Oregon f)wttedet. - ' Vol. XXV ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1903. No. 75 li KJ Si iZ? ud ice CREAM PAtlORS Fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pies, Doughnuts and Fresh Bread Daily Portland Journal Agency. Hendrick'a Block, Opp. Depot I. J. NORrtAN & Co. Prop. FARMERS' CASH STORE, Q. A. WOOD & CO, Props DEALER IN Staple ane Fancy Groceries.. Highest Price paid for country produce. Fresh bread daily. Your Patronage is respectfully solicited. PriMe Free Delivery to All Parts f the City HELLO 5 5 ng Us Your GHICKKHIS, EGGS, BUTTER, FOR CKSH OR TRHDE. Heating Stoves Gook Stoves, Stove Pipe Stove Boards. AT S. K. 5YKES, Roseburg, Oregon Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking is to have good FRESH GROCERIES And to get them promptly when you order them. Call up Phone No. x8i for good goods and good service. C. W. PARKS & CO. J. M.2Weatherbj T. A. Roseburg Real Estate Co. Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold TaxcS Paid for Non-Residents. Timber Estimates a Specialty. List your proper ty with us. Drain Gardiner COOS BKY STKGE ROUTE r ' Commencing with Monday, January 20. '02, we will charge f 7.60 for thefare from Drain, to Coos Bay. Baggage allowance with, each full fare 50 pounds. Travelling men are allowed 75 pounds baggage when they have 300 pounds or more. All excets baggage, 3 eta. per pound, and no a lowance will be made for round trip. DAILY STAGE. For farther information address J. R. Sawyers, . . Proprietor, Drain, Oregon A. C. flARSTERS & CO. DRUGGISTS. We Want Your Patronage and as an inducement we offer U. IS. P. Standard Drugs, Fresh Patent Medicines, High Grade Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet Arti cles, and Specialties L TROXEL BLOCK OPP PASSENGER DAPOT Bary D: L. Martia RULES AND REGULATIONS. THE PUPILS MUST BE VACCINATED. THE UW ORDERING MICROBES TO BE INJECTED INTO CHILDREN. The great, moral and religions newspaper of Southwest Oregon, has been requested to publish the follow ing Rule XXiy, of the Oregon State Board of Health: It shall be the duty of all school boards in all the, districts of what ever class in the State of Oregon, to prohibit the entrance into any of the public schools of the State, of all children not previously vaccinated (the evidence of which is shown by the scar), without proper vaccination; and it will be the duty of the. teacher or teachers in any of the public schools . of the State of Oregon to satisfy themselves that such order has been properly enforced, the evidence being a. scar, or by a certificate of vaccination signed by a reputable physician. FiStatlag Fire. A dispatch says: Chewaucan Marsh, Lake County, is a roaring mass of flames, and 200 men are engaged in a most desperate fight to prevent the spread of the devouring element Al ready hay to the value of $60,000 has gone up in smoke, and cattlemen will be left to face the winter without a straw to feed their immense herds. Night is made hideous by the hor rible sight of a sea of fire roaring over the plain and by day dense clouds of black smoke obscure the heavens, Tules, growing to the height of six feet, furnish excellent food for the destructive element and the rich sod is afire to a depth of several feet Firefighters fall in their tracks from exhaustion and are revived only to resume tho battle for their homes and property. A rancher, surrounded by the flames, escaped certain death by mak ing a desperate dash over the burn ing ground. The scene of the fire is in an isolat ed part of the county, difficult to reach. Romas Catholic Reform Movement. An inquiry ordered by the Vatican regarding, a movement favorable to the establishment of a Western Catho-J lie Patriarchate to include all Angles Saxon countries which might be call ed semi-independent of Rome, has just been completed, according to a Tri bune dispatch from Rome. Evidence was found of the existence of a move ment of this kind among the advanced section of the clergy, especially the French and Irish, who wish to join forces with America to give to the church a more modern and liberal im pluse. Two Filipinos, Gomez and Kalbasa, have been arrested in Manila, charged with being concerned in fomenting the disturbance which . have lately taken place in the northern province of Luzon, where a guerilla warfare has been carried on for some time past by ladrones against the peace- ably inclined natives, iney are now held to answer on charges of rebel lion and insurrection against the au thority of the United States. Portland schools are crowded and bonding the district in the sum of $250,000 seems a necessity. Did it ever strike you that the man who does good farming seldom has an unfavorable season, asks tbe Corvallia Gazette. More crop failures are due to the farmer himself, than to droughts. floods or untimelv frosts. The man who plows deep early in the season, who cul - tivates frequently and late in the season, who looks after his trees and sprays them when needed, who looks as carefully to his business as a merchant or banker in a city does to his, seems to stand in with T) 1 .1 1 I 1 . . jtxuy.uw,,, uCU oewcr, ,au u.ve uei- . . . .....ouioupuuioe mamo.otmsown,authorUed to 0pen books for subscrip ignorance and inefficiency on that con venfent scape goat, the weather. Think the matter over, gentleman. For Five Year Pastorates. At, the Illinois Methodist conference now in session at Quincy, delegates to the general Methodist conference to be held in Los Angeles, Cnl., next May have been instructed to support the rule I of the five-year limit of pastors in their I charges. A resolution supporting the local op tion movement-was adopted, and also one providing that tho supernumerary relation bo put on tho best three, ancj that the representation of delegates be changed from one to forty-five to one to forty laymen in the general conference. High Society in Spain. The Eociety circles of Madrid have re ceived a sensational shock by the arrest of three of the most beautiful among the young leaders of the aristocracy, on a charge of fraud. Tho accused are the Marchionoss Maria Reina, daughter of Gen. Reina, formerly minister of war and former governor general of Cuba ; alto sister-in-law of Gen. Batcaran, chief of King Alfonso's military cabinet; Dona Engracia Sanchez, daughter of a general who has been governor general of Cuba; and the Countess Carlotta Duran, daughter of Gen. Duran, former ly minuter of war, and at one time pro fetaqr to King Alphonso. The ladles are charged with defraud ing .the bonk of Spain of f 60,000 with a bill of exchtnge forged in the name of Garcia Guitorrej, a banker. Their al leged accomplice, who signed the bill, was the notorious turgor, Mariano Con de. The forgery has been known to some of the most eminent men of the king dom' for some time, and they, as well as -King Alfonso, tried to prevent the arrests, but the scandal was so great the authorities were com pel leu to act. It is. reported that the mansion where the ilarchionew Maria Reina and Dona Sanchez lived together was nightly the scene of banqueting and gambling. A. O. U. W. Sapper. Hungry Lav yer. Red Box. DotUr Bill. For genuine flimflaming commend us to the A. O. U. W., and theirs is no raw graft either It is smooth, finished work, such as a confidence man might be proud of. It is no "stick up" like Hitchcock hands to the people, or May or Williams to the Portland gamblers ; but is accomplished work bandied by artists in the business. It appeals to a man through his most vulnerable point his stomach ; bat nevertheless is calcu lated to separate a mark from his mon ey. It is master degree work and is not peddled out to uncle Reuben; but is framed up for the wise guy. At their box supper held in the opera house on Monday evening tbe A. O. U. W. had for sale a great number of beautiful box es, each supposed to contain an elegant lungs. These boxes were sold to the highest bidder and, according to a time honored custom at tuch functions, the purchaser was entitled to feast on the contents of tbe purchased box with the fair donor of said box for a partner. Box after box was sold and snatched up at what appeared to the hungry lawyer, with the fiweet water running down his chin, as great bargains. Presently the auctioneer lovingly lifted a large red box, neatly tied with white ribbons, raised it to a position level with his chin and shouted: "Much'm I offered for this charming young lady's box7" The box bore a label on one end marked "men's shirts" and the eyes of our hungry lawyer sparkled. His mental comment was that the box contained at least (our square meals, reasonably worth 25c each, and he then determined to owe that box. Now, here is where the lawyer was easy. He expected to find a winter's grub stake in a box marked shirts. But suppose the label were true and that the contents were really shirts well, he needed a clean shirt anyway. "Going at an 'af, an 'af, an 'af," yelled the auctioneer. "A dol lar," says John T. Notshort, the lawyer. "Dollar'm offered, goin't a dollar'n soldi" With a satisfaction "beyond a reasonable doubt" the disciple of Black stone reached for bis lady's box. It was pretty enough and the consolation of ownership was probably intended as value received, for tbe actual contents were neither food nor raiment. The box with its contents, three cu cumbers, four tomatoes, a slice of squash and a little green cabbage, can be seen at the Board of Trade. John T. Notshort thinks he was buncoed and when interviewed by a reporter ans wered by mumbling such incoherent, Droxen sentences as "Ubtaining money under false pretenses," "Grand Jurv," "Indictment," "Jail 1" Moral: When Simon says, "Thumbs up," get your hand on your pocket book. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. No one who is acquainted with its good qualities can be surprised at the great popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It not only cures colds and grip effectually and permanently, but prevents these diseases from resulting in pneumonia. It is aUo a certain cure for croup. Whooping cough is not dangerous when this remedy is given It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be given as confl dently to a baby as to an adult. It is also pleasant to take. When all of these i facts are taken into consideration it is ! not surprising that people in foreign 1 Iand8 " weU M " home, esteem this ! remedy very highly and very few are willing to take other after having once used it. For sale by A. C. Marsters and Co. Notice. A , meoting of the director,, ol school District Ho. 4, the cleric was tion to warrant loan of $20,000, said books to be open Oct. 1st. Subscribers can subscribe for amounts of $50 or mul tiples thereof. Warrants will draw in terest at the rate of per cent per an num and will bu payable as follows $2,000 oach succeeding year until all are paid. For other information apply to 76-tf Clara Dillakd, Clerk. If you dont watch J. T. Bryan's show window, you fail to see many of tho latest novelties in jewelry. al7-lmp. MUZZLING THE PRESS. AN ENTIRE NEWSPAPER FORCE ARRESTED. COLORADO IS CURSED BY MILI TARY AND CITIZEN ANARCHISTS. A. despatch, from Victor, Colorado, of yesterday afternoon says: Shortly before midnight a troop of cavalry And a company of infantry, under the command of Major McClellend, sur rounded the office of the Daily Record, the official organ of the Miners' Union, in this city, and with a detail of several picked men, entered the newspaper office and placed the fol lowing under arrest: George Kayner, proprietor; W. S. Langdon, Charles D. Langdon, linotype operators; W. A. Sweet, circulator and H. J. Rich ardson, foreman of the composing room. The prisoners were taken to Camp Goldfield and after a conference with General Chase and other military officers, the prisoners were placed in the guard-house. A strong guard of infantry was eft at the Record office, where it will stand guard until some disposition of the proprietor and his employes is made. Affidavits have been prepared and will be filed in the District Court this morning, charging the men with coercion, intimidation and criminal ibeL The information will be sworn by Thomas Scanlon of Victor. General Chase, when asked for a statement in regard to the arrests, said that libel proceedings would be prosecuted, and they were being held as military recesaities. The business mananger, A. Q. Mil- er, hearing that a possible attempt to arrest the office force would be made, was out of the way at the time the soldiers took possession. A new force of printers has been secured, and, with General Chase's permission the official organ will be published as usual. Cripple Creek, Colo., Sept. 30. nformation will be filed in the Dis trict Court today, charjnnc Georce Kyner, manager and editor of the Victor Record; Y. L. Sweet, the cir culator, and W. S. and C. G. Landon, linotype operators, who were arrest ed by the military List night, with malicious slander. An affidavit made by Thomas Scanlon, a member of Company K, First Regiment, was pre pared by Judge Advocate Thomas McClelland and handed to Deputy District Attorney Cole. The affidavit sets forth that Scanlon was desig nated a spotter in connection with the arrest of Robert Murphy, in the Victor Record office. Harry Scott has been engaged as counsel for the men thrown into the bullpen and if the prisoners cannot secure their release on bond he will apply for writs of habeas corpus in the District Court, to the end that the men may secure their freedom until the trial on the information. Jndge Advocate McClelland, when asked why the entire force was ar rested, said they were all equally guilty in publishing the alleged libel ous article in the Victor Record, and that every attempt would be made to send all the men arrested to the peni tentiary. The Victor Record is securing a new force today and will be able to continue publication. C. E. Woodard, president of the Typographical Union, discussing the arrest of the Record force, says that no greater outrage could be perpe trated. "I was a soldier in the Philippines and was through all the stirring times there, but I saw nothing so boldly brazen and in violation of constitu tional rights as took place in Victor last night," said he It IS time tnat something should be done to resist these high-handed measures." Tom Foster and T. C. Mallaney, union men, who have been in the bull pen for 13 days, were released today. They say they were at all times in timidated and were fearful of losing their lives. Roosevelt and Labor Chiefs. President Roosevelt proposes to settle the controversy with union labor through a heart-to-heart talk with tho labor union leaders. Ho hns told tho mem- burs of tho administration that he has nothing to fear from what he has done in connection with the controversy which has developed at the government printing office. He wants to tell the labor leaders the same thing. So confident is the President of the justice of the stand he has taken, and so sure is he that the labor leaders are broad minded and fair, that he will risk all in a frank discussion of the case of Miller, the bookbinder, about whom there has been so much talk. The President has adviied John Mit chell that he wants to meet him and his colleagues some time this week at the White Houeo. The President will tell the men that ho has dono nothing ex cept to eee that fair play is exercised and that tho statuates of the law were rigid-, ly obeerved. He will seek to show that a narrow construction was not put on these statutes but that they were taken in their broadest application, and that when the case came up to him there was no other course open. The President hopes to reach an un derstanding with the union labor peo ple about tho government priming of fice. He will be fortified with confiden tial reports which have been in course of preparation for some weeks. From these he will cite facts to show that any thing but a satisfactory condition has developed in the government printing office because o( the blind adherence to union demands. He will point out where certain changes could be made that would be of direct value to both the cause of union labor and the govern ment. Work oa. tbe Old Coos Road. Bay Wagon The portable saw mill which is to saw out lumber to plank portions of tbe Coos Bay wsgon road, has been taken from Myrtle Point to the Steinon place, near Fairview. where the first work wdl be done. D. Mcintosh, county commissioner, informs the Mail that the intention is to work on the eastern slopes of the hills fist, as the heavy mail is west ward bound, and the stages go back light, so that tbe improvement is most needed wbere the loaded stages have to be hauled up. Tbe county commissioners, on their recent trip over the road, had ocular demonstration of the good results of cut ting the timber back from tbe road to let in the wind and sunshine, but it seems that this year's appropriation will be expended mostly in planking the road where relief for the coming winter is roost urgently demanded. Coast Mail. Wakotton Top. Former United States Senator Edward O. Woloott won a decisive victory Tues day in tho contest before the Kepublican State Central Committee between the rival factions at Denver, Colo., and afterward in the State Convention. ! he committee, by a vote of 71 to IS, placed the Wolcott delegates on the temporary roll call of the convention, by a unanimous vote, made the tempor ary roll permanent. o onDortunitv was given tbe anti Wolcott delegation to make a contest before the convention. Mr. Wolcott was chosen temporary chairman of the convention without op position, and in a carefully prepare! speech, denounced his opponents in the Republican party. A strongly-worded resolutions indorsing President Roose velt for re-election to the Presidency in li04 was unanimously adopted with reference to the committee on resolu tions Only one office that of Justice of tho Supreme Court is to be filled at this year's election, and for this Chief Justice John Campbell was honored with the nomination br acclamation. For City Recorder. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of City Recorder, subject to the approval of the legal voters of the city of Roseburg, on the 5th day of Oct 190;. John T. Loko. 74 tf Cause of Lockjaw. Lockjaw, or tetanus, is caused by a bacillus or germ which exists plentifully in street dirt. It is inactive so long as exposed to the air, but when carried be neath the skin as in the wounds caused by percussion caps or rusty nails, and wnen me air is exciaueu tne germ is roused to activity and produces the most virulent poison known. These germs may be destroyed and all danger of lock jaw avoided by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely as soon as the injury is received. Pain Balm is an antisepic and causes cuts, bruises and like injuries to heal without maturation and in one' third tho time required by the usual treatment. It is for salo by A. C tors' and Co. Mars Notice to Contractors Sealed Bids will bo received by the Board of School directors of Dist. No. 4, Roseburg Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m, Nov. 2, 1903, for the erection and com pletton ot a High school building ac cording to plans and specifications, pre- nared bv Chas. Burtreral. Architect. , Albany Ore. All bids must be accom panied by a certified check payable to school District I?o. 4, Roseburg, Ore gon, for the sum of $250. As a guaran tee that in the event the contract is awarded, tho contractor shall furnish an approved bond, equal to 75 por cent of the contract within ten days after the awarding of tho contract. Proposals for tho pamo, plans and specifications, may bo seen at S. C Flint's, Roseburg, Oroqon, or at tho architect's offico. The building shall bo completed by September 1st, 1104. Tho board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Signed S. C. Flint, Chairman, Board of Director Dis. No. Clara Dillahd, Clerk. 75-N2 R. W- PENN, CIMIL- ENGINEER. (Lately with the governmentgaphical and geological survey of Braril, United States Deputy Mineral Surveyor, Office over Postoffice. HOSHBURG, 60 T THE ROSELEAF for CIGARS, TOBACCO HND SMOKERS' SUPPLIES. Jackson Street, - Attention Rheumatics!! ' Why pay the Rail Road a lot of money to carry you to Springs of unknown medical properties when you can be guaranteed a cure at BOSWELL SPRINGS near home. rELATRRiTiJ la Mineral Rnbber.1 VOTJ MAY 1STF.J(D HCILDIWC or na tt necessary to REPLACE A WOK2C-OX7T SOOF ELATERITE ROOFING prarfiM, fatten. Tall;, etc. Euj to Uy Sold oa merit. Goarmtted. U will Mi 'to u THE ELATERITE XtOOJTXIVG CO.. Worcester Bail tl inc. PORrpr.A-wp LADIES!! Have 3'ou seen our line of Jackets and Furs. We do not claim to do all the busi ness, what we want is the pleasure of showing our line. The Goods will do the rest. We are confident that your Jacket or Fur will be bought of WALLENBERG BROS., Phone 801. Of your life if you bu y a buggy, hack or road wagon before 3'ou inspect our stock 'of John Deere vehicles. We Are Haven't missed a sale since car arrived. spring goods ever brought to CHURCHILL A. SALZ MAN, Pratical WatchmaKer, Jeweler, Optidam. Watches, ClocKs, Jewelry Diamonds and Silverware oooooooqooooooooooooooooooooooooooqqoooo O P. W. BENSON. x.n uipsrrtja u n . tV r resident. Vice PrUent. Cubist Douglas County Bank, BatotoHntied I883. Incorporated xoox Capital Stock, $50,000.00. BOARD OP DIRECTORS F. W. BENSON, R. A. BOOTH J. 11. llOOTH. J.T. BRIDGES J. r. KELLY. A. C. MARSTKRB K. L MILLER. A general banking business tranacted, and customers given every accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking. Bank open from nine to twelve ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OREGON. Correspondence solicited - Roseburg Orefm Tri-erwl for I1 ciirIeL iuSuiSi tieS lornrtE iBf5r.TSS "Mwnws. After You Finest line the county. & W00LLEY Watch Repair! a Specialty. nnd from one to three.