TWICE A WEEK ROSEBURG PLAINDEALER. Vol. XXXV ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 157, 1903. No. 65 BUILDING UP ZION. RUSSIA WILL ALLOW THE JEWS TO EMICRATE. TO GATHER TOGETHER FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. The Jewish Daily News, of New York City, has received the following dispatch from Jacob De Haas, recre tary of the American Federation of Zionists', Congress now in session at Basle, Switzerland: "During a discussion Dr. Herd's statement that the Russian Govern ment would hereafter lighten the burden of the Jews and favor Zionism, and would allow it to be propagated in Russia, was questioned. Dr. Herzla thereupon submitted the following letter dated July 30, from Russian Minister of the Interior Von Plehwe: "So long as Zionism evinced the de sire to create an independent state in Palestine, and promised to organize the emigration from Russia of a cer tain number of its Jewish subjects, the Russian Government could very well be favorable to it But from the moment this principal object of Zion ism was abandoned, in order to be re placed by a simple propaganda for the national concentration of the Jews in Russia, it is natural that the Government cannot in anv case tole rate this new departure of Zionism. It would not have anv other result than to create groups of individuals perfectly strangers to and even hos tile to the patriotic sentiments which constitute the strength of each state. This is why faith could not be placed in Zionism but on the condition that it return to its old nroeramme of action. It could in that case count on moral and material support for certain of its practical measures which would serve to dimmish the Jewish population in Russia. This support might consist in protecting mandatories of the Zionists to the Ottoman Government, and in facilita ting the work of the emigration societies, and even in assisting these societies, evidently outside the re sources of the state, by means of con tributions levied on the Jews'." Oppose African Proposition. Chicago, Aug. 26. The following cable message was sent to Leon Fo- lotokoff, delegate to the Internationa' Congress of Zionists at Basle, Switzer land, last night: "Urge Congress to leave African proposition to executive committee Zion not to be abandoned until al efforts abandoned. "Bernard Horwich, For Chicago Zionists." The action was the result of a meet ing of 30 leaders in the local Zionist movement. It is believed the mes sage voices the sentiment of a majori ty, of the orthodox Jews of this city. At the meeting addresses were made by Rabbi I. Olek, M. Ginzburger of the Jewish Courier, Bernard Horwich, H. Horwich and others. "If we abandon the Palestine col onization project, Zionism is dead," declared Bernard Horwick. "All our efforts have been directed toward re-establishing the Jewish nation in fcZion. East Africa may be a. desirable place for colonization, but it is not in our country." j The Pulpit and the Press. "I am surprised that he condescends to use a newspaper," were words' spoken to the Editor on Tuesday morn-' ing. Our reply was: "He can reach 1 ten times as many more people through ! thepress than he can in the pulpit.'' 1 On an a-erage 12,500 persons read ; every issue of the Plaixdealer. The average congregation at any of the Roseburg churches is from 50 to 100 and the condescention, if there is anv jsin the Editor allowing a preacher to preach to the readers of the news paper. When people go to church they generally go to air their clothes; to see and be seen; or to attend because of a self enforced sense of duty to be good. When any man or woman sets down quietly at the table at night and takes up the Plaixdealer they "read. mark, learn and inwardly digest" all hat is good in it, and we sincerely nope escnew tnat wmcn is evil, it evil there be. There is no power in the world equal to the power of the press for good or evil and the Editor by continually dinning into the brains of his readers what he believes to be facts will ultimatelv carrv' conviction with his readers. We admit that it is so with the preachers. If they are strong men mentallv and strong spiritually they can do much good and j their words will find a lodgement in the heart of their congregation and a brother can be "ribbed up" to give two bits when he ought to give ten dollars, but for doing good and for the upbuildinc of societv and civiliza- i tion we would not exchange one issue ! of the Plaixdealer for all the pulpits andjcongregations in Douglas County ! combined. I POOR, POOR FROOGIE. Regarding the frog captured by Mr. Misenheimer and exhibited as a' real curio and freak of nature dis- ian ges have been handed over to covered in a weir and so forth; the fire and si;rord' and cornea, children frog and part of the stone cavity in I and tte aSed have been massacred which the frog was supposed to have j indiscriminately. Convoys of prison lived for hundreds, thousands or mil-; ers dispatched to Monastir have been lions of years was exhibited in this office. The frog after ! being captured was put in a ' a Mason pint fruit jar and sealed up I by the top being twisted on. The ' frog had been captured about one ! hour before it was shown to the Plaix- j dealer, and it was nothing more or less than a perfectly grown and' healthy tree frog with brilliant dia- mond eyes and all the coloring of emerald and nile green, ine irog had recently had a good square meal of bugs, which no doubt had been stored up for time in the cavity of sandstone for hundreds, thousands or millions of years. Froggie was very hvely and a perfect specimen of pre- historic times. This most wonderful find as recorded by the Review proves that there is plenty of room in Rose- burg for the classical three shell game. ' The baby boy recently born to Mrs. Grover Cleveland at Buzzard's Bay, Mass., has been christened I rancis that war had already been declared Grover Cleveland, a name selected by against Bulgaria. It was proved to the other children, after their father ; be unfounded, but the state of popu and mother. , lar feeling is said to be such that no There has been so much rain in the J other issue i3 regarded as possible. Palouse country, Washington, that It is further stated that although the all harvest work had to be suspended ' Russian squadron was withdrawn from and much damage to crops has been Inidia it continues to cruise near the done. Bosphorus. It is reported that several BEGINNING OF THE END. TURKEY MOBILIZING HER MOHAMEDAN FORCES. MASSING OF EVERY MAN ABLE TO GARRY ARMS IN THE TURKISH EMPIRE. An Associated Press dispatch dated Constantinople, Aug. 26., says: The government has decided to call to the colors all the remaining European reserves belonging to the Second and Third Army Corps, and a number of other reserves, which will bring the total of the Turkish soldiers in Mace donia up to 350 battalions, or almost double the force utilized in the Greek. Turkish War. The enrollment of such large bodies of troops indicates the seriousness with which Turkey news the situation, and her determination to u$e all the means at her disposal to repress the rebellion. Ibraham Pasha, the new commander of the troops, is a young and capable officer. Seven battalions have been dispatched to Fiorina from Monastir. The valis of Monastir and Salonica telegraphs that they are now unable to guarantee the maintenance of order in their res pective towns. According to a Sofia telegram to the London Times of yesterday, the oppressions in Macedonia have reached the utmost limits of barbar- 15111 ana 11 13 eviaent inat u is tne m- tention accomplish by degrees the t"u" cAiirpauuu ui ice uuiganan population. Turbf) Batcher Helpless. Within the last few days, says the 1111163 correspondent, 12 more Christ- murdered by their escorts on the way. A Pirate letter from a foreign resi- aent m monastir says even tne local Tarks m are disgusted and meditate assassinating tne umsuis m order to P"voke European intervention. Revenfte of Insurgents. The insurgents are doubtless taking a terrible revenge and are executing flip rpvnlnfinnnrv nrnommmo fn flio , . . . , ... reported of large Turkish forces in the Adria nople district at Mustafa-Pasha, Eizylagach and other points on the Bulgarian frontier is regarded with Trinnli nnnralionQinn in Snfin a a if. ia that in case of war an in- wouW occur f rom this direc. ' .Qn : ' j ro-wers Take Gloomy views, 1 In the special dispatches from the i East, published this morning a gloomy jview is taken of the crisis in the Balkans. According to reports from ! Constantinople a rumor was current Italians have been murdered by Turks at Ismand, a seaport in Asia Minor, 53 miles southeast of Constantinople Servln HiippresHeH Macedonia. From Belgrade it is announced that a big mass meeting of Macedonians intended to be held August 23 was postponed to August 30 by order of the government on account of Turkish protests. It is also stated from Monastir that the revolutionary com mittee are appealing to the Christian population to refuse to pay taxes and that their appeal is meeting with much success. The insurgents in the Debr district are said to be destroying the villages and murdering their inhabitants. Turkey Acta Under Iotver' Ad- vice. In taking more energetic measures for the suppression of the revolution Turkey is acting in accordance with the advice of the powers. The forth coming conference of King Edward with Emperor Francis Joseph and King George of Greece at Vienna, and the visits of the Czar and Emperor William to Vienna, will enable the monarchs to discuss Balkan affairs thoroughly, and before the conclusion of the conference Turkey proposes so far as possible to restore order, so that international action will be un necessary. Will Not neclnre Wnr. An official of the Turkish embassy here said to a representative of the Associated Press today: "The calling out of additional troops by Turkey is due solely to the decision to suppress the insurrection at once. It is not in anticipation of war with Bulgaria. Turkey has no intention of declaring war in spite of rumoru to the contrary, and Bulgaria, warned by the powers, does not seem at this moment to contemplate hostilities. e know what public opinion is in Bulgaria and how the situation may change tomorrow, but in the mean time Turkey proposes to lose no time in restoring peace." Tom Johnson for Governor. At the democratic State Conven tion held at Columbus, Ohio, Tom Johnson was nominated for Governor by acclamation. John H. Clarke, of Cleveland, prospective candidate for Senator, presented Johnson's name for the nomination for Governor. After Mr. Clarke had concluded, Judge Hagin announced that Clarke County, the home of Zimmerman, had no candidate, and Johnson was nomi nated by acclamation, and wild en thusiasm. If the transmigration of the soul gag is the kind of food that the Rev, George H. Bennett feeds to the souls of his church and congregation, is it any wonder that he has to have brass brands, string orchestras and waltz music to induce assimilation and di gestion? At Vancouver, B. C. on Tuesday night, four men held up the night watch at the Featherstone mine and robbed the sluice boxes of $20,000 in gold, and escaped in safety. Three young men at Eugene have been arrested for interfering with a postman delivering the rural mail. It is a United States offense and the young men may have to go to the penitentiary. The British-American yacht race at Sandy Hook on Tuesday, resulted in the American boat beating the English boat on a 30 mile course 1 minute and 19 seconds. Small pox in a virulent form has again broken out at Spokane. HORNETS GALORE. BREAK UP A LOVER'S CAB FEST. THE HORNETS WERE THE VIC TORS IN A QUICK, FIERCE BATTLE. On Wednesday morning about S o'clock two of the young bloods of Roseburg had a little dispute and they were engaged in a regular "gab fest" duel on a vacant lot in the Waite Addition. Passers by came to the conclusion that two Thomas cats were engaged in a fight to the death for they heard wrathful notes of sinister expression ranging from the deep basso-profondo of the Italian dago- to the clear soprano voice of the angelic Adelina Patti, and up to the clear heaven splitting frenzy notes of Miss Yaw which are only equalled by a caterwauler when swatted with a. boot jack. It seems that each of the young men wanted a monopoly con cession on the effections of a Rose burg belle. The conversation was animated and one of them became so excited that he knocked down a hor nets nest and then the fun commenced. The first jab of the business end brought a regular Apache yell and then the other gallant yelled, and the yells were so loud and prolonged that, they could be heared all over the neighborhood. Those lively little in sects have forever settled the trouble and so far as the young men are con cerned they dont either of them care, a centjif they see Betsey Jane again. One of the young gentlemen had seven punctures to the hornets credit and the other nine. The hornets were dead game as four of them left their stings in one of the participants a mementos of the little incident, and the bearer of the'mementos went to-a-Roseburg barber shop to have them pulled out and ammonia applied to the nine puncture holes. For three or four hours each of the young- mea'a. faces were badly swollen, but as they do not like to be joshed about the scrimmage, we have refrained from giving the matter notoriety by pub lishing their names. The state of Washington has raised 21,000,000 bushels of wheat this, year. At Seattle, on Tuesday night, a. widow with a child shot a man in his own rooms in the presence of his. wife. Jealously seems to be the cause of the tragely. The Berlin Society for prevention! of cruelty to animals, has undertaken to thoroughly organize their humane principles in Italy. The prevention of cruelty to any kind of animal has a. most wonderful effect on the civiliza tion of any community practicing the enobling principles. Lord Brassy, president of the Lon don Chamber of Commerce, who is now in Boston, said: "It is only a ques tion of time when the fleets of the United States will be raised tothe first rank. Potentially the United States is comparatively the greatest naval power in the worlds She has. the greatest resources, and it is ordV a question of. policy, with her."