The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 24, 1903, Image 8

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    Glendale News Nates.
A fine little daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Bud Moore, in Glendale last
Wednesday, August 19.
Misses Katherine Clarke and Marie
Tongue, registered at the Hotel Portland
Tuesday, while enroute to attend the
great regatta or carnival at Astoria this
Mrs. C. Clarke and daughter, Jean,
visited several days last week atColestin
Sprincs, a famous summer resort in the
Siskiyou mountains.
Contractor Patterson, of Roseburg, ii
in town, ready to begin work on H. G
Sonnemann's two-story, brick store
building to cost $4000.
Miss Tiller, who spent the summer
here with Mrs. Bowersox, returned to
Mosw, Ida., Thursday, tojresume her
studies in the state university.
Chas. Flint, who lately took charge of
the power plant at Ryndon, Nevada, is
expected here today for a week's vaca
tion. His wife has .been visiting her
relatives here a couple of weeks. Before
returning home Mr. and Mrs. Flint will
spend a week at their mines on Mt.
Geo. Russel, who has been at work at
the Greenback mine, came to Glendale
last week and was at once attacked with
measles. He was taken to the home of
his aunt, Mrs. F. R. Miller, and Dr. Mc
Gowan was called. He will be able to
return to his home in Canyonville in a
few davs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nail have sold
their farm on Williams Creek, Joseph
ine county, and Tiave come to Glendale
to spend the balance of their days.
Their son. Charles T., the merchant
will at once build a neat cottage for
them, on a !o; near the school house.
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Kitchen, of Star
ton, parents of Mrs. Bowersox, and Mr
and Mrs. F. G. Bowersox, of Salem, the
former a brother of Dr. Bowersox, visit
ed their relatives in Glendale this week.
Dr. Kitchen and wife will also visit rela
tives in Grants Pass before returning
The Fall term ot onr public school be
gins two weeks from next Monday, on
Sept. 7, with a force of three teachers
A great many families expect to move
to town this fall for the benefit of onr
excellent school advantages. Mrs. Hal
lie Hamlin, of Roseburc, will have
charge of the school, as principal, Mrs.
Harmon, of Roseburj-, the intermedi
ate department, and Miss Mae Behn,
the primary department.
He is verv much pleased with tho pros
pective development work that will bo
done on the Rattler mines by the Cali
fornia company that recently purchased
them. W. D. O'Brien, manager of the
company is here and has begun active
operations. A new shaft will be sent
down 500 or GOO feet ; this is to be a
compartment shaft. Mr. O'Brien is go
ing to give the property a real thorough
test. The company has plenty of money
and it intends to keep the development
work going until the real value of the
property is known.
Get New Reporter.
The Telegram should get a correspond
ent from Eugene who can be relied upon
for tiuth and veracity. Some irresponsi
ble scribbler writes that paper stating in
so many words with reference to Eu
gene's water supply that :
Charges are made that the supply
pumps pump the wells which are sup
posed to supply the city with pure water,
dry, and that river water is turned into
these wells to keep up the supply. It is
a fact that considerable sickness has
been traced to the use of the river water.
An examination of.the same has been
made and hundreds of impurities found.
The correspondent either has it in for
the water company or else is disposed to
gire Eugene a black eye. Eugene Register.
Brother we are glad that you gave
the correspondent a gentle hint, and
we feel sure that the citizens of Rose
burg would appreciate the article
more if you had included this city and
embraced the Oregonian and Journal
The finding by them of the naked
body of Snyder near Perdue was a
wonderful piece of news manufactured
out of a pipe dream. The correspond
ents made no effort to get at the bot
tom of the case, but went on a wild
unconfirmed rumor.
- y Mr.. -jr r
I ,nd tk our SPMMi rnnri CIIMMFD 0
sa aiu V4IIU VJUIflllllfil -
Line is not better than any other, don't buy
from us. We are showing this season the
Latest Styles in
Silk Gause Novelties, Soie Joiiree, Silk
Zephyr, Corded Cbambray, Lawn Caladlne
Novelties, FancyMadrass Organdies,
Lawn Sinaloa Novelties, Minerva Dimities,
Leno Applique Lawn, Alton Dimity, Blouse
Linens, Organdies, Linen Batiste, Chal
lles, Sursucker Ginghams, Percale
Slf ittS carry the Finest L5ne of 5Iatle"uP Skirts in town, and our line of Underskirts
OlXil equaled for quality and price
Our Spring and Summer Line of Clothing
Embodies many special features that will in
terest you. The clothine that we sell from the
Highest to the Lowest grade is in every ease finely tailored and thoroughly dependable. We recommend it
with confidence even though our prices are lower than any other store sell for the same qnalitv. Also a new
and up-to-date line of Ladies' and Gent's Xeckwear. OUR SHOES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.
Sole Agents for the W. L. Douglas S hoe
The People's Store
One Door South of P n
Red Hill Ripples.
Farmers are busy stacking grain.
Mr. K. Stowell and family were visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Chevigny, of this
place, Sunday.
Miss Annie Cockeran, made a busi
ness trip to Yoncalla, Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Batty, were visit
ing at I. Jones's, last Saturday and Sun
day. Mr. Ora Parker and family, of Prine
ville, arrived at the home of his mother,
in Rice Hill, Monday.
The girls are all waiting for a bugiiy
ride, as Mr. Robert Thompson was
breaking two new horses, Sunday.
Mr. Clarence Parker, was on the Hill
Tuesday. What's the attraction Clar
ence? Mr. Prosser is improving his ranch by
slashing brush.
AVhile cutting grain last week, Mr. H.
McKees' horses become frightened and
ran away, but Mr. McKee being very
fortunate, received no very serious in
juries. La Moyne.
Myrtle Creek Mall News.
The Reverend Bennett in the Re
view at great length has copied Col
onel King's article as published in the
Oregonian last November on Con
gressman 'Williamson's metamorhosis
from being a lady's bird to a flower
and from a fiower transformed into a
donkey. Now the Bible only gives
an account of two kind of asses: one
is a four legged ass and is known by
the length of his ears and the other
is a two legged ass and is known by
the length of his bray. Brother Ben
nett the Plaixdealer will not dis
pute your claim to bray.
Probate News.
Confirmation of sale of real property
in the estate of Karl Kixnmel deceased,
197.19 acres, consideration $3,000.
In the matter of estate of Andrew J.
Chapman deceased. Notice of final
settlement of the estate by J. I. Chap
man. In the matter of estate of Levi Kent
deceased, notice of final settlement by
J. L. Kent and Ira Wimberlr.
Lecture - - - -
Suit. Frank Rigler.
wednesday forenoon.
Music ... -Arithmetic
Frank Rigler.
Civil Government -
A. M. Sanders.
Reading - - - - Reading OutwErJ
R. F. Robinson.
Music - - - -
History ----- The Revolution,
Frank Rigler.
Geography ------- Climate,
R. F. Robinson.
School Management - - -W.
H. Dempster.
Lecture - - - Taking the Initiative,
Scft. R. F. Robinson.
Music - ... -Arithmetic
----- Measurments,
Frank Rigler.
Recitation -
A. M. Sanders.
Civics - - From Township to County, j
ri. r. itoBiNSON.
Music - - - - -
History - Opening of the Mississippi, (
Frank Rigler. ,
School Management !
W. II. Dempster. ,
Civics - - - From Colony to Nation
R. F. Robinson.
9 r
Bring Us Your
J. F. Barker & Co.
European War News.
Program of the Teachers Institute.
N. Selig returned, home Monday- and
he says that Mrs. Selig is improving
right alone.
Mrs. Willis Kramer returned last Sat
urday from the mines. Mr. K. and
Frank remained down there.
John Beck, a cousin of Ben Hunsaker
and a nephew of Mrs. J. S. Rice and
Mrs. Cipporah Hunsaker and wife are
here for a short visit.
While running at play on a side hill
Wednesday, little Fay Weaver, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver, fell and
fractured an arm. Dr. Fallin was called
and the little girl is getting along nicely. I
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Foster took the
delayed Sunday night train for Port-)
land to be gone the rest of the summer.
They -will spend apart of the time at
some pleasant summet resort.
Mr. and Mrs. Sank Buell arrived Mon
day from the Pass with the remains of
their little daughter, Thelma, who had
been ill a week with cholera morbus.
The funeral was held Tuesday. Mr. and
Mrs. Buell are well known here where
their 'people and a large circle of friends
live, and who extend their sympathy to
the bereaved parents.
CloydChaney was in town Tuesday.
Monday, August 31, at School Building.
9 o'clock ------ Organization.
Arithmetic - Fundamental Operations,
Frank Rigler.
Reading Neglected Points
B. F. Robinson.
A. M. Sanders.
Music ------
Geography Making use of Environment,
R. F. Robinson.
History - - - - The Search for India,
Frank Rigler.
School Management ....
W. H. Dempster,
Illustrated Lecture - Wonders of
Prof. Geo. Sawyers,
tuesday forenoon.
Music ......
Arithmetic ------ Fractions
Frank. Rigler.
Sofia, August 23. Reports from Mon
astir say 200 women who have arrived
there from the Bulgarian village of Ra-;
kovo hare presented petitions to the j
Russian and Austrian consuls and to I
Himi Pasha, the inspector general, set- i
ting forth that their village has been
burned and that all the males of the
population have been massacred.
Fifteen villages in the district of
Okrida, three in the district of Lerin
and three in the district of Rezen have
been destroved.
Further details of the fighting at
Krushevo ehow.that the insurgents re
tired to a point" in the vicinity of the
town after losing sixty men killed and
twelve wounded. The Turkish loss was
250 men killed or wounded.
A band of serenty insurgents near
Kojie, in tho vilayet of JJskub, fought a
detachment of Turks all day. The
Turkish losses are not known. On the
following day a party of Bashi-bozouks
entered the village and slaughtered all
tho inhabitants.
Sererc fighting is reported to hare oc
curred near Vetarsko. The result is
not known.
9rk i ft
IP Kirvloc X
A. M. Sanders.
- - - - Supplemental
R. F. Robinson.
- French and Indian War,
Frank Rigler.
School Management ...
W. H. Dempster.
Geography Aids and Barriers to
- Commerce,
R. F.Hobinson.
A dispatch from Salonfca of Friday's
date says : The Turks entered the town
August 14, pillaged all tlio nouses, as
saulted many of the women, stripped
many persons naked and killed about
300 local Bulgarians and also some CO
innocent Greeks and Vlachs. Tho peo
pie are starving. Tho material damage
amounts to several million francs. The
Turks on August 19 massacred 200 Bui
garians who surrendered at a village
near Monastir.
Lord Salisbury, who lor years was
the Premier and actual ruler of Eng
land and her colonies, died on Sat
Only One Short Month
The MOST and the BEST for the LEAST MONEY.