I Free Trade's Last Stand. 1 as the foes, of British free trade that that policy will soon have to make the rJrr.,C.T.;:ta muui "'VTCrthronestion J- JVW of " w w .nlm7month9 getting into the bus at the depot in the the kincdom before many more montns nsv 6 . , . L,:.,c. ' PK.mKrla5n. mor-ning, Mrs. Moore sprained a knee pasB ""r";-t: ' Uhich caused her great pain. Mr. Moore whohasiust stepped down outoltne "" - . ,,,:t Ibinet. wants a system of tariff dnties ca.me. UP in the even,n A l8ted 1,16 .iii ..i.. o nrAfronpA to the Dro- ducts of England's colonies, though : he compensation demanded is a .1 fl.o mlfinwo to iniDOrtS w ill iiin LJUtt-Ut, a.aj - from England Rolfmir wants a tarriff scheme whereby retaliatory duties can be imposed on goods from the countries which tax the imports of Brit ish commodities, which means virtually all the great countries of the world The difference between the Chamber lain and Balfour idea may not seem im portant to the world at large, for each contemplates the imposition of duties on eomeor many of the products of the rest of the creat countries. It is im portant enough, however, in the opin ion of Mr. Cnamberlain, to prevent the two leaders from working in harmony the colonial secre ,;L nn?nt hoth Balfour Pt,mu,.!n o, n,mi. Thfiv be- "uu e 1 i T4rU!cT, rwmlo not vet ore- , r . 1 . . 1. : 1. iL.i lnnn mm. I naicn of education will be necessary to I r, than, o tflxHon ride, even if thev ran be won at all. TnrrtU mnttpr will have to go to the British electorate for a decis- r .... . i .i. ion, ana this will onng upinewnoie question of protection and free trade in a more direct way than at any time since the free-trade basis was reached, over half a centurv ago. The election will have a great interest for the people of the United States, as well as for the other great countries. The adoption of a policy of protection would injure American exportation into England, for a time at least. The fact, however, that it would make food dearer in England will be a strong argument against both the Balfour and the Chamberlain plan. This is a point which will be urged with I great force by the Liberal party, which, in general, will take ground against the adoption of great protection. There is a chance, indeed, for a return of the Lib- erals to power on this issue. In any case an element of interest has been injected into British politics such as it has not felt since home rule for Ireland was de feated. Drain Nonpareils. Mr. Wm. Tarr came up from Gold Hill Wednesday to visit his family. A. E. Kent, of Roseburg, was a Drain visitor yesterday. Mr. A. Hickethier returned from his coast trip Sunday evening. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. V. Brown, in South Drain, Monday, Sept. 21st, 1903, a daughter. Mr. Endicott and family, of Myrtle Point, are guests of Mrs. Endicott's sis ter, Mrs. Marion Ryan. Mr. A. Hickethier has just put a third crop of hav in his barn that was made from a field of alfalfa this year. The wire for the Drain & Coast Tele phone Co. is bt-inz stretched and we will soon have connections with Elkton Hon. Joe Lyons and family returned from Astoria and Portland Wednesday morning. Mr. John McCal lister arrived from Portland Tuesday morning to visit rehv tives and friends for a week. The Christian Endeavor will meet at the Christian church next Sunday even ing at 6:&) o clock to enect a re-organ i- zation. Mrs. P. Brownell, of Gardiner, passed through Drain, Friday, going to Rose burg. She was accompanied by her niece, who will attend school in that city. Thomas Krewson, of Coqnille, stopped off here on his way back from Salem, whither he went with a prisoner, to vis it his father, J. W. Krewson and family. Mr. D. V. Kuykendall, of the U. 8 Census Dept., arrived here from San Francisco, Friday, and after a few days' visit with relatives and friends, went on to Portland. The Lorane Shingle mill, property of Cornell & Whittaker, was burned Sun day last. The loss is estimated at f 1200, with no insurance The firm expect to rebuild in the near future. Mrs. John Bergman, daughter 'and son, arrived from the Umpqna Life Sav ing Station Friday. They went on to Eugene, where they were guests of Dr. Kuykendall and family a short time, then departed to visit relatives iu Port land. Miss Mary Bergman will enter school at Albany. Air. John Medden, the genial and re spected mayor of Scottsburg, writes: "We think the railroad is going to be built. Surveyors are now at Reedsport, the coming city of Southern Oregon Lots are worth there now $250 a front foot, but don't tell the assessor the price of the above lots." Advices from different localities are to the effect that a man calling himself C. Smith is traveling by soliciting mon ey for different newspapers and appro priating it tc his own use. He will call at a newspaper office and ask for a sam pie copy ot the paper, ihis he uses as a sample with which to take orders in that particular locality, asking for cash in advance, but the people who pay him money C. Smith no more. Tom Young, the thief who stole the harness at Cottage Grove recently, and who drew a gun on Deputy Sheriff Bown, of Lane county, and ordered him to move on, was captured near Oakland last Sunday by Sheriffs Fisk and Par rott, Deputy Bown and two other men, and taken to Eugene. In the captured man's wagon were several sets of har ness and a number of empty grain sacks. It is thought probable that the team was stolen property too. Myrtle Creek Mailings. Gertrude Hunsaker was bit just above the ankle by a dog in the street, Tues day. Dr. Bogue dressed the wound and she is now out of all danger than might have resulted from it. A. J. Thornton and family are new ar rivals from Menominee, Wis. Mr. Thornton is a brother of Dave, and is well pleased with the lumber and log ging prospects up the creek, where they will make their home. Bev. J. T. Cotton has been granted a year of vacation from ministerial work. A year's rest will bo very much appre- cted. a. he has had an t hard yr Mrs. Robert Christian and Mrs. W Moore, of Boseburg, were the guests Mrs. Annie Gabbert last Sunday. In wl,e home amlui 1D" . last account, the deal between A. Fen- . " v.-. of the ana oix. aeiig vju place - 1De extensive improvement ana auaiuons io ue piace wm uo utuu as Boon as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Bice and f&milv havo returned to their home in Myrtle Creek to reside. Charles has been sick with a slight form of typhus for three weeks, but is better. The damp atmosphere of the lower valley does not acree with.their health, and it will be some time bafore Mr. Bice will be ready for work. For the present, they will be at home with Mr. and Mrs. John b Rice. night and day. Lloyd Smith takes one shiftand Fred Marsh the other, and if ... , tt. :u i i nouung utnuens tuu uuio m I .1.. n SW f A - .V..-t- n- St In UUKlw bUttli a KWU uu V U" "ill prouutx - u. The sawmill flume will be about com PIeted, this week, to me point mat 11 IS WJ rescu, auuuneu iOMal,UiuiDu.- ana noiei ana woe tue in in ho mil nnil M wliirh nniiit the rail- - r . . road spur will extend. There is quite a little workr yet to be done before the flume is m permanent torm. Wherever it crosses the stream bed, only tempor- ary supports were put in unuu.nm have to be replaced with heavy pining and strong stays before it isallcom- pietea. The dedication of the Methodist Epis- copal Church South of this place, took place Monday evening. The services were conducted by Presiding Elder Fitch and assisted in by Bishop H. C. Morrison who delivered the Dedicatory sermon, Bev. Cotton, Rev. Haynes who was presiding elder at the time the church was built, Rev. Roseer, a former pastor, Bev. Pogue and Rev. Cook. The church was filled. Trustees B. F. Willis and Henry Wiley gave the church in- to the keeping of the church of ficials. The building was put up about ten years ago but was not dedicated be cause it was not completed tin just recently. Drain Noma! Notes. Onr school opens with a good attend ance an increase ot 40 per cent over last year's opening. Organization was completed and good hard class work well under way the first week. Classes are organized in physical culture, even to the training department. The "pig skin" is in daily use and basket-ball teams are being organized. We expect to enjoy ourselves in all kinds of athle tics. A somewhat new step is being put in operation whereby the Juniors are to take work in methods of school manage ment thereby better fitting them for the coming year when they are expected to execute their plans in actual teaching. We believe it will be much better for a student to have some of the fundament al and some observation before being al lowed to take charge of classes. Hurrah for basket ball ! Pro. Grant believes in developing along all line of physical culture. Pres. Jos. Safly of the Zamzamian Literary Society has issued a call for a meeting Friday September 25th. Thit Society has accomplished a great deal in the past and its prospects for the future are quite promising as is indicated by the desire among the new students of becoming members. The Y. W. and Y. 51. V. A'.s. gave a reception to the new students and Fac ulty Saturday evening the 19th. Old friends met, new acquaintances were formed. The benefits of such social gatherings are invaluable. Capt. B. D. Boswell, Chairman of the executive committee of the board of re gents was one of our mOBt welcome vis itors this week. Mr. Boswell gave us a short, neat, right-to-the-point1 talk on "Promptness." We appreciate most highly those Tisitors who gave thoughts that endure. Contributed. There; is more Catarrh in this sec ion f the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years wasfenpposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it, incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and there fore requires constitutional treatment, Hall's Cattarah Cure, manufactuaed by F. C. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it failed to cure. Send for circulats and testimon ials. Address, F.J. Cheney &CoToledo, O Sold by Druggists 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Possibly an Extra Session. A.-grave'discrepancy in the tax laws of OreeOn-has been discovered which in all .probability will necessitate a special session 'fit the legislature before theclose of the present year, without remedial legislation, attorneys declare that an entire year's taxes will be lost to the state and to every county, city, town and district in Oregon. The difficulty arises from the attempt of the legisla ture pi lyiw- to amend the tax laws so as to change the date of the annual levy from January to September. Klamath Express. Roseburg Nurseries. Very .choice fruit trees, all leading varieties. Spitzenberg and Yellow New town Pjppin apples a specialty. For sale at very reasonable prices by Rose burg Nurseries, H. Schroten, Roseburg Oregon. 56t D. S. T. West, having accepted soveral old and reliable fiio insurance compa nies, is now prepared to do a general fire insurance business. Insure with him. Office at tho City Hall. 102-tf. Wrlteyour FarmExperlence and Send In 1902 the Southern Pacific Company published a pamphlet entitled "Cali fornia Industries". Itcontiuno.1 pnnct pally tho personal testimonies of experi enced cultivators, 6:ys the Pacific Home stead. A short description of the dif ferent sections was given and following this tho testimonies of fruit growers, dairymen, etc, etc., showing tho number of acres cultivated to oranges, grapes, olives, alfalfa, etc., tho cost to cultivate tho yield per acre and price the products were sold for. This was one of the most practical pieces of literature that could be put out. Mr. W. E. Conian, G. P. A of the Southern Pacific Company, has written the agents of that company in Oregon tl.at it is the intention to get up a similar publication for Oregon and asks that all who are able to givo tho results from their farms, dairies, fruit orchards, berry patches, etc., in Oregon write the results for publication in tho pamphlet. He says he wants only the actual results under favoiable conditions tho same as can be accomplished by any intelligent grower under normal conditions; that is, ho wants only honest representations. Any of our readers in Oregon who will take the time to give their experiences will be doing the com pauy a courtsey and the state justice You mav send vour statement to Mr Soman, or to the Plaindeal and it wil forwarded to hiu Facts. Mr. Man, you want facts. We are going to give you facts. As you read them over you will know they are facts And we can prove they are facts. Ik is a fact that McCormick Hinders, Mowers and Rakes are the standard by which all others are guaged. It is a fact, Racine Buggies, llpcks and Raid Wagons are far outstripping our competitors' lines. It is a fact that the Bain Wagon is tho most successful, durable and economical wagon on the market. It is a fact that the above are all in cluded in the Big 3. You can find them at S. K. Sykes', Roseburg, Ore. See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co. for blue prinU and filing papers, ti For Trade Small farms in Southern Indiana to trade for Oregon property. H. L. Ball. 33tf. Get your abstracts ot title from J. D Hamilton. He has the only complete set of abstract books in the county, ti Cattle tor Sate. Seven good cows and seven calves, nqntre at this otnee. Fine Farm for Sale. A good 800 acre farm for sale five ailes from Myrtle Creek, 100 acres in cultivation, balance hill, pasture and timbered land. Small orchard, good house, barn and other improvements For price and terms apply to P. T. Mc- Gee, Myrtle Creek, or D. S. K. Buick, Roseburg, Oregon. 2-tf For Sale. 75 lambs and 130 ewes. Merino and Cots wold sheep. Address Paul V. Cuvil- lier, Wardton, Oregon. 71 lni. For Sale. Gold coin winter wheat, white Rus sian side oiU, vetch seed, Sibori an oat yielded 549 bushels per acre 2 years ago, also pure leghorns and plymouth rock fowls, and Scotch Collie puppies, the finest in the land. Address E. A Kedse, Roseburg, Oregon. C6-lm. Piano Buyers. i on will notice that we do not have to be continually striking out for a new make of Pianos. The Needham has been our leader for 14 years and is today leader among the high grade pianos of the world. Some cheap pianos are made high grade simply by getting a boost in the Oregonien or some other leading paper, through those big dealers who think they can, and do make the major ity of people believe it simply because they say so. It doesn't take ink, boost or high commissions to make a good piano, but instead the very best mechanics, and tho very best material such as are always used in Needham pianos. 29-tf T. K. RtClIAItDSO.N', Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon. Th Beit to .Padishah Prlcsd Jmrtltd witeh Has Non-Magnetic Hleta! saw Cam Fully Guaranteed For il br ALL JEWELERS muitnttd Booklet on request, ibowux COLORED FANCY DIALS (0 His New England Wafcli Co. Factor! Wtttrtmry, Cons Oltkes- Ntw York, Chlrifo, su rrucuco. H. Little, DENTIST. j Oa Oakland, Oregon. Professional Cards. J)U. II. L. STUDLE Osteopath ALL, DISKA8K8 TREATED SUCCESSFULLY Phono I Residence 851, (OmcellM Beildence. West Koseburg Otllco : Koora 11 Taylor & Wllso- Block Examination Free. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m. 2 to & p. m. Graduate HUH College ot Ostoopathv .hOKUE M. HKOWN, Attorney-at-Law, Court limine Down stairs nOSEIWRG.ORK Q V F1SHEK, M. D Physician, Surgeon. Office over P. 0. Uoskbuko. 'Phono Main 591. Oregon. Q K.GEO. K. HOUCK, Pbyscian & Surgeon. nfflce Review Bid. KOSEBORU" OREIJON mane. .Main 3i JjJLMEB V. HOOVER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Rohkhuro Okuoon Spcclnt attention giren to Diseases of tho Nos and Tbroat. Office Main St., one door south of City Hall rnnne. aiain sti. W HAY NES. DENTIST, KeTle Building, Telephone No. t. K"3KBPRG- OUKUU M. Crawfoud J . 0. Watso.n Attorneys at Law, Booms 1 A 3. 11 auk BulUlg., ttOHEBUR!, OH t.0" Uo-'ncB before th 0 3 Land Office and ni;uu; v.- - - specialty. US U. SHDPE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, KOSEUL'KG, OR00 Bi:tlue-bc("re U.S. I-and Office and Piobati- business a speclsltT. Offire Abraham Bntldlne. C. KULLEKTOH Attorney-at-Law. Vi 11' iir&ctire in all the Stale and Federal Conru Office In Marks' Rldx.. Hoteburs. Urexou. P W. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law. omi 1 and 1 vcTicw Building. UOSEBORU. OKKUUK J A. BUCHANAN, Notary Public. Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Marstcrs Building. KOSKBUKfJ, O gr J. ROBIN ETT, Attorney at Law. toozn II. Tajlor A wtton Block Kohkbcko. JOHN P. RYAN, CIVIL ENGINEER Laud Surveyor. FRANK RYAN, TIMBER ESTIMATOR Oacc, Room 6. Taylor & Wilson Block. Roseburg. Farmers Attention. The Prf-ard of Trade desires to make an exhibit of agricnltnrial and horticul tural products at the State Fair, and request the farmers to bring in sici mens of fruit in Its season, and grain sampler, not exctediof: 10 pounds of each variety, up to Sept. 10th send at our expense, and oblige. Rosebcrg Board of Trade. 6C-U. Smith' Dandruff Pomade Stops itching scalp npon one applies tion, three to six removes all dandruff and will stop falling hair. Price 50c. For salo by Marsters Drug Co. mltf AMERICA'S GREATEST WEEKLY. THE TOLEDO BLADE, TOLEDO, OHIO. New and LargcrBuildlnp, New Presses' New Stereotype Plant, New and Modern Appliance in every Department. The Toledo Blade is now installed in its ne building, with a modern plant and equipment. aud facilities equal to any publication between New York and hlcago. It is the onlr Weekly newspaper edited exprCfsl y for ever; state and territory. The News of the World so arranged that busy people can more easily comprehend than by reading cumbersome colums of calllea All current topic maac plain in each Issue by special cdltoral matter, written from Inception down to date Tho only paper published cped ally for i coplowhodoordo not read dally news paper, and yet thirst for plain facts. Ibat this kind of a newspaper Is popular, is proven by the fa t th..t the Weekly Blade now baa over U0,tW yearly subscribers, and Is circulated Iu all tart of the L'.S. In addition to the news the l'.i-i Jc pub'Mics short and serial stories and manv dvpamacnt of matter suited to every member of ih.- family. Only one dollar a year Wrue for ircespeclmm copy. Addresss THE BLADE, Toledo, Ohio. THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD The Greatest Farra Paper of the North west. Published weekly at Salem. Ore gon. Edited by tbe Farmers of the Northwest. Twenty Tagcs. Illustrated. A WESTERN PAPER FOR WESTERN PEOPLE 5 Papers for $i oo. Less than sets each Publication began March 1, 1900. Now has o. loo subscribers. Phenomenal growth is due to Its being tho best farm puper pub llihcd. YOU SHOULD READ IT HOMESTEAD AND PLAINDEALER $2.75 A YEAR. ItlClltlllSmSvCsirvM BARBER SHOP, For a Prompt and Firat-claaa 8haveor Hair-cut. Compe tent Workmen, Cloan Tow elo, Toole alwayBin flhape. i Z Baths in Connect 1c n. i i Hhopon JackeonSt. 1 Q to . .. iff. H. WOODRUFF Soelety Meetings. A.1 F. A A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13. Holds regular meetings on second and f nrth Wednesdays ol each month. O. P. Cosiiow, W. M. N. T.JKWkTr, Secretary. AO. U. W.-R Meets the st i days of end; Roseburg Lodge No. 16. second and fourth Mon- ch month at 7:80 d. m.. In th I. O. O. F. Hall. Members in good ntandine are invited to attend. F.M Toziaa M. W. E. II. Lk.noi Recorder. D. .8 Wkht, Financier. B. P O. ELKS. Roseburg Lod tie No. 320. Holds regular communica tions at I O. O. F. Hall on second and fourth Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend regu larlv and all vititing brothers are cordi ally invited to attend. F. B. Wa.tk, E. R. Rov McClallfn, Secretary. CO. E. FOURTH REGIMENT. O I . N. (i , meets at Armory Hall every v Thursday evening, at o o clock. F. B. Hamlik, Capt. D EGREE OF P0N0R. Myetic Lodge No. 13. Mets 2nd and 4th Thurs day evenit.o of each month in Na tive W-.ins' tiail. M?mng members cor dially lvittd to attend. Mrs. Mkwt Wkst, C of H. E. H. LsNNox.Rec. f. OF A. Court Dunglas No. 32, For esters ol America. Meets every Tupwlay ovunlng in Native sons' ViMitingb'ntherH always welcome S. W.VanZiuc 0. R. E II Liwox R. P. V. Hoovkb, 1'hruirfan. Hall O. O. F. Philftarian Lodne No. 8 Met-te in Od1 Fallows' Trmnle, cor Saturday evening nl mauIi ek Mem bers of the ordir in ?kx! rmniliiig arr invited to attend. J. C Twiichk l, N. U N.T. JewaTr. Secretary. k: ol P. Alpha Lodgr No 47. Mi-- every i"dneedit , in I. O U. r Hall n'. 7:31 u. m. MwiiIhti tn good et anding are invited to attend. Geo. E. Home. S.V. RampK R. 8. O.T. M. Protection Tent No. 15. Holds its regular Reviews the first and third Friday of each month in the I. O. O. hall. Visiting members in good standing are invited to attend. Geo. W. Persy, Com. E. E. Blodgett, Record Keeper. L ILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of Woodcraft. Meeta on Slid and 4th FridajB of each month at tbe Na tive Sine, Hall. Vititing member in rood standing are inriud to attend. Madok Bcciiaxax, Goardian Neighbor. Mi.nsu Orav, Scy. LO. T. SL Roeebom Hive No. 11. Holds ita rnenlar review npon the ff ret and third Fridaj a at 2 :39 p tn of each month in tbe NatiTe Sons' Hall. Sieterv of other Hiree vinting in me city are cordially invited tnattend onr re vIp. Hamr Mokiak L Ox. Ji lc Kapp.R. K. 0.' E. S Rorebnrs Chaptrr No. 8 Holde their regular meeting; on the firtt and third ThundVB In each nonth Vinitinc mmrere in rood lUndit s art- rwpctfnlly invitrd to t- und. Me. Nasxis Spkagcb W M., Macdk Ra.t Secretary. ft' KBEKAHS. Rowbars R-bekab IxmIw No. 41. l.O. O. F.. mi-vis in Odd F-llow(' Temple every Tadj evHiilne. tsitins ttra and hrrthren invited to attend. Dkixa Brown, K. G. COBA WlMBEHLT. R. S. UNITED ARTISAKS. Umpqua As sembly No. 105 meets every Satur day erentne. at 8 o'clock in Native Sons Hall. Visiting Artisans cordially invited to attend. Ret. S A. Docqlas, M. A, Miss. Lcla Brows, Secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD.-Oak Camp No. 125. Meets at the O ld Cllva' IT1I n Rnudnr. nmrr Qrst and third Monday evenine. Visit ing neighbors alway" welcome. T. Jewett, U. V. J. A. Rcchanan, Clerk. UNION ENCAMPMENT, I. O. O. F. Odd Fellow's Temple. Meeta first and third Thursday evenings each month. Visitors cordially invited. J. B. Hamilton, C. P. J. C. TwrrenrLL, Scribe. MRS. H. EASTON MRS. H. EASTON i is i repared to wait upon old and ne w customers anu friends with a lull and complete stock of GROCERIES- All fresh and of the very beet quality. Teas aad coffees are specialties Your patronage solicited. ao5 Jackson St., Roseburg Your Watch! When was it cleaned and oiled? Is it running like it ouht to? If is not, it would bo well to havo it ex amined, I will look it over carefully .ind tell you just whero the trouble it land what it will cost to repair it. 1 cuarantee all my work and live up to tho guarantee. R. F. W1NSLQW Jed Homes from $250 to $5000 Write or 'Phono Wm. M, Porter, Real Estate Agent and Notary Timber and Homestead Locator Packer and Qulde Camas Valley, Oiegon 25 mile south weat ol Boseburg SUMMONS. Id the Circuit Court ot the State of Omron. lor Douglas County. Mollle X. Roblson, Plaintiff.) TS. S O. F. Roblson, Defendant. I To O. F. Kobison, tbe abore named Defend ant: In the name ol the State ot Oreron. tnu are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint filed aialnst you in the above entitled court and cause within six weeks from tbe date of tbe first publication of this summons, and If you fall to appear and answer as herein required, tor want thereof. the plaintiff will apply to said curt for tbe relief demanded in her complaint, which Is for a decree from said court dlssoWlnz tbe marriage contract exutlnr between plaintiff ana ueienaam, lor me care ana custody or the minor child, Brennan Roblson. that she may resume h'-r former name, Mollle M. Mc clain, for her costs and disbursements, and for such other and (uriber relief as to tbe court may seem meet with equity and good conscience. This Summons Is published once a we k for at least six successive weeks in the ruisncsb ir, a teml-wcekly newspaper published at Koseburg, ureson, riy order ol Hon. M D, Ibompson, County Judge of Douglas County, Oregon, made August 21. 1903. Tbe first publication ot this summons la oa me zun asy ot August, isuj. J.A BUCHANAN 64-7w Attorney for Plaintiff, CITATION. In the County Court of tho State of Oregon, forDouclas county. In tbe Matter of the Estate ofi Thomas Dunseatb, Citation. Deceased. J To Thomas Dunseatb, father of deceased, and all others legally lnlmted tn said Estate, GREET1NU: In the name of the Stale of Oregon. You are hereby cited and require! to snpear In the County Court of the Utate of Orrgon. fo- the Conntr of Douglas. In trie courtroom thereof, at Koseburg, in tbe County of Douglas, on Monday, the 28th day of Sept., 1003. at 10 o'olock in the trfrenoon of that day. then and there to show cause. If any you bare, why an oraer lor me aaie oi me real property be longing to said estate, aa prayed for in the peti tion of E. E. Wflsqn, the administrator, to-wit: Tbe EViof SV!V of section SO. Tp 32 south, of range & west, W. M in Douglas county. Ore- ton, ana containing wj acres, snouia not De made authorizing E. E. Wilson, tbe adminis trator of tbe rslste ol Thomas Dunseath. de ceased, to sell tbe alotessid real property, at either public or private sle, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness of the estate and ex pense ot admlnlttrallon. Witness the Hon. M D. Thompson. Judge of the County Court of tbe Stale of Oregon, for the County of Douglas, with tbe heal of s.ld Court affixed this 2Mb lay of August, A V, 1MB. Attes : D. R, 811X31 BROOK. Cltrk. riUj a27. Notice for Publication. Land Office al tt-rcburg. Orocon. September If.. ISUX Notice Is hert-by glreu that the toll wing named s ttler bs filrd notice o his Iri'rnil ti to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made lfore tbe Kegls ter and Receiver. U. 8. 1 O. at Boseburg, Ore gon, on November 7. lScn, vis: David Comstfk, . on Ud. X. No. SSIB. lor the "W 8 WW. Sec M. T. 77 S., R. i West. I lie names the fobowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, tU: Theodore Littrtll. Elmer Uttreil, George Cox, and Volner Oden, all of Kotetiurg, Ore-oa. J. T. BaiDota, Register. Notice for Publication. U. 8. Land OfSce, Koseburg. Ore.. Juue Slh, IsCJ Nolle 1 tsrsfcy gtvaa that la compliance with Ihs provisions of Its act of Congress of Jnnsl. iri, saUUtd"Anact for tbs sal of timber lands tn lb States of California. Ongca Ksvada .and Washington Territory," as extnd d to all th ueU land ttaUs by act of Auguat , ltw. Oscar Peterson, of Spokane, eounty ot Hpokane, state of Wash ingv n, has this aay bled tn this oSr bis sworn latment No. SOI, for the purchase oi the NEnf section No. s, townships south, of range west. aad will otter proof to show ttat th land sought is more valoabl for IU timber or aion than for agricultural purpose, and to establish hit claim be!or th egisur and Ktcelvtr ol thU eillc of Roesborg, Oregon. on Wednceday. tbe llth day of November, 1S31 He names as wltowrs: Andreaw Erickson, of riandreu. Foolh Dakota. J. W. Gardner. W. II. McCrosn. and Geo. Taylor, all of &ose- Knrv. Omflti. Any and all pe-sons claiming adversely the 1 above described lands are requested Ut file their rlaiiss In this oOce on or before sai l 11th day of November, 1901. J.T. Bainscs, Register. Notice for Publication. V S. Land Office. Eiborx,re lone -J3, 1 Ail Nolle u litre by gtvan that In conpllsnc with lh provisions of th act of Congren ot Jone 3. 1ST, eatlilrd "An act tor the sal ot Umber lands in tt stales of Callfornia.Oregon Nevada 3ad Washington Territory." asexsend 4 to all th public land state by act ot August C.1W1 Archibald K. Wadce. of Wales, county of Cra!ler. slate ot North us tola, aas tnis day tliea in tai osice hit sworn sutetaent No SUb. for the SWJi of sec tion No i township 3 south, of range a west, aad will offer proof to show that th land sought Is more valuabl for lu Umber or stoc tn for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before th Begister aad Bcetvr ct UUs otflc ot Bonburr.Ores-Qn. on Thursday, the l?th day of November, 1903. He names as witoees: Thomas Wadre. O. E. Lofihns, both ot fark Blver. N Uakou. Brynlolf I'rom. of Milton. N. Dakota, and K- doi K. Ktone. ot Alexandria, lilnn. Anr and all terson claiming adverselv the above d ctrri bed lands are requested to file th elr claims in this office oa or before said litb d ay of November. 1901, J. T. HKIDGXS, Kcguier. Notice for Publication. D SITED STATES I.ANO OFFICE, Roa burg Oregon. June 29. WT. Norlcats hereby given that tn compUane) with theprovlsiona of the act of Coagro ot June 2. iJTSj enUUed "An act for th sale of Umber lands In the States of California. Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory." as extend ed to all th public land staus by act ot August t, lWi BRYNJOLF PROM, of Milton, county ot Cavalier, state of North Pakota. ha this dar filed in thisjoffice his sworn statementTNo. for the purchase of theSEK of sec No, t.Tp 2S south of range 8 west, and will offer proof to show that th land sought ts more valuable for lu timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before th Register and Becelvvr of this ettlc of RoMbtux, Oregon, on Friday, the Ulh day of December, 1901. Be namrs as witnesses: Thomas Wadce. of Park Hirer, North' Dakota. Archibald K. Wadge. wale. North Dstota. Kasmu. H. stone. Alex andria. Minnesota, O. E. Loflhtu, Park River, North Dakota. Any and all person claiming adversely the aooveuescriDed lanas are requcstea to nie inei claims tn this office on or before said ISth day of December, 1901. J.T. BRIDGES, Register. Notioo for Publication. UNITED 8TATEH LAND OFFICE. Roseburg, Ore,, Jane 29, 1903. Notlc ts hsrtby given that in complianc) with th provisions ot th act of Congress of Junes, )STS,nUtltd "An act for th talof timber lands In th States ot Calif ornta, Oregon Navada .and Washington Territory," aaaxtand d to all Ut pttbll land atat by act ot August OLE E. LOFTHCS, ot Park River, eountr of Walsh. sUta ol North Dakota, has this day filed in this office his worn statement No. 4137, for the purchase ot the .VS ot ine M oi lection .to. iu. township 's, south of range S west and will offer proof to show that th land sought la mora valuable for tta timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim befor th BeglsUr and Kaoslrsr ot this ettlc ot Roa burg, Oregon, on Thursday, the tih day ot November, 1903. He names aa witnesses: Thomas Wadge, t Park River, North Dakota, Archibald E Wadgr, Walts, North Dakota, Rasmus M.Stone. Alex andria, Minnesota, Brynjolf Prom, of Milton, North Dakota. Any and all persons claimlngly adversely the above described landa aro requested to tile their claims In this office on or before said 19th day of November, 1903. J. T. BRIDGES, RcgWter. TIMBER AND GRAZING LAND City and Mining PropertJ, Home steads and Timber Claims Located, the best now vacant. No fees paid until Filing accepted. Relinquish ments bought and sold. ; : : ; Stewart Land Co., Rooa 4, Tayler & Wilsoa Bleck ROSEBUIiG OREGfN If you want to buy a farm If you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If you want to rent a house if you want to build a house If you want to move a house If yon don't know PAT Call on or address . . F F. pattefgon, f List Your Ranches aad Lands with me. : I I HAVE EASTERN CUSTOMERS SELL 1 AN D CAN XXJOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC i AQENCV iRambler Bicyles obooooooooooo: sssiisBssssssBR?ESS&i5!siss BBBBBBBBBBKSBBBBBBfciaBBBBBBBBMSHI White Family and Tailoiiffl'g Rotary Sewing Machines. Machines With Automatic Lift. S. K. SYKES, Agent For DOUGLAS AND COOS COUNTIES : KID GRAND THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Scener' by da3light TO -AT iT i IFOnSTTS ELA.ST 3 FAST TRAKS DAILY BETWEEN WKS AXB 8ESTEI 3 Modern Equipment, Through Pullman and Tourist Sleep ing Cars and Superb Dining Car Service. STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, folders and -aer formation, aildrwm Notice for Publication Cnlted States Land Office. Rjcburg. Oregon. June 22, iscl. Notlc ts hereby given that tn complianc with th provisions of the act of Congress ot Juna 3. iSTS. entitled "An act for the sale ot Umber lands In the State ot California. Oregon Nevada. aad Washington Territory," as exund d to all th publlo land slat by act of Angus WILUAM J. ENTRKS5. ofOshkosh, county ol Winnebago, State o W:.,has this day Bled in this office his sworn statement Nn, S&O. for the purchase ot the E'i Sh?,'. SWi SEK. SEU SVTX ot sec tion 4 in Township si South. Range 4 Weat, and will otter proof to show that th land sought ts more valuable for Its timber or ston than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before th Register and Kcelrr ot UUi oUlca of RoMbnrg, Oregon, oi Monday, the lh day ot September, 1903 He name as witnesses: Roy Brennand. Frank F. KoplIU, Martin Rasmuven. and Herman Hartxhelm, ol Oshkosh, Wiscvnsin. Any and all petsons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said SSth day of September, 1903. JTBRIIX1K-", JulylCp. Register. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Rosebnrg. Ore , June !9, 1903. Notice is hereby given tbat tn complianc with the provisions of the act of Congresa ot June 3, 1S.S, enUtled "An act for the sale ot Umber lands In the Slates of California. Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all th public land states by act ot August 4,1392. THOMAS WADGE, of Park River, county of Walsh, state ot North Dakota, hat this day filed tn this office his sworn statement No. &I39, tor the pur chase of the lota land 2, SV, NK& of section No. 4, township 23, south of range S west and will offer proof loshow that the land sought U more valuable for tit timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Register and Receiver f this attic ot Roburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 13th day ot November. 19CS. Ho names ss witnesses: Brynjolf Pmm.of Mil tun. North Dakota, Archibald E. Wadge, ot Wales. North Dakota. Rasmus M. Stone, of Alexandria. Minn.. O. K. Lttauj, ot Patk River North Dakota. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested t file their claims in thii office oa or before said lath day of Nov. 1903. J. T. BRIDGES, Ro.istcr. Notice for Publication. UNITED SEATES LAND OFFICE. Roscborg. Ore.. June 29. 1903. Notlc is hrby given that In complianc with the provisions of th act of Congress ot JuneS, )5T8. entitled "An act for the sal ot Umber lands In th States ot Callfornla,Orgon Nevada .and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all th publlo land slates by act of August 4.U93. RASMUS M.STONE, ot Alt-xandrla, county ot Douglas, state ot Minnesota, has this day filed lu this office bis sworn statement No. 5t3 frr tliv purchae of the SVj NWJf, NU swj4ot sec tion No. H township , south of range $ west, and will otter proof to show that the land sought Is more valuabl for It Umber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish ht claim bafore th Register and Receiver ot this of f lc ot RoMburg, Oregon, on WtdiiOMlay, tuo lslu uav ot November, 1901 Ho names as wltui ats: Thomas Wadu-. O. E. Lolthus, both of Park Klvcr, North Dakota. Archibald E. U Vc!,ie. ot Wale. North Dakota Brynjolf Prum.nt Mi. ton North Dafcota. Auy Hnd all purMins claiming adversely the above desctirx-d la ds aro requested to file their i-Ulma In this office nor beloro the said ISth day of November, 1913. J.T. BR1DGXS, Register. I Contractor sad BaMder Becebsrg Oregon. m R. R. JOHNSON, OFFICE IS MARKS BLOCK, ROSEBURG, OR. ICYCLE REPAIRING BRAZING LATHE WORK HARRY E. niLLER, 7ll Oak St., Opp. Churchill & Woo Key ' If Ifs a WHITE It's ALL RIGHT White Is W. C McBRIDE, Oea'l Ajmk, la -4 Third Street. Portlaad. Ore Notice for Publication. United ?Utes Land OtBce. Roseburg. Oregon. June U, 1903. Notice is hereby glvstsx la coapUaae with the provision of th act ot Coogrta tt JnneS.l$TS.nUUed"Anact tor th sal c ttoter lands tn th StaOes of California, Oregess Nevada Aad aahlngton Territory." as axtassW d to all th publle land auta by actotAngnsal 4.U32. BENRT H. BROOKES, ot Roseburg. County ot Dooxiax. Slat of Ore gon, baslnlsday fied i a thU .office hi rwara statement No. Mf. for the porchas ot tht NKHotwUonS, township tJd. range 4 we aad wOl otter proof to show that thlaad socg4 ts more valuable for tta Umber or atona tfcaa for agricultural purposes, and to (Stabllah ate lata before th Keclster and Saealvar of t&M mot ot Roavbuxz, Ortfua. on Friday the Stn day ot September, 1903. H nasui aa witnese; George Keed, H. U Studley. Margaret J. Brookes, IX. P. Flshr. all ot Roseburg, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely lh above described land are requested to fil their claim in this office on or before the SSth day ot September. 1903. J.T. BRIDGES. JulyHp Reglst Notice for Publication. United Sutea Land Office. Roseburg, Oregon. Jnne S. tXS. Notlc u hereby given that tn eompllanet) with th provisions of th act ot Oongres W June3,lS7S,nUUed,Anact for th sal ot Umber land tn th State ot Calltora!,Oregoas Nvada .and Washington Territory." atn4 d to all th publl land sts.Ua by act otAuraat 4. 1393. MARY E. CLARK, ot Oshkosh. R. D. Box 1ST, county ot. Wtna bagj. State ot Wisconsin, has this day. filed tn this office her sworn statement No. K1, tor the purchase ot the NWC 8WJ4" NEJC NWlf SKi of Sec 2, Tp 2S S. R. 4 W, stsd wtli offer proof to show that the land aongnti mora valuable for Its Umber or ston than tar agrt cultural purpose, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver ot this office at Koseburg. Oregon, on Monday the 2Sth day jot September. UftJ, She name as wttneoc: CD ClartctMarUa Rasmuen, Ue'man Hartibelm, sad Kor Bnnnad, ot Oshkosh. Wt.eonsin. Any and all persons claiming adversely tta above described lands are requested toll lfelr claims In this otnre on or before taidatth 4iy ot September, 1903. J.T. BRIBGE8, Juty Up Register. Notice for Publication. United States Land. Office Rosebarg. Oreeon. JanaJC U0S. Nolle u hereby gtvaa that la eepUaa with th provisions ot tha act et Caasres Juna S, JS7S. enUtlsd "An act tor Ustssal mt Umber lands ta th States ot Call fore, Oregwa. Ntvada jmd Washington Tarrltory," saaxUaiV d to all th yublU land state by set.Anal 4, 139S. JOHN U WATSON, of Glide, county ot Dsiuglaa, f uto at, Oregon, ha this day fllnl la this offlco hi swsn state ment, No. 3320, for the purchase ot the lota S and 4, SWJf, SVt MY SWJX. ol seeUoa . In towmnlp south, ot ranc 7 west, and will otter proof to show that th Uad sougkt la more valuable tor tta Umber or asona thaa for agricultural purposes, and to nTofTin ala claim before tc Register asd Rsoslvvc oi 1X1 ottlc of llOMbuxg, Oragoa. .ti i'ucay tuo ti ua ot Svpteasber, 1931 Heuaturaas witnesses; II. I. Kn,L Jnhn Oarduer.J.hn Greenman. and K. J. Walson, an hi i evi, uirgon. Any and all persona claiming adversely th Mve described landa an reonestnl to It thrlr claim In this office oa or beore aaisb 22nd day OlStpt, 1903. J. T.BKIBUha. The King JuljlSp Siguier.