Douglas County Teachers Annual Institute. Notice is hereby given to all teachers of Douglas Co., that the Annual Teachers Institute 'will be held in the Public School building at Roseburg Oregon, beginning Monday, Aug. 31, at 9 o'clock a. m., and ending Thursday, Sept. 3rd at 4 p. m. Supts. Frank Eigler and R. F. Robin son, will be the regular instructors. Evening lectures and musical and literary program entertainments will be provided. All teachers are requested by law to attend, and all persons interested are cordially invited to attend all our ses sions. Full program later. 4t F. B. Hamlix, Supt. Board of Equalization Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Equalization of Douglas county, Ore gon, will meet in the office of the county clerk of said county, in the court house, in the city ot Roseburg, Oregon, on Mon day, August 31, 1903, at 9 :00 o'clock a. m., and will continue in session until Saturday, September 5 at 5 :00 o'clock p. m., to publicly examine the assess ment rolls, and correct all errors in val uation, description or qualities of land, .ots, or other property. Now, therefore, all parties who may be aggrieved by reason of valuation, description or other wise as to their assessment, will take notice of the meeting of said Board of Equalization at the time and place as above stated, and make their complaint to said Board of Equalization. Other h-Sqo thpir assessment will stand as made by the assessor. Geo. VT.STjairr, Assessor, Donclas County, Oregon. Dated August 3rd, 1903. 4wks Reduced Excursion Rate of the Seaside and Mountain Resorts tor the Summer. The Southern Pacific Company has placed on sale, at vesy low rates, around trip tickets to the vaneus resorts alODg its lines, and also in connection with ! the Carvallis & Eastern Railroad, to De-j troit and the seaside at Yaquina Bay, atter tickets good for return until Oc tober 10th. Three-day tickets to Yaquina Bay, good going Saturdays, returning Mon days, are on sale at greatly reduced rates, from all points Eugene and north on both East and "West Side Lines, enabling people to spend Snnday at the Eeaside. Very low round trip rates are also made between Portland and same points on the Southern Pacfic, good going Saturdays, returning Sunday or Monday, allowing Portland people to spend Snnday in the country and the out-of-town people to have the day in Portland. Tickets from Portland to Yaquina Bav. cood for return via Albany and East Side, or Corvallis and "West Side, ! at option of passenger. Baggage checked through to Newport. A new feature at Newport, this year, will beanun-to-date kindergarten in charge of an ex perienced Chicago teacher. A beautifully illustrated booklet de scribing the seaside resorts on Yaquina Bay has beeen published by the South ern Pacific and Corvallis & Eastern rail roads, and can be secured from any of their agents, or by addressing W. E. Coman, G. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland, or Edwin Stone, Manager C. and E. R. R., Albany, Oregon. Fine Farm for Sale. A good 800 acre ' farm for sale five miles from Myrtle Creek, 100 acres in nltivation, balance hill, pasture and timbered land. Small orchard, good house, barn and other improvements For price and terms apply to P. T. Mc Gee, Myrtle Creek, or D. S. K. Buick, Roseburg, Oregon. 2-tf New Fall Goods Crisp, clean, fresh merchandise arriving every day Already the shelves and counters are fairly creaking beneath their weight of good things and still they come. This fall we are determined more than ever to make our store what it always has been the leader in low prices and high qualities. Watch this space for the announcements of late arrivals. These will concern both your pleasure and your pocket book. JOSEPHSONS The Big Store ROSEBURG, ORE. i i Buy one of those fine Morris Chairs we are show ing and comfort and satis faction is sure. Also a splen did line of Rockers. Full line of Couches and Lounges that are up-to-date. B. W. STRONG The Furniture Man i ROSEBURG, $202. LI U V Priced Jeweled! Witch Made Non-Magnetic mciel SUrer Cass Folly Guaranteed For sals by ALL JEWELERS intubated Booklet ca reqcest, showing COLORED FANCY DIALS The New England Watch Go. Fidorle Wttcrbarr, Corn. Office New Vort, CMctro.j stamscuco. List r t r a tv; . i our itancnes anu 11m Lands with me. : : : I HAVE EASTERN CUSTOMERS AND CAN SELL FARMERS' CASH STORE, G. A. WOOD & CO, Props DEALER IN Staple ane Fancy Groceries. Highest Price paid for country produce. Fresh bread daily. Your Patronage is respectfully solicited. Private Free Delivery to All Parts of the Cityj TROXEL BLOCK OPPSPASSEHGER DAPOT jj I The Hoyt Tree Support ORE. II U I HMHB . r -i m m 9 I V 1 W f Litw llnnnkw SI l R. R. JOHNSON, OFFICE IN MARKS BLOCK, ROSEBURG, OR. HELLO 55 S NflPnAN' FOR FINE CONFECTIONERY g j lWiV W and ICE CREAM PARLORS M I Fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pies, I Doughnuts and Fresh Bread Daily 3 C43 ri HI Portland Journal Agency. Hendrick's Block, Opp. Depot H I. J. NORIAN & Co. Prop.