Office work seems to be,
r nUnder present conditions there is
absolutely no excuse for the under
valuations which exist under the ad
ministration of the Treasury Depart
ment, because the authority has been
given to the Secretary of the Treas
"u'ry, more than to any of his prede
cessors, for correction of any evils
.. - .o-'TC'hip.homav exist. First, by the
amendment of the Civil Service rules
under date of June 6, 1902, by the
resident, that tho Secretary of the
Treasury can remove any man from
the service. In addition to this, the
Supreme Court of the United States
in the Shurtleff case has rendered a
decision that members of the Board
of United States General Appraisers
can be removed at the will of the
resident. Under these conditions
the Secretary of tho Treasury is
alone responsible for any evils which
- We call special attention to this on
account of the fact that the customs
laws are being loosely administrated,
with a resulting loss of revenue, the
driving of honest importers out of
business and the failure to give
domestic producers the benefits on
the tariff as laid down in the law.
Daniel Manning, when Secretary of
the Treasury, in the first administra
tion of Grover Cleveland, said that
the customs laws were evaded at the
port of New York to the extent of
millions a year. It would be interestin
to know whether the amount of frauds
upon the revenue is larger or smaller
at the present time. With the new
and extensive powers conferred upon
him, it would seem that Secretary-
Shaw should have rather less difficulty
in dealinrr with this matter than his
immediate predecessors found.
The Albany Herald thinks two mil-
ion dollars is a pretty large sum to
ask from the general government for
the Lewis and Clark Fair. But we
will not get any more than we ask
for, and then the fair is a big under
takingjand is to celebrate a big event
on a big scale in a big country.
These are the reasons we should not
.hesitate, to ask far a liberal sum from
the general government.
Being authorized we announce that
H. L. Marsters is a candidate for the
office of City Recorder at the muni
cipal election in October. Mr. Mars
ters is well and favorablv known and
will, if elected serve the city to the
utmost of his abilitv.
Turkey is-said to. .-be veiytiredpf
seeing the American squadron loiter
ing off Beirut. Turkev is not half so
tired as she will be when the Eulgari
an atrocities are avenged unless she
does something at once to right the
terrible- wrongs inflicted Mipon a long
suffering people.
Somewhat Political.
Tho Ashland Tribune says: We under
stand that the Oreeou congressional
delegation recommended the reappoint
ment of the Register, J. H. Booth, at
the Roseburg land office, but they seem
to have run against a snag again. Mr.
Booth is a brother of the state senator,
one of leading supporters of Fnlton last
winter, and of course he could count on
the friendship of the delegation is his
desire to succeed liimself. But this
ame brother is also a leading member
of the Booth Kelly Lumber Company
which has been acquiring much timber
land and it is charged that the brother
in the Roseburg office accommodated
the Booth-Kelly company with private
tips which facilitated the company in
getting timber land to disadvantage of
other people. We think it will be likely
difficult-for -the delegation to make its
promise gool to have Booth reappointed.
The Booth-TCelly Company was under
stood to-be verv active in the last cam
paign for Hermann.
T-HeTnl3une man makes a mistake,
the Booth-Kelly Company was not
very active." The fact is the con
cern was sluggish, amounting, practi
cally to. "tail mashing.''
European FooiTAdalteratinn.
A German paper published-at Berlin
says; "ihe eolt parts ot cuitiensn anu
crabs are sold under the label of canned
lobsters. Snails are very - popular in
Paris, And in order to keep up the sup
ply adulterators mix them with" lungs of
cattle and horses. Itls even said that
entirely artificial snails arc manufactur
ed; -The shells are recoated, with fat
and slime', Tefilled with lung, and then
sold as '"Burgundy" Eimils. .Lovers of
fresh rooster combs arc being imposed
upon by a substitute cut out of the
intestines of hogs.
Here are some more methods of adult
erating food as reported by Consul
General Guenther, at Frankfort, Ger
many. Chopped artificial tr utiles .made of
black rubber, silk, or softened , leather,
and even whole truffles are made out Of
roasted potatoes, which are j&ven a
peculiar flavor by adding ether. They
are-said to eelljrell. . v
Fish spoiled in spite of ice and borax
jsjtreated with salts of zinc, aluminum,
""It " .Til rfr-, l-r-n f i
anu oilier meiais. juioning me nsu
with vaseline to give it a fresh look and
coloring the gill with fresh blood or
eosin a-coaL. tar color is resorted to
The latter is also used to intensify the
red color of inferior crabs.
Imparting a greenish color to oysters
is another adulteration. An -oyster
requires" about one month in the beds to
acquire tho.. greenish .color. -As this is
too long a time, the dealers help them
alor)gw1tlran artificial'color.
The chemists in the Paris municipal
laboratories "have sliowri" that tomaU
jelly is adulterated with turnips, ami
powdered icpper contains a large ad
mixture of powdered hard tack."
Well at Portland they used to
make pur bologna sausage out of
cavuses and sell tins stun to both
Prance and Germany.
One pocket note book, red leather
back, containing notes aud papers very
valuable lo tho owner. The finder will
please leave at this office. '1 ho book
has owner's name on it. 75-tf.
Ntinllior Valuo
Of Douglas County, state of Oregon, for tho year li)0,Vas finally
dualized by the County Board of Equalization.
Acres of Tillable Lands
Acres of non-Tillable Lands
mprovoments on Deed or Patented Lands
Town and City Lots
Improvements on Town and City Lots
Improvements on kinds not Deeded or
Depot Grounds and Improvements
Miles of Railroad Bed ,
Miles of Telegraph and Telephono Lines,
and Electric Light
Water Pipe Lines
Miles Wells Fargo Express Co
Rolling Stock, 0 and C
Rolling Stock, Pullman Co
Steamboats, Sailboats, Stationary Engines
and Manufacturing Machinery
Merchandise and Stock in Trade
Farming Implements, Wagons, Car
riages, etc
Notes and Accounts
Shares of Stock
Household Furniture, Watches, Jewelry,
Horses and Mules
Dogs : 1
Sheep and Goats
Gross Value of all Property
Total Value of Taxable Property, as
finally Equalized by the Co. Board of
Fullerton -
Our jCaboratory Products are fiull
Strength and uniform in cxcalionce
Goodyear Rubber Company's
Highest Grade Syringes and
Hot Water Bottler.
'ullerton -
Phone 451.
At last the people of Oregon, Wash-
ington and California are biuma to
feo the light of day on the qotiou of
"timber frauds," a cry emanating from
the Interior department at v ashington
in a "stop tiller stylo branding tne
coast as a hotbt-d of corruption, fraud
and general cnsedness in timber land
The animus of this movement is now
becoming pretty generally known. The
trouble does not lie in the fact that
private individuals have s-mghtto better
their condition bv pavinsr Uncle fam
the price he aked for SO or IGO acres of
timber land, exercifing their timber
rights in getting it. No, thnt is not the
real trouble after all ; the cry of fraud is !
chiefly a sham to hide the real purpose '
of the department
There are big syndicates in this count
ry that liave" liought up and control
enough scrip to cover every acre of
government timber in the three states
mentioned. These syndicates bought
this government script for speculative
pnrposcs. They cot it for little or noth
ing and now worth f- aud upward jjr
acre and they want to They
have fought vigorously against the policy
which has allowed individuals to pay
the government $2.50 an acre for govern -
ment land when Fcrip is worth twice or
three times as much.
For this reason the Interior depart
ment has had to change its policy and
it has done so to protect the scrippers
and in doing so has placed a new inter
pretation upon the word "speculation"
which puts every honest individual
citizen who would exercise his riglit
under the law in taking a timber claim
clear out of business, for if he is not
willing to perjure hi'tni-clf it will be
impossible for hint to gut a claim.
If lie says he experts to profit by get
ting the tinib.;r under his richts by
paying the government the fixed price
lie is a "speculator" and ' is phut out.
Hut if he has i-c.-iji he needs "no particu
lar rijrht under tiie -)--but can plaster
it over 'Uncle, rianv'tt ..tiliib-r .is he
pleases, oraa Ion.; as the scrip holds
out. '1 his of couif e is not speculation.
Tho department interprets this as busi
ness. It intcrprelii this as playing into
tho liimds of corporate, intvre.-ts as
against the individual.
The cr; of Iraud in Qieon timber
m ins to liaye l.ccit, yUcnsibly an ex
ciimj for clmpgiug the, p"licy if the In
terior IXip irtmiit . fr ini, pro:wiiug the
rights of .individuals, lo soning the
intcicsts of big corporutioiiH, allowing
them to gobbUijiip .timber, lauds by use
of sciip.
Tljero have liecn iii.-aiici-s reportetl
whe.e special ngcms, in p.iilling ques
tions to limber applu-uiiis in making
proof, have asked the. applicant why lie
did not us' scrip instead of money.
This leads us to ask what relations ex
ists between the Interior Department
and holders of jscrip.
The object of the pioposed lesurves in
Oregon is ostensibly to help out i-erip
holders and not to conserve tho water
supply. Already land agents tiro adver
tising the fact that they have "Gu iran-
r 11,670
11C. 1 5 ;$(;,ooo
4G.927 50
113.15 'Jh - 1,170
':iir ' 500' 5S,075
iii5.i5 r.6 5,810
V ,-. - 95,1S0
r ; . 75,2-15
- X . 193.S90
170 22,000
- v ... .. . 17S.1S0'
. . '. ' 5,472 107,73(J
, 20,701 299.S45
3 125
. . 34,477 52,750
. (5,245 11,080
. $0,072,502 50
5,500,042 50
Near Depot.
tewl forett reserve scrip for sale in small
f r l.r.tu .Hid nl i 1 w.. ' tifli in 4.1 t .
umrs in this issue of the Register.
, hf Washington,
j there mt 3.lcveiejkHi dtil(jn in
w,io cha of
. , ... . . . . . .
i.i uctii:uLini (t, tuuwttu ii is surli
ly detrimental aud the people are aware
of it
No one will object to pioper use of
government scrip, but the reversal of
policy toward the .settler in the interest
of the ecripjKsr cannot be tr severely
The policy being pursued at Washing
ton in iliis matter is working injury to
ti.e rrnhlkitii party in Oregon, Wash
Maho mid California. Eiicene
x-Congrcssman Indicted.
The validity of the indictments
against ex-Congressman Edmund II.
! Driggs, of Brooklyn, and Ceorge F.
Miller, of New York, agent of the
: l?randt-Dent Automatic Cashier Com-
pany, charging them with participa
tion in the postal frauds, was upheld
in a decision handed down Tuesday by
Judge Thomas in the United States
! District Court in Brooklyn
Driggs was charged with receiving
money while a Congressman for fur
thering the interests of the Auto
matic Cashier Company, and Miller
was accused of paying money to a
corrupt Congressman. Judge Thom
as holds the alleged crime "was com
mitted while Driggs was a Congress
man and that so far as the statute of
limitations was concerned, the alleged
payments were all made within three
years before the indictment was
Rioters Attack Militia.
Dbtkoit, Mich.j Sept. 29. A dis
patch just received from Sault Sto
Marie by the News, says the rioters
arc attacking the militia and tho works.
The soldiers, who are being bombard
ed with stone3 and all sorts of mis
siles, had refrained from firing up to
the time the dispatch was filed.
Before the arrival of troops at tho
Consolidated Company's office, the
mol) stormed the office building and
drove out till tho employes. They
then wrecked the offices, smashing
desks, partitions and electric lights,
and completely demolished the. intcri:
or. A magistrate read the riot act
to them, but the rioters defied him:
The battlo between the men and tho
troops is still on. '
Glcndale Hems '
Miss Juliet Slocuin, rCttmed tuGtcu
dale from a weeks visit 'with Mi.-'Kiilo
I'lyrn: lo, at Jacksonville.' MUr Sloatni
and her littlo nclccf tfathrn Smith, left
for their honiu in Portland, Monday
Tho II no brick building now under
construction foe II. G.Sonneman, is pro
gressing nicely, and when completed
will bo an ornament to Pacific Avenue.
Misses Dallas Miller and Clara Red-
field, of this city, attended tho State
"air, at'Salcin. - -
.Mrs. F. C. I .add and win, arc visiting
relatives jit Gold Hill.
The Kditor of the News, has a compe
tent man clearing his lots that ho lately
taught on Nob Hill. Ho is going to m'I
them in apple trees, and soon wo shall
see a nice orchard in tho middle of Our
city. Yo editor imi progressive 'Mian,
uid a tireless worker. In addition to
his being a fine writer, capable news dis-j
seintnator, two or three men like him
will soon vastly improve tho appearance
of our city.
Mrs. Budd Moore, kindly invited us
to accompany hur in a drivo in her new
rig to Glenellen, tho homo of the Tot
tens'. We enjoved the drive, as Mrs.
Moore is a lino driver. We spent a most
pleasant day with .Mrs. C. I'. Totten, and
also enjoyed a call at the home of Mrs. K.
E. Totten. We admire 1 their nice new
residence, and partook of their generous
hospitality, and felt rested when we re-
luturnod home.
Mrs, ltuth G. Sweet and her daughter,
Miss Ruthie, who arc ' epecla'a "for the
Salvation Army, spent , three days at
Glvndale, holding services on t' h street
and in our church, which,' were well at
tended. They arc earnest workers, and
surely are doing much good'. : '
Mrs. A. H. Redfieldj a prominent Ore
gon pioneer, ana her son, 1). it. itcu-
tield, visited our city last week. They
honored. us with a call.
Mrs George Roberts, visited Ashland
on Tuesday. "
The engagement is announced of, Mr.
l if. Robert, S.. 1'. Lineman, of lino,
Nevada, and Miss Nellie Gallagher, of.
thatcity. .Miss Gailali-.T, h tin'?. P.
operator,, tyje writer ami, stenographer
Tliev will reside in New Htsuii, wiieit
uotti ,w in w fctauoueu. Hits wt-c. we
are in receipt o( the "Gleiulale Com
rirr," an advertising medium of the
tine Urug Store of Bowersox & jHirby, of
tins city. . . .
- Mou.iK. .
. .
Cool morningK' mid aftenioous still
preVaU here. .
Mr. Ak (tiirney, oi Rextsn. pasftl
throu;h'(mr birr. last, en rtiitu.
!iir HtiblKinl crt-et. . . . .
Prof: Kev.'Meitr. o.Xx.vU to Jeavu u.-;
this fall, to innVelii iutnru nraiduiiniviti
Portfcmd. .
Mr. Sctitt Vuti Dyki, of Coles, Valley,
wa a viitor h-rp lasiSinulayi 1iattiM, of.M4ros', kas rii-n
on our )trevtShtiday." r
Messrs. Onn anil Ward, cf Melrose
pttse 1 throuch here on day Oa-i nccV
ITS. rilllia 1 i U It 1."1UHk 111 1 i
hter. Mrs. Robert UoJf, Dei-r
?Jr. George Wilson, -of Coles. .Valley, 'J
working for Mr. B. K. Ijtbrie. ol i
'alley, jMsmI throosh here Iat
undav. on Ins war home.
Mr. David G. God i? workiiwr in blr.1
P.itntiel Eran? dryer, at Cok Valley.
Mr. A. M. Wlrnfl.- Misw Mnbet
Woodruff and Vivian Blain ere Hoe
lrg visitors one day lat week.
Johnnie Hall lias retnrned to our
midst onrt more. . -
Mrs. A. Doerner wwnt to Kosebtirr, on
iwsines?, lat Fri lay.
Misses Grace and Cbtoe lihrie, of
Ganlen Valley, were visitors here lst.
Miss Ho?a It was in Roseburg, last"
Mr. Charles Pierce is workinsr tor
fome'snrveyors in Kastern Washington. Vernft McKny and Maud
Dutnblcton, ol Winchefter, were visit
ing friends here, last Hinnklay
We have heard that the crape crop is
very good this year.- Ho for the vine
yards, toys. '
Mr. Malady, ff Hivehurg, 1ms been,
engaged by Mr. tieo. AldorsoB, to avr
oak-grub wood with bis stiam wond caw .
L. A. MsrMcrs is the proud pow-usfor
of an Angora doe that tooktirst preinF
nm at the state fair. . '
Mr. E. T. Woodruff ws oiit -Ironr,
Hoseburg, the rirbl of tlte weak, and re
ports his son; Clarence, jetting aloijg
slowly. .
Everybody that has goats or sheep
should lwk after' them nights as- we
have fitMnl ctfyotes barking ipiite fre
(ttently, the last month. - :
Mr. L. A.-Marsters has been on Uig
sick lit for povemllayi. . .
Mr. Eiirtust Crane Itas Ix-en "prepar
ing for'winter, by hauling- traw from
Melrt"o to his place hero. u .--
Mr; Tubie Tiohy was tbe gnrst 4of.
Mr. Adolph l)6erner,-last Sunday
Mrs. I.. Ifahn and- Mrs. .A. I)ocrn'c.r
were the guest of Airs. Fretl Sliclton,
bunday. '
" 'Mrr I.. Mnrsters is at prcseut 'eaig.igei
in delivering" sfove wdoTTin Koteburg,.
MH Adam'TJaerndf lifts n" fine, stoneT
nrilk cellar that he bailfin-tlio side-FiW
near his honse,
Mr. imon-Negus has puruhased. the
line Tnnoli soon to be vacated: by , llev.
Mertr., (tho old Handy, place) - .
Mr. Joshua Etlison lAlderson made a
nyiiig Ganlen. Valley, last 'Tues
day. . ' v. V -
Mrs. F. M: Good, has returned from
her trip to tho Willamette valley.
Mr. Ralph Vinson,-of Coles Valley,
passed through here, Tuesdayt lieavled
towards Roseburg. .
Mr. Otto Ilreejr, of Winchester, vas
in our niUtst, the Itrst ot tliu week.
Mr.; G. W. Alderson. was a plciisa(iij
caller at tho Woodruff ranch, last r.uV'
1 "Mr. and Alrgi Lewis Ualiti .and son
Floyd, made a business trip.,
burg, Tuesday.
.Misses Mabel woodrtttl ami
Dlniii yere visitors in Garden
the first ol flid week-. '- -
6. W. "Murdrfck W rngng'e.1 ly l. T.
noiimu, on ins larin, tins inn.
with lier uncle anil aiint, .fr; tttid Mrs.
Mort Woodruff, of French foftfeniept.,.
Mr. W. 11. Miirdnck !i!td'nfi'nocr;oi) of.
fliberts this year. w- , ;
O. W. M unlock and Ch'Arlos Scott-
were ' the guest x of Mr.iThoiiujsoiinSuiiv
day: . -i.. (Vf .;.)t
Geo. Aldcrsun built an addition to his
Mr MnrlimAr f&1 rnff n'mt ll'.tfiirlitrr '
"''. v" ;:vv' , mw??h mtwt'n'lti,cvs'or ,mJ
Iridic, or Melrose, were ' visitbrs hero . and sllara, nnO 1 fiav'e ffletl nrumstcv-
Tue'sday. ' u j crytlilng: ThU' gl'veS Vite-ftS't:(Slng
Mifs L'tis WobtlrnfT 'lifts' heetr staving ', out the feeil n nriHirof nearly
The Store that does the
We' wish "to" calf youF
and jtiflgi'njr
lieve it. bo
n -
1. Uil J
Jug in price
' , : 1 . IBS. : .'4
- f
'. :'?-,a.
tPhone 721,
barn. tlu fall.
v farim-r.
Mr. U.
r !!! ii
Mr. CtMr;? ScuiL U-l Uai.ifi Urr.u
II M 1 t .
Mr. Jin-e rf-l- h.i out- f t; e fm--'t I
rliMtuiR-lviTfefiiu tliis-ifJH?;''Utilfl
Dairy Cattff.
".-i: -s f ve. ,
t Sfvr1 "?I.n.PV.!l VF"a w""f3rjVftr srprnrta-laTKC consanwrs.
first prffe'afi?. t.-W ir?fiL.!-nftriiMiO?r
tefi ut Trln; tffeto- x Ti3rvl.-Jtt js
t c-ortliyjofitjrrani aiiom .Sim paT
. ...Ar. r- t .. I . . I
" t"--,W. 'kU 'i'aTJ'a.
... .a i i . r l i .... i . 1 1 1 . . .... .i in..
tfti ounces of "buffer, and Vas days
In mHk at time of test .Sheiwbn firet
prize of C) 111 cla&s forcows'Treish-
j im; over UJ iwuiid5. hi rcliici; tlere
were thirty cntrkrs. Second prize went
to a bhorthorn. 2.. Hays m mJKt. tlfat
yMded KI iinnds 11 ounces nalfc a ad any t,rIf.Iprci.tent -jIl,ha.vo. gace then. This tKina-e coc&pared
nnwlv - iound.H ouups butUr. -a nja TluAJfOi r tin LuTVLiKi ! ijr ctT ecc th tbe annual railroad tonnage Is
Slurab was also awarded the gold on the ymitis animals. The wise thine lnsignr&nt.
medal oCTerc-d y the En?fSh ' J5ey to do. it seems to me. is to tie to .the Evt-ry pott: d of this railroad toa
Cattle society for the best Jursey In breed that meets our demand and then nage has U . i battled orer a road.
the butfw to:. . . x
prize for milk yield ahxte. Wyr jitdd
f W pouiwls. lt.ouuces Lieias iXecedeU
by a I.lnculn lied cow (75 pounds! and
by a Shorthorn (61 posndiS 1 oitncei.
The first" prize cow In this dasx was
only 00 das in milk and the iWHtd
prise cow days in .milk, which Rare
thf tn a 'decided n'dvaatagk6"rer Sharali. j
the Jersey, watch was xlnys (ever
!our uiontlisi In milk.
S burn ! butter yield of 3 ponnus 3;
fuen'actvrt:t,'ircr .IfraTPiieiv,
ounces, ts one or tne crentest ever
lt 1U tuade-l-prntrnl I.V-j onnet from
2S nouatls- l ouncus uilk. dars
after caljlnj:; her ?nmdam." hertK't,
pomxl.-i 5s, utirnw rrwn Uiiftrk!r VjA
rrniH-es-inH )Jl.dnjrx .aftec aiiTjiis.
and hec ea,t-r:indam.. i)ktrry.
tHunds .S?, ounces from -li rV-.i;nds 1
omiee mllli.'" Alf treA'eowVrir
owned by Dr'Wjatnuyi . 'hr4i was
born Dqc IS, Xijjl .aredjjs; i;ib"s J
Lad, r732. and tfesJjended on 'Both'l
sides frotn'pecka lnetWcV (V'Trfr.
t'hujp Oauneey's hcJir.lnlfau'5rJerser
Dullctin. . . . ,u . . v .
Sliould Cnlvo nf Trj enrs.
The helrer- skonld drr fcVPllrst cnlf
when she bj about ttvo y.citrsjoVL as
this.vlll uiak.avniore ipodjtetly3ft-ow
than when delaytd until another' venr.
When the 'first lf is- rifltrWvetr un
til the third year, one calf nudieni'
year of. in II lliia ceJ'Lj ml the lu'lf-r
ucipjires a tendency tq usejier un I. is
feed InHhc'Inylns: on of fat IrisU-.-sd of
"fjr the- secretion nf .jnilfc tejilfncy
Which ;lll V ri&jiftcd tbrjvjijgo ami
which would have been avoided by
earlleri'breedlrig. r
"!. r .,-Suu.Cm..NoU.
.Ill the dairy cow we are' soaict!rael
dlsa'ptlbltitCTf' w'heii VtliTitr every1 rel-1
sonto lielleve Avawouid hai-c an, anl
uial of .extra uuallUcd.1 Iiave lu.uiicd
now gne cow that was "a tljbrouH dis
appointment.- "I hnve'ftskVtt'jieople o
pick ottfrthe best-cow In evy.lterd. and
they luvurlahly picked -tlds. one. She
was a cpw'l, bought arid probably had
been spoiled' while young;1 fty'H-a Sew'
Xork . Dairyman My .cqws, with 'the
exqeptlon of two were sired by, pure
"bred bulls. ' I have nothing" on tfty'ftin
whlclf ls uot woll bredi - ihroll'ssor Itob
crts has-sald;Cunuiiciice to make your
.cotv befor' they are .born." I," believe
that and work on llmf thebrv ' 1 flvl
my cows atul then tVcd1 my alto's, "Vot'l
- ....... . (. M . , . f.
nay tea, out goon muis'Tisni iroru,tire
cows. -To mate 'a cow l-bet1eve von
must "do li before she IS'two.yeos&UdJ
I havo. heard -soiue-faroiucs'sa.v h;:t a
i calf, ought to :be, token nvw usvwucM
I I.., It...... .1.... VjiS
:hftsircr1hrsVcnI'iVtflie'slo'tild l milked
tit' IcBftt'txtclVo'montltB.aml (hen go dry
Biw- weks. Tuo!feed.b-semi t geCthe
beat results fromtJttn,Mii-tnivt.of equal
i!artHi.Vy-AnPsirtt pf.,jjrouuI atsml
teen n nroni or neariv i
Tie to one Hrced.j,
In tnyuiVgnicnLpne makes; ft lnlstake
to crfss 'brce'd.""' liiCook In
ltiiral Nvw''YdrrirOHtr'exptrlence Is
'ecmtificd 1o'tlie lsr ofn Hluute" Jcrsev
pbnll on grade. IIolstet-..COtvsi Tho
.lieifcrs are liawi.tviinlnir. tulo nilltr.
ATlie.lrui)lkori.,tia wholtjda bc'lerflhan j
i no
llolsjeln tnlk. n.ndtieyae-lper;
-. . . fuck to ii, l r-ri- w.n oe lanures
In the inilklnr trials' for cows ovetjtjeniicst.- TVe nTreri-sr'of. Jhes
3M ponnhc wetjrttt Ac wob 6rt tSafHire tfr1twn,nnfeVery rSrin and
i.Lthnt won't ilrlnlr t truir .Inva
,-to ljpsft! oufiht ta.tlie slianili!. luf it
. ,.. wfJI always TiaTe Its firfilf Inrlicdlln
Vivian lue wrong uircctioiT.- .rtrr tne .cow
. - t( .lt.L JIJJ liiw.a.. ft..-,..i . - .At
jjLarlest Business of ' Any
"AttentTon'lar TOsTTiffe
1 Arret We e..99Waja!. ;
;lftidIiilcfren?S Jackets... W.c.jiavQ been told over
JjncLbver tjlae kw$$ lsoei
fmm the number we have sold, we be-
will you come and see.
' '
Roeburtr. Alitfie-ra'te&tCuoVe!ties inng-
from $1.00 to $40 00.
Astnrlait -liss Wp- 'Sel ;JfcKets.'
- - W . ft -
Ding t;l-)ce-4-ifirf5.'rve5y
1-! dlctovcrjourstbclh
1 . :l
3 A
- mT-2L-. .&6care unable (o siid boys aaH Irls
plstent milkers, but the -flow is lessened. o t. :'!. csDesiillj n rainy wtatlcr.
j'TUe nnt disapiiointius fc.-it'ire of the
Blty In ty'pV a7ra?i3C Wc have Hoi-
ktcin hfifers. fliK-njRt-y hi-iftrs ami Jcr-
ipc? heifers qml some; not U-I-nsinf; to
noi pos'tp',s me vitality ot ine uoi-
not regret tlie attem:r. becaase I
have been trrra l!:im-;:rJ -i-f
studyhiK- results, but I would not do so
IKr uld I advise aaoas
to try It. I firmly lRJ.ievtitLia:'erbs
aOTflel aiid not by faciiai-s jtonM" i-waaijettmtiachers
' . rtliemijelves. tb5r KVetT tenowgii sad tjit,5Bdtlrl wcnilii-bebet-
iiu,'i !; r'nn rcrteyT?v'.wivsi Vi.ber"d(l ti1iJVareivJ-AWot:W SpJivaober
breeding Is a mistake. No one. has yet $172.(V0.1S,0. Of this $OlOCO.5bO Is the
succeeded in fixinc the pood qualities cost of t&e-Erie canal alosc. and the
of each breed In tt-e offspriac aoril.ffcirrSas "spi ntic ihi. remain
probably he never wilL On "the oti lng tweittytrfbe 4rs t crwy krA bill Is
trarr. the vZt-ct seems U J" to lnb.-nsi k-.v per.'lit. for the appropriation of
fy their valni(S&' TClgrejCnshrip
mixed herd V ft horit ' pecia 1 TcuerKvJ
to breed the use of a pore bred sire of
Kick to It. TN-re will be falinres
' j 4i ... i
breeder pet his share.
TT-a-rr, i , , , r.L,
It Is i-cesKtri:y the that a
cow be . '. pereairjlirctd iruoriej to t
be a pcofitahledalry'cofwf ftns the lr-"
dlvWtsal da! Ir'tfiTttiSSlV ?r;nr-
be the selde In selectin;
the -dairy cow.
- 'i -
S KJ ; f
A boulevanl between Xew York and
liatemo: td chr tUroagh nH..
kv: 4i.,f AsienrwJiasJnoi: been coa-
t-i. Sufh an avenue, shaded
v..i.!ed. Men with money are
tnti-n .. d m the venture.
beiwia New York and Chicago from
.. A -' VV.S'ltarN t ir IbvnriRhiTW L-uvli nt f-.
iu cv." miles, says tne inuaaennia nns ant!
. - . r m . . -z.
iw. 5C l tv 1 Wiini I Ic 5.a cod- rrwus.1 bacfcwarjd;
fhre'.'Sa-3JJ,T-M&tr 5tr-tay"ttary'to.
t.:d eotiuition. The links of roads members of tbe system. But the cvi
waieKpJkikp. be bimrd tand coa- denee that they do thus rotate Is Indl-u-a-tetllisinUic-IiacdLflV.cr4i
1 reet; such, for instance, as the fact that
;uitjHrirt.. i ; V ' ) t5r"elUteS rPvoIte backward la
Jihn Krtr-Wtju.prilslh-nt .thejr.QrJjxg. nccentlr. however. Henri
of iWtwaytiliunef. b vice iresl- Destendres of the lleiwlon observatory
dent of I'jfM'u st'rtaTitwir of determlclns
tervt. w n-eently Mr. I hle said; "It the direction of rotation by spectro
iviit tnko a groat ie:u o tllllr. tltitMt Ji.epit ebw i vwttoiv-whieh gives direct
ly bit the necessary emrKj" will bring evidence tliat lu the case of Uranus at
the result We exinvt to meet with least the rotation Is real!- Inrtrmnt
eorne sotlmcks.
if the local amiHffTtBW
refuse to be benefited by the pwpoed
.Wins.,Vy SJSAS.S. and resembles that by
compel tliMlorfTunu"fliWUs. lrnFtrhlebVwNTOiH..WProresSOT Kee-
i- alwut f5,iHW a mile to build a Icr
- 'Almost one-half o-the-ronlI alone-
the PuO ..miles. of Uie uroposHl route."
Ud Mr. ,CTile. "Is In gcxl condition,
wlKmvroad.-ioiwi groadj wfhle nm'
uU for AwoAjins((3rrftrUf he
il'de. flnfle'drrjne-trfnln
Mycli of It has len Tnacadaniised. but over so many American dtJea. darken
tliese mSt"a1Inntfifer strips: ara ot con- ln? the atmosphere and- hefonliaj: tha
tttltnic!t Trfiret'ns 'trntHe Incronses. buildings, could, bo eliminated IX the
as it is certain-40 Increase, iunl addi- scientific .methods of cocstrucUncchlm-
" ""'-' ' ari".r jii.Muiauie ncys anu stoking furnaces that crevail
ns it sur. ly will, witii the exiviiditure in Germany were adopted here "It ti
of $VA!Kton?nyirui uillfcftlitid not every strapping laborer who can
S VAJKjreiruaa
can Do wideileu aiuTii
pla'ced hi ideal
x.:..t...'jr -
' WV.vakiVWtr"AruvllRvTUTimorvial,
M.l.10. it ill be a big object lesson to
t..m tint if the ruid were built it
LSli t! "i t n1rT
jrttWuys vlessei!.. 1 he local .uuthnrit tea
Uhe t;VC.u.s4etheTet!t.tind the prof-
its paid on the lnve..tmoritaud wouuf
follow our exanipl
, "tf,!-53'
liiry-nreTSiWitded ou'lSKiU ewrv viar.
lr-f&MTilt -is. iint-piAvtiaiifa nwM&tlu J K J
cause each oiumuuity lKks after the i
roadways hi Its imrticalar locality and tic Rent siwther uj
thinks of no other; eiise.niviuiviJu ."Mother, 'Gooae.'tjjvho,. Is probably
diMaiuv or a few in ties pertiauft:7uV mf filhlarlilldren than any
l:,'Sr"2fer,;1?. H'SrS'ljS 'iHT- otUor personage. la story books.was a
lli-.ds r.ids. and tliin rieitVtorealVcrsoh. Mrs. Goose, for that was
isdieli'm amTOTHs Wft!ld!rahr1vt-
"OT 'JZWi ttyv.C'l'jK SiSM1' ,
v Lei
al v'l'i-s siiniewhcre.
'tr::reli.t!inK U-i- tin' ehiltlen' imq a. Uellax, leantnl Tw a tUHdrl ytars
i..nmi:. wou.ti ue u Vher l . Ml t of
t better rwtis. At pm i : r uuny country
sConcern in the City.
to - thesethree- Lines
tl,e .ctty,
ease of tin- i-nlition of tbe rosJa.
tr .iloSftils4 r.M-of liaise to be
w"..u-rl anr every mil of the rosd.
i,ut t?i -y couM cortfoUdat'-dr better
benvCt ia ILr jjreuter irvioeocy or roe
ruml rre tlivrrv tif uiijU." . .
In s-ati. of the r?oJwt'recenGy
BMnkf of tli.-i Tfr.nct:pa
e bave.ia America 2JOftaiIes of
...c - i - t TcelcsdEJatcd cost of tiese la
$aA.KV more Tor the Erie canaL In
Jsi4 tho total canal tonna-e was
l hot it h h? decrvasia- yearly
jjuaj zreai . argument uu
for oc3 Jc joveraor
Wo fffc!torail5i
What areal . argument do you want
r ." r : i js . 1 1
decreased in market value 52..XoCO
iaira t, -rs owinsr to tad nnik Gov-
ernor biantey or
Kansas said.
1 4 f
of Kansas. JstStS In
owlasao bad roads' Popcla-
one year
counties over CO per cent In Illinois.
tinXUana."ATlcaisan. ew; J?k and oth
er states on account of baa roads.
Jy frodC-N"e-v-Yorknp thrrUtoisoa rir-
er to a point "yetI (Tbe decided nroa.
either Xyaek. Xewbnrs or Iincstoa.
Prow there to mnstnnitenw where
association; to Klmira. to Oweo. to
The Rotatlnn of Crana.
Everybody who takes an Interest la
astronomy Is aware that: tile two outer
most planets of the solar system. Ura-
Xeptune. are believed to rotate
that-Is. Ja a direction ccu-
thejrtianr3!f! alCtte other
' Thvtacthod in,-''-,;
of the lines In the spectrum of a ro-
demonstratcd the motions ot- Sat
s rings. " It la to be arSnSSd next to
yeptohe.. .: Vt f
Accordimrito "'oyikni
at Berlin, the trallins: clouds of black
stnbke from rtinrana factory thabhai
stovel coal who Is permitted td stoke
a boiler furnace In Gcrmanr" sacs Mr.
'10830. .,1 stoker.Ia. that .country
must learn the theory and practice of
the coal 13
so otrlbutcdTvhVefnee aa
.... ". . . .
CofSerf iarro
f ' ' '"xhV olicit sfatw.
The oldest statue of the vorhl Is ot
J-l-StUeshejiko&nu E:Htian villagej It Is
l.iti.-rA .1s..7T!a.
I person.
her real name, lived with a family
liaiiieil I-'fW. v4t'Emt ifttt In
ruddiug lune. Bostoiu
nml ivimiviiniK1 .it ! ,Vi- iHir will
amount la that Ume to SiKl.lW.-ltM.