The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 27, 1903, Image 6

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    The Original Horse.
Ina paper prepared byW.D.Mat
thews, associate curator of paleontol
ogy In the American Museum of Nat
ural History at New York, an Interest
ing account Is given of the origin of
the horse. Mr. Matthews says that the
earliest known ancestors of the horse
were small animals not larger than
the domestic cat, with four complete
toes on each forefoot and three an
each hind foot. There is reason to be
lieve that the still more ancient an
cestors of this and all other mammals
had five toes on each foot. The teeth
were short crowned and covered with
low, rounded knobs of enamel, suggest
ing those of monkeys and of pigs or
other omnivorous animals.
The horse is distinguished from all
other animals now living by the fact
that it has but one toe on each foot.
Comparison with other animals shows
that this toe is the third or middle
digit on the foot The hoof corre
sponds to the nail of a man or the claw
of a dog or cat and is broadened out to
afford a strong support on which the
whole weight of the animal rests.
"In the series of
ancestors of the i
horse." writes Mr. Matthews, "we can
trace every step in the evolution of
those marked peculiarities of teeth and
feet which distinguish the modem
horse from an ancestor which so little
suggests a horse that when its remains
were first found forty years ago the
animal was named by the great pale
ontologist Richard Owen the hyraco
therium. or 'coneylike beast.' "
A picture shows a restoration of the
oldest known ancestor of the modern
horse. It was only sixteen inches high
and had four toes on each foot. The
skeleton is qjounted in the American
museum. All the remains of native
horses that have been found in Amer
ica have been petrified, showing that
they had been buried for many thou
sands of years. Mr. Matthews states
that all "these horses became extinct
both in Xorth and South America. Why
we do not know. The competition with
the bison and the antelope, which had
recently migrated to America, may
have made it more difficult than for
merly for the American horse to get a
living." For the rate to the point you wish to
The wild horse at present is found go, and for dates of sale and other par
onlv on the desert plains of central ticulars, as well as for illustrated pam-
Asia and Africa. There are no true
wild horses in America or Australia,
Mr. Matthews points out, because the
mustangs and bronchos are domesti
cated animals run wild and are de
scended from the. horses brought over
from Europe by the early white set
The great increase in the size of the ;
horse, Mr. Matthews argues, went
hand in hand with the evolution of j
the plains themselves. At the com
mencement of the age of mammals
the western part of the Xorth Ameri
can continent was by no means as
high above sea level as now. The cli
mate at that time was probably very
moist, warm and tropical, there was a
dense forest growth, and to these con
ditions the animals of the beginning of
the mammalian period must have been
During tt tertiary the continent
was steadily risin; above the ocean
level, and at the same time other in
fluences were at work to make the cli
mate continually colder and drier. The
coming on of a cold, dry climate re
stricted and thinned the forests and
caused the appearance and extension
of open, grassy plains.
The ancient forest inhabitants were
forced either to retreat and disappear
with the forests or to adapt themselves
The an-1
to the new conditions of life.
cestors of the horse, following the lat-1
ter course, changed with the changing i
conditions. I
At the end of the age of mammals the I
continents stood at a higher elevation
than at present, and there was a broad
land connection between Asia and
North America, as well as those now
existing. At this time the horse be
came cosmopolitan and inhabited the
plains of all the great continents ex
cepting Australia.
The Farmers' Protective association
of central New York is making trouble
for the canning factories in setting
prices for which the members are will
ing to grow their produce Instead of
taking the prices offered, as heretofore.
The scale adopted is considerably in
advance of what was received by farm
ers last year. Some factories have
granted a slight Increase. In Mary
land there are much agitation and con
flict between growers and packers of
tomatoes along the eastern shore
Country Gentleman.
The bison lives to an age of from
thirty to fifty years, the bull be!n
more long lived than the cow. When
they grow very old both bull and cow
become blind and lose their teeth, so
that they cannot provld" themselves
with sufllclent food and finally dwin
dle away and die.
During the hatching. If you are wise,
you will not be too curious, but wili
allow the instinct of the hen to do her
work. It may be well to quietly reach
under her and remove such eggshells
us can be removed without disturbing
her, but nothing further should be attempted.
Just arrived from the factory a car
oad of the celebrated Page fence, which
is rdieaner than a board fence and will
j last a life-time and is put up to your
! satisfaction without extra cost. It is
j used and.endorsed by the leading men
! of this county. For circulars and prices
ddress Stearns & Chenoweth, Oakland,
Ore., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly
i Painting and Paper Hanging.
i John Miller, of Hagerstown, Washing
ton County, Maryland, nas located in
Roseburg, and he is a thorough master
of his art and prepared to do all kinds
, of painting, paperhanging, graining, and
decorative painting in the highest style
as practiced by first class workmen on
the Atlantic Coast. If you want the
very latest artistic work he will be pleas
ed to give for low prices and first class
work. Call on him at 517 Mosier street
or drop a letter through the post office
and he will quickly respond. lS-tf
Reduced Summer Excursion Rates
! The Denver and Rio Grande, popular
, lv known as the "Scenic Line of the
i World" has announced greatly reduced
' round-trip rates from the Pacific Coast
points for the benefit of teachers who
i will spend their vacation in the East,
and of delegates to all the promtnen
, Conventions X. E. A., at Boston ; A
iO.U.W., at St. Paul; B. P. 0. E, at
' Baltimore ; Woodmen of America at
Indianapolis; Eagle , at New York;
Mystic Shrine, at Saratoga Springs;
, K. of P., at Louisville, and T. P. A., at
Tickets at the reduced rates will be
based upon one fare for the round trip,
' but will be sold only on certain days.
, These tickets will carry stop-over
' privileges on the going trip, giving
passengers an opportunity to visit Salt
Lake City, Glenvood Springs, Colorado
Springs and Denver ; and will be good
to return anv time within ninety 90,
days. Passengers going via the Denver
and Rio Grande are civen the -privilege
Qf returning via a different route.
puieis, vjiie
. U. .mcbeide, uenerai Agent
124, Third St., Portland.
Horse For Sale.
I have a good work horse 7 years old
for sale cheap. Inquire of F. F. Ball,
Deer Creek Dam, near Roseburg. tf.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding city warrants endorsed prior to
Nov. 7, 1901, are requested to present
the same to the city treasurer for pay
ment, as interest will cease hereon after
the date of this notice.
Dated Koseburg, Oregon, July S 1903.
H. C. Slocum, Jr.
City Treasurer.
For Sale.
5 Acres, good cottage and black smith
shop, good location, will sell or rent.
For particulars. Address P. O. Box -J50,
Roseburg Oregon. 51-lmo.
Mr. Man, you want facts. We are
going to give you facts. As you read
tnem 0Ter ou will know they are facts.
And ca Prve they are facts,
It is a fact that McCormick Binders,
Mowers and Rakes are the standard by
which all others are guaged.
It is a fact, Racine Buggies, Hrcks
and Road Wagons are far outstripping
our competitors' lines.
It is a factjtbat the Bain Wagon is the
most successful, durable and economical
wagon on the market.
It is a fact that the above are all in
cluded in the Big 3. You can find them
at S. K. Sykes', Roseburg, Ore.
Fullerton & Richardson, Druggists, on
Cass street near the Depot.
See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
for blue printi and filing papers, tf
For Trade Small farms in Southern
Indiana to trade for Oregon property.
H. L. Ball. 33tf.
Get your abstracts ol title from J. D
Hamilton. He has the only complete
set of abstract books in the county, tf
If you want to go to Coos Connty
points, take the Roseburg, Marshfield
route. Spring hacks leavo Roseburg
every day at C, A. M. Inquire of C. P.
Barnard, agent. 102-tf.
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable fire insurance compa
nies, is now prepared to do a general
fire insurance business. Insure with
him. Office at the City Hall. 102-tf.
Call on Drs. Cheadle & Johnson for
up-to-date dental work. Dr. Johnson,
late of Portland, will.have charge of the
crown and bridge work department
Prices reasonable. 9-tf.
Piano Buyers.
You will notice that wo do not have
to be continually strking out for a new
make of Pianos. Tho Needham has been
our leader for 14 years and is today a
leader among the high grade pianos of
tho world. Some cheap pianos are made
high grade simply by getting a boost in
tho Oregonipn or some other leading
paper, through those big dealers who
think they can, and do make the major
ity of people believe it simply because
they say so. It doesn't take ink, boost
or high commissions to make a good
piano, but instead tho very best
mechanics, and the very best material
such as are always used in Needham
pianos. 29-tf
T. K. Richardson,
Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Professional Cards.
PKa.a nraucure 301, ncmcunr,
JOmcelia West Koseburg
Office : Room 11 Taylor i Wilso- Block i tive Sons' Hall. Yitfnc members cor
Examlnatlon Free. Omce hours 9 to 12 a. m. diallv t4Ued to a'ti-nri.
2 to 5 p. m. Graduate Still College of Osteopathv I
Court House
Down Stairs.
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. O. Roskbueo,
'Phone Main 591. Oregon.
Physcian & Surgeon.
O&ce Review Bid.
Phone. Main 11
Rosebckq Oregon
Special attention p iven to Diseases of the No-
and Throat.
Office Main St.. one door socth ci City Ball
Phone. Main Ml.
f W il A YNES.
Eevlew Butldlcg,
Telephone No. t.
Attorney at Law,
Rooms US, Marsiera Bldg., KOSEBUBH, Oh
MJ-Bosiaess before the U 3 Land Office r.n
ta&int: cases a specialty.
Late Eetelver D. B. Land Office
amines before U.S.
Land Offieeand Probate
buines a specialty.
Office Abraham Bnildinc
Will practice In all the State and Federal Courts j
Office in Marks' Btda., Rosebun;. Oregon. '
At torney-at-La v.
aa 1 and 2
urrtew BuiUinj;.
A. BUCHANAN, Notary Public.
Collections a Specialty.
Room 3
Marstera Bulldins.
Attorney at Law
Eooa 11.
Taylor 4 Wilson Block.
Land Surveyor,
trt a vtr t-a v timtiptt rcTniiTAo
Office, Room C. Taylor fc Wilson Block.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Douclas County
Cbas. M. Close, FlaintlfT,
Geo. W, Riddle, Helen G.
Riddle, his wife, Samuel P.
I'armley, Clara S. 1'annlej-,
his wife, Walter 6. Riddle,
John B. Riddle. T. Stilley
Riddle, Jane Wilson, Artcne
cia Meriman, Maria Bealle,
Isabel Nichols, and Delia .
Crawford. Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
Execution duly issued out of and under thereal
of the above entitled court, in the above enti
tled cause, to me duly directed and dated the
30th day of June, 1903. upon a Judgment ren
dered and entered in said court on tho 11th day
of October, 1902, in favor ot Cbas. JI. Close,
Plaintiff, and against the defendant Walter -.
Kiaaieantt. rnxt iiwaie. lor ine m;u of i
corns', witn intert-t tnefoi,
-ii, t -nt per
y ol OctDbtr, lwe, kLd
Is writ, I di'i on the
aunum from the lltli day
the costs ol and urm till
28th day ot July, 1903, dulv levy upon the fol
lowing described ical property, to-wit:
Lots number 10 and 11 of Block number 11
and lots number 1 and 2 of block number 12,
of the town of Riddle, Douglas county, Oregon,
together with all and singular the tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in any wl appertaining.
Now tnereforo I will on
8ATURDAY, the 2uth day of August. 1903,
at one o'clock p. in., of said day at the court
Louse front door, in Roseburg, Douglas county,
Oregon, sell at pnblic auction to tho highest
bidder lor D. H. gold coin, cash in band, all
the right, title and Interest the said defendant
Walter S. Kiddle and Fred Kiddle had In and to
the aboyo described real property, or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, interest and
accruing costs.
Dated Koseburg, Oregon, July 28 1903.
Sheriff ot Douglas connty. Oregon.
Society JVleetings.
F. A A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
Holds reeular meeting on second
a n rl f nrfri Wmi I n AAiliir R nf fmph
month. E. J. Ftrouw. W. M
N.T.Jkwett, Secretary.
AO. U. W. Rosebnrg Lodce No. 10.
Meets the second and fourth Mon
I days of ench month at 7 :30 p. ni.,
In the I. O. O. F. Hall. Members in
good pttandinc are invited to attend.
F. M.Tozier M. W.
E. II. Lenox Recorder.
D. .8 West, Financier.
P. 0. ELKS. Roseburvt Lodce No.
3'26. Holds regular communica
tions at I. O. O. F. Hall on second
und fourth Thursday of each month.
........ . w. ..w . "
All members requested to attend reu-
larlv and all vieitirjw brothers ore eordi-
i ally invited to attend.
F. l. Waits. K. R.
Rov McClallks, Secretary.
N. G., meets at Armory Hall every
Tbureduy eveninc, at 8 o'clock.
F. B. Hamlin, Cant.
nEGKEE OF HONOR. Mystic Lodge j
No. 13. Maetp 2nd mid 4th Thure-
I -r dav eveniL. r.f each month in Na
Mrs. Mkrit Wkt, C. of H.
E. H. Lennox, Rj-c.
OF A. Court Dunk-iar No. 32, For-
ecters ol America. Mf-ts every
Tneei'.av evening in Nutiw 5in'
Hall. Visitir.w brother always welccn.o
S. W.VanZile C. R.
E. H. Lenox, R. .-.
E. V. Hoovbr, Pbveifian.
O. J. i- PtnlelHritui Lodge No. S.
Mit in Odd Fellowx' Temple, cor
ner .Ji:kson and Caes etreels, on
SatnnlHT evening of each wet Mem
ber oi tL- Tiler in good standing are
iuvited to attend.
N.T. Jewvtt. .".crwarv.
S of P. A! pint Lodce No. 47. Mee B ;
fa t-v-rv WdnedaT, in I. O. O. F
" Hii a 7:30 j. m. Mrnbvr in!
1 iood et amiirg ere invited to attend. i
i Geo. E. Hocck. i
I S. V. Ramp K R. S.
T. M. Protection Tent No. If.
olds itd recular Reviews the
tirst and third Fridav of each
month in the I. O. 0. hall. Yisitine
members in good standing are invited to
attend. Oko. . 1'erry, Com.
E. E. Blodqett, Record Keeper.
LILAC CIRCLE. No. 49.' Women of
Woodcraft. Meets on 2nd end 4th
Fridays of each month at the Na
tive Sons, HH. Visiting members in
food standing are invited to attend.
Madoe Bcchanan, Gturdi.AU Neighbor.
Minnie Otet, Secy.
j O. T. M. Roeeborg Hive No. 11.
I Holdp ita resalar reviews open the
first and third Frida;. s at 2 :39 p at
of each month in the Native Sous' Hail.
Slsttrs of other Hives vieltinj in tbe city
are coraiaiiy trvinvi tegttend our re-
' 7ip. H.vrn- MoittAN L. Com.
Jkhsik Kapp.R. K.
E. S. Roeebnri: Chanter No. S
Holde their tegular rof-etinp on the
,i ti,-i i i.
'""'""J" "tu oUIceotKoMburr.Orezoa.
nonth. n leitins; members In rood'ot Monday, the fth day of
itacami; are respecuoiiy invite to at-
i Mnd.
Mrb. Nanx:e Speagck W M.
M.ri. :a.-t .vr'LrsfrT.
KBEKAHS. Kostt-barsT Rebekab
Lodirn No. 41. 1.0. 0. F., meets in
Odd Fellowe' Temple every Tuesday
evening. Matins sisters and brethren
invited to attend.
Della Bbowtc, N. G.
Cora Wimberlv. R. S.
I wmlilv N'n. 105 mpts pvvrv Sntiir.
w day evenine. at S o'clock in Native
Artisans cordially
invited to attend.
Rev. S A. Douglas, M. A
Miss. Lela Brows, Secretary.
Camp No. 125. Meets at the Odd
Fellows' Hall, in Roseburir, every
I orat and third Monday eveninf. Visit
in(, neighborg aiW0Vp welcome.
N. T. Jewett. C. C.
J. A. BrciiANAN, Clerk.
:i0N ENCA.MP.MENT, I. 0. O. F. j
1 Odd Fellow's Temnle. Meets first
v and third Thuretlav evenings each
month. Invited.
J. B. Hamilton. O
C. T ttciiell, Scribe.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Douglas County.
Mollle M Roblson, Plaintiff.)
vs. S
O. F. Roblson, Defendant. )
To O. F. Roblson, the above named Defend
ant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you nro
hereby summoned and required to appearand
i.nser tht complaint tilid against vou In i
' t
' 'li
me sdov enuuea court ana cause wlthlu six
eek from the Iate of tho flnt pnlilication of
ninra"M. and If you iaii to aMear and
answer aa herein required, Inr want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to said curt for the
relief demanded In her complaint, which is
for a decree from said court dissolving the
marriage contract existing between plaintiff
and defendant, for the care and custody ol
the minor child, Brennan Roblson, that she
may resume her former name, Mollle Ji. Mc
Claln, for her costs and disbursements, and
for such other and further relief as to tho
court may seem meet with equity and good
ThlsUummons Is published onco a week for
at least six successive weeks in the Plaixcial
kb, a semi-weekly newspaper published at
Koseburg, Oregon, by order of lion. M. D.
Thompson, County Judge of Douglas County,
Oregon, made August 21, 1903.
Tho tirst publication ot this summons Is on
the 24th day of August, 1903.
M-7vt Attorney for Plaintiff,
Notice for Publication.
United States Laud Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, June 18, 1908.
Notice u hereby given that in compliant
with the provision! of the act ot Congress of
Junes, 18.8, entitled "An act for the lala of
timber lands in the Statcsof Callfornla.Oregon
I Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
, ed to all the public land states by act of August
i 4. 182.
of Roseburg, County ot Douglas. State of Ore
gon, hat this dv riied in this toSlce bis sworn
I statement So. i.i.Vj, for the purchase of the
; NEW, of section S, township 2S S. range 4 west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
, Is more valuable tor lu timber or stone thaa
, for agricultural purposes, and to establish nil
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
i office of Uoeburg,Oregon.
i on Friday the 25m day ot September, 1903. Ho
. names at wltneses: George Heed, H. L.
studley Margaret J. Brookes, D P. Fisher, til
I of Roeburg, Oregon.
Any ana all persons claiming adversely tbo-
! above described lands are requested to .file their
claim In this office on or U-fore the 25th day of
September. 190S.
Notice for Publication.
United Sutea Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, June ,
Notice is hereby given that In compliance,
with the provisions of the act of Congrefs ot
Junes, JSTS, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Terrl to rr." as extend
ed to all the public land slates by act of Augtui
olOihkoth, R. D. Box IS", county of Wlnne
btgo. Mate of Wiscmsln, has hlsdy filed In
this office her suorn st-t-imiit No. &3T9, for
the purchase of the -U Stt';. SWU NEK.
XWM SEt of Sec 2. T. 5", k) W. ud will
ofler proof to show that I be Und sought is more
valuable for lis timber or Hone than for agri
cultural purposes, an" to ettabllsh her claim to
said land cfore the Iteglter and Receiver of
this ffle at Kei.uiv. urr.on.
m Monday tho th day J Set '.ember. IWJ.
She names a wltnettcs: l 1) i .ark, Martin
Katmuen. Hetuan Hartxbelt'i. and Roy
Bienua'd.of 0hloh, Wi cniu
Any and all penons claiming a"rely the
abuvr described lands are iro,urvl : Sic tbir
cialms in this nSW on or before d Sin day
of September. VA& J.T. BRIDGES,
Jruy lCp Register.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office
Rmeburs. Orrfmt. June 12. la
Notice is hereby given that In e "-.V.xae
with the provisions of the act of Conre-s of
Jane J, HTS. entitled "An act far the ale ot
tucber lands Id the States of California. ' "vzoa
Nevada .and Washington Territory." as extend
ed to all the public land states bv act of Aug jr
4. liW.
of Glide, county of I.uclt. .-ute of 'rjn.
has thl day a led in this office bis "tori afe
ment. No M3i, for the nareha ot the n 3
and t, NWi4, MVJt sVV;. f sxuon
I. In ton.alp Z: south, of fau;e i est,
and will offer proof to s how that the lan.! .u jbt
is mure valuable for lu tls:tr or !. -. tnan
for agricultural purroses. aad U !aijh his
claim before the Register and Receiver ot Ihta
tTiEm T
of Settember. IMS.
, H names as vunees:
II. U Ec:. John
Gardner. John Greeaman. and K- J. Watson,
all of Pert, Orvf on.
Any and all pernons clalmtnc adversely the
a'Mve-cerlbcC lands are reoaeited to 8 e their
Ctaitst In this office on or before atd ZrnU day
Of :V;t . 1801. J. T. BRIDGES.
Julyi$p Register
Notice for Publication
Calte.1 State Lanl Oflce.
RiMeoanr. Orecon. JoneS, lsj2.
Notice li ticreoy riven that Is co ipltaaca
with lac protiskoso the act of Coojrea of
JcneX.5XentIUedAaaet for the sale o!
Umber lands In the States ot Call fornls. Ore joa
Nevada .and Washington Territory," as extend
ed la all the pabUe land states by act of Auruit
ofOshlosh, county of WinaeWfu. state o
Wtt..bas this day iltd In thl ;(.3ce his swoni
slateicent NV. 50 'or the purchase of the
E, sh4. sW SKf,i. SEi, SW4 ot sec
tion I In Township s roulh. Ranee 4 West,
and will offer proof to show that the land soof hi
is more valuable tor lu Umber cr stone than
'f r arlcultcral pulses, and to establish hi
claim th.r the Rtelster aad Receiver ol thli
September 19XL
He names a; witnesses: Koy Brennand,
franc t. Kopim. Martin Xasmatten. and
Hern f. Harthr'" M'-vtv -,.. ..-
vn.anla.j-" r . rt
above b l a:. ar- re. ;v-: .i.
cjUich ji i:.u v ua i r W- Xl " !' 1r.l
tept-uaUr, 1mm. J 1 BttlUsE?.
July lp. ResrUter.
Sheriff Notice of ale of Lands heretofore
old to Douglas County for Taxec
By virtue oi a statute enacted by the Legisla
tive Assemble o( the Slate of Omasa, for the
yearlW, I shall as sheriff of IVxisttas county,
. Orrcon. o2er tor sale aa4 sell all lands to
sales, all of said property shafibe soM as real
piupeiiy is uira eiecuuon vt sue ni(nei
bidder for Cash In hand at the Court house
front door, at Roebursr, Douglas County, Ore
I Ron, t one o'eloct p a i.. on
SAiuituA), me liinuar oi AuraiL 1300.
the follow lnc deMTrtbcd lands, to-wit:
oWJJ ofNWH.lot i, sec 2, tp. S3 r 7
tp. a r Tw.SS
Lots 3, S. SZH of SWJX. sec.
6 tp 3 r 6 sr..
ida acres
N Wti of NEii, sec, 21 tp 31 r 5 w., 19 acre.
SWJ;. sec 2 tp 21 r -i w ICO acres.
LotsiS.6. Usee. .Vttp22rtt w.. ISO acres.
SEU of NEi sec. 7 tpS r S w . 0 acres
SWofSWJ.'. sec. 2 tp 2S r. 9 v , SK ot
NEV- EW of sec. li tp 1i r 9 w.. lfO acre
t ui sec. ib ip r w,. u acrev
r. 16 tp 22
t w- S) acres.
EJoI NEW. SVtt4 of NlA-4. NEJ4 of SWJi
'iV'V wiT 'iS'SFI.
to acre.
1Q arrreL
W' of NWli'. jess 20 aero snM !trT-r. - "M
tpiS r5 w..6(J acres.
SWM ot NEt. SEJi of NWli, w. 36 tp 32 r 6
w . SO acres.
2 ot NEK of NE, see. 33 tp 32 r 7 w., 20
SW4 sec. 6 tp 29 r 1 w., 160 acres.
N of BW mc. 33 tp 22 r i w., 40 acres.
SW)i of ai. sec i tp 27 r 7w.. acre.
NHof SWt4.secll tp Ur6w..S)acres,
Its 2. 7. 10. II, sec lb tp 22 r 12 w., 161 acre.
Lots 3 and 1 Block 2, lot , 4 and 5 block 3,
Terrace Park Addition to the City of Roseburg.
Gardiner Addition to Lou 1, 2 and 3 Drain,
Lot 4 block S East Drain.
Dated at Roseburg. Oregon, July 13. 190
Sheriff of Douglas County, Orcicou.
In County Court of Douglas county. State ot
In tho matter of cstato i
of (
Martha Woodruff deceased)
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been by the County Court of Douglas Coun
ty, Oregon, appointed executors of the estate of
Martha Woodmff deceased. Whereon all per
sons Indebted to tho said estate are hereby
notified to make Immediate payment to the
undersigned at their residence in Coles Valley
precinct, Douglas county, Oregon, and all per.
sons having claims against tho said estato will
present simc verified as by law required with
in six months from dato ot this notice.
Datel Koseburg, Oregon, Feb. 14th, 1903.
R, A. WooDacrr,
"BP0 K.T. Woonaurr.