The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 07, 1903, Image 6

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Exhibits and Fast Racing Will
Draw Large Attendance.
Prospects for the coining Oregon
State Fair, to be held in September 1
14 to 19, are most flattering. The !
fair will exceed in the line of exhibits
and attendance any state fair held
heretofore in Oregon. The abundant
crops insure a splendid showing of
grains, and the fact that the commis
sioners to the St. Louis exposition are
co-operating to secure the best that
is shown here for use next year
means that the exhibits, especially in
the agricultural line,
Will De 01 ine .
very best. The live stock department I
too Dromises better this vear than !
4 -
any preceding year.
Brwders .ire
preparing large exhibits in this de
partment which has caused the As
sociation to build a large number of
stalls. Governor Sparks of Reno,
Kev., is sending a very fine herd of
Hereford cattle from his Alamo Stock
Farm, which will meet competition in
herds shown by C. B. Wade, of Pen
dleton, A. J. Splawn, of North Yaki
ma, George Chandler, of Baker City,
Gilbert & Patterson, of Salem. In
the Shorthorn section exhibits will be
made by Charles E. Ladd,C. B. Wade,
W. 0. Minor, Metsker & Klemgard
and others.
The racing will be made a feature
of this years fair. A large number
of high class horses have already
made their entries, coming from Cali
fornia, Montana, Colorado, Idaho,
Washington and British Columbia.
The two big stakes of $2000 will
arouse keen competition. These are
the largest stakes ever raced for in
the Northwest and the best horses
will compete for them that have ever
been seen on the circuit. The grounds
are in splendid condition and the
beautiful oak grove will furnish plenty
of shade and comfort for a week's
outing. The buildings are all in
splendid condition, and the new show
building will furnish comfort to hun
dreds of spectators who wish to see
the judging of live stock.
Fruitgrowers Convention Saturday.
Jacksonville, Or., Sept 2. Sat
urday of this week a fruitgrowers'
convention will be held in Jackson
ville under the auspices of the Rogue
River Fruit Growers' Union and the
Jacksonville Board of Trade. There
is every assurance that there will be i
a large attendance of those interest
ed in the fruit industry. The meet
ing will be held in the Courthouse
Park, which will be splendidly fitted
up for the occasion, and will be ad
dressed by some of the leading frnit
authorities in the state.
Roseburg Nurseries.
Very choice fruit trees, all leading
varieties. Spitzenberg and Yellow New
town Pippin apples a specialty. For
sale at very reasonable prices by Rose
burg Nurseries, H. Schroten, Boseburg,
Oregon. 56tf
Mr. Man, you want facts. We are
going to give you facts. As you read
them over you will know they are facts.
And we can prove they are facts.
It is a fact that McCormick Binders,
Mowers and Rakes are the standard by
which all others are guaged.
It is a fact, Bacine Buggies, Hrcks
and Road Wagons are far outstripping
our competitors' lines.
It is a factjthat the Bain Wagon is the
most successful, durable and economical
wagon on the market.
It is a fact that the above are all in
cluded in the Big 3. You can find them
at S. K. Sykes', Roseburg, Ore.
See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
for blue printi and filing papers, tf
For Trade Small farms in
Indiana to trade for Oregon
H. L. Ball.
Get your abstracts ot title from J. D
Bamilton. He has the only complete
eet of abstract books in the county, tf
Just arrived from the factory a car
oad of tbe celebrated Page fence, which
is cheaper than a board fence and will
last a life-time and is put up to your
6atisaclion without extra cost
It is
used and endorsed by the leading men
of this county. For circulars and prices
ddress Stearns & Chenoweth, Oakland,
Ore., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly
Painting and Paper Hanging
John Miller, of Hagerstown, Washing
ton County, Maryland, nas located in
Roseburg, and he is a thorough master
of his art and prepared to do all kinds
of painting, paperhanging, graining, and
aHorative naintine in the highest style
ag practiced by first class workmen on
the Atlantic Coast. If you want tne
very latest artistic work- ne wm oe pieas
, . r i ,)
Urst class
slve lor low ,wra
work. Call on him at oW Mosier street
or drop a letter through the post office
and he will quickly respond. lb-tl
Reduced Summer Excursion Rates
The Denver and Rio Grande, popular
lv known as the "Scenic Line of the
World" has announced greatly reduced
round-trip rates from the Pacific Coast
fnr the benefit of teachers who
will spend their vacation in the East,
and of delegates to all the promtnen
Conventions X. E. A., at Boston; A
0. U. W., at St. Paul; B. P. O. E, at
Rnltimore: Woodmen of America at
Indianapolis; Eagle , at New York;
Mystic Shrine, at Saratoga Springs;
K. of P.. at Louisville, and T. P. A., at
Tickets at the reduced rates will be
based upon one fare for the round trip,
but will be sold only on certain days.
These tickets will carry stop-oyer
privileges on the going trip, giving
passenge're an opportunity to visit Salt
Lake City, Glenwood Springs. Colorado
springs ana ienver ; ana gwu
to return anv time within ninety (90j
days. Passengers going via the Denver
and Rio Grande are Riven the? privilege
of retnrnine via a different route.
For the rate to the point you wish to
bo, and for dates of sale and other par-
uculars, as weu aa ior musiraieu pam
phlets, write
W. C. McBeide, General Agent
124, Third St., Portland.
Fine Farm for Sale.
A rood 800 acre farm for sale five
miles from Mvrtle Creek. 100 acres in
ultivation, balance hill, pasture and
timbered land. Small orchard, good
house, barn and other improvements
For nrice and terms apply to P. T. Mc-
Gee, Myrtle Creek, or D. S. K. Buick,
Roseburg, Oregon. 2-tf
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding city warrants "endorsed prior to
Nov. 7, 1901, are requested to present
i the same to the city treasurer for pay
! mpnt. ns interest will pease hereon after
the date 0f tj;g notjce.
Dated Koseburg, Oregon, July S 1903.
H. C. Sloccm, Jr.
City Treasurer.
Farmers Attention.
The Board of Trade desires to make
an exhibit of agriculturial and horticul
tural products at the State Fair, and
request the farmers to bring in speci
mens of fruit in its season, and grain
samples, not exceeding 10 pounds of
each variety, up to Sept. 10th send at
our expense, and oblige.
Roseburg Board of Trade.
New and LargerBuIlding, New Presses"
New Stereotype Plant, New
and Modern Appliance in
every Department.
The Toledo Blade Is now Installed In Its new
building, with a modern plant and equipment,
and facilities equal to aDy publication between
Kew York and Chicago. It 1b the only Weekly
newspaper edited eipressly for every state and
territory. Tho News of the World so arranged
that busy people can more easily comprehend
than by reading cumbersome columofcailiea
All current topic maae plain In each Issue by
special cdltoral matter, written from Inception
down to date. The only paper published especi
ally for people who do or do not read daily news
papers, end yet thirst for plain facts. Ibat
this kind of a newspaper Is popular, Is proven
by the fa"t that the Weekly Blade now has over
19O.C0O yearly Bubncrlbers, and is circulated In
all carta of the U. 8. In addition to the newt
the Blade publishes short and serial stories, and
many department of matter suited to every
member of the family. Only one dollar a year-
Wnte lor free specimen copy. Addresss
Toledo, Ohio.
Piano Buyers
You will notico that we do not have
to be continually Ptrking out for a new
make of Pianos. The Seedhara has been
nnr loader for 14 veara and is today a
... 4i. i.8i. i,. ; nf
1CUUC1 UlilUUg Hid illn 4iww r...v -
trie worm, come cneap imuiua iu iiiauo
high grade simply by getting a boost in
the Oregonirn or some other leading (
paper, through those big dealers who
think they can, and do make the major
ity of people believe it simply because
they say so. It doesn't take ink, boost
or Inch commissions to make a good
piano, but instead the very best
mechanics, and the very best material
such as are always used in Needham
pianos. 29-tf
1. IV. lUClIAHUSU.-t,
Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Professional Cards.
I Residence 851. Residence.
Wesi Roebutg
Office : hoom U Taylor A Wllso- Block
Rumination Free. Office hours 9 to 12 a. tn. '
to 5 p.m.
Graduate Still Collcseo! OitcODathv
Attorney-a t-Law,
Court Bouse
Down Stairs.
PhTsician, Surgeon.
Office over P. O. Roskburq,
Phone Main 591. Oregon.
Physcian & Surgeon.
Office Review Hla.
Phone. Main SI
Roseburo Oregon
Special attention given to Disease ol the Xo
and Throat.
Office Main St-.onedcor south ol City Hsll
Phone. Main Ml. ' '
Renew Building.
Telephone No. 4.
Attorney at Law,
Kooels 1 & S, Marsters Bldg., BOSSBURB. Ub
EBuilnesbeIore the U 8 Land Office and
rninlnc cases a specialty.
Late Receiver U. S. Land Office
Bnslnn before U
8. Land Office and Probate
builnets a specialty,
Office Abraham Building.
Wll' pracUce in all the Bute and Federal Courts
Office tn Marks' Blda.. Roseburg. Oregon.
oms 1 and 2
review Building.
J A. BUCHANAN, Notary Public.
Collections a Specialty.
Marsters Building.
Attorney at Law
Koom 11.
Taylor Wilson Block
RoMKBCtiO. Oru
, ,
Land Surveyor.
Office, Room 6. Taylor tt Wilson Bloek. :
Roseburg. ,
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Coart ot the State of Oregon,
for Douglas County
Chas. M. Close, riaintlfT, '
Geo. W, Riddle, Helen G.
Riddle, his wile, Famuel I'.
I'armley, Clara S. Tarmley,
bis wile, Walter P. Riddle,
John B. Riddle, T. Stilley
Riddle, Jane Wllon, Artcne
cla Meriman. Maria Bealle,
Isabel Nichols, and Delia .
Crawford. Defendants.
Notice Is hereby given that bv virtue nf an
Execution duly Issued onto! aud under thereat
ol the above entitled court, in the above enti
tled cause, to me duly directed and dated the
30th day of June, 1903. upon a judgment ren
dered and entered in said court on the 11th day
ol October, 1!2, In lavor ol Chas. M. CIom;,
Plaintiff, and aracst the deleudant Walter -.
Riddle and. Fred Riddle, lor tbe sum ol ftt.fio
costf, with interest thereon at 6 per cont per
annum from tbe 11th day of October, 1902, and
the costs of and upon this writ, I did on the
2Sthlay ol July, IW3, dnlv levy upon tho fol
lowing described leal property, to-wlt:
Lots number 10 aud 11 of Block number 11
and lots number 1 and 2 of block number 12,
of the town ol Riddle, Douglas county, Oregon
together with all and singular the tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or In any irijo appertaining.
Now tnerelorc I will on
SATURDAY, theivth day of August. 190U.
at oue o'clock p. in., of said day at the court
house front door, in Roseburg, Douglas county,
Oregon, sell at pnbhc auction to tho highest
bidder lor 0. H. gold coin, cash in hand, all
the nubt, title and lutercst the said defendant
Waller a. Riddle and Kred Riddle had In aud to
tbe aboyc described real property, or any part
tbereol, to satisly said execution, Interest and
accruing costs.
Dated Roseburg, Oregon, July 28 1903.
Sheriff ol Douglas county. Oregon.
C 1 4,. . IRt.ln. ! TvTrS.- Vn UhK innMnn
ouMioiv (iiBBviuuai IX U like 1U1 X uuiicanuui
F. & A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
HoMh regular meetings on second
nnd f urth Wednptdtva ol eticb
month. O. P. Cositow. W. M.
Jbwett, Secretary.
O. U. W. Rosebnrg Loiluf No. 1C.
Meets the second and fourth Mori-
I days ol eacti montn at t :;hi p. m.,
in the I. O. O. F. Hall. Members in
siood Rtandiou am invited to attend.
F. M Tozikk M. W.
E. II. Lenox Recorder.
D. .S West, Financier.
T. O. ELKS. Konehiiri; Lodge No.
3'Jti. Holda regular communica
tions at I O. 0. F. Hall on t-econd
and fourth Thursdays of each month.
All member? requested to attend regu
larly and all vieilini; brother are cordi
ally invited to attend.
F. B. Waitk, K. R.
Rov McClalltn, Secretary.
N. G . meets at Armory Hall every
Diorsdav evenitur, at 8 o'clock.
F. R. Haxuk, Capt.
EGREE OF I'ONOR. MyeticLodue
ISO. 13. JJ-etK :
dav eveniLr "f
ml and 4th lliure-
fnr.ii inonin in ."a-1
live Sons' Hall
v. .:. i
lxl.lUi. ujeiiimrie lUI-
dially 1;Uh1 to aiteml.
Mb-. Mkhit Wist. C.of H
E. H. Lknsoz, Rec.
OF A. Oonrt Duiu-lao No. 32, For
esters of Americt Met every
Tueflay evening in Sative Seme'
Vi-i'inghrotherBalwavp welcome
S. W.VanZile C. R.
E. H Lenox. R. 5.
E. V. Hoovita, Phvpician.
O. j. r Plnletariati Loti;e No. a.
M-c in Odd Fellowe TemjOe, cor
ner Jackson and Casi etreetp, on
Satnrtla eveninu ol each wt Mem-
i bers oi
ih nr.Ur in mml aianriiev aia
tlie onler in eoo fianoitut an,
; invnen in Hiien".
Mi? J. C TwirciiEU., N. G
N.T Jkwktt. Secretary
ol P. Alpha Ixxlite No 47. Mee i
every Wwlnefday, in I. O. O. F
Mall 7:30 p. m. 5Iemleri in
eood si ending are invited to attend.
Geo. E. Hocce.
S. V. Ramp K R. 8.
O.T. M. Protection Tent No. 15.
Holds its regular Reviews the
first and third Friday of each
: month in the I. O. O. hall. Visiting
' members in good standing: are invited to
; attend. Geo. W. Pehhy, Com.
; E. E. Blodgett, Record Keeper.
LILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Womea of ;
Woodcraft. Meeta ou 2nd and 4th '
Fridays of each month at the Na-'
tive Sons, Hall. Visiting me nib re in
, rood standine are invited to attend.
Madge Bcchanax, Guardian Neighbor,
i MiMs Otev, Secy.
LO. T. M. Rooebnri Hive No. 11.
Holds its recnlar review npon the
first and third Fridaj s at 2 39 p m
' of each month in tbe Native Son' Hall.
, Sisters of other Hives visiting in me city
i are cordially invited ''attend onr re
. view. Hattie Morian L. Com.
Jessie Rapp.R. K.
E. S Rosebnrp Chapter No. S
Holds their regular meeting on tbe
first otir lliirf Til nraAra in abpK
nontb. Visiting members in good
itsnding are respectfully invited to at
;end. Mrs. Nasxik Spkagce W. M.,
Macde RAtr Secretary
F.BEKAHS. Roseburg
Rebekah ,
Lodge No. 41. l.O. 0. F.. meets in ;
Odd Fellows' Temple every Tuesday
eveninz. Visiting sisters and brethren
invited to attend.
Deixa Brown, N. G.
Cora Wimberlt. R. S.
mmHr Vn ins vrv Cinr.
rt.. . a.w- :A v
i r. " I. ..,.?',. r' ------
sons nan. lsiunc .-truEans coruianv
invited to attend.
Rev. S A. Docglas, M. A.
Miss. Lela Brown, Secretary.
Camn So. 125. Meeia at the Odd
Fellows' Hall, in Boseburt:, every
first and third Mondav evening. Visit
inn neighbors alwave welcome.
S. T. Jewctt. C. C.
J. A. Buchanan, Clerk.
Odd Fellow's Temple. Meeta first
nnd third Thursday evunincs each
month. Visitors cordially invited.
! J. B. Hamilton, C. P.
: J. C. TwrrciiEix. Scribe.
In County Court of Douglas county. State ol
In the matter of estate )
ol S
Martha Woodruff deceased)
Notice Is hereby given that the umlerslcncd
has been by the County Court ot Douglas Coun
ty, Oregon, appointed executors ol the estate ol
Martha Woodruff deceated Whereon all per
sons indebted to tho said estate are ht-reby
notified to make Immediate payment in the
undersigned at their residence In Coles Valley
precinct, Douglas couuty, Orcnon, and all per
sons having claims against the said estate will
prcsentsime verlfleil as by law required with
in six monuis irom uato oi mis notice.
Datet Roseburg, Oregon, Feu. 14th, 1901,
R. A. WootiRCrr,
UCp.) K T. WoonRurr.
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable fire insurance compa
nies, is now prepared to do a general
fire insurance business. Insure with
him. OlDco at tho City Hall. 102-tf.
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, June 18, 1903.
Nolle ii hereby given that In eompllanea
with the provisions of the act of Congresi of
June 3. 1S.S, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in tne mates 01 Lauiornia.uregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the public land tatei by act ol August
i, 18K.
of Roseburg. County ot Douglas. State of Ore
con, bas this ilny flird In this, offlce his sworn
statement So. St-'M, tor ihe purchae ot tho
NE) ol section 8, township 28 8, range i west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for It limber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hli
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
tllco of Roseburg, Oregon,
i on Friday the 25m day ol September, 1808. He
nam's as witnesses: Gt-orge Keed, II. U
stu.lley Margaret J. Brookes, I) I. Fisher, all
ol Roseburg, Oregon.
Any and all rersons claiming adversely tbe
auovenescnoeu laiius are requesieu w me meir
claim In this office on or before the 25th day of
September. 1903.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Kofetmr, Oregon, June 22, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions ol the act ol Congress ol
June3, )7, entitled "An act lor the sale ot
timber lands In tbe Slates ol Callforala.O:eson
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
ed to all the public land stales by act ol August
. 1592.
olOshVosh, R. I). Hoi 1ST. county ot Winne
bago, Mate of Wisconsin. n thlsday filed In
this office her sworn rt t-inent No. &37V. lor
the purchase ol the -?4 S', SWJJ NEJi.'i at.1, 01 ate i ! k n.nna
- nmnl , -hnir thai lh- lm1 innikl ( mnr
! valuable lor Its timber or stone than lor agrl
' cultural purpose, an to establish her claim to
aid land -ctorc the Recl-Ier and Receiver ot
this (S1 e at Ri-etunr. OrfiMi,
n Monday the 2th day teptember. 1S03.
She names as wltmssvs: 0 It ""lark, Martla
Katmu-fen Heman Hartiiietm. and Hoy
Bteotia U.of Oshkosh, Wi c"-n-:n
Any ml all pwrwjns claiming n-'rersely the
at.ive described lands are 'tjn. suit to file tb'lr
clalmsln this office on or before said JSth day
; ol September. 1KB. J. T. BRIDGES,
' Jtuy 16p Register.
Notice for Publication.
l"nltd 5uu-s lnd Office
Riweburc. O renin. June 12, 1SCJ.
Notice is hereby given that In eonpllanot
wlthth provisions ol the act ol O-Pcms ot
June J, S7B, enutlea An act Xot the sale or
Ua)br l4a(f, , thegutesoICaIltoni!a.Oregoa
eva4a And n as hlngton Territory. as extend
ed to all tha public land states by act ol August
4. uaz.
ol Glide, county ol D uzlas. Mate ol Oregon,
has thl ay filed In this office bis sworn state-
xnent. No. 5320, for the p-irchate ! the lots 3
and s. SW NWV. SWjr rjWl. ot section
. tn townihlp 27 south, ol range 1 west,
aad will oiler proo! to show that the land sought
U more valuable lor Its Umber or stone than
lor agricultural purposes, and to establish hla
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
oltlce ol RoMbsrr.Orcgos.
on Tuesday tbe iti day ol September, 1X2.
He nanus as witnesses: II. U Enclea. John
Gardner. John Greenman. and R. J. Watson,
all of Peel, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aVive-descrlbcd lands are rcjuesleil to 13 e their
claims In this office on or beore said 22nd day
of Sept. 190. 1. T. BRIDGES.
JulyiSp Register.
Notice for Publication
Cnl led State Land Office.
Rosebarg. Oregon. June 22. 1X22.
Jfottce ts hereby given that In comptlaace
wlth the provisions ot the act of Congress of
Junes. )S7&,enUlled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Stales of Calllornla. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory." as extend
ed to all tha public land statu by act of Augn
4. 1632.
ofOshkosh, county of Winnebago. State o
Wls-.haa this day Sled in this "office his sworn
statement Nn. SiSO lor tbe purchaae of the
ES SEi. St4 SEV(. SEU SWJf of sec
tion 4 In Township is South. Kan re We,
and will oiler proof to show that the land sought'
Is more valuable for lla timber or stone uua
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
claim before the Register and Receiver of thia
olflcw of Roaaburg. Oregon,
ot Monday, the th cay of September IMS.
He nasres as witsedes: Roy BrcnnanJ.
Frank F. Konllu, Martin Sumnueri. and
Herman Haruhelm. of Osblcoth. Wlrcoosin.
Any and all rson claiming adversely the
above deeribl lands are requested to tile their
claims In this ofiice on or before said fitbdavof
September, I'AW. JTBKIl'E.
July 16p.
Regis ter.
In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon,
for Douglas County.
Mollle M Roblson, Plaintiff.)
vs. I
O. F. Roblsmi. Derendant.)
To O. F. Roblson. the above named lefend
ant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby summoned and required to appear and
answer tbe complaint filed against you in
the abov-entitle! court and nuw within six
weeks Irom tbe date of tbe first publication ol
this ummoD. and II you tail to appear and
' "n,w'r .??? rcQUtred. f?r wan. thereof.
'"SV'i"" " ' 'VK'i
Malmln will am Iv to said c urt lor Ihe
relief demanded Sn her complaint, which 1
. Ior a decree from sa d court dUmlrlnp ihe
marrlace contract exmlnc between pUlnUrT
and deteiiJant. lor the cac and custody of
the minor child. Brennan Koblsou. that hc
may resume h-r former name, Mollle M. Mc
clain. Ior her costs and dlsburscmenla, and
: lor such other and further relief as to the
, court may seem meet with ejuitr and Rood
This summons Is published once a wek for
at lean six successive weeks In the I'ulNDtuL
RR, a seml-wvekly newiipcr published al
Rofebunc. Onxon. by order of Hon. II D.
1 hnmpon. County Judse ol Douglas County,
Oreson, made Auaust 21, 1908.
The drst publication of this summons Iscn
! the 2lth day ol August, 1903.
I fil-'W Attorney for Plaintiff,
In the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Douelas county.
In tbe Mailer of the Estate oh
Thomas Dunseath. Citation.
! Dectacd. )
I ,7Thom,M.Ifr0f,1, ",hrof deceased, and
. .. . .- .vnn.. .... ,i, roiu 4Mia.IT,
In the name ot the Staie of Oregon. You
are hereby cited and require! u appear in tho
Cjunty Court ol the State of Ot.xou, fo- the
County of Douglas, in the courtroom thereof,
at Roseburg, in tho County of Doug!t, on
Monday, the 2Sth day of Sept., 1P03.
at 10 o'olock In th lorenoon of that day. then
an i triere t. slow cause. If any you have, why
an onler lor the Nile ot the
property be
longing to sad estate, as prayed for In tho peti
tion ol h. E. flson, tho, to-wltt
The EUol SWU ol section M. Tp 32 south, ol
range 5 west, tv. M in IKxiglas county. Ore
ton, and containing so acres, should not bo
maile authorizing E. E. Wilson, the adminis
trator ot the '-state ol Tr.omm Dunseath. de
ceased, to sell the aforesaid real proprty. at
cither public or private sle. for the purpose of
paying tho Indebtedness of the estate and ex
pemo ol administration.
Itness tho Hon. M. D. Thompson. Judgo of
the County Court of tho Btato ot Oregon, for
the County of Douglas, with the Peal ot ld
Court alllxcd this 25th Jay of August, A. D.r
Attest: D. R. 8HAHBR00K. Clerk.
l"l a27.