Dr's. Cheadle Jc Johnson, dentists. Mrs. S. M. Kelley was visiting in ; town yesterdav. Of Local Interest. N3 PREMIUM TICKETS GIVEN ON GOODS SOLD AT SALE PRICES. The prune drying will commence at ' Canvoaville next week. FISHER & BELLOWS COMPANY Dr'e. Cheadle & Johnson, dentists. Mrs. D. S. K. Bulck has been visit- j Mrs. Ed. Jennings is campinc at -jug Mrs. X. Carry. j oialla during the reunion. Miss Mand Sheridan has returned to j Mr. V. A. Burr and Maurice Maiden her home in Pendleton. 1 are attendine the reunion at Olalla. Tor plain sewing address or call on ) Misses Blanch and Helen Kiddle, of : Jlrs.Howard near depot. 55-p.3 Riddle, returned home Wednesdav. Ream, of Grants Pass, is visiting j Watcb foj. the -nR o a Mi,Un. -with his father, P. C. Ream. ! ery parlors on Sheridan street, south of I depot. It Mrs. Litchfield, of Portland, is visit ing her daughter Mrs. S. A. Sanford. i Mr. G. VT. charce of the Carter is going to have packing house in North Miss Row "Pmrnitt anil HnrntTiT- vatic i are visiting Miss Lulu Willis "of this ! RoseburS- t 'J-- ! A marriage has been issued to F. H. T. c , , ... . j Goodman and Rose Martindell, oi ULY SALE inc a comfortable and in West Rosebunr. attractive church i Camas Yallev. Miss Xellie Smith, of visiting at the home of 3Iarsters, in this city. Portland, is j g for Portland, Mr C new" ocat,oa H, Otey and son Ray feit last even- where thev will look H. Wollenberg has returned from Berkeley, California, where he has been visiting with his family. Miss Hattie Anderson, who has been working for E. H. Otey, has returned I to her home at Dillard. I Mrs. Walter Cochran, returned Tues day evening from Newport, where she has been for several weeks. H. H. Brookes, Mt Tuesday night for ! Kansas City on a business trip, and will . be gone a week or ten days. j 0. P. Coshow and familv have turned from Glide, where they have been rutticating on their homestead. j Mrs. Geo. Kohlhaeen andjamilv, and j sister, Miss Frank Howell, left yester- i union at Olalla. j In accordance with oui established custom we are now offering some very attractive bargains in Summer Merchandise such as Shirt Waists, Wash Skirts, Sum mer Dress Goods, Ladies' and Children's Hats, etc. In marking these goods down we have not allowed the cost price to interfere with the price we are offering them for. We do not wish to carry these over to next year hence this great reduction. We ask you to inspect these lines and get our prices and if you are not thoroughly convinced that we can save 'OU money we will not ask you to buy. We cam a complete stock of Dry Goods, Clothing Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries etc. If you dont watch J. T. Bryan's show window, you fail to see many of the latest novelties in jewelry. al-lmp. Mrs. W. Jamieson and two sons, Law I rence and Harry, returned Tuesday i evening from Newport, and report hav-' j ting a very enjoyable time. PH ONE 7 311 For sale at a bargain, drop head White sewing machine. The machine is In , Mfcs Mand Ragon, who has been at-1 perfect workinz order. For particul ars tending the Conservatory of mnsk in call at this office. ' Boston for the past few years, returned , . to Roseburc on the delayed train yester- dav to visit her sister, Mrs. J. B. Cawl-field. Miss LaVergne Hoffman, who has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Carle, left for her home in Portland Tuesday morning. FISHER & BELLOWS COMPANY I Dr. J. A. Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Benedick and Mr. and Mrs. McDaniels, i Qn Saturdav evenins, are expected home tomorrow from at- -tending the Presbytery at Marshfield. ! life," 5:16. At the Adventist tent the subject for Friday night will be, "Try the Spirits whether thev be of God." 1 John 4:1. Born of God," vs 7, and on Sunday evening, "Eternal The Only General Merchandise Store in the City .1 I .irs. John .Lane, who has been visit- Mr. H. I. Levencood. of Mvrtle Creek. ing relatives in Coos county for some , has purchased the Cottage "property in time, came up from there last -week and Kinney's addition, and is moving into left for her home in Pierce City, Idaho, j the ame today. The consideration was Tuesday. j $S50 cash. Mr. Levengood is an up-to , ' 1 date progressive citizen and we are glad j The Douglas County Mills will rol 1 , to welcome him to Koscburg. of each week, customers should have Mrs. May burj. Gates is visiting in Rose- Hop-pkking was begun in the Sham brook yards at Umpqua Ferry, Tues-dav. their grists at the mill not later than 11 o'clock, to insure getting it rolled the same dav. al-lm. Engineer and Mrs. James Merrinian 1 i left on this morning's local and will go F. Carnes, who is working the ( lo their farm near Vancover, where thev will remain a few months. The Roseburg Jun k and Hide Co. pays the highest market price for hides, pelts, furs, brass, copper, lead, old rubber. o rap iron of all kinds; old furniture a specialty. Corner of Oak and Rose sstreets, Roseburg. a23-lm. Mr. D ; southern end of the state in the interest ' of the "Harvest Edition" of the States man, is in town and will meet the Board of Trade this eveninc relative to a write up oi the city and county. Tb ' enterprise is exploited bv the S. P. Co., who will distribute the oocooooooooooooooooooooooo O F. W.3ES50S, .i.t JIlKsTERS. H.C.GXLhT, A v Pie Ideal, Vice PreMnt. Cuaier O 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o Douglas County Bank, Established I883. Incorporated 1901 There has been some improvements , made on the Abrahams buiWinc in the way of a new floor in the port office and also the railing is being re publication J moved ami a new one will be replaced. Capital Stock, $50,000.00. BOARD OF DIRECTORS W. BENSON. R. A. BOOTH J. H. ItOOTH. J. T. BRIIXiSS I KEIX1. A. MARSTER-S K. L MILLER. every through the East with a view to securing : a valuable immicration to the state. Miss Ella Brumfield, of Haubstadt , Indiana, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Chas. Patrick, for the last eleven -months, left for her home on Sunday j mornings overland. She was' mucb , pleased with our Western country. j We learn with regret that Attorney : 3. A. Sehlbrede has decided to locate in ' Portland where he will enter the practice of law. Mr. Sehlbrede and family are among the best known and popular of Boseburg people, and their departure . will make a vacancy in social and relig-1 ious circles which will not soon be filled, j The building on the Soldiers Home grounds which had been only partially completed, is being finished up and will soon be ready for use. Sixty old soldiers i have recently made applications forj entrance to the home, ana it oegms to look as if still other buildings muEt be erected for the accommodation of the veterans. The Roseburg Water & Light Co. have just completed the excavation for a large reservoir on the west slope of Mt. Nebo, and the water mains are now being laid through the Bellows property. It was found that the present reservoir did not give sufficient pressure for the water supply at the Soldiers Home. The Editor, Mr. H. H. Brookes, was unexpected called away on business this week, for an absence of ten days or two ; weeks, and due to the illness of Miss Marv Brookes who was unable to assume charge, Mr. W. W. Cardwell kindly consented to assist with the editorial work of the paper, and any courtesies extended to him in behalf of the paper will be greatly appreciated by the management. Mr. S. C. Bartrnm, supervisor for the Southern Division of the Cascade Forest Reserve and Mt. Wagner reserve, re turned to his headquarters in Roseburg the first of the week. Mr. Bartrum has just completed an examination of all that portion of the reserve under his supervision, and this paper will be able to give a more extended account of his work in the next issue. Mr. Bartrum was accompanied on his recent trip by Henrv Richardson. It will help the looksof the building very much. 1 3 A general twnkinv: bri-uies- tranacre.1. and customers siren ) accommodation consistent with sa( m.d emservattTe banking. Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three. 0XKC-000X0XK0CX0CCOX0XKXK000XX000 O 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson and two daughters, Bessie and Jessie and son Frank, were visiting in town yesterday. , They came frm Cmyonville overland , and report every thing all right at that ; place. j Mr. F. G. ness. Micelli is in Salem, on bnsi- A marriage license has been issued to J. J. Hobson and Miss Ora Butler, of Azalea. DIED. PICKETT In this city, Monday, Aug. 31, 190S, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pickett. Attend the Oregon State Fair. Sept. 14th to 19th, inclusive, special reduced fare tickets will be on Eale at Southern Pacific Depot to all wishing to attend the State Fair. Don't fail to at tend. Douglas county is going to be better represented than ever at the Fair this year. a31. WANTED!! Fifty laborers at Ray's Dam, near Tolo, Ore.; Wages, $2.50 per day for first-class men. DR. C. R. RAY, Tolo, Ore. Mr. E. E. Feber met with a severe ac- Attornev Louis Bariee and familv. cident yesterday, while driving near the wj,o have been spending a month at Empire Stable. He and another gentle- i Newport, have returned home, man were in a light buggy, when the . team becoming frightened, ran and : Mrs. Lucretia Shambmok and dangh both men were thrown out. Mr. Feber i ter, Mrs. Wni. Stewart, spent! uvsday in sustained a broken rib and his coinpan-1 this city enroute to Umpqua Ferry, ion got off with a broken wrist. from Myrtle Creek, where Mrs. Sham- ' brook has been visiting. The soldiers have begun to arrive to-1 day at Camp Lawton. Co. B. of Ash-! A pleasant surprise party was given land, came on Xo. 12 today, and the ! Mr- Rollie Ramp at her home in this Company from Eugene is expected to-! city Tuesday evening. A large number nieht. The Comnanv from this nlace i ol Kest were present, and the evening went into camp today. There will be four or five Companies in all. Will Exhibit at State Fair. passed too quickly for the merry crowd. L. A. Marsters, an Angora Goat Breeder, who lives 12 miles northwest of this city, will exhibit some of his pure breed Ancora Goats at the State Fair. Mr. Marsters is a breeder of good many years experience and has some of the finest Angora's in Southern Oregon. Board of Trade Meeting. A meeting of the Board of Trade is called for this, Thursday, evening at 8 o'clock. Everybody is requested to come as there is business of importance coming up for consideration. F. W. Woolley, Pres. W. W. Oabdwell, Secretary. Anti constipation remedies may give temporary relief, but they irritate the mucous membrane ot the intestines which finally results in a case of chronic constipation or appendicitis. Even the most obstinate cases have been cured by Osteopathy. The Teachers Institute has been a decided success. The program was car ried out as stated in last week's paper. Profs. A. M. Sanders, Robison, Rigler and Dempster taking a very prominent part. The exercises in the evening were well attended. Professor James M. DeAloss Coming. The eop!e of this section are to be congratulated on being given an appor tunity of attending, in the near future, the Stero-Phone concert of Professor James M. DeMoss. Professor DeMoss is the head of the celebrated DeMoss family whose concerts have been the means of entertainment for the people of the coast for about a quarter of a en- turv. The Professor has been giving concerts in Europe with great success, and re turns to America rich in entertaining experience. His latest addition is in the way cf illustrated song, which are a classic in their line, tie has also added the latest moving picture appli ance, to his musical program and his entertainments are highlv pleasinc as well as instructive. Obituary. Mrs. Amanda M. W. Mott, wife ot Rev. A. B. Mott, died near Brock way, Ore., August 23, 1903. The deceased was born in Richmond, Township, Tioga Co., Pa., August 2, 1840. She had been a resident of Oregon since 1S75. She pave her heart to God, and united with the M. t. Church in December 1S72, and continued a consistent member of the same until death. In the different places where her hus band has preached, she endeared her self to the people among whom they labored. The survivors of her family, husband, ono son and three daughters, knew her love and fidelity best, and feel her loss most keenly ; yet they believe in her case, "To die is gain." Tho body was taken to Oakland, Ore., for interment, where sympathy and many floral offerings were presented In former neighbors and friends, and a short service conducted by Rev. James Conner, of Wilbur. J. C. " t'VVj(MttW'T)- J taws a;