8 rt t 1 a. n ui x-fUtui interest. Mr. Sam Potts, ol Canyonvillo, was in town yesterday. Mrs. Winter, of Elk Creek, is a visitor t ol this place today. Lisle Marsters is spending a week's I vacation in Oakland. Mr. 11. Weber, of Ashland, returned 'home yesterdav . For plain sewing address or call on "Mrs. Howard near depot. 5S-Stp. Miss Bessie Champaigu is spending her vacation at Mr. Dicksons. Mr. Geo. Dement, of Mvrtle Creek. made this town a visit yesterday. C. W. and Thos. Hatfield, were visiting at the McCallen House this week. Hon. Binger Hermann has returned from a visit to Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Webb and Miss Bessie Mayse, of Riddle, were in town Tuesday. Mrs. E. L. Bashford, is visiting in Eugene. Mr. Samp Sutherlin, was a Rosoburg isitor, Wednesday. Mr. Williams, a teacher of the Port land Business College, is in town this week. Miss Pearl Simmons was a passenger on this morning's local for Portland. Mrs. Mary E. Jackson has returned from a visit to her daughter at Canyon- ville. Miss Lula Cobb, left on today's train for Portland, where she will visit her brother Jim. Mr. Chas. Mosier left today for differ--ent points in the Willamette valley. Miss Pearl Wright, will return home Friday, after an outing of a few weeks at Newport. Mrs. W. S. Hamilton, who has been seriously ill at her home in this city, is much improved. Miss Maud Sheridan has returned J. H. Sykes, wife and two children, from a summer's outing at Mr. Dixon's, j returned from their outing at Newport, 1 Tuesday evening. Health is paramount to all other issue I " Get Osteopathic Health. It is periuau-. Miss Merta Harlow and sister Mrs ent. Ritchery, of Myrtle Creek, were visitors Miss Pearl Wright will return home I "Fridav after a few weeks outing at Newport. of Roseburg, Tuesday. Good, household furniture for sale -cheap. Enquire at the old Abraham's house in Roseburg. 59-Swp If yon dont watch J. T. Bryan's show -window, you fail to see many of the latest novelties in jewelry. al"-lmp. Miss H. H. High and sister, and Mrs. I J. H. Beckley left this morning for Eu- I gene to attend the circus. Misss Byrd, of the Land Office, will ! spend her vacation at Salem with home folks, leaving for that place Saturday morning. Mrs. J. W. Strange left the first of the i week for Mvrtle Point, and will visit Mrs. W. H. Sehlbrede and son Clar-: various points in Coos countv before -nce, of Billings, Mont., are visiting at : returning home. -the home of Mr. Sehlbrede in this city. Mr. I. F. Rice was stricken with paralysis while at his desk, Tuesday afternoon, but is better at this writing. Mrs. J. H. Clongh and daughter. Miss Bessie, and her niece Irene Plotner, -were in town Tuesdav and Wednesday. Messrs. W.P.Johnson, C. O.White, D. Watson and Miss Minnie Willis, all of Myrtle Creek, were visiting Roseburg yesterday. For sale at & bargain, drop head .White -sewing machine. The machine is In perfect working order. For particulars, call at this office. Miss Plnnia Chitwood has returned to Curtis, Oklahoma after an extended -visit with Mrs. W. A. Burr and Mrs. Barker of this place. The visitors at the Board of Trade for todav are, A. M. Nelson, Dnluth, Minn , I.. Langellow, Minn., A. J. Bacon, Iowa, W.J. Pierson, Iowo. Dr. Fisher and wife have started to Albany and Salem, where they will visit with friends. If you want If you want If you want If vou want if you want If you want If yon don't know PAT Cll on or addreei . . . to buy a farm furnished rooms to buy a house to rent a house to build a house to move a house F F, pHttBfton, 2Kr Besebnrg Oregon. Mies Nora Gates, wli" has Ih .mi viMt- ing her aunt, Mrs. J. Bryan, Mt tnis morning for her home at Crow, Ore. Mrs. Mose Rice, who attended the funeial of little Thelma Ruell at Myrtle Creek, and visited with friends for a week, returned home last night. A. B. Marauani, wile and little son are in town todav and made this office a pleasant call. He reports his son, who was so sesiously hurt at the time of the falling of the Elk creek bridge, as im proving nicely. Miss Mildred Waite was the envy of all the young Misses of Roseburg yester dav when she was seen driving her hetland pony accompanied by Miss Hattie Barker, at whose home she is a guest this week. Armory Hall Inspected. Attention Rheumatics!! Why pay the Rail Road a lot of money to carry you to Springs of unknown medical properties when you can be guaranteed a cure at BOSWELL SPRINGS near home. ELATERITB is Mineral Rubber 1 VOl' MAVIINTKND UDILDING or nod It ucccHHary to REPLACE A WORM-OUT ROOP ELATERITE ROOFING Takes the place of shingle, tin. Iron, Ur and gravel and all prepared rooSnti. Far flat and steep turlai, gutter, vaiiejf, etc. Eay to lay Tempered for ail climate. Reasonable In cott. sold on merit. Guaranteed. It will pay to ak for prices and information. THE EL-rVTEItlTli: XtOOJFMIN'G "Worcester I3uildinc. CO., PORTLAND Mr. Alfred Wollenberg's new residence onKosebill will be when completed, one among the many beautiful colonial houses being bnilt this summer. Miss Paulina Chitwood, returned to Central Oklahoma, after an extended visit with Mrs. W. A. Burr and Mrs Barker, of this place. S. K. Svkes, who has been in Coos county for the past ten days for the ben efitofhis health, returned Wednesday evening, much improved. Mrs. A. L. Kinney and little daughter and Miss Mary McDonald, went to Cot tage Grove on Tuesday's local to spend a few weeks visiting friends. The Rev. John Dawson has returned from hi3 trip to Crater Lake and will hold services in the Episcopal Church nest Sunday morning and evening. The prunepacking house in Kinney ad dition of which Clarence Gazley is man ager, is nearly completed and will be a great improvement to that part of town. Mrs. Viola Saotelle and two children who has been residing in this place for some time past, has moved to Ashland, where she will keep house for her brother. For his own satisfaction, and that there might be no doubt in the minds , the public as to the safety of the Armory Hall. Capt. Hamlin has had the build ing inspected by two competent builders. Their report is as follows : Capt. F. B. Hasilik, Co. "D" 1st Separate Battalion We hereby certify that at your request we have examined the Slocum Hall Building known as the Armory Hall, and find the same to be sound and per fectly safe for the drilling of a Company and for use of dancing. Signed, A. Fiobs, J. F. ClXME-VTS. 0000000000C000 9 f.w.benson, a . c. marsters, h.c.galet. v President, Vice President. Cashier Roseburg Nurseries. Very choice fruit trees, all leading varieties, bpitienberg and lellow New town Pippin apples a specialty. For sale at very reasonable prices by Rose burg Nurseries, H. Schroten, Roseburg, Oregon. 56tf o Douglas County Bank, 0 Established I883. Incorporated 1901 O 6 0 $ Capital Stock, $50,000.00. 5 o O BOARD OF DIRECTORS 0 F. W. BENSON, R. A. BOOTH J. H. BOOTH, J. T. BRIDGES O 0 J. F. KELLY. A. C. MARSTERS K. U MILLER. 0 Q O A general banking business tranacted, and customers given every 0 0 :ccommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking. O Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three. g oooooooooooooooooooooooo J. M. Weatherby T. A. Bury D. L. Martin WANTED!! Roseburg Real Estate Co. Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber Estimates a Specialty. ty with List your proper- us. Geo. W. O'Neal, of Harrison, Arkan sas, is in Roseburg ptospecting. He is interested in the timber and immigra tion and may settle here permanently. David Roberts and family, "Charles Patrick and family and Miss Ella Brum field, have returned from an outing of thre -weeks at Bandon. They report a grand time. Mr. and Mrs. Churchill returned thi noon trom tneir trip to uraier Late, accompanied by Kev. and Mrs. Dawson and Miss Williamson. All report a very pleasant time. The power of our bodies to resist and to recover from disease are inestimable ; the Osteopath directs these powers. Call on Dr. H. L. Stndley. He Iwill re store your health . 62-3t. Mr. A. M. Crawford has returned from a trip to Crytal Lake. He reports lots of people at that place, his wife did not go with him as wan expected but spent some time in the country visiting friends. The Douglas County Mills will roll barley and other grain only on Tuesday of each week, customers ehonld have their erists at the mill not later than 11 o'clock, to insure getting it rolled the same day. al-lm. The Roseburg Junk and Hide Co. pays the hiehest market price for hides, pelts furs, brasB, copper, lead, old rubber, scrap iron of all kinds; old furniture a etww.;aiK' Corner of Oak and Rose streets, Ro3eburg. a$-lm Mrs. F. M. Zigler will return to her home in Portland, Saturday morning, after a few weeks visit with relatives in this citv. She will be accompanied by little Capitola Willis. The regular north bound passenger tram, Wednesday, was delayed three hours. The cause was a large amount of business. A stub was sent on the regular time, 10:45 a. m. Presiding Elder E. L. Fitch will preach in the South Methodist church in this city next Saturday night and Sundav morningand evening. A cordial welcome is extended to all. Among the beautiful cottages that are being bnilt in this city, Wilbur Ross's will be first. He nndoubtly has one of the prettiest views from his place in Kinney's addition, as it is facing Main street. Girls who next? A HURRY UP SALE. At Rice & Rice the House Furnish- ers. zzto pieces nam ana rancy Glass ware will go on sale August 14 for ten davs onlv at 25, 20, 15, and 0 cents per piece. All are 75, 50, 35 and 25 cent values. Just think of 24, 20, 15 and 10 cents for choice. No such a murder of prices on crockerv has ever taken place in Roseburg. Xo reserve, all will go Come earlv. RICE RICE, House Eurnishers The condition of the hop crop in the Northern part of Oregon, is very unsatisfactory owning to the late rains. MARRIED. The League base ball boys have re turned from their trip to the coast, where they won 3 games and lost 3. They say that is not as good ball country as is reported as they went $54 behind. The players were, Newell, Griffin, Marrow, KoBtal, Bradley, Gilvin, and Bilyeau. VAX GUILDER HALL At tne rest dence of the bride's mother, Mrs. N Selig, of Mvrtle Creek, Mr. Cecil Van Guilder and Mrs. Etta Hall : Rev. J T. Cotton officiating. PERDUE RACHOR. At the residence of the bride's parents, at Perdue, Ore Ausj. 23. 1903. Mr. Ben Perdue and Miss Matilda Rachor; Rev. L. Zimmerman officiating. Fifty laborers at Ray's Dam, near Tolo, Ore.; Wages, $2.50 per day for first-class men. DR. C. R. RAY, Tolo, Ore. AND SRANOL THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, and the ramous Kockj Mountain Scenery by da3rlight TO ALL POINTS EAST CITATION. In tbe County Court of the Bute of Oregon, for Douelas county. In the Matter nf the EiUte oh Tcomaj uunseatn, iiuuu. rbwraaed. i Tn Thnnu Dnnaeath. father of deceased, and all other legally intTeiea la aaia uuw, unr.r.iiiiu. Tn v.o n.tna nf the stale of Oregon. You n hrhv rltpd and reaulrel to appear in tbe County Court of the Btato of Oregon, fo- the County oi uouKiai. in ine kuuiuviu hucicu.i at r.rnftnira. in me ijuuu ui Mondav, the 28th day of Sept., 1903. . in iVniuk in thi fnronoon of that day. then and tbere to iaow cause, u any yuu utc, wuj an order for the ale of the real property be longing to aald estate, ai prayed for In the peti tion f v v wtiann. the administrator, to-wit: Tk. vi nt Kwu nf aix-ilnn 30. To 32 aouth. of ' . fT . r tn Tlrtllf.!.. .(-Sl! T1 1 T Hm- ranged hcm, h . r ' . - ffnn. inn cnntaimnz eu auics, mumu uut w -..rfa.nfhnririnir E. E. Wilson, the admlnl trtnrnf the titate of Thomas Dunaoath. de- ,n .mi th afnim&id real tironertv. at eltner puoiic or private nc, iur uis paying tne inaeuteanea oi u u-Btns .uu i.i.ntn r t inminiiiniinTi. 'iriin..i Hi.Knn I T). Thonitteon. JudfTO of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for th Cnnntv of Douzlaa. with the Peal of ld C.inrt affixed thlt 25lh day of AugUBt, A. D, 1903 Attei': D. R. SUAMBROOK. Clerk. 3 FAST TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OGDCN AND DENVER 3 Modern Equipment, Through Pullman and Tourist Sleep- ing Cars ana superb Uinmg uar service. STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, folders and eher formation, address V. C. McBRIDE, OenM Agent, la4 Third Street, Portland. Ore Opera House Opening. The theatrical season will open Thurs day night with Mr. Frank Bacon the delightfully droll comedian, in the rural classic, "The Hills of California." Mr. Bacon is one of the best known Comedi- . . t ; 1 . 1. - ans on tne uoast, naving ueeu mo principal actor of the Alcazar, in San Francisco, for the past three years. Mr. Wallace Hunt, a theatrical man of long experience, is to bo congratulated on securing Mr. Bacon's signature to a three vears contract. He will tako his star and play East. From here the Homnanv tro direct to Portland, than East, where "The Hills of California' will be given a Now York production The nlav is written in and around the Uvea of those who live in this land by the Sundown Sea, where the Oak lives or a tnousana years, anu tne poppy blooms but a day. A heart story of to- lay. The characters we see and know. The California Quartette, who are with this company came most highly reccomended, and it is said their singing alone is worth the price of admission. they will render some of the latest musical gems. Prices, lower floor 50 and 75 cts., gal lery '25 and 35 cents. Qrand Ball. At Olalla, re-nnion grounds, Spt. 2nd and 4th, good music and refresh ments will be furnished. Come one come all and have a general good time, 6-42t. McFakland nnd Weixs.